Home Engine  The markings contradict the sign. Sign or marking: priority, what is more important on the road The advantage of road signs over markings

 The markings contradict the sign. Sign or marking: priority, what is more important on the road The advantage of road signs over markings

Inseparable comrades who help all motorists navigate their way. Real technical means often, if not duplicating the same information, then supplement it. Nevertheless, all drivers, at least once in their lives, have to face situations when difficulties arise in determining what is more important: a sign or a marking? A contradiction between two informants often occurs due to repair work on the road or as a result of an accident.

Sometimes situations arise when road signs and markings contradict each other

When faced with a discrepancy between road markings and signs, do not rush to panic and worry. Knowing the traffic rules will help you figure out what is more important in such a situation. It is in these rules that you will find all the answers to the questions that arise as a result of a traffic conflict.

Understanding the classification of signs

For convenience and simplicity, all existing ones today are conventionally divided according to installation method:

  • to stationary or, as they are also called, permanent;
  • portable or temporary.

Permanent signs cannot be limited in use by a temporary factor; in order to distinguish them from portable ones, you need to know the features of their installation. So, in order to install an informer of this type, it is customary to pour the concrete mixture into a pre-prepared hole in the ground. After the concrete has completely dried, the cemented area of ​​the base is covered with earth. Such traffic alarms are installed for a significant period of time, since the information they carry is relevant regardless of any external factors.

Most often, portable signs appear on roads in cases where a situation has arisen on a designated section of the road that impedes the normal movement of traffic flow. As a rule, racks with temporary informers are installed while the road surface is being repaired or in the event of an accident.

An integral attribute of such objects are transportable racks. It is customary to use reinforcement crossed at right angles as the base of the rack. It is the presence of such an element that allows the rack to be stable during strong winds or when the ground vibrates due to cars passing by. If during your trip you see a sign attached to a tree or taped to a lamp post or wall using regular tape or tape, feel free to ignore it. are not legal, and therefore cannot oblige you to comply with the rules indicated on them.

An important difference, which allows us to determine from the first time whether the symbol in front of us is a temporary or a stationary road sign, is the background color of the image. In the case where the informant picture is placed on top of a white background, be sure that this is a permanent sign. If the image is preceded by a yellow background, then you are dealing with a figurative sign.

About types of markup

An important issue is regarding temporary types. It just so happens that this marking can also be permanent, or maybe temporary. Based on this, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of their differences. So:

  1. The main purpose of permanent markings is to inform drivers about the peculiarities of movement on a given section of the highway in the long term, and temporary markings, on the contrary, in the short term.
  2. A characteristic difference between the two types of markings is the color of the paint used to apply to the asphalt. Thus, temporary markings are painted yellow, and permanent markings are white.

Fortunately, situations in which we have to deal with temporary pavement markings are very rare. Nevertheless, the presence of such happens, and therefore it is extremely important to be savvy with the relevant knowledge and not get lost when encountering such markings.

So, summing up all of the above, it is worth noting that on the road we can immediately encounter 4 groups of elements that take part in ensuring traffic safety: temporary and permanent road signs and temporary and permanent road markings. But here’s how to behave in cases where the sign and markings contradict each other, how to understand what is more important?

Who is in charge on the road: do we refer to traffic rules?

To protect your safety on the road, it is enough to simply not get lost in situations where contradictions arise between two technical means of informing drivers, do not lose vigilance, remain calm and concentrate as much as possible. To understand what to follow if road signs contradict the markings, you need to adopt a few simple rules, described as an appendix to the traffic rules:

  1. If there is a conflict between a temporary road sign and a stationary one, priority is given to the first one.
  2. In cases where signs, temporary or permanent, carry information that contradicts that indicated on the road surface markings, drivers should navigate the highway based on what “says” directly. In this case, the road marking acts as a secondary informant.
  3. A discrepancy between temporary and permanent markings is a case where temporary lines have priority.

Priority levels

To dot all the i's, just turn to the traffic rules for help. This will allow us to find out that in the event of a conflict between a sign and markings, priority should be given to the portable road sign. The easiest way to install such an object is to remove it later, when it is no longer needed. That’s why it’s so indispensable when it comes to minor repairs or accidents.

Immediately after the temporary sign in the hierarchy of importance is the permanent sign. It is much more important in regulating traffic flow than markings. This is due to the fact that in cases where the coating begins to wear off, the sign, as before, continues to signal that special rules must be followed on this section of the route.

Next in order of priority is time marking. It is applied during the repair of the road surface, for example, for a short period of time. This signaling option is used extremely rarely, and therefore often leads to drivers getting lost and creating emergency situations on the road.

Well, the last of the list, which determines what to follow: a sign or a marking, is a permanent linear graphic on the road surface. The presence of such an element is permanent, since it is necessary to provide all the necessary conditions for the fast and safe movement of vehicles on the highway.

In conclusion, I would still like to say that situations in which it is necessary to make a decision regarding actions based on the priority of information from two technical means are quite rare. However, if you have a problem determining who has the advantage: a sign or a marking, concentrate as much as possible and try to decide as soon as possible which technical means of ensuring safety on the highway takes precedence in dictating the traffic rules on a given section tracks. Concentration of attention and the ability to turn to existing knowledge at the right time will allow you to never become a traffic violator and not become one of the people responsible for accidents.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will discuss a question that worries many novice motorists: "". In fact, such a question is only appropriate when the requirements of road signs and road markings contradict each other.

I would like to note right away that most often road signs and road markings either duplicate each other or complement each other, i.e. no contradiction arises. Naturally, in this case, the question of the primacy of road signs or road markings is completely irrelevant.

However, cases contradictions in road signs and markings are still found on our roads, so this issue requires careful study.

Separately, this article will consider temporary road signs and markings, which may contradict both each other and permanent road signs and markings.

Below we will talk about four types of road infrastructure elements:

  • Road signs:
    • permanent;
    • temporary.
  • Road markings:
    • constant;
    • temporary.

Temporary road signs and markings

Let's look at the differences between temporary road signs and markings and permanent ones.

Temporary road signs They differ from permanent ones in that they have a yellow background (until mid-2013, temporary signs were installed on portable stands, but this requirement is currently excluded from the rules).

As an example, I suggest looking at the picture on the left. It shows temporary road signs (left) and a permanent road sign (right). The temporary road signs in the picture have a yellow background.

Currently, the traffic rules provide a list of signs, each of which can be used as a temporary sign:

Temporary road markings differs from the constant only in color. In most cases, permanent markings are white, temporary markings are orange:

So, we have identified 4 groups of road design elements: temporary and permanent road signs and temporary and permanent road markings. It is the priority of each of these 4 groups that will be considered in this article.

Let's consider the main question of this article: "".

First, let's compare temporary and permanent road signs. In accordance with the last paragraph of Chapter 8 of Appendix 1 to:

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and permanent road signs contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the temporary signs.

Those. Temporary road signs take precedence over permanent ones. The intermediate list in descending order of priority will look like this:

1. Temporary road signs;
2. Permanent road signs;
?. Temporary road markings;
?. Permanent road markings.

Let's look at another paragraph of the rules that will “dot the i's” in matters of priority. This is the last paragraph of Chapter 1 of Appendix 2 to the traffic rules:

In cases where the meanings of road signs, including temporary ones, and horizontal marking lines contradict each other or the markings are not sufficiently distinguishable, drivers must be guided by the road signs. In cases where temporary marking lines and permanent marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the temporary marking lines.

So, from the first sentence of this paragraph it follows that any road signs are more important than any markings. From the second sentence it follows that temporary markings take precedence over permanent markings.

Final list of priorities:

1. Temporary road signs;
2. Permanent road signs;
3. Temporary road markings;
4. Permanent road markings.

In the event of a controversial situation on the road, you should first of all be guided by temporary road signs, then permanent signs, etc. by the list.

Please note that temporary markings do not take precedence over permanent road signs.

Examples of contradictions in road signs and markings

Contradictory situations do not arise on the road very often. Much more often, drivers make erroneous interpretations of values. Therefore, in this article we will look at some examples for a better understanding.

1. Detour road repairs in the oncoming lane

Road sign 4.2.2 has been installed on the road and permanent markings 1.3 have been applied:

In this case, there is an obvious contradiction, because, on the one hand, it is prohibited to cross markings 1.3, and on the other hand, road sign 4.2.2 clearly indicates the need to cross road markings. The road sign has priority, so detouring the road repairs in the oncoming lane is legal.

Let's look at several situations in which there is actually no contradiction, but not all drivers are able to quickly determine this.

2. Overtaking if there is a sign 3.20 and markings 1.5

There is a road sign 3.20 “Overtaking prohibited” on the road and horizontal markings 1.5:

In this case, the situation should be interpreted as follows:

Taken together, these signs mean that the driver can enter the oncoming lane when performing any maneuver other than overtaking. He can drive around in the oncoming lane, turn left and turn around.

Attention! Some believe that marking 1.5 allows overtaking. This is not true. Markup 1.5 does not allow anything additional. In her presence, you simply need to move within the marked lane.

3. Overtaking in the presence of sign 3.21 and markings 1.1

Another example similar to the previous one. There is a sign 3.21 “End of no-overtaking zone” on the road and markings 1.1:

In this case:

2. Sign 3.21 indicates the end of the no-overtaking zone. Please note that the sign does not allow overtaking, but only marks the end of the zone.

Many do not understand this, they try to mark the line and receive a well-deserved deprivation of rights.

I hope the examples discussed in this article will help you in the future when identifying real contradictions between road signs and markings. In addition, the question “What is more important is the sign or the marking?” will no longer worry you.

Good luck on the roads!

Today I was fined for turning left at an intersection. At the intersection there were 2 permanent signs 2.4 “Give way” and 4.1.2 “Move to the right”; it was at this place that marking line 1.3 ended. those. before the intersection it ended and after the intersection it began. In this situation, what is more important: the markings or the sign?!

What is more important, signs or markings, is a separate conversation. According to GOST, neither signs nor markings should contradict each other. I mean permanent signs and markings. If the markings allow, but the sign prohibits, then you can’t! If the sign allows, but the markings prohibit, again - you can’t!

A simple example. The “no left turn” sign does not prohibit a U-turn. But if the markings are 1.1 or 1.3, then you won’t be able to turn around without violating the traffic rules.

The driver drives according to traffic rules, and not according to GOST. The traffic rules state that if there is a conflict between markings and signs, the signs take precedence. That is, if there is a 1.1 marking on a two-lane road with two-way traffic, then you cannot cross it even when overtaking cyclists or slow-moving vehicles. And if there is a sign 3.20 at the same time, then you can cross marking 1.1 to overtake cyclists or slow-moving vehicles.

But what to do in a place with the simultaneous installation of signs 3.19 and 4.1.4-4.1.6 in case you want to make a U-turn is not clear. There are no clear instructions on this in the traffic rules. With signs 3.18.1 and 3.18.2 versus 4.1.1-4.1.5, instructions are in GOST.


Chief State Road Safety Inspector Viktor Kiryanov sent his subordinates instructions to resolve controversial cases when the sign contradicts the markings in favor of the driver

N 13/6-120 dated 06/30/2008

The instructions clearly state: “When supervising road traffic, as well as when considering controversial situations where it is determined that horizontal marking lines do not comply with the requirements of established road signs, the situation should be interpreted in favor of road users.”

Is it possible to find out where and to whom he sent it? If “Dornanzor”, then this structure does not work on the line and does not consider cases in court, this is done by the IDPS and judges. Apparently Kiryanov’s opinion doesn’t interest them at all!

It also says “to his subordinates” - including the IDPS of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Plus the instruction number is indicated. Moreover, the structure of Dornadzor is not completely clear.

Hello. The first attempt to hand over the city to the traffic police ended unsuccessfully. I didn’t argue, I just want to understand the situation: T-shaped intersection, main road sign + sign with the direction of the road (to the right), next to it is a sign half turned away from the road (but readable in principle) on a portable stand - traffic only to the right. Yeah, I think the inspector doesn’t give instructions, does he want to catch you? I see a sign - I turn. He told me - where are you going? I say there is a sign to move to the right. And-There's no sign there. I am there, but not very clearly visible. And no, there is only a sign for the main road, you are reading it wrong, choose a place, stop... My instructor also began to claim that I was making it up, there is no sign there. My husband and I drove there, and he says that since it can’t be read unambiguously, it doesn’t work. Where is the truth? Since there is a sign and it is readable from the road, does that mean we should act?

Olesya, Hello.

If an accident had occurred in the specified area, then it would be possible to file a claim against the road workers who installed the road sign illiterately.

As for the exam results, if you did not immediately write in the documents that you do not agree, then there is no point in challenging them.

About the instructor. Write a statement to the driving school to have him fired. You didn’t pay him money so that he could fail you in the exam.

Good luck on the roads!


Yesterday I was pulled over at a traffic police checkpoint, I drove straight from the left lane, in principle, according to the constant markings, I did not violate anything. But it turned out that before that there was a temporary sign that I didn’t notice; it said that straight ahead only from the right lane and from the left only to the left. I understand that due to my lack of attentiveness I violated. But tell me what kind of offense this is and what is the fine for it?

Yes, in our rules, as they say, even the devil will break a leg! What I mean is that even sitting in a calm environment and analyzing this or that traffic situation, you can interpret it in different ways. What to do in a real traffic situation?! There is no clear and understandable definition of what is possible and what is not. There are many examples. Here too, sign 4.2.2 the direction of movement forces you to cross a double solid line - it seems like there is a contradiction between the sign and the markings and priority is given to the sign, but the sign for the end of the no-overtaking zone seems to allow overtaking even though it is solid, and there is an obvious contradiction , it would seem that preference should be given to the sign, but no, you cannot overtake! And how to understand all this!? Maybe we should make roads and place signs this way so that it is mutually clear to all road users!

Oleg, You are right, the organization of traffic should be such that drivers do not have any questions. Over time we will come to this.

As for situations in which you do not know what to do correctly, then proceed from the worst option. This way you won’t break the rules in any case.

Good luck on the roads!

There is a zebra crossing in front of the railway crossing. When they started flashing red, the front wheels stopped at the zebra crossing. pulled back 1 meter and freed the zebra. fined for reversing. Did I break it?


Sign 6.3.2 contradicts the markings, namely in the area of ​​​​its effect they painted a constant, double solid white. There has always been a gap in this place, but this year they drew it like this. What to follow? There is a widening of the road at the place where the sign is active, and then at the current gap there is a continuous bottleneck and it is impossible to turn around in one go

Good luck on the roads!



There is a sign "overtaking is prohibited", and at the same time a continuous traffic jam begins.

Will they be deprived of their rights for this or not?

Basil, what exactly did the driver do on the described section of the road?


When you are driving on a highway or on a divided road, you may come across a sign telling you where to turn around. It’s called a “turning point.” Most often, such jumpers between traffic flows are made in pairs: first you will pass the section where oncoming cars are turning, and then you will see a sign for you - 6.3.1. In most cases, this turning point only has one lane, so you need to stick to the left shoulder.

There is another sign on which the reversal itself is drawn. It indicates not only where you can turn around, but the extent of this zone. In the rules, this sign is numbered 6.3.2. In this situation, a given section of road may have two or even more lanes. You need to be careful when driving in the leftmost lane in this situation. Those who are driving to the right of you have priority over you, that is, you must let them pass. If you drive fast or don't like to give way, choose the rightmost path.

You can also make a U-turn if there are any signs permitting a left turn. These may be mandatory signs: a blue circle with a white arrow indicating the direction of movement. For example, this could be sign 4.1.3, which shows you only two options for further movement: left and back.

If you see sign 4.1.5 on the side of the road, then you can drive in the indicated directions or make a U-turn.

Sign 4.1.6 does not allow you to go straight. But you don't necessarily have to turn. Nobody limits your desire to turn around and leave in the direction from which you came. The signs listed above are valid at the intersection in front of which you saw them.

In addition to the round signs on a blue background, you should also pay attention to the “lane direction” signs before making a U-turn. Such signs have a square or rectangular shape. There are white arrows on a blue background to show you which direction you can go in the selected lane. The principle is the same as with mandatory signs: if a left turn is allowed, then you can also make a U-turn. Moreover, if the sign allows you to turn left from the second lane, then you can only make a turn from the far left lane.

Drivers quite often encounter the fact that installed road signs and applied markings contradict each other. What motivates you when driving and what is the best thing to pay attention to? We will talk about this in our article.

It’s worth noting right away that road signs and road markings are divided into permanent and temporary, so the solutions to situations are different. However, almost all cases of contradictions are indicated in the traffic rules. For example, the last paragraph of Chapter 8 of Appendix 1 of the Road Traffic Rules states the following: “In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs (on a portable stand) and stationary signs contradict each other, drivers must be guided by temporary signs.”
P 1.25 of Chapter 1 of Appendix 2 states: “In cases where temporary marking lines and permanent marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the temporary marking lines.”
So, we have established that in cases with both markings and signs, temporary applications and installations have priority. At the same time, you should know that according to GOST, temporary signs are signs installed on a portable support. If the sign is taped to a dug-in post, nailed to a plank, etc., then such a sign is not temporary. Well, regarding the difference between temporary and permanent road markings, everything is simple: permanent markings are painted in white, temporary markings are painted in yellow.

So, there is only one question left to clarify: what should one be guided by in cases of conflicting signs and markings? Here we turn to the appendix to the traffic rules.
Clause 1.25 of Chapter 1 of Appendix 2: “In cases where the meanings of road signs, including temporary ones (placed on a portable support), and horizontal marking lines contradict each other or the markings are not sufficiently distinguishable, drivers must be guided by the road signs. In cases where temporary marking lines and permanent marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the temporary marking lines."

Ultimately, the priority list looks like this:

1. Temporary road signs;
2. Permanent road signs;
3. Temporary road markings;
4. Permanent road markings.

In the near future, the State Duma may consider a bill according to which drivers may not pay fines in situations where road signs and markings contradict each other. Let's ask more about this driving instructors.

Cancellation of fine

From driving lessons we remember that the sign is more important than the markings, and a temporary sign on a yellow background has priority over a permanent sign on white (the same with temporary markings). And, unfortunately, many drivers often fall into this “sign” trap, receive fines and even lose their license.

If the law is passed, the driver may challenge the fine issued. To do this, you will need to show a photo from the scene of the violation, where the “wrong” sign or marking should be visible.

According to deputy Yaroslav Nilov, who introduced the bill for consideration, situations often occur in Moscow when there is a “No Stopping” sign next to the parking markings on the roadway. It turns out that if a motorist parks his car there, he faces a fine of 3,000 rubles. Moreover, the vehicle may be towed.

Nilov believes that the inattention and irresponsible attitude of officials who apply markings, install signs and comply with traffic management requirements are the reason why motorists are often unreasonably held accountable.

Who's priority?

To begin with, let us remember that road signs can be permanent or temporary. The latter have a yellow background, and they should be used as a guide on this section of the road.

The markings can also be permanent or temporary, white and orange, respectively. Temporary marking takes precedence over permanent marking.

And the last thing: permanent signs are more important than any marking, both permanent and temporary.

So, if you build a list by priority, you get the following picture:

  • the requirements of temporary signs on a yellow background are fulfilled first;
  • then come the permanent signs;
  • further temporary marking;
  • Last but not least are permanent road markings.

Unfortunately, very often markings and signs contradict each other. For example, there are permanent continuous markings on the roadway, which indicates that crossing it is prohibited, that is, overtaking and other maneuvers involving entering the oncoming lane are prohibited. But if there is a sign “Avoid obstacles on the left”, the marking requirement can be ignored without fear that you will receive a fine for violating traffic rules.

If on the road you see solid markings and a sign “End of the no-overtaking zone,” then you cannot drive into oncoming traffic, since the sign does not allow overtaking, but only indicates the end of the prohibition. In this situation, the markings and the sign complement each other. If the markings here were intermittent, then overtaking would be possible.

If the markings are not visible...

It happens that the markings are not visible: they have been erased, covered with snow or mud, etc. In this case, drivers are interested in the following question: if a double marking line is provided on a given road, but it is not visible, do traffic police inspectors have the right to issue a fine to the driver for crossing this line.

According to the rules, in such cases, appropriate road signs must be installed.

If there are none, and you are issued a violation report, get ready to defend your innocence. Take photographs of the location of the violation so that house numbers, street names, and visible marking lines are visible. And write in the protocol that you do not agree with the punishment.

Video about what to do if markings and signs contradict each other:

What is more important: a sign or a marking?

Many drivers know firsthand about the problem of conflicting road signs and markings on the same road. In such a situation, many are lost and do not know what to guide them when driving. In this article we will tell you what to do correctly if a problem of this kind arises.

First of all, remember that road markings and road signs can be permanent or temporary, so there is no universal solution. However, almost all variants of contradictions can be found in the Traffic Rules. For example, in Chapter 8 of Appendix 1 of the Traffic Regulations it is written that if the meanings of stationary signs and temporary signs installed on portable stands contradict each other, then drivers should be guided by the temporary signs.

And in the first chapter of the second appendix there is paragraph 1.25, which tells us that if the permanent marking lines and the temporary marking lines contradict each other, then we should pay attention to the temporary marking lines.

So, temporary signs and temporary markings have priority on the road. Please note that according to the rules, temporary signs must be installed on a portable support. If you see a post dug into the ground, to which the sign is nailed and taped, then such a sign will not be considered temporary. But how to distinguish temporary markings from permanent ones? This is also not difficult: temporary markings should be painted in yellow, and permanent markings should be painted in white. There is one more important point that you should focus your attention on: what to do if the markings and road signs contradict each other?

In Chapter 1 of Appendix 2 there is paragraph 1.25, which answers this question. If road signs (including temporary signs) contradict the horizontal markings, or if the markings are difficult to see, then drivers should follow the road signs.

So, you can arrange different types of markings and road signs in order, from more important to less priority. Temporary road signs are the most important, followed by permanent road signs, then temporary road markings and finally permanent road markings, the least priority of the four.

What is more important - road signs or markings?

Typically, road signs and road markings completely duplicate each other or complement each other without conflicting. However, sometimes there are situations when a contradiction is still observed, for example, during road work, major accidents, during special operations or exercises at nearby training grounds.

If you clearly see that the markings and road signs contradict each other, then you should not worry or think about what to do in this situation. The road rules contain all the answers to emerging questions.

Firstly, it should be clearly understood that road signs can be temporary or permanent. After the latest changes to the traffic rules, temporary signs are shown on a yellow background and they take precedence over permanent signs.
Secondly, the markings can also be permanent - applied with white paint on the asphalt, or temporary - orange. Temporary markings take precedence over permanent markings.
Thirdly, a road sign is always more important than a marking.

Thus, the following picture emerges in order of priority:

  • signs on a yellow background are temporary - their requirements are met first;
  • permanent signs - they are more important than both permanent and temporary markings;
  • temporary markings - orange;
  • constant.

There are many different situations that can be cited when signs and markings conflict with each other. For example, the presence of permanent continuous markings indicates that it is forbidden to cross them, that is, overtaking and any maneuvers to enter oncoming traffic are prohibited. However, if there is a sign “Avoid obstacles on the left,” then you can easily neglect the marking requirement and not be afraid that you will be fined for failure to comply with traffic rules.

If, for example, there is a sign “end of the prohibited overtaking zone” and continuous markings are applied, then this indicates that it is prohibited to drive into oncoming traffic to overtake, since this sign does not allow overtaking, but only indicates the end of the prohibited zone. That is, in this case, the sign and markings complement each other. If in this case there were markings that allowed driving into oncoming traffic, then overtaking could be done without fear of losing your license.

What is more important: sign or markings?

Today I propose to think about the question - what is more important, the sign or the marking? On many highways, signs sometimes contradict road markings. Let's look at this issue today so we know what to focus on...

What is more important: sign or markings?

Why did I have such a question! Yes, because we have one interesting intersection in our city. The stop line in front of the traffic light is much further than the stop sign line. And when you drive, you don’t know why you should navigate either by the sign or by the marking line. Moreover, the difference is significant, approximately 4 - 5 meters. (between the sign and the markings). So what is more important: the sign or the marking?

distance between sign and markings

First, let's look at permanent road signs and markings; in the second paragraph, we'll talk about temporary signs and temporary markings.

1) Permanent road signs and permanent markings

According to Appendix No. 2 to the Traffic Regulations (Road markings and its characteristics, as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2001 N 67,
dated 25.09.2003 N 595, dated 14.12.2005 N 767, dated 16.02.2008 N 84), one can understand

« That any road signs are more important than any road markings»

That is, if we relate this to our case (stop line or stop sign), one conclusion suggests itself - if we pass a stop sign and stand at the stop line, then we are violating traffic rules. In simple words, you should stop at the stop sign, although the stop line is much further away.

2) Temporary signs and temporary markings

If you stick to the same application No. 2:

« In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs placed on a portable post and marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the signs. In cases where temporary marking lines and permanent marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the temporary marking lines»
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2001 N 67)

That is, temporary marking is always more important than regular marking. Also temporary signs are more important than ordinary signs.

It must be remembered that temporary signs are not installed on a permanent basis, but on so-called “portable stands”. But temporary road signs may also be found on permanent posts.

Temporary road markings are usually orange, and if they contradict permanent road signs and permanent white markings, then you should follow them. Because she is the main one.

Now let's summarize:

As you can see, we have four groups.

So who is more important in this situation? So, the final list.

1) The most important one is a temporary sign, because according to Appendix No. 2 to the traffic rules (any road signs are more important than road markings). And accordingly, a temporary road sign is more important than a permanent road sign. Therefore, the temporary road sign has the highest priority.

2) Permanent road sign. Is in second place (Appendix No. 2 to the traffic rules)

3) Temporary road markings. Temporary markings are more important than regular road markings.

4) And the last one is permanent marking.

This is exactly how the list is structured. I think my article will help you move around the city and on the highway correctly without violating traffic rules. That's all I have for today.

The article was written based on materials from the sites: www.dorazmetka.ru, spokoino.ru, razmetka.com.ua, vodi.su, avto-blogger.ru.

The Supreme Court of Russia on Tuesday was unable to decide what comes first: the road sign or the markings. The rule of law, which gives priority to the sign, is being challenged by a resident of Sergiev Posad. A decision is expected tomorrow

The Supreme Court of Russia on Tuesday, July 26, began to consider the question of what is primary for the driver: a road sign or markings. The investigation was initiated by a resident of the Moscow region, Artem Kikot. He was faced with the fact that on a section of the highway near the village of Mishutino, Sergiev Posad district, Moscow region, there was a sign prohibiting overtaking of vehicles, and the markings allowed this to be done, including driving into oncoming traffic.

Artem Kikot, who is a practicing lawyer, pointed out that due to this “discrepancy”, several drivers lost their licenses for various periods.

The lawyer challenged in court subparagraph 20 of paragraph 1 of the amendments to the Traffic Rules, which were introduced on May 10, 2010 by decree of the Russian government. They determine that “in cases where the meanings of road signs, including temporary ones (placed on a portable support), and horizontal marking lines contradict each other or the markings are not sufficiently distinguishable, drivers must be guided by the road signs.”

We are talking about situations when the markings are not visible due to wear and tear of the road surface, pollution, snow, repairs, etc.

According to the applicant, this provision contradicts the federal law “On Road Safety”, which excludes the possibility of conflicts between road signs and road markings. “However, the introduced norm essentially legalizes the possibility of such a contradiction,” the plaintiff pointed out. Kikot added that, according to GOST, road markings are a priority. In his opinion, the legal act he disputes “may be the basis for creating emergency situations,” as well as for unjustifiably bringing drivers to administrative liability.

In turn, a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, speaking in court on behalf of the Russian government, admitted that “situations when road markings and signs may conflict occur in our country.” However, he believes that the disputed document gives clear indications of what comes first. “Now the driver must be guided by the requirements of the road sign,” said a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Moreover, it does not matter whether the sign is temporary or permanent. “At a speed of 60 km/h the driver still cannot understand this,” the defendant believes. According to him, the previously existing norm, which spoke only about temporary signs, was less specific, and therefore the head of the road safety department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Viktor Kiryanov, even had to issue an information letter, which was sent out locally. It stated that all doubts should be interpreted in favor of the motorist. “Now, when the markings show that you should go right, and the sign shows you should go left, the driver should not think, but should follow the road sign,” said the representative of the defendant. In his opinion, the driver should also not delve into existing GOSTs. It is enough for him to know only the rules of the road.

How are they

It is noteworthy that none of the participants in the process could answer Judge Vladimir Zaitsev’s questions about what international law gives priority to. “How are they doing there? Otherwise, we declared the priority of international law. Are there similar rules there? - the judge asked.

However, the applicant, as it turned out, had only been to Egypt from foreign countries, and the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs admitted that he had not checked international standards.

The prosecutor involved in the case asked to be given time to prepare a report. Having granted her request, the judge instructed the parties to also prepare an answer to his question.

The trial will continue tomorrow and, possibly, the court will make a decision on the same day.

If everything is aligned

Meanwhile, lawyer for the Za Rulem magazine, Sergei Smirnov, believes that the court’s decision will not be in favor of the applicant. “If road markings contradict the signs, then you must follow the requirements of the road sign. This is understandable from a logical point of view.. - Another thing is that the driver may not notice the sign, but the markings are always visible. And there are often situations when traffic police officers set up this kind of trap and submit documents to the court to deprive the driver of his license.”

According to Smirnov, cases where a permanent (rather than temporary) sign and permanent markings contradict each other occur quite often throughout Russia. “And here we need to talk about preventing this from happening. If the traffic police believes that there is an emergency section of the road, a lot of accidents occur there, and puts up a sign prohibiting overtaking, and not temporary, but permanent, I don’t understand why they don’t put a continuous marking line. Thus, they mislead drivers,” the expert believes. In his opinion, organizations that maintain roads and do not bring signs and markings into line with each other are often to blame for contradictions. The traffic police are not monitoring this.

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