Home Steering Account 94 posting examples. Accounting: writing off shortages

Account 94 posting examples. Accounting: writing off shortages


29.04.10 — 11:16

The written-off goods went to account 94.
The account is not automatically closed at the end of the month.
What document should this account be closed with?


1 — 29.04.10 — 11:16

Tell me please, I can’t find it.


2 — 29.04.10 — 11:19

read the material part http://www.buh.ru/document-338


3 — 29.04.10 — 11:29

What document can be used to transfer the amount of 94 accounts to 91, except for an accounting transaction and adjusting register entries?


4 — 29.04.10 — 11:30

Are other expenses correct?


5 — 29.04.10 — 11:30

(3) other costs


6 — 29.04.10 — 12:08

Other costs


7 — 29.04.10 — 12:09

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Note: For small businesses, the second option is more convenient. When choosing the accounting policy “at full production cost”, costs can be written off monthly using the following entries:

  1. Debit 23 “Auxiliary production” Credit 26
  2. Debit 29 “Service production and facilities” Credit 26
  3. Debit 20 “Main production” Credit 26

When choosing the accounting policy “at reduced production costs”, general business expenses can be fully attributed to the cost price: Write-off of costs on account 25 “General production expenses”: Account 25 is closed monthly by writing off the amount of costs from the account with the following entries:

  1. Debit 20 “Main production” Credit 25
  1. Debit 23 “Auxiliary production” Credit 25
  1. Debit 29 “Service production and facilities” Credit 25

depending on the activity with which these costs are associated.

Closing the year: accounting entries

We talked about what postings are made when closing the month in our consultation. In this material we will talk about closing the financial year.

On December 31 of each year, after identifying the financial result from ordinary activities and other operations, it is necessary to reset the subaccounts to accounts 90 “Sales” and 91 “Other income and expenses” (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n).

When closing the year, transactions are usually generated automatically in the accounting program used.

We will show you what accounting entries should be made:

If other subaccounts were opened for accounts 90, 91 and debit balances were accumulated on them, they are closed in the same way: they are credited to the debit of subaccounts 90-9 or 91-9, respectively.

As a result of the entries made, all subaccounts to accounts 90 and 91 are closed.

After all sub-accounts to accounts 90 and 91 have been reset, only account 99 “Profit and Loss” remains to be closed.

After all, at the beginning of next year it should also not have a balance (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n).

The credit balance of account 99 (profit for the year) or the debit balance (annual loss) is attributed to account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”:

Debit of account 99 – Credit of account 84 – Reflected profit at the end of the year

Debit of account 84 – Credit of account 99 – Reflected loss based on the results of work for the year

Closing the year in accounting is otherwise called “balance sheet reform.” You can view the balance sheet reformation transactions using conventional digital data in our material.

Postings to 91 accounting accounts

It should be noted that account 91 is very similar to account 90, which involves the sales process. In this case, it also includes several subaccounts, expenses, income and financial results.

Subaccounts in this account may be as follows: What needs to be taken into account For example, if an enterprise is engaged in trading activities, then expenses and income that are associated with the sale of products cannot be reflected in this document.

Closing the month - postings, examples, laws

Closing the month - postings, examples, laws

Operations to close the month are carried out with the aim of summing up and determining the financial result of the current reporting period.

What is month closing and what entries should be made at the end of the period - you will learn about this from our article.

The procedure for closing the month and its main stages

The procedure for closing the month includes accounting operations, the main purpose of which is to determine the financial result of the organization.

The procedure for closing a month consists of several stages:

For organizations that apply PBU 18/02, one of the necessary operations when closing a month is to reflect the conditional income tax expense (income) in transactions. To determine the amount that needs to be posted, use the formula:

Conditional expense/income for NP = total balance for subaccounts 90/9 and 91/9 * tax rate 20%.

Month closing example

Gulliver LLC provides information and consulting services.

Accounting for shortages and losses

How the accountant writes off the losses received depends on the cause of the shortages and losses. And therefore, it depends on this whether taxes will be calculated correctly or not. Read our article about how shortages and losses of material assets are reflected in accounting and what needs to be done when they are identified.

How to identify shortages

To identify losses and shortages, you need to conduct an inventory. The procedure for its implementation, as well as the method for reflecting the results, are established by the Methodological Guidelines for the Inventory of Property and Financial Liabilities, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 No. 49.

The results are reflected in inventory reports and acts.

If the inventory commission reveals discrepancies between the actual availability of products and accounting data, then a matching statement is drawn up for these amounts in Form N INV-19. For discrepancies in fixed assets and intangible assets, fill out a statement in Form N INV-18.

Identified shortages and losses are taken into account on account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables.” Namely here they give:

  • the actual cost of missing or completely damaged inventory items;
  • residual value of missing or completely damaged fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • the amount of losses for partially damaged material assets.

How to write off the shortage

The decision to write off the shortage is made by the head of the organization. What it will be depends on the magnitude of the shortage, on whether there are established norms of natural loss for the missing property, and also on whether the persons responsible for the shortage have been identified.

  • within the limits of natural loss norms - to the accounts of production costs and sales costs;
  • in excess of the norms of natural loss - at the expense of the guilty persons.

If the perpetrators are not identified or the court refuses to recover damages from them, then losses from shortages of inventories and their damage are written off as financial results for a commercial organization and as an increase in expenses for a non-profit organization.

This procedure is used in accounting. Is it possible to take into account shortfalls when calculating income tax? Yes, you can. According to paragraph 2 of paragraph 7 of Article 254 of the Tax Code, shortages and losses within the limits of natural loss should be included in material expenses. And shortfalls in excess of the norms of natural loss, if the perpetrators are not identified, are included in non-operating expenses. This is stated in paragraph 5 of paragraph 2 of Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Let's consider each case separately.

Write-off of shortages within the limits of natural loss

As we have already said, shortages within the limits of natural loss can be attributed to expenses. Let’s make a reservation right away: in order to take into account shortfalls when calculating income tax, they must be written off according to the standards that were developed in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2002 N 814. For example, these are the Norms of natural loss for grain, its processed products and oilseeds. They were approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated January 23, 2004 N 55.

Example 1. Kolosok LLC grows rye. On April 1, 2004, an inventory was carried out in the organization. During the inventory process, a shortage was identified: according to the accounting data of Kolosok LLC, 20 tons of grain are stored in the warehouse for three months, but in fact, only 19 tons are in the warehouse. The cost of 1 ton of grain is 3,000 rubles. Therefore, the amount of the shortfall is 3,000 rubles. ((20 t - 19 t) x 3000 rub.). Grain is stored in bulk. The rate of natural loss for such grain is 7 percent.

The shortage was identified within the limits of natural loss:

5% (1 t: 20 t x 100%)< 7%.

The accountant of Kolosok LLC reflected the shortage as follows:

Debit 94 Credit 43

  • 3000 rub. — the shortage of grain identified during the inventory was taken into account;

Debit 20 Credit 94

  • 3000 rub. — the shortage of grain within the limits of natural loss was written off as expenses.

When calculating income tax, the accountant of Kolosok LLC took into account a shortfall in the amount of 3,000 rubles. as part of material costs.

Write-off of shortages in excess of natural loss norms

What if the identified shortage is greater than the norms of natural loss? Or are the norms of natural loss not defined? In this case, if the guilty persons are identified, the amount of the shortfall is written off at their expense.

To compensate for such damage, an order from the enterprise administration is sufficient, and the necessary amount will be withheld from the employee’s salary. Please note: the order must be made no later than one month from the date the shortage was discovered, and money can be withheld from the employee in an amount not exceeding his average monthly earnings. This is established by Article 248 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Is it necessary to charge VAT on the amount contributed by the employee? We think not. The fact is that the object of VAT taxation is the sale of goods. This is stated in paragraph 1, paragraph 1, article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. But in this case, there is no realization - the guilty person only repays the damage caused to the enterprise, and does not pay for the acquired values.

Example 2. The main activity of JSC Iskra is dairy cattle breeding. On April 1, 2004, an inventory was carried out in the organization. During the inventory process, a shortage of milk in the amount of 600 rubles was revealed. The farm manager agreed to voluntarily compensate for the damage. The amount is 400 rubles. he deposited cash into the organization's cash desk. The director ordered the rest of the debt to be withheld from the manager’s salary. In accounting, these transactions were reflected as follows:

Debit 94 Credit 43

Debit 73 subaccount "Calculations for compensation of material damage" Credit 94

  • 600 rub. - the shortage was attributed to the culprit - the manager of the Iskra CJSC farm;

Debit 50 Credit 73 subaccount "Calculations for compensation of material damage"

  • 400 rub. - the amount of the deficiency was deposited by the guilty person into the cash register;

Debit 70 Credit 73 subaccount "Calculations for compensation of material damage"

  • 200 rub. - the amount of the shortfall is withheld from the salary of the guilty person.

If the employee does not agree with the accusation, then the damage can be compensated only after consideration of the labor dispute or by a court decision. In this case, a situation may arise when the court sides with the employee, and those responsible for the shortage will not be identified. Then the amount of the shortfall is attributed to the financial results of the enterprise. At the same time, the shortfall is reflected in off-balance sheet account 007 “Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss.” There this amount is listed for five years.

Example 3. Let's use the conditions of example 2. However, this time we assume that the manager of the Iskra CJSC farm voluntarily refused to compensate for the shortage of milk in the amount of 600 rubles. The case was sent to court. As a result, the farm manager was found not guilty. And ZAO Iskra received a court order to suspend the criminal case due to the absence of perpetrators. Based on the order of the head of Iskra CJSC, the accountant wrote off 600 rubles. for non-operating expenses.

These transactions were accounted for as follows:

Debit 94 Credit 43

  • 600 rub. — the shortage of milk identified during the inventory is taken into account;
  • 600 rub. — the amount of the shortfall was written off as non-operating expenses of Iskra CJSC;
  • 600 rub. — the shortfall on the balance sheet is taken into account.

When calculating income tax, the accountant of ZAO Iskra took into account a shortfall in the amount of 600 rubles. as part of non-operating expenses.

However, shortages cannot always be taken into account in expenses. If an agricultural organization does not take any measures to find the perpetrators and does not go to court, then, by decision of the founders, the shortages are written off at their own expense. The same is done if the perpetrators are identified, but the company does not want to recover damages from them. Please note: in this case, the amount of the shortfall must be included in the employee’s total income.

Example 4. As a result of the inventory, LLC Voskhod revealed a shortage of feed in the amount of 10,000 rubles. The accountant attributed the loss within the limits of natural loss (5,000 rubles) to expenses.

The founders of Voskhod LLC decided to cover the remaining amount of the shortfall from the organization’s own funds.

The feed was purchased from Lugovoe LLC. At the same time, VAT paid in the amount of 1000 rubles. was accepted for deduction.

The accountant of Voskhod LLC reflected these transactions as follows:

Debit 94 Credit 43

  • 10,000 rub. — the shortage of mixed feed identified during the inventory was taken into account;

Debit 94 Credit 68 subaccount "VAT calculations"

  • 1000 rub. — VAT related to the cost of the missing feed has been restored;

Debit 20 Credit 94

  • 5000 rub. — the shortage of compound feed within the limits of natural loss norms was written off as expenses;

Debit 91 subaccount "Other expenses" Credit 94

  • 6000 rub. (10,000 - 5000 + 1000) - by decision of the founders, the shortage was written off at the expense of Voskhod LLC’s own funds.


Chief Accountant

LLC "Selmash"

Chart of Accounts

Account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”

Account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” is intended to summarize information on the amounts of shortages and losses from damage to material and other assets (including money) identified in the process of their procurement, storage and sale, regardless of whether they are subject to inclusion in accounts accounting for production costs (selling costs) or those responsible. In this case, losses of valuables resulting from natural disasters are charged to account 99 “Profits and losses” as losses of the reporting year (uncompensated losses from natural disasters).

On the debit of account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” the following are given:

  • for missing or completely damaged inventory items - their actual cost;
  • for missing or completely damaged fixed assets - their residual value (original cost minus the amount of accrued depreciation);
  • for partially damaged material assets - the amount of determined losses, etc.

For shortages and damage to valuables, entries are made in the debit of account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” from the credit of the accounts accounting for these valuables.

When the buyer, upon acceptance of valuables received from suppliers, identifies a shortage or damage, then the amount of the shortage within the limits stipulated in the contract, the buyer assigns when posting the valuables to the debit of account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” from the credit of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors", and the amount of losses in excess of the amounts stipulated in the contract, presented to suppliers or a transport organization - to the debit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" (sub-account "Settlements for claims") from the credit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" .

If the court refuses to collect losses from suppliers or transport organizations, the amount previously debited to account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (sub-account “Settlements for claims”) is written off to account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables.”

When the court makes a decision to recover from the supplier amounts of shortages and losses of valuables in excess of the amounts stipulated in the contract in the supplier’s accounting, the amount of the sale previously reflected in the debit of accounts 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” or 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” and credit to account 90 “Sales”, is reversed for the amount of shortages and losses collected by the buyer. At the same time, the specified amount is reflected by a regular entry in the debit of accounts 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” or 51 “Settlements accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts” and the credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”. When transferring amounts to the buyer, account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” is debited in correspondence with account 51 “Settlement accounts”. The supplier must also reverse the turnover on the debit of account 90 “Sales” and the credit of account 43 “Finished products”. The amount restored in this way on account 43 “Finished products” is then written off to the debit of account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables.”

In the credit of account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” the write-off is reflected:

  • shortages and damage to valuables within the limits stipulated in the contract - to the accounts of material assets (when they are identified during procurement) or within the limits of natural loss - production costs and sales costs (when they are identified during storage or sale);
  • shortage of valuables in excess of the values ​​(norms) of loss, losses from damage - to the debit of account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations” (sub-account “Settlements for compensation of material damage”);
  • shortages of valuables in excess of the values ​​(norms) of loss and losses from damage to valuables in the absence of specific culprits, as well as shortages of inventory items, the recovery of which was refused by the court due to the unfoundedness of the claims - to account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

In the credit of account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” amounts are reflected in the amounts and values ​​accepted for accounting in the debit of the specified account. At the same time, missing or damaged material assets are written off to the production cost (sales expense) accounts at their actual cost.

Operations for accounting for losses and shortages are specific and atypical for many enterprises. The accounting account is used to reflect the amounts of identified shortages. In the article we will look at the features, and also look at the account.

Features of accounting for losses and shortages

Dt CT Description Document
01 A shortage of a fixed asset item was identified (the residual value of fixed assets was written off) Inventory sheet
Write-off of the cost of animals at livestock enterprises (if a shortage is identified, as well as dead and forced slaughter) Inventory sheet
Equipment shortage identified Inventory sheet
08 A shortage of investments in non-current assets has been identified Inventory sheet
10 A shortage of materials has been identified Inventory sheet
41 Reflection of the actual cost of goods for which shortages or damage have been identified Inventory sheet

The amounts of shortages identified in production are reflected in the following entries:

Depending on the fact of identifying the person responsible for the shortage, the cost of losses can be covered or written off as expenses:

Dt CT Description Document
73 The amount of the shortfall is attributed to the guilty party
The amount of the shortfall is charged to other expenses (in the absence of the culprit) Inventory sheet, Commission report
99 The fact of the shortage is recognized as an extraordinary expense Inventory sheet, Commission report

An example of accounting for transactions on account 94

An inventory was carried out at Mechanic LLC, as a result of which a shortage of goods and materials was revealed (working clothing in the amount of 3 units). Based on the fact of the investigation, the culprit was identified - the mechanic of the production workshop S.R. Petrenko. The cost of workwear (4,275 rubles) was withheld from Petrenko’s salary.

Account 94 in accounting how to close

Reasons for shortages:

  • Theft
  • Natural decline
  • Accounting errors
  • Emergencies

Video reference “Accounting for account 94”: basic postings, accounting This video briefly describes accounting for account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”, the basic postings and accounting examples are discussed. The teacher of the site “Accounting and Tax Accounting for Dummies”, chief accountant N.V. Gandeva, runs the site. ⇓ Account 94 in accounting in infographics. Typical entries The figure below shows accounting account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” and typical entries for their accounting. To enlarge the picture, click on it.

Accounting entries for account 94

Based on the fact of the investigation, the culprit was identified - the mechanic of the production workshop Petrenko S.R. The cost of workwear (4,275 rubles) was withheld from Petrenko’s salary.

Reflection of the shortage and its compensation were reflected in the accounting of Mechanic LLC: Dt Kt Description Amount Document 10.11 10.10 Special clothing was issued to the workshop foreman Petrenko 4275 rubles. Acceptance and transfer certificate 20 10.11 The issued protective clothing is reflected in expenses 4275 rubles.
Transfer and acceptance certificate 94 98 Shortage identified (3 sets of workwear * 1425 rub.) 4275 rub. Inventory sheet 73 94 The debt of Petrenko S.R. is taken into account.
according to the identified shortage 4275 rubles. Commission report 70 73 An amount was withheld from Petrenko’s salary to cover losses from the identified shortage of 4,275 rubles. Salary sheet 98 91.1 The amount of repaid damage is reflected in non-operating income 4275 rubles.

Account 94 "shortages and losses from damage to valuables"

Account 94: example of accounting entries During the inventory, shortages of inventory items were identified in the organization:

  • Materials in stock in the amount of RUB 17,894.
  • Products in the retail department worth RUB 9,542.
  • Lack of funds in the cash register in the amount of 541 rubles.

Also, when accepting a new batch of goods worth 221,500 rubles. a shortage of materials was identified from the supplier in the amount of 12,443 rubles. According to the terms of the contract, the natural loss of goods and materials during transportation can be 2% of the cost.

Debit of account 94 – Credit of accounts 10 “Materials”, 41 “Goods”, 43 “Finished products” And if a shortage was identified during check of the cash register, then it is reflected in the same way: Debit of account 94 – Credit of account 50 “Cash desk” For missing or completely damaged for objects of fixed assets, the debit of account 94 no longer includes their accounting value, but the residual value: Debit of account 94 – Credit of account 01 “Fixed assets” If shortages or damage to valuables are identified upon their acceptance from the supplier, then such losses are within the limits stipulated in the contract are reflected as follows: Debit of account 94 – Credit of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” And losses in excess of the agreed amounts will be accounted for as follows: Debit of account 94 – Credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” Write-off of shortages and losses from account 94 Amounts , reflected in the debit of account 94, are subject to write-off.

Account 94 in accounting: postings, examples, account correspondence

  • Inventory;
  • Acceptance of goods from the supplier;
  • Checking documents.

The debit of account 94 takes into account the cost of shortages and losses from the credit accounts, depending on the type of property.

Account 94: shortages and losses from damage to valuables. example, wiring

Every organization has valuables, be it goods, materials or fixed assets, with which unpleasant situations can happen when these values ​​deteriorate or disappear. For such situations in accounting, account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” is intended.

It does not matter whether they are written off as expenses or reimbursed by the guilty parties. Table of contents

  • 1 Account 94 in accounting
  • 1.1 Standardized losses and shortages
  • 2 Correspondence of account 94
  • 3 Examples of accounting entries for account 94
  • 3.1 Example 1. Lack of funds
  • 3.2 Example 2.
  • Accounting account 94

    What needs to be done from April 16 to 20 Every day spring comes into its own more and more confidently. The bright sun, blue sky and birdsong can make anyone forget about worries and plunge into sweet dreams.

    So that while you indulge in your dreams, you do not miss any important accounting dates, we present to your attention our weekly reminders.< < … Выдать увольняющемуся работнику копию СЗВ-М нельзя Согласно закону о персучете работодатель при увольнении сотрудника обязан выдать ему копии персонифицированных отчетов (в частности, СЗВ-М и СЗВ-СТАЖ).

    14.1. Basic regulatory documents

    However, these reporting forms are list-based, i.e. contain information about all employees. This means transferring a copy of such a report to one employee means disclosing the personal data of other employees.

    Postings to accounting account 94

    On the credit of account 94: Dt Kt Posting description 08.3 94 Shortage of inventory items intended for construction was written off (within the limits of natural loss) 20 94 Standardized shortages taken into account in production 23 94 Normalized shortages taken into account in auxiliary production 25 94 Normalized shortages taken into account for general production costs 26 94 Normalized shortages taken into account for general business expenses 29 94 Standardized shortages are taken into account in service production 44 94 Standardized shortages are taken into account in sales expenses 70 94 Non-standardized shortages are compensated from the employee’s wages 73.2 94 Non-standardized shortages are compensated by the person responsible (not from wages) 91.2 94 Non-standardized shortages are written off to other expenses Examples of accounting entries for the account 94 Example 1. Shortage of funds When conducting an inventory at Dandelion LLC, a shortage of 5,000.00 rubles was revealed.


    • Completely damaged or missing - their actual cost is given;
    • Partially damaged – actual losses.

    2. Fixed assets:

    • Completely damaged or missing - their residual value is given, that is, the original cost taking into account the amount of accrued depreciation;
    • Partially damaged – actual damages

    Others - based on actual losses, that is, the amount of determined losses is given. Types of shortages and losses:

    • Normalized, that is, within the limits of natural decline;
    • Unstandardized, that is, in excess of the norms of natural loss.

    Standardized losses and shortages Normalized losses and shortages include natural loss during storage or transportation (shrinkage, spillage, shaking, etc.) and caused by physical and chemical properties.

    On the debit of account 94, shortages are recorded in the following amounts:

    • actual cost, if inventory items are completely damaged or missing
    • residual value - for fixed assets that have completely fallen into disrepair or are missing
    • actual losses if inventory items are partially lost

    Basic accrual entries for account 94: Transactions Account Write-off of the residual value of a fixed asset if it is completely unusable or absent (theft, shortage) 01 Shortage or damage to materials 10 Shortage or damage to goods in the warehouse 41 Shortage or damage to equipment 07 Shortage of funds at the cash register 50 Shortage , identified in production 20 (23, 29) Shortage identified upon acceptance of goods and materials from the supplier 60 Shortage of investments in non-current assets 08 Account 94: write-off of shortages On loan 94 accounts reflect the write-off of shortages, that is, their attribution to expenses.

    Account closing operations 94

    Account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” is used to display the company’s costs due to the discovery of shortages or damage to inventories, fixed assets or goods (for example, during inventory).

    Account 94 in accounting is used by legal entities to display information about detected shortages or costs from damage to valuables (including cash). These losses can be detected both during the procurement and storage of goods, for example, during inventory, and during transfer to the buyer.

    Account 94 is active. The debit displays the following amounts:

    • actual cost of inventory items for which shortages or damage were discovered during inventory (actual cost means the accounting price of inventory items plus transportation and procurement costs);
    • residual value of capital equipment for which shortages were identified during inventory or damage was discovered (residual value means the original cost of fixed assets reduced by the amount of accrued depreciation).
    • calculated costs for partial damage to inventory items, etc. (if these goods can then be sold at a discount or used).

    Something to keep in mind! Transactions on Dt94 are displayed in correspondence with accounts for recording these values ​​(10,01,41, etc.).

    Information about the write-off of expenses is entered into the account credit:

    • if the guilty person is identified - to the debit of the accounts of settlements with employees (account 73) in the amounts determined for reimbursement from the employee;
    • in the absence of guilty persons and in excess of the norms of natural loss - on the financial result of the enterprise (Dt91);
    • within the limits of natural loss norms - to the debit of production accounting accounts (damage or shortage is detected during the storage of goods) or sales costs (if damage or shortage of goods is detected at the time of sale);

    Note from the author! Write-off of shortages and defects according to Kt94 is carried out in the amounts and quantities for which the inventory data were entered in Dt94. Amounts are written off for production expenses or selling costs based on the actual cost of inventory items.

    More information about the inventory rules:

    Features of reflecting amounts on account 94

    1. Purchase of goods.

      If a shortage or damage to products is detected at the time of receipt of goods from the supplier, the amount of the shortage within the limits provided for in the agreement with the supplier is displayed according to Dt94 in correspondence with Kt60. The amount of costs in excess of the agreed norm is recorded in Dt76 in correspondence with Kt60. If a court decision is made with a refusal to recover costs incurred by the supplier or freight forwarding company: the amounts included in debit 76 are transferred to Dt94.

    2. Those responsible for damage or shortage of products have been identified.

      The difference between the amount billed for reimbursement from the employee and the amount included in debit 94 (actual cost of inventory and materials) is recorded in Kt98.4. In the process of reimbursement from the employee, the amounts are written off from the income account for the future period in correspondence with account 91.

    3. Costs from shortages or damage to inventory items from previous periods for which the perpetrators have been identified or there is a court decision to recover from the perpetrators.

      The amount of the deficiency will be reflected: debit 94, credit 98 and at the same time debit 73, credit 94. During the reimbursement of the amounts, operations are carried out on the debit of account 98 and the credit of account 91.

    Practical example.

    An annual inventory was carried out at Solnyshko LLC. Based on the results of the audit, the following information was provided:

    • absence of a machine, the initial cost of which was 63 thousand rubles, accrued depreciation - 23 thousand rubles;
    • shortage of materials in storage warehouses within the limits of natural loss norms: total amount - 15 thousand rubles;
    • cash discrepancy in the amount of 150 rubles.

    Display of business transactions in accounting:

    1. Displaying the residual value of the machine on the loss account

      Dt94 Kt01 - 40 thousand rubles

    2. Inventory shortage display

      Dt94 Kt10 - 15 thousand rubles

    3. Cash mismatch

      Dt94 Kt50 - 150 rubles.

    4. During the criminal trial, the person responsible for the missing machine was not identified

      Dt91.2 Kt94 - 40 thousand rubles.

    5. The cost of missing inventories within the limits of natural loss norms was written off as production expenses

      Dt20 Kt94 - 15 thousand rubles.

    6. The cashier was found guilty of a lack of cash

      Dt73.2 Kt94 - 150 rubles

    Analytical monitoring

    Analytical monitoring of 94 accounts is not provided for in accounting.

    Normative base

    The use of account 94 to account for identified shortages or damage to inventory items is carried out in accordance with the current Chart of Accounts, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94 and other legally approved documentation.

    You can view the current chart of accounts here.

    Common postings according to account 94

    1. A shortage or damage was detected during the receipt of goods received from the supplier:

      Dt94 Kt60 - within the limits specified in the contract;

      Dt76 Kt60 - above the loss limits specified in the agreement with the supplier;

      Dt94 Kt76 - in case of a court decision on the impossibility of collecting costs.

    2. A shortage is identified (for example, during an inventory):

      Dt94 Kt01 - fixed assets (at residual value);

      Dt94 Kt10 - material reserves;

      Dt94 Kt41 - goods (at actual cost).

    3. Shortages or damage to inventory items were identified during the production process:

      Dt94 Kt20 - for main production;

      Dt94 Kt23.29 - for auxiliary or service production.

    4. Write-off of shortages within the limits of natural loss:
    5. Filing a claim for reimbursement of costs from the guilty party:
    6. Write-off of costs if it is impossible to identify the culprits:
    7. Write-off of costs when shortages or damage to products are recognized as extraordinary costs:

    Victor Stepanov, 2017-12-04

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    When performing control and audit activities, as well as inventory checks of the activities of any economic entity, inconsistencies between accounting data and actual indicators are identified. We will tell you in our article how to correctly reflect the identified shortcomings in the company’s accounting.

    In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 94n, all identified shortfalls from property damage should be reflected in special account 94. To assign such transactions to special account 94, first of all, the fact of loss or shortage of the enterprise’s assets must be documented. For example, draw up an inventory list that will reflect discrepancies, or draw up a special act. Then the amount of certain damage is attributed to the perpetrators, if they have been identified, or to the expenses of the enterprise, if the perpetrators cannot be identified.

    Let's look at how to close account 94 at the end of the year, and also determine which transactions to reflect operations on losses and damages.

    Features of accounting for losses and shortages

    Damages determined in the process of production or other types of activities can be identified not only during inventories or control activities. It is also possible to have a shortage of inventories, for example, during shipment, due to a natural loss of raw materials or due to force majeure.

    To reflect such transactions, a special accounting account 94 is used. This account is active, therefore, the amount of losses identified in the economic life of the company should be reflected in the debit, and the write-off is recorded in the credit.

    Typical entries when reflecting shortages:

    Note that before writing off account 94, shortages and losses should be correctly reflected. So, for example, fixed assets are reflected exclusively at residual value, when, when assigning inventories, goods or finished products to the account. 94 accept their cost.

    How to close 94 account

    When registering the write-off of identified losses from account 94, as the period of control and audit activities is closed, the corresponding accounting records should be compiled. However, the postings where account 94 is closed will depend on the type and causes of losses, as well as on the methods of covering them.

    Typical write-off transactions:



    Shortages and losses were written off within the limits specified in the supply agreement

    Should be included in the cost of finished products or raw materials used in production (manufacturing of goods)

    Losses of raw materials were written off within the limits of natural loss

    Should be charged to the accounts of main or auxiliary production or included in sales expenses

    Shortages, losses in inventories in excess of natural loss norms

    Included in other expenses, that is, company expenses not related to core activities

    The amount of the shortfall is written off to the guilty party

    Reflected solely at actual cost

    Note that if the company decided to recover from the culprit the market value of the lost object, then on the account. 94, still take into account the actual cost of the property, and reflect the difference with additional posting: Dt 73 Kt 98 “Deferred income”.

    Account 94 in the balance sheet, where is it reflected? There are no separate lines provided for the inclusion of damage amounts in the financial statements. In the balance sheet, reflect the amount of losses and shortages in line 1260 “Other current assets.”

    Example of closing an account 94

    Let us determine whether account 94 is closed at the end of the year using a specific example:

    Vesna LLC conducted an inventory of fixed assets and medical supplies in March 2019. Based on the results, a shortage was identified:

    • for finished products - in the amount of 5,000 rubles;
    • for material reserves - in the amount of 4800 rubles.

    The company's management identified the culprit - supply manager T.T. Petrushkin.

    The amount of identified damage is withheld from the caretaker’s salary.

    In accounting 94, the account is closed under the following conditions:

    • shortages are compensated by the guilty person through 73 accounts;
    • in the absence of the culprit, the losses are written off on 91.02;
    • shortfalls within the limits of natural loss are covered by costs and expenses;
    • when property is damaged as a result of natural disasters, 99 is used.

    During the reporting period, the company needs to record all account transactions as much as possible in order to get a complete picture of costs and revenue. At the end of the month, the company's work is summed up in order to have an idea of ​​the financial situation.

    Why are loss standards needed?

    Account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” influences the formation of expenses. It displays:

    1. Deficiencies identified during the inventory.
    2. Damage resulting from damage to company property.

    This account is active-passive, so it can have debit and credit balances. The debit collects lost property in total terms. Depending on the amount of losses, there are certain indicators, based on which the company writes off its damage:

    • within the limits of natural loss;
    • above the norms of natural loss with the appointment of a responsible person;
    • above the norms of natural loss without a specific culprit.

    Natural loss is the property’s ability to shrink, shrink, rot, break dishes and other factors beyond the control of the carrier, supplier or storekeeper.

    For each such product in trade there are standards within which shortages and losses are acceptable. For example, when transporting peaches, a certain amount may be crushed in the container, since this is a very delicate product, and there are potholes and potholes on the roads.

    To prevent this factor from being used for theft purposes, a specific standard has been established for the product. Loss in excess of the required standard is regarded as theft or intentional damage. Natural loss is calculated using the formula:

    cost (weight) of goods * loss standard / 100.

    What operations are used to replenish?

    When shortages and damage beyond the standard are identified, the company’s management has two options:

    • Attribute the amount of damage to the person at fault.
    • Decide that there are no culprits.

    Property losses are reflected by the following entries:

    • Dt 94 Kt 01 (07, 08, 10, 44) - property lost during storage in warehouses, during construction and installation;
    • Dt 94 Kt 20 (23, 25, 26, 29) - losses and shortages in the production process;
    • Dt 94 Kt 60 (73, 76) - when accepting goods (products) or transporting them from suppliers.

    Where to write off lost property?

    Accordingly, the stage of closing account 94 begins. It occurs depending on the definition of the measure of responsibility.

    When they go to costs

    If the damage is caused within the limits of natural loss, then it is considered that no one is guilty. In such cases, you need to use expense accounts:

    • Dt Kt 94 - material costs written off for damage during sale;
    • Dt 20 (23, 25, 26, 29) Kt 94 - damage written off as costs in the process of production activities;
    • Dt Kt 94 - losses are included in estimated reserves.

    If there is a person responsible

    However, if more is damaged or stolen than required by the standard, then the postings for closing the 94th account depend on whether the culprit is found. If a specific person is detected, then the accounting department needs to make entries:

    • Dt subkonto responsible person Kt 94 - the amount of damage is assigned to the culprit;
    • Dt Kt 73 - damage is deducted from the salary of the responsible person;
    • Dt 98 “Future income” Kt - the amount of damages is recovered from the guilty party if the losses relate to previous periods;
    • Dt 94 Kt 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” - if a third party is at fault.

    Important point! The responsible person must admit his guilt, otherwise nothing can be recovered from him. In such a situation, the company can only go to court and wait for a decision in its favor.

    For tax accounting purposes, the amount of the shortfall will be included in non-operating expenses. What the employee paid must be taken into account in non-operating income. The manager may decide to forgive the guilty person. In such cases, the amount of compensation is not included in the tax base.

    When no one is to blame

    It may happen that the culprits will not be found. This happens when, over the course of a year, worn-out equipment is thrown into a landfill, and no movements occur in accounting. As a result, there is a shortage during inventory. But since management is aware of the situation, there are no guilty parties:

    • Dt 91.02 “Other expenses” Kt 94 - the shortage is written off as a loss at the expense of the company.

    If the cause of loss is a natural disaster, then instead of 91 the following is used:

    • Dt 99 Kt 94.

    In tax accounting, such losses are written off simultaneously as non-operating expenses.

    An example of a shortage with the definition of MOL

    For example, during a quarterly inventory of the Teplitsa LLC warehouse, a shortage of tangerines in the amount of 14,000 rubles was discovered. Damage within the limits of normal natural loss - 7,000 rubles. The accountant applied the calculation formula to find out how many tangerines need to be written off in excess of the required standard:

    • 14,000 - 7,000 = 7,000 rubles.

    Now you need to reflect the deficiency in the program:

    • Dt 94 Kt 41 “Goods in warehouses” - 14,000 rubles.

    The storekeeper admitted his guilt and agreed to compensate for material damage from his wages. Operations need to be recorded:

    • Dt 44 Kt 94 - the account is closed for the amount of natural loss in the amount of 7,000 rubles;
    • Dt 73 Kt 94 - the amount of the shortage of 7,000 rubles was transferred to the storekeeper;
    • Dt 70 Kt 73 - a deduction of 7,000 rubles was made from the salary of the official responsible for the shortage.

    All that remains is to generate an account analysis to see if the account has been closed:

    Output data: BU (accounting data)

    There should be no balance on account 94. It may remain at the end of the year only if the investigation has not been completed and the person responsible has not been identified.

    Should I expect help from the program?

    Software products designed for accounting provide various opportunities for identifying shortages and closing turnover.

    In 1C version 8.3, you can reflect the amount of shortages found during inventory using the document “Inventory of goods in the warehouse” by department and MOL.

    After filling it out and posting it, you can “create based on” this document “Write-off of goods”. Here you need to manually select the product range, enter the quantity, and the program will enter the amount. You can learn this process using a video.

    Write-offs within the norms and above, regardless of the presence of the culprit, will have to be done in any version of 1C in manual operations. In versions 8.2 and 8.3, to do this, you need to go to the “Accounting, Taxes and Reporting” menu, select the “Accounting” section and go to the “Manual Transactions” subsection. When creating an operation yourself, you need to register all the transactions and fill out all the required subaccounts.

    For the 1C UPP 94 configuration, the account is closed by writing off the goods, but it is necessary to specify in the settings the cost estimation method “At planned cost”. Otherwise, the cost price may be calculated incorrectly due to skewed registers.

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