Home Chassis Tarot for today's situation. Alignment for unclear situations

Tarot for today's situation. Alignment for unclear situations

Fortune telling about a situation can be done in a very simple way. To do this, you don’t have to be a magician or sorcerer. And you don’t need to go to fortune tellers either. And most importantly, you don’t need to spend money on fortune telling. You just need to use our website, because this is where you will be presented with free fortune-telling on Tarot cards for the situation or fortune-telling on the runes for the situation.

Before you start guessing, concentrate hard on the problem. Mentally ask the question you want answered right now. Don't think about anything other than the topic of interest at the moment.

Online fortune-telling of a Tarot situation should be done in a peaceful state, so do not sit down to fortune-tell a situation in a bad mood.

You choose the method of fortune telling yourself. The site will offer several methods of fortune telling. Use runes, tarot cards, playing cards, Lenormand, oracle, I Ching or gypsy cards. To do this, simply click on the cards that you like. Next, 3 cards will fall out of the virtual deck. You need to open them one by one and look at them carefully and understand their meaning.

Fortune telling online

Fortune telling about the situation. Select 1st card

Card No. 1. Shows the current situation, what is happening now. Characterizes your position or condition.

Map No. 2. Indicates what will be encountered in the near future - reveals possible problems.

Map No. 3. Reveals the essence of the matter, the essence of what we are talking about.

The card is central to the layout and has great significance in the overall picture. It can indicate a key theme - around which all other events and phenomena, decisions and actions of people will revolve. If the card points to another person, then this may be someone who has a certain power in a given situation, or whose actions and decisions will be the main ones.

Card No. 4. Near future.

The first final card of the layout. It indicates how events will develop, what turn they will take over the next six months. A positive card in this position means that you are on the right path. If an unfavorable card appears here, it means that achieving results will be difficult, and the final answer will be given by the card of the distant future.

Card No. 5. Distant future.

Decisive final map. If it is unfavorable, it usually means failure: the matter will either end in nothing or end badly. A positive card dropped in this position indicates that the desired result will be achieved; and if the rest of the cards in the layout are mostly positive, then results can be expected quickly. If the other cards are mostly negative (but card No. 5 is positive), then, in the end, the desired will be achieved, but this will require significant effort.

Interpretation of cards

The first card will tell you the meaning of the question. It will clarify its essence. She will indicate the causes of the problem. You will understand why this trouble arose in your life. Everything in life is connected and God doesn’t just send trials to anyone. Maybe you're too focused on your problem and it just seems huge. In reality, everything may turn out completely different. Look at the card carefully and try to understand its meaning. Along with the meaning, you will clarify your problem.

Thanks to the second card, you will learn what to do in this situation and what decisions should be made right now. She will indicate a solution to the problem and guide you on the right path. Take the advice of this Tarot card for granted and after a while you will see that it really works and helps. If you don’t have a guardian angel, then you can carry this card with you everywhere and it will always tell you how to act in any case, once again giving your advice.

The third card will open the door to the future. It will show what the exact development of your relationship with your loved one and the development of relationships with your work colleagues will be. It will also indicate the outcome of any important business that you are doing at the moment. Thanks to her, you will find out what awaits you in the near future and will be able to influence the situation. If the Tarot card comes up badly and portends trouble, you can avoid it if you are careful in everything you do.

Tarot readings for situations help to clarify the current situation and find a favorable solution with a minimum of losses. There are several types of fortune telling, using different numbers of cards, let's look at examples. The simplest layout using one card.

Of course, this method will not say much, but it will bring clarity to what is happening. One card will characterize the situation as a whole and show the direction of action, or will clarify how you ended up in a particular situation.

Interpretation of one card gives general advice in order to choose the right direction for action and coordinate your forces. For a more detailed depiction of events and to obtain more information, you can use fortune telling, consisting of three cards.

Three card situation layout

Three cards are drawn from a full deck and laid out as follows:

  • 1 – characteristics of the situation, possible answer to the question.
  • 2 – commentary, indicates the origins of the problems and their nature.
  • 3 – recommendation on what to do and how to act in the current situation.

You can also lay out the cards like this:

In this version, there may be several meanings, characteristics of the situation, it all depends on how you formulate your question. Possible interpretations of the cards:

  • 1 – the past, which led to this situation,
  • 2 – present, what is happening now, characteristics of the situation,
  • 3 – future, possible development of events without intervention, or advice on how to change the situation for the better.
  • 1 – what should happen or change within this situation,
  • 2 – how this should happen, pay attention to the signs, perhaps this could already happen.
  • 3 – what needs to be done.
  • 1 – the reason for what is happening, the essence of what happened,
  • 2 – what you should pay attention to, the key to the problem, the first possible solution,
  • 3 – solution to the problem that has arisen, or the second option for resolving the situation.
  • 1- where or what,
  • 2 – who or why,
  • 3 – why or how.
  • 1 – description and characteristics of the situation,
  • 2 – what actions will bring negative results,
  • 3 – what actions will bring a positive result.
  • 1 – goals and plans,
  • 2 – how to act to achieve the goal,
  • 3 – what you shouldn’t do, obstacles in the implementation of your plans.
  • 1 – hidden nuances of the situation, what you don’t see or don’t pay attention to – on a subconscious level or consciously trying to avoid it.
  • 2 – how the situation is revealed now, what it is.
  • 3 – advice of cards, the result for this situation.

Also, a three-card layout can be used to determine and predict one day or your mood. In this case, the alignment will show which path you need to follow and what you need to avoid. Your mood - your initial position and what is needed to improve the situation. At the end of the day, you can pull out the final card - this will be the result of your day. How he passed and what trace he left.


This layout helps to understand the current situation. The starting point is the problem itself, followed by positive negative aspects and your attitude towards what is happening. By putting everything together, you will see the overall picture of the situation.

The layout involves seven cards from a full deck:

1 – what the situation is at this point in time. Characteristics and description of what is happening.

2 – positive aspects that you should rely on and count on. These are your helpers and the right path.

3 – negative points, what you shouldn’t do and what you should isolate yourself from. There can be both events and people from your environment.

By analyzing the positive and negative aspects of the situation, you can understand what you are doing wrong; perhaps the cards will reveal to you aspects of the situation that you did not know about or that were hidden from you.

4 – your general state, your desires, motivations, scope of intentions. Your position in this situation, your reactions to what is happening.

5 – influence from outside, something that does not depend on you and is beyond your control. It has to happen, let the situation flow through you, observe what is happening and gain experience that may be useful in the future or to solve the same problem.

6 – further developments of events, what awaits you.

7 – resolving the problem, what will stay with you, what will go away, and what should be abandoned independently and, most importantly, consciously.

Most often, the “Celtic Cross” layout is used to fortune-tell a situation, which tells in great detail about what is happening and looks at various areas of life, which in turn allows you to put together a more complete picture of what is happening and have an idea of ​​​​how to act.

Celtic cross layout.

The spread uses ten cards that are drawn from a full deck of 78 cards.

1 – the current situation – the period of time and the ongoing events in which you now live.

2 – the development of this situation in the future, what influences it, which aspects of life and what is happening help you, and which hinder and slow down your movement forward and development.

In some variants, card 2 is superimposed on card 1 - this means that these two cards are interconnected and their meaning must be considered as a single whole. Map 2 is a continuation of map 1.

3 – card hint – this is a kind of advice from the layout, what needs to be done to find the right path and the right actions.

4 – the origin of the situation, which served as the source and the makings of what is happening at the moment; your character traits can additionally be revealed here.

5 – what has already happened – your past, which led you to this situation.

6 – your future – how the situation will develop in the future, its development and a possible solution to the problem.

7 – this card characterizes you, your attitude to the situation, your character and intentions.

8 - what surrounds you - this can be both the people who surround you and influence you and the situation as a whole, and any events that affect you.

9 – your fears and hopes – the card tells you about your fears, what you are afraid of, and how this affects your behavior and actions, your hopes can lead you down the wrong path. Your emotional state influences your actions.

10 – results – this is the result of the entire situation, and not just the answer to the question and the expected further development of the situation. The card characterizes the outcome that will come if you move in the same direction as before without any changes.

If you want to correct or change something, then use the advice of the layout, pay attention to your condition and attitude to the situation. When you begin to analyze what is happening and understand how you need to move and in what direction, the outcome will change.

And when the layout is repeated after a certain period of time, the result of the layout will differ from the results of the first. Also, when the scenario is repeated, new aspects of situations may open up.

Tarot spread for a problematic situation “Arrow”.

This layout can be used to view how the situation is developing; events in this layout occur incrementally, from the origins of problems to their solution.

The layout consists of five cards, which are laid out from left to right.

1 – the initial situation, where the problem came from, where it originated and what additional factors led to the current situation.

2 – the past, which influences the present and does not want to let go of unresolved moments.

3 – what you should pay attention to in the present.

4 – how the situation develops in the future (the near future is approximately 3 months). Provided there is no interference and following the same path as now.

5 – result of the situation, development and results. Here the result is displayed taking into account position 4, how the situation will worsen or a solution will come.

If there are circumstances in life that require immediate resolution, fortune telling the situation on the Tarot will help. A simple layout will help you figure out what to do so that everything turns out well and the way you need. Use our free online fortune telling and get advice on this situation.

How to guess?
To begin with, completely relax and don’t think about anything for 2-3 minutes. Focus on your question.
When you're ready, draw cards.

Select the first card:

Tell your fortune again

Tell your fortune again

Tarot cards in this layout answer the following questions:

  1. Past: what brought you to the situation
  2. Present: what is happening now
  3. Positive aspects of the situation
  4. Negative sides
  5. The future: what will happen in the future
  6. Advice: what to do next

You can repeat the fortune telling for a different situation after 5 minutes.

For those who like to tell fortunes using real Tarot cards, read on for interesting layouts and methods of fortune telling to resolve the situation.

Tarot cards in a situational reading and problem solving help you to discern your hidden capabilities. The Arcana will indicate what your strengths and weaknesses are, what you need to focus on and what to ignore.

  • Figure out what reserves you have so that the situation can be resolved successfully
  • You will understand what you need to pay special attention to. The cards will also show which circumstances can be ignored
  • Find out how the situation will affect your future if you act in one way or another
  • You will understand whether it is worth taking active action or whether it is better to wait until a more favorable moment
  • Thanks to the situation in the present, you can avoid big problems in the future, get competent advice and behave in the most correct way.

    Rules for working with Tarot cards

    To get a correct prediction, it is important to know how to use a deck of Tarot cards correctly.

    1. Study the meaning and interpretation of all arcana. It is advisable that you always have detailed interpretations at hand. Of course, it is unrealistic for a beginner to know them all by heart, but you can use the hints
    2. Try to feel the energy of each lasso. Take the cards out of the deck one by one and read the meaning. Then close your eyes and listen to your inner feelings
    3. The cards need to be charged with their energy if the deck is new. Take it in your hands and imagine how a powerful fireball comes out of your palms into the cards, filling the arcana with energy

    This is the required minimum of actions that need to be completed before you make your first layout. If you make friends with the Tarot, learn to feel the cards, and not just mechanically memorize their meanings, the prediction will always be correct.

    Popular layouts for analyzing the situation

    There are five most popular layouts. You can choose any of them to understand what to do in a particular case.

    List of schedules:

    1. Celtic cross. Used when you need to get a clear answer to a specific question. The cards will tell you how to act and lift the veil of future events
    2. Path. Used to analyze the situation. The cards will tell you what consequences this or that event may have for you. You will also be able to figure out what opportunities you have to achieve your goal right now.
    3. Confrontation. Fortune telling using this layout if you feel that a dark streak has come in your life. The cards will help you determine what is the cause of all the problems and will tell you how to proceed in the future.
    4. 9 cards. With the help of this fortune telling, you will predict how events will develop without your participation if you do nothing
    5. Spiral. He will tell you how to behave in a specific situation. Predicts the very near future

    Choose the layout that you like best and matches your goal.

    Situation at work

    If your problem is related to career matters, a simple three-card spread will do. You need to sit comfortably at the table, shuffle the cards, mentally formulate your question and randomly draw three arcana from the deck.

    Lay them out in a row on the table and start deciphering:

    • The first card is the reasons that led to the emergence of the situation that worries you. These are your past actions or circumstances in which you previously found yourself.
    • The second card reflects the state of affairs in the present. Things may not turn out quite the way you imagined.
    • The third card is Tarot advice on how to act so that the problem is solved with the desired result for you
    • Explanation:

      • Card No. 1: subtleties, details and features of the situation that are taking place at the moment
      • Card No. 2: your actions that influenced the situation
      • #3: Your emotional state in the past, thoughts and feelings that shaped your current reality
      • No. 4: thoughts, emotions and actions of participants in the situation in the past that became the source of problems
      • No. 5: your personal attitude to the situation. Perhaps we should change it and everything will work out?
      • No. 6: thoughts of the participants in the situation regarding what needs to be done. The results they seek
      • No. 7: how you need to learn to think in order to think not about a problem, but to look for ways to solve it
      • No. 8: Specific actions that need to be taken to successfully resolve the problem
      • No. 9: the most likely outcome of the situation. How will events develop if you do nothing at all?

      The main idea of ​​this layout is that the source of all problems is your thinking and attitude towards the situation. The cards will help you realize this and understand how to act and think in order to get the most favorable result for you and other participants in the situation.

      Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

      For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

      When you are ready, draw a card:

    The worst thing is when there are unanswered questions in life - questions to which we have not received a clear answer. The uncertainty of the situation sometimes weighs more heavily than the situation itself. The unknown lies like a heavy burden, threatening to one day fall on your head. In order to prevent anything bad from happening, such situations in which unresolved issues remain must be stopped, it is important to dot the i’s in a timely manner. This should also be done when everything that was supposed to happen has already happened. All that remains is to find out what caused it and what conclusions need to be drawn from this. Alternatively, you can always:

    • Seek advice from an outsider who is ready to express his opinion from the outside. But do you need the recommendations of such a well-wisher?
    • Make a Tarot reading for an unclear situation. In the process of fortune telling, a lot will become clearer. The main thing is to correctly interpret the symbols of the cards. The main card (significator) will be the situation that you need to find out.

    So, it is possible and necessary to find out what is unclear, even if we are talking about clarifying relationships. You should always know how the people around you treat you. And if you have doubts about the sincerity of the person standing next to you, be sure to turn to the wisdom of Tarot cards. They won't let you down.

    Features of the layout of cards for an unclear situation

    The power of any deck of Tarot cards lies in its ability to see the hidden capabilities or reserves of a person. The first card of the layout will reveal all the possible causes of the problem, which quite often lie on the surface, and which we simply do not want to notice. In addition, the interpretation of fortune telling will not only clarify, but also indicate what exactly you should pay the most attention to. If there are things that can be ignored and not taken into account, then in the Tarot layout they will definitely be pointed out so that you do not waste your energy in vain. The final card summarizes the experience gained, which may be useful later.

    The situation that comes out of each Tarot layout is different. It describes in detail what conclusion should be drawn, a lesson to be learned.


    Instead of exclaiming: “This is the situation! What to do?!”, let’s try to figure out the origins of the event happening to you, as well as how best to choose from the current circumstances. It will help us.

    What are the reasons for the schedule?

    First, let's look in the dictionary and read the meaning of the word "situation". So, this is a set of circumstances, a situation, a setting. Goes out to tell fortunes, picking up the Tarot, making a simple “Situation” layout; there are plenty of reasons.

    Conditionally, situations are divided into two types: favorable and unfavorable. And they can also be ordinary and everyday, requiring little adjustment and crisis, going beyond the scope of everyday life. Usually, when life is good and fate favors you, it rarely occurs to you to use Tarot cards to tell fortunes about the situation happening to you. However, if circumstances are negative, they often seek help and advice from oracles. And when making a Tarot reading for your situation and asking how it will end and be resolved, you will have to deal mainly with the second type of situations.

    Situations, given that the meaning of the word is too broad, can be considered from various areas of life.

    They may be related to:

    • Human personality and its development;
    • Financial matters
    • Relationships with close circle and relatives
    • Family circumstances, as well as relationships with parents and children
    • Issues related to creativity, leisure and entertainment
    • Health sector
    • Personal relationships, partnership and marriage issues
    • Crisis incidents for you, issues of debts and loans
    • Education in all its forms
    • Career issues and professional fulfillment
    • Relationships with friends
    • Conditions you find yourself in and would like to get out of


    If you are interested in everyday questions that do not require deep consideration, a layout of one Tarot card for your situation will help. In this case, one card will indicate, at your choice, advice that needs to be followed or the reason for what is happening.

    Or, if one Tarot card laid out for the situation did not help and the question requires deeper consideration and goes beyond the ordinary, another Tarot fortune telling for the current situation will help you - from 5 cards.

    Layout diagram

    1. The basis of the situation. What's happening at the moment
    2. Past. The roots of what is happening in the present moment.
    3. Future. Development of the situation. Potential outcome.
    4. Advice on what to do in this situation.
    5. A lesson to be learned. If the situations are recurring, then what needs to be done to prevent similar circumstances from recurring in the future. This position, like the previous ones, looks like it is combined with the rest of the cards.

    Layout example

    This example of Tarot reading will be about the current situation in a relationship. But this scheme can be used for any areas of life.

    Maria (32 years old) has problems in the area of ​​relationships; each partner in her life loses interest in her after some time, does not ask her to marry her, and soon separates. Especially after Masha and the man begin to live together. A few months ago she met Sergei, who was unlike her other companions; at first, everything was wonderful according to Masha. After some time, Masha and Sergey (34 years old) began to live together. And recently Masha began to notice that Sergei’s interest in her began to fade away, conversations about marriage, initially initiated by Sergei, disappeared, he began to refer to the fact that now was not the time and other circumstances. This story, repeating itself again, began to depress Masha.

    Let's see, brief comments on the layout

    1. Last Judgment. The card tells us about rebirth. In this case, it is necessary to clarify what the revival is about. Clarification - 9 of Wands. This speaks to the situation that Masha described. Fears that history from the past will repeat itself. And also about the tension of the heroine, who, based on the meaning of the 20th lasso, expects something new from the current circumstances.
    2. 8 of Wands. Masha hurried to get closer to Sergei, did not allow his feelings to grow to the fullest (echoes with position 5); when they are together, his feelings for her do not have the opportunity to grow.
    3. 6 of Cups, reversed. The development of history in the near future does not bode well. This is Masha’s romantic longing about how good it was before. To some extent, this is also being under the illusion that someday everything will turn out well, like in a fairy tale.
    4. 8 of Swords, reversed. The advice is to face reality. Look at it with an objective gaze, don’t be afraid to see your fears. When you see what is happening with an objective eye, you have the opportunity to influence life circumstances.
    5. 9 of Cups, reversed. In order to avoid repeating scenarios that happened in relationships previously, Masha is advised not to rush things (8 Swords), not to burden a man with all her love, which in large doses becomes a heavy burden, to objectively assess the reality around her (8 of Swords), and not to fall into in illusion (6 of Cups). Masha, on the other hand, is inclined to give all of herself and all her love without a trace, not paying attention to whether the man responds to the flow of her feelings, or closes down, like Sergei. Considering the story from the past (8 of Wands), Masha should reduce the dynamics of rapprochement.

    When making any layouts, including fortune telling with Tarot cards about your personal situation, you should take into account that the picture of the future is not a verdict, but a consequence of current circumstances. Therefore, you should always remember that you always have the power to change your future if you apply your will and determination to it. With this approach, Tarot cards will always be your assistant.

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