Home Engine Poems about the homeland and the Rostov region. Lesson summary for the preparatory group “How big is my land, how wide the open spaces! Lesson summary for the preparatory group

Poems about the homeland and the Rostov region. Lesson summary for the preparatory group “How big is my land, how wide the open spaces! Lesson summary for the preparatory group

Don region

How big is my land
How wide are the spaces?
Lakes, rivers and fields,
Forests, meadows and mountains...
Traveling thousands of roads
And hundreds of miles of travel
Became dearer and dearer to me
The expanse of the Don steppe.
The smell of azure flowers
And thyme herbs
They intoxicate me, stupefy my blood,
The feather grass is of concern.
From the beauty of the Don fields
I can't take my eyes off
More beautiful than the land and dearer
I can't find it!
Mateeva V.V.

Native side

I like it best
Don land,
Its steppes are endless,
Meadows and fields,
And the midday heat
And the coolness of the rain,
Predawn fog
The nightingale trills in the night,
And Epiphany frost,
And the reeds by the river,
Farms and villages,
Where do the Cossacks live?
And also the smell of bread,
What did the earth grow...
This is my native land,
Here is my Russia!
Boytsova Valentina

Blossom my native land

My father's house and my farm along the Gashun River.
I was raised by golden dawns,
The springs were fed with spring water.

In the holy Russian side of the Don.

My land of fields, my corner is Donshchina.

You are important for me!
Blossom my Don region!
Ermolova Lyuba

My motherland

In the depths of vast Russia

The place of my little homeland.
In the steppe zone of the Don region
Once upon a time a people settled
Having founded a small farm,
Called Khutorskoy.
The days flew and the years rolled by,
A new century was replaced by a century,
And took root on this land
The Russian worker is a person.

Everything has changed here now.

God-forgotten places

Where I was born too.

Courtyard, Gashun River, poplars
And a lilac bush near the house,
And the treasured bench nearby.

And, fluttering like a flock of swan,
White fluff will fly from the poplars.

And I’ll think: “My beloved land,
There is no one dearer or sweeter than you!”
And wherever fate takes you,
I will strive with my heart to come here.
There is only one homeland.
Rubtsova Anna


This is the homeland of our fathers,
This is the native, paternal land:
Someone's farm Gorobtsov,
Someone's farm Vasilevsky,
Someone's farm Krasny Kut,
Kuchman Farm and Worker...
Those names live on
And today, by the way.

Zimovniki station.
It became their connection with the world.
How, when - no one knew -
They will have to become related.
Along the paths - market - station -
Clinic - police.
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge.
Farms merged into the village -
There were no boundaries.
Only in memory of fathers
The following names have been preserved:
This is the Gorobtsov farm...
And the memories came...
Pomeschenko A.

Protected places

Protected places,
The steppe, untouched by the plow,
And behind them Elista,
Astrakhan friend.
Feather grass, like reeds -
There is room to run away,
Not a building, not a soul,
No movement at all.
Let's go straight, no Julia,
How long can this last?
Only heaven and earth
It's like having a beautiful dream.
I'm not used to space
I'm suffocating from the space.
And I have a Kalmyk driver
Heals by talking.
Explains where and how
Roamed with the herds,
And why Rogul-saiga
Pays tribute to the earth with horns.
Remembers the snow
Storms are black, free-flowing,
Blackened haystacks
Yes, burdocks are prickly.
And the Kalmyk's speech flows,
Like a wave, melodiously, strictly,
I just want to lie down:
The road lulled me to sleep.
Pomeschenko A.

Don region

How big is my land
How wide are the spaces?
Lakes, rivers and fields,
Forests, meadows and mountains...
Traveling thousands of roads
And hundreds of miles of travel
Became dearer and dearer to me
The expanse of the Don steppe.
The smell of azure flowers
And thyme herbs
They intoxicate me, stupefy my blood,
The feather grass is of concern.
From the beauty of the Don fields
I can't take my eyes off
More beautiful than the land and dearer
I can't find it!
Mateeva V.V.
Native side

I like it best
Don land,
Its steppes are endless,
Meadows and fields,
And the midday heat
And the coolness of the rain,
Predawn fog
The nightingale trills in the night,
And Epiphany frost,
And the reeds by the river,
Farms and villages,
Where do the Cossacks live?
And also the smell of bread,
What did the earth grow...
This is my native land,
Here is my Russia!
Boytsova Valentina
Blossom my native land
My native land, blue expanses
My father's house and my farm along the Gashun River.

I was raised by golden dawns,
The springs were fed with spring water.
In my dreams and thoughts of voluptuousness
I melt love in the depths of my soul.
I am grateful to God - I was born
In the holy Russian side of the Don.

Everything is mine here: both the river and the clearing,
My house and garden, and glorious dear
In my dreams and in reality I am glad,
That I have all this in my life.
My land of fields, my corner is Donshchina.

In my soul you are forever with me:
Fields and skies and golden steppes.
You are important for me!

Blossom my Don region!
Ermolova Lyuba
My motherland
In the depths of vast Russia
Among the endless expanses of the steppes
There is one inconspicuous village -
The place of my little homeland.
In the steppe zone of the Don region
Once upon a time a people settled
Having founded a small farm,
Called Khutorskoy.
The days flew and the years rolled by,
A new century was replaced by a century,
And took root on this land
The Russian worker is a person.
Many years have passed since then,
Everything has changed here now.
For whom is this just “outback”,
God-forgotten places
For me, this is the land of my ancestors,
Where I was born too.
Everything here is painfully familiar from childhood:
Courtyard, Gashun River, poplars
And a lilac bush near the house,
And the treasured bench nearby.
On a hot summer day,
The free wind suddenly smells from the fields,
And, fluttering like a flock of swan,
White fluff will fly from the poplars.
As soon as I breathe in this wormwood air,
Your heart will immediately beat faster,
And I’ll think: “My beloved land,
There is no one dearer or sweeter than you!”
And wherever fate takes you,
I will strive with my heart to come here.
There are many beautiful places in the world,
There is only one homeland.
Rubtsova Anna
This is the homeland of our fathers,
This is the native, paternal land:
Someone's farm Gorobtsov,
Someone's farm Vasilevsky,
Someone's farm Krasny Kut,
Kuchman Farm and Worker...
Those names live on
And today, by the way.
We stuck along the Kuberle River... and so on to Sal.
Zimovniki station.
It became their connection with the world.
How, when - no one knew -
They will have to become related.
Along the paths - market - station -
Clinic - police.
How many years have passed since then?
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge.
Farms merged into the village -
There were no boundaries.
Only in memory of fathers
The following names have been preserved:
This is the Gorobtsov farm...
And the memories came...
Pomeschenko A.
Protected places

Protected places,
The steppe, untouched by the plow,
And behind them Elista,
Astrakhan friend.
Feather grass, like reeds -
There is room to run away,
Not a building, not a soul,
No movement at all.
Let's go straight, no Julia,
How long can this last?
Only heaven and earth
It's like having a beautiful dream.
I'm not used to space
I'm suffocating from the space.
And I have a Kalmyk driver
Heals by talking.
Explains where and how
Roamed with the herds,
And why Rogul-saiga
Pays tribute to the earth with horns.
Remembers the snow
Storms are black, free-flowing,
Blackened haystacks
Yes, burdocks are prickly.
And the Kalmyk's speech flows,
Like a wave, melodiously, strictly,
I just want to lie down:
The road lulled me to sleep.
Pomeschenko A.

We live in a huge and beautiful country. It's called Russia. Our great country has become the Motherland for many peoples and nationalities. Just imagine how vast it is: in the north it is snowing, the frost is crackling, people wear fur coats, reservoirs are frozen in ice, and in the south at the same time flowers are blooming, butterflies are flying, you can swim in the sea and sunbathe. In the west, children are just waking up to go to kindergarten or school, but in the east the children have already come home.

This is what our Motherland is like. It is about her that we have prepared a selection of poems and divided them by age: for preschool children 3-4, 4-5, 6-7 years old and elementary school children 1-2-3-4 and 5-6 grades. There are short poems and longer ones for learning, for the competition of readers, modern and Russian poets.

The guys have a good homeland...

Short poems about the Motherland for children 3-4 years of preschool age

Kremlin stars

Kremlin stars
They are burning above us,
Their light reaches everywhere!
The guys have a good homeland,
And better than that Motherland
S. Mikhalkov


Have your own native land
By the stream and by the crane.
And you and I have it -
And the native land is one.
P. Sinyavsky


I found out that I have
There is a huge relative:
And the path, and the forest,
Everyone in the field
The sky is above me -
This is all mine, dear!

Native light

Above the river is my native corner,
And in the window there is a dear light.
Take care of it, don’t extinguish it
It makes Rus' brighter.

What is Motherland?

What is Motherland?
These are the clouds
Garden with vegetable garden,
Field and river...

How big is my land
How wide are the spaces!
Lakes, rivers and fields,
Forests, and steppe, and mountains.
My country has spread
From north to south:
When it's spring in one region,
In another - snow and blizzard

There are many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland.

Our Motherland is Russia!

Poems about the Motherland for children 4-5 years old, preschool age

Love to motherland

They will not replace the birthplace
No miracles!
Only here everything is so loved -
Rivers, mountains and forests.
Here from the sweet threshold
The country begins.
There are many other countries on the map,
There is only one Motherland!
Olesya Emelyanova

Our Motherland is Russia!

Our Motherland is Russia!
This is where we were born,
There is no more beautiful land for us
And there are no more loved ones in the world!
This is your home, your family,
Your friends live here!
I owe my homeland like a mother,
You take care and protect!
Olesya Emelyanova

Vast country

If for a long, long, long time
We're going to fly on the plane,
If for a long, long, long time
We should look at Russia,
We'll see then
And forests and cities,
Ocean spaces,
Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains...

We will see the distance without edge,
Tundra, where spring rings,
And then we will understand what
Our Motherland is big,
An immense country.
Vladimir Stepanov

Key words

We learned in kindergarten
We are beautiful words.
They were read for the first time:
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

Spring and summer will fly by.
The foliage will become sunny.
Illuminated with new light
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

The sun shines kindly on us.
Blue is pouring from the sky.
May they always live in the world
Mom, Motherland, Moscow!
L. Olifirova

Our Motherland

And beautiful and rich
Our Motherland, guys.
It's a long drive from the capital
To any of its borders.

Everything around you is your own, dear:
Mountains, steppes and forests;
The rivers sparkle blue,
Blue skies.

Every city
Dear to the heart,
Every rural house is precious.
Everything is taken in battles at some point
And strengthened by labor!

Home country

In the wide open space
Before dawn
Scarlet dawns have risen
Over my native country.

Every year it gets more beautiful
Dear countries...
Better than our Motherland
Not in the world, friends!

Our fatherland, our homeland is Mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial.
Konstantin Ushinsky

Above our native land

Children's poems about the Motherland for preschoolers 6-7 years old for a reading competition

Hello, my Motherland!

In the morning the sun rises,
He's calling us to the street.
I leave the house:
- Hello, my street!

I sing in silence too
The birds sing along with me.
The herbs whisper to me on the way:
- Hurry up, my friend, grow up!

I answer to herbs,
I answer the wind
I answer the sun:
- Hello, my Motherland!
Vladimir Orlov

Our Motherland

And beautiful and rich
Our Motherland, guys.
It's a long drive from the capital
To any of its borders.

Everything around you is your own, dear:
Mountains, steppes and forests:
The rivers sparkle blue,
Blue skies.

Every city
Dear to the heart,
Every rural house is precious.
Everything is taken in battles at some point
And strengthened by labor!
Georgy Ladonshchikov


Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek there is a mole -
This is also the Motherland.
T. Bokova

Take care of your native nature

Great is our Fatherland
And its space is wide.
We have meadows and thickets,
Rivers and mountains.
And they live here with us
Herons, swans, siskins,
Woodpeckers, orioles, shrikes
Turtles and snakes,
Tigers, wolves and bears,
Elks, bison, wild boars... -
Our old neighbors.
We must save them!
Olesya Emelyanova

Go beyond the seas and oceans

Go beyond the seas and oceans,
You have to fly across the entire earth:
There are different countries in the world,
But you won’t find one like ours.

Our bright waters are deep,
The land is wide and free,
And the factories thunder without ceasing,
And the fields are noisy, blossoming...
M. Isakovsky

Above our native land

Airplanes are flying
Over our fields...
And I shout to the pilots:
“Take me with you!
So that over our native land
I shot through like an arrow

I saw rivers, mountains,
Valleys and lakes
And the swell on the Black Sea,
And boats in the open space,
Plains in riotous color
And all the children in the world!”
R. Bosilek

What we call Motherland

What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?
Everything that we cherish in our hearts,
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.
V. Stepanov

There are many in the world, and besides Russia, all sorts of good states and lands, but a person has one natural mother - he has one Motherland.
Konstantin Ushinsky

There is no better Motherland in the world, friends!

Poems about the Motherland for primary school children of grades 1-2-3-4

What is our Motherland?

An apple tree blooms over a quiet river.
The gardens stand thoughtfully.
What an elegant homeland,
She herself is like a wonderful garden!

The river plays with riffles,
The fish in it are all made of silver,
What a rich homeland,
You can’t count her goodness!

A leisurely wave is flowing,
The vastness of the fields is pleasing to the eye.
What a happy homeland
And this happiness is all for us!
Victor Bokov

My home area

I go out onto the balcony -
I see a park and a stadium,
Cinema, library,
Church, clinic, pharmacy,
music school,
The offices are mirrored.
And also the ice palace
And the shopping center is new,
And your gymnasium,
Where I study with imagination.
I go out onto the balcony -
My home area!
Andrey Smetanin

About the Motherland

What is called my homeland?
I ask myself a question.
The river that winds behind the houses
Or a bush of curly red roses?
That autumn birch tree over there?
Or spring drops?
Or maybe a rainbow stripe?
Or a frosty winter day?
Everything that has been around since childhood?
But it will all be nothing
Without my mother's care, dear,
And without friends I don’t feel the same.
That's what is called the Motherland!
To always be side by side
Everyone who supports will smile,
Who needs me too!


Spring, cheerful,
Eternal, kind,
Plowed by tractor
Sown with happiness -
She's all there before our eyes
From south to north!
Dear homeland,
The homeland is fair-haired,
V. Semernin

Where does the Motherland begin?

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the picture in your ABC book,
From good and faithful comrades,
Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting
From the song that our mother sang to us.
Since in any test
No one can take it away from us.

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the treasured bench at the gate.
From that very birch tree in the field,
Bowing in the wind, it grows.

Or maybe it's starting
From the spring song of a starling
And from this country road,
Which has no end in sight.

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the windows burning in the distance,
From my father's old budenovka,
What we found somewhere in the closet.

Or maybe it's starting
From the sound of carriage wheels
And from the oath that in my youth
You brought it to her in your heart.
Where does the Motherland begin?..
M. Matusovsky

Home country

In the wide open space
Before dawn
Scarlet dawns have risen
Over my native country.

Every year it gets more beautiful
Dear countries...
Better than our Motherland
Not in the world, friends!
A. Prokofiev

The place where we were born, city, village, hamlet, is called our small homeland. Wherever life takes us, no matter what distant cities of our country we live, we will always remember with a warm feeling our small homeland, the city where we were born, where we spent our childhood.

I love you, my dear land!


Here the warm field is filled with rye,
Here the dawns splash in the palms of the meadows.
Here are the golden-winged angels of God
They came down from the clouds along the rays of light.

And they watered the land with holy water,
And the blue expanse was overshadowed with a cross.
And we have no homeland except Russia -
Here is mother, here is the temple, here is the father’s house.
P. Sinyavsky

It smells like something familiar and ancient

It smells like something familiar and ancient
From the vastness of my land.
Villages float in the snowy sea,
Like distant ships.

Walking along a narrow path,
I repeat again! –
“It’s good that with the Russian soul
And she was born on Russian soil!”
Yulia Drunina

Give me Russian

Don't let them expect me to cry,
If they don't buy me a Coke.
Don’t let them expect me to struggle,
If I go to school for breakfast
They'll give you a sandwich instead
Foreign cookies.
Transoceanic confiture
Worse than our jam!

Serve a bowl of porridge -
I will become more beautiful and stronger!
Our bread and salt taste better
Foreign jelly!
Let me taste RUSSIAN!
Let me wear RUSSIAN!
It’s better to have millet for lunch,
Why ask for something overseas!
Anatoly Vlasov

The best in the world

Russian region, my land,
Dear spaces!
We have rivers and fields,
Seas, forests and mountains.

We have both north and south.
Gardens bloom in the south.
In the north there is snow all around -
It's cold and blizzardy there.

In Moscow they go to bed now,
The moon looks out the window.
Far East at the same hour
Rising to meet the sun.

Russian region, how great you are!
From border to border
And a fast train straight ahead
It won't finish in a week.

The words are heard on the radio -
The long journey is not difficult for them.
Your familiar voice, Moscow,
Heard by people everywhere.

And we are always happy to hear news
About our peaceful life.
How happy we live
In your native Fatherland!

Nations are like one family,
Although their language is different.
All are daughters and sons
Your beautiful country.

And everyone has one homeland.
Hello and glory to you,
Invincible country
Russian power!
Natalya Zabila (translation from Ukrainian by Z. Alexandrova)


The painted dawn has broken,
I go outside the outskirts.
Good morning, dear side -
My dear Fatherland.

The artel moved together into the field,
Labor is in full swing from village to village.
Axes rang through the forests,
The silence behind the mounds has gone.

Steamships are being loaded
At the piers of awakened rivers,
And about the Volga, the Russian beauty,
A man sings with inspiration.

Songs flow in an invisible stream
To the stars of happiness - to the gray Kremlin.
I love you, my native land,
Invariably, in Russian, I love you!
N. Suslennikov

Oh, Motherland!

Oh, Motherland! In a dim glow
I catch with my trembling gaze
Your woods, woods -
Everything I absolutely love:

And the rustle of the white-trunked grove,
And the blue smoke in the distance is empty,
And a rusty cross over the bell tower,
And a low hill with a star...

My grievances and forgiveness
They will burn like old stubble.
In you alone there is consolation
And my healing.
A.V. Zhigulin

My little homeland

Quiet street in the middle of the village,
The house is wooden, there are poplars nearby.
Two lilac bushes
Cherry tree under the window.
I spent my childhood here
With mother, father.
Went fishing
I went mushroom picking
By the night fire
Komarov fed...

Discussion: there is 1 comment

    the poems are excellent


Elena Gavrilova
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “How big is my land, how wide the open spaces!”

Lesson summary for the preparatory group

"How my land is great, How the open spaces are wide

To consolidate children's knowledge about the name of the country and its nature. Introduce to a geographical map, teach "read" her. To give children knowledge about the riches of Russia, to cultivate the desire to protect and increase them. To instill in children a sense of pride for their country.

Visual material.

Physical map of Russia. Illustrations depicting forests, rivers, seas, mountains; various animals inhabiting forests.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher hangs a physical map of Russia on the board. Guys, do any of you know what this is? (Children's suggestions.) This is a map. In our group hangs a map of Moscow. And today I brought you a map of our country. What is the name of the country where we live? (Russia.) The dimensions on the map have been reduced hundreds of thousands of times. A map can tell you a lot about different countries. This map shows not only Russia, but also other countries. How can you find out which country is which? (Children's suggestions.) You can read the name and find the border. There is always a border between all countries. I will now draw a pointer along the Russian border, and you will see what territory our country occupies. (He outlines the border of Russia with a pointer, and then invites two or three children to do this.) Does our country occupy a large territory? I will outline the borders of other countries that are located next to Russia, and you will see how much smaller the territories of other countries are than Russia. (Outlines the borders of Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, etc.)

So, the map told us that our country is very large, one might even say huge. What else can the map tell you? – Look, what do these circles mean? (Children's assumptions.) These are cities. Look how many cities there are in Russia. Name what cities you know and we will try to find them on the map. (Children name cities, and the teacher shows them on the map.) Let's read the names of several more cities together. (Shows and reads the names of different cities in Russia. Displays illustrations depicting views of different Russian cities on the stand.) The map told us that there are a lot of cities in Russia.

What else can the map tell you? What do you see on the map? What are these blue wavy lines, of which there are a lot? (Children's assumptions.) These are rivers. There are also a lot of rivers in Russia. What rivers do you know? (Moscow River, Neglinka, etc.) The names of the rivers are also written on the map. (Reads the names of the most famous rivers and shows them on the map, runs a pointer from source to mouth, rivers - Volga, Lena, Yenisei, etc. Displays illustrations depicting rivers on the stand.)

What do the blue spots mean? (Shows the seas.) Yes, these are seas and lakes. Show me where you see the seas? (Calls several children, invites them to show the seas and reads the names of the seas with us. Draws the children’s attention to the fact that there are also oceans, they are larger than the seas. Displays illustrations depicting the sea on the stand.)

What other color do you see on the map? Is there a lot of it? (Green.) What do you think the color green means? (Children's assumptions.) Yes, green flowers are a forest. Look how many forests there are in Russia. (Exhibits illustrations depicting a forest.) In Russia the largest taiga land. What do forests give? (Children's answers.) Forest is a tree from which a huge number of different objects are made; paper on which books are printed, notebooks, albums and much more are made. Berries and mushrooms grow in the forest, and various animals live. Remember, we said that bread is the wealth of Russia. But bread is wealth that a person produces with his own hands. And the forest is a natural wealth, there is a lot of it, but it must be treated very carefully.

What color do you see on the map? (Brown.) What does it mean? Yes, these are mountains, mountains also have names, let's read some of them. (Invites one of the children to show the mountains and reads the names: Ural Mountains, Caucasus Mountains, etc.) Minerals are mined in the mountains. Icons on the map indicate where which minerals are mined. What are minerals? Children's assumptions.) This is what is in earth and what a person needs to live. For example: coal, various ores that we need to make metals; gold, diamonds, which make up the country's wealth.

And on the map you see dark yellow and yellow. These are steppes and deserts. In the steppe the vegetation is very poor - grass and low-growing bushes, and in the desert there is only sand. (Exhibits illustrations depicting the steppe.) Here we have looked at the map of our country. What did she tell you about Russia, what did we read on the map?

Physical education moment

We tried, we learned

And we got a little tired.

What we must do now

Exercise for the back.

(Rotate the body to the right and left.)

We work with our hands

We are flying under the clouds.

Hands down and hands up.

Who flies the fastest?

(Children imitate the movements of their wings.)

So that your legs don't hurt,

One - sit down, two - sit down,

Three, four, five and six

Seven and eight, nine, ten.


We walk next to the desk,

(Walk in place.)

And then we sit down.

(Children sit at their desks.)

Our country Russia is very large. There are many cities in Russia. The nature of Russia is very diverse - many rivers, seas, forests. There are mountains and steppes. Many different minerals are mined in Russia.

Writer S. Baruzdin wrote a book called "The Country Where We Live". I will now read you one chapter from this book. It tells how the boy Dima flew with the writer Baruzdin on a plane over Russia. They flew over Siberia and the Far East. It's right here. (Shows Siberia and the Far East on the map.) Chapter called: The biggest, the richest. – Siberia and the Far East are the largest and richest in our country Earth, more than all of America,” I explained. We flew for many hours over Siberia and the Far East. And they saw such things that Dima only had time to ask questions: - What river is this? I had to name all the rivers over which we fly by: the Ob, and the Irtysh, and the Angara, and the Yenisei, and the Lena.

There are many cities in Siberia and the Far East. There are many old ones, and many new: Bratsk, Angarsk, Amur, Solnechny, Mirny, Nakhodka. More and more cities and factories are growing in the remote taiga. Powerful power plants are being built on the largest Siberian rivers. Steamboats sail along the rivers. Tugs pull rafts with timber.

On Lake Baikal, which is no smaller than the sea, people catch wonderful fish - omul, and on the endless lands In Siberia, combine harvesters are harvesting a rich harvest, and diamonds are being mined in the north. Our homeland is vast, beautiful and rich. (Children read poems about Russia.)

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the preparatory group “How Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow” Program content: 1. Introduce children to the history of Moscow. Tell about Prince Yuri Dolgoruky as a collector of land.

Summary of an open lesson in mathematics in the preparatory school group “How to help Pinocchio?” Summary of an open lesson in mathematics in the preparatory school group “How to help Pinocchio?” Goals and objectives: 1. Consolidate children's knowledge.

Summary of a thematic lesson in the preparatory group Topic: “How bread came to the table” Goal: to form children’s ideas about the work of adults; show the results of labor and its social significance, teach to be careful.

Summary of a lesson on application in the preparatory group “How do they live in the village? Good huts." Goal: to teach children to create an applique image of a hut, using the skills of symmetrical cutting and broken appliqué. Tasks: - consolidate.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the preparatory group “How the first people lived” Goal: To give children knowledge about how the first people lived on Earth, where they lived, what they ate, how they made fire, food, what clothes they wore.

* * * How great is my country, How wide is its expanse! Lakes, rivers and fields, Forests and steppes and mountains... My country stretches from north to south. When it is spring in one region, there is snow and blizzard in another. In Moscow they go to bed now, the moon looks out the window. The Far East at the same hour rises to greet the sun. Natalya Zabila

Motherland! This word especially sounds full of deep meaning. Our country is vast and diverse. The rivers crossing its spaces are inexhaustible and full of water. Vast forests. The mountains are high, the light of the bright sun is reflected in their snowy peaks. The sultry steppes are wide. The remote taiga stretches across the ocean.

The cities scattered throughout the country are crowded and numerous. Many languages ​​are spoken by the people inhabiting our Motherland. The homeland is both a path with a ford across a stream and 1/6 of the land on the world map. This is both our capital, Moscow, and a small village. And our story. Russia is you and me with our joys and worries, problems and successes. The concept of “Motherland” is different for everyone. Assignment: Assignment: Write in your notebook a few words and phrases that, in your opinion, characterize today's Russia.

Contents of the Russian geography course (grades 8-9) GEOGRAPHY OF RUSSIA RUSSIA NATURE POPULATION ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS GEOGRAPHY OF YOUR REGION Assignment: Assignment: Get acquainted with the contents of the textbook for grade 8, highlight the main topics of the course. Why are they studied in this order?

The role of geography in solving the country's problems Assignment: Assignment: After reading the text of the textbook (Introduction), compose a coherent story about the role of geography in solving various problems and solving the country's problems. Use key words and phrases to tell the story: Nature is the source of material production and habitat. Natural resources. Justification for the placement of settlements and economic facilities. Rational use of natural resources. Environmental, social, natural and physical problems.

Sources of geographic information 1. Maps and atlases. 2.Reference books. 3. Internet resources. 4. Space and aerial photographs. 5. Geographic books and magazines (popular and scientific). 6. Documentary films about nature and population. 7. Tourist maps, diagrams and directories. 8. Information about current problems in the country (television, radio, newspapers). 9. Photo albums. 10. Weather forecasts. 11. Stories of eyewitnesses of events and travelers. 12. Personal impressions. 13. And much more...

Methods of geographical research Traditional New Statistical. Cartographic. Historical. Space. Modeling method. Research experiment. Geographic forecast. “Everyone who has an idea can judge how much benefit geography brings to the human race,” wrote Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. Do you agree with this statement?

Natural uniqueness of Russia Russia Russia is the largest country in the world by area (17.1 million km 2). Russia has the largest number of neighboring countries (16) and seas washing its shores (13). The lowest air temperature in the northern hemisphere was recorded in the village of Oymyakon in Yakutia (-71 ° C). Sakhalin Island Sakhalin Island is the largest island in Russia, located in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan. Area 76.4 km 2).

Natural uniqueness of Russia Baikal - Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake in the world. It is called the “pearl of Siberia”. The eighth largest lake in the world in terms of area, Lake Baikal is located in Eastern Siberia, surrounded by mountains. 20% of all fresh water reserves on the surface of the globe are concentrated here. The length of Baikal is km, the average width is 48 km, max. depth m. The average water temperature in July is 13 ˚С. Volga - this river Volga - this river can be considered the central river of the European part of Russia. Russians call her “mother”. It is also the longest river in Europe (3530 km). The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.

Natural uniqueness of Russia The Sea of ​​Azov The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest sea in the world and the smallest in area off the coast of Russia, in fact a bay of the Black Sea. Two large rivers flow into the Sea of ​​Azov - Don and Kuban. The Sea of ​​Azov was very important for Russia in the 19th century, at which time the Russian merchant fleet of the Sea of ​​Azov reached enormous proportions. Taganrog is a large port in the harbor, founded by Peter I after the capture of Azov, built for the first regular navy in Russian history. Caspian Sea The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world, washing the shores of Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan. Oil, gas and salt are being extracted on the lake, which is constantly worsening the environmental situation in this region.

Natural uniqueness of Russia Greater Caucasus. Greater Caucasus. The Caucasus Range runs from northwest to southeast between the Black and Caspian Seas on the border with Georgia and Azerbaijan. Its length is over 1100 km. There are about 2000 glaciers here. The Caucasus is one of the largest resort areas and a mountaineering center in Russia. Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus is the highest in Russia. Its height is m. It is an isolated two-headed mountain, the cone of an extinct volcano. Ural Mountains The Ural Mountains are a natural border between Europe and Asia, the longest mountain system in Russia. Ancient, heavily eroded mountains stretching 2,100 km from north to south, from the Arctic Ocean to the border with Kazakhstan. The average height does not exceed 600 m. The highest mountain is Narodnaya (1895 m).

Natural uniqueness of Russia Kamchatka ridge The Kamchatka ridge with active volcanoes stretches on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Klyuchevskaya Sopka The highest peak of the Far East is located here - the active volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka (4750 m) and numerous mineral and thermal springs and geysers. Fumarolnoye Here is the hottest lake in Russia - Fumarolnoye (average water temperature + 50 ° C).

Natural uniqueness of Russia West Siberian Plain The West Siberian Plain is the largest plain in Russia (area about 3 million km 2). Bering Sea The Bering Sea is the largest and deepest sea off the coast of Russia (area 2315 thousand km 2, average depth - 1640 m, maximum depth - 5500 m). Chukchi Sea The Chukchi Sea is the cleanest sea in Russia.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group.

Compiled by teacher Vorobyova I.A.

Subject. Our Motherland is Russia.

Target. Give children an idea of ​​their homeland - Russia, its capital; develop the ability to navigate on a map. Introduce the symbols of the state. To foster love, pride and respect for the Motherland.

Materials. Map of Russia, images of the coat of arms and flag of Russia; audio recording of the song “Where does the Motherland begin?” music V. Baspera, lyrics. M. Matusovsky and the Russian anthem.

Progress of the lesson.

What is the name of our country?


Look at the map of our country.

What is it like, our Russia?

Children. Big, huge, strong, beloved, beautiful, rich.

This is our Motherland. Homeland is the country in which a person was born and lives.

The teacher reads a story from the book by N.F. Vinogradova “What is the Motherland?”

We learn about Russia not only from stories. Listen to an excerpt from the song “Where does the homeland begin?”

What is the Motherland? Where does it start? (from your home, street, park, city, capital of our state, etc. - all this is the Motherland.

Listen to how (child’s name) talks about the Motherland. (The child reads the poem “My Motherland” by M. Lisyansky).

Educator. How do Russian people affectionately call Russia? (Mother Russia). And why? (She is like a mother to us. And everyone loves mom. She feeds us, gives us water, protects us, protects us from enemies).

What else can you call Russia? What is she like? (Dear, beloved, only, dear...).

Educator. The people came up with many proverbs about the Motherland. Listen and remember them.“A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.”

“Beloved homeland - dear mother.”

How do you understand the meaning of this phrase? (We treat the Motherland like our own mother. We take care of our mother, we love, we feel sorry for. And we treat the Motherland the same way).

- “There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland” (children explain the meaning).

Educator. Our Motherland is often called glorious. How to understand this?

Symbols of Russia.

Educator. Each state has its own symbols. Your own coat of arms, flag, anthem.

The teacher shows a poster with the image of the coat of arms of Russia.

The child recites V. Stepanov’s poem “Coat of Arms of Russia.”

Educator. The coat of arms of Russia is a dark red shield depicting a double-headed eagle. The coat of arms of Moscow is placed on the eagle's chest. This means that Moscow is the capital of the mighty Russian state. The shape of the coat of arms resembles a shield. There is also a shield depicted on the eagle's chest. A shield is the weapon of an ancient warrior in the form of a round or rectangular plane (made of wood, metal, leather) to protect against blows and arrows.

Educator. I think that you are all familiar with the Russian flag. Look at him. And the child will tell about him.

(The child reads V. Stepanov’s poem “Flag of Russia” and talks about the features of the Russian flag).

Educator. Every state has an anthem. (the child) will tell you about it.

And now I propose to listen to the anthem of the Russian Federation.

We are lucky to live in a wonderful country; there is nothing else like it in the world. It is no coincidence that many poems have been written about her. Listen to N. Zabil’s poem “Our Motherland.”

We talked a lot today about Russia, about our homeland.

- How should you treat your homeland?

Keep the fire of your home hearth

And don’t covet other people’s fires -

Our ancestors lived by this law

And they bequeathed to us through the centuries:

Keep the fire of your home!

O. Fokina

The lesson is over. Well done! You did a very good job. The music of the song “Where does the Motherland Begin?” plays.

Preliminary work.

Reading “The Word “Motherland”” by Yu. Yakovvlev

“Our Motherland” S. Soloveichik.

“Rus” S. Romanovsky

Poetry. “Motherland” by K. Simonov

“Motherland” M. Plyatskovsky

D\i “Give me a word” (homeland, fatherland, fatherland).

Introduction to proverbs.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.

Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

To live and serve the Motherland.


  1. T.I. Podrezova. Planning and notes of classes on the development of children's speech in preschool educational institutions, p. 55.
  2. O.F. Gorbatenko. Complex classes with children of middle and senior preschool age, p. 73.
  3. N.G. Zelenova “We live in Russia”, p.70.

Literary material for the lesson.

"My motherland". M. Lisyansky.

Great land

Beloved land

Where we were born and live

We are the bright homeland,

We are the dear Motherland,

We call it our Motherland.

Coat of arms of Russia. V. Stepanov.

Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,

So that to the west, to the east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is Russia's free spirit.

Flag of Russia. V. Stepanov

White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe-

Sunny dawn.

Our Motherland. N. Scored.

How big is my land

How wide are the spaces!

Lakes, rivers and fields,

Forests, and steppe, and mountains!

My country has spread

From north to south

When it's spring in one region,

In the other there is snow and blizzard.

And a train through my country

To the border from the border

No less than ten days -

And it will barely get home.

What is Motherland? N.F. Vinogradova.

Everyone, hearing the word “homeland,” imagines something of their own, dearest and closest. The Motherland unites all people living in the same country: they speak the same language, have the same passports, work, celebrate common holidays, and, if necessary, defend their Homeland from enemies.

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