Home Salon Reviews about SsangYong Actyon. Santen Aktion: Specifications, History, Place on the San Ung Aktion Big Mileage Repair Reliability

Reviews about SsangYong Actyon. Santen Aktion: Specifications, History, Place on the San Ung Aktion Big Mileage Repair Reliability

What are the pros and cons of cars with engines on different fuel? What machine is more convenient to manage? How big is the savings in liters and rubles? Finally, what does the ownership of a gasoline machine and diesel cost? To answer these questions, we took almost perfect competitors - two SsangYong Actyon crossover in the same settings and with the same transmissions. Double-liter engines, 149 hp Only on the red car - diesel, but on black - gasoline. This is just the first difference. We, not counting the body of the body, found four more.

Gasoline - Diesel

Two-liter gasoline engine of black SsangYong Actyon gives 149 hp at 3500-4000 rpm and 197 N · m at 3500-4000 rpm. The Turbodiesel of the Orange Meeting with the same working volume and the same capacity is distinguished by a much more solid point - 360 N · m, and already for 2000-2500 rpm. The transmissions are the same - all-wheel drive, with a six-speed "machine", but, of course, with modified modes with motorcycles by gear ratios.

How much are unnecessary Newtonmeters and higher dynamic parameters (maximumworthing and overclocking)? In early February, the price of Diesel Aktion was 60 thousand rubles. higher than gasoline in similar configuration. It is impossible to predict how the price of cars will change in the future, but we will proceed from the fact that the difference between gasoline and diesel versions will remain about the same.


Test mileage showed: a diesel car spends 100 km run by an average of 1.5-2.0 liters of fuel less. This coincides with the passport data.

Test mileage showed: a diesel car spends 100 km run by an average of 1.5-2.0 liters of fuel less. This coincides with the passport data.

Slower - faster

The dynamics of measured on the rolled snow at a temperature of +2 ºС. Of course, our results are very different from passport. However, in this case, we were not interested in absolute indicators, but comparatives - obtained on different motors. For completeness, we experienced cars twice: in the standard for our tests mode (the cutting mass plus two rides) and with a complete passport mass.

The fact that the diesel ssangyong is faster, understandable immediately, without any measurements - barely put on the gas pedal as it should. Seconds shown by an impartial device only confirm it. And when overclocking up to 100 km / h, and when accelerating from 60 to 100 km / h and from 80 to 120 km / h, the Redhead Actyon is easily played by the gasoline fellow.

The difference is especially impressive when the cars are loaded under the string. The gasoline Actyon motor is roasting, accelerating the carcass weighing 2.2 tons. Diesel SsangYong does everything easily and makes it possible to feel: with intensive acceleration, the back is noticeably pressed into the head of the chair.

It is clear that the possibilities of 150-strong turbodiesel are unbounded: with increasing speed, the pressure is noticeably weakening. But on acceleration to 100 km / h, diesel Actyon without difficulty "brings" 2.5-3.5 s gasoline competitor, and this is a lot.

Test mileage secured the first impressions. Anything on black gasoline "Action" for a diesel "rim" during overtones and on protracted lines, holding the cruising 100-110 km / h, can only be able to constantly push the gas pedal to the floor. And this markedly affects acoustic comfort. Both cars are far from quiet. But with a calm ride, the noise is mainly from the bottom, from the road, and at intensive accelerations the word takes the engines. Moreover, the diesel SsangYong turns out to be quieter than gasoline, since the "automatic" of the latter is more often pushing lower transmissions, forcing the motor to unwind to the ring.

In general, ride a diesel car is easier and more pleasant. It is not necessary to put the pedal until the stop is needed - on the contrary, there is a feeling of power stock, and this is not only pleasant, but also convenient, and therefore safely.

Above the flow rate - below the expense

We measured fuel consumption in two test runs - first with partial load (driver and one passenger), and then with full. We went to the same route, including urban streets, loaded suburban roads and high-speed motorways.


Diesel Actyon per 100 km path spent on average by 1.5-2.0 liters of fuel less than gasoline. We expected greater savings, however, this is not enough. Especially translated on the annual mileage.

Why is the flow less? First, diesel a priori is more economical. In addition, gasoline Actyon is more often moving on reduced transmissions. But the change in the load on fuel consumption influenced little. A little weaker, it feels diesel, which is quite expected - but it almost did not affect the fuel consumption. It is possible that on other machines, especially with smaller motors, the difference will be more noticeable.

Warm - colder

Frosts during the test, as discharged, changed to the thaw. But +1 ºС is also not Africa, so we decided not to cancel the interrogation test. Moreover, already in the preliminary run, they noticed that for comfortable driving in a diesel car, you need to set a higher temperature climate installation.

The salons were heated for half an hour, running the cold motors after night parking - pre-exhibit +22 ºС and turning on the AUTO mode.

06 SsangYong Zr03-15

The temperature was measured in the front and rear parts of the machines, at the head level of the rides. The results were awarded.

No revelations: the gasoline car salon warms up faster. At first, the difference is small: after 15 minutes in a gasoline machine, the thermometers showed +5 ºС, in diesel - only half-grades. But after another 15 minutes, the gasoline Actyon won a confident victory: +10 against +6.4 ºС in diesel.

Of course, on the go, the difference would be smaller, because diesel under load warms faster. But urban cars, which in the morning, barely leaving the parking lot, get up in traffic, will behave about the same way as in our test.

Cheaper - more expensive

It remains to estimate what the advantages and disadvantages of both cars will cost.

Gasoline we bought 35.5 rubles per liter, and diesel fuel - 34.5 rubles.

They are very similar, but still different: diesel Actyon is not only more economical, but also noticeably more than gasoline

Consumables for gasoline and diesel "actions" are approximately the same. But the planned service of the diesel engine is prescribed after 5000 km after purchase, and then you need to visit the service station every 10 thousand km. Gasoline Actyon needs to be maintained every 15 thousand km.

Nevdren calculations show: on mileage 105 thousand km (Katten maintenance frequency of gasoline version) The owner of the gasoline Aktion will save 45.3 thousand rubles on service. (at the prices of the beginning of February). Excellent!

Now we calculate the cost of fuel. If we take our test costs as a reference, then for gasoline will have to give an increase of 72.5 rubles. More than for diesel fuel.

So, the difference in operational expenditures - 27.2 rubles. in favor of diesel.

And now let's remember the prices of cars: diesel Actyon by 60,000 rubles more expensive! It turns out that the buyer of a new diesel engine during running 105,000 km will have to lay 32.8 thousand "extra" rubles from the pocket. This is a fee for a more economical and frisky car, very comfortable in country trips - especially if you often ride with a large load and trailer.

It is clear that in the case of other machines, the difference may turn out to be different, but the trend is traced: it is more profitable to ride on a diesel car, especially if you have big runs, but initially a higher price drives this win on no. And if you give a low-quality diesel fuel system and "get" to clean the fuel system, then buying a diesel engine and will lose an economic meaning at all.


Sang Ag Aktion (SsangYong Actyon) - the car is far from new and successfully sold in large quantities is no longer the first year. In the folk masses, the car is called differently, for example, it is called it as an aqua, and employees of insurance companies are also called it. This relay was intercepted and part of motorists, gradually upgrading the Axken in "Action". But how much "action" in this car, and with what problems will be faced after the purchase of second-hand Sang Ang second-generation action, now and try to find out.

A bit of history:

In 2010, New Actyon came to replace the first generation of Sang Ang Akton, the "New" prefix appeared in the title in order not to confuse a new model with a previous version that did not rush to leave the market. In many markets, the second generation of Actyon is sold under the name "Korando". New Actyon This is no longer a frame SUV as the first generation, but an ordinary crossover with a bearing body. The design of the car was designed by the best designer of Georgetto Judjaro, who painted such cars as "Bugatti » and « Ferrari. » . In 2012, New Actyon was presented at the Geneva Motor Show in a pickup body, which with a conventional crossover has nothing to do. The next restyling New Actyon has undergone in 2013, the changes affected the front and rear part of the body, the interior of the car and the technical stuffing. The main part of the cars sold in the CIS was gathered in Russia at the Sollers - Far East factory. The release of the new generation is scheduled at the beginning of 2017.

The advantages and disadvantages of Sang AG Aktion with mileage.

It is the opinion that the paintwork Sang AG Aktion is thin, and the body iron in places of chipping is rotting to the holes, however, the real operating experience speaks of the opposite. Middle quality paint coating, but it is impossible to say that it does not appear on it at all, it is impossible to say that the metal does not rust in the locations, but the foci of corrosion superficial and easily removed by the rust converter. Chrome elements of the body finish after a couple of winters are muttered and sometimes begin to worry, especially on the nameplates and bar of the trunk doors.

Power units

On Sang Ag, three power units are available to the second-generation Action: gasoline, with a motor 2.0 (149 hp) and diesel 2.0 (149, 179 hp). At first, diesel engines were two, then a more powerful power unit was removed from production. But, as the operating experience has shown, the engine with a capacity of 179 hp, was the most successful, since 149 hp For this car is not enough. Machines with gasoline engines in the secondary market are much less than diesel. On many gasoline Sang Ag Aktion there is a problem with a cold launch, especially in winter. For example, a cold engine can start, and after a few seconds to stall, and so several times. To resolve the problem, the dealer center offers a firmware replacement, but it helps very rarely. Some mechanics suggest that the cause of such a motor behavior is the fuel ramp, since it is installed at an irregular angle. If the machine is not warranty, then you can adjust the ramp in the informal service and change the sealing rings.

Diesel engines are very reliable, the only thing that gives headaches to the owners is the exhaust temperature sensor, on the turblyatel. The sensor has a small work resource, because of this, most problems of diesel engines. For example, the car disappears from the car, and the "Check Engine" indicator lights up on the instrument panel. The sensor replacement is required every 30-40 thousand km, costs such repairs at 50-100 cu.


Sang Ang Action is set to a six-speed mechanic or a 6-speed automatic transmission. Most of the cars, on the secondary market, equipped with automatic transmission, mechanics are found, on average, by 35% of cars. As opened experience, both transmissions are very reliable, but some operational flaws in them were still identified. On machines, with a manual gearbox, sometimes when the first and second transmission is turned on, you can hear a stupid knock or crunch; To resolve the problem, you need to adjust the thrust of the switch lever. In the work of the automatic transmission, which goes paired with diesel engines, there are jerks when switching from the 1st to 2nd, as well as from the 2nd transmission, as well as shocks after stopping. Rebuilding the control unit does not always help eliminate the problem. Also, in this transmission, there are no rare cases of non-oil oil, from 0.5 liters to 1.5 liters. The reliability of the full drive does not cause any complaints, but there are complaints about its operational characteristics. Many owners note not timely connection of the full drive.

Reliability chassis Sang AG Aktion

Car suspension has a simple design: in front - MacPherson, rear - multi-dimensional. The second generation of Sang Ag Aktion from those cars, which quickly begins to sound the suspension, that is, after 20-30 thousand km of mileage. Many experienced owners solve this problem with a breakdown of all suspension connections. If we talk about reliability, then most often you have to change the shrus's anthers, good, its value is not large - 15-20 cu. Also, the hub bearings quickly fail, there are enough of them for 30-40 thousand km of mileage. Bracket fastening the rear stabilizer - 40-50 thousand km. Stabilizer racks withstand no more than 50,000 km, 25 USD are asked for the original rack. The remaining suspension elements live 100,000 km and more. If, when rotating the steering wheel from the extreme position in the opposite, heard clicks or crunch - it is necessary to replace the lower part of the steering shaft assembly from the EUR, for the replacement will have to give about 1000 USD.


The quality of finishing materials and the assembly of the Sang ENG salon Aktion is not the best quality, as a result, extraneous symptops begin to bother even on almost new cars. Quality does not withstand any criticism, on cars, with a mileage of 40-45 thousand km, the steering wheel is coated at properly and looks as if 150-200 thousand km drove on the car. Frequently common cases of failure of cruise control, ESP sensor, rear windows.


Sang Ag Aktion is a city crossover of great opportunities, which will enjoy a sufficiently large audience of motorists through pleasant appearance, the presence of a full drive and low cost in the secondary market. If we talk about reliability, then despite a number of deficiencies identified, the car can be attributed to the discharge of reliable. And those problems that have been identified are more related to the categories of children's, and do not require expensive repairs.


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Respect, editors Car auto

Korean production car - Actyon Sports uniting good high-speed qualities and excellent permeability. It is highlighted by its economy and simplicity of service, and at the same time, with a comfortable interior.

German engineers from Mercedes Corporation took part in the development of this car. Their main task was the technical support of the Korean designers to raise the quality of the car assembly. And these expectations were fully justified. At the moment, the Korean car is identified as reliability and quality.

Ssang Yong Actyon Sports is quite attractive. Comfortable car interior, and a large set of all kinds of options, allow you to make any trip comfortable and comfortable.

The basis of the structure of the body is a frame, with its help the car has a high reliability and contributes to overcoming any, most impassable areas of roads. The last fact is very important for buyers of the CIS countries, since the quality of the road covering in individual regions of our country leaves much to be desired.

Excellent suspension helps to increase the level of comfortable driving for all in the car. It suppresses various vibrations that can occur during a sharp braking, overclocking with jerks, or when driving along a road with poor quality coating (or its absence completely). Noise isolation of the machine performed at a great level. When moving the car, its engine work is practically not felt.

By buying Svangong Aktion Sport, you can not doubt that its operation will not deliver many problems. The fact is that with any problems with the provision of spare parts. That is why any repairs will not cause great difficulties from the owners.

Specifications give another plus of this model. Reliable engine operation is provided by direct fuel injection. The power installed on the motor car is 141 horses, and the volume is 2000 cm. Cube. Included with the engine there is a manual box, or a box-machine. If necessary, when overcoming the impassable areas of the road, you can connect a four-wheel drive. With the usual movement, the rear-wheel drive is used. Under any circumstances, this car is an excellent assistant for moving around the city feature. This perfectly contributes to a huge trunk and good off-road quality of the car.

The car of the first generation is more in demand in the body of the Liftbek, the basis of the framework of a pick-up at the same time serves as the basis. Machines are distinguished by good technical specifications, provide a worthy level of comfort in the cabin. An important detail - the power units were created on the license acquired from Mercedes - Benz. Machines on the secondary market are cheaper than Japanese and European classmates, competition can be less reliable Chinese technology. Like any car, Actyon has weaknesses, the main of which will be listed, based on the experience of the owners.


  • Five-door SUV;
  • Engine: diesel 2.0 l, 149 and 179 hp, gasoline 2.3 l, 150 hp;
  • Transmission: rear-wheel drive, 5-mCPP, 4-automatic transmission;
  • Maximum speed: 163 km / h;
  • Overclocking time: gasoline motor - 12.2 seconds, diesel -14.1 seconds;
  • Fuel consumption: on the highway gasoline engine - 9, diesel - 7.5 km / h, in the city of gasoline engine - 15.7, diesel - 11.5 km / h;
  • The volume of the fuel tank is 57 liters.

Advantages and Advantages of SsangYong Actyon

  1. Good equipment;
  2. Diesel engine;
  3. There is a reduced gear;
  4. Comfortable salon;
  5. Body is resistant to corrosion;
  6. High-quality plastic on the bumper;
  7. Reliable gearboxes;
  8. Durable drive timing;
  9. Affordable price.

Weak places Sushang Yong Aktion

  • Engines:
  • Bridge fastening beam;
  • Fastening to the body;
  • Hub;
  • Springs;
  • Fuel system;
  • Front cardan.

Power units

Gasoline motor is a problemable car location. In winter, problems arise with his launch. The cold engine after was started, after a few seconds it can stumble. It repeats this more than once. The official dealer will help eliminate the problem if the car is under warranty. He proposes to replace the firmware, but this measure does not bring the desired result. Local craftsmen found another way to solve it - to adjust the ramp and install new sealing rings. Since the cause of a malfunction in the improper location of the fuel frame.

The sickness of diesel installations is the exhaust temperature sensor, which is installed on the turbocharger. This element has a small resource and quickly fails. The fault negatively affects the thrust. Every 40 thousand km is needed to replace the sensor. The cost of the procedure is about 6000 rubles.

Front bridge beam.

Dangerous cracks appear quite often in the bridge fastening beam. Most often, the problem occurs in cars, which were actively used on off-road. In case of late detection, the front axle breaks off from the attachment places and damages the engine crankcase. You can detect a malfunction when inspection on the pit. In the event of a crack, it will be necessary to brew it, set a reliable latch to damage.

Body strength.

Poor body strength, mounting problems to the frame. You should pay close attention to the inspection of the body. It is necessary to thoroughly inspect all the elements of the fastening, the body itself. Inspection must be carried out on the pit, the lift with a good level of lighting. The disease is treated with welding works, is a clear consequence of constructive flaws.

It has a weak level of reliability. The failure threatens with serious material costs, it is made assembly, it is impossible to change separately the bearing. Surface diagnostics is made on the go, the characteristic hum will reveal a problem detail. A more detailed inspection must be done when inspection of the running on the pit.

Even relative to the "fresh" copies strongly seated. Determine it is easily visually. Special attention is recommended to turn to the rear springs. The original is made of a thin rod with a diameter of 13 mm. If Actyon is operated with full load, the car simply falls on the bump. Corrected by the problem of replacing springs with simultaneous installation of spacers.

Fuel system.

A reliable equipment of the famous Delphi company is installed on the car. Its disadvantage is very high sensitivity to fuel quality. The first sign of problems can serve as an unstable operation of the power unit. For the purchase is not accompanied by considerable costs, it is recommended to fully spend money on computer diagnostics. Do it, even if there is no alarming symptoms.

Slots front cardan.

Front Cardan Slots is a Sanneg Akton disease. This problem can be attributed to factory flaws. With active operation in sports mode, spline connections are broken, this is evidenced by the appearance of a backlash. Diagnose such an alarming symptom recommended for a service station.

Other problems.

Levers, steering thrust. An unpleasant design feature lies in the fact that weak balls do not change separately. Problem suspension places are recommended to carefully check on the pit. Carefully check the entire chassis, an unpleasant feature of the model is the low operational resource of the chassis. If she is "killed," will need significant funds for its recovery.

The main disadvantages of SsangYong Actyon

  1. Rigid suspension;
  2. Ergonomic shortcomings;
  3. "Crickets in the cabin";
  4. Weak noise insulation arches;
  5. Small trunk volume;
  6. Low quality plastic in the cabin
  7. Review when moving by reverse.


Despite the existing factory flaws and operational problems, buying this car can become a reasonable act. It's not so difficult to find the technique in a decent state, on which the owner has already eliminated the factory "Kosyaki". The main thing is not to neglect the careful diagnosis of problem nodes.

Describe the sick places and the shortcomings of your SsangYong Actyon, detected during operation.

Weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages of SSANG UNG Aktion Was Last Modified: November 20, 2018 by Administrator.

Action is the smallest SUV. The first generation of cars was produced since 2006, the second from 2011. The last restyling of the Crossover was presented in the middle of 2014. At one time, SsangYong Actyon in the body's performance of Liftbek and Pickup came to the change of Musso and Musso Sports.

It was suspended due to the release of the crossover designed at a similar base. Therefore, the car comes from Korea by Sollers.

The name of the car is a combination of the words "active" and "young" (Activ + Young), which fully corresponds to the design, equipment, technical characteristics and direction of the model.

To date, the Variations of New Actyon II and Actyon Sports, equipped with 2 liter diesel and gasoline engines, as well as mechanical or automatic transmission shift boxes are relevant.

Owners about Sanong Aktion

Assess the quality and reliability of the vehicle, as well as the negative moments that occur during operation on domestic roads and in the context of the Russian winter, the owners of the car will help.

Alexey Shershen, 2.0D MT 2007 (crossover, diesel, mileage - 50,000 km).

I have a "Korean" of the first generation with diesel and mechanics. I bought with mileage and I already have more than five years. The car never failed, and the details on it are all native. I can confidently declare that the acton is unpretentious, reliable, is quite economical and comfortable. It has a moderate suspension, good potential, decent road clearance and confidently holds the road. The turbine, however, is weak, and the speaker appeared only after chip tuning. The quality of the cabin and equipment at the height - I did not even expect. Excellent price / quality indicator. I recommend to everyone.

Vyacheslav Zagigintsev, 2.0D MT 2011 (Pickup, diesel, mileage - 65,000 km).

Buying in the cabin, chose a car for the carriage of cargo by off-road. With his task, the car coped to "excellent." Nearly 65,000 km. Run - and there was no difficulty and in risen. The planned and replacement of filters do not go into the calculation. On the cold starts instantly, heating of glass, chairs and rear view mirrors work properly. Fuel consumption is quite satisfied with me (I thought it would be significantly higher). Comparing with competitors, with other things being equal to the Actyon Sports performance is significantly cheaper. From the flaws I can only be called not particularly sensitive brakes.

Sergey Filimonov, 2.0D AT 2012 (crossover, diesel, mileage - 56,000 km).

For the third year I ride in Moscow. Average consumption of about 9.5 liters. In winter, in the snowdrifts and ice, in the summer, at the cottage or at sea - always pleases. I do not know whether this is merit of designers, but no one else "caught" by the car "- can conspiring? I still set, but only after a year and a half. From breakdowns: Light bulbs in the illumination of the room, a roughened right wing and various filters. More serious repair I do not know how much will it cost and whether there are parts, since the car is not particularly common in the Russian Federation. Like mine, the equipment of other manufacturers will cost more. In general, the car is pleased.

Ecaterina Malenkov, 2.0 AT 2013 (crossover, gasoline, mileage - 17,000 km).

Beautiful car for girls, young people and families with children. While, at high speed, the comfort is somewhat dulled, the car compensates for it worthy off-road qualities. The second car in the family is, so I have a love for the Koreans for a long time. The root is roomy - the volume with the head is enough for trips to nature with two children. For them, fastenings for children's chairs and boosters are provided in the design of the rear sofa. The appetite of the engine in the city reaches 12 liters, which is quite acceptable for the parkerchief. Maintenance is not expensive. I am pleased with the purchase.

Alexander Kochkin, 2.0 AT 2013 (crossover, gasoline, mileage - 26,300 km).

I liked the car immediately, and the dealer offered a discount and as a gift. For 8 months I can not say anything bad. Fuel consumption on the highway about 9 liters, in the city a little more - 11 liters. Action is stable and obedient, perfectly holds the road and maneuver. In the cabin, there are five adult passengers, including the driver. As for me, the racks are very broad, which makes it difficult to review and creates blind zones. No mirror settings do not help. A little quickly burned out the light bulbs in the "fogging", and several chips and scratches appeared on the thresholds. Otherwise, everything suits.

Andrei Panfilov, 2.0 AT 2014 (crossover, gasoline, mileage - 14,670 km).

There is nothing to speak especially - a very high quality, reliable and safe car. Verified on your own experience. I had a domestic patriot before him. The difference is significant and not in favor of the Russian car industry. Although there were no special claims to the UAZ-ICU. In not the most expensive equipment, there is everything you need: electrical windows, winter package, air conditioning, navigator, multimedia and so on. Finishing materials high-quality, wear-resistant and pleasant to the touch. Nothing will not creak anywhere. In the trunk, everything is necessary and the compartment for the spares and the tool is preserved.

Alexander Nabokov, 2.0 MT 2013 (crossover, diesel, mileage - 32,000 km).

Only positive impressions from the first day of driving. For modest money to get such a universal car, I did not even hoped. Everything is almost perfect: handling, consumption, interior design and exterior, equipment, build quality and decoration. The rear seats tilting the backrest and the floor of the luggage compartment are still adjustable (if you folded) absolutely smooth. Consumption depends on the driving manner, but generally acceptable.

As you can make sure that the sides of the SsangYong Actyon parked, SsangYong Actyonsports Pickup are:

  • optimal indicators "price / quality";
  • handling and maneuverability;
  • inexpensive service and maintenance;
  • moderate consumption of gasoline and diesel fuel;
  • interior design and exterior.

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