Home Steering Download presentation on the topic electric current generator. Induction generator. General view of an alternating current generator with internal poles. The rotor is an inductor and the stator is an armature

Download presentation on the topic electric current generator. Induction generator. General view of an alternating current generator with internal poles. The rotor is an inductor and the stator is an armature

Electric current generator(old
name alternator) is
electromechanical device that
converts mechanical energy into
AC electrical energy.
Most alternators
use a rotating magnetic field.


Systems producing alternating current were
known in simple forms since the discovery
magnetic induction of electric current. Early
the machines were designed by Michael Faraday and
Hippolyte Pixie.
Faraday developed a "rotating
triangle", the action of which was
multipolar - each active conductor
passed sequentially through the region where
the magnetic field was in opposite directions
The first public demonstration of the most
strong "alternator system" took place in
1886 Large two phase generator
AC was built by the British
electrician James Edward Henry
Gordon in 1882.
Lord Kelvin and Sebastian Ferranti also
developed an early alternator that produced
frequencies between 100 and 300 hertz.
In 1891 Nikola Tesla patented
practical "high frequency" alternator
(which operated at a frequency of about 15,000 hertz).
After 1891, multiphase were introduced

The operating principle of the generator is based on
the action of electromagnetic induction - the occurrence
electrical voltage in the stator winding located in
alternating magnetic field. It is created using
rotating electromagnet - the rotor when passing through it
DC winding. AC voltage is converted
to DC using a semiconductor rectifier.

All DC motors consist of a rotor and a stator, with the rotor being the moving part of the motor and the stator not.

Diagram of a radial piston rotary pump:
1 - rotor
2 - piston
3 - stator
4 - axle
5 - discharge cavity
6 - suction cavity

Classification of generators by type of prime mover:

Diesel generator
Wind generator


- a device consisting
from a synchronous generator and steam or gas
turbine acting as a drive. Main
function in transformation in internal
energy of the working fluid into electrical energy, through
rotation of a steam or gas turbine.

Diesel power plant (diesel generator)

Diesel power plant (diesel generator set,
diesel generator) - stationary or mobile
power plant equipped with one or
several electric generators driven
from a diesel internal combustion engine.
As a rule, such power plants are combined into
own alternator and internal motor
combustion units, which are mounted on a steel frame, as well as
installation monitoring and control system. Engine
internal combustion drives synchronous or
asynchronous electric generator. Motor connection and
electric generator is produced either
directly by flange or via damper coupling


- a device consisting of an electrical
generator and hydraulic turbine, which acts as
mechanical drive, designed to produce
electricity at hydroelectric power stations.
Typically, a hydraulic turbine generator is
synchronous salient pole electric
vertical machine driven by rotation
from a hydraulic turbine, although there are also generators
horizontal design (including capsule
hydro generators).
The design of the generator is mainly determined
parameters of the hydraulic turbine, which in turn depend
from natural conditions in the construction area
hydroelectric power station (water pressure and flow). Due to
this is usually designed for each hydroelectric power station
new generator.

Wind generator

(wind power plant or abbreviated
wind turbine) - a device for converting kinetic
wind flow energy into mechanical energy
rotation of the rotor with its subsequent transformation
into electrical energy.
Wind generators can be divided into three categories:
industrial, commercial and household (for private
Industrial ones are installed by the state or large
energy corporations. As a rule, they are combined into
network, resulting in a wind power plant. Her
the main difference from traditional (thermal, nuclear) -
complete absence of both raw materials and waste. The only thing important
The requirement for a wind farm is a high average annual wind level.
The power of modern wind generators reaches 8 MW.

The use of generators in everyday life and at work

AC power plants operate in country houses and private
homes as an autonomous source of power supply, in
composition of equipment in repair and commissioning teams.
Welding power plants on construction sites are much more convenient than
stationary welding machines, especially in the initial stages
construction sites
Complete turnkey renovations with autonomous power generators
it gets easier. They save time and become indispensable in
field conditions when there is no power supply. Installation and
fabrication of metal structures also becomes easier when
There are no power sources nearby. Gather
metal structures are more convenient on site, rather than transporting the finished one
structure to the installation site.
There are times when duplication of the main power supply
vital. For clinics and hospitals with intensive care units and
surgical departments have an autonomous emergency system
power supply is very important. After all, human beings depend on it
life. Alternating current generators are widely used in
in everyday life and in production due to its compactness, reliability and
mobility. Wide range of applications makes them versatile
devices capable of producing current not only for the needs
production, but also in everyday life.

The quantitative growth in the use of energy has led to a qualitative leap in its role in our country: a large branch of the national economy has been created - energy. Electric power industry occupies an important place in the national economy of our country. Nuclear power plant in France Cascade hydroelectric power station

If k > 1, then the transformer is step-up. If k 1, then the transformer is step-up. If k 1, then the transformer is step-up. If k 1, then the transformer is step-up. If k 1, then the transformer is step-up. If k title="If k > 1, then the transformer is step-up. If k

Problem: The transformation ratio of the transformer is 5. The number of turns in the primary coil is 1000, and the voltage in the secondary coil is 20 V. Determine the number of turns in the secondary coil and the voltage in the primary coil. Determine the type of transformer?

Given: Analysis: Solution: k = 5 n2 = 1000: 5 = 200 n1 = 1000 U1 = 20 V * 5 = U2 = 20 V n2 = n1: k = 100 V U1 = U2 * k n2 - ? U1 - ? Answer: n2 = 200; U1 = 100 V; step-up transformer, since k > 1. 1."> 1."> 1." title="Given: Analysis: Solution: k = 5 n2 = 1000: 5 = 200 n1 = 1000 U1 = 20 V * 5 = U2 = 20 V n2 = n1: k = 100 V U1 = U2 * k n2 - ? U1 - ? Answer: n2 = 200; U1 = 100 V; step-up transformer, since k > 1."> title="Given: Analysis: Solution: k = 5 n2 = 1000: 5 = 200 n1 = 1000 U1 = 20 V * 5 = U2 = 20 V n2 = n1: k = 100 V U1 = U2 * k n2 - ? U1 - ? Answer: n2 = 200; U1 = 100 V; step-up transformer, since k > 1."> !}


"Alternator"Alternator (alternator)
is an electromechanical device
which converts mechanical energy into
AC electrical energy.
Most alternators
use a rotating magnetic field.


Systems producing alternating current were
known in simple forms since the discovery
magnetic induction of electric current.
Early machines were designed by Michael
Faraday and Hippolyte Pixie.
Faraday developed a "rotating
triangle", the action of which was
multipolar - each active conductor
passed sequentially through the region,
where the magnetic field was in opposite directions
directions. First public demonstration
the most powerful “alternator system”
took place in 1886. Large two-phase
The alternator was built
British electrician James Edward
Henry Gordon in 1882. Lord Kelvin and
Sebastian Ferranti also designed an early
alternator producing frequencies between 100
and 300 hertz. In 1891 Nikola Tesla
patented a practical "high-frequency"
alternator (which operated at a frequency
about 15000 hertz). After 1891, there were
multiphase alternators were introduced.
The operating principle of the generator is based on
action of electromagnetic induction -
occurrence of electrical voltage in
stator winding located in AC
magnetic field. It is created using
rotating electromagnet - rotor at
passing through its winding of direct current.
AC voltage is converted to
constant semiconductor

General view of an alternating current generator with internal poles. The rotor is an inductor and the stator is an armature

Rotor - core,
rotating around
horizontal or
vertical axis
along with his
The stator is a stationary core with its winding.

Generator design diagram: 1 - fixed armature, 2 - rotating inductor, 3 - contact rings, 4 - brushes sliding along them

generator I
(rotor) and armature
(stator) 2, in
winding of which

poles. On the rotor shaft
on right

Types of generators:

A turbogenerator is a generator
which is put into action
steam or gas turbine.

Diesel unit


Early 20th century alternator made in Budapest,
Hungary, in the hall of electricity production of a hydroelectric power station
(photo by Prokudin-Gorsky, 1905-1915).

current Driven
the belt is removed.

Wide application of alternators:

It will come as no surprise to anyone that these days the popularity,
relevance and demand for devices such as power plants and alternating generators
current are quite high. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that modern
Generating equipment is of great importance to our population. Besides
it is necessary to add that alternating current generators have found their wide range
application in a wide variety of fields and areas.
Industrial generators can be installed in places such as clinics and
kindergartens, hospitals and catering establishments, freezer warehouses and
many other places that require a continuous supply of electrical current. Pay your
Please note that lack of electricity in a hospital can lead directly to
to the death of a person. That is why there should be generators in such places
must be installed.
Also quite common is the use of generators
alternating current and power plants at construction sites. This
allows builders to use the equipment they need even in those areas
where there is no electrification at all. However, the matter did not stop there.
Power plants and generator sets have been further improved. IN
As a result, we were offered household alternating current generators that
could be quite successfully installed for the electrification of cottages and country houses
Thus, we can conclude that modern alternating generators
current have a fairly wide range of applications. In addition, they are able to solve
a large number of important problems associated with incorrect operation of electrical
network, or lack thereof.

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Presentation on the topic: “Three-phase current generator” Municipal Atypical General Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 1 of the city of Belovo” Head: Irina Aleksandrovna Popova Completed by: students of class 11 “B” Ponomarev Kirill Malakhov Alexander Glushchenko Anatoly Belovo 2011 BRAIN 2.0

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Objectives: 1) understand the principle of operation of a three-phase generator 2) find out the advantages of three-phase systems 3) consider connections in three-phase circuits 4) compare phase (Uph) and linear (Ul) voltages 5) consider diagrams, graphs to study and consolidate knowledge of the topic. 6) carry out the experiment, applying the acquired knowledge 7) draw practical conclusions

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History of the origin... Mikhail O Sipovich Doli Vo-Dobrovolsky is a Russian electrical engineer of Polish origin, one of the creators of three-phase alternating current technology, a German entrepreneur. The creative and engineering activities of M. O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky were aimed at solving problems that would inevitably be encountered with the widespread use of electricity. Work in this direction, based on the three-phase current obtained by Nikola Tesla, in an unusually short time led to the development of a three-phase electrical system and a perfect, in principle, unchanged design of an asynchronous electric motor. Thus, currents with a phase difference of 120 degrees were obtained, a connected three-phase system was found, the distinctive feature of which was the use of only three wires for the transmission and distribution of electricity.

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Design of a three-phase current generator The operating principle of the generator is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction - the occurrence of electrical voltage in the stator winding located in an alternating magnetic field. It is created using a rotating electromagnet - the rotor - when direct current passes through its winding. Main elements: The inductor in a three-phase current generator is an electromagnet, the winding of which is powered by direct current. The inductor is the rotor, the generator armature is the stator. Three independent electrical circuits are located in the stator slots. windings shifted in space by 120 degrees. When the rotor rotates at angular speed, an induced emf occurs, changing. according to the harmonic law with frequency ω Due to the shift of the windings in space, the oscillation phases are shifted by 2p/3 and 4p/3.

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Connections in three-phase circuits Phase voltage is the voltage between the beginning and end of each phase winding of the generator. Line voltage is the voltage between the beginnings of any two phase windings.

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Experiment Three coils with cores are placed around a circle at an angle of 120° with respect to each other. Each coil is connected to a galvanometer. A straight magnet is attached to the axis in the center of the circle. If you rotate the magnet, an alternating current appears in each of the three circuits. When the magnet rotates slowly, you can notice that the highest and lowest values ​​of currents and their directions will be different at each moment in all three circuits.

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Advantages of three-phase systems: 1) economical production and transmission of electricity 2) the ability to obtain a relatively simple circular rotating magnetic field 3) the ability to obtain two operating voltages in one installation: phase and linear 4) the use of fewer wires in production Conclusion: Thanks to these advantages, three-phase systems are the most common in modern power engineering.

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List of used literature: Bessonov L.A. Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering: Electric circuits. Textbook for students of electrical engineering, energy and instrument engineering specialties of universities. –7th ed., revised. and additional –M.: Higher. school, 1978. –528 p.; Glazunov A.T., Kabardin O.F., Malinin A.N., Orlov V.A., Pinsky A.A., S.I. Kabardina “Physics. Grade 11". – M.: Education, 2009. Fundamentals of circuit theory: Textbook. for universities / G.V. Zeveke, P.A. Ionkin, A.V. Netushil, S.V. Strakhov. –5th ed., revised. –M.: Energoatomizdat, 1989. -528 p.

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