Home Nutrition Passport compressor refrigeration split system series ZS BZS220T201F. Specifications of ZS Series Compressor Refrigeration Split System Air Conditioner

Passport compressor refrigeration split system series ZS BZS220T201F. Specifications of ZS Series Compressor Refrigeration Split System Air Conditioner

Today we will talk about what technical characteristics an air conditioner can have. A small number of users understand these indicators, and not many people know what to look for when.

Probably the most important technical characteristic of the air conditioner is cooling capacity(or ). The value of this indicator determines what area of ​​​​the room the air conditioner is able to cool in its “normal” mode. A "normal" mode is one in which the compressor of the device operates without a constant maximum load. If, for example, on an area of ​​30 sq.m. put the “seven” (designed for 20 sq.m.), then it will most likely be able to maintain the desired temperature, but at the same time the compressor will operate in a constant maximum mode, which ultimately can lead to a significant reduction in its service life.

Cooling power is most often expressed in kW. 1 kW of cooling capacity of the air conditioner is able to provide 10 sq.m. area of ​​​​the room with a standard height to the ceiling (2.5-3 m.)

The next specification is heating power. The value of this indicator is usually slightly higher than the cooling capacity. Heating power is also measured in kW and reflects the amount of energy that the air conditioner is able to provide, but only when operating in "heating" mode.

Power consumption of a split system

Power consumption- a characteristic that is often confused with the previous indicators, even experts in this field. They are most likely confused, because it is also expressed in kW and, moreover, it can also have several indicators (maximum, minimum, nominal). This characteristic shows how much electricity the air conditioner consumes to perform its function (cooling or heating).

energy efficiency- an indicator that depends on the above characteristics, and reflects the efficiency (efficiency) of the split system from an energy point of view. This indicator is expressed by a coefficient, which is defined as the ratio of the produced power (cooling or heating) to the consumed power (during cooling or heating).

Suppose we know that an air conditioner with a cooling capacity of 2.2 kW consumes 0.6 kW of electricity when cooling a room. The energy efficiency coefficient of its work for cooling will be equal to 3.67.

In modern standards, it is customary to distribute the energy efficiency of electrical appliances into classes. Each class corresponds to certain values ​​of this indicator. In our example, a coefficient of 3.67 corresponds to the European class "A" (ie, to the most economical devices).

The next important characteristic of the air conditioner is sound pressure value(or noise) of the indoor and outdoor units. This characteristic is expressed in dB. The higher the value of this indicator, the noisier the device is, and therefore less comfortable for the user (and neighbors).

The sound pressure of indoor units has different value at different shaft speed. For example, for "sevens" at low speed in modern air conditioners, this figure is somewhere in the range of 24-32 dB. For some split systems, this figure reaches 19 dB. At high shaft speed, the noise level of most indoor units is about 36-42 dB.

For air conditioners "on / off" the noise level of the external unit is approximately in the range of 45-55 dB (for "sevens"). In operating mode, for such devices, the sound pressure is at the same value.

The performance of any inverter air conditioner changes during its operation, so the noise level of the outdoor unit also changes. For such air conditioners, only the maximum value of this indicator is usually indicated - about 50 dB.

Another characteristic that the user should pay attention to is permissible operating temperature outside air. It shows at what outside air temperature it is safe (from a technical point of view) operation of the air conditioner. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure high reliability and durability of the device.

Air conditioner specifications that are less important to the user

A less important characteristic for the user is the air flow. It indicates how much air is able to "pass" through the indoor unit in a certain amount of time.

There are other additional characteristics that are relevant to the design and installation process. For the user, they are practically of no interest. These are the following characteristics:

  • and the weight of the blocks;
  • tube diameters;
  • maximum and minimum length of pipelines;
  • maximum height difference;
  • type of refrigerant;
  • section of the power and interconnect cable;
  • and etc.

To summarize: In order to choose an air conditioner, it is necessary to take into account the most important technical characteristics, which are cooling capacity, power consumption, energy efficiency and noise level.

Air conditioner passport this is a document that displays the actual air parameters, for this, the output temperature and air flow at the outlet of the nozzle and the temperature in the room are measured and compared with the factory or design values ​​to conclude on the cooling efficiency. The passport of the air conditioner indicates the address of the object, the name, type and marking of the air conditioner, the serial number of the outdoor and indoor units, the cold power for heat and consumed, voltage and working current, the brand of freon, as well as measurements of the temperature outside and at workplaces of the premises.

Passport of the air conditioning system is drawn up according to the developed form of departmental structures of operation services, for example, gas companies of Gazprom LLC and formsV accordance with Appendix No. 2 to SNiP 3.05.01-85 "Internal sanitary systems". There is no official passport form for air conditioning, there is a GOST for issuing a passport only for ventilation systems, therefore we use a passport form from oil and gas companies of our country developed taking into account the requirements for operation and GOST.

It is often required at industrial enterprises and factories, for split systems, for ducted air conditioners with fresh air admixture, for technological industrial air conditioners. In addition to the passport of the air conditioner, it is possible to issue a technological map of the air conditioner or the outdoor unit and the evaporator of the supply ventilation system, indicating the freon pressure and the voltage and current values. For the chiller, it is possible to carry out an inspection with the issuance of a Chiller Test Report.

Why do I need a Passport for air conditioning?

For the technical service of the building owner and for the operation of technological equipment in order to effectively use climate equipment;

To inventory the object in order to take into account the quantity and condition of climate equipment, for accounting for write-offs of fixed assets for temporary development. As a rule, the service life and full development of the resource of the air conditioner is from 7 to 15 years;

To determine the technical condition of the air conditioner, based on the Passport of the air conditioner with actual measurements of the air in the room, it is possible to conclude that the air conditioner is in good condition and its efficiency, repair or replacement with a more powerful one is required;

- Based on the result of certification of the air conditioning system, it is possible to make a decision to repair the air conditioner, and then carry out a fault finding of the air conditioner (measurement of freon pressure, control of the cleanliness of the air filter and heat exchangers)with the issuance of an Air Conditioner Fault Certificate,determine the required maintenance, repair or replacement with a more powerful one;

For controlling state organizations, when certifying an object and licensing, when commissioning or reconstructing an object, for a labor protection service, for use in court, an air conditioning system passport is a legal document;

For the design of new ventilation systems in the building based on the existing passports for air conditioners and ventilation systems with actual air measurements.

MUSSON LLC has many years of experience and all the necessary certified tools for air measurements and certification of engineers in all areas in the field of construction for labor protection and in the field of industrial safety, SRO license approval.

To clarify the cost of inspection and air conditioning measurements, send us a floor plan, equipment specification, by e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. and contact our specialists by phone:(812) 605-45-44 (-45, 46).

The cost of air measurements and registration of an air conditioner passport is from 3000-00 rubles with VAT.


The main parameter of the air conditioner is measured: the temperature difference of the air flow at the inlet and outlet of the internal heat exchanger (between the warm air of the room T1 and the cold air blown from the air conditioner T2), the result: Δ T = according to the standards should be from 6 to 15 degrees, depending on the selected air speed on the control panel.

An anemometer measures the average flow rate of cold air ejection in the cross section of the exhaust nozzle of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, recalculated for air consumption (taking into account the area of ​​​​the free section of the exhaust nozzle) and compares with the design (factory) value. The temperature and air velocity (humidity) of the air at various points in the room and at workplaces are also measured.

Test result: temperature difference and air flow are recorded in the passport, based on the value of which it is possible to make an engineering calculation of the output cold (heat) power, and based on measurements of temperature and air velocity in the room, issue a conclusion on cooling efficiency and compliance with standards.

Devices for instrumental testing:

Device for measuring air flow velocity: Anemometer Testo 416 SN: 03017412. The certificate of approval of the type of measuring instruments and the Certificate of verification are attached to the Passport of the air conditioning and ventilation system.

Device for measuring humidity and air temperature: Testo 625 SN: 0212170.

Air measurements are carried out in accordance with regulatory documents:

– GOST 12.3.018-79. Ventilation systems. Methods of aerodynamic tests.
- Recommendations for the adjustment of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Code 7-1676. Moscow, 1986.
- Designer's Handbook Part 3 Ventilation and air conditioning. M., Stroyizdat, 1992.
– Adjustment and regulation of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Reference manual. M., Stroyizdat, 1980.

Air flow plan for air conditioning and ventilation.

Ventilation and air conditioning issued in accordance with clause 5.1 of GOST R EN 13779-2007. "VENTILATION IN NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS", taking into account measurements of indoor air parameters. Scheme of the air flow plan of the air conditioning and ventilation system is required to determine the actual movement of air flows through the room, the values ​​of temperatures and air velocity at workplaces, the boundaries of the serviced area, on the basis of which it is possible to draw a conclusion about the observance of technological conditions and a conclusion about the degree of comfort at workplaces.

The cost of air measurements and the design of an air flow diagram for one room is from 3000-00 rubles with VAT, depending on the area and the amount of equipment.

Indoor Air Flow Plan

METHOD FOR CHECKING THE AIR CONDITIONER PARAMETERS: The main parameter of the air conditioner was measured: the temperature difference of the air flow at the inlet and outlet of the internal heat exchanger (between the warm air drawn in from the room Т1 = +21.5°С and the cold air supplied from the air conditioner Т2 = +8.4°С) , result: ΔT = 13.1°C. An anemometer measured the average flow rate of cold air ejection in the exhaust nozzle section of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, recalculated for air consumption (taking into account the free section area of ​​the exhaust nozzle) and compared with the passport one.

Test result: temperature difference and air flow correspond to the passport ones.

The passport of the air conditioner is issued in accordance with: forms in Appendix No. B.6 STO Gazprom 2-1.9-900-2014 Order No. 93-OD dated 10/18/2016. DEVICES for instrumental tests:

1. Device for measuring air flow velocity and temperature: Thermal anemometer TKA-PKM (52), year of manufacture March 2015, serial number 653. Certificate of approval of the type of measuring instruments RU.C.A No. 38006. Verification certificate No. 0123032 dated 17.08.2017.

2. Device for measuring humidity and air temperature: Testo 625 SN: 0212170.

3. Duplicated air velocity measurements: Anemometer Testo 416 SN: 03017412.
compressor refrigeration split system seriesZS

1. Hardware Basics 3

3. Equipment dealer mark 4

4. Warranty 4

5. Equipment, accessories 5

6. Operating conditions 5

7. Conditions for calculating the volume of the chamber 5

8. Key Specifications 6

1. Basic information about the equipment:

Produced by Zanotti S.p.A. the equipment is designed to automatically maintain the set temperature in specially equipped rooms. The equipment is delivered completely ready for operation, equipped with automation and protection systems and has quality and electrical safety certificates. All units are supplied filled with freon and oil. On the body of each unit of the split system there is a plate ( Picture 1 ) with information about the model, date of manufacture, electrical characteristics, type and quantity of freon, machine weight and electrical diagram number.

Figure 1 - Chiller Label

The lifetime of the equipment and its failure-free operation depend on compliance with the rules of installation and operation, keeping it clean and stable power supply.

2. Completeness of equipment delivery:

3. Dealer's certificate of equipment sale:

3.1. Equipment type: Split system

3.2. Unit model: BZS220T201F

3.3. Factory number: __________________

3.4. Date of manufacture: 2010

3.5. Date of sale: "___" ______________ ____

Salesman ___________________________________ _________________

(full name) signature

4. Dealer's certificate of installation and commissioning:

Date of installation and commissioning "___" ______________ ____

Installation was made by _____________________________ _________________

(full name) signature

4. Warranty obligations:

4.1. Warranty Terms

The company guarantees the quality and proper operation of equipment purchased from official dealers, subject to the rules of transportation, storage, installation, operation and maintenance established in the “Installation and Operation Manual”. For all warranty repairs, please contact your authorized dealer.

4.2. Guarantee period

The warranty period is 12 months from the date of sale, but not more than 24 months from the date of manufacture. The warranty is provided by a seller who has a ZANOTTI Dealer certificate.

4.3. Parts not covered by warranty

Wear parts such as filters, oil, fuses, light bulbs, contactors and all other electrical parts are not covered by the warranty. Repair or replacement of parts of the equipment does not extend or renew the warranty period.

4.4. Cases not giving the right to warranty

The warranty excludes damages that occurred as a result of non-compliance with the conditions of transportation, installation, operation by the user or third parties; emergency and unforeseen events (power surges, irregular power supply, accidents and natural disasters, etc.). The manufacturer emphasizes the need to comply with the operating conditions (compliance with power supply parameters, ambient temperature, application temperature ranges, compliance with the operating conditions of the chambers and the absence of compressor overloads).

5. Complete set, additional equipment:

"X" - standard option

"O" - additional option

6. Operating conditions:

7 . Conditions for calculating the chamber volume:

8 . Main technical characteristics:

Monoblock model


Rated compressor power

Refrigeration power

Chamber volume (80/100 mm)

Power consumption

Current consumption

Condenser air flow

Air flow W/O

Jet range

Unit mass / VO,

Average temperature (0C°/ +30C°)

Low temperature (-20C°/ +30C°)

For Notes:



















































In the hot season, houses and offices cannot do without air conditioners, which provide such a welcome coolness that allows you to work and relax normally. Today, the market offers a wide range of equipment that allows you to carry out full-fledged air conditioning.

Types of air conditioners.

For a home or small office, choosing the best wall-mounted air conditioner is not difficult. The power of such a system is 2-7 kW, and this is quite enough to cool a small space ranging from 10 to 75 square meters. The system consists of 2 blocks, internal and external. The outer one, as a rule, is installed under the window, and the inner one - in close proximity to the outer one.
If your room has suspended ceilings, then a cassette air conditioner would be the best choice. Such systems organize the flow of air in four directions at once, due to which they are mainly installed in non-residential premises with a large area. These are conference rooms, hospitals, offices, shops.
If the task is to air-condition several rooms at once, then it is best to buy a ducted air conditioner. It also consists of two blocks - indoor and outdoor. Supply and exhaust ventilation is installed together with ducted air conditioners.

Why does an air conditioner need a passport?

Absolutely all products of air conditioner manufacturing companies undergo mandatory certification and receive documents certifying the compliance of equipment with existing state standards and operating standards. An air conditioner for a home or an air conditioner for an office must have a passport. All air conditioners must comply with GOST 26963-86, and the passport of the air conditioner and all accompanying documentation must meet the requirements of GOST 2.601-2006 ESKD. But why do you need a passport and an instruction manual for an air conditioner?
And in order for any consumer to be one hundred percent sure not only of the quality of the product, but also that the climate equipment meets the operating conditions that exist in our state. These conditions - start from the voltage in the network and end with the weather and climatic conditions characteristic of a particular area. There are manufacturers who do not put a passport and an instruction manual into a box with an air conditioner - this is fundamentally wrong.
Any air conditioner must have a passport, operating instructions and a quality certificate. This is the main documentation for climate equipment, which must necessarily come with it. This statement is fully confirmed by GOST 2.601-2006 ESKD.
On the first page of the passport of the air conditioner, it is indicated for which rooms the equipment is intended and safety instructions. A place is provided for indicating the organization that performed the installation of the installation and commissioning.
The technical passport contains the following information: model, power that the split system has, features of the configuration, installation and operation. An important parameter of the operation of any air conditioner is the minimum possible air temperature at which it can be turned on. Some systems are also designed to work in the winter season - this circumstance is also indicated in the product passport. Other important parameters of split systems that are indicated in the passport: air purification filter class, refrigerant and its quantity, compressor type, etc.
Important information for the buyer, which is indicated in the passport, is the manufacturer's warranty. As a rule, the warranty period is from 1 to 3 years. It also indicates non-warranty cases when a guarantee is not provided. Also, warranty obligations can be duplicated and the warranty card issued separately. As a rule, this is the natural physical wear of parts or assemblies, their replacement with parts not from the manufacturer, or the performance of service work by non-specialists.
The product passport contains information about the warranty repair and maintenance of the air conditioner, special notes on its operation and other information.
Climate technology without a passport should alert a potential buyer, make him think. If there is no documentation, then it is possible that the quality of the products is not the best. It means that buy air conditioner only needed from trusted dealers. Such firms offer their customers high-quality, modern and original equipment with passports from the manufacturer.

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