Home Food What is the gearbox better: mechanics (manual transmission) or automatic (automatic transmission)? Kia repair in auto repair "AUTOMIG HYUNDAI IX35 Automatic transmission

What is the gearbox better: mechanics (manual transmission) or automatic (automatic transmission)? Kia repair in auto repair "AUTOMIG HYUNDAI IX35 Automatic transmission

Puzzled the problem of oil change in Hyundai iX35? No problem! Transmission - automatic (or automatic transmission). The manufacturer itself makes a rather loud statement that "the filled oil is calculated for the full service life of the car." Obviously, under such a phrase, a different meaning is hidden: "The service life is identical equal to the warranty period." On the gearbox installed in Hyundai IX35, the warranty is documented in 120 thousand kilometers. However, it is worth familiar with the opinions of specialists and just responsible drivers, as a very interesting point will be found out - the oil change is not just recommended, but also the maximum , 70 thousand kilometers.

The most common reasons for the replacement of oil by drivers of the designated brand and manufacturer are:

  • Sufficient love for the vehicle, masterhood. And, as a result, the opinion that after runs in tens of thousands of kilometers in the automatic transmission rather is "testing" than oil, suitable for further operation;
  • Dynamic driving manner, frequent thrust for overclocking, high-speed mode on the tracks around 150 kilometers per hour, sometimes more;
  • Unwillingness to operate the car hundreds of thousands of run. The unwillingness by the end of the warranty period to hear from the buyers a phrase: "Something pulls something." The opinion that it is better to give a small amount in the present than in the future to pay it, but multiplied by 10.

Options for the replacement of oil

You can replace the oil on Hyundai IX35 in several ways. The first, which will be offered relative to most auto repair shops for the designated Hyundai model, will be as follows: the replacement is made by draining "testing", then filling the system with the volume of new oil in approximately 5 liters. Next, the procedure is repeated after half an hour. For the price, this option may vary, depending on the regions, from 3 to 5 thousand. If such a method is estimated, then this is not the most popular and recommended option. Theorest assumes the presence in the workshop where you brought your car, a special apparatus exercising Replace oils in the transmission and engine. The replacement process in this case is as follows:

  • selection of oil depending on the manufacturer's recommendations, which are determined by contacting special catalogs;
  • replacing the oil filter;
  • the distinction of "testing" by means of a special probe with a tube and a dipstick (such a device allows you to remove all the extra impurities and precipitations, it is explained by the fact that the device works by creating a vacuum in the exhaust device);
  • the use of special fluids for washing;
  • when the exhaust oil is removed entirely, the bay of fresh, as well as the concomitant testing of the car's performance.

I would like to emphasize that some stages of hardware replacement certain workshops offer at the discretion of the driver. Thus, the replacement of the filter and the use of cleansing compositions is not mandatory steps. It is important to deal with what oil is used in the transmissions of the "Hyundai IX35" series. In addition, it should be understood that the cost of hardware replacement when using additional services that offer car workshops, increases in proportion to the list of work performed. There is also a third way to call "replacement through traffic jams", it is as follows: the car is pre-started, In parallel, there is a drain of the old oil and the instant top of the fresh. The box at the same time "chases" on suspended wheels. It is worth noting that this method of replacement is suitable only by models acquired from scratch and having a mileage of no more than 40 thousand kilometers. The reason is that fresh oil with a high alkaline number instantly starts in contact with the box, which is fraught with unfavorable consequences.

What oil in the automatic transmission is Hyundai iX35 pour better

An important point will be the bay of properly selected oil, ideally suitable for models with an automatic transmission. Especially if for some reason the owner decides to replace independently, because in auto repairors there are often special directories, which are guided by the wizards when replacing oil in engines and transmissions of certain cars. It is recommended to acquire one of the Hyundai oil. proposed species.

Many car enthusiasts when buying a new car tormented the question. Auto with which transmission to choose? In our time there are enough options, but the most common is considered Automatic and manual Transmission.

And the last most popular. Here the situation is certainly not simple. On one cup of scales - reliability and availability, on the other - ease of use.

Pros and cons MCPP:

Let's start, perhaps, with mechanics. As already mentioned, this is the most common option. And the advantages here are more than minuses. First, it is easy to use. Mechanical gearboxes appeared much earlier automatic, so everyone has long been accustomed to pull the handle when switching. And if a breakdown suddenly happens, then find a spare item will not be difficult. Considering the fact that auto shops are now almost everywhere. By the way, the repair will also cost cheaper. The following advantage can be considered a small fuel consumption. And even if it is a serious SUV, it will be more economical on mechanics than on the machine. Well, the last. If you like speed, then definitely have to choose MCPP. By cons here, perhaps, it is possible to attribute only fast wear, again Automatic.

Pros and Cons:

Let us turn to the discussion of the machine. Perhaps this option is chosen either rich or lazy. And in most cases, women drive on the machine. So it was done. Perhaps due to the fact that it is easier to manage. No extra movements, and you can concentrate only on the road. There will be more minuses. The biggest can be considered expensive repairs. And if if you broke the box on some foreign car of the beginning of the 90s, you still have to run to find parts on it. Another disadvantage is considered a great fuel consumption. And if even the machine is not large, it will still be assigned.

Select one or another option to do you. What more souls, ease in control or speed. Saving fuel or small wear of the aggregate itself. If the solution is not accepted, then you can choose variable speed drive. Here everything is simple, so to speak two in one. So solve!

In any case, you will choose a mechanic or machine, currently there are no problems with spare parts. Buy Spare parts for Toyota.Also easily like spare parts for a vase. The main thing is that they were original and high-quality. Therefore, make your choice based on your personal preferences and comfort.

Hyundai IX35 came to replace the popular Tucson in 2010. The crossover is built on one platform with the third generation Kia Sportage. The assembly of IX35 was carried out in South Korea, as well as in Europe - at KIA plants in Slovakia and Hyundai in the Czech Republic.


In the Russian market, Hyundai IX 35 was offered with 2-liter engines: gasoline (150 hp) and diesel (136 and 184 hp). All power units have the timing chain drive.

Some owners of gasoline ah ix 35 after 50-150 thousand km notice a foreign knock while the engine is running. The causes were different: a faulty hydraulic chain, CVVT coupling (changing phases of timber distribution), hydrocompensators (installed after restyling in 2013) or even jackets in cylinders.

Fortunately, Zadira - the phenomenon is not painful. When contacting the warranty period, the dealers changed not the entire engine, but only the "short block" assembled with pistons and crankshaft. If the warranty has come out, the block will have to be guilized - from 100,000 rubles.

Starting the engine may be difficult due to the fault of the clutch pedal switch (with manual transmission) / brake (with automatic transmission), and in frosts - due to the "retractor" starter (lubricant thick).

In diesel units after 50-100 thousand km, sometimes the damper crankshaft pulley (from 7,000 rubles). And problems with the launch of a cold diesel engine arise due to poor contact or oxidation at the site of the wiring of the plating of the glow candles (about 1 000 rubles). In addition, it may take a relay of the glow candle (from 4,000 rubles) or the candles themselves (1500 rubles / pcs).

Box Pan

For IX 35, three boxes are provided: 5 and 6-speed "mechanics", as well as a 6-speed "automatic". There are no serious problems with boxes. In the case of the manual transmission, many noted the appearance of an extraneous noise that disappears after pressing the clutch, and in the case of automatic transmission, the owners are noticeable to noticeable shocks during switching.


Weak protection of slotted connections of drive elements from exposure to water and dirt leads to an indivible effects. So, after 50-100 thousand km, corrosion kills the slotted connection of the right composite drive shaft. Slots lick - the backlash and the rumble appears. It accounts for an intermediate shaft and internal silver: 7,000 rubles per element plus 3,000 rubles for work.

Worse, it can break the mounting of the intermediate shaft support bearing. The mount is part of the block. Ideally, a block replacement is necessary, but it is necessary to get rid of argon welding. Fortunately, this problem is occurring significantly less.

Another example of bad protection of slotted compounds is corrosion and cutting of the drive shaft slots in the dispensing box and a differential cup (after 100-150 thousand km). Repair will be very expensive - about 80,000 rubles. In the risk area, first of all, the owners of diesel cars. The prevention of slotted compounds will help to avoid problems - lubricant every 30-40 thousand km. In addition, the high torque of diesel engines can lead to the destruction of the basket of the differential across the welded seam.

Hyundai IX 35 used two couplings of the full drive. Until 2011, an electromagnetic clutch of Japanese origin JTEKT was established, and since 2011 - the hydraulic Austrian manufacturer Magna Steyr. The coupling is quite reliable. Failures in work occur due to damage to the wiring (3,000 rubles) or wear of the electromotor brushes (for large runs). After 100,000 km sometimes begins to leak the clutch seal.

The suspended bearing of the cardan shaft (4-5 thousand rubles) can be categorized after 80-140 thousand km.


The knocking suspension is the cause of many complaints to Hyundai, and not only IX35. The knocks on the passage of irregularities are exacerbated with the arrival of cold weather. Sources of foreign sounds are somewhat. The main - native depreciation racks that can be stored after 2-3 thousand km. Official services changed racks under warranty. But it did not mean that they would not stand again. After all, new shock absorbers are the same. Some of the 20,000 km have time to change them three times. But the trouble is not a patch, there are those who drove up to 80-100 thousand km, never noticing that in the suspension something knocks.

Another source of the knobs is the flowing place of the boot and the bustker of the depreciation rack. The manufacturer recommended fixing the boot at the rack using the sealant. The people's method - winding the tape on the rod or the screed "buffer" (bump) clamps. At the IX35 2012 model year, the manufacturer eliminated this constructive miscalculation.

After 50,000 km, the steering rail can be frowning. The wheel bearings (from 1 000 rubles) go more than 60-100 thousand km.

Silent blocks and balls of levers serve more than 100-150 thousand km. But the rear arm bracket, to which the stabilizer stand is attached, can collapse after 60-100 thousand km. Bracket can be welded. The new lever is available for 9,000 rubles. The defect affects exclusively all-wheel drive versions of Hyundai Ay X 35.

Body and Salon

The paintwork is traditionally soft, easily scratched, and over time I turn into the chips. Unfortunately, after 3-6 years, the peel intake can sometimes be found on the rear wheeled arches, the doors of the trunk, the hood, roof and windshield racks. Dealers reluctantly recognize this problem with a warranty case.

Salon Ai Xa 35 often begins to creak, especially in the winter - until the salon warm up. Most often, the source of extraneous sounds becomes the armrest between the front armchairs.

Another unpleasant moment is a crumbling filler filler of the driver's seat. From close friction with sharp edges of the "Nutro" framework, it can get out completely in just 30,000 km. Surprising perseverance with which the manufacturer changed the seat cushion again and again until the warranty was completed. Only in 2015 it was decided to establish a special lining on the frame, opposing devastating friction.

The same story and with a sealing leather coating of the steering wheel and the door trim, at the point of contact with the driver's elbow. No longeons and "leather" chairs. On the driver's seat appear folds, the skin cracks and breaks.

Sometimes the stove motor has begins to make noise (it is necessary to disassemble, clean and lubricate), or flies the plastic casing of the air duct under the passenger seat from its place. Also there are refusals of sensors Parktronic, rear review cameras and "glitches" of a regular radio tape recorder. Cases of spontaneous lighting of control lamps are noted, followed by short-term swelling of the instrument panel. In such cases, the dealers changed the "tidy".


When choosing Used Hyundai IX35, special attention should be paid to the operation of the full drive system. The remaining defects are easily eliminated.


Examples of recent work

In case of overhaul, the gearbox is dismantled from the car. At this stage, the mechanic carefully examines the state of all systems serving the gearbox, supports the fastening of the power unit, etc.

After dismantling from the car, the automatic transmission enters the capital repairs site. It should be noted that in this area, as well as in all previous ones, experienced masters work, who have higher technical education (engineering-physical). Here is the repair of automatic transmission of Hyundai Ay X 35, and after washing and drying and drying all parts, their defectation is carried out, i.e. The possibility of further use of each part or the need to replace it is determined.

If desired, any customer may be present both when disassembling the gearbox and during the defective by its details. Upon completion of this procedure, the statement of the replaceable parts is drawn up, which is then compulsory consistent with the customer. It should be especially noted that during overhaul it is necessary, regardless of the status of automatic transmission, replace all seals and gaskets. Using original spare parts Only gearbox manufacturers increases the service life of the repaired automatic transmission Hyundai IX35, but leads to a significant increase in the cost of spare parts. To achieve the most optimal combination of the ratio "price-quality" ratio allows the use of "Aftermarket" details, i.e. Companies specializing in the production of spare parts to automatic gearboxes.

Installation is made taking into account all technical requirements. At this stage, there is a replacement of the elements of fastening and auxiliary transmission service systems. In addition, during installation, preliminary adjustments of the elements of the outer part of the control system are performed.

Output diagnostics and rolling in the car. They are held on the same methods as the input diagnosis. In addition, all previously appeared fault codes are erased from the memory of the control unit.

The Korean production of Hyundai IX35 is equipped with an automatic gearbox with six steps. Sometimes the automatic transmission creates tangible shocks that occur when switching.

The feature of driving with the Hyundai IX35 automatic transmission is manifested in reducing the speed intensity after switching. Part of the drivers who have stranged such behavior of the car came to the conclusion that this is a defect model. In this case, many recommend changing the oil. In fact, this will not change anything.

Such a loss of power is associated with the technological feature of the action of the automatic transmission - the automatic transitions from one speed to the other and as a result of turnover decrease. If the engine is powerful, then such a transition is almost impaired.

Replacing the oil on the recommendation of the manufacturer is not performed at the same stage of operation of the vehicle. Practice shows quite another. When passed 100 thousand km, the oil is recommended to change. In addition, professionals are advised to check the oil level every 30-50 thousand km of run.

The replacement of oil in the automatic transmission can be carried out: partially, conventionally partially or completely. The first means that the liquid is merged only from the pallet, at the same time the oil filter and gaskets of the sealer occurs.

Oil in this case is poured half. Replacing conditionally partial means that the oil is replaced with a new, filter is installed, a magnet is checked.

If you change the oil completely, then you need to stock up with 10 liters, for partial replacement of enough five. The Hyundai IX35 automatic machine must be poured by ATF SP-IV MOBIS 0450000115. You can also use the analogues of the oil.

Before using this type of oil, you must consult with the specialists. Check the availability of oil in the box is quite difficult, as there is no probe. This can be done only through the bay hole. A sufficient amount will be if the oil goes to the lower edge of this hole.

ACP has various characteristics. The positive can be attributed to: Comfort; the lack of the need to select the desired transfer, which allows the driver to fully focus on the road; Increases the resource of the use of the chassis; has a passive security system.

The disadvantages of the automatic transmission is: low efficiency compared to a manual transmission; smaller dynamic indicators; Despite the presence of shortcomings, the drivers prefer the same car with automatic transmission.

Fuel consumption

Many motorists are interested in the issue of fuel consumption. Most take the basis of 10 liters consumption per 100 km. If this indicator is greater, it is considered a high flow rate. Over the past few years, fuel consumption in six liters has been optimal and economical. According to the manufacturer, Hyundai IX35 consumes from 5.7 to 8.8 liters per 100 km depending on the operating conditions and driving manners. Hyundai IX35 engines operate on 2 types of fuel: diesel and gasoline.

This type of crossover is recognized as the budget version and represents the type of Hyundai Tucson 2004. It is also worth noting that the first release of the car was equipped with a hydrogen version that received special distribution in Europe.

Type of fuelGenerationPowerDrive unitOverclocking timeFuel consumption 100 km.
Petrol1 (2010-2014)150 hpfull11.3 sec.10,6/6,8
Diesel fuel1 184 hpfull10.1 sec.9,1/6
PetrolRestyling 1 generation150 hpfull11.3 sec.10,6/6,8
Petrol2013-2015 150 hpfront10.6 seconds.10/6,4
Diesel2013-2015 136 hpfull12.1 seconds.8,6/5,8
Diesel2013-2015 184 hpfull10.1 sec.9,1/6

To reduce fuel consumption, experts advise to comply with a number of the following advice:
  1. Pay attention to aerodynamic resistance.
  2. Do not open windows while driving.
  3. Observe the requirements that are presented to tires and wheelbarges.
  4. Do not miss the car diagnostics and, if necessary, change the oil, clean the filters, not tighten with the repair.

According to motorists, fuel consumption by car can reach 12 liters in the city by 100 kilometers. Mainly, the figures cited by real motorists differ from those that declares the manufacturer.

Typical problems

It should be noted that in the Hyundai IX35 car sometimes detected various signs of malfunctions in the automatic transmission. When jolts appear when switching, you need to pay attention to the hydraulic lobby. And this happens first a little noticeable, and then the intensity increases.

There is no possibility of changing the mode in the automatic transmission. In this case, riding a car is impossible, you need to cause a tow truck, otherwise there will be a serious breakdown of the drive and automatic transmission.

Sometimes an automatic sensor signal is fed about the problems. A malfunction occurs if there is little oil in the box or has occurred overheating. But it should be noted that such signals are not accurate and determine which breakdown occurred, only a professional can be done using computer diagnostics.

Fit water and dirt can damage the elements of the sleeper. If it is not possible to eliminate it in time, then when passing by a car of 50-100 thousand km, this element of the automatic transmission will be destroyed and the intermediate shaft and internal silver will have to change. May fail the equipment holding the intermediate shaft reference bearing.

After passing through the car, 100-150 thousand km may arise problems in the transfer box and the differential displeasement. It is also possible strong leaks of the coat of clutch. The pendant bearing of the cardan shaft can go up 80-140 thousand km.

Repair automatic transmission on Hyundai IX35: Is it possible

If the behavior of the box is not abnormally, then you need a mandatory diagnosis. The possible breakdowns may indicate:

  • Slip.
  • The appearance of an accident signal.
  • Shiven trembling.
  • The appearance of the jog in the transition to another speed.
  • Shoots in the gearbox.
  • The appearance of extraneous noise.

If there is a problem of a serious character with automatic transmission, it is eliminated only after opening the gearbox. You need to pre-remove it from the car. Automobile repair is independently impossible. Experienced professionals will replace the extension details, which will help restore the operation of the automatic transmission. It is important to note that the implementation of the automatic transmission is a complex and expensive process.

When checking the car in the service center there are several types of diagnostics:

  1. Fast. This type of check is usually free. It can also hold a newcomer. This topping the oil in the automatic transmission. Some car enthusiasts prefer to replace oil to an analogue of ZIC with PJSC the basis.
  2. Removed pallet. Also, experts can check the automatic transmission using a hundred-test. At this level, the diagnosis is inexpensive.
  3. If an emergency situation has arisen with automatic transmission, then you need to disassemble the box and replace the friction GDT.

If there are problems with automatic transmission, you need to know why this happens. The table shows some malfunctions associated with automatic transmission on Hyundai IX35.

Problems and their reasons

SignsThe reasons
The car is fixed, the rear speed only in the working mode.Fortified friction discs; Faults couplings and rings; Stuck the valve in the hydraulicone.
On the long climb at the last speed of the automatic transmission will drop and goes to another transmission.Measure oil in the automatic transmission, it may have erased wheels, coupling and tape of brakes, hydroblock passages were worn.
Slug when moving to another transmission.The filter clogged, the pump is faulty.
No 3.4 and rear velocity.WORKS OF ACAP.
Do not switch speeds.The hydrotransformer failed, the low oil level, the filter clogged.
It works only 3rd speed.Friction disks were worn out, the coupling cuff broke out, the hydroblock valve was held.
The automatic transmission during switching makes silent movements.The hydraulicock clouded.
The emergence of foreign sounds.The bearing was worn out.

As a result, it should be said that any owner of Hyundai IX35 may fail an automatic gearbox. However, the service life can be significantly extended if you care for the car. For this you do not need to apply any effort.
Simply, it is necessary to make a timely maintenance in a timely manner and in case of detection of any malfunction to eliminate it in time, without waiting for the next breakdown, because all nodes in the car are closely related.

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