Home Steering Shipping company Passat Hamburg. Delivery of goods from Hamburg. Intraport forwarding and cargo handling

Shipping company Passat Hamburg. Delivery of goods from Hamburg. Intraport forwarding and cargo handling

€5.47 billion (2012)

Number of employees Website K:Companies founded in 1871

operates 127 ships (mainly container ships) with a deadweight of more than 500 thousand tons, and owns a fleet of 468 thousand containers. The annual volume of transportation carried out by the company exceeds 3.37 million TEU.

The company is part of the German company Oetker Group.


The company was founded in 1871 as a joint stock company by representatives of 11 Hamburg trading houses. At first, only three ships with a carrying capacity of 4 thousand GRT performed monthly voyages to Brazil and La Plata.

In 1906, the company opened a line to South America with the acquisition of the high-speed steamships Cap Vilano and Cap Arcona I.

As of 1914, the company already had more than 50 ships with a total capacity of approximately 325 thousand GRT, including three large high-speed steamships: Cap Finisterre, Cap Trafalgar and Cap Polonio.

As a result of the First World War, the company lost its entire fleet, but continued sea transportation on chartered ships.

In 1922, the company built the passenger liner Cap Polonio, which marked the beginning of the company's leadership in the 1920-1930s in the field of sea cruises.

In 1927, The Cap Arcona II, the flagship of the company's passenger line, was launched.

As of 1939, the company's fleet consisted of 52 vessels with a carrying capacity of more than 400 thousand GRT.

Liner Cap Arcona
Built in 1926
Liner Monte Cervantes
Built in 1927
Liner Cap Finisterre, built in 1911,
received by Japan as reparation in 1919
Liner Cap Polonio,
artist Alfred Jensen, 1914

The Second World War

During the war, the company's ships were used by the German Navy as auxiliary vessels.

On May 3, 1945, as a result of Allied bombing, the Cap Arcona liner, carrying concentration camp prisoners, sank.


As a result of World War II, the company lost its entire fleet; the ships were either sunk or had to be transferred to the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition in the form of indemnity.

So in 1946, the ship of the Wilhelmshaven company, built in 1943, was transferred to the State Enterprise Estonian Shipping Company MMF of the USSR and renamed Korsun-Shevchenkovsky. The ship “Gunther”, built in 1944, was transferred to the State Enterprise Latvian Shipping Company MMF of the USSR, renamed “Smolensk”.

In 1951, the company resumed cargo transportation on lines between Europe and the east coast of South America and began to develop tramp transportation, tanker and refrigerated transportation.

In 1955, the company was completely absorbed by the company of Dr. August Oetker - Dr. August Oetker company.

In 1956-1957, the company began to operate in the Mediterranean Sea, and service of lines between North and South America under the Columbus Line brand was resumed.

In 1962, the container ship Cap San Diego, currently a museum ship in Hamburg, joined the company's fleet.

In 1971, with the introduction of container ships Columbus New Zealand, Columbus Australia and Columbus America on routes between the US East Coast, Australia and New Zealand, the company became a pioneer in container shipping in the Pacific.

In 1980, container shipping from Europe to the East Coast of South America was fully launched.

In 1986, the company absorbed the carrier Deutsche-Nah-Ost-Linie, and in 1989 acquired 50% of the Spanish line Ybarra y Cia. Sudamerica S.A.


In 1990, the company acquired the British Furness Withy Group, which included Royal Mail Line and The Pacific Steam Navigation Company (PSNC). Also acquired are Swedish Laser Lines, Rotterdam Zuid-America Lijn (RZAL) and Havenlijn.

In 1998, the company acquired the Brazilian shipping company Aliança and the shipping company South Seas Steamship.

In the period 1999-2004, the company acquired container lines: South Pacific Container Lines, Transroll's Europe-South America East Coast liner operations, Inter-America Services, the line between the Mediterranean and India/Pakistan from Ellerman, the line between Asia and South America, owned by Kien Hung Company.

In 2006, the company acquired lines between Asia, North America and Australia/New Zealand from the Russian shipping company Fesco.

The company is currently

The company operates a global network of 40 ocean lines around the world and owns a fleet of 468 thousand containers (2014). The annual volume of transportation carried out by the company exceeds 3.3 million TEU.

At the end of 2012, it was reported that the board of Hapag-Lloyd and the board of Hamburg Süd were studying whether a merger might be of interest and under what conditions. In the event of a merger of companies, one of the largest players could appear on the global container market. In early 2013, the corporations made a statement indicating that the idea of ​​a merger was not feasible at this time.


The company's fleet as of May 2015 consists of 126 container ships, including 41 of its own, with a total fleet capacity of more than 500 thousand TEU

Rio de la Plata Monte Rosa Santa Rita Rio de Janeiro

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Excerpt describing Hamburg Süd

“But she’s stupid, I said myself that she’s stupid,” he thought. “There is something nasty in the feeling that she aroused in me, something forbidden.” They told me that her brother Anatole was in love with her, and she was in love with him, that there was a whole story, and that Anatole was sent away from this. Her brother is Hippolytus... Her father is Prince Vasily... This is not good,” he thought; and at the same time as he reasoned like this (these reasonings still remained unfinished), he found himself smiling and realized that another series of reasoning was emerging from behind the first, that at the same time he was thinking about her insignificance and dreaming about how she will be his wife, how she can love him, how she can be completely different, and how everything that he thought and heard about her may not be true. And again he saw her not as some daughter of Prince Vasily, but saw her whole body, only covered with a gray dress. “But no, why didn’t this thought occur to me before?” And again he told himself that this was impossible; that something disgusting, unnatural, as it seemed to him, would be dishonest in this marriage. He remembered her previous words, looks, and the words and looks of those who saw them together. He remembered the words and looks of Anna Pavlovna when she told him about the house, he remembered thousands of such hints from Prince Vasily and others, and horror came over him, whether he had already tied himself in some way in carrying out such a task, which was obviously not good and which he should not do. But at the same time, as he expressed this decision to himself, from the other side of his soul her image emerged with all its feminine beauty.

In November 1805, Prince Vasily was supposed to go to an audit in four provinces. He arranged this appointment for himself in order to visit his ruined estates at the same time, and taking with him (at the location of his regiment) his son Anatoly, he and him would go to Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky in order to marry his son to the daughter of this rich man old man. But before leaving and these new affairs, Prince Vasily needed to resolve matters with Pierre, who, however, had recently been spending whole days at home, that is, with Prince Vasily, with whom he lived, he was funny, excited and stupid (as he should to be in love) in the presence of Helen, but still did not propose.
“Tout ca est bel et bon, mais il faut que ca finisse,” [All this is good, but we must end it] - Prince Vasily said to himself one morning with a sigh of sadness, realizing that Pierre, who owed him so much (well, yes Christ be with him!), is not doing very well in this matter. “Youth... frivolity... well, God bless him,” thought Prince Vasily, feeling his kindness with pleasure: “mais il faut, que ca finisse.” After Lelya’s name day tomorrow, I will call someone, and if he does not understand what he must do, then it will be my business. Yes, it's my business. I am the father!
Pierre, a month and a half after Anna Pavlovna's evening and the sleepless, excited night that followed, in which he decided that marrying Helen would be a misfortune, and that he needed to avoid her and leave, Pierre, after this decision, did not move from Prince Vasily and was horrified felt that every day he was more and more connected with her in the eyes of people, that he could not in any way return to his previous view of her, that he could not tear himself away from her, that it would be terrible, but that he would have to connect with her destiny. Perhaps he could have abstained, but not a day passed when Prince Vasily (who rarely had a reception) did not have an evening at which Pierre should have been, if he did not want to upset the general pleasure and deceive everyone’s expectations. Prince Vasily, in those rare moments when he was at home, passing by Pierre, pulled him down by the hand, absentmindedly offered him a shaved, wrinkled cheek for a kiss and said either “see you tomorrow” or “by dinner, otherwise I won’t see you.” , or “I’m staying for you,” etc. But despite the fact that when Prince Vasily stayed for Pierre (as he said), he did not say two words to him, Pierre did not feel able to deceive his expectations . Every day he kept telling himself the same thing: “We must finally understand her and give ourselves an account: who is she? Have I been wrong before or am I wrong now? No, she's not stupid; no, she's a wonderful girl! - he said to himself sometimes. “She’s never wrong about anything, she’s never said anything stupid.” She doesn't say much, but what she says is always simple and clear. So she's not stupid. She has never been embarrassed and is not embarrassed. So she’s not a bad woman!” Often he happened to start reasoning with her, thinking out loud, and every time she answered him with either a short, but appropriately spoken remark, showing that she was not interested in this, or with a silent smile and glance, which most palpably showed Pierre her superiority. She was right in recognizing all reasoning as nonsense compared to that smile.
She always turned to him with a joyful, trusting smile that was directed towards him alone, in which there was something more significant than what was in the general smile that always adorned her face. Pierre knew that everyone was only waiting for him to finally say one word, to step over a certain line, and he knew that sooner or later he would step over it; but some kind of incomprehensible horror seized him at the mere thought of this terrible step. A thousand times during this month and a half, during which he felt himself drawn further and further into that abyss that frightened him, Pierre said to himself: “What is this? It takes determination! Don’t I have it?”
He wanted to make up his mind, but he felt with horror that in this case he did not have the determination that he knew in himself and that really was in him. Pierre was one of those people who are strong only when they feel completely pure. And from the day he was possessed by that feeling of desire that he experienced over Anna Pavlovna’s snuffbox, an unconscious feeling of guilt in this desire paralyzed his determination.
On Helen’s name day, Prince Vasily had dinner with a small company of people closest to her, as the princess said, relatives and friends. All these relatives and friends were given the feeling that on this day the fate of the birthday girl should be decided.
The guests were sitting at dinner. Princess Kuragina, a massive, once beautiful, representative woman, sat in the master's seat. On both sides of her sat the most honored guests - the old general, his wife, Anna Pavlovna Scherer; at the end of the table sat the less elderly and honored guests, and the family, Pierre and Hélène, were sitting there, side by side. Prince Vasily did not have dinner: he walked around the table in a cheerful mood, sitting down with one or another of the guests. He spoke a casual and pleasant word to everyone, with the exception of Pierre and Helene, whose presence he did not seem to notice. Prince Vasily revived everyone. The wax candles burned brightly, the silver and crystal dishes, the ladies’ outfits and the gold and silver epaulettes shone; servants in red caftans scurried around the table; the sounds of knives, glasses, plates and the sounds of the animated chatter of several conversations around this table were heard. The old chamberlain at one end could be heard assuring the old baroness of his ardent love for her and her laughter; on the other hand, a story about the failure of some Marya Viktorovna. At the middle of the table, Prince Vasily gathered his audience around him. He told the ladies, with a playful smile on his lips, the last - on Wednesday - meeting of the State Council, at which the then famous rescript of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich from the army was received and read by Sergei Kuzmich Vyazmitinov, the new St. Petersburg military governor-general, in which the Emperor, addressing Sergei Kuzmich, said that from all sides he receives statements about the devotion of the people, and that the statement from St. Petersburg is especially pleasant to him, that he is proud of the honor of being the head of such a nation and will try to be worthy of it. This rescript began with the words: Sergey Kuzmich! Rumors reach me from all sides, etc.

1871. The shipping company Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts - Gesellschaft was founded as a joint-stock company by representatives of 11 Hamburg trading houses. At first, only three ships with a carrying capacity of 4 thousand GRT performed monthly voyages to Brazil and La Plata.

1914. The company already has more than 50 vessels with a total capacity of approximately 325 thousand GRT. Among them are three large high-speed ships “Cap Finisterre”, “Cap Trafalgar” and “Cap Polonio”.

1920 After the loss of its entire cargo fleet in the First World War, the company resumed sea transport on chartered ships.

1922 The construction of the new passenger liner Cap Polonio ushered in a brilliant era of sea cruising. Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts - Gesellschaft - one of the world's leading cruise companies in the 20s and 30s.

1945. Complete loss of the entire fleet in World War II. The ships were sunk or must be handed over to the allies of the anti-Hitler coalition in the form of indemnity.

1951. The company resumed cargo transportation on lines between Europe and the east coast of South America.

1955. Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts - Gesellschaft is completely absorbed by Dr. August Oetker company.

1957: Service between North and South America resumed under the Columbus Line brand.

1971 With the introduction of container ships Columbus New Zealand, Columbus Australia and Columbus America on routes between the US East Coast, Australia and New Zealand, the company became a pioneer in container shipping in the Pacific.

1980. Container transportation of goods from Europe to the East Coast of South America was fully launched.

1990. The British Furness Withy Group, which owned, among other things, the prestigious Royal Mail Line and The Pacific Steam Navigation Company (PSNC), is acquired. Swedish Laser Lines, Rotterdam Zuid-America Lijn (RZAL) and Havenlijn were acquired.

1998. Brazilian shipping company Aliança and shipping company South Seas Steamship are acquired.

1999. South Pacific Container Lines and Transroll's Europe-South America East Coast liner operations were acquired.

2000. The Inter-America Services line is acquired from the American shipping company Crowley American Transport (CAT).

2003. Acquired the Mediterranean-India/Pakistan line from Ellerman. Takeover of the Asia-South America container line owned by Kien Hung.

2004. On January 1, the Columbus Line and Crowley American Transport brands were replaced by the world famous Hamburg Süd brand.

In July, the first of six container ships of the Monte 5,552 TEU class was put into service, which was joined by the remaining five vessels before the beginning of autumn 2005. These are one of the largest refrigerated ships in the world in terms of capacity.

2006. Acquisition of lines between Asia, North America and Australia/New Zealand from the Russian shipping company Fesco. Their service is under the FANZL brand Fesco Australia New Zealand Liner Services.

2008. FANZL line Fesco Australia New Zealand Liner Services became Hamburg Süd.

Our website is not affiliated with Hamburg Süd.

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Hamburg Süd official customer service

Hamburg Süd phone no: +49 40 37050
Hamburg Süd website www.hamburgsud-line.com

Hamburg Süd post tracking number:

SUDU1234567 ("SUDU" letters at the beginning plus 7 numbers)

Hamburg Sud Group: From Local Shipment Company to Global Logistics Organization

The company has a great story of its formation since its foundation more than a century ago. The shipment company was founded in 1871. Initially, it was a local shipment organization, which with the course of time transformed into the global shipment group. Nowadays the Hamburg Sud Group is one of the ten world’s largest shipping companies; mainly operates in North-South trades.
The shipment service provider has also an excellent reputation beyond the shipment sphere and is known as a diligent and reliable partner for non-standard solutions for clients.
Hamburg Sud is a client-oriented company, which controls every party in the transportation process. For this reason the shipment provider created the Hamburg Sud track system. The Hamburg Sud shipping tracking is a very convenient and extremely effective way to monitor and control client’s orders.

The Hamburg Sud track Service: Safety and Timely Delivery of Your Order

The Hamburg Sud tracking system is fast and efficient monitoring system. When a client dispatches the cargo, they want to be sure that it will be delivered on time and without any damage. Besides, they want to know the expected time of arrival in order to plan their business processes.
The Hamburg shipping tracking allows fulfilling all the above mentioned goals. A client can easily check the required information online. On the official website of the company, one can find the Hamburg Sud tracking system, to get the information, it is necessary to enter a special tracking number (the client receives a number during the registration/acceptance procedure). When you track Hamburg Sud shipments, you can get detailed information about the geo-location, weight and expected time of arrival of the freight. The system is constantly updated, so the clients should not worry about the truthfulness of the information.

The Hamburg Express Tracking against K2track system

The native tracking system of the shipment delivery provider is very convenient and precise. However, it contains information only about shipments made with the help of the Hamburg Sud Company. In case a client uses the services of other delivery companies, it won’t provide them with information about the shipment.
Especially it is a subject to large companies that have to track hundreds of orders every day. In this case they can use a very easy, but effective solution. They can use a universal K2track tracking system. It contains detailed information about all delivery companies of the word. So, to track necessary information about all orders, you need just one universal system.

Types of the Company's Services

The company has a wide variety of shipping and transportation services.
They are as follows:

· Liner Shipping;
· Transportation Solutions;
· Wide variety of containers;
· Used container sales;
· eCommerce.

Anyway, if you need a specific service, you can always discuss it with the representative of the company. Hamburg Sud is always looking for individual solutions for every client.

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