Home Wheels Sleep what does it mean on the air conditioner remote control. Climate control: what the buttons on the air conditioner remote control mean. What functions does the air conditioner perform?

Sleep what does it mean on the air conditioner remote control. Climate control: what the buttons on the air conditioner remote control mean. What functions does the air conditioner perform?

Greetings to everyone on the Air Conditioner website! Today I will try to write the most understandable instructions for managing a household split system. I hope that after reading each user will be able to control absolutely any air conditioner.

Before turning on the split, make sure that the outside temperature corresponds to its operating conditions. If you do not know the permissible outdoor temperatures for your model, then I do not recommend turning on the device when the outside temperature is below zero degrees. Read more about this.

P.S. It happens that some air conditioners automatically turn on after “power” is supplied - there is nothing to worry about. Just continue setting it up according to the instructions.

Instructions for the air conditioner remote control - what the buttons and icons mean

I will arrange all functions and buttons in order of importance from frequently pressed to rarely used.

It is possible that after pressing the button the device will not start immediately (this depends on the selected mode and temperature).

  1. To enable the desired mode there is a “Mode” button (can be displayed on the remote control in the form of several small icons - snowflake/sun/droplet). When pressed, the air conditioner modes are switched sequentially. Most devices have 5 modes:

After turning on the desired mode, it is important to wait 5-10 minutes for the Conder to change lanes.

P.S. It’s rare to come across remote controls where the modes are activated not by the Mode button, but by separate mode buttons - Cool, Heat, Dry, etc.

The principle of operation is simple - whatever temperature is set on the remote control, the air conditioner will maintain such a temperature in the room. For example, if you set 25, then the device will then try to maintain +25 degrees in the room (many people mistakenly think that the higher the number, the colder the device will blow - this is not true!!!)

  • Of course, if the air conditioner is not sized correctly, it will never reach the desired temperature.
  • On some models, the set figure automatically changes to the current temperature in the room - do not get confused !!!
  • The air conditioner will not cool if you set 25 degrees on the remote control, and in the room, for example, it is already 24 degrees. The same applies to the heating mode (the device will not heat if the desired temperature in the room has already been reached).

The display shows the fan rotation speed as a scale or low/med/high/auto (slow/medium/fast/automatic speeds). When setting the automatic speed, the device itself chooses at what speed to spin the fan at the moment.

Setting the speed does not affect the value of the set temperature (for example, if you set 25 degrees, then they will be maintained). This function only affects the speed of cooling the room (how quickly the set temperature is reached).

It is important not to confuse the adjustment of the “Fan” fan speed and the “Fan” operating mode (ventilation is switched using the “Mode” button). Also, do not confuse the automatic fan speed with the automatic operating mode of the device (“Auto” - also switched using the “Mode” button).

The flow of any air conditioner is regulated in two directions - up/down and right/left. Up / down for any air conditioner is regulated by a button on the remote control. But right/left can be adjusted manually (in this case, be careful and better turn off the air conditioner).

There are several variations of the “Swing” up / down button:

  • it happens that the direction changes in the simplest mode (pressed once - the curtains “float”, pressed a second time - the curtains are fixed at any point in the amplitude);
  • it happens that the direction changes step by step (pressed once - the curtain moved one step, pressed a second time - the curtains moved another step, and so on);
  • It happens that the position changes, as shown by the schematic image on the remote control display.

These were the main buttons that are absolutely on every remote control. Next, we will analyze additional, rarer buttons and functions.

The sleep display often shows a "moon" icon. You can find out more about how exactly your model works when this option is activated only in its operating instructions (comes with the documents for the “split”).

The quiet “Quiet” mode performs approximately the same function, only the temperature does not automatically change.

In most cases, setup begins by pressing the “Timer” button. And then it is better to use the instructions for a specific model to set the current time, the time to turn on or turn off the “split”. If the instruction is lost, then try to find it on the Internet. An extreme option is to try to set the time and timer using the so-called “poke method”.

This is accomplished thanks to the electrostatic field created by an additional device in the indoor unit of the air conditioner. The option is useful, if it is on your model, then be sure to use it.

"Hidden" buttons on remote control split systems

Some remotes have “recessed” buttons that are pressed with a thin object. These are usually the “Reset” buttons - resets the remote control settings to factory settings (usually automatic). And the “Lock” button, which locks the remote control from accidental pressing (or, for example, from children). To unlock you need to press it again.

The sequence of setting up any air conditioner

  1. First, turn on the air conditioner in the "network";
  2. Turn on the device with the “On/off” button;
  3. Select the desired mode with the “Mode” button. We wait 10 minutes, and in parallel we continue setting up on the following points;
  4. We adjust the desired temperature using the “Temp” buttons or arrows;
  5. If required, we adjust the desired fan rotation speed;
  6. If required, we adjust the direction of air flow by adjusting the “Swing” blinds;
  7. If required, we activate additional options - ionizer, self-cleaning, “i-feel”, “sleep”, “turbo” and others.

P.S. If the current temperature in the room matches the set temperature, the air conditioner will not cool (or heat depending on the mode).

Almost every home now has an air conditioner. Devices vary in price and functionality. Among the large number of programs, not all of them are understandable to the average user, and the instructions are often written in technical language that is understandable only to narrow specialists. Let's try to figure out what functions are present in our air conditioners and what they are needed for.

Among the many “skills” of an air conditioner, there are functions that raise the most questions. Let's analyze them.

The dry function in the air conditioner offers dehumidification of the air in the room. It helps when the room has high humidity. It is especially useful to use this function in spring or autumn, when it rains a lot and the humidity is very high.

The heat function in the air conditioner is the heating of the room.

Fan function - turns on ventilation. In this case, only the fan operates, without heating or cooling.

How does it all work?

It’s clear why these functions are needed. The question remains, how does it work? After all, many people turn to customer service because they can’t figure it out, either it’s not working correctly, or they misunderstood the purpose.


There are quite a lot of air conditioners with the dry function on sale now. So, let's look at the principle of operation of this mode.

The design includes a special valve that distributes freon pressure in a certain way. As a result, the upper part of the evaporator heats up, while the lower part collects condensate. In turn, the fan mixes cold and warm air. As a result, the air conditioner blows a warm, dry stream. The condensate drains itself through a special hose to the street.

The mode is used without lowering the temperature. This allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room, while reducing humidity. In addition, using the dry mode for drying prevents the formation of fungus and mold and reduces the risk of colds.

Can maintain indoor humidity between 35 and 60%.

Sometimes users try to reduce humidity using an air conditioner without this function. Here the disadvantages immediately become obvious - without lowering the temperature, drying does not occur.


This feature helps heat the room when it gets cold. The user sets a certain indicator below which the room temperature should not fall. The air conditioner maintains it by periodically starting and stopping the heating.

Important! Before starting the device in winter (at sub-zero temperatures outside), carefully read the instructions! Models have a limitation on starting at low temperatures!

Many air conditioners can operate for heating when the outside temperature is down to -5. Turning on the device at lower values ​​entails a breakdown, maybe not instantaneously, but quickly.

If you are interested in heating the room in winter, you should familiarize yourself with the maximum and minimum temperature limits before purchasing.

If you already have an air conditioner that cannot work, for example, at -10 degrees, this is not yet a reason to go for a new one. Most models, even budget ones, can be understaffed. There are special winter kits that allow you to increase the temperature range of the device. So even an inexpensive air conditioner can act as a heater at -20 degrees.


This function allows you to adjust the intensity of the air supply. In “fan” mode, only the fan operates, without heating or cooling.

Some models, therefore, provide not only ventilation, but also ionization, cleaning, oxygen saturation, etc. Accordingly, these devices cost a little more and require refilling.


We hope you now understand the exact purpose of these functions and how they work. Whether you personally need them is another question.

Use with pleasure!

NameHisense AS-09UR4SYDDB1G
Typeinverter wall split systeminverter wall split systeminverter wall split systeminverter wall split system
Serviced areaup to 30 sq. m12-30 sq. mup to 22 m²up to 20m²up to 30m²
cooling power2600 W / heating 2650 W2050 W2600 W / heating 3500 Wcooling power 2500 W / heating 3200 Wcooling power 2800 W / heating 2800 W
Additional Modesventilation mode (without cooling and heating), automatic temperature maintenance, self-diagnosis of faultsventilation, temperature maintenance, night, dehumidification modeventilation, temperature maintenance, night, dehumidification modeventilation, temperature maintenance, night, dehumidification mode
pricefrom 23400 rub.from 31,000 rub.from 18,000 rub.from 60,000 rub.from 42800 rub.
Where to buy

Technological progress does not stand still, so every day more and more new models of household appliances appear in the world. They help us to easily put things in order in the house, keep our clothes clean, cook a large number of delicious dishes, and also create a cozy microclimate. Many equipment has a remote control function, which is not always easy to understand right away. For a better understanding of this point, below will be described in detail how to use the remote control from the air conditioner to create comfortable conditions in the room.

Thanks to the production of air conditioners, it is possible to maintain a stable temperature in the room regardless of the season: in winter, a setting for heat is useful, and in summer, a cold air flow. Of course, there are opponents of this technique, who call the air in such a room “dead”. But is it better to sit in a stuffy room, where there is not even a place for a draft, or to freeze from terrible frosts?

What are the functions of modern air conditioners?

Previously, air conditioning was considered a luxury item for people with high incomes, but now it is available to a person even with an average income. In this regard, in stores you can find different models that have a certain set of functions for the corresponding price.

Among the capabilities of modern air conditioners are:

  • warm air supply mode;
  • cold air supply mode;
  • ventilation mode;
  • air cleaning;
  • ionization;
  • hydration;
  • spin;
  • setting a timer to turn the system on or off.

Accordingly, each model of equipment comes with an original remote control, which helps you select one or another mode and select the necessary characteristics. The designations of the buttons on the remote control have a standard appearance, so if you have ever used an air conditioner, this skill will be useful in the future.

It is worth noting that in the absence of a remote control, the air conditioner can only operate in automatic mode. At the same time, he independently chooses which function to turn on - heating or cooling. If the room temperature is below the set temperature, the heating is turned on; if higher – cooling mode.

If you know how to use the air conditioner remote control and it is in good working order, then you can perform the following operations:

  • turning off or turning off the air conditioner;
  • selection of the most comfortable operating mode;
  • selecting the desired temperature and fan speed;
  • using a timer to automatically turn equipment on or off;
  • setting the direction of air flow distribution, as well as other additional functions that correspond to the purchased model.

Information about the current air conditioner settings will be indicated by icons on the remote control screen. Some of these models have a hinged lid, and then the control is performed in two positions: closed and open. All commands that the user sets are displayed on the display. Therefore, you should not be afraid to make a mistake; any action can be easily undone.

Features of the remote control

It is worth noting that before you start issuing a command from the remote control, you must check that the selected mode allows you to make the desired settings.

  1. The remote control should be located at a distance of no more than 7 m from the front panel of the air conditioner.
  2. When transmitting commands, you need to point the remote control strictly at the IR receiver, which is located on the right side of the front panel of the air conditioner.
  3. The air conditioner confirms receipt of a command from the control panel with a sound signal.
  4. There should be no objects between the remote control itself and the air conditioner that interfere with the signal.
  5. When transmitting certain sequences of commands, it is required that the time interval between pressing buttons does not exceed a certain time. Otherwise, the entered commands are reset, and the entire sequence of commands will have to be entered again.

The air conditioner must constantly “read” the signals that come from the remote control, for example, temperature readings or other parameters. Therefore, place the remote control in a place where there are no obstructions for signals.

It is also necessary to monitor the state of the battery charge indicator, which will begin to blink when the battery is low, and, if necessary, replace the galvanic cell. Otherwise, the overall efficient operation of the air conditioner will be impaired.

How to start the air conditioner using the remote control?

The start of the air conditioner is carried out by pressing the "on / off" button on the remote control. After that, an audible signal is emitted, a green LED on the panel, called AIRCON, lights up, and the blinds open.

Then the question arises, how to set the air conditioner to cold or warm mode, turn on ventilation or drying? For this purpose, there is a “MODE” button, each press of which switches the current mode to another. In this way you choose the most suitable option for you.

To set the required temperature, you need to use the “+” and “-” buttons, depending on whether you want to turn on heating or cooling of the room. It is worth noting that some air conditioner models have a very limited temperature range, which should be clarified in advance before the purchase process so as not to be upset later. Also make sure to select the temperature according to the mode you are using. For example, when using the “heating” mode, it will not be possible to create a cool flow of air masses in the room.

If you are using dehumidification or automatic mode, the fan speed is not adjustable. In this case, the fan itself sets the necessary parameters.

When you select the “timer” function, you program the automatic operation of the fan for the next 24 hours. This is done using the “TIMER” button located on the remote control. “START” will appear on its screen and the initial time after which the air conditioner will turn on. By pressing the SET button you can increase this range from 0 to 10 hours. By pressing “START” again, you program the air conditioner to turn off, which is set in a similar way.

New generation remote controls

Manufacturers of modern household appliances are trying to make the process of using them as simple as possible. Therefore, even the more mature generation can be taught how to use the air conditioner remote control for its effective operation. Thanks to the clear and comfortable interface, as well as convenient buttons, this process will not cause any inconvenience.

Now you can easily turn on air extraction, ventilation or ionization while sitting on the sofa or in another part of the room. But make sure that there are no obstacles in the signal transmission path between the remote control and the air conditioner.

But there are situations when such an important element as the remote control breaks due to mechanical damage or is lost. The only thing you can do is turn on the air conditioner using the button on its side, if, of course, it is present there. In addition, the work will be carried out in automatic mode, so it is not possible to adjust the temperature, speed and direction of air mass flow.

In this case, there are two options left. Firstly, you can try to find an original sample from the same company. But remote controls from different manufacturers are often difficult to find, which takes a lot of time. In addition, they have a fairly high price.

Secondly, you can purchase a universal plan remote control. Such a product can be found in almost every household appliance store, and can also be ordered online. In addition, if you have more than one air conditioner in your house or apartment, then there will no longer be a need to get confused in a large number of remote controls; one such copy will control all the equipment.

Thus, the remote control is a really important element in the operation process, especially when it comes to the operation of the air conditioner. Thanks to it, you will be able to fully use your equipment and create the most comfortable conditions for you in your home.

According to research by sociologists, the majority of air conditioner buyers do not know and do not use most of the capabilities of the climate control equipment they have purchased. As a rule, they use several functions that form the basis of the set of capabilities of any modern air conditioner:

  • changing the operating mode of the equipment,
  • setting temperature and humidity,
  • fan speed setting
  • and, in some cases, the blinds' self-oscillation mode.

A similar situation is observed not only with regard to air conditioners, but also with any modern multifunctional equipment.

Air conditioner operating modes

Buttons on the remote control of the air conditioner

cool- cooling mode

Heat- heating mode

Dry- dehumidification mode, in this mode the air conditioner maintains the temperature several degrees below room temperature and the air flow at a minimum

Fan- ventilation mode, in this case the fan simply works, circulating air in the room (as well as cleaning, ionization, oxygen saturation if such functions are available)

Turbo, High Power- a mode in which the performance of the fan and compressor is briefly increased to quickly achieve the required air parameters.

Quiet, sleep- silent mode, sleep mode

MODE- function switching button (cold/heat/dry/ventilation)

swing, flap- control of lamellas, blinds.

Auto mode

All modern split systems can operate in the following basic modes: temperature control (cooling and heating), humidity control (air dehumidification and humidification), room ventilation and in the automatic selection mode of operation.

In temperature control mode, the air conditioner monitors temperature changes and, if it becomes higher than the set one, discharges excess heat to the street. If the room temperature is lower, then it takes warm air from the street and transfers it indoors.

Humidity control mode controls the amount of moisture in the air and, if necessary, reduces or increases it. At the same time, temperature fluctuations in the room are minimal.

When the ventilation mode is on, the air conditioner circulates the air throughout the room and purifies it.

The automatic mode of selecting the operation option of the air conditioner allows you to maintain the specified conditions in the room. In this case, the air conditioner itself selects the required operation option.

Temperature control

Adjusting the temperature in modern air conditioners is very simple: to select the optimal thermal regime, you just need to press the "+" and "-" buttons to increase or decrease the set temperature, respectively.

Fan speed setting

The fan speed determines the intensity of heating or cooling the room. The higher the speed, the faster the required temperature conditions are established and the more air will pass through the indoor unit. Most models of split systems are equipped with three speeds and automatic fan speed selection. With automatic speed control, the microprocessor itself can select the rotation speed based on the difference between the set temperature and the room temperature. If the difference is large, a higher speed is selected. In the dehumidification and "sleep timer" modes, the fan runs at minimum speed.

Additional features

Sleep timer (Sleep mode) allows you to save energy and maintain optimal temperature conditions for a long time. If this mode is enabled, the air conditioner allows the room to cool down by 2 degrees, and then begins to maintain the set thermal mode with an accuracy of +/- 2 degrees during the period set by the timer, after which the air conditioner turns off. The fan speed in this mode is set to the minimum to reduce the noise level. A sleep timer is installed in almost all modern air conditioners.

Inclusion self-oscillation of blinds occurs by pressing the "Swing" button. By self-oscillation of the blinds is understood the automatic movement of the air distribution dampers up or down. This mode of the conditioner promotes uniform distribution of the processed air on all volume of the room. Air flaps can be placed in one position. To do this, press the button or select in the settings "Air Flow Direction". To make it easier to control, the buttons for adjusting the movement of the blinds are equipped with a picture that displays the essence of the operation being performed.

On timer and turning off the air conditioner is present in almost all modern models. It allows you to set the time for turning on and off the air conditioner in a given mode. Some manufacturers set a 12-hour timer or several timers: one to turn on and one to turn off.

Turbo mode or "Jet Cool" used to quickly exit to a given mode. Sometimes this key is called "Powerfull". When it is pressed, the air conditioner starts operating at 110-120% of the rated power until the set temperature is reached in the room. In this mode, the air conditioner can operate for a maximum of half an hour. In inverter air conditioners, in which the engine rotation speed can be adjusted, this mode turns on automatically when the split system is turned on.

Responsible for transferring the keyboard measurement point from the indoor unit to the control panel "I Feel" function. When you press the button responsible for this function, the air conditioner maintains the set temperature where the control panel is located, without changing the direction of the air flow.

"Intelligent Eye" is a motion detector installed on air conditioners to save energy. If it detects the movement of a person or animal in the room, then the air conditioner operates as usual for the next twenty minutes, after which the air conditioner will turn off if it does not detect at least slight movement. The time of 20 minutes was not chosen by chance, since any person or animal cannot remain without movement for so long, unless, of course, he is sleeping. If the Smart Eye does not register any people or animals in the room, the air conditioner goes into economy mode, in which the temperature is maintained with deviations of +/- 2 degrees from the set one. "Smart eye" allows you to save up to 30% of electricity.

The sensor works the same way "Smart Eye", which turns off immediately as soon as a person leaves the room. In the dark it switches to economy mode. When morning comes or when the lights are turned on, the split system switches to normal air conditioning mode.

The presence of a built-in GSM device or Wi-Fi module allows you to control the air conditioner using a mobile phone.

Increased attention is paid to reducing noise levels, so many buyers purchase air conditioning for a comfortable sleep.

To achieve quiet operation of the air conditioner, the designers have changed the structure of the indoor unit. In wall-mounted split systems, they were made thicker to make room for a larger diameter fan. As a result, most manufacturers boast low noise levels of up to 26 dB(A) . The latest models of the Toshiba, Airwell and Electra brands have a noise level of 25 dB (A) and Gree - 24 dB (A) . The Mitsubishi Electric inverter models are record holders for air conditioner sound insulation - only 22 dB(A). To achieve this result, noise suppressors were built into the freon pipelines, thanks to which the air conditioner operates almost silently.

Functions performed automatically by the air conditioner

Automatic resumption of the air conditioner in the previous mode in the event of a power outage for a short period ("Auto Restart" ) . A modern air conditioner has a built-in, additional power source that feeds the RAM installed in the air conditioner. Batteries usually last 48 hours.

Function "Hot Start" allows you to prevent the supply of cold air from the street when the temperature is below zero, and the air conditioner itself is set to heating.

The built-in inverter allows you to smoothly adjust the compressor speed depending on the set power. In a conventional air conditioner, the compressor in this case operates in short bursts at maximum power.

An inverter air conditioner reaches the set temperature 15% faster than a conventional air conditioner. In addition, an inverter air conditioner allows you to more accurately maintain the required temperature - deviations from the set value are only +/-0.5 degrees, while with a conventional one +/- 1 degree.

Due to its smooth operation, an inverter air conditioner has the following advantages over conventional ones:

  • increase in service life, since the compressor receives the main wear during startup (according to the manufacturers, which is doubtful)
  • reduction in power consumption. An inverter air conditioner can save up to 44% of the electrical energy consumed by a conventional air conditioner. (also nothing but words is not confirmed)
  • the use of low starting currents allows the installation of inverter air conditioners in buildings with weak wiring;
  • reduction of noise level. Due to the fact that the indoor unit has a fan that rotates at low speed, the air conditioner produces less noise interference. (exactly the same fan has a regular air conditioner)

Air filtration- the air conditioner cleans the air in the room from harmful microorganisms and dust.

And then it came, that happy day when you installed the air conditioner. It remains only to turn it on, and the device will surround with its coolness. But do not think that using the conditioner is easy.

Operating Basics

We approach this matter with all responsibility, and the first thing we do after installing the device is study the operating instructions. Each air conditioner needs its own manual, and the LG brand will never fit the instructions from Ballu.

User Guide

In this small book you can find all the information you need: how to turn the device on and off, how to set the desired operating mode, how to properly care for your new assistant in the house.

Turn the device on and off with or without the remote

In order to operate the device, manufacturers strongly recommend using only the remote control. As for window air conditioners, it all depends on the model and location in the window. If the device is located at the bottom of the window, you can control it using the buttons on the panel. Is the block assigned a place at the top of the frame? Then to configure its operation you need a remote control.

Attention! You cannot turn the air conditioner on/off by inserting/unplugging the plug from the socket.

On the remote control we find the power button, it is designated “On/Off”, after pressing which the device will start or stop working. But there are situations when the remote control is broken, lost, or the battery is dead and there is no spare. Then we find a control panel on our air conditioner, almost always hidden from view. It is located on the indoor unit under the curtains. There is always a button for such an emergency activation; it is often illuminated in green or red. Depending on the manufacturer, it may be designated as “on/off” or “operation”. You need to press on it and hold it in this state for a few seconds, after which the air conditioner will turn on with a characteristic sound and begin to cool the room. If you need to set the device to heating mode, press the power button again. To complete the work, we proceed in the same order - press and hold for a couple of seconds. This completes the functionality of the control panel; changes can only be made using the remote control.

We set the operating mode of the air conditioner (heating/cooling). Icon interpretation

You can set the air conditioner to the desired operating mode, of which there are quite a few, using the control panel. For example, for heating the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Find the button on the remote control labeled “HEAT” and press it.
  2. If there is no such inscription, then we find the “MODE” icon; using it, the modes indicated by a snowflake, sun, fan and droplet are switched. We scroll through until we find what we are looking for - the sun, because we need heating.
  3. You can set the desired temperature using the “+” and “–” buttons.
  4. The device will not start heating the air immediately, it should take about 5–10 minutes.

The cooling temperature can be adjusted in the same way.

Controlling the air conditioner using the remote control

In addition to the buttons described, there are many others on the remote control. For some, even after several years of operation, they remain a mystery, but we will decipher them now.

  • HEAT (or “sun” icon) – heating mode,
  • COOL (or snowflake icon) – cooling mode,
  • DRY (or “drop” icon) is an air dehumidification mode when the air conditioner removes excess moisture from the room.
  • FAN (or “fan” icon) is a ventilation mode that determines the blowing speed. An air conditioner distributes air throughout a room without heating or cooling it.
  • TURBO - enhanced fan operation mode,
  • SLEEP (or “star” icon) is a sleep mode during which the fan begins to rotate more slowly, which ensures the absence of noise. The device also regulates the temperature itself, making it comfortable for sleeping.
  • SWING - with this button you can change the direction of the curtains,
  • TIMER (or “clock” icon) – a timer that allows you to set the temperature parameters in advance and configure the unit to turn on/off independently.
  • CLOCK - time setting,
  • LOCK - lock the remote control,
  • LED - remote control backlight.

Operating conditions: at what temperatures it works, how to prepare for winter

Almost all modern air conditioners are capable of not only cooling the air in the room, but also operating in heating mode, which is very convenient between seasons when the heating is turned off. However, there are certain conditions under which the device can operate.

So, the temperature outside should not be higher than +40°C and lower than -10°C. Experts insist that it is impossible to use air conditioners in winter at all, since the oil that is added to the refrigerant thickens. The consequence of this may be premature wear of parts, including the compressor.

But there are some device models that can operate even at a temperature of -25°C (outdoors). These are the Mitsubishi Electric and Daikin brands. How to understand that your air conditioner can work in winter? To do this, you need to carefully study the manual, and especially pay attention to the operating temperature range. The maximum numbers at which you can turn on the device will be indicated there.

The operating temperature of inverter air conditioners in the “cooling” mode is from -10 to +45, in the “heating” mode - from -15 to +24. Non-inverter units will operate for “cooling” - from +21 to +43, for “heating” - from -5 to +24. As for window models, the permissible temperature for “cooling” is from +18 to +45, “heating” is from -3 to +24 (outdoor temperature is indicated). The “drying” mode is advised to be turned on at temperatures from +11 to + 43.

What other problems may arise when using the air conditioner in heating mode at temperatures below 0°C? This is the glaciation of the outer block. This occurs due to the release of condensation, which begins to freeze directly on the device outside. If, at similar low temperatures, you turn on the device for cooling, then you can expect a decrease in the performance of the device, complete freezing of the external part and breakdown of the compressor.

Icing of the outdoor unit of the split system

Experts also advise that in hot weather, set the cooling mode within 21–23°C. This will help save the compressor and your health due to the small temperature difference between indoors and outdoors.

Prevention and Maintenance

Maintenance of the air conditioner involves regular cleaning of the indoor and outdoor units, disinfection and charging / topping up with refrigerant if necessary. Experts advise doing this at least once a year.

In addition, a preventive inspection is carried out in order to notice malfunctions in time, replace parts, lubricate the mechanism, check equipment for leaks, and more. You can read more about this in the article "Maintenance of the air conditioner with your own hands."

If the device is not planned to be used in winter, then it must be “mothballed”, prepared for the cold:

  1. We turn on the air conditioner to the "Ventilation" mode and leave it running for at least 2 hours. Thus, all moisture will leave the radiator.
  2. We clean all filters.
  3. The outer unit of the device is tightly covered with waterproof material.

For window air conditioners, it will be enough to cover the part located on the street with film or other material designed to shelter things from external influences. But sometimes, even after the manipulations have been done, cold air still enters the room through the device, then the unit is removed for the winter.

Do you plan to operate a split system in winter? In this case, we purchase an additional “winter kit”. It consists of three important elements: a fan speed controller, drain tube heaters and a compressor. They prevent the blocks and the system from freezing, and also regulate the pressure in it. But it’s worth warning - under these conditions the device will only operate in cooling mode! This is true in stores and catering establishments.

Split system service life

Air conditioning in the house

How long a split system will last depends not on luck, but on certain factors. The average lifespan is 5–10 years, but this may vary due to:

  • Quality and reliability of the air conditioner. Of course, an ultra-high reliability device from the MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC brand (made in Japan) will last much longer than a device from the Delonghi brand (China).
  • Installation quality. In the summer season, when the issue of cooling is very pressing, many fly-by-night companies open, offering inexpensive installation of air conditioning. Very often it turns out that the installation was carried out poorly, and this leads to premature failure of the device itself.
  • operating conditions. If your air conditioner is running at full capacity 24/7, this can shorten its lifespan.
  • High-quality and timely service. Regular cleaning of the device and replacement of the refrigerant will extend the life of the device.

If you follow the basics of operation, the air conditioner will definitely meet the owner’s expectations and will work flawlessly throughout its entire service life.

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