Home Rack Grocery discounter traffic light. "Svetofor" stores: customer and employee reviews, description and assortment. Traffic lights for route vehicles

Grocery discounter traffic light. "Svetofor" stores: customer and employee reviews, description and assortment. Traffic lights for route vehicles

Traffic light(from Russian light and Greek φορός - “carrying”) - optical carrier device light information . designed for traffic control motor vehicles, as well as pedestrians at pedestrian crossings and other participants road traffic, railway and metro trains , river and sea vessels, trams, trolleybuses, buses and other transport. In CIS countries , the traffic light is municipal property of the city.


The first traffic light was installed on December 10, 1868 in London near the British Parliament. Its inventor, John Peake Knight, was a specialist in railway semaphores. The traffic light was manually controlled and had two semaphore arrows: raised horizontally meant a stop signal, and lowered at an angle of 45° meant moving with caution. In the dark, a rotating gas lamp was used, with the help of which red and green signals were given, respectively. The traffic light was used to make it easier for pedestrians to cross the street, and its signals were intended for vehicles - while pedestrians are walking, vehicles must stop. On January 2, 1869, a gas lamp at a traffic light exploded, injuring the traffic light policeman.

The first automatic traffic light system (capable of changing without direct human intervention) was developed and patented in 1910 by Ernst Sirrin of Chicago. Its traffic lights used unlit Stop and Proceed signs.

Lester Wire from Salt Lake City (Utah, USA) is considered the inventor of the first electric traffic light. In 1912, he developed (but did not patent) a traffic light with two round electric signals (red and green).

On August 5, 1914, in Cleveland, the American Traffic Light Company installed four electric traffic lights designed by James Hogue at the intersection of 105th Street and Euclid Avenue. They had a red and green signal and made a beep when switching. The system was controlled by a police officer sitting in a glass booth at an intersection. Traffic lights set traffic rules similar to those currently accepted in the United States: a right turn was carried out at any time in the absence of obstacles, and a left turn was made when the signal was green around the center of the intersection.

In 1920, three-color traffic lights using a yellow signal were installed in Detroit and New York. The authors of the inventions were, respectively, William Potts (eng. William Potts) and John F. Harris (eng. John F. Harriss).

In Europe, similar traffic lights were first installed in 1922 in Paris at the intersection of Rue de Rivoli (fr. Rue de Rivoli) and Sevastopol Boulevard (fr. Boulevard de Sebastopol) and in Hamburg on Stephansplatz (German). Stephansplatz). In England - in 1927 in the city of Wolverhampton (eng. Wolverhampton).

In the USSR, the first traffic light was installed on January 15, 1930 in Leningrad at the intersection of 25 October and Volodarsky avenues (now Nevsky and Liteyny avenues). And the first traffic light in Moscow appeared on December 30 of the same year at the corner of Petrovka and Kuznetsky Most streets.

In connection with the history of the traffic light, the name of the American inventor Garrett Morgan is often mentioned. (English) Russian , who patented a traffic light of an original design in 1923. However, he went down in history because for the first time in the world, in a patent, in addition to the technical design, he indicated the purpose: “The purpose of the device is to make the order of passage of the intersection independent of the person sitting in the car.”

In the mid-1990s, green LEDs with sufficient brightness and color purity were invented, and experiments with LED traffic lights began. Moscow became the first city in which LED traffic lights began to be used en masse.

Types of traffic lights

Street and road traffic lights

Car traffic lights

  • a red traffic light prohibits driving beyond the stop line (if there is no traffic light) or the vehicle in front into the area protected by the traffic light,
  • yellow allows driving beyond the stop line, but requires a reduction in speed when entering an area protected by a traffic light, being prepared for the traffic light to switch to red,
  • green - allows movement at a speed not exceeding the maximum level for a given highway.

It is common, but not universal, to use a combination of red and yellow signals to indicate the upcoming turn on of the green signal. Sometimes the green signal comes on immediately after the red signal without an intermediate yellow signal, but not vice versa. Details of the use of signals vary depending on the rules of the road adopted in a particular country.

  • Some traffic lights have one lunar white or several lunar white lights for a special vehicle lane that allows route traffic of vehicles. The moon-white signal is placed, as a rule, at non-standard intersections, on roads with a second double solid line, or in cases where one lane changes places with another (for example, when a tram line running in the center of a highway moves to the side of the road).

There are traffic lights of two sections - red and green. Such traffic lights are usually installed at points where cars are allowed to pass on an individual basis, for example, at border crossings, at the entrance or exit from a parking lot, protected area, etc.

Flashing signals may also appear, the meaning of which may vary depending on local regulations. In Russia and many European countries, a flashing green signal means an upcoming switch to yellow. Cars approaching a traffic light with a flashing green signal can take timely braking measures to avoid entering an intersection guarded by the traffic light or crossing into a prohibitory signal. In some provinces of Canada (Atlantic Coast, Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta), a flashing green traffic light indicates permission to turn left and go straight (oncoming traffic is stopped by a red light). In British Columbia, a flashing green light at an intersection means that there are no traffic lights on the road being crossed, only stop signs (but the green flashing light is also on for oncoming traffic). A flashing yellow signal requires you to reduce speed to pass through an intersection or pedestrian crossing as unregulated (for example, at night, when regulation is not required due to low traffic volume). Sometimes special traffic lights are used for these purposes, consisting of one flashing or alternately flashing two yellow sections. A flashing red signal may indicate an upcoming switch to green if there is no red + yellow combination at this traffic light.

Arrows and arrow sections

There may be additional sections in the form of arrows or arrow outlines that regulate movement in one direction or another. The rules (in Ukraine, but not in all countries of the former USSR) are as follows:

  • Contour arrows on a red (yellow, green) background are a regular traffic light, operating only in a given direction.
  • A solid green arrow on a black background allows passage, but does not give an advantage when passing

In the traffic rules of the Russian Federation in paragraph 6.3, contour arrows and a colored arrow on a black background are equivalent and do not provide an advantage when passing when the red signal is on in the main section.

Most often, the additional section “to the right” either lights up constantly, or lights up a few seconds before the main green signal turns on, or continues to light up for a few seconds after the main green signal turns off.

The extra "left" section in most cases means a dedicated left turn, since this maneuver creates more traffic disruption than a right turn.

In some countries, for example, in Ukraine, there are no “always on” green sections, made in the form of a sign with a green arrow on a white background. The sign is located at the level of the red signal and points to the right (an arrow to the left is also provided, but can only be installed at an intersection of one-way roads). The green arrow on the sign indicates that a right (left) turn is allowed when the signal in the main section is red. When turning along such an arrow, the driver is obliged to: take the extreme right (left) lane and give way to pedestrians and vehicles moving from other directions.

Traffic light with flashing red signal

A red flashing signal (usually with one red section flashing or two red sections flashing alternately) is used to mark intersections with tram lines when approaching trams, bridges during routing, sections of roads near airport runways when planes take off and land at a dangerous altitude. These traffic lights are similar to those used at railway crossings (see below).

Traffic lights installed at railway crossings

This one is installed directly at railway crossings in combination with “STOP” and “Stopping Place” road signs, respectively. Usually consists of two horizontally spaced red sections and one additional moon-white section. The white section is located between the red ones, below or above the sections connecting them. The meaning of the signals is as follows:

  • two alternately flashing red signals - movement through the crossing is prohibited; this signal is usually duplicated by an audio alarm (bell);
  • A flashing moon-white traffic light signal means that the technical crossing system is in good working order, and also informs road users about unhindered passage through the railway crossing

Reversible traffic light

To regulate traffic along the lanes of the roadway (especially where reverse traffic is possible), special lane controls (reversible) are used. In accordance with the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, such traffic lights may have two or three signals:

  • red X-shaped signal prohibits movement in the lane;
  • a green arrow pointing down allows movement;
  • an additional signal in the form of a diagonal yellow arrow informs about a change in the operating mode of the lane and indicates the direction in which it must be left.

Traffic lights for route vehicles

To regulate the movement of route vehicles (trams, buses, trolleybuses) or the route movement of all vehicles, special traffic lights are used, the type of which differs from country to country.

In Russia, the Traffic Rules provide for the use of a T-shaped traffic light with " four round signals of white-lunar color" The upper signals are used to indicate permitted directions of movement (left, straight, right), and the lower one allows the start of movement. Also, in recent years, in cases where there is only one direction of movement of route vehicles, or traffic is always allowed for all directions at the same time, sometimes a traffic light is used in the form of an ordinary single round section with a luminous letter “T” in yellow, allowing movement when illuminated, and prohibiting when not illuminated.

In Switzerland, a single orange signal (steady or flashing) is used for this purpose.

In the Nordic countries, traffic lights with three sections are used, the same in location and purpose as standard traffic lights, but having a white color and the shape of signs: “S” - for a signal prohibiting movement, “—” - for a warning signal, a direction arrow - for permissive signal.

There are also traffic lights at tram stations (terminal) - that is, outside highways, having 2 sections - red and green. They serve to indicate the order of departure of tram trains from different tracks of the station.

There is no international standard for traffic lights for route vehicles, and they can vary greatly even in neighboring countries. As an example, below are the signals of such traffic lights in Belgium and the Netherlands:

Signal meaning (from left to right):

  • Driving straight ahead is allowed
  • Driving to the left is allowed
  • Driving to the right is allowed
  • Movement in all directions is allowed (similar to the green signal of a car traffic light)
  • Driving is prohibited unless emergency braking is required to stop (similar to a yellow traffic light)
  • Traffic is prohibited (similar to a red traffic light)

Because of its specific appearance, the Dutch traffic light received the nickname negenoog, that is, “nine eyes”.

Traffic light for pedestrians

These regulate the movement of pedestrians through a pedestrian crossing. As a rule, it has two types of signals: permissive and prohibitive. Typically, green and red light are used for this purpose, respectively. The signals themselves have different shapes. Most often, signals are used in the form of a person’s silhouette: red for standing, green for walking. In the United States, the red signal is often performed in the form of a silhouette of a raised palm (the “stop” gesture). Sometimes they use the inscriptions “don’t walk” and “walk” (in English “Don’t Walk” and “Walk”, in other languages ​​- similarly). In the Norwegian capital, two standing figures painted red are used to prohibit pedestrian traffic. This is done so that the visually impaired or people suffering from color blindness can understand whether they can walk or need to stand. As a rule, automatically switching traffic lights are installed on busy highways. But an option is often used when the traffic light switches after pressing a special button and allows the transition for a certain time after that.

Modern ones for pedestrians are also additionally equipped with sound signals intended for blind pedestrians, and sometimes with a countdown display (first appeared in France in 1998).

During the existence of the GDR, traffic light signals for pedestrians had the original form of a small “traffic light” man (German. Ampelmännchen). In Saxony and the eastern part of Berlin, such traffic lights are still installed to this day.

In the absence of a pedestrian traffic light, pedestrians are guided by the indications of a car traffic light.

Traffic light for cyclists

To control traffic bicycles Sometimes special traffic lights are used. This can be a traffic light, the signals of which are made in the shape of a bicycle silhouette, or a regular three-color traffic light, equipped with a special sign. As a rule, such traffic lights are smaller in size than car ones and are installed at a height convenient for cyclists.

Tram traffic light

T-shaped (tram) are designed to regulate the movement of vehicles that have a dedicated lane for movement - in the vast majority of cases for trams. They are usually installed in front of areas with limited visibility, before long ascents and descents, at the entrance/exit of tram depots, as well as in front of tram switches and intertwined tracks.

Usually trams have 2 signals: red and green. They are installed, mainly, either to the right of the tram track, or in the center above it above the contact wire. Traffic lights of this type operate automatically.

The main purpose of tram traffic lights is to signal to tram drivers that the part of the tram track following the traffic light is occupied. The effect of tram traffic lights applies only to trams.

Railway traffic light

Railway traffic lights are designed to regulate the movement of trains, shunting trains, as well as regulate the speed of dismantling from the hump:

  • red - the path is busy, travel is prohibited;
  • yellow - travel is allowed at a speed limit (40 km/h) until the next section of the stretch;
  • green - 2 or more areas are free, travel is allowed;
  • lunar white - an invitation signal (placed at railway stations, marshalling and freight stations).

Also, traffic lights or additional light signs can inform the driver about the route or otherwise specify the indication. If there are two yellow lights at the entrance traffic light, this means that the train will deviate along the arrows, the next signal is closed, and if there are two yellow lights and the top one is flashing, the next signal is open.

There is a separate type of two-color railway traffic lights - shunting ones, which give the following signals:

  • one moon-white light - maneuvers are allowed;
  • one blue light - maneuvers are prohibited.

Sometimes a railway traffic light is mistakenly called a semaphore.

River traffic lights

River traffic lights are designed to regulate the movement of river vessels. They are mainly used to regulate the passage of ships through locks. Such traffic lights have signals of two colors - red and green.

Distinguish distant And neighbors river traffic lights. Distant traffic lights allow or prohibit ships from approaching the lock. Nearby traffic lights are installed directly in front of and inside the lock chamber on the right side in the direction of the vessel. They regulate the entry of ships into and out of the lock chamber.

It should be noted that a non-working river traffic light (none of the signals is lit) prohibits the movement of vessels.

There are also river traffic lights in the form of a single yellow-orange lantern, built into the “No anchoring” sign to indicate this sign at night. They have three lenses of the specified color, directed downstream, against the current and perpendicular.

Traffic lights in motorsport

In motorsports they can be installed at marshal posts, at the pit lane exit and at the starting line.

The starting traffic light is suspended above the track so that it is clearly visible to everyone standing at the start. Arrangement of lights: “red - green” or “yellow - green - red”. The traffic lights are duplicated on the opposite side (so that all fans and judges can see the start procedure). Often at a racing traffic light there is not one red light, but several (in case the lamp burns out).

The starting traffic lights are as follows:

  • Red: Prepare to start!
  • Red goes out: Start! (start from a place)
  • Green: Start! (running start, qualifying, warm-up lap)
  • Flashing yellow: Stop engines!

The signals for a standing start and a rolling start are different for this reason. The fading red does not allow you to start reflexively - this reduces the likelihood that someone will move off at the “alarming” yellow light. During a rolling start, this problem does not arise, but it is important for the drivers to know whether the start has been given (if the judge considers the starting formation to be inappropriate, the cars are sent to a second formation lap). In this case, the green start signal is more informative.

In some racing series there are other signals.

Marshal traffic lights are found mainly on oval tracks and give the same commands that marshals give with flags (red - stop the race, yellow - dangerous section, etc.)

The traffic light in the pit lane has the following signals:

  • Red: Leaving the pit lane is prohibited.
  • Green: Exit from the pit lane is permitted.
  • Flashing blue: a car is approaching the exit, give way to it.

In 2008, the Ferrari team used a traffic light instead of a sign to signal the driver during a pit stop. The system operated fully automatically, but during the Singapore Grand Prix, due to heavy traffic in the pit lane, the traffic lights had to be controlled manually. The mechanic mistakenly gave Massa the green light before the fuel hose had even been removed from the car, which led to the incident. After this, the team returned to the traditional sign.

Today there are many retail chains where people can purchase the goods they need. Based on reviews, Svetofor stores are gaining popularity every day among residents of the Russian capital and region. Satisfied customers talk about the many advantages of this network. These include:

  • favorable prices;
  • wide range of products;
  • despite the low prices of the Svetofor store » , all products are of exceptionally good quality;

Those who have chosen this retail chain for everyday and large purchases also say that very pleasant, qualified staff will always help you choose the right products.

In general, reviews about the Svetofor store are positive, although, of course, it is better to determine the advantages yourself rather than be guided by general opinion.

Why do people choose the Svetofor store?

Looking at the reviews about the Svetofor store, you can understand that the main parameters by which people prefer this outlet are most often:

  1. Convenient location of the store (meaning both proximity to home and availability of transport stops nearby).
  2. Regular promotions and discounts offered to customers also attract new customers, and this can be clearly understood from the reviews of this outlet.
  3. The variety of goods in the Svetofor store allows you to purchase everything you need.
  4. Sociable and friendly staff.
  5. Favorable prices.

Having read what reviews customers leave about Svetofor stores, you can understand that this outlet is worthy of attention.

What can be purchased in stores

The range of the described retail network is quite wide. So, at Svetofor you can buy:

  • dairy products;
  • meat and chickens;
  • sausages;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cheeses of different varieties;
  • frozen food;
  • juices, water;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • teas and coffee;
  • confectionery and bakery products.

The Svetofor chain of stores offers customers ready-made meals that are exceptionally fresh, tasty and varied.

There are also non-food products here:

  • Clothes and shoes are always available.
  • In the Svetofor store you can buy household appliances at competitive prices.
  • Fans of active recreation will be able to purchase goods for travel and gardening here.
  • By going to a retail chain, based on reviews, you can buy all the necessary stationery for schoolchildren, students or office workers.
  • It should be noted that the Svetofor store has low prices for decorative and medicinal cosmetics.
  • Here you can buy hair dye and hair care products.
  • Housewives, by the way, will also note the excellent selection of household chemicals on the shelves of the Svetofor chain of stores.
  • In addition, there are goods for car enthusiasts.

It’s not for nothing that people write in reviews that you can buy absolutely everything at Svetofor. Starting from a sweet bun and ending with car tires.

What promotions and special offers are there in the store?

It is difficult to clearly say what kind of promotions the Svetofor store offers its customers. With enviable regularity, you can see popular products at discounts on the shelves of retail chains. At the same time, favorable prices are usually set for the most popular units of production.

Addresses of Svetofor stores and opening hours

There are quite a lot of retail outlets of the described network in Moscow and the region. The addresses of the Svetofor stores are as follows:

  • Moscow, Alexei Dikogo Street, 18 B. The store accepts customers from Monday to Thursday, from 10 am to 6 pm, and on Friday from 10 am to 5 pm.

  • In the Moscow region, on Leshkovo street, building 117, the point is open from Monday to Friday - from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • In the Lyubertsy district, on Volkovskaya street, house 67, “Traffic Light” is open 7 days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • At 7 Pbratymov Street (in the Lyubertsy district), the retail outlet also accepts customers seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m.
  • In Moscow, on Koptevskaya street, building 73 A, the store is open to visitors on weekdays from 09:30 am to 18:30 pm.
  • In Moscow, on Dmitrovskoye Highway, 60, the point is open to customers on weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • There is also a store on Medynskaya Street, 5 A in Moscow. This happens according to the schedule: 7 days a week, from 10 am to 20 pm. But there is also a break in work, which lasts from 14:00 to 15:00.
  • In the Moscow region (Podolsk urban district), on Krasnaya street, building 18, there is a retail outlet that is open from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm, and on Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm.
  • In Moscow, on Yaroslavskoye Highway, building 124, the store is open from Monday to Friday from 09:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • In Moscow, at Vysokovoltny Proezd, 13B/1, the retail chain receives visitors around the clock, 7 days a week.
  • In the urban district of Kolomna, on October Revolution Street, building 404, “Traffic Light” is open on weekdays from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 17:00.
  • In the Moscow region, in the city of Khimki, on Tsentralnaya Street, building 4, the store is open from Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 23:00, on Sunday - from 11:00 to 22:00.
  • Moscow region (Podolsk), 43 Armii street, building 17, the point is open from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 7 pm, on Saturday - from 9:00 to 15:00.
  • Moscow, Atarbekova street, building 4 A. The store is open from Monday to Saturday, from 10 to 18 pm.

  • Moscow region (Balashikha), Entuziastov highway, 1 B. The retail outlet accepts customers 7 days a week. The opening hours of the Svetofor store are from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m.
  • Moscow city, Raduzhnaya street, 8. The store’s opening hours are seven days a week, from 10 am to 10 pm.
  • Moscow, Lugovoi proezd, building 12. The retail outlet is open to customers 7 days a week, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Knowing the operating hours of the Svetofor store in your city, you can choose the most suitable time and convenient outlet for comfortable shopping. As you can see, these stores are located in different parts of the city, so it is not difficult to find one that is located in close proximity to your home or office. In addition, the multi-channel phones of the Svetofor store will help you understand exactly which retail outlets have the desired product.

About “Traffic Light” in numbers

The first operating warehouse store “Svetofor” appeared in 2009 in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Today there are more than three hundred of them throughout Russia. More than two thousand items of goods are available in the assortment of the outlet.

Until relatively recently, legends about Svetofor stores literally circulated in Russia. Reviews immensely increased the merits of the future supermarket. By the time of the opening, one could safely expect that goods would be distributed here for free, while also paying extra for a visit. As usual, customers' expectations were not fully met. However, the network quickly spread throughout Russia, and is even planning to open branches in neighboring countries.

general description

Svetofor stores position themselves as the most economical and convenient for daily purchases. Reviews from customers, spoiled by the abundance of supermarkets, note poor service. Perhaps these are simply excessive demands, because you were promised the opportunity to buy inexpensive products near your home, and this also costs something. Okay, but then let's look at everything in order.

Let's start with the hanger

Nothing surprises the modern buyer more than Svetofor stores. Reviews emphasize that people were ready for a modest room with whitewashed ceilings, but they didn’t even see that here. After the huge “Lenta” and “Auchan”, where everything shines and sparkles, the shelves are flooded with light, and the goods are arranged so that you want to take them off the shelf, it’s a little dull here.

The interior of the stores resembles warehouse-sheds with an iron door and a bright sign. Gray walls, a red banner with logical symbolism and open doors. Well, okay, maybe this is a special move to save money and not overcharge on the goods sold.

Buyer Information

Let’s make a reservation right away, we are now talking about a general trend that characterizes all Svetofor stores. Reviews from different cities differ slightly, but similar features can be seen quite clearly. Most of them do not have a hard road surface in front of the entrance. Near the doors there are stands with the latest information that could be most useful. The buyer is informed that he has made a trip to a store in which prices are 30% lower than in all others. For this you can make a big discount and turn a blind eye to the lack of external gloss.

Let's go inside

How will the Svetofor chain of stores surprise the buyer? Reviews again vary greatly. Some have already gotten used to the idea that they came to a wholesale warehouse rather than a supermarket, but others continue to be surprised. No renovation, gray walls and shelves, little light. Many goods lie directly on pallets; in principle, the store is clean, but the general grayness creates a different impression. In general, when compared with large supermarkets, we can say that the premises are quite small. There are quite a lot of products; well-promoted and expensive brands are relatively rare. This is understandable, because Svetofor is a low-price store. Reviews emphasize that it’s worth coming here once or twice a month to pick up inexpensive everyday goods.

Product range

Despite the small size, there is literally everything here. A huge selection of canned food, stewed meat, cereals, sugar, all groceries that do not spoil. Many buyers come here specifically to buy horns, stewed meat and condensed milk. There is always a choice of inexpensive tea cookies and milk. The frozen section is relatively poor, but if you really need it, buy fish, meat and poultry. A huge assortment of household chemicals at very interesting prices pleases the eye. In addition, there is baby food, clothing and shoes, tools and goods for the garden.

Focus on wholesale buyers

Indeed, at the entrance there is information that the minimum purchase price is 200 rubles. That is, no one will knock off one chocolate bar. By the way, many products are packaged in several pieces at once, so even if you want to, you will have to buy a batch. It is very profitable to buy household chemicals and household goods here. Sponges, napkins, toilet paper - necessary, but boring little things. Therefore, if you have already decided to stop by, then dial immediately for a certain time in advance.

Now a little about product quality. It all depends on the level to which you are accustomed. Of course, the trend is very clear. Here on the shelves you can often find completely unknown brands, the quality of which can only be guessed at. In large supermarkets, the price range is wider, and the consumer has more choice. But this is also a small problem; among inexpensive goods, you can choose quite acceptable brands and buy only them in the future.

Help and support for buyers

We are used to going to stores where smiling consultants are ready to lay out full information about the available product, put the purchases in a bag and bring it to the door. But you have to pay for everything. It is logical to assume that these services are already included in the price of the product. And in this regard, the Svetofor store also differs from other chains. Feedback from employees sheds some light on what's going on.

There is a relatively small number of personnel working here, who need to ensure the display and check of deadlines, work on logistics and acceptance, write off and beat price tags in case of changes in suppliers’ price lists. There is a lot of work, there is no time for smiles. Therefore, dear customers, in response to the question “where to find it,” are advised to look approximately in the direction of the location of the product. In order for this to stop shocking you, restructure your perception once again: you have come not to an expensive supermarket, but to a low-price store and want to save a little money.

Sportswear is the best choice

Especially before major holidays, all aisles can be filled with boxes and crates containing goods. Of course, buyers add chaos when they take it in one place and then, having changed their mind, leave it in another. Therefore, you need to prepare a little before going to the Svetofor store. Reviews give us feedback.

Every day, store workers have to deal with a situation where ladies arrive in an expensive light coat, and then begin to complain that they could barely squeeze through too narrow aisles and were forced to take goods out of a dusty box. Comments are unnecessary, there is simply a different format of service here. If you are not satisfied with this, you can go to another store.

The first “Traffic Light” in Kirov

The townspeople had been waiting for this event for a long time. Advertising began almost a year before the grand opening and, as expected, the first sale. Today the “Svetofor” store in Kirov has become familiar. Reviews of his work are quite warm. The inside here also looks more like a wholesale warehouse, where many goods are simply displayed in boxes. The store's territory is large, there are almost no signs, so you will have to walk quite a long time to explore the entire assortment. Buyers are pleasantly surprised by the prices for such goods as wet wipes (29 rubles), baking bags (18 rubles) and many other small items. However, you need to look carefully, because there are a lot of expired goods. This is one of the main disadvantages. The first Svetofor store opened in Kurgan. The reviews are similar, so we will not repeat them.

A look from the inside

Perhaps your city also has a chain of Svetofor stores. Feedback from employees will help you understand whether it is worth considering it as a potential place of employment. It should be noted that the prospects are not very rosy, but this trend continues for almost every retail chain. Salaries are average, the requirements and volumes of work are impressive, overtime and fines are the reality of most trade workers.

Personnel turnover is high, so if you wish, you always have the opportunity to try yourself in this field. The workload is heavy, there is almost always not enough staff, you have to work for two. If you don’t like it, they don’t keep you for long, you can quit in just a few days. In principle, if you have worked for some time in a supermarket chain, you are familiar with the work process from the inside. On the plus side, there are almost always vacancies and a flexible work schedule. Sometimes such conditions suit students.

Instead of a conclusion

The Svetofor chain of stores is triumphantly striding across the country and finding its consumers everywhere. As the reader has already understood, little attention is paid to external gloss, but prices are kept at a minimum level. This fact alone is enough for people to come here to shop, as if to a wholesale base. Everything else is little things that are inherent in any large store. We didn’t have time to remove expired goods from the shelves, they were mis-sorted, you just need to be a little more careful and not rush into making a choice.

The Svetofor store does not publish separate catalogs, like other supermarkets. The “Traffic Light” catalog is developed by individual stores. We have collected Svetofor catalogs from different cities so that you can navigate by prices and store products.

Catalog "Traffic Light"

Traffic light catalog with prices for May 2019

New catalog Traffic light June 2019. Products with prices in different cities of Russia. New items for the summer season.

Also see. Many positions are also relevant in June.

Traffic light catalog with prices

All necessary goods: offers for clothes and shoes, necessary stationery for those who study; household chemicals and products for every day. See the Traffic Light catalog in 2018.

You can find the Traffic Light catalog for your city or view the approximate range and prices. We remind you that there is no universal Svetofor catalogue.

Catalog Traffic light Novgorod

There are three Svetofor stores in Veliky Novgorod. We publish the “Traffic Light” catalog in Novgorod, prices are current in September 2018.

New in the Svetofor catalog - salmon caviar (imitation) and caviar of cod, carp, pike perch. Check prices in Svetofor stores.

And such a new product will delight housewives. Glass lid with silicone rim (D=22, 24, 26). Price 269-271 rubles.

You can also buy other household goods in the Svetofor catalog at low prices.

Catalog Traffic light, Zelenodolsk

Product prices

  • Egg C1 price for 1 lattice (30pcs) * 114.90
  • Emelya cutlets 0.9 kg * 61.90
    Khinkali Emelya 1kg * 77.50
    Siberian dumplings 1000 g *112.00
    Traditional yeast puff pastry RT / square / 0.5 kg * 32.90
    Minced meat Paremach 800g (Halal), Category B * 107.90
    Traditional Russian Terem pancakes with meat 0.42 kg * 37.9
  • Frozen champignons 1kg * 130.90
    Beans, 1kg. package * 89.90
    Cauliflower FZP, 1 kg bag * 104.90
  • Black tea Lipton Yellow Label 100 pack * 99.90
  • Blue whiting s/m n/r packaging 77.90
    Pollock s/m b/g 25 face. weight 120.00
    Capelin s/m n/r, packaging 89.90
  • Curd dessert “Curd sweets” with Cereals 450g 44.50
    Sour cream “Village Compound” 15%, 900g. 81.90
    Curd-containing product Village 9% 800g, 84.50
    Sour cream-containing product “Domestic Burenka” 800 g

"Traffic Light" prices for household goods and children's goods

  • Single-layer paper napkins, white 90 l. * 9.50
    Wet wipes AURA FAMILY 200 pcs with lid * 58.90
    Wet wipes “Economy smart No. 70” * 21.80
  • DURU SOFT SENS soap Calendula (e/pack) 4*90g * 54.90
  • Ball plasticine fine-grained 200 ml. * 43.00
  • Bowl 19cm wave haze 0.6l * 57.50
    Deep plate 570ml 2 colors * 85.00
    Salad bowl 675ml Red flower * 83.90
    salad bowl 410 ml 2 colors * 63.90
  • Children's shoes (sandals) in assortment (children and girls) * 199.90
    Gymnastic shoes (Czech) Doshk. combo (white/black) * 99.90
    Gymnastic shoes (Czech) m/d combo (white/black) * 99.90
    Nursery shoes (sandals) in assortment (small and maiden) * 199.90
  • Children's long sleeve jumper from 3 to 10 years * 152.90

Prices in the Traffic Light catalog for hygiene items

Catalog Traffic light, Cheboksary

Traffic light promotions for September 2018.

In September, Svetofor Cheboksary will delight you with a new catalog and low prices. Hurry up to purchase household chemicals, goods for your home and garden at low prices.

Catalog Traffic light Rzhev

Catalog of goods with prices in Svetofor. The offer is valid in Rzhev

Prices in Svetofor for goods for the home and garden

Tool box 22″ Expert, PRICE 499.90

Baby diapers Helen Harper Soft & Dry Maxi (7 18kg) (size 4) 50pcs, PRICE 428.90
Baby diapers Helen Harper Soft & Dry Junior (11 25kg) 44pcs, PRICE 448.90

Disposable absorbent diapers iD Protect 60×60, 30 pcs, PRICE 229.90

Women's casual boots with faux leather upper, PRICE 615.90

Women's travel ankle boots, PRICE 456.90

Prices in Svetofor for products.

Stewed beef Novgorod (reserve) GOST premium 325g, PRICE 69.90

Fresh frozen catfish steak, PRICE 116.90

Fresh frozen pollock, PRICE 109.90

Herring piece s/s 500g p/b, PRICE 79.90

Wheat crackers Vanilla 400g GOST, PRICE 28.90

Mini gingerbread with assorted fillings 750 gr, PRICE 69.90

Prices in Svetofor for shoes and textiles

Assorted backpack p 42*31, PRICE 199.90

Women's casual shoes (moccasins) with IR upper, PRICE 280.90

Economy pillow 70×70, PRICE 179.90
Bamboo pillow 50x70, PRICE 140.90

Blanket 1.5 sleeping 200 g (bamboo/camel hair), PRICE 383.90

Women's indoor shoes (slippers) (36 40) - 83.90

Women's rubber boots, PRICE 145.90

Catalog Traffic light in Michurinsk

The Svetofor store has a huge selection of products. What products are worth buying at Svetofor and what do most buyers choose? Our catalog contains the most popular products.

Attention! The prices in the catalog are approximate. Check prices in Svetofor in stores in your city.


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