Home Wheels Cruze Wagon's trunk does not open. How to open a trunk from Chevrolet Cruz. Articles and cost of the original button and analogues

Cruze Wagon's trunk does not open. How to open a trunk from Chevrolet Cruz. Articles and cost of the original button and analogues

Modern cars represent a complex system that consists of dozens of nodes and units operating in difficult conditions. Therefore, each model has a number of typical diseases caused by the lablems of the design or quality of components. Experienced motorists Know weak spots your car and willingly share among themselves suitable ways Elimination of such faults. With regard to Chevrolet Cruise One of the common problems is the failure of the trunk opening buttons.

Causes of the exit buttons

Chevrolet Chevrolet Cruz, Dispiration Key Located with the outer side of the cover, on the panel in which the plaffers of the illumination of the rear license plate are mounted. Most of the owners of sedans and hatchbacks Cruz have long attributed this item in a category supplies Due to her frequent breakdowns.

The main cause of a malfunction, oddly enough, is not wear or mechanical damage to the button, but the problems with the tightness of the node. Drops of temperature, rain, snow, flash, and high-pressure washing machines cause the connector's contacts or the key itself, after which the Chevrolet Cruz trunk begins to open from the first time or completely ceases to respond to the button pressing the button.


Based on the experience of operating Chevrolet Cruz and discussions on specialized forums, three main method solving problems are defined:

  • replacing a failed part to a new one;
  • repair and refinement of the failed keys;
  • installing an alternative button unlocking the trunk from the cabin.

Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is recommended to choose a specific method based on personal skills and capabilities.

Chevrolet Cruise Trunk Buttons

In this case, you will need a new item. Unfortunately, the original Chevrolet Cruise Sedan Opening Button (Article 95107229 via GM) comes only assembled with the backlight lanterns and the accompanying wiring. The cost of the part is more than 2 thousand rubles, which is unlikely to please most of the car owners. Moreover, for this considerable price, the buyer will receive a branded detail from the Korean supplier GENUINE, identical to the GM installed on the conveyor, and therefore having the same tightness problems. And there is no guarantee that the new key will successfully survive the nearest freezes and will not refuse a few months after installation.

Replacement procedure

Order of work on replacing the Chevrolet trunk opening button Cruise sedan as follows:

  • Car trunk opens with a key;
  • With the help of a suitable device, 12 plastic locks are removed and the trunk cover is dismantled;
  • The plastic protection of the lock mechanism in the cover of the lid is removed;
  • The key on 10 unscrewed the four lock nuts of the plank, on which the opening button of the trunk and the lighting lights is located rear number;
  • Disconnects the electrical wiring connector of the license plate lighting and extracted rubber compressor wiring in the lid of the trunk;
  • The bar neatly comes upside down with a flat tool and removed from two plastic locks.
  • The opening button assembled with two lamps of the license plate lighting are replaced with a new set.

Instructions on how to change the trunk button on Chevrolet Cruz, is given in the following video:

Repair and refinement of failed trunk buttons

The less expensive solution will restore the function of the button. For this purpose, the part is pre-removed from the car discussed above. Chevrolet Cruz Trunk Button is installed in the collapsible case, but to access the electronic fillow, you will have to remove rubber-shaped insulating material that floods the working part.

As a result, highly oxidized contacts are most often discovered, which are the cause of refusal.

In order to pull the button from the housing, you need to cut the sealant along the contour and squeeze the mechanism itself from the landing socket.

Choose the item for replacement is easy: any key is suitable without fixing the size of 12 by 12 mm and a height from 4 to 8 mm. A laser pointer can be used as a donor or an unnecessary portable FM receiver. In stores of radio components and electronic components, you can find a specialized waterproof option for suitable dimensions. Also similar details are widely represented on various trading platforms in the Internet.

The new button is soldered to the appropriate contacts, it is filled with glue, after which the housing is assembled and isisulated with a sealant. If the skills of self-handling of the soldering iron are insufficient, this work will be performed anywhere in the repair of cell phones and household appliances for a couple of hundred rubles. After repair, the Chevrolet Chevrolet trunk opening button is checked for performance and is installed back to the car.

Additional trunk opening button in the cabin

For some reason, the manufacturer did not realize in Chevrolet Cruz, the function of opening the trunk from the driver's seat, which causes some perplexity from the car owners. To solve this problem, you can set the key from another car, but with all the functionality, such a part looks like an alien element and spoil the interior of the cabin.

In this case, the help of the Chinese electronics industry come to the rescue. Especially for Chevrolet Cruise on the resources of type Aliexpress, you can order a cluster key to the central car console. The advantages of this part are that it is made symmetrically a regular button of the Chevrolet Cruz central lock and is equipped with backlight. This key is installed instead of a plug on the right side of the console.

Setting and connecting an additional trunk button Next:

  • case and frame lever frame is removed;
  • the edging of the central console is dismantled, the panel with air ducts and the bottom compartment for the smallest detail;
  • unscrew fasteners of the heater control panel;
  • the panel is removed and turns over the down buttons;
  • from back side The panels are unscrewed two self-pressing and the plug is removed;
  • the button with wiring is installed on its place;
  • the yellow wire from the opening button of the trunk is connected to the yellow wire of the keys of the center lock;
  • the red wire from the button is connected to the pink connector located on the right under the central console from the passenger side (to a yellow wire with a blue stripe);
  • the black wire (mass) is connected to the car body.

The assembly is made in the reverse order.

Watch an interesting video on this topic.

When buying a car, it is important to evaluate all its parameters: fuel consumption, overclocking up to 100 km / h, dimensions and characteristics of the cabin. Chevrolet Chevrolet Cruise Sedan - also important parameter, especially if you travel by car with your family.

Chevrolet Cruzefamily carwhich is positioned as the most convenient in its class. Indeed, the size of the Chevrolet Chevrolet Cruz Cruz in the body of the sedan is impressive - 450 liters.

In this, he loses a little bit of hatchback, since it is impossible to increase the capacity due to folded rear seats. Nevertheless, the car is quite suitable for traveling to grocery and construction stores, as well as for departures outside the city. If you do not have enough space, you can always buy or construct your own roof trunk.

Another advantage of the model is high ground clearance. And behind it is higher than in front. If you load the car, along the entire length it will become the same - 14 cm. Without baggage from behind, the clearance is 18 cm.

The manufacturer thought about the comfort of passengers from behind: the car is positioned as the most spacious in its class. Places are enough not only to small children, but also high adults.

All these advantages suggest that the car is suitable for long distances with the whole family. Of course, it will not be able to decompose the seats and spend the night, but the muscles will not fall and root on the road.

Rugs in the trunk

If you often transport in the trunk construction Materials, technical fluids and dirty items, it is worth thinking about buying a special rug. He will protect the car from pollution and give her aesthetic appearance.

Today there are several types of rugs in the Chevrolet trunk Cruz in the body of a sedan:

  1. Fabric, carpet and pile. This is the rarest look, as the fabric mats are impractical. They are used in exhibition models that are not used for the carriage of goods. If you have matters with a pile in the cabin, it makes sense to put the same, but be prepared for the fact that it will have to often wash it and remove stains with special chemicals.
  2. Rubber. This is the most popular appearance, as it is inexpensive. Rubber does not miss moisture and has resistance to technical fluids. Such a rug is easy to change and cleaned. The lack of rubber is that in the frost it becomes breaking and tough.
  3. Polyurethane. The most expensive material for the manufacture of rugs in cars. It is easy and quickly cleaned, does not let water, has a light weight. Unlike rubber, polyurethane resistant to temperature, it does not mow in the heat and does not mow in the frost.
  4. Plastic. Not very practical material, since it appears scratches and chips during operation. But it is easy to wash it, it protects the inner parts of the machine well, resistant to technical fluids.

If you want a car to serve you for a long time and retained a commodity look, you need to care for it. Periodically pull the rug from Chevrolet Chevrolet Cruise Sedan, wash it, vacuuming salon.

What to do if not opens

Blocked trunk lid is the problem of machines aged. If the fifth door does not open on your new Cruze, you need to deal with the reasons.

Samoa frequent cause Castle breakdown is dirt from the roads. Although the larva is protected by metal, it still can get dust, snow or rain.

If you have a central locking, the cause of the locked lid may be failure of an electrical drive. In this case, you will have to open the trunk key.

If Chevrolet Cruz Cruise trunk does not open, try to find the cause. Inspect the keyhole, perhaps the dirt or foreign object got into it. Then you need to clean it with water or mechanically.

Tip! Frequent problem In winter - freezing of locks. This is due to the moisture from the street or from washing. In this case, use matchmakers, lighter or a "liquid key".

How to open from the inside

Hatchback and SUV holders can easily open the lock from the inside. The question is how to open the trunk on Chevrolet Cruise sedan from the inside, more complicated. In the presence of time and patience, this is also possible. If you are in a hurry, it is better to trust this professionals in the car service.


  1. Remove the back of the rear row.
  2. Remove the inner trim.
  3. Free the trunk and penetrate inside.
  4. Using the turn, open the mechanism.
  5. If you do not get to the lock, lengthen the knob with a stick or other item.

If the trunk on the Chevrolet Cruze in the body of the sedan opens from the electric drive, contact your dealer or service center to eliminate the problem.

Some motorists advise to contact the bearings to open the fought locks. This method is not entirely ethical, it is better to go to the car service and solve the problem with the help of competent automaster. The main thing is not to panic and do not pull the trunk lid, otherwise it is likely to break it.

Modern cars are a complex system that consists of dozens of nodes and units operating in difficult conditions. Therefore, each model has a number of typical diseases caused by the lablems of the design or quality of components. Experienced motorists know the weak points of their car and willingly share the appropriate ways to eliminate such faults. With regard to Chevrolet Cruise One of the common problems is the failure of the trunk opening buttons.

Causes of the exit buttons

Chevrolet Chevrolet Cruz, Dispiration Key Located with the outer side of the cover, on the panel in which the plaffers of the illumination of the rear license plate are mounted. Most of the owners of sedans and hatchbacks Cruz have long attributed this item in the category of consumables due to its frequent breakdowns.

The main cause of the malfunction, oddly enough, is not wear or mechanical damage to the button, but problems with node tightness.Drops of temperature, rain, snow, flash, and high-pressure washing machines cause the connector's contacts or the key itself, after which the Chevrolet Cruz trunk begins to open from the first time or completely ceases to respond to the button pressing the button.


Based on the experience of operating Chevrolet Cruz and discussions on specialized forums, three main method solving problems are defined:

  • replacing a failed part to a new one;
  • repair and refinement of the failed keys;
  • installing an alternative button unlocking the trunk from the cabin.

Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is recommended to choose a specific method based on personal skills and capabilities.

Chevrolet Cruise Trunk Buttons

In this case, you will need a new item. Unfortunately, the original Chevrolet Cruise Sedan Opening Button (Article 95107229 via GM) comes only assembled with the backlight lanterns and the accompanying wiring. The cost of the part is more than 2 thousand rubles, which is unlikely to please most of the car owners. Moreover, for this considerable price, the buyer will receive a branded detail from the Korean supplier GENUINE, identical to the GM installed on the conveyor, and therefore having the same tightness problems. And there is no guarantee that the new key will successfully survive the nearest freezes and will not refuse a few months after installation.

From practice! In most cases, attempts to further protect the mechanism of the standard key from moisture from entering with sealants or epoxy glue do not give a long-term effect.

Replacement procedure

Order of work on replacing the Chevrolet trunk opening button Cruise sedan as follows:

  • Car trunk opens with a key;
  • With the help of a suitable device, 12 plastic locks are removed and the trunk cover is dismantled;
  • The plastic protection of the lock mechanism in the cover of the lid is removed;
  • The key on 10 unscrewed the four lock nuts of the plank, on which the opening button of the trunk and the rear-number lighting plaffers are located;
  • Disconnects the electrical wiring connector of the license plate lighting and removes the rubber wiring seal in the trunk lid;
  • The bar neatly comes upside down with a flat tool and removed from two plastic locks.
  • The opening button assembled with two lamps of the license plate lighting are replaced with a new set.

Tip! Before returning the trim, it is mandatory to check the performance of the installed mechanism (not only the trunk keys, but also the backlighting of the number). This will avoid reassembly in case of malfunction.

Instructions on how to change the trunk button on Chevrolet Cruz, is given in the following video:

Repair and refinement of failed trunk buttons

The less expensive solution will restore the function of the button. For this purpose, the part is pre-removed from the car discussed above. Chevrolet Cruz Trunk Button is installed in the collapsible case, but to access the electronic fillow, you will have to remove rubber-shaped insulating material that floods the working part. As a result, highly oxidized contacts are most often discovered, which are the cause of refusal.

In order to pull the button from the housing, you need to cut the sealant along the contour and squeeze the mechanism itself from the landing socket.

Choose the item for replacement is easy: any key is suitable without fixing the size of 12 by 12 mm and a height from 4 to 8 mm. A laser pointer can be used as a donor or an unnecessary portable FM receiver. In stores of radio components and electronic components, you can find a specialized waterproof option for suitable dimensions. Also, similar details are widely represented on various trading platforms on the Internet.

The new button is soldered to the appropriate contacts, it is filled with glue, after which the housing is assembled and isisulated with a sealant. If the skills of self-handling of the soldering iron are insufficient, this work will be performed anywhere in the repair of cell phones and household appliances for a couple of hundred rubles. After repair, the Chevrolet Chevrolet trunk opening button is checked for performance and is installed back to the car.

Additional trunk opening button in the cabin

For some reason, the manufacturer did not realize in Chevrolet Cruz, the function of opening the trunk from the driver's seat, which causes some perplexity from the car owners. To solve this problem, you can set the key from another car, but with all the functionality, such a part looks like an alien element and spoil the interior of the cabin.

In this case, the help of the Chinese electronics industry come to the rescue. Especially for Chevrolet Cruise on Aliexpress resources can be ordered praying key of the trunk to the central console of the car.The advantages of this part are that it is made symmetrically a regular button of the Chevrolet Cruz central lock and is equipped with backlight. This key is installed instead of a plug on the right side of the console.

For information! Chevrolet Cruise of Korean assembly, as well as top packages The indicators are located in the specified location. unclosed belt and front passenger airbags, so installation of an additional key is not possible.

Setting and connecting an additional trunk button Next:

  • case and frame lever frame is removed;
  • the edging of the central console is dismantled, the panel with air ducts and the bottom compartment for the smallest detail;
  • unscrew fasteners of the heater control panel;
  • the panel is removed and turns over the down buttons;
  • on the reverse side of the panel, two screws are unscrewed and the plug is removed;
  • the button with wiring is installed on its place;
  • the yellow wire from the opening button of the trunk is connected to the yellow wire of the keys of the center lock;
  • the red wire from the button is connected to the pink connector located to the right under the central console from the passenger side (to yellow wire with a blue stripe);
  • black wire (mass) connects on the car body.

The assembly is made in the reverse order.

Hello people.

Today I broke the opening button of the trunk. When you click on it, nothing happened. And if the machine came out of the sink, then during the movement it was possible to hear the sounds of an alarm bell, the same sounds sound if you open the door of the car with a muffled engine and leave the key in the ignition lock. Or you just followed the trunk itself. I was given to see all these 3 phenomena;)

I think I broke. If the car is under warranty, everything is fine, we go at the dealer etc. But if the car is no longer at warranty, as well as I have, then the repair itself at the dealer will rise in 3900 rubles for a new wiring with the button and lighting lamps of the number + 1000 rubles for replacement.

I considered that this is a bust. I began to search on the Internet all connected with the articula of this spare part (95107229) and immediately found the price, which I said not inspired to buy, from 1500 to 4000 rubles.

Well, I think okay if I myself can't and break, then buy a new one.

We start repairing our button, and as it should be in my articles, I will tell as much as possible how and what I did.

Open the trunk with the key. We look at the decorative trough of the trunk lid and see round locks in the form of a clip. All of them should be 12 pcs.

Opening them with the help of a blunt flat item.

Remove open locks From its landing place.

Remove the plastic case of the trunk castle.

Wake up through the overtaking handle of the emergency opening of the trunk, for this there is a special breakage in the oven.

Remove the trough of the trunk lid.

The photographs are shown in the bottom of the place where there are bracket fastening nuts on which the opening button of the trunk and the lighting plaffers are placed.

We unscrew them with a wrench on 10 and disconnect the bar from the body, but consider when you unscrew all the nuts, the bar will not fall out, as there are 2 plastic seals that will continue to hold the bar in place. To remove it, you should pose it with any integrator that will not spoil the paintwork of your car.

To remove the bar fully need to pull out the rubber wiring seal from the hole in the trunk lid and disconnect the connector from the socket.

Well, actually the bar is seized, we bite off the button 2 of the wire going to it straight from the button and go home to disassemble this miracle.

The design of the button is very simple and not hermetic, the water is easily entered into the gum, which makes it open and rust our contacts inside. As a result, rusty contacts rot and turn into a pile of rust which is poured from the button when you discern it.

The disassembled button looks like this. Immediately, I will say that the button does not want to open and for this you need to induce stubbornness it is interesting how to solve the puzzle.

Remove silicone glue on the back of the button. We select anyone not blocked the button that could use us. I chose the most ordinary you can see it in the photo. I measured its size and made the desired hole so that the lever of the new button could enter the inside the repaired button. Previously checked and rooted the lever of a new button, made sure that the press leads to the press of the lever of the new button and flooded the whole case with silicone glue that dries and becomes hard. I soldered the wires and flooded everything with silicone so that the moisture no longer falls into my new button.

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