Home Locks How to make a small motorcycle out of wood. Homemade toy motorcycle for grandson

How to make a small motorcycle out of wood. Homemade toy motorcycle for grandson

Idea of ​​creation exact copy legendary Soviet motorcycle IZH-49 made of wood appeared at Yuri Khvtisishvili after the start of the new, 2014, year. Yuri works in a carpentry workshop and, since there was little work at this time of the year, he decided to find himself something interesting to do on these long winter evenings.

First of all, there was a desire to do something new and unusual. And suddenly he remembered that once on the Internet he came across the works of masters who made full-scale models of motorcycles from wood. The hero of this article, Yuri, also tried himself in this business.
It was decided to do full scale model namely the Soviet motorcycle. Looking through the lineup domestic motorcycles most of all, the master liked the IZH-49. Yuri was especially attracted to this motorcycle by the seat and the tank.

Work on the project began on January 18, 2014. Day by day, work was progressing on creating the most accurate copy of the classics of Soviet motorcycle production. All motorcycle parts, including bolts and other little things, are made of 100% wood. Two types of wood materials were used in the manufacture: beech and pine. The choice fell on just these because of their wonderful combination. The work took Yuri exactly 4 months, that is, it was completed on May 18.

After the master published the motorcycle on a social network, the wooden IZH-49 received a large number positive feedback, which expresses admiration and really excellent work of Yuri Khvtisishvili.
There is no doubt that Yuri really has "golden hands"!
It is possible to view this motorcycle from all sides thanks to the photos below:

How many topics have already been, looking at which you think, because people are confused! Well, for example, and here it is. You can also remember and. And today we will see this.

The idea of ​​creating an exact copy of the legendary Soviet motorcycle IZH-49 from wood came to Yuri Khvtisishvili after the start of the new, 2014, year. Yuri works in a carpentry workshop and, since there was little work at this time of the year, he decided to find himself something interesting to do on these long winter evenings.

Photo 2.

First of all, there was a desire to do something new and unusual. And suddenly he remembered that once on the Internet he came across the works of masters who made full-scale models of motorcycles from wood. The hero of this article, Yuri, also tried himself in this business.

Photo 3.

It was decided to make a full-scale model of a Soviet motorcycle. Looking through the range of domestic motorcycles, the master liked the IZH-49 most of all. Yuri was especially attracted to this motorcycle by the seat and tank.

Photo 4.

Work on the project began on January 18, 2014. Day by day, work was progressing on creating the most accurate copy of the classics of Soviet motorcycle production. All motorcycle parts, including bolts and other little things, are made of 100% wood. Two types of wood materials were used in the manufacture: beech and pine. The choice fell on just these because of their wonderful combination. The work took Yuri exactly 4 months, that is, it was completed on May 18.

Photo 5.

There is no doubt that Yuri really has "golden hands"!

It is possible to view this motorcycle from all sides thanks to the photos below:

Photo 6.

Photo 7.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Photo 23.

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

The small town of Severomorsk is located beyond the Arctic Circle, even north of the "northernmost city" of Murmansk. There, for example, is the main base of the Northern Fleet. Summer there is very short, and therefore the appearance of such a motorcycle there is twice as large unusual phenomenon than in our strip.

Dmitry Gubenko worked there as a carpenter. But he had a dream - to create his own unique custom. But there was not much money for this. But once at the Murmansk motoforum he turned up a broken Chinese under-chopper Baltmotors Classic 200. It took more than two years to make the Dream come true.

The body is completely made of wood. Moreover, the master did not make any sketches - everything was in his head. Of course, the parts had to be adjusted and redone many times. It was easier for him to find wheels, a tank and a saddle, which turned out on the fourth attempt, and he had to tinker with the custom wooden frame. But wood is not the only material used in the construction of the frame. The main units (engine stretcher, for example) are reinforced with metal and decorated with forged leaves and acorns. The base of the frame is one and a half centimeter plywood, lined on both sides with birch slats of the same thickness, bent in place.

Interestingly, the master even abandoned the telescopic front fork in favor of a wooden one! It seems like a parallelogram shape of a wooden fork works better than a telescopic one. Anything is possible, it is not for nothing that customizers are so fond of putting archaic lever forks on their choppers and bobbers.

The figurine on the rudder is a reference to the bow figures of sailing ships. Even the steering wheel with grips at the wooden "Girl" is oak!

The master did not initially plan to do front fender... But after a couple of test drives along the harsh northern trails, Dmitry nevertheless installed it to improve appearance and protection from dirt.

Choppers usually have spoked wheels, but wooden spokes on a work bike are hard for me to imagine. Wheel disks also carved from wood - birch.

The six-liter tank is made of two halves of oak, and the inside is glued with fiberglass. I wonder how the grounding issue was resolved?

From the stock Baltmotors Classic 200, only the engine, intake and exhaust remained.

And the most important thing is that the bike rides! Naturally, the bike turned out to be heavy and not very comfortable to drive. However, the customizer made it for the soul. According to Dmitry, for routine movement in space in winter, Marya Vasilievna (Zhiguli-2104) is enough for him, and for the summer there is chinese scooter and a moped. There are still no documents for the newly created mot, because the legalization of homemade products in Russia is still a quest.

A photo of an unusual wooden motorcycle flashed about the opening of the motorcycle season in Murmansk. The cat became interested and began to dig information. The results of my small investigation can be seen under the cut.

Have you ever heard of Severomorsk? I’m not. But cats are generally not strong in geography, so I'm forgiven. This small town is located beyond the Arctic Circle, even north of Murmansk. Wikipedia, it is known as the birthplace of the popular singer Vaenga and the main base of the Northern Fleet. Summer is rare there, and on this day everyone usually works.

Dmitry Gubenko also worked as a carpenter. And after work I rode on Viraga and nurtured the Dream to create my own unique custom. But then there is no money, then repairs in the house, then the wife requires a new fur coat ... Before customizing with such matters? Until the accidentally broken Chinese under-chopper Baltmotors Classic 200 turned up at the Murmansk motoforum. It took more than two years to make the Dream come true.

The master cut out all the details from wood at once, without sketches. But in my opinion, it turned out very harmoniously. In general, I sincerely admire people who can take and cut made of wood a working motorcycle! * ____ * Of course, the parts had to be adjusted and altered many times. The least hassle was with the wheels, the tank and saddle came out on the fourth try, and the custom wooden frame had to be tinkered with.

The main units (engine stretcher, for example) are reinforced with metal and decorated with forged leaves and acorns. The base of the frame is one and a half centimeter plywood, lined on both sides with birch slats of the same thickness, bent in place.

"Oak" pendant? No, you haven't heard! Only birch, only hardcore! Of course, a telescopic wooden fork is out of the question. The motorcycle is equipped with a parallelogram fork. The point is not only in the specificity of the material, but also in the fact that it works better than a telescopic at a large length. It's no coincidence that customizers are so fond of putting archaic lever forks on their choppers and bobbers.

The figure on the rudder is a reference to the bow figures on old sailboats. In the era of total illiteracy, these figures personified the name of the ship, and also served as a talisman for good luck. Now any brutal illiterate biker will understand that this motorcycle is called "Girl".
Even the steering wheel with grips at the wooden "Girl" is oak!

The front wing was not originally part of the project. After a couple of test drives along the harsh northern trails, Dmitry nevertheless installed it to improve its appearance and protect it from dirt.

Choppers usually have spoked wheels, but wooden spokes on a work bike are hard for me to imagine. The rims are also carved from birch wood.

The six-liter tank is made of pure oak and is assembled from two halves, and the inside is glued with fiberglass. Interestingly, the author did not forget to ground it with a metal mesh? Static is a terrible thing, it's not for nothing that they do not pour into plastic containers at gas stations. Fireworks-fire-restoration ... I would not want this wooden miracle to repeat the fate of Cutty Sark.

Many people think that a tru-chopper is a big iron motorcycle. This the chopper is made of wood with metal elements, but, kmk, it does not become less of a chopper. The frame, wheel rims, front fork and rear fender are made from birch. Later, the Master got an oak tree, and he cut out the tank, headlight, stop lamp, steering wheel, saddle and side covers from it. In fact, only the engine, intake and exhaust remained from the stock Baltmotors Classic 200.

Do you complain about "wooden" saddles and an ever-numb butt? Try riding a real wooden saddle with a hardtail suspension!

And the most important thing is that the bike rides! The bike turned out to be quite heavy and not very comfortable to drive, but it rides! However, the customizer made it for the soul. According to Dmitry, Marya Vasilievna (Zhiguli-2104) is enough for him for routine movement in space in winter, and for the summer he has a Chinese scooter and a moped. There are still no documents for the newly created mot, because the legalization of homemade products in Russia is still a quest. Although I think that communication with law enforcement officers usually begins with questions such as "lope eats / lope rushing / how does it go, then vashsche ?!" and ends with something like "well, good luck, be there!"

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