Home Wheels Do you need to unscrew the batteries when charging. And how to do it? Be sure to read. How to open a non-listed battery yourself Delkor batteries unscrewed by their plugs

Do you need to unscrew the batteries when charging. And how to do it? Be sure to read. How to open a non-listed battery yourself Delkor batteries unscrewed by their plugs

Sometimes access to the electrolyte is required to maintain or diagnose the battery, but in the absence of access, many motorists want to remove the battery lid.

Batteries are divided into batteries with access to electrolyte and without access to electrolyte. In order to unscrew the corks rechargeable battery With access to electrolyte you will need a ruble coin or a wide screwdriver. If the battery has a single lid in the form of a plank, you will need a screwdriver (panel-cover, remove with a screwdriver). But there are batteries that do not have access to electrolyte, so often motorists turn to the specialist with the advice to help remove the cover from the Varta battery or bosch.

How to remove battery lid Varta, Bosch, Atlas, Delkor, Bost, Banner

If you need to remove the cover from the data of the battles, then after removing the battery cover can be thrown out. Those. Batteries VARTA, BOSCH, ATLAS, DELKOR, BOST, BANNER will not work, because the cover is fixed. Technologically crusher soldered at the factory and does not imply dismantling from the battery.

If you want to remove the panel from the lid, then you need to know that there is no access to the electrolyte - it is a labyrinth system for steam condensation. But here there is one exception - if you found that the electrolyte level is below the necessary (for example, they were identified by excommunication, then the medical syringe and awl to help you. It is necessary to make a neat opening, trying not to damage the labyrinth system, add the electrolyte with a syringe, and then drove the hole.

Beginner motorists are always a lot of questions, many of them are due to the existing gaps in knowledge and at the same time fear damage the car (item). Over time, knowledge concerning the auto subject is added, the experience is growing, self-confidence - part of the questions disappears by itself. But there are among them and such that are capable of calling a dispute even among experienced car owners, for example, whether to unscrew the cork when charging the battery. But really, is it necessary? Let's deal with.

Akb varieties and other useful information.

It's not a secret to anyone that car batteries are several species: lead-acid (minority), calcium and hybrid (according to the composition), as well as those serviced and maintained (by constructive features). So the dilemma of the need to unscrew the traffic keys can only be set in the case when it comes to serviced standard lead batteries or hybrids, since only these most traffic jams will be present.

All other options for the possibility of topping the water or electrolyte are not provided, therefore there are no special holes.

So, do you need to unscrew the cork when charging the car?

In fact, there is no definite answer.

On the one hand, everything is extremely simple: in the car, the battery is in the car without a disruption of the body's tightness and nothing happens, plus, the engineers are not stupid people, they naturally provided the possibility of reloading and the impact of increased pressure on the walls of the device, it means that the plugs When charging the charger, it is not necessary to clean the charge.

On the other hand, a long time and actively operated battery is not so reliable as new, therefore, how long it can withstand the pressure of vapors secreted by boiling acid unknown, therefore, in order to minimize the risk of a possible explosion, the lids are still recommended to unscrew.

Hence the conclusion:

  1. when recharging a new battery is required (for example, from 12.4 V to 12.7 c) a small amount of time with a small current, "covers" do not unscrew;
  2. when the battery has a short life, but completely discharged, the plugs can be turned out to measure the density of the electrolyte, when charging, their complete absence is not required, just to weaken a little;
  3. when reanimation of a fully planted old battery or its charging - the lids are always unscrewed, non-compliance with this Recommendation is fraught with a rupture of the AKB.

How to unscrew the plugs?

The covers in the serviced devices are different: towering over the surface of the housing and flat, made with it at the same level. The first are twisted simply - a slight movement of the hand, the second is not rarely not amenable to hand, but also a screwdriver. What to do then? Use the primary means is a 5-ruble coin or, for example, the narrow edge of the line, in general, any wide flat object, but most importantly, before proceeding to turning, do not forget to protect yourself with gloves, inside the cans.

A few opinions.


"I am sure to remove, because hydrogen is distinguished. And if there is a bad contact between the banks, it may turn so much that it will not seem little. I prefer to be restrained. Yes, and the electrolyte is expanding, the battery can simply "suffocate". "


"It all depends on the charger, if you do not have a" doping ", and modern, then the device itself will not allow acid to boil, restricting at the end of the current, so you can not engage with" games "with twisting / twisted."


"In order to know if you need to unscrew the plugs when charging the battery, you only need to examine the latter. If in the side of the side there is a "hole" - you can not open it, if not - be sure to unscrew "!

As is known inside any car battery there is special fluidwhich. It contributes to the accumulation of charge, and indeed without it the principle of the battery would not manifest itself. However, the properties of the electrolyte are quite a lot, for example, when discharge, it is elementary, also when charging it starts to boil. And if boils means, pressure is created? Therefore, it seems to be how, logically unscrew the traffic jams during charging or not? Let's think ...

The question is not unambiguous, and of course it is asked by people only with the so-called serviced batteries, which have these traffic jams on the battery. After all, there are also not served options where such plugs may not be - that is, a kind of closed hermetic space.

Again, the plugs are different:

  • Those who act - easy to "pick up" hand and unscrew, because they rise above the surface.

  • Which are made on the same plane with the surface, they are not so easy to recall, although everything is relative.

You know, I was a little surprised when I asked a few of my readers such a question - "And how to unsubscribe them at all, it does not work with a screwdriver?" Therefore, I decided to devote to this item in this article.

How to unscrew the corks on the battery?

As a rule, problems arise with "covers", which are made on one plane with the surface of the battery, here's a photo.

Of course, the covers have slots that hint at a crusade screwdriver, but often the plugs are supplied so that the screwdriver does not turn the screwdriver. Therefore, we turn on the logic - we need to take a wide and flat object, which will just enter the slot. You can make it a regular coin, for example in "5 rubles". Insert into the slot and unscrew, for clarity here is a video.

What else I want to notice - work should be done necessarily in protective gloves, yet the electrolyte, if it falls into your hands, to gently say it will be unpleasant. As you can see a very simple way. Use

Why does such a question arise at all?

Also, everything is simple - when charging the battery, when the battery is completely "appropriate," it happens in all six "banks". Accordingly, if you charge such ankb, then the drilling will only be in advance - the lids are not duck with you, and therefore the pressure is created, which can damage the plastic case!

However: - the hulls are usually designed for such pressure and can withstand even the many hours; You can hardly recharge more than a few hours - because it can only harm the batteries.

When you need to unscrew, and when not?

Sometimes it is still better to twist "covers", sometimes you can leave, there are several options for developing events, so in order:

  • The battery is new, it is below the complete charge. Let's say 12.4V (it should be 12.7V), just want to recharge on a small current, say a couple of hours - in this case you do not need to unscrew the plugs, I would even say that they do not twist. After all, inside pairs of electrolyte, which can simply go into environment, and provoke an explosion (if there is a spark or fire), and recharging in a couple of hours will not do anything wrong if you spend it correctly (current and voltage).

  • The battery is fresh, but completely discharged. Then it is better to unscrew, you are desirable to check the density of the electrolyte. After you need to charge a long time on a small current, again it is desirable to observe the appearance of bubbles.
  • The battery is old, quickly boils. Be sure to unscrew the plugs! It is important! Old batteries boil pretty quickly, this is not the ability to keep a charge - says that the battery is already "almost died." If you do not unscrew the plugs and you will charge a battery for a long time, it can actually break it.

Author Andryushka asked a question in the section Service, Service, Tuning

do I need to unscrew the cork when charging the battery? And got the best answer

Answer from Eergey Dmitochenkov [newcomer]
If the Akkom is new, keeps well, and you simply recharge it in cold weather (1 hour, 30 + 30 min ...) -Hell. If the old battery, in any case, unscrew the plugs and check the density and electrolyte level.

Answer from Strannik.[guru]

Answer from Miha[guru]
yes, if not to unscrew the plugs, it can explode

Answer from Vage Pogosyan.[newcomer]
yes, I'll drag himself now

Answer from MVD.[guru]
Be sure to explode

Answer from Kostik[newcomer]
sure.. . and shoot stamps))

Answer from Pavel Z.[guru]
be sure to, the hydrogen is also standing out with a bad contact between the banks so the tears that will not seem little. Yes, and the electrolyte is expanding the battery may (suffocate) simply.

Answer from Alexander.[guru]
Where you found a battery with unscrewing traffic jams in current times))

Answer from Igor Veselov[expert]
shash the comrades, do not. I have in production with our winter and diesel generators and trucks and cars with launchers charge! We just need to set the voltage correctly!

Answer from Andrei Andrey[guru]
When charging, hydrogen is distinguished. Therefore, it is necessary to unscrew the traffic jams and smoke only at a respectful distance,

Answer from ZH.[guru]
If you do not need a modern charger - modern s / y limit current at the end of charging (when hydrogen is mainly allocated)

Answer from Sergej Piter.[newcomer]
Needless. But then the akum depends on. If there are holes in the lid with God, on one side it is one side, then you can not open. And so necessary.

Answer from Їїicla[guru]
if there is no possibility to do this, then put a smaller ampere when charging and nothing terrible will not be, the only charging time will increase, otherwise you look at the explosion, there are holes on the old batteries on traffic jams and through them, and where there is an acb Electrolyte leaves boiling.

Answer from Ўry Ivanov[expert]
and on my battery, the plugs are posted. Only on the side there is a damper which and remove when charging

Modern power supplies for cars require less and less people in the process of operation. Akb of non-listed type All time limits do not need to top up the water or electrolyte. If the owner likes the battery, but the indicator says that the resource has been exhausted, is it possible to restore the battery? How to open the battery and get lead plates for fishing work?

Not the maintenance of the power supply is attractive for those who do not want once again worry about the power source state. At the same time, many are used to control all elements automotive system. Traditionally it is believed that the closed type ACB cannot be opened. Indeed, there are no technical openings on the case of such batteries. However, if you want to make a car battery serviced or get a lead from it, then you can disassemble the main power source. This will require some tools and knowledge of safety rules.

What options of the lids are found

The content of any car battery is enclosed in the housing. The served acb is characterized by the ability to access banks and add electrolyte or distilled water if necessary. Unnwided closed type battery is characterized by smooth surface Cases. To avoid any contamination, the upper part of the battery is removed under the lid. It can be removable - on tag or monolithic - welded heat sewage to the case. Most often on a closed type battery there is a monochrome.

What tools are needed for opening

To gain access to the plug-in holes, even if they are filled at the factory to the surface of the body, you must remove the cover from the battery. How to open the battery lid? If it is on the groove, then gently eliminate the fastener and remove the item. It may take a flat screwdriver.

The item pressed by the hot way will not be easy. During her dismantling, the probability of breakdown part is high. Therefore, we do not recommend removing the element of this type. However, if you wish, you can try to disrupt the integrity of the part with a sewer, screwdriver or drill. You do not remove the lid completely, but you can do holes for further operations.

How to open the maintenanceable battery

Ways to open a closed type power supply is not so much, and they depend on the goal. If lead (for hunting or fishing) is required, then you can not worry, how to open the battery, and simply break its body.

Attention! Pre-merge acidic solution.

In order to extend the battery life, you need to do holes that will give access to banks.

  • Remove stickers from the surface of the battery.
  • Carefully inspect the housing. Since the battery is sealed lead-acid floated at the factory, there remained stamping plugs.
  • Take a sewer, dump or drill and carefully make holes on the site of the bays.

This simple procedure requires accuracy, but allows not to acquire a new power source, but to restore the performance of the existing one.

How to make the maintenance-free battery

It comes time and car owner cease to arrange the battery characteristics. If you have a closed battery, you should not throw it out and get a new one. You can make it served if you open the covers in the way that we described above. This will allow a number of procedures necessary to maintain the performance of the power supply.

The ability to check and change the level of electrolyte is one of the signs of the accumulation of the battery. The battery acb is equipped with an indicator that allows you to see the electrolyte level. Some enclosures are made of translucent materials or are characterized by the presence of labels, which helps to monitor the amount of solution in all banks. The electrolyte level can be checked with a special tube or syringe, entering them into the holes made in the lid. The normal amount of solution correlates with the values \u200b\u200bof 10-12 millimeters of fluid above the plates.

Do not forget that not only the level of acid, but also its density is an important characteristic Battery performance. It is possible to obtain data on the density of the solution using the hydrometer. Take the syringe, enter it into the hole on the lid and take the electrolyte fence from the can. Pour into the areaometer and see the testimony. Too low density (less than 1.22 g / cm3 at temperatures up to +6) does not allow the battery to fully work and speaks of a small amount of electrolyte and the need to replenish it. Increased density or insufficient level of solution requires an attachment of distilled water.

Acider for battery.

Checking the level of electrolyte when spanning a transparent tube.

We draw your attention, excessive concentration of electrolyte leads to sad consequences - sulfate and destruction of the plates.

The figure shows the values \u200b\u200bof electrolyte density under various conditions.

After completion of the work on the top of the water or acidic solution, the holes in the lid must be melted with a sealant.

Safety technique

Attention! The sealed battery contains an acidic solution. His injecting skin can lead to burns.

  • We strongly recommend using the protection tools when the power source is dismisted. It is categorically impossible to turn or shake banks. This can lead to a closure.
  • If the battery lid is fixed with the help of a buckle, try not to break them. In the event of a breakdown, the part will have to be glued, and this does not guarantee the safe operation of the power supply.
  • Wanting to split the battery using the tool, select special meansthat will help protect your eyes from fragments.

Can I safely say that you can make the serviced battery from the non-servant? Of course, the closed battery can be converted! If the target of the opening of the battery is the mining of lead for fishing or hunting, then observing a number of precautions, you can easily cope with the hammer.

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