Home Transmission Injection engine for VAZ 2109

Injection engine for VAZ 2109

Many owners of the VAZ 2109 injector engine have encountered a problem when the engine does not gain speed. The “nines” were equipped with a fuel-injected 8-valve engine from the VAZ 2108. Therefore, they have the same problems, as well as methods for eliminating them.

Causes of malfunction

Structurally, it turned out that the VAZ 2109 injector engine is a modified version of the 2108 carburetor power unit. The engine has four cylinders and eight valves. The design of the motor is quite simple, which allows you to diagnose and repair the engine yourself.

Before moving directly to the consideration of the repair issue, it is worth determining what reasons could cause such a malfunction, such as failure to gain momentum. So, let's look at the main causes of the malfunction:

  • Bad fuel.
  • Ignition system malfunction.
  • Incorrect formation of the air-fuel mixture.
  • Piston group.
  • Sensors and electronic engine control unit.

Elimination methods

The main reason that the engine may not gain speed is the formation of an air-fuel mixture. So, the engine does not receive the correct ratio of gasoline and air, which affects the operation of the power unit and the burning mixture does not sufficiently spin the crankshaft, which drives the wheels.

Let's look at the basic diagnostic operations and repair methods.

Bad "fuel"

First of all, it is necessary to understand what quality of gasoline is poured into the system and whether it is possible for it to burn correctly and completely. This will determine not only whether the crankshaft can spin up, but also whether the power system is clogged.

Typically, the main indicator of gasoline quality is the condition of the fuel filter. If it clogs too often, it is recommended to change the fuel supplier. To fix the problem, it is necessary to clean the entire fuel supply system, from the fuel tank to the injectors. Also, it is worth diagnosing and cleaning the piston group, where most likely the pistons already have carbon deposits.

Ignition system malfunctions

More than once, the reason that the engine does not pick up speed well has been the ignition unit. Failure of spark plugs or high-voltage wires is a direct sign of problems of various types. Carrying out diagnostic operations is quite simple. The spark plugs are unscrewed and inspected for cracks and carbon deposits.

If there is no visible damage, then it is worth checking the performance on a special spark plug stand. If inoperative spark plugs are found, it is recommended to change them, first setting the gap.

High-voltage wires are removed from the vehicle and checked using a tester. If the resistance is more or less than 5 ohms, then this is the reason.

It is worth considering the fact that high-voltage wires must be replaced in sets.

Formation of the air-fuel mixture

To form an air-fuel mixture, two things are needed - fuel and air. In this context, a blockage in one of the systems will lead to the combustible mixture being formed incorrectly, which will affect the operation of the power unit.

As for the clogging of the injection system, it is often the injectors. Usually, to cure a malfunction, it is enough to simply clean the elements, but not always. It happens that the injectors are too clogged and the elements will need to be replaced. Many car enthusiasts do not know that this part is dismountable and it is enough to change the nozzles, which have a much lower price.

Clogging of the air supply system occurs when the unit is not maintained in a timely manner. The first place to look is the air filter. In this context, not enough air enters the engine cylinders, which leads to incomplete combustion of gasoline, kinetics that are not enough to put enough pressure on the pistons and spin the crankshaft.

The next element that is recommended to be checked is the throttle valve. A clogged or jammed element can lead to the effect described above. You can clean the unit yourself using a regular carburetor cleaner.

Piston group

More than once, the cause of engine malfunction was carbon deposits in the piston group. It can be eliminated using special automotive chemicals or folk methods. But, as practice shows, this does not last long, and the engine has to be overhauled. Also, it is worth noting that carbon deposits will be not only on the piston group, but also on the valves.

A combination of factors can become the underlying cause of a malfunction and the advisability of a major overhaul.


The only element that is almost impossible to diagnose at home is electronics. So, a malfunction of one of the sensors or malfunctions in the electronic engine control unit will lead to improper operation of the engine. To diagnose and fix the problem, you need to contact a specialist.

Often, many engine owners turn to a tuner to carry out chip tuning of the VAZ 2109 engine. This will eliminate defects in the factory firmware, as well as reduce consumption or increase the power of the power unit.


Finding and fixing the problem of the injector not gaining speed in the VAZ 2109 engine is quite simple with your own hands. To do this, you will need basic knowledge of vehicle design, as well as a minimum set of tools.

Although VAZ 2109 cars stopped being produced at the end of 2014, there are a huge number of them traveling on the roads of the country. The latest VAZ 2109 models were produced with an injection engine power system. Compared to the original carburetor VAZ 2109 models, the injector contains a large number of additional sensors. The carburetor VAZ 2109 had only one single sensor that affected engine operation - the Hall sensor. The remaining sensors of the carburetor VAZ 2109 - oil pressure sensor, coolant temperature sensor, fan switching sensor, reverse sensor - do not affect engine operation in any way. The temperature sensor and oil pressure sensor are installed on the instrument panel and serve to inform the driver of the VAZ 2109 about the temperature and presence of oil pressure in the engine lubrication system.
The VAZ 2109 with an injector contains an electronic control unit - ECU, which can also be called a controller. This controller is the brains that control the operation of the engine. The VAZ 2109 controller is an electronic device that controls engine operation by sending signals to the injectors based on the state of various sensors installed on the car.

Sensors VAZ 2109 with injector

The following sensors are installed on a VAZ 2109 with an injector:
1) Mass air flow sensor (MAF)
2) Throttle position sensor (TPS)
3) Coolant temperature sensor (DTOZH)
4) Knock sensor
5) Oxygen sensor
6) Crankshaft position sensor (CPS)
7) Speed ​​sensor
8) Phase sensor
To understand why each of the VAZ 2109 sensors listed above is needed, let's look at
block diagram of engine operation control:
1) In order to regulate the air/gasoline ratio of the engine injection system
It has mass air flow sensor(DFID). Based on the signal from this sensor, the controller regulates the duration of the pulse supplied to the injector, that is, the amount of fuel. The mass fuel flow sensor is installed in the air filter housing. Depending on the modification of the controller, the mass air flow sensor comes with two different types of output signal:
a) Depending on the amount of air flow, the voltage from the sensor changes;
b) Depending on the amount of air flow, the frequency of the sensor output voltage changes
In general, the task of the mass air flow sensor is to send a signal to the controller about the amount of intake air.
2) Throttle position sensor VAZ 2109. The throttle valve is mechanically connected to the TPS. The throttle valve opens when you press the gas pedal; when the pedal is released, the throttle valve is closed. TPS is a regular rheostat, the slider of which is driven by the throttle valve. When the gas pedal is released and the throttle valve is closed, the signal from the TPS to the controller lies within 0.4..0.7V. As soon as the driver presses the gas pedal and the throttle valve opens slightly, the voltage at the TPS output begins to rise. When the throttle valve is fully open, the voltage at the sensor output is more than 4V. Receiving a signal to open the throttle valve, the controller increases the duration of pulses to the injectors, thereby increasing the engine speed of the VAZ 2109.
3)Coolant temperature sensor The VAZ 2109 is designed to transmit information about the engine temperature to an electronic control unit, also known as an ECU, also known as a controller. If this sensor is faulty, it will be difficult or impossible to start the VAZ 2109 engine in cold weather. Receiving a signal from the DTOZH indicating that the engine is cold, the controller forms an enriched combustible mixture to start the engine. As it warms up and the temperature increases, the controller reduces the amount of gasoline in the mixture to its normal value. The principle of operation of the sensor is that the resistance of the sensor changes depending on the temperature. When the engine is cold, the resistance of the sensor is high; as it heats up, it decreases and on a warm engine it is 170 Ohms.
4)Knock sensor VAZ 2109 is designed to eliminate detonation in the VAZ 2109 engine. If the ignition timing calculated by the controller is correct, then the car engine runs smoothly, without shaking. However, if the engine begins to knock, then the ignition timing must be changed. This is what the knock sensor is used for. The sensor is installed on the engine cylinder head. Inside the VAZ 2109 knock sensor there is a piezoelectric element that generates voltage when the engine detonates. The stronger the detonation, the higher the signal level from the sensor. The controller processes the signal from the knock sensor and adjusts the ignition timing to prevent further detonation.
5)Oxygen sensor VAZ 2109 - feedback on the quality of combustion of the mixture in the engine. If the sensor shows a low oxygen content in the engine exhaust gas, it means that the mixture is being prepared over-enriched, it is necessary to reduce the pulse duration to the injectors. If, on the contrary, the amount of oxygen is large, the fuel mixture is lean, and it is necessary to increase the fuel supply for normal engine operation. The use of an oxygen sensor allows you to control the chemical composition of exhaust gases and reduce emissions into the atmosphere.
6) Crankshaft position sensor- a kind of analogue of the ignition distributor with a Hall sensor on the carburetor VAZ 2109. The crankshaft position sensor counts the teeth of a special disk mounted on the engine crankshaft. The toothed disk has a special place where there are no teeth - this place corresponds to the top dead center of the first cylinder of the engine. Thanks to the engine crankshaft position sensor, the controller knows which cylinder and at what point in time fuel and spark supply is required.
7)Speed ​​sensor installed in the gearbox and is designed to determine the speed of the VAZ 2109. The operating principle of the VAZ 2109 speed sensor is as follows: while driving, the speed sensor generates impulses to the controller, the frequency of which depends on the speed of the vehicle. Impulses come rarely, which means the VAZ 2109 is driving slowly. Impulses come often - the VAZ 2109 moves quickly. Each pulse means the VAZ 2109 moves a certain distance, which is recorded in the controller’s memory.
8)Phase sensor installed only on VAZ 2109 vehicles with a 16-valve engine. The phase sensor is designed to determine the angular position of the engine camshaft. That is, the phase sensor allows the control system to determine which engine cylinder now needs to be supplied with fuel and a spark.

The mechanical method of measuring the speed of a car is long gone. Today, this function is taken over by a speed sensor, whose operation is based on the Hall effect.

The sensor transmits pulses (electromagnetic) to the controller, and based on them, the controller calculates at what speed the car is moving at a given moment.

How does he work

The operating principle is based on the following. For each kilometer traveled, the speed sensor (DS) transmits a certain number of pulses to the controller.

The number of impulses transmitted per 1 km is 6004. The faster the car moves, the faster the impulses are transmitted. Due to this, the controller determines the speed based on the time interval between received pulses.

It should be noted that the DS also has an additional function that allows you to partially save fuel for the VAZ 2109. When coasting at a speed of more than 20 kilometers per hour, the controller, relying on data from the DS, does not open the fuel supply.


The location of the speed sensor is the same on almost all cars of the AvtoVAZ family.

The sensor is located on the speedometer drive mechanism, that is, on the gearbox. To find the device, open the hood, remove the adsorber (this is not necessary, but it’s more convenient to get to the DS). On the side of the inner right CV joint there is a wire that goes to the gearbox. It is this that is connected to the connector of the desired sensor.

Signs of breakdown

The car itself can tell you that the DS is out of order. To do this, you just need to pay attention to the characteristic signs of such a breakdown:

  • The speedometer does not work at all or provides incorrect information about the current speed;
  • Idling behavior is unstable;
  • Gasoline consumption is increasing;
  • The motor does not produce full power.

The practice of VAZ 2109 owners shows that the most obvious sign of a breakdown of the engine is the engine stopping at idle while coasting, or the engine stopping when the clutch is pressed to change speed.

If the engine breaks down, the “Check Engine” light on the dashboard should light up. If the car is equipped with an on-board computer, then the error code corresponding to the malfunction is 24.

Causes of failure

There are several main reasons why a DS may stop working:

  1. There is a break in the electrical circuit. Therefore, first of all, we advise you to check the condition of the wiring and contacts. They could become dirty or oxidized. It's not difficult to clean them. Additionally, we recommend treating contacts with Litol.
  2. Break near the connector. Here the wiring often bends and chafing occurs. Don't forget to check the condition of the insulation of the wires that are located near the exhaust manifold. Often they melt under the influence of temperature, which leads to short circuits.
  3. The speedometer cable is worn out. Over time, as the vehicle is used, the cable becomes covered with burrs, cracks, and breaks. As a result, the speed sensor stops working properly.

Verification methods

The first thing you need to do is make sure that a voltage of 12 V is supplied to the DS contacts. Since the operation of the DS is based on the Hall effect, the test is performed by torsion. The voltage varies within 0.5-10V.

Today, there are three main ways to check the performance of a speed sensor. The first two involve the use of a multimeter. Which one to choose, decide for yourself. We will talk in detail about all three methods of checking DS.

Verification method

Your actions

Method one

  • Remove the sensor;
  • Use a multimeter to check which contact performs which functions. You need to find a pulse contact;
  • Connect the positive probe of the multimeter to the pulse contact, and the negative probe to the engine or car body. It will be a mass;
  • Place a piece of tube on the DS axis and start rotating it at low speed;
  • At the same time, check how the voltage changes;
  • As the speed increases, the pulse frequency and voltage should increase

Method two

  • Here you don't have to dismantle the device;
  • Use a jack to lift one of the front wheels of the car; Connect the multimeter to the sensor wires, as in the first method;
  • Rotate the wheel with your hands and monitor the multimeter readings;
  • If pulses appear at the same time, the DS is working normally. If not, it has failed and needs to be replaced.

Method three

  • This test method does not require the use of a multimeter;
  • Instead, use a control lamp or a regular 12-volt light bulb;
  • Disconnect the impulse wire from the DC;
  • Turn on the ignition and use the test lamp to find the plus and minus;
  • Raise one of the front wheels using a jack;
  • Connect the test light to the signal wire and rotate the wheel;
  • If the minus light on the control lamp lights up, this indicates the normal condition of the sensor;
  • If you don't have a control, take any 12V light bulb. On the VAZ 2109 you will find this in the turn signal. Connect the signal contact and the plus of the battery with a wire. The functionality of the sensor is indicated by the lamp starting to blink.

If checking the DS shows that everything is fine with it, be sure to check the functionality of the sensor drive. It is necessary to hang up the front wheel and find the DS drive by touch. Now start rotating the wheel with your foot and check with your hand whether there is rotation in the drive and how stable it is. The help of a partner will not hurt you here.


If you want to save money and want to try to repair the old speed sensor first, we hasten to disappoint you.

The speed sensors installed on the VAZ 2109 (as well as on other cars) cannot be repaired or restored. The only way to solve the problem is to replace the device.

  1. Take a pair of keys for 21 and 10.
  2. Disconnect the negative cable from the battery to de-energize the vehicle.
  3. Disconnect the connector going to the speed sensor.
  4. Unscrew the sensor itself. In some cases, the rod may break, so you will also have to remove the drive.
  5. Be sure to use caution when removing the actuator, or you risk dropping a broken rod into the gearbox.
  6. After removing the device, replace the drive, if necessary, and screw the new speed sensor into place.
  7. The drive rod should be inserted into the DS bushing, and the rubber sealing ring should be treated with oil. That's it, you can safely screw the device into the socket.

After completing the repair, be sure to reset the error that was generated by the electronic control unit on the on-board computer. Otherwise, the system will assume that the sensor is faulty. Therefore, even its presence in the socket will not allow the DS to start working.

Obviously, there is absolutely nothing complicated about replacing the DS. Therefore, it makes no sense to spend extra money on car service services. Everything can be done with your own hands in literally an hour.

There are rumors on the Internet that the VAZ 2109 injector has long ceased to be popular among car owners. Anyone who wants to exchange a domestic car for a foreign car is mistaken.

For the same money they will buy a beautiful firebird, under whose plumage there will be a decrepit, senile body, like that of a courier during the Kaiser’s reign. Yes, the VAZ has its drawbacks, but it also has quite a few advantages: if you buy even a used car from one owner and with low mileage, then the engine will almost always please you, the electronics will not seem stupid, so you can close your eyes to the rest .

Just don’t wave your hands now and say that domestic g... doesn’t sink in water. The interior is not a gift, but its explosiveness is fully justified by the material from which the body is made. This is not a piece of plastic covered with foil. Perhaps it will help you too.

The car is not wasted on trifles: if the problem is in the pads, then it will remain there. It happens that the panel goes out right on the road, but the problem is that the stove fails, but it can be resolved with skillful tuning. There is a desire to change it to a more advanced tenth model - the problem will quickly be solved. You can sell a 2109 injector quite quickly, whereas a foreign car takes months to wait for a buyer.

And no need to say that you ride on the toilet. Even a Volkswagen with 25 years of life would not allow itself to be called that. And you! Oh, I wish I could take our nine-wheeler for a ride to Moscow! After that, you can erect a monument to her and become a pedestrian, and hang a photo with your iron friend in a frame on the wall.

It’s not for nothing that they say that the VAZ is a cheap car. For citizens of Russia and post-Soviet countries there will be no problems with spare parts for a long time. Do you want to do the renovation yourself? There is a lot of information in stores and on the Internet. Try to dig up so much material for a Korean car. You would rather love the domestic auto industry than a prince from far away, rusting right under your windows.

He doesn’t want to, my dear, it starts, there are no spare parts in the workshops, you have to wait for months until they bring it. But for our cars there is always a green light. Chairs in the evening – money in the morning! The VAZ is not as bad as it might seem at first, although it requires some fine-tuning. Do you still want to try a foreign car in action? Then buy at least an unfucked version, at least ride for pleasure until breakdowns lead to a nervous breakdown.

Injector flushing

And cleaning:

VAZ 2109 engine injector: control system diagnostics

Before touching upon general issues of diagnosing the control system, it is worth getting acquainted with the controller lamp

If a malfunction occurs while driving the car, the controller will detect it and notify the driver using “CHECK ENGINE”, while storing in its memory the necessary codes about the nature of the malfunction. With their help, the process of diagnosis and subsequent repairs will be facilitated. It is the controller that is able to coordinate the operation of VAZ sensors and systems that are part of the general composition of all fuel injection units.

A few words about the DST-2M digital tester.

It is used to diagnose the engine injection control system. It is worth remembering that only a competent specialist can make the correct diagnosis. No matter how much an inexperienced mechanic strives to automate the process of diagnosing a car, having the necessary tools, he will not succeed without certain skills, which can in some cases aggravate an already difficult situation.

The following actions are included:

  1. checking the fuel supply system, the operability of all sensors, actuators and the ignition system;
  2. reading fault codes;
  3. compression measurement;
  4. data monitoring of the entire control system.

Once the injector has been diagnosed, the entire range of necessary services becomes clear if it is associated with a failed electronic system responsible for the performance of the engine.

The controller receives the necessary information from the sensors, then makes calculations: based on them, it independently issues commands to the actuators. This device is quite reliable. One problem: it is afraid of large surges in on-board voltage. This can happen when the generator malfunctions or the starter sticks while the engine is running; sometimes the process of “lighting” another car or the use of a low-quality starting charger is to blame.

As soon as malfunctions occur,
the controller immediately detects them, notifies the driver with the above-mentioned lamp, and saves the codes. Under his control, the injectors try to work smoothly, as does the ignition system.

The injectors turn on in pairs, but this depends on the type of controller itself. An interesting fact is that pairs of injectors tend to turn on alternately, approximately 180° from the crankshaft rotation. This is called double synchronous injection, but sequential operation is possible. An idle spark is provided for the system: 16-valve engines are an exception. They are already equipped with personal ignition coils for each spark plug.

This process occurs as follows: high-voltage pulses are applied to a specific pair, and the formation of a working spark occurs in the cylinder on the compression stroke and on the exhaust stroke. Otherwise, an idle spark will form. In this case, a small amount of energy is required for the cylinder during the exhaust stroke, and the rest of it is used during the compression stroke. This is how the process of ensuring normal sparking and unhindered ignition of the fuel mixture occurs. The whole process can be repeated if the cylinders decide to switch roles unexpectedly.

The controller controls not only the energy storage time and the ignition timing. This concerns the crankshaft rotation speed in idle mode, the uninterrupted operation of the electric fuel pump, the tachometer and the warning lamp, which is located on the VAZ instrument panel, the cooling system, and the cabin air conditioning compressor clutch. The device generates certain speed signals to the trip computer, regulates fuel consumption, and maintains the required stereochemical ratio (gasoline-air as 1:14.7).

VAZ 2109 injector does not start

Problem: the car worked fine all day, drove dozens of kilometers around the city. I stood in the garage resting for several hours. The owner decided to go out again on business, but could not start it. It seemed like something was catching, but then it died out. I had to unscrew the candles, which were thoroughly wet, and put the ones I had just bought in their place. And again a bummer! I had to check the timing belt: it turned out to be normal, I removed the battery and examined it for a failure. I checked the fuel pump: it is also ok. There is a return line, there is fuel too, but the car just doesn’t want to start.

Adviсe: heat the spark plugs, screw them in hot, try to start them. If the result is negative, then we can assume that the fuel was filled with low-quality gasoline; blow out the engine with the module turned off, and add a little oil to the cylinders; carefully inspect the wire near the sensor: it often breaks in this place. The terminal area is a vulnerable spot. Try to touch it, a spark should jump out.

Sensors VAZ 2109 injector

2109 includes a specific set of sensors that collect information about the state and mode in which the motor is operating. Let's get to know them.

It is installed on the body. Measures the amount of air sucked in by the engine from outside. Parameters – kg/hour. This device is considered reliable, but has an enemy - moisture, which is sucked in along with the air. A violation of its operation is indicated by inflated readings at low speeds, by approximately 15 - 25%.

Such actions lead to fluctuations in engine operation only by . But a stop is also possible after triple power modes or problems with starting. But underestimated readings lead to complete “dullness” of the engine or increased fuel consumption. If by default air consumption at idle should be within 10 kg/hour, then at 3000 rpm in 1 minute no more than 32 kg/hour.

This device is installed on the side, on the throttle pipe, approximately on the same axis with the drive. Its job is to read the gas pedal. The main enemies of this sensor are considered to be engine washers, as suppliers of unnecessary moisture. The service life becomes unpredictable when exposed to water. Violations appear when roars and dips begin at idle, even under light loads.

Located between the thermostat and the block head, it has 2 contacts. Do not confuse it with the single-contact one located next door. The main function is to determine the engine temperature: the colder it is, the richer the fuel mixture.

Such a device is also called a thermistor or resistor, the change in resistance of which depends on many factors. Coolant temperature affects engine control characteristics. Despite the fact that such a device is reliable, it sometimes suffers from a number of malfunctions: a breakdown in the electrical contact inside the sensor itself, a breakdown of the insulation, or a break in the wire next to it or the throttle cable.

Failure of the coolant temperature sensor - When the fan is turned on on a cold engine, the device may fail. In this case, you will experience difficulties when you need to start a warm engine or fuel consumption will be slightly higher than planned.

Placed on the engine block, directly between cylinders 2 and 3. Manufacturers offer a choice of 2 sensor options - broadband (tablet) or resonant (barrel). Reliable, but requires constant cleaning of the connector.

The operating principle is similar to piezo ignition: stronger impact - greater voltage. His job is to track detonation knocks in the engine. Failure or possible breakage of the device manifests itself in the fact that the engine is “stupid” and fuel consumption exceeds reasonable limits.

Manufacturers found a place for it on the exhaust pipe of the muffler. This is a serious, very reliable electrochemical device that can determine the presence of oxygen residues in exhaust gases.

The principle is simple: if oxygen is present, then the fuel mixture is lean, the oxygen mixture in the “No” mode is rich. Based on the sensor readings, they judge what adjustments should be made to the fuel supply.

It is strictly forbidden to use leaded gasoline. If the oxygen device fails, then expect a big one with a simultaneous increase in harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Designed for pulse formation, when the number of pulses should not exceed the limit allocated for the speed limit of the car per unit of time. Installed on top of the gearbox. These six-pulse speed sensors inform the controller about the current vehicle speed at a certain moment.

Reliability is average due to constant oxidation of the connector or wires. Failure usually results in a slight deterioration in driving performance.

It is required to generate a specific electrical signal if the angular position of the toothed disk, which is installed on the oil pump cover near the crankshaft of your 2109 engine, has changed. Its readings control the operation of the cylinder during the supply of fuel and spark.

It looks like a piece of magnet with a coil of thin wire. Quite durable, works together with the crankshaft toothed pulley. If the device fails, wait for the engine to stop or rev limit.

Phase sensor

This auto phase sensor is designed to detect the degree of camshaft angle. On an eight-valve engine it is installed at the end of the cylinder head, not far from, and on a sixteen-valve engine - near the first cylinder there.

In units produced before 2005, our sensor is completely absent. This means only one thing: the injectors open in paired and parallel mode. Failure to operate switches the fuel supply to synchronized mode, which is highly undesirable, since you will have to constantly fill the tank with fuel.

Air temperature sensor

Directly fits into the mass air flow sensor. Began production in 2005. Since then it has been modernized several times, differs in the number of (5) wires. If there are fewer of them, then this is not the device in question.

It works in conjunction with other devices, its purpose is clear from the name. If the history of the brand began a little earlier, then you shouldn’t judge the designers for the fact that someone did an excellent job of driving without additional funds.

In contact with


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One of the most famous developments of Soviet motor vehicles is the VAZ 2109 engine and its various modifications. Thus, the motor, which was developed back in 1982, serves faithfully to this day. This is one of the most common engines in the CIS.

It must be said that this is not considered one of the reliable units, but it is very repairable, which makes it quite popular among car enthusiasts.

Description and modifications

As such, a “nine” engine does not exist in nature. At least, the AvtoVAZ plant did not produce it. All 2109 models were equipped with a figure-eight power unit and its modifications. Of course, in many documents you can find the VAZ 2109 engine, but this is deception or ignorance.

But in the technical documentation of the manufacturer you cannot find information about the 2109 engine, since such an engine does not exist. During the entire period of their production, all “nines” were equipped with engines with the following markings: VAZ-21081 (1.1 8V), VAZ-2108 (1.3 8V), VAZ-21083 (1.5 8V), VAZ-2111 -80 (1.5i 8V) and VAZ-11183-20 ​​(1.6i 8V).


All engines that were installed on the VAZ 2109 were small in volume, but had sufficient power characteristics and dynamics. But things didn’t work out with the traction power. The engine power of the VAZ 2109 ranges from 54 to 81 horsepower. It is worth considering each engine option and its technical characteristics separately.

2111-80 (1.5i 8V)

11183-20 ​​(1.6i 8V)

As you can see, the evolution of engines has come from the carburetor type to the injection type. Although with an increase in engine volume, fuel consumption also increased proportionally.

Another important fact remains the question: where is the engine number on old models of engines? As you know, the engine number was stamped on the cylinder block only from 1984 and on earlier versions that were exported. Therefore, you shouldn’t even look for this identifier on a 1983 power unit, since it simply doesn’t exist.

Repair and service

On average, repairs to internal combustion engines of VAZ 2109 modifications are done based on mileage. This figure is about 200,000 km. Engine overhauls are carried out similarly to any Zhiguli power unit. Since, compared to the Volgovsky engine, the Vazovsky is quite small, motorists often do the bulkhead in their garage with their own hands.

The 2109 engine is highly repairable, since the cast iron block is quite difficult to destroy, and the cost of the head is low, which allows you to repair the internal combustion engine cheaply and without much expense with your own hands. Another positive factor in the repair is that the power unit is simple in design and even inexperienced car enthusiasts are able to carry out minor repairs to the VAZ 2109 engine with their own hands.

The main problems that many people face include: changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 engine, replacing spark plugs and high-voltage wires, as well as overhauling and adjusting the carburetor. By the way, almost all engines were equipped with an excellent injection element, which everyone knows as “Solex”.

Another question that car enthusiasts often ask is how much oil should be poured into the engine? This indicator depends on the type of motor. For example, for a VAZ-21081 this will be one indicator, but for a VAZ −11183-20 ​​it will be completely different. Therefore, if a motorist wants to know how much oil is in his power unit, he needs to look at the technical documentation.


Tuning the VAZ 2109 engine is quite simple and without any particular difficulties. So, the first thing motorists do to their engine is change the ignition system. Of course, on older models there is a contact version installed, which has long been obsolete, and therefore contactless is installed.

At the same time, spark plugs and high-voltage wires are changed. Don't forget about the ignition coil either. All this will give improved fuel combustion in the cylinders only if everything is configured correctly.

Next comes boring and reassembly of the cylinder block. So, many car enthusiasts install a sports piston version, which provides a lightweight crankshaft, pistons and connecting rods. Then, the guide bushings and valves are changed. All these modifications will give an increase in power by about 25-30 horses.

The last stage is external tuning. This may include: installing a zero-resistance air filter, overhauling the carburetor, replacing water cooling pipes, installing an improved pump and generator.

Do not forget about such an important element as the starter, a range of varieties that can be found in tuning stores. It is also recommended to replace the radiator with a lighter one, that is, install an aluminum one. All this will give more opportunities for the engine, and accordingly for the motorist.


The VAZ 2109 engine, or rather its varieties that were installed on the car, became legends of the Soviet automobile industry. So, having a fairly small size, it was powerful, which gave it great popularity among motorists. Another positive factor was that repairing the VAZ 2109 engine is quite easy to do with your own hands, which allows any car enthusiast to reduce costs at a car service center.

With the popularization of tuning, most drivers who owned 2109 engines began to carry out modifications and, as practice shows, quite successfully.

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