Home Engine What is an outline in a magneto. Motorcycle ignition, what systems there are - everything about them. How to check the technical condition of a magneto

What is an outline in a magneto. Motorcycle ignition, what systems there are - everything about them. How to check the technical condition of a magneto

The starting motor is an auxiliary unit, thanks to which diesel power units are started. To make the auxiliary engine work, a spark of the required power must be created in its cylinder, igniting the fuel mixture. The starting motor magneto ensures the generation and supply of the required voltage to the spark plug, capable of creating a spark discharge.

ull; lever with breaker cover; . contact stand with chrome contacts; . capacitor; . cam with half-coupling; . filtz; . terminals and remote shutdown button. The magneto core is made of durable zinc alloys. The main part of this device - the rotor - is attached using ball bearings between the magnetic pole shoes. The rotor design consists of several lamellas attached to magnets and 2 rollers, which, together with the lamellas, are filled with zinc alloy. The transformer part of the magneto, responsible for high-voltage currents, has a core made of special electrochemical steel and two windings (primary and secondary). For the primary winding, a small number of turns from wires with a large cross-section are used, and for the secondary winding, a thin conductor is used, but with a large number of turns. To ensure the electrical strength of the device, the transformer is impregnated with turbine grease.

Electronic ignition system

In the electronic ignition system, which is one of the most important components of a modern car, high voltage current is created and distributed thanks to electronic devices. The electronic system has many clear advantages and also makes it easier to start the engine in winter.

bones; 5, 6 - inductive reference and angular pulse sensors; 7 - ignition coils; 8 - spark plugs; 9 - ignition switch; 10 - battery; 11 - fuse and relay box Operating principle The electronic control unit responds to sensor signals, calculating the optimal parameters for the operation of the system. First of all, the control unit acts on the igniter, which supplies voltage to the ignition coil, in the primary winding of which current begins to flow. When the voltage is interrupted, a current is induced in the secondary winding of the coil. Directly from the coil or through high-voltage wires, the current is sent to a specific spark plug, in which a spark is formed that ignites the fuel-air mixture. If the speed of rotation of the crankshaft changes, the sensor responsible for its rotation frequency, as well as the sensor that regulates the position of the camshaft, send

Ignition systems: from simple to better!

The ignition system is an integral attribute of any gasoline or gas engine. With all the variety of technical nuances in this matter, all ignition systems with dynamic distribution of the supplied voltage can be divided into contact and non-contact. The following article is devoted to their main features, as well as the reasons for the emergence of systems with static voltage distribution (electronic ignition).

an integral part of both contact and non-contact ignition systems, even if in the second case its design is somewhat different. The extremely important components of the distributor-distributor are the vacuum and centrifugal ignition timing regulators - they determine the moment of fuel ignition (and it should ignite before the piston reaches TDC), which means that these devices have a direct impact on engine operation. Let's consider their operation using the example of a contact ignition system. Centrifugal ignition timing regulator This device is responsible for correlating the moment of spark occurrence with the crankshaft rotation speed. The centrifugal regulator consists of two flat metal weights mounted on the distributor shaft, which in turn is in direct contact with the engine crankshaft. As the number of crankshaft revolutions increases, the rotation of the distributor shaft accelerates, as a result of which

Magneto operating principle

A magneto is an alternating current device (excited by permanent magnets), which combines a current source, a transformer, a chopper and a distributor.

According to their design, magnetos are divided into the following main types:

1) with a stationary magnet and a rotating winding;

2) with a rotating permanent magnet and a stationary winding;

3) with a rotating magnetic commutator in which the magnet and windings are stationary.

Magneto with a rotating magnet (Fig. 45) is used more often than other types, since they have a simpler design due to the absence of sliding contacts.

The magnetic flux of the magneto is closed through the iron core 5, on which the primary 3 and secondary 4 windings are located. When rotor 6 rotates, the magnetic flux created by the current in the primary winding will change both in magnitude and direction.

A changing magnetic flux induces e. d.s. in both windings of the core (rotation emf). E.m.f. rotation will reach a maximum at the moments of the highest rate of change in the magnetic flux (2 times per revolution of a two-pole magnet). E.m.f. rotation in the primary winding of the core at high speeds reaches 50-100 V, and in the secondary winding 2000-3000 V. However, such e. d.s. clearly insufficient to form a spark in the spark plug; in addition, the spark it creates would not always jump at exactly the same given moment.

Rice. 45. Schematic diagram of ignition from a magneto: 1 - capacitor; 2 - breaker; 3 - primary winding; 4-secondary winding; 5 - core; 6 - rotor; 7 - spark plug

To increase the secondary voltage and to be able to accurately ensure the moment of receiving a spark, a current breaker 2 is included in the primary circuit, the contacts of which close the primary circuit when e. d.s. in the primary winding is close to zero.

After closing the contacts e. d.s. in the primary winding begins to increase, this leads to an increase in the current in it for the period of rotation of the armature by 90°. The current in the primary winding reaches its greatest value when the rotor rotates at an angle slightly exceeding 90°, that is, with some delay from the maximum value of e. d.s. idle move. When the breaker contacts open, the current in the primary circuit quickly drops to zero, and the energy of the magnetic field of the primary winding is converted into the electrical energy of the spark on the spark plug 7. Thus, the working process of the magneto is divided into the following stages: excitation of low voltage alternating current in the primary winding, breaking of the primary circuit, stopping the flow of current into the primary circuit and excitation of current in the secondary circuit, spark breakdown in the spark plug through the high voltage current distributor.

To obtain the maximum secondary voltage from the magneto, it is necessary that the breaker opens the primary circuit at the moment when the current induced in it reaches its greatest value. This occurs at a certain position of the rotor relative to the core. The angle that determines the position of the magneto rotor at the moment the breaker contacts open is called the magneto outline. The outline is set depending on the purpose of the magneto within 7-14°.

The primary circuit current of the ignition system from the magneto and the spark intensity increase with increasing rotor speed. However, at high rotor speeds, this current will not increase, which is explained by a significant increase in the inductive reactance of the winding with increasing current frequency.

Magneto is a magnetoelectric machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. This magneto M-151 is a double-spark left-hand rotation with a starting accelerator, produced by KZATE, Samara. The cost of selling a product depends directly on the input price for the enterprise. Currently, the M151 magneto has been discontinued, but despite this it has high consumer demand. Magneto M-151 ceased production in 1985 (USSR period), it was replaced by electronic magneto M137A and later (after magneto M137A was discontinued) magneto 1302.3728 came in, manufactured according to TU 37.460.076-90.

Our range includes such services as repairs. Repairing an M-151 magneto takes several days, and the cost will pleasantly surprise any owner of a failed product. Used on engines UD-15 and mod. UD-25 and mod; SK-6, SK-12; PD-15; DU-54, AB-4 petrol unit, T-012 minitractor, as well as for motor pumps from 125 cubic meters per hour and above.

Magneto M-151 has remote and push terminals for turning on the ignition. The case is made in a dust-proof design. The magneto assembly with the starting accelerator provides a retardation angle of 30°+10° along the magneto rotor shaft. It is mounted on the engine using a flange with three studs. You can order the M151 magneto at any time since we always try to keep this item in stock in sufficient quantities. Delivery throughout Ukraine is carried out by transport companies in the shortest possible time. To order, contact us via the return order form or by calling the numbers listed in the contacts section. Of course, it’s up to you to buy a magneto M 151 or order its repair, but you should pay attention to the cost of both, which is quite important in the current economic conditions.

We accept any M 151 magneto in any condition for repair. Unfortunately, the ignition coil itself for the M151 magneto as a separate unit is currently not sold separately. The photo of magneto M151 posted on our website is unique and original. We would be grateful for placing backlinks to our site.

Magneto M-151

We offer magneto M151 for sale. Magneto M-151 2-pin is installed on gasoline engines UD15, UD25. We will repair your magneto. We offer magnetos of various brands and models. In particular, the M151 magneto is usually always in stock.

Magnetoelectric machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Currently used in ignition systems for internal combustion engines

In internal combustion engines, the magneto provides a pulse of electrical current to the spark plugs in some gasoline internal combustion engines that do not use batteries. These engines are usually four-stroke or two-stroke engines, which are used in mopeds, lawn mowers and chain saws. On airplanes, each cylinder usually has two spark plugs connected to a separate magneto. This design creates redundancy in the event of a magneto failure, and two sparks ensure more complete and efficient combustion of the fuel mixture.

Figure 1. Magneto M-151 design

There is such a description of the ignition system and the ignition of the mixture in the combustion chamber is carried out by spark plug 1 from high voltage magneto 6 (Fig. 1). The applications and names of such magnetos as M-151, M-137 and M-149 (M-149A, M-149A1) are often confused. So the M-137 magneto is single-spark and is installed on the UD-15 engine (Fig. 2), in turn, the M-151 magneto is double-spark, special with remote and push terminals for turning off the ignition, dust-proof, left-hand rotation with a starting accelerator and is installed on UD-25 engine. There is also such a magneto as Magneto M-149 (M-149A, M-149A1), this magneto is installed on heavy tractors T-130, T-170, B10M. The M-149A1 magneto is two-contact, but despite this, the M-151 and M-149 magnetos are not interchangeable, so the clock frequency of the contacts is different, and accordingly the pulse synchronization is different.

The magneto assembly with the starting accelerator provides a retardation angle of 30°+10° along the magneto rotor shaft. The magneto is attached to the engine by a flange with three studs.

Structurally, the M-151 magneto consists of the following main components:

  • frame,
  • rotor,
  • lid,
  • transformer,
  • breaker plate,
  • casing with distributor,
  • starting accelerator.

Detailed description of magneto M-151.

The housing is cast from a zinc alloy, the pole shoes are cast into it, and inside the housing there is a bore into which the outer ring of the ball bearing is pressed. Push and remote ignition switch terminals are mounted on the housing. The starting accelerator stop is screwed into the housing from the flange side. The rotor is designed to create and change (as it rotates) the magnitude of the magnetic flux passing through the pole pieces of the housing and the core of the transformer. The rotor consists of a roller and a package of lamellas pressed onto a magnet. The shaft and magneto with lamellas are fastened by filling with zinc alloy. The rotor shaft has a cone for seating the starting accelerator. The cover is cast from a zinc alloy, it has a bore into which the outer ring of the ball bearing is pressed, a breaker plate, a capacitor, a large gear gear with an axis and a spark gap are mounted in the cover. There is a drain hole at the bottom of the lid. The transformer is designed to create high voltage when the magneto rotor rotates; it consists of a core assembled from individual electrical steel plates, as well as primary and secondary windings. The ends of the transformers are protected with getinax cheeks, on which brass washers are fastened. The end of the primary winding is soldered to one of the washers. The breaker plate is used to mount the breaker lever of the contact post and the cam lubrication fillet. Housing with distributor. The casing is cast from zinc alloy and serves as a shield for the high voltage distributor. The casing has two ventilation windows. The distributor is made of press material and serves to distribute high voltage to the engine spark plugs.

The starting accelerator is designed

- to communicate to the magneto rotor a high speed of rotation in separate impulses when starting the engine and thus ensuring that during slow rotation of the engine crankshaft there is a sufficiently strong spark from the magneto;

To ensure retardation of ignition timing when starting the engine.

The starting accelerator consists of the following main parts:

a) dog holder with one dog. The pawl holder bushing has one keyway for mounting the starting accelerator onto the magneto rotor key.

b) housings with pins and a spring.

The magneto is driven from the regulator gear using an intermediate clutch. At the customer's request, shielding is installed on parts of the engine ignition system to suppress radio interference. The magneto assembly with the starting accelerator provides a retardation angle of 30°+10° along the magneto rotor shaft.

Figure - 2. Magneto M-137A single-spark with a left-hand rotation accelerator

1 – breaker cover; 2 – cam; 3 – ball bearing; 4 – cover; 5 – contact with the spring; 6 – transformer; 7 – body; 8 – rotor; 9 – starting accelerator; 10 – breaker; 11 – ignition switch off button.

Figure - 3. Magneto M-151 double-spark with starting accelerator

1 – body; 2 – rotor; 3 – transformer; 4 – cover; 5 – casing with distributor; 6 – starting accelerator; 7 – breaker plate; 8 – ignition switch button

Figure - 4. Magneto M-149 double-spark with starting accelerator

1) – Breaker lever with contact; 2) – Stand; 3) – Breaker base; 4) – Fixed contact; 5) – Cam; 6) – Filz; 7) – Eccentric; 8) – Spiral spring; 9) – Dog holder; 10) – Transformer; 11) – Capacitor; 12) – Additional high voltage output; 13) – Screen cover; 14) – Screen; 15) – Runner; 16) – Distributor cover; 17) – Breaker plate; 18) – Magneto housing cover; 19) – Rotor; 20) – Magneto housing; 21) – Start accelerator.

Magnetoelectric machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Currently, it is sometimes used in ignition systems of internal combustion engines.

Magneto combines a magnetoelectric generator, a chopper and an ignition coil. It generates low voltage current and converts it into high voltage current. Tractors use single-spark and double-spark magnetos of left and right rotation. In a right-handed magneto, the rotor, when viewed from the drive side, rotates clockwise.

The magnetic system of the magneto consists of a two-pole or four-pole magnet 9, two posts 2 and a core 3 of the induction coil. The posts and core are made of electrical steel plates.

The electrical circuit consists of the primary 4 and secondary 5 windings of the transformer, the movable and fixed contacts of the breaker, respectively mounted on an insulated lever 11 and a stand 10 connected to ground. A capacitor 18 is connected in parallel to the breaker contacts.

a - diagram; 1 - rigid coupling half; 2 - stand; 3- core; 4- primary winding; 5 - secondary winding; 6 - spark plug; 7 - high voltage wire; 8 - high voltage output; 9 - magnet; 10 - fixed contact post; 11 - movable contact lever; 12 - cam; 13 - eccentric; 14 - wires; 15 - switch button; 16 - shaft; 17 - terminal of the remote ignition switch; 18 - capacitor; 19 - switch;
b - candle tip; 20 - tip; 21 - radio interference suppression resistor;
c - dependence of the resulting magnetic flux Mill (Mill is the total magnetic flux of the permanent magnet and the primary winding current) EMF E1 n current in the primary winding on the angle of rotation of the magnet with a closed primary circuit

The breaker contacts are opened by a cam 12 mounted on the end of the magnet shaft. A rigid drive half coupling 1 (or a centrifugal ignition advance machine) is attached to the second end of the shaft. One end of the primary winding is connected to the core (“ground”), the second to the lever of the movable contact of the breaker. The ends of the secondary winding are connected: one to the end of the primary winding, the second to pin 8 of the high voltage. Next, the high voltage current is supplied via high-voltage wire 7 to the spark plug directly or through a distributor.

As the magnet rotates, its pole pieces alternately pass by the posts, while the magnetic flux is closed through the transformer core. When the magnet is installed parallel to the posts (in the neutral position), the magnetic flux is closed through the shoes of the posts. Thus, during one revolution of a two-pole magnet in the transformer core, the magnetic flux changes twice. The magnetic flux, changing both in magnitude and direction, crosses the turns of the primary and secondary windings. A low voltage alternating current (12...20 V) is induced in the primary winding, which flows through the circuit: primary winding - closed contacts of the breaker - magneto ground - primary winding. An EMF of the order of 1.0...1.5 kV is created in the secondary winding, which does not penetrate the spark gap of the spark plug. When the magnet deviates from the neutral position in the direction of rotation by 8...10°, the largest current flows in the primary winding, creating a maximum magnetic flux around the coil. At this moment, the breaker cam should open the contacts. The current and magnetic flux of the primary winding disappear. The vanishing magnetic flux crosses the secondary winding and induces a high voltage current (11...24 kV) in it, which is supplied through high voltage wire 7 to spark plug 6, where it breaks through the spark gap, ignites the mixture, and then returns through the “ground” and the primary winding to secondary.

Simultaneously with the secondary winding, the disappearing magnetic flux crosses the primary winding, in which it induces a self-induction emf reaching 300 V. The self-induction emf, trying to maintain the previous direction of the current, charges the capacitor, which is immediately discharged through the primary winding in the opposite direction, creating a magnetic flux in the opposite direction, which promotes a sharper crossing of the secondary winding by magnetic lines of force and an increase in the secondary voltage. In the absence or breakdown of a capacitor, a sharp intersection of the turns of the secondary winding does not occur, since the self-induction EMF maintains the same direction of the current through the capacitor or a gap of 0.25...0.35 mm between the contacts of the breaker. The secondary voltage does not reach the required value and the spark in the spark plug gap of 0.6 ... 0.7 mm disappears or is very weak (has insufficient energy).

a - M-48B1:1 - cover; 2 - slider; 3 - output electrode; 4 - slider electrode; 5 - contact; 6 - conductor; 7 - screw; 8 - electrode; 9 - coil output; 10 - electrode of additional spark gap; 11-ignition timing clutch housing; 12 - weights; 13 - springs; 14 - pins; 15 - plates; 16, 19 - driving and driven flanges; 17 - nut; 18 - bushing; b - magneto breaker M-124B1: 1 - screw; 2 - fixed contact; 3 - moving contact lever; 4 - stand; 5 - movable contact spring; 6 - eccentric; 7 - capacitor; 8 - felt for lubrication; 9 - breaker cam; 10 - manual ignition switch button

The magneto of two- and four-cylinder engines has a high-voltage current distributor. The magneto distributor M-48B1 of a two-cylinder P-23 engine consists of a plastic slider 2, fixed to the rotor with a screw 7, and a cover 1. The high voltage current is removed by electrode 8 from terminal 9 of the induction coil and is supplied by a connecting steel conductor 6 through a brass spring-loaded contact 5 to the electrode runner. From the slider, the current is alternately supplied through a gap of 0.5...0.8 mm to the side terminal electrodes 3, and from them through high voltage wires to the electrodes of the spark plugs.

Magneto M-48B1, M-24B and some others are equipped with an ignition advance clutch, which serves to automatically change the ignition timing depending on the crankshaft speed.

Back in the 19th century, the German inventor Bosch, who owned his own company, developed the first ignition system based on a magneto. Over time, shortcomings in the design were identified and improvements were made to the device. As a result, the Bosch company in 1890 was already fulfilling large orders for the production of ignition systems based on this principle. Orders came in in large quantities. In 1902, Bosch's student Honnold modernized this design and made it universal.

A magneto is a device used to convert the rotational energy of the rotor into electric current, namely, a high voltage discharge on the spark plugs in a gasoline internal combustion engine. Currently, this device is practically not used, but it can still be seen on old designs of automobile engines, or on tractor starting engines.

If we compare this device with a generator, the difference is that the excitation occurs from permanent magnets. Depending on the device, a magneto can provide electricity to the vehicle's on-board network, not just to start the engine. But usually devices of this type are used only to ignite the fuel mixture, since their energy is not enough for other needs.

Design and operation

This design is an alternating current generator. It uses a permanent magnet as an inductor, which is driven by a motor. This magnetic rotor, when rotating, forms a variable magnetic flux that induces an electromotive force in the stator coil.

On a car, this device has two windings: high and low voltage. The low-voltage winding is connected to the capacitor and contact breaker, and the high-voltage winding is connected at one end to ground and the other to the spark plugs.

The coils are located on a common U-shaped magnetic circuit, in which an alternating magnetic field is excited by the rotational movement of a permanent magnet. Usually the low voltage winding is part of the high voltage winding, similar to the device.

The magneto works as follows. When a permanent magnet rotates, an electromotive force is generated in the low-voltage winding. This winding is closed by the contacts of the breaker, as a result of which an induction current appears in it, formed by the alternating magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit, since the permanent magnet crosses it with lines of force. The magnetic flux changes within a few fractions of a second, resulting in a large current flowing in the closed coil.

At a certain moment, the breaker opens its contacts, and the winding current rushes into the capacitor, resulting in low voltage harmonic oscillations. Since the contacts open at high speed, no breakdown occurs between them. Only after they open, the electromotive force in the circuit reaches its amplitude.

At this moment, a spark breakdown occurs on the spark plug, which is connected to the high-voltage winding, the energy of the capacitor is converted into high-voltage alternating current, because oscillations continue in the low-voltage circuit, and the fuel mixture in the engine has time to ignite.

The duration of the oscillations is no more than one millisecond, which is determined by the size of the capacitance and inductance of the device. Next, the breaker closes its contacts again, and the whole cycle repeats.

As a result, we can say that a magneto is a magnetoelectric machine that converts the rotational motion of a permanent magnet into electric current. Some versions of this device are equipped with an additional winding located on the magnetic core. This winding serves to generate electric current for the on-board network of a motorcycle or other vehicle. Permanent magnets located on the flywheel can perform two tasks - exciting high voltage to spark the spark plug, and exciting the generator. This combined device is called “magdino”.


Devices are divided according to several factors.

In direction of rotation:
  • Left.
  • Right.
By the number of sparks per rotor revolution:
  • 1-spark.
  • 2-spark.
By overall dimensions:
  • Small-sized. They are used in motorcycles, mopeds, outboard motors, and jet skis.
  • Normal. Used in four-cylinder tractor engines.
Where is magneto used?

Most often, on outboard motors, motorcycles, and mopeds, there are magdinos that function together with voltage regulators and rectifier bridges. Their power is small and can reach only 100 W, but this is enough to operate side lights or charge. The advantage of Magdino is its light weight and small overall dimensions.

In gasoline engines, magnetos have been commonly used since ancient times, creating a spark in the spark plug, at a time when batteries were not yet so common. Currently, such designs are still found. During the war, German tanks were equipped with carburetor engines that used such an ignition system.

Aircraft piston engines have two spark plugs on each cylinder. A separate group of spark plugs operates from a separate magneto - the right and left groups are connected separately. This allows the engine to operate more efficiently and also increases the reliability of the ignition system.

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