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About us. What is better: Matador or Cordiant Firm Matador Tire Country manufacturer

Matador tire brand belongs to the German concern Continental. Matador Tire Mark is founded in the city of Bratislava Czechoslovakia, but in 2007 Continental bought out shares, and in 2009 he became a full-fledged owner. Country Matador tire manufacturer (Matador) - Germany, Slovenia, Poland, France, Russia. Matador car rubber is designed for both budget and average market segment.

Matador is one of those companies that crossed the frontier of 100 years. But in 2007, the brand passed under the leadership of the German group Continental. The German owners modernized the production of the Slovak company, and it only strengthened their authority in the market. Tires Matador are really durable, high-quality and safe for any weather.

About Brand Shin Matador

Matador is part of a number of most popular tire brands. Almost 90% of products are shipped to more than 80 countries of the world. On the global market, Mark got only in 1992. In 1930, Matador patented a system of connecting iron and rubber components in automotive tires.

Tire history Matador

The brand history began back in 1905. The first factory was created in Petroleka. First, the factory produced rubber hoses and belts. Tire trial launched in 1925. The next six years, Matador remained the only manufacturer of tires in Czechoslovakia. Management Beginning to cooperate with Skoda, Tatra and Aero. The tire market quickly grew, so the company decided to build a new plant. Construction was completed in 1948. But only on March 1, 1950, the enterprise began to produce tires. After that, the factory continued to expand its range. In 1955, the plant launched the production of conveyor belts, and in the 1962-M - air pipes. Radial tires appeared only in 1968. Three years later, they began to produce radial tires for passenger cars. The company made an emphasis on scientific research, so in 1987 the institute was created in the city of Pukhov.

The history of Matador takes the beginning in 1905. This is the first tire manufacturer in the former Czechoslovakia. In 1925, the first tires were made from the conveyor, which were installed on Cars Škoda, Tatra and others. The company offers Matador Summer Tires, All-season and Winter. Rubber is certified and complies with standards and standards: ISO 9001, BS 7750, ISO 14001, QS 9000, VDA 6.1, which indicates the quality and reliability of Slovak tires.

Matador tire features

The assortment of rubber "Mator" is presented for such types of cars: passenger, off-road, light truck. Summer, all-season and winter Matador tire options cover common sizes (13-21 inches). They have asymmetric, unired and directed tread patterns.

Tires are designed using computer simulation. This allows you to create a protector with the best driving characteristics. The company has its own research center, and tire production factories are located in Slovakia and Germany.

In 1905, an enterprise for the production of rubber hoses and belts was founded in the city of Pukhov. Until 1911, the company was called Matador casting.

The first tires with the Matador marking came off the enterprise conveyor in 1925, when the plant in Bratislava was opened with the support of Austria banks and Hungary. In 1932, the Bratislava factory and the Praguery of rubber products in a joint joint stock company occurred. At the same time there was a complete transition of the plant for the production of tires.

The plant's products were gaining popularity in Europe, but the development plans were violated by the Second World War. And only in 1946 the company returned to the economic structure of Czechoslovakia. In the period from 1948 and until the end of the 1990s, the plant produced a tire with the name of Barum formed from the abbreviated BATA-Rubena, large changes occurred in the company's activities with the beginning of the 90s. The Barum brand bought the German concern Continental AG, and the plant in Pukhov, undergoing significant changes during the privatization processes, resumed the production of tires of the Matador brand. These changes contributed to the formation of the modern appearance of the independent enterprise Matador, Puchov-oriented consumer.

The use of Innovative All Still technologies using a solid construction from a metal cord and the original rubber coating on a metallized base of the framework made it possible to create fundamentally new winter tires for trucks and SUVs. For example, the Matador DH 1 Diamond tires are equipped with a powerful two-layer tread, which is capable of adjusting overheating and external loads. A similar model Matador DR 2 VARIANT M + S with a special tire tread loop guarantees a confident and reliable clutch with an icing surface. Matador tires are summarized in summer and winter tires for passenger and cargo transportation, as well as SUVs. One of the popular tires manufactured by the company includes the following models: Matador MP 14 Prima tires. These tires are intended for summer trips on a passenger car of Russian or foreign production. Special tread pattern with stepped grooves will provide maneuverability and safety of the car even on a wet road. Thanks to the well-thought-out tire design, having a narrow central belt across the entire width of the tire, the car is easy to control on any road.

Matador MR-51 Sibir tires.
Winter studded tires designed for passenger cars will provide confidence on the roads in the conditions of severe northern weather. The use of modern technologies, reliable chipovka, impeccable production quality made these tires optimally suitable for winter Russian roads. The symmetric protector will provide confident adhesion with snow or ice coating.

Matador MPS115 Variant 2 tires.
Winter not saved tires for passenger vans and freight transport. Different with improved burden, low noise level, high degree of reliability due to a special tread pattern. Suitable for all-season use. Equally well operate on all axes of transport. Thanks to the thoughtful investment of profits, powerful support for science and research, the energetic introduction of new forms of management and consistently high product quality, Matador today is a successful international corporation exporting its products to many countries of the world. The company has expanded the product range, adjusting the production of conveyor belts, machinery and equipment for the tire industry, drive belts.

Real universal tire.

With Matador tires, developed by professionals, you are ready to perform any tasks. For many years, Matador's successful developments are reflected in dynamic, modern and efficient tires. With Matador tires you are ready for any tests.

Matador, which is part of the prestigious group of Continental Group, has a long tradition of compliance with high-quality requirements thanks to European professionalism in the field of production and technologies.

Matador brand is based on the following key values:

  • Dynamic: Modern brand, energetic and active, with large ambitions.
  • Experience: More than 110 years of experience in the tire industry.
  • Diversity: Wide product line for all segments and weather conditions.

Matador is a long tradition, a wide range of products and tires with reliable characteristics.

The history of Matador

  • 1905 - Plant Matador Rubber and Balata;
  • 1925 - production of the first tire of the brand Matador in Bratislava;
  • 1930 - invented system for compounding iron with rubber. Matador received patent rights;
  • 1933 - Matador has released the first bus for rough terrain in Czechoslovakia called Goliath;
  • 1934 - Matador has released a mamut balloon tire on sale;
  • 1947 - the first stone is laid in the foundation of the rubber product plant in Pukhov;
  • 1950 - Opened Tire Production Factory "May 1";
  • 1955 - the beginning of the conveyor production;
  • 1968 - the beginning of the production of metal cup of cargo tire;
  • 1976 - the beginning of the production of all-metal chopping cargo tire;
  • 1990 - the emergence of the state-joint-stock company GUMARNE BARUM PUCHOV;
  • 1993 - Privatization of the company GUMARNE BARUM PUCHOV;
  • 1993 - prepares a new generation of winter tires MP55;
  • 1999 - Creating a joint venture Continental and Matador for the production of cargo tires;
  • 2000 - Matador has developed a new generation of tires for MP41 Aquilla racing cars with a "W" speed index (up to 270 km / h);
  • 2004 - Matador for the first time developed tires for the segment of all-wheel drive / car class SUV - MP71 Izzarada A / T and MP91 Nordicca;
  • 2004 - Matador introduced the first all-season tire of the MP61 Adhesa;
  • 2005 - updated logo;
  • 2007 - Concern Continental AG has acquired a controlling stake in Matador rubber products division;
  • 2010 - Concern Continental AG received full control over the company's shares.

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