Home Locks The Commander of the Airborne Forces got into a car accident. The commander of the airborne forces got into a car accident "SP": - You are not exaggerating

The Commander of the Airborne Forces got into a car accident. The commander of the airborne forces got into a car accident "SP": - You are not exaggerating

Some of them have already died. Most are still trampling the ground. The time will come and these degenerates will be overtaken by the people's punishment. Everyone. And directly killed and called to kill ...
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Yeltsin executioners. Punishers of the House of Soviets.

1. Yeltsin's "heroes" of October 1993 Leaders of the assault on the House of Soviets

The Minister of Defense directly led the assault on the House of Soviets P. Grachev(died), he was helped by the deputy. Defense Minister General K. Kobets(died). General Kobets's assistant was General D.Volkogonov(died). (According to Yu. Voronin, in the midst of the execution of the White House, he told him by phone: “The situation has changed. The President, as the Supreme Commander, signed an order to the Minister of Defense to storm the House of Soviets and took full responsibility. We will suppress the putsch at any cost. Order in Moscow will be guided by the forces of the army.")
Military units participating in the assault and their commanders:

  • 2nd Guards Motorized Rifle (Tamanskaya) Division, Commander - Major General Evnevich Valery Gennadievich.

  • 4th Guards Tank (Kantemirovskaya) Division, Commander - Major General Polyakov Boris Nikolaevich.

  • 27th separate motorized rifle brigade (Teply Stan), commander - colonel Denisov Alexander Nikolaevich.

  • 106th Airborne Division, commander - colonel Savilov Evgeniy Yurievich.

  • 16th Special Forces Brigade, Commander - Colonel Tishin Evgeny Vasilievich.

  • 216th separate special forces battalion, commander - lieutenant colonel Kolygin Viktor Dmitrievich.engaged in the preparation of the assault

The following officers of the 106th Airborne Division showed the greatest zeal in preparing the assault:

  • regiment commander lieutenant colonel Ignatov A.S.,

  • Regimental Chief of Staff Lieutenant Colonel Istrenko A.S.,

  • battalion commander Khomenko S.A.,

  • battalion commander captain Susukin A.V.,

as well as officers of the Taman division:

  • deputy division commander lieutenant colonel Mezhov A.R.,

  • regiment commander lieutenant colonel Kadatsky V.L.,

  • regiment commander lieutenant colonel Arkhipov Yu.V.

The executors of criminal orders from the 12th tank regiment of the 4th (Kantemirovskaya) tank division, who made up volunteer crews, fired at the House of Soviets from tanks:

  • Petrakov I.A.,

  • deputy tank battalion commander Brulevich V.V.,

  • battalion commander major Rudoy P.K.,

  • reconnaissance battalion commander lieutenant colonel Ermolin A.V.,

  • tank battalion commander Serebryakov V.B.,

  • deputy commander of a motorized rifle battalion Maslennikov A.I.,

  • reconnaissance company captain Bashmakov S.A.,

  • senior lieutenant Rusakov.

How the killers were paid:

Officers who took part in the storming of the House of Soviets received 5 million rubles (about $4,200) each as a reward, riot police were given 200,000 rubles (about $330) twice each, privates received 100,000 rubles each, and so on.

All in all, at least 11 billion rubles (9 million dollars) were spent on encouraging those who especially distinguished themselves, apparently - this amount was taken out of the Goznak factory and ... disappeared (!). (At that time, the dollar exchange rate was 1200 rubles.)


Yegor Gaidar and snipers in October 1993
A bloodbath near the walls of the Russian parliament, when on October 3, 1993, the "chief rescuer" Sergei Shoigu issued a thousand machine guns to the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Yegor Gaidar, who was preparing to "defend democracy" from the Constitution. More than 1000 units small arms (AKS-74U assault rifles with ammunition!) from the Ministry of Emergency Situations were distributed by Yegor Gaidar into the hands of "defenders of democracy", incl. Boxer militants. On the "pre-shooting" night at the Moscow City Council, where Yegor Gaidar called on TV in 20:40, gathered crowds of Hasidim! And from the Moscow Soviet balcony, someone simply called for the killing of "these pigs who call themselves Russian and Orthodox." Alexander Korzhakov’s book “Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn to Dusk” reports that when Yeltsin scheduled the capture of the White House at 7 am on October 4 with the arrival of tanks, the Alpha group refused to storm, considering everything that was happening unconstitutional and demanding the conclusion of the Constitutional Court. The Vilnius scenario of 1991, where "Alfa" was dealt the meanest blow, as if a carbon copy, was repeated in Moscow in October 1993: http://expertmus.livejournal.com/3897... Both there and here were involved "unknown" snipers who shot in the back of the opposing sides. In one of the communities, our message about snipers was followed by a comment that “these were Israeli snipers, who, under the guise of athletes, were placed in the Ukraine Hotel, from where they conducted aimed fire.” So where did those very armored personnel carriers with armed civilians (!) come from, who opened fire on the defenders of the parliament FIRST, provoking all further bloodshed? By the way, the Ministry of Emergency Situations had not only “white KAMAZ trucks” from which weapons were handed out at the Moscow City Council, but also armored vehicles! A year earlier, on the night of November 1, 1992, Shoigu, sent by the same Gaidar (then acting prime minister) to Vladikavkaz to resolve the Ossetian-Ingush conflict, transferred 57 T-72 tanks (together with crews) to the North Ossetian police.


Erin V.F., General of the Army, Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, one of the main participants in the October events of 1993.
In September 1993, he supported the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1400 on constitutional reform, the dissolution of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council. The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, subordinate to Erin, dispersed opposition rallies, participated in the siege and storming of the House of Soviets of Russia.
On October 1, 1993 (a few days before the dispersal of the parliament by tanks), Yerin was awarded the rank of army general. He took an active part in the armed suppression of the defenders of the Supreme Council on October 3-4. On October 8, he received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for this. On October 20, Boris N. Yeltsin appointed him a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
On March 10, 1995, the State Duma expressed no confidence in VF Yerin (268 deputies voted for no confidence in the Minister of Internal Affairs). On June 30, 1995, after the failure of the hostage release in Budyonovsk, he resigned. In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. Retired since 2000.

Lysyuk S.I.., lieutenant colonel, commander of the Vityaz special forces detachment (until 1994).
On October 3, 1993, the Vityaz Detachment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel S.I. Lysyuk opened fire on the people besieging the Ostankino television center, as a result of which at least 46 people were killed and 114 wounded. On October 7, 1993, "for courage and heroism" shown during the execution of unarmed defenders of the constitution, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. He does not hide the fact that the command to open fire was given to them, which he does not hesitate to talk about on television.
Now retired, promoted to colonel, became president of the Association for Social Protection of Special Purpose Units "Brotherhood of Maroon Berets" Vityaz "" and a member of the board of the Union of Anti-Terror Veterans.

Belyaev Nikolai Alexandrovich- Chief of Staff of the 119th Guards Airborne Regiment (106th Guards Airborne Division). Also awarded.

Shoigu Sergey- Faithful Yeltsin jackal! Mode accomplice. At the moment, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Evnevich Valery Gennadievich. From 1992 to 1995 - Commander of the Taman Guards Motor Rifle Division of the Moscow Military District. In October 1993, he participated in the dispersal of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, his division shot down the building of the White House.

KADATSKY V.L.., criminal, executioner 1993.Now VL Kadatsky is the head of the Department of Regional Security of the city of Moscow. Friend of S.S. Sobyanin

Nikolai Ignatov- killed Russian people in the rank of lieutenant colonel. Lieutenant General, Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces

Konstantin Kobets. Since September 1992 - Chief Military Inspector of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; simultaneously from June 1993 - Deputy, and from January 1995 - Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Died in 2012.

27th separate motorized rifle brigade (Teply Stan).
1995-1998 - Commander of the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division of the Moscow Military District; since 1998, he has served as military commandant.

106th Airborne Division.
In 1993-2004, he commanded the 106th Tula Guards Red Banner Order of Kutuzov II degree airborne division.
Savilov was awarded three orders and other state awards. In the period from 2004 to 2008 he was an adviser to the governor of the Ryazan region. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation.

Kulikov Anatoly Sergeevich- lieutenant general, commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
On October 3, 1993, at 16.05, he gave the order to the Vityaz detachment by radio "to advance to strengthen the security of the Ostankino complex." Witnesses-journalists (including those from pro-presidential newspapers - Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda) later said that the armored vehicles of the internal troops fired indiscriminately both at the demonstrators and at the Ostankino TV tower and surrounding houses. A. Kulikov himself claimed that the Vityaz opened fire on people led by General A. Makashov only after N. Sitnikov, a Vityaz fighter, was killed by a grenade launcher at 19.10 and that government forces “... did not open fire first. The use of weapons was targeted. There was no continuous zone of fire ... ". According to the results of an official investigation, there was no shot from a grenade launcher at all (the flash of an explosive package thrown from the television center building by one of the “Vityaz” was mistaken for it). In clashes near Ostankino, one government fighter, several dozen unarmed demonstrators, two Ostankino employees and 3 journalists, including two of them foreign (all employees and journalists were killed by A. Kulikov's subordinates), were killed.
As gratitude for the execution of unarmed demonstrators, A. Kulikov received in October 1993 the rank of colonel general.
Since July 1995 - Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation, since November - General of the Army. Since February 1997 - Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Internal Affairs. He was a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (1995-1998), the Defense Council of the Russian Federation (1996-1998).
It was under Kulikov that the internal troops in the Russian Federation grew to an incredible scale - more than 10 divisions, turning, in fact, into the second army of Russia. In the internal troops, according to some experts, there are only two times fewer military personnel than in the Russian army, and at the same time, the financing of explosives is much more complete and better. As the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper noted (February 13, 1997), the fact that the “domestic gendarmerie corps” has grown to such a scale can only mean one thing: “our authorities are afraid of their people much more than any aggressive NATO bloc.”
In March 1998, the government of V. S. Chernomyrdin was dismissed, while A. S. Kulikov was removed from all posts. In December 1999 he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the 3rd convocation, in December 2003 - a deputy of the 4th convocation. Member of the United Russia faction. Since 2007 - President of the Club of Military Leaders of the Russian Federation.

Romanov Anatoly Alexandrovich- Lieutenant General, Deputy Commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, torturer of prisoners of the Krasnaya Presnya stadium.
On December 31, 1994, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Military Merit No. 1. On November 5, 1995, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. On November 7, 1995, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the military rank of Colonel General.
On October 6, 1995, as a result of a terrorist act, he was seriously wounded in the city of Grozny, miraculously survived, but remained disabled. Since then, he has been in a coma.

F. Klintsevich

2. Bedding of the Yeltsin regime

Address by Grigory Yavlinsky in October 1993

On September 30, 2010, one of the loudest scandals in the modern history of Russia took place at the training ground of the Ryazan Higher Command School of the Airborne Forces "Village". Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, flying around the training ground in a helicopter, noticed the unfinished buildings of the barracks and the canteen, he also noticed the Orthodox Church of Elijah the Prophet, built nearby. Coming out of the helicopter, Serdyukov immediately swore at the head of the Ryazan Airborne Forces School, Hero of Russia, Guards Colonel Andrey Krasov and the officers next to him: “The barracks are not completed, the dining room is not completed, and they rebuilt the church for 180 million!”

Andrey Krasov tried to explain to the minister that not a penny of budgetary money had been spent on the construction of the church, and it was completely erected at the expense of the Ryazan diocese, various sponsors and veterans of the Airborne Forces. Krasov also said that from 2011, army chaplains will be trained in the church of Elijah the Prophet, who will then be sent to military units throughout the country. He also noted that the nearest temple is located 15 km from the training ground on the other side of the Oka River, and getting to it for officers, their families, cadets and soldiers, to put it mildly, is problematic.

However, all this only angered Serdyukov, who in a fit of rage shouted: “You live in shit here, you will die in shit! Do not give money to this airborne center! This school should be downsized. Remove this impudent colonel - and join the troops!

After this story, the Union of Russian Paratroopers appealed to President Medvedev and Patriarch Kirill with a request not to leave this situation without attention and to intercede for Colonel Andrei Krasov. The representative of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, did not stand aside, who demanded that the Minister of Defense apologize to the commander of the Ryazan Airborne Forces School, and, regardless of whether he does it or not, said that Serdyukov should resign : this situation "from the very worst side" characterizes Serdyukov himself as "a person who has nothing to do with the army" and "does not have any credibility not only among the Armed Forces, but also among civilians."

The ever-increasing dissatisfaction in the troops regarding the policies of the new Minister of Defense reached its peak. Even the officers of the elite units, directly reporting to the Supreme Commander through the General Staff, expressed their dissatisfaction.

Details of how the Ministry of Defense purchased defective parachutes for the Airborne Forces for the amount of 280 million rubles immediately surfaced. The chief military prosecutor of the Russian Federation, Sergei Fridinsky, said: “Cunning entrepreneurs made these parachutes not from new raw materials, but from old parts. Representatives of the army customer and military representatives, I believe, disinterestedly, turned a blind eye to this. Studies carried out by specialists have shown that these parachutes cannot be used.” As it turned out, this is far from an isolated case, and that defective bulletproof vests, decommissioned ammunition and parts for helicopters and aircraft also came to the troops for fabulous money.

A number of State Duma deputies in an open letter to the president demanded the immediate resignation of Anatoly Serdyukov, who, with his reforms, only destroys the country's defense capability. The letter also spoke about the immediate plans of the Ministry of Defense, according to which, in three years, the Ground Forces will be reduced by 12 times, the Air Force and the Navy by 2 times, the Strategic Missile Forces by a third, and the Airborne Forces by 20 percent.

“The actual defeat of the General Staff continues, which will also be reduced by more than half. Experts are indignant at this haste. Over three years, it is planned to reduce more than 2,000 units and formations of our Armed Forces. No other country in the world has ever known such a rate of “circumcision”.

Began to appear in the press and information about personnel changes in the military department. So, instead of Colonel-General Viktor Vlasov, head of the Service for quartering and arranging troops, Colonel-General Viktor Vlasov, who committed suicide in 2008 (according to some reports, this happened a couple of days after a conversation with Serdyukov), Leonid Sorokko, head of a construction company from St. Petersburg, was appointed to this position. It is worth noting that Sorokko's official salary in the new position is noticeably less than what he earned from his business. So why did he accept this offer? Perhaps because now he annually controls tens of billions of rubles allocated from the federal budget for the construction of houses for officers and other objects of the Ministry of Defense.

The Main Directorate of Capital Construction of the Ministry of Defense also noticeably replenished with purely civilian "specialists" from the city on the Neva. Their qualifications raise serious doubts, but this does not prevent them from making statements about the need to privatize most of the objects of the RF Armed Forces in Moscow. So, it was the leaders invited by Serdyukov who proposed to move the Main Headquarters of the Navy, the Academy of Peter the Great, the CSK complexes and a number of other objects from the capital.

The rest of the military departments were not more fortunate, and soon the so-called "St. Petersburg" ones also appeared in them. The program for the privatization of military facilities of the Defense Ministry throughout Russia was led by the former top manager of the Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya corporation Lev Vinnik and the general director of the Leninets defense plant in St. Petersburg Alexander Gorbunov. It is worth noting that the Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya corporation is owned by Andrey Molchanov, the son of the current vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Yuri Molchanov, who in the 90s, together with Vladimir Putin, worked at St. Petersburg University at the Department of International Relations.

Another scandal received a lot of attention in the press. In June 2010, an order for the purchase of furniture for the needs of the Ministry of Defense and Rosoboronpostavka appeared on the public procurement website. So, the head of the last department for his office needed a set of furniture from 29 items. Including the quote: "Olive root veneer and beech veneer table with mahogany veneer finish with meander shaped marquetry." Similar requests were made by the deputies of Rosoboronpostavka and managers of a lower rank, totaling 20.3 million rubles.

On his personal account, Anatoly Serdyukov also decided not to save money and asked: “the table should be made of solid wood with antique handmade finish. Handles - gold, color - dark cherry.

Such attention and requests for furniture from the head of the Ministry of Defense is not accidental. After graduating from the Leningrad Institute of Trade, Serdyukov served in the Soviet Army from 1984 to 1985. True, for some unknown reason, he served only a year and a half instead of the prescribed two years - and this is the entire military experience of the Minister of Defense of a nuclear power.

After the army, Serdyukov began working in the Lenmebeltorg No. 3 store, which in 1986 changed its sign to Dresden and began selling furniture from the GDR. Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, Serdyukov was in charge of the wall department in the store. By the way, the store was famous not only in Leningrad, but throughout the Union - it was very difficult to get scarce, and even imported furniture at that time. However, "Dresden" did not work long, and after the unification of Germany ceased to exist.

However, Serdyukov, apparently, liked working in the furniture business so much that until 2000 he was the general director of Mebel-Market JSC. In the late 90s, Serdyukov entered the correspondence department of the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University, where he met his current wife, the daughter of Viktor Zubkov (now First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation). From that moment on, the career of Anatoly Serdyukov went uphill:

2001 - Head of the Tax Inspectorate of St. Petersburg

2004 - Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

2007 - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

So, thanks to his marriage to the daughter of an official close to Vladimir Putin, Anatoly Serdyukov turned from a simple "furniture maker" into the Minister of Defense of the world's largest country.

Information taken from the book "Dirty laundry of the Kremlin", "Yauza-press", Moscow, March 2011.


Text of the Appeal:
Appeal of the paratroopers to the people,

President, Federal Assembly of Russia,

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

A flagrant case of hazing and rudeness of the Minister of Defense A. Serdyukov in relation to our comrade Hero of Russia guards. Colonel Andrey Krasov (Head of the Ryazan branch of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) occurred on September 30, 2010.

Visiting the training center "Seltsy" near Ryazan, A. Serdyukov in a rude manner, insulted the Hero of Russia guards with obscene language. Colonel Andrei Krasov, humiliating his professional and personal dignity in front of his subordinates. The religious feelings of the paratroopers, who at their own expense built the Temple of Elijah the Prophet, the spiritual patron of the troops, were also offended. And this is the fourth military temple, which A. Serdyukov orders to be demolished.

Similar actions and tyranny were manifested by him before. This person has no authority either among the troops, or among veterans, or among the population. He showed inability to lead the troops while forcing Georgia to peace in August 2008. We remember the news when the President of the country "told" the Minister of Defense about the course of hostilities and the development of the operation, and not vice versa.

Today, the Airborne Forces are deliberately subjected to sophisticated persecution by the Minister of Defense, including:

The landing school is cut off from the troops. It is entrusted to lead them to an outsider in order to forever "eradicate the spirit" of the winners from the officers who protected Russia from disintegration and humiliation, who brought glory to the Fatherland in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Yugoslavia, Georgia;

The headquarters of the Airborne Forces is evicted to km 300. from Moscow. Now, when the minutes are counted, the troops will receive the orders of the Supreme High Command 8-10 hours later and their secrecy is not guaranteed;

The most important components that allow them to operate independently in remote and isolated areas have been excluded from the structure of the Airborne Forces. Now there is no one there to protect the interests of Russia;

For the troops, pre-conscription training for the VUS has been discontinued (except for drivers). Parents pay flying clubs for parachute training for their children who want to serve in the Airborne Forces;

The status of the 242 training center of the Airborne Forces and airborne brigades is deliberately lowered in comparison with similar formations in other troops;

The unique museum of the 80-year history of the troops, which gave hundreds of Heroes to the Fatherland, of which more than half were posthumously, is being destroyed. This is called vandalism in all countries.

The International Union of Paratroopers and the Union of Paratroopers of Russia (135 organizations, 35,000 members and hundreds of thousands of sympathizers, carrying out patriotic education and training of young people for military service in 64 regions of Russia) appeal to the President of Russia with a demand to investigate these facts and take the necessary measures.

The lives of our comrades given for the Motherland, our own military path and many years of service to the People of Russia allow us to demand moral satisfaction. An insult to the Hero of Russia A. Krasov is an insult to all the defenders of our Motherland. We appeal to parties, public and religious organizations; to veterans and youth who are just about to serve in the army; to the citizens of the country - support our demand!

We reserve the right to hold actions in defense of the honor and dignity of military personnel!

Chairman of the Union of Paratroopers of Russia
full cavalier of the orders "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces"
Colonel General Vladislav Achalov
Chairman of the International Union of Paratroopers,
Hero of the Soviet Union,
Lieutenant General Albert Slyusar

Very suddenly I wanted to REMIND what a boor VVP put on the post of Minister of Defense in the face of the face of Mr. Comrade Master Tolyan Serdyukov.

And how they completely whitewashed him, sending him to "work" in a responsible post in civil aviation.

And the partner was almost thanked for the stolen and especially for the highly artistic paintings of the outstanding thief.

We are talking about Vasilyeva (not the Minister of Education, but Serdyukov's accomplice), who got off with a slight fright and a false seat in a comfortable "cell" at home.

7 YEARS have passed, and the flowers of indulgence to embezzlers and destroyers have borne fruit. The destruction was powerful. It echoes in aviation, and in UAVs, and in intelligence - yes, in everything ...

And then Gref and Nabiullina were capricious - they don’t give money for the defense industry (“There is no money! Everyone - happiness and success!”) And that’s it.

And no one tells them! Neither the State Duma, nor the Government, nor the President! - only the State Department obeys, such naughty ones!

And stealing in Russia is no longer hundreds of millions and billions, but swung at trillions ... Look in "offshores".

On September 30, 2010 at 16:10, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov visited the Seltsy training center of the Ryazan Airborne School (now a branch of the Frunze Combined Arms Academy), Russkaya Line reports.

On the trip, he was accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Defense for Construction and Arrangement, Mr. Novitsky. They arrived by helicopter, 3 hours late from the scheduled visit time of 13:00. Before getting off the helicopter, they inspected the territory of the training center and the training ground of the school from the air.

They were met by the head of the Ryazan School, Hero of Russia, Guards Colonel Andrey Krasov and deputy. Colonel Igor Volkov, head of the school for the rear of the Guards, as well as an officer of the military counterintelligence of the FSB of Russia. The commander of the Airborne Forces, Hero of Russia, Lieutenant General V. Shamanov, was forbidden by the Minister of Defense to participate in a visit to the training center of the Airborne Forces School.

The minister got out of the helicopter already "wound up" and immediately began to use foul language against the head of the school. Anatoly Eduardovich repeatedly called the Hero of Russia “fucking ... m” (other words of profanity are inappropriate here, they also sounded). Trying to humiliate his subordinate more painfully, Mr. Serdyukov finally explained that the reason for his anger was the wooden church of Elijah the Prophet built on the territory of the training center.

The construction of the landing temple is carried out exclusively at the expense of sponsors from among the veterans of the Airborne Forces and local residents, as well as at the expense of the Ryazan diocese, but this was not of interest to the minister.

“Not a penny has been spent on the temple from the budget,” the Russian officers staunchly answered him. “The temple is needed by members of the families of officers and hundreds of soldiers and cadets, since the nearest one is 15 kilometers away on the other side of the Oka, and there is no bridge.” “In 2011, it is here that it is planned to train future chaplains for the entire Russian army, 90% of them will be Orthodox priests and a temple for them.” “There is no temple in the three nearest villages and two other towns of training centers for reduced military schools, and the residents here need it.” “One and a half thousand future professional sergeants are being trained here according to a three-year program, and the spiritual work of the priests with them should help instill in them the desire to serve Russia, not only for money.” "The Airborne Forces are troops for the war, but there are no atheists in the war."

The Minister of Defense of Russia did not listen to all these arguments of the head of the school, he stood cursing. Anatoly Eduardovich shouted: "You live here in shit, you will die in shit!" “Don’t give money to this Airborne Forces center! This school should be downsized. Remove this impudent colonel and join the troops! - the minister set tasks for his deputy for construction and improvement.

The assigned tasks are already being carried out.

All the plans prepared in recent months for the development of the educational and material base and housing stock of the country's leading military university were "poher". The fact that more than a hundred Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia were trained at the Ryazan Higher Command Airborne School, 29 of them were awarded this title posthumously, is not interesting to the minister. He got into the helicopter and flew away. Thus ended the usual visit of the Minister of Defense of Russia to the troops subordinate to him. The military reform of the Russian army continues successfully according to the approved plans.

The true biography of the Minister of Defense A. Serdyukov

On September 30, 2010, one of the loudest scandals in the modern history of Russia took place at the training ground of the Ryazan Higher Command School of the Airborne Forces "Village". Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, flying around the training ground in a helicopter, noticed the unfinished buildings of the barracks and the canteen, he also noticed the Orthodox Church of Elijah the Prophet, built nearby. Coming out of the helicopter, Serdyukov immediately swore at the head of the Ryazan Airborne Forces School, Hero of Russia, Guards Colonel Andrey Krasov and the officers next to him: “The barracks are not completed, the dining room is not completed, and they rebuilt the church for 180 million!”

Andrey Krasov tried to explain to the minister that not a penny of budgetary money had been spent on the construction of the church, and it was completely erected at the expense of the Ryazan diocese, various sponsors and veterans of the Airborne Forces. Krasov also said that from 2011, army chaplains will be trained in the church of Elijah the Prophet, who will then be sent to military units throughout the country. He also noted that the nearest temple is located 15 km from the training ground on the other side of the Oka River, and getting to it for officers, their families, cadets and soldiers, to put it mildly, is problematic.

However, all this only angered Serdyukov, who in a fit of rage shouted: “You live in shit here, you will die in shit! Do not give money to this airborne center! This school should be downsized. Remove this impudent colonel - and join the troops!

After this story, the Union of Russian Paratroopers appealed to President Medvedev and Patriarch Kirill with a request not to leave this situation without attention and to intercede for Colonel Andrei Krasov. The representative of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, did not stand aside, who demanded that the Minister of Defense apologize to the commander of the Ryazan Airborne Forces School, and, regardless of whether he does it or not, said that Serdyukov should resign : this situation "from the very worst side" characterizes Serdyukov himself as "a person who has nothing to do with the army" and "does not have any credibility not only among the Armed Forces, but also among civilians."

The ever-increasing dissatisfaction in the troops regarding the policies of the new Minister of Defense reached its peak. Even the officers of the elite units, directly reporting to the Supreme Commander through the General Staff, expressed their dissatisfaction.

Details of how the Ministry of Defense purchased defective parachutes for the Airborne Forces for the amount of 280 million rubles immediately surfaced. The chief military prosecutor of the Russian Federation, Sergei Fridinsky, said: “Cunning entrepreneurs made these parachutes not from new raw materials, but from old parts. Representatives of the army customer and military representatives, I believe, disinterestedly, turned a blind eye to this. Studies carried out by specialists have shown that these parachutes cannot be used.” As it turned out, this is far from an isolated case, and that defective bulletproof vests, decommissioned ammunition and parts for helicopters and aircraft also came to the troops for fabulous money.

A number of State Duma deputies in an open letter to the president demanded the immediate resignation of Anatoly Serdyukov, who, with his reforms, only destroys the country's defense capability. The letter also spoke about the immediate plans of the Ministry of Defense, according to which, in three years, the Ground Forces will be reduced by 12 times, the Air Force and the Navy by 2 times, the Strategic Missile Forces by a third, and the Airborne Forces by 20 percent.

“The actual defeat of the General Staff continues, which will also be reduced by more than half. Experts are indignant at this haste. Over three years, it is planned to reduce more than 2,000 units and formations of our Armed Forces. No other country in the world has ever known such a rate of “circumcision”.

Began to appear in the press and information about personnel changes in the military department. So, instead of Colonel-General Viktor Vlasov, head of the Service for quartering and arranging troops, Colonel-General Viktor Vlasov, who committed suicide in 2008 (according to some reports, this happened a couple of days after a conversation with Serdyukov), Leonid Sorokko, head of a construction company from St. Petersburg, was appointed to this position. It is worth noting that Sorokko's official salary in the new position is noticeably less than what he earned from his business. So why did he accept this offer? Perhaps because now he annually controls tens of billions of rubles allocated from the federal budget for the construction of houses for officers and other objects of the Ministry of Defense.

The Main Directorate of Capital Construction of the Ministry of Defense also noticeably replenished with purely civilian "specialists" from the city on the Neva. Their qualifications raise serious doubts, but this does not prevent them from making statements about the need to privatize most of the objects of the RF Armed Forces in Moscow. So, it was the leaders invited by Serdyukov who proposed to move the Main Headquarters of the Navy, the Academy of Peter the Great, the CSK complexes and a number of other objects from the capital.

The rest of the military departments were not more fortunate, and soon the so-called "St. Petersburg" ones also appeared in them. The program for the privatization of military facilities of the Defense Ministry throughout Russia was led by the former top manager of the Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya corporation Lev Vinnik and the general director of the Leninets defense plant in St. Petersburg Alexander Gorbunov. It is worth noting that the Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya corporation is owned by Andrey Molchanov, the son of the current vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Yuri Molchanov, who in the 90s, together with Vladimir Putin, worked at St. Petersburg University at the Department of International Relations.

Another scandal received a lot of attention in the press. In June 2010, an order for the purchase of furniture for the needs of the Ministry of Defense and Rosoboronpostavka appeared on the public procurement website. So, the head of the last department for his office needed a set of furniture from 29 items. Including the quote: "Olive root veneer and beech veneer table with mahogany veneer finish with meander shaped marquetry." Similar requests were made by the deputies of Rosoboronpostavka and managers of a lower rank, totaling 20.3 million rubles.

On his personal account, Anatoly Serdyukov also decided not to save money and asked: “the table should be made of solid wood with antique handmade finish. Handles - gold, color - dark cherry.

Such attention and requests for furniture from the head of the Ministry of Defense is not accidental. After graduating from the Leningrad Institute of Trade, Serdyukov served in the Soviet Army from 1984 to 1985. True, for some unknown reason, he served only a year and a half instead of the prescribed two years - and this is the entire military experience of the Minister of Defense of a nuclear power.

After the army, Serdyukov began working in the Lenmebeltorg No. 3 store, which in 1986 changed its sign to Dresden and began selling furniture from the GDR. Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, Serdyukov was in charge of the wall department in the store. By the way, the store was famous not only in Leningrad, but throughout the Union - it was very difficult to get scarce, and even imported furniture at that time. However, "Dresden" did not work long, and after the unification of Germany ceased to exist.

However, Serdyukov, apparently, liked working in the furniture business so much that until 2000 he was the general director of Mebel-Market JSC. In the late 90s, Serdyukov entered the correspondence department of the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University, where he met his current wife, the daughter of Viktor Zubkov (now First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation). From that moment on, the career of Anatoly Serdyukov went uphill:

2001 - Head of the Tax Inspectorate of St. Petersburg

2004 - Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

2007 - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

So, thanks to his marriage to the daughter of an official close to Vladimir Putin, Anatoly Serdyukov turned from a simple "furniture maker" into the Minister of Defense of the world's largest country.

Information taken from the book "Dirty laundry of the Kremlin", "Yauza-press", Moscow, March 2011.


Text of the Appeal:

Appeal of the paratroopers to the people,

President, Federal Assembly of Russia,

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

A flagrant case of hazing and rudeness of the Minister of Defense A. Serdyukov in relation to our comrade Hero of Russia guards. Colonel Andrey Krasov (Head of the Ryazan branch of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) occurred on September 30, 2010.

Visiting the training center "Seltsy" near Ryazan, A. Serdyukov in a rude manner, insulted the Hero of Russia guards with obscene language. Colonel Andrei Krasov, humiliating his professional and personal dignity in front of his subordinates. The religious feelings of the paratroopers, who at their own expense built the Temple of Elijah the Prophet, the spiritual patron of the troops, were also offended. And this is the fourth military temple, which A. Serdyukov orders to be demolished.

Similar actions and tyranny were manifested by him before. This person has no authority either among the troops, or among veterans, or among the population. He showed inability to lead the troops while forcing Georgia to peace in August 2008. We remember the news when the President of the country "told" the Minister of Defense about the course of hostilities and the development of the operation, and not vice versa.

Today, the Airborne Forces are deliberately subjected to sophisticated persecution by the Minister of Defense, including:

The landing school is cut off from the troops. It is entrusted to lead them to an outsider in order to forever "eradicate the spirit" of the winners from the officers who protected Russia from disintegration and humiliation, who brought glory to the Fatherland in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Yugoslavia, Georgia;

The headquarters of the Airborne Forces is evicted to km 300. from Moscow. Now, when the minutes are counted, the troops will receive the orders of the Supreme High Command 8-10 hours later and their secrecy is not guaranteed;

The most important components that allow them to operate independently in remote and isolated areas have been excluded from the structure of the Airborne Forces. Now there is no one there to protect the interests of Russia;

For the troops, pre-conscription training for the VUS has been discontinued (except for drivers). Parents pay flying clubs for parachute training for their children who want to serve in the Airborne Forces;

The status of the 242 training center of the Airborne Forces and airborne brigades is deliberately lowered in comparison with similar formations in other troops;

The unique museum of the 80-year history of the troops, which gave hundreds of Heroes to the Fatherland, of which more than half were posthumously, is being destroyed. This is called vandalism in all countries.

The International Union of Paratroopers and the Union of Paratroopers of Russia (135 organizations, 35,000 members and hundreds of thousands of sympathizers, carrying out patriotic education and training of young people for military service in 64 regions of Russia) appeal to the President of Russia with a demand to investigate these facts and take the necessary measures.

The lives of our comrades given for the Motherland, our own military path and many years of service to the People of Russia allow us to demand moral satisfaction. An insult to the Hero of Russia A. Krasov is an insult to all the defenders of our Motherland. We appeal to parties, public and religious organizations; to veterans and youth who are just about to serve in the army; to the citizens of the country - support our demand!

We reserve the right to hold actions in defense of the honor and dignity of military personnel!

Chairman of the Union of Paratroopers of Russia
full cavalier of the orders "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces"
Colonel General Vladislav Achalov
Chairman of the International Union of Paratroopers,
Hero of the Soviet Union,
Lieutenant General Albert Slyusar


Very suddenly I wanted to REMIND what a boor VVP put on the post of Minister of Defense in the face of the face of Mr. Comrade Master Tolyan Serdyukov.

And how they completely whitewashed him, sending him to "work" in a responsible post in civil aviation.

And the partner was almost thanked for the stolen and especially for the highly artistic paintings of the outstanding thief.

We are talking about Vasilyeva (not the Minister of Education, but Serdyukov's accomplice), who got off with a slight fright and a false seat in a comfortable "cell" at home.

7 YEARS have passed, and the flowers of indulgence to embezzlers and destroyers have borne fruit. The destruction was powerful. It echoes in aviation, and in UAVs, and in intelligence - yes, in everything ...

And then Gref and Nabiullina were capricious - they don’t give money for the defense industry (“There is no money! Everyone - happiness and success!”) And that’s it.

And no one tells them! Neither the State Duma, nor the Government, nor the President! - only the State Department obeys, such naughty ones!

And stealing in Russia is no longer hundreds of millions and billions, but swung at trillions ... Look in "offshores".

In which it was about experiments in the field of defense conducted by A.E. Serdyukov. We publish it in full.

On September 30, 2010, one of the loudest scandals in the modern history of Russia took place at the training ground of the Ryazan Higher Command School of the Airborne Forces "Village". Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, flying around the training ground in a helicopter, noticed the unfinished buildings of the barracks and the canteen, he also noticed the Orthodox Church of Elijah the Prophet, built nearby. Coming out of the helicopter, Serdyukov immediately swore at the head of the Ryazan Airborne Forces School, Hero of Russia, Guards Colonel Andrey Krasov and the officers next to him: “The barracks is not completed, the dining room is not completed, and they rebuilt the church for 180 million!”

Andrey Krasov tried to explain to the minister that not a penny of budgetary money had been spent on the construction of the church, and it was completely erected at the expense of the Ryazan diocese, various sponsors and veterans of the Airborne Forces. Krasov also said that from 2011, army chaplains will be trained in the church of Elijah the Prophet, who will then be sent to military units throughout the country. He also noted that the nearest temple is located 15 km from the training ground on the other side of the Oka River, and getting to it for officers, their families, cadets and soldiers, to put it mildly, is problematic.

However, all this only angered Serdyukov, who in a fit of rage shouted: “You live here in shit, you will die in shit! Do not give money to this airborne center! This school should be downsized. Remove this impudent colonel - and join the troops!

After this story, the Union of Russian Paratroopers appealed to President Medvedev and Patriarch Kirill with a request not to leave this situation without attention and to intercede for Colonel Andrei Krasov. The representative of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, did not stand aside, who demanded that the Minister of Defense apologize to the commander of the Ryazan Airborne Forces School, and, regardless of whether he does it or not, said that Serdyukov should resign : this situation "from the worst side" characterizes Serdyukov himself as "a person who has nothing to do with the army" and "does not have any credibility not only among the Armed Forces, but also among civilians."

The ever-increasing dissatisfaction in the troops regarding the policies of the new Minister of Defense reached its peak. Even the officers of the elite units, directly reporting to the Supreme Commander through the General Staff, expressed their dissatisfaction.

Details of how the Ministry of Defense purchased defective parachutes for the Airborne Forces for the amount of 280 million rubles immediately surfaced. Chief Military Prosecutor of the Russian Federation Sergei Fridinsky said: “Cunning entrepreneurs made these parachutes not from new raw materials, but from old parts. Representatives of the army customer and military representatives, I believe, disinterestedly, turned a blind eye to this. Studies carried out by specialists have shown that these parachutes cannot be used.”. As it turned out, this is far from an isolated case, and that defective bulletproof vests, decommissioned ammunition and parts for helicopters and aircraft also came to the troops for fabulous money.

A number of State Duma deputies in an open letter to the president demanded the immediate resignation of Anatoly Serdyukov, who, with his reforms, only destroys the country's defense capability. The letter also spoke about the immediate plans of the Ministry of Defense, according to which, in three years, the Ground Forces will be reduced by 12 times, the Air Force and the Navy by 2 times, the Strategic Missile Forces by a third, and the Airborne Forces by 20 percent.
“The actual defeat of the General Staff continues, which will also be reduced by more than half. Experts are indignant at this haste. Over three years, it is planned to reduce more than 2,000 units and formations of our Armed Forces. No other country in the world has ever known such a rate of “circumcision”.

Began to appear in the press and information about personnel changes in the military department. So, instead of Colonel-General Viktor Vlasov, head of the Service for quartering and arranging troops, Colonel-General Viktor Vlasov, who committed suicide in 2008 (according to some reports, this happened a couple of days after a conversation with Serdyukov), Leonid Sorokko, head of a construction company from St. Petersburg, was appointed to this position. It is worth noting that Sorokko's official salary in the new position is noticeably less than what he earned from his business. So why did he accept this offer? Perhaps because now he annually controls tens of billions of rubles allocated from the federal budget for the construction of houses for officers and other objects of the Ministry of Defense.

The Main Directorate of Capital Construction of the Ministry of Defense also noticeably replenished with purely civilian "specialists" from the city on the Neva. Their qualifications raise serious doubts, but this does not prevent them from making statements about the need to privatize most of the objects of the RF Armed Forces in Moscow. So, it was the leaders invited by Serdyukov who proposed to move the Main Headquarters of the Navy, the Academy of Peter the Great, the CSK complexes and a number of other objects from the capital.

The rest of the military departments were not more fortunate, and soon the so-called "St. Petersburg" ones also appeared in them. The program for the privatization of military facilities of the Defense Ministry throughout Russia was led by the former top manager of the Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya corporation Lev Vinnik and the general director of the Leninets defense plant in St. Petersburg Alexander Gorbunov. It is worth noting that the Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya corporation is owned by Andrey Molchanov, the son of the current vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Yuri Molchanov, who in the 90s, together with Vladimir Putin, worked at St. Petersburg University at the Department of International Relations.

Another scandal received a lot of attention in the press. In June 2010, an order for the purchase of furniture for the needs of the Ministry of Defense and Rosoboronpostavka appeared on the public procurement website. So, the head of the last department for his office needed a set of furniture from 29 items. Including the quote: "Olive root veneer and beech veneer table with mahogany veneer finish with meander shaped marquetry." Similar requests were made by the deputies of Rosoboronpostavka and managers of a lower rank, totaling 20.3 million rubles.

On his personal account, Anatoly Serdyukov also decided not to save money and asked: “The table should be made of solid wood with antique handmade finishes. Handles - gold, color - dark cherry.

Such attention and requests for furniture from the head of the Ministry of Defense is not accidental. After graduating from the Leningrad Institute of Trade, Serdyukov served in the Soviet Army from 1984 to 1985. True, for some unknown reason, he served only a year and a half instead of the prescribed two years - and this is the entire military experience of the Minister of Defense of a nuclear power.

After the army, Serdyukov began working in the Lenmebeltorg No. 3 store, which in 1986 changed its sign to Dresden and began selling furniture from the GDR. Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, Serdyukov was in charge of the wall department in the store. By the way, the store was famous not only in Leningrad, but throughout the Union - it was very difficult to get scarce, and even imported furniture at that time. However, "Dresden" did not work long, and after the unification of Germany ceased to exist.

However, Serdyukov, apparently, liked working in the furniture business so much that until 2000 he was the general director of Mebel-Market JSC. In the late 90s, Serdyukov entered the correspondence department of the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University, where he met his current wife, the daughter of Viktor Zubkov (now First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation). From that moment on, the career of Anatoly Serdyukov went uphill:

2001 - Head of the Tax Inspectorate of St. Petersburg
2004 - Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia
2007 - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

So, thanks to his marriage to the daughter of an official close to Vladimir Putin, Anatoly Serdyukov turned from a simple "furniture maker" into the Minister of Defense of the world's largest country.

Information taken from the book “Dirty laundry of the Kremlin”, Yauza-press, Moscow, March 2011.

From the editor:The material presented in the article unequivocally testifies to the wrecking nature of Serdyukov's experiments. The defenses have suffered tremendous damage! Of course, as it turned out later, the relevant acts were not carried out on a "disinterested" basis - Serdyukov and his associates "warmed their hands" on fraud. And, unfortunately, their case was hushed up. Which once again confirms the lack of understanding by the authorities of the essence of what is happening, the tasks facing Russia.

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