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Forms and methods of control in computer science lessons. Types and forms of knowledge control in computer science lessons. Educational independent work: “

Various forms of control in computer science lessons.

The presence of a PC class provides ample means and opportunities for individualizing training and monitoring results. Here, along with well-known methods, the teacher encounters non-traditional means, systems implemented through a computer. We are talking about materials for strengthening computer skills and control systems, when monitoring and evaluating functions are transferred to a computer.

The methods of monitoring learning outcomes that I use in my work can be divided into two types: “test at the table” and “check at the computer.” “Check at the table” includes methods used by teachers in other subjects, as well as specific control methods. For example, an oral survey: frontal and individual (allows you to focus the children’s attention on the main points of the topic covered).

An oral and written assessment at the end of each global topic allows you to test the children’s knowledge as a whole, in the system. Only after passing the test can students begin working on a computer. This is the strongest motivation for the guys.

The lack of teaching aids forces a mandatory written theory test for the entire class, as well as a test of notebooks. It is required that the material be recorded regularly, regardless of class attendance, correctly and accurately.

Homework allows you to systematize your computer science classes. In addition to tasks for repetition and consolidation of material, I give one or two home tests per school year (each student is given his own version).

Various types of independent activities allow you to diversify the work in the lesson. At the first stage of knowledge formation, and especially in weak classes, the method “solution by analogy” is used. The ability to act according to a model does not come on its own, but requires special techniques from the teacher. In particular, it is important to carry out - especially when solving problems - a classification of material that ensures the gradual development of such skills. Children especially like to correct errors in the proposed programs. This method of independent work allows you to test your knowledge of programming language operators in an easy, relaxed manner. Determining the result of executing an algorithm or program theoretically is a more complex task that requires significant knowledge. Drawing up an algorithm for solving a problem - this method allows you to develop logical and abstract ways of thinking in children.

Proposing an idea for solving a problem for assessment causes a whole burst of reasoning, leading to the desired result. If suddenly one person doesn’t succeed, then together the problem is solved quickly enough. Solving the problem on intelligence and speed allows you to test in addition to knowledge and skills in working on a computer.

Tests and independent work are carried out both “theoretically” and at the computer. Various types of laboratory work allow students to develop computer literacy.

The planned learning outcomes in computer science, specified in the form of specific requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, allow the use of such a form of control as tests. With their help, you can obtain, for example, information about the level of assimilation of knowledge elements, about the development of students’ skills in applying knowledge in various situations. Test tasks are also convenient to use when organizing independent work of students in self-control mode, when repeating educational material. Tests provide an opportunity to objectively assess students' knowledge and skills using scores that are uniform for all students.

Computer dictation allows you to test simultaneously: students’ knowledge of the keyboard layout and ability to quickly type text; ability to use editing keys; knowledge of programming language operators and commands.

Working with creative groups in laboratory work turned out to be very productive. With such an organization, the exchange of opinions occurs freely, students learn from the example of their comrades’ reasoning and analysis of their mistakes, in an atmosphere of mutual interest in the results of their work. With the help of creative groups, such a method of control as self-control is implemented.

And the problem of “long-range sighting” is solved in the creative group. This task is the design of a computer game or educational program. To complete this work, all the knowledge that the guys have acquired over two years is required. There is nothing more exciting than creating your own software product. A passion for games can imperceptibly and quite naturally turn into an interest in computer science, and later in mathematics and other exact sciences. This is also a great way to test children's knowledge.

So that the lessons are not boring and the children do not get tired, it is necessary to combine different forms of control in the classroom. In pursuit of this goal, I develop most of my lessons in this way, an example of this is my open lesson on the topic “Strings”.

For each topic, for each type of control, such a quantity of didactic material has been accumulated that it allows you to individualize tasks for students as much as possible. Such forms of control make it possible to determine which students have not mastered the program material, who have mastered it at a minimum level, which students have full and confident knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of the program, and who have not only fully mastered the necessary knowledge, but can also apply in new situations, has skills at a higher level than those provided by the program.

Testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students is an important element of the learning and education process; it determines the effectiveness and efficiency of learning.

Monitoring students' knowledge opens up great opportunities for improving the learning process, since testing as an effective means of striving for students' solid and conscious knowledge allows for a better study of students and their individual characteristics.

The variety of types and forms of control allows the most accurate and high-quality assessment of students’ knowledge.

Like no other academic subject in computer science, it is necessary to distinguish between theoretical knowledge and practical work skills. The main (traditional) methods for testing theoretical knowledge can be oral questioning, written testing, and testing; for assessing practical skills - practical work.

Increasingly, non-traditional forms of control such as abstracts, competitive projects, and didactic games are used in computer science lessons.

A project reflecting both the theoretical knowledge of students and the level of applied skills in working with various software products can serve as a final control.

Traditional methods Machineless control methods Mixed methods Machine control methods
-oral survey

Oral independent work

Delivering a message

Oral test

Blitz survey


Independent work



-practical work

Laboratory work

Unconventional methods -research

Creative work


Competitions (competitions, tournaments, KVN)



The presence of a computer class allows you to differentiate and individualize knowledge control. Forms of monitoring learning outcomes can be divided into two types: “machine-based” and “machine-free”.

Among the machineless means of checking, the most common in school practice are oral questioning of students, checking notebooks with homework, dictation, independent work and tests.

Using a computer allows you to qualitatively change the control over student activities, while providing flexibility in managing the educational process. The computer allows you to check all the answers, and in many cases it not only records the error, but quite accurately determines its nature, which helps to eliminate the cause of its occurrence in a timely manner. Students are more willing to answer the computer, and if the computer gives them a bad grade, they are eager to correct it as soon as possible. The teacher does not need to call students to order and attention. The student knows that if he is distracted, he will not have time to solve the example or complete the task.

Oral survey

In computer science lessons, control of students' knowledge is carried out in the form of frontal and individual testing.

With a frontal survey, the state of knowledge of students in the entire class on a specific issue or group of issues is checked in a short time. This verification form is used for:

  • determining the class’s readiness to learn new material,
  • determining the formation of concepts,
  • checking homework,
  • step-by-step or final verification of educational material just covered in class,
  • in preparation for practical and laboratory work.

An individual oral survey allows us to identify the correctness of the answer in terms of content, its consistency, independence of judgments and conclusions, the degree of development of logical thinking, and the students’ speech culture. This form is used for current and thematic accounting, as well as for practicing and developing students’ experimental skills. Moreover, an oral test is considered effective if it is aimed at identifying the meaningfulness of the perception of knowledge and the awareness of its use, if it stimulates the independence and creative activity of students.

Oral questioning is carried out at every lesson, although it is not necessary to assess students' knowledge. The main thing in controlling knowledge is identifying problem areas in mastering educational material and fixing students’ attention on complex concepts, phenomena, and processes.

In the process of oral questioning, you can use collective work of the class, the most effective techniques of which are:

  • asking a question to the whole class,
  • constructing an answer
  • reviewing the answer,
  • assessment of the answer and its justification,
  • posing questions to the student by the students themselves,
  • mutual verification,
  • self-test.

Written control

A written test allows you to test the knowledge of a large number of students simultaneously in a short time. Written control of students' knowledge is used to diagnose the ability to apply knowledge in educational practice and is carried out in the form of dictations, tests, tests and independent work, tests, and abstracts.

Dictation is used as a form of questioning to monitor the assimilation of the material covered, its generalization and systematization, and to identify students’ readiness to perceive new things.

Dictation is usually carried out at the very beginning of the lesson and consists of two options. The text of the questions is simple, easy to understand by ear, requiring a short answer and simple calculations. The pause between successive questions should be sufficient for students to write down their answers.

Various dictation options are possible. In computer science lessons, we mostly use computer dictation, which allows you to test knowledge and skills at the same time.

Annex 1 . Dictation on the topic “Information”

The test is carried out to determine the achievement of final learning outcomes on a specific topic by each student. Before starting to study the material, students are familiarized with the list of questions and mandatory tasks on the topic, as well as additional questions and tasks. Sometimes closed tests are appropriate, when students receive questions and assignments directly during the test. Its advantage lies in the fact that it involves a comprehensive test of all knowledge and skills of students.

The need for such thematic control is due to the fact that each student is characterized by a certain pace of mastery of educational material. Therefore, ordinary tests, in which it is difficult to properly take into account the individual characteristics of students, may be insufficient to judge whether the planned learning outcomes have been achieved.

Testing is one of the main forms of control in high school.

Thematic tests should be differentiated so that the student can independently choose the test level. The teacher decides, based on the results of past or intermediate control events, what knowledge and skills are appropriate to test in which student: everyone is given individual tasks. The student can solve problems, then do laboratory work, and then talk with the teacher.

Appendix 2. Sample questions for a test on the topic “Information”.

Independent work

A traditional form of knowledge control, which, according to its purpose, is divided into independent teaching and monitoring. Independent work of a creative nature will not only test certain knowledge and skills, but also develop the creative abilities of students.

Independent work is a necessary stage of any topic. As a rule, it is carried out after a collective decision or discussion of the problems of a new topic and necessarily precedes a test on this topic. The work is done without the help of a teacher.

Appendix 3. Independent work.

A computer is an ideal tool for monitoring the training stages of the educational process, since the computer assumes most of the control functions and reactions to the student’s mistakes: they are largely the student’s private matter. The teacher quickly identifies gaps in knowledge, and the student quickly reacts to his mistakes and eliminates them.


Tests are carried out to determine the final result in training on a given topic or section, to control knowledge of the same material repeatedly. It is advisable to carry out inspections of various types.

With the help of an intermediate test, the teacher checks the students' mastery of the material during the study of the topic.

The final test is carried out to test the knowledge and skills of students on a specific topic or course.

Home tests are given 1-2 times per academic year. It is designed to systematize knowledge, allows you to repeat and consolidate the material. When performing it, students are not limited by time, they can use any teaching aids, consult with a teacher, parents, and classmates. Each student is given his own version of work, which includes creative tasks to form a well-rounded, developed personality.

Appendix 4. Current test “Information”.

Practical work

To consolidate theoretical knowledge and develop skills and abilities, the ability to apply knowledge when solving specific problems, practical work is used, which is associated not only with a task on a computer, but also, for example, may include tasks of constructing a diagram, table, writing a program, etc.

Laboratory work

Laboratory Job - A rather unusual form of control, it requires students not only to have knowledge, but also to be able to apply this knowledge in new situations and to be smart. Laboratory work activates the cognitive activity of students, because From working with a pen and notebook, the children move on to working with computers.

Laboratory work is used to consolidate certain skills with software, when in addition to the algorithmic instructions in the task, the student can receive advice from the teacher.

Since laboratory work can test a limited range of activities, it is advisable to combine it with forms of control such as dictation or test.

Traditional forms of control are not fast enough, and their implementation requires considerable time, so there is a need for new types of knowledge testing. The spread of monitoring devices has contributed to the fact that teachers increasingly began to turn to tasks with selective answers and tests when testing knowledge.

The test is a short-term technically relatively simple test, carried out under equal conditions for all subjects and taking the form of a task, the solution of which can be qualitatively recorded and serves as an indicator of the degree of development of a known function in a given subject at a given moment.

The following types of tests are distinguished.

The selective test consists of a system of tasks, each of which has both correct and incorrect answers. Of these, the student chooses the one that he considers correct for the given question. At the same time, incorrect answers contain a mistake that the student can make if he has certain gaps in his knowledge.

Selective tests can be different:

1. Multichoice tests, in which among the proposed answers to the question there are several incorrect ones and a single correct answer.

2. Multiple choice tests with several true and false answers to a question.

3. Alternative tests with two answers to a question (one answer is correct, the other contains an error).

Closed tests do not contain answer options. Students offer their answer.

There are cross-choice tests that require you to establish correspondence between elements of a set of answers.

There are also identification tests in which graphs, diagrams, drawings, etc. are given as answers.

The most accessible tests for schools are selective tests that allow the use of proctoring devices.

Testing is a standardized form of control in the sense that both the test procedure and the assessment of knowledge are uniform (standard) for all students.

A successfully designed test has a number of advantages, namely:

1. Promptly reveals the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, as well as their understanding of the patterns underlying the facts being studied. This is ensured by the fact that tasks and questions are selected as a result of analysis of the material and, therefore, take into account the difficulties of learning and the nature of possible errors.

2. Allows you to get an idea of ​​gaps in knowledge within a short time and helps organize work to prevent students from falling behind.

3. Provides the teacher with the opportunity to test knowledge, skills and abilities at different levels and provide differentiated teaching.

4. Promotes rational use of time in the lesson.

5.Activates the thinking of schoolchildren.

6. Enables the teacher to critically evaluate his teaching methods.

However, the test records only the results of the work, but not the progress of its implementation; it is possible to guess the correct answer, as well as cases when the choice of the wrong answer is explained by the student’s inattention, therefore it is more rational to combine testing with various forms of traditional control.

Test tasks are also convenient to use when organizing independent work of students in self-control mode, when repeating educational material.

Appendix 5. Test on the topic “Information”.

Non-traditional types of control

In recent years, descriptions of various survey methods have appeared in the methodological literature, which are of undoubted interest. During lessons, short tests of a non-traditional type are possible. Each topic highlights key concepts and terms that can be used as the basis for crosswords, puzzles, rebuses, charades, and quizzes. For a number of topics, crossword puzzles are specially developed that contain concepts of one specific topic; there are a sufficient number of crossword puzzles that include the basic concepts of the subject. Solving crossword puzzles is a fun and useful activity that helps train your memory.

In computer science, these tools can be used indirectly and explicitly. Indirect application is based on generalizing questions or tasks proposed after answering all or most of the proposed questions. Explicit application is based on the presence in questions (tasks) of concepts directly related to this discipline.


Crosswords used to test knowledge are divided into crosswords for current, thematic or general testing. The first ones are aimed at testing students’ basic knowledge of the current material; the number of questions in them is 10-12. The second is to test basic and additionally acquired knowledge on a certain topic; it is recommended to use no more than 15-25 questions. Still others are for a general test of knowledge on a large block of material (for a quarter, half a year, a year), the number of questions in them is 15-25.

This verification method is only additional to the known control methods, but not an alternative to them, since it does not make it possible to check the depth of understanding of the studied material.

Appendix 6. Crossword “Information, information processes.”


A quiz is a collection of at least ten questions on a specific topic, to which you must give short and succinct answers.

It makes sense to include quizzes as a learning tool in the educational process at the initial stage of the lesson or at the end of it. The first option allows you to control or update knowledge, the second helps to consolidate and control the level of mastery of the material. The time allotted for working with quizzes should not exceed 5 - 6 minutes.

First, the teacher announces the topic of the quiz. After the topic is announced, at least ten questions are asked, to which the trainees provide answers. This is followed by a series of summary questions or assignments, the answers to which are directly assessed by the teacher.

Appendix 7. Examples of generalization questions. Examples of matching quiz on the topic “Information”.

At the same time, they distinguish: SELF-CONTROL TRADITIONAL: dictation, independent work, practical work, test work, traditional assessment, assessment based on the amount of work INNOVATIVE: testing (including computer), educational portfolio method, project method

When self-control, special attention should be paid to students’ mastery of techniques for carrying out such control actions as: checking with a sample (answer); solving the inverse problem; checking on a particular case; checking the results obtained according to the conditions of the problem; approximate assessment of the desired results; solving a problem in different ways; modeling.

Test Test yourself (consolidation of what you have learned, preparation for studying new material) Text created using special computer programs Any verbal statement in oral or written form. Information in written form. Text Text information Text document During the lesson we will use the terms that we studied in previous lessons. Let's repeat them.

Test Test yourself (consolidation of what you have learned, preparation for studying new material) Text created using special computer programs Any verbal statement in oral or written form. Information in written form. Text Text information Text document

Dictation This form of written knowledge testing makes it possible to prepare students to master new material, generalize and systematize what they have learned, and practice skills well in performing basic operations. A dictation is a list of questions that can: Be dictated by a teacher at a certain time interval; Shown through a projector.

Dictation “Two-dimensional arrays” 1. Write a command that can be used to determine (reserve) space for an array M, consisting of 4 columns and 5 rows. 2. What is the dimension of this array? 3. What is the size of this array? 4. Write a command that allows you to assign a value to the element located in the 3rd row and 2nd column. Write a command that allows you to display the element located in the upper right corner of table M. 6. Write a command that allows you to display any element that located in the 2nd line of array M. 7. Write a command that allows you to display the arithmetic mean of the elements located in the corners of table M.

Independent work Systematically conducted and properly organized written independent work plays a major role in the development of a student’s independent thinking. According to their purpose, independent work can be divided into two types: educational (the goal is to find out how firmly the basic concepts have been mastered, how they are interconnected, how students understand the hierarchy of these concepts, highlight their essential and non-essential properties) controlling (the goal is to test the students’ skills apply acquired knowledge in practice)

TRAINING AND CONTROLLING INDEPENDENT WORK. ALGORITHMS, THEIR TYPES, PROPERTIES AND METHODS OF RECORDING. OPTION 1 1. Formulate the definition of the algorithm. 2. formulate a definition of the algorithm executor. 3. What is a complete set of initial 4. List the types of algorithms. OPTION 1 1. Write down the definition of the algorithm. Underline in the definition the words that reflect the main properties of the algorithm. 2. Name the performer of the following types of work: a) preparing the cake; b) tailoring. 3. Determine and write down a complete set of initial data for solving the problem: “Determine the area of ​​a circle” 4. Create an algorithm for solving this problem.

Types of independent work At the first stage of knowledge formation, and especially in weak classes, the method “solution by analogy” is used. At the first stage of knowledge formation, and especially in weak classes, the “solution by analogy” method is used. Determining the result of executing an algorithm or program theoretically is a more complex task that requires significant knowledge. Determining the result of executing an algorithm or program theoretically is a more complex task that requires significant knowledge. Solving the problem independently. Independent problem solving.

Find the maximum of two numbers Input a, b a> b Y= aY= b Output y start end yes no b Y= aY= b Output y start end yes no"> b Y= aY= b Output y start end yes no"> b Y= aY= b Output y start end yes no" title="Find the maximum of two numbers Input a, b a> b Y= aY= b Output y start end yes no"> title="Find the maximum of two numbers Input a, b a> b Y= aY= b Output y start end yes no"> !}

Practical work: allows the teacher to judge the level of logical and abstract thinking of students, as well as the ability to realize their capabilities when solving specific problems in practice and establish a relationship with the material being studied; allows the teacher to awaken students' interest in acquiring knowledge.

Test work Test works can be divided into two types: 1. test tests - designed to check the mastery of a separate fragment of the course during the study of the topic; 2. final tests - are the final point of repetition at the end of the year. A necessary component of these works are tasks to review basic theoretical questions.

Tests and independent work are carried out both “theoretically” and at the computer. Various types of practical work allow students to develop computer literacy and test their ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice.

Test for 8th grade students “Technology for processing graphic information” Part 1 – theoretical (testing) Create instructions for working with tools in a graphic editor: (...). Part 2 – practical After completing the test, students are asked to complete a drawing on a given topic: “School of the Future”, “Winter Landscape”, “House by the Sea”, “Flower Meadow”, etc.

“Technology for creating a presentation” Task 1 (test) Instead of (...) insert the necessary words. 1. Power Point is (…) a program for creating presentations. (Answer: applied). 2. The presentation consists of (...), on which objects can be created: (...). (Answer: slides; text, sound, hyperlinks). 3. Main features of Power Point programs: (...). (Answer: creating and editing slides, inserting objects, animating objects, viewing a presentation, saving a presentation, printing slides). Task 2. (practical) Create a presentation on the topic “Project of the first computer.”

TESTING In practice, four forms of test tasks are most widely used. These are: 1. closed test tasks (with the choice of the correct answer from several proposed ones), 2. open test tasks, 3. tasks to establish correspondence, 4. tasks to establish the correct sequence. Recently, preference has been given to open-ended tasks in which the probability of guessing is zero. But this does not mean that other forms do not allow you to make a good test. Each form has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Project method I am given rich material for diagnostics and subsequent correction of knowledge on individual modeling tasks, as well as interdisciplinary tasks (project method). The student completes the work over several lessons, then at the final lesson the projects are defended. For this lesson, the teacher should try to select non-standard creative tasks for students.

Summer The sun is standing over the spacious Niva. And the sunflower is filled with black grains. S. Marshak To the beginning To the beginning 35

1. A device for printing drawings on paper. 2. A device for visual display of information. 3. A device for printing texts and graphic images on paper. 4. Cursor control device 5. Main input device for text and digital information. 6. A digital camera capable of capturing images in real time. 7. A device for inputting color and black-and-white images from paper into a PC. 8. A machine for carrying out calculations, storing, processing and issuing information according to a predetermined algorithm. PlotterMonitorPrinterMouseKeyboardWebCameraScanner

And in conclusion, I would like to say that solving any problems is impossible without constantly following the rule: nothing will work out if there is no mutual understanding, cooperation between an adult and a child, and mutual respect. Raising and training a person is a complex, multifaceted, and always relevant task. Every child has enormous potential, the realization of which largely depends on us, adults.

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“Methods of teaching computer science. Computer verification forms
knowledge. Advantages and disadvantages."
Student of the Faculty of Further Education in
Teacher Education:
Pilipuk Alexey Dmitrievich

Moscow, 2017
Table of contents
Introduction................................................. ........................................................ .............2
1.Specifics of computer testing and its form....................................................3
2. Innovative forms of test tasks for computer testing.
computer testing........................................................ ................................7
4. Online testing, its application in distance learning...................11
5. Advantages and disadvantages of computer testing. ...........................12
Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ..........14
Literature................................................. ........................................................ ..........17

An important condition for optimizing the educational process is
systematic receipt by the teacher of information about the progress of knowledge acquisition
students, which the teacher receives during educational control
cognitive activity. Students also need to receive from
teachers information about the correctness and incorrectness of what has been learned
material. The teacher can do this only on the basis of admission
feedback from students to teacher. Systematic information
about the state of student knowledge allows the teacher to quickly use
rational methods and means of teaching, predicting results. For
In order to obtain the required result, you should monitor and
control, first of all, the quality of the educational process, the level
knowledge of skills and abilities acquired by students in each subject
educational cycle. Control over the quality of knowledge is one of the important
means of increasing the efficiency of the educational process.
Control means identifying, establishing and assessing knowledge
students, i.e. determination of the volume, level and quality of learning
material, identifying learning successes, gaps in knowledge, skills and
skills of individual students and the entire class, to make the necessary
adjustment to the learning process. To improve its content,
methods, means and forms of organization. Checking the incentive to regular
knowledge, to the conscientious work of students, as well as an objective form
teacher self-control.
The most common are traditional forms of control,
which include an individual or frontal oral interview.
Along with this, various types of written surveys are also used.
Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of oral knowledge testing.
Develop speech, logical and figurative thinking, ability to analyze and
draw your own conclusions.
During the discussion, it becomes clear whether students understand what they are studying.
It turns out whether students can make conclusions of a worldview nature.
Possibility of closing gaps in students' educational preparation.
The inability to organize a systematic and complete individual
control of each student’s knowledge, because there are a lot of people in classes
It is not possible to compare student responses to the same question.

Does not allow making an objective conclusion about the level of students’ preparation,
because student assessment depends on the subjective opinion of the teacher, character and
the pace of the student’s response, depending on the level of readiness of the class.
Based on this, it is difficult to talk about the objectivity of the assessment
It is necessary to apply new, more objective forms of control,
which will have clear definition, unambiguity, and reliability.
This form can be considered a test of knowledge and skills. The test is
a system of tasks that allows you to measure the level of knowledge acquisition, the degree
development of certain psychological qualities,
abilities, abilities
personality traits. The test differs from the usual knowledge control in that
that a standard is prepared in advance for it, with which the student’s answer is compared.
Test control of knowledge requires great effort on the part of the teacher.
The teacher must know how to choose the right tests and how to compose them.
After all, not every set of questions with possible answers can be called
test. The work of creating tests and assessing their effectiveness is quite
complex and long.
1. Specifics of computer testing and its forms.
It is necessary to evaluate the quality of each test - compliance with the program
and the real capabilities of students, while taking into account strongly
current time restrictions on completing test tasks.
Compliance with the program is verified by reviewing the literature. Examination
“feasibility” of the test and even each task in the test is possible only
after testing in a real experiment.
It is desirable to capture all the program material, or at least the most
a significant part of it.
Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of knowledge testing.
The speed of obtaining results and thus establishing communication with
student and discussion of the results. Increased cognitive activity
Reaching a large number of students in a lesson. Disciplines
schoolchildren, teaching them to constantly prepare for systematic testing
control. Saving time on control. Improvement of psychological
atmosphere of the educational process, the teacher ceases to be the source
negative emotions when assessing knowledge.
Possibility of guessing in closed-type tasks. If the test task
contains only two answer options, then half of the answers to such a test
the task can be guessed. (Giving more credibility to the incorrect
answers can reduce the possibility of guessing, the optimal number

there are four possible answers). Possibility to write off answers to closed tests
type (Large number of test task options and limited time
eliminates the possibility of cheating). The teacher does not see the progress of the solution (the progress
mental activity of the student), if the results of his work
the student submits only as an answer number. Availability guarantee
the student has no knowledge (Inclusion of open-ended tasks, as a result
answers to which the student must independently logically construct an answer
answer the question and state it specifically).
Based on the above, we can conclude about the advantage of the test
knowledge testing compared to traditional forms
control. The use of computer test programs is
optimal means of monitoring and assessing knowledge due to its
objectivity, ease of use and analysis of results. Test
tasks are convenient to use when organizing self-control, when repeating
educational material in preparation for the lesson. Tests can be successfully
use along with other forms of control. Main advantage
test check in speed, and traditional check in its
Since the beginning of the 21st century. testing has become widely used in education
computers. A separate direction has emerged in pedagogical innovations
– computer testing, in which tests are presented, assessed
results of students and issuing results to them is carried out using
The test generation stage can proceed technologically in different ways, in
including by entering blank tests into the computer. To date
There are numerous publications on computer testing,
software tools have been developed for generating and
presentation of tests.
Forms of computer testing. Computer
testing can be carried out in various forms, differing in
technologies for combining tasks into a test (Fig. 1). Some of them have not yet
received special names in the literature on testing issues.
Computer testing

blank test with
a set of tasks
this layout
test options
lengths from bank
testing with
adaptive tests
variable length
from the task bank

Fig.1. Computer testing forms

The first form is the simplest. Ready test, standardized or
intended for current monitoring, is introduced into a special shell,
whose functions may vary in degree of completeness. Usually when
during final testing, the shell allows you to present tasks on the screen,
evaluate the results of their implementation, form a results matrix
testing, process it and scale the primary scores of the subjects
by converting to one of the standard scales for issuance to everyone
the test score and the protocol of his assessments on the test tasks.
The second form of computer testing involves
automated generation of test options, carried out using
tools. Options are created before the exam or
directly during its implementation from the bank of test tasks.
The third form - computer adaptive testing - is based on
special adaptive tests. The ideas of adaptability are based on
considerations that it is useless to give a student test items that
he will certainly do it correctly without the slightest difficulty, or
guaranteed to fail due to high difficulty. That's why
it is proposed to optimize the difficulty of tasks, adapting it to the level
preparedness of each subject, and reduce by eliminating
parts of the tasks are the length of the test.
2. Innovative
computer testing.

Innovative tasks using computer capabilities
testing are by far the most promising
direction of development of automation of pedagogical measurements. Basic
the reason for this is the great potential of innovative tasks for
increasing the information content of pedagogical measurements and increasing
content validity of tests.
There are two aspects to the use of innovative tasks:
didactic and psychological-pedagogical.
The first assumes
detailed meaningful interpretation of test results in
context of the cognitive, educational and
general educational skills, and the second allows you to assess the level of development
student’s thought processes and identify the peculiarities of his assimilation
new knowledge. Most of the innovative tasks developed for

standing time, provide improvement in measurements in both
directions. Thus, innovative tasks make it possible to expand
the possibilities of the pedagogical dimension itself by obtaining
results in new, previously inaccessible areas of quality assessment
students' preparedness.
to assess the level
the formation of functional literacy by examinees, it is possible
offer a passage of text that contains errors, and then ask
identify them and correct them by retyping sections of the text.
For example,
Innovative tasks help reduce the influence of random
guessing for. by increasing the number of possible answers without increasing
cumbersome test items. For example, when assessing understanding
After reading the text, you can ask the student to choose the key
sentence in the text and point to it with a mouse click. Thus,
each sentence in a text passage becomes a choice
instead of 4-5 answers in traditional tasks with ready-made answers. For
improving the form of tasks using a complex pattern,
dynamic elements, including images, animation or video;
thereby reducing the time required to read the condition. Empowerment
testing occurs when the sound is turned on, which allows you to conduct a dialogue with
students to evaluate the phonetic features of their pronunciation when
testing in a foreign language,
interpretation of various sounds.
Innovations in the development of tasks for computer testing
cover five interconnected areas. These include:
form of the task, the subject’s actions when answering, level of use
multimedia technologies, level of interactivity and calculation methodology
Innovations in the task form include visual and audio
information series or their combination. Visual information can
wear realistic (photo, film) and synthesized (drawing, animation)
character. The type of information combined with the test form determines
the format of the answer selected or created by the examinee. At
use of photographs or drawings, the information contained in
test tasks are static in nature. Cinema reflecting the real
world and animation bring dynamics to the execution of the test.
The student’s actions when answering assignments depend on those innovative
means that are included in the test. When you include sound in tasks
information that requires a student's voice response to respond
using a keyboard, mouse or microphone. Significant place at
answers are given to interactive processes. Interactive mode of operation
students during computer testing means sequential issuance
audiovisual information, in which each new utterance with

the student's or computer's side is built taking into account the previous
information from both sides. When organizing interactive
mode in computer testing is mainly used screen
menu in which the student selects, creates
or moves objects - components of the response. Less often in interactive
mode, use voice input of the answer.
3. Comparative characteristics of innovative forms of tasks when
computer testing
Comparative characteristics of innovative forms of tasks when
computer testing for various improvement purposes
pedagogical measurement is given in table. 1.
Tasks of increased difficulty always require more time to complete.
answers, regardless of whether they are presented using a computer
tern modeling of virtual reality, do they have the shape
lab work, essay, or use multimedia technology. From
for the time required, the number of complex tasks should be insignificant - not
more than 10-15%, in some cases - 20-25%. Variety of sound and
visual images in computer testing leads to the emergence
schoolchildren are tired, so when including even a small
the number of difficult innovative tasks accounts for significantly
reduce the length of the test, which negatively affects the content
validity, reliability and information security of pedagogical
Table 1
Comparative characteristics of innovative forms of tasks when
response forms
computer testing
and difficulties
Reduce effect
assignment forms with
The answer is numerical
(or text),
in water
keyboard or
voice via

constructive and
The answer is selected

regular menu or
The answer is selected


creative and
carried out
objects on the screen
and is designed
keyboard, left
and right buttons
When designing
research institute
many hundred
foamy branch
various stages

Low or
Average or
Average or
multimedia for
natural ok
environment and
user in it.
objects using
assignment forms with

simplest level

Average or
assignment forms with
answer and
complex level


expand coverage
skills, cognitive
new skills

step by step
various stages


If computer testing does not use multimedia and
interactive technologies, then calculating students’ primary scores
is traditionally carried out by summing up estimates for individual
The involvement of multimedia technologies leads to
multidimensionality of test results, since evaluation of the whole
range of creative, communicative, general subject and other skills with
using innovative forms of tasks is always associated with several
measurement variables. The advent of interactivity further complicates
procedure for calculating students' points, it becomes dependent on the answer
the examinee at each step of completing the test tasks and requires
polytomous assessments.
Checking the results of completing tasks with the constructed
a regulated answer is carried out by comparing the answer
examinee with a standard stored in the computer memory, and includes
various synonyms for correct, answer with acceptable spelling

Automated scoring in tasks with
a freely constructed answer (like an essay) in the humanities.
To date, foreign testologists have developed special
programs for automated essay checking. Evaluation criteria in
these programs are quite diverse: from consideration of superficial
essay characteristics such as length and degree of completeness of the answer to complex cases
analysis using advances in computational linguistics. Usually
all these different automated scoring programs require
participation of experts only at the start of work,
qualified teachers need to “train” computer
program for evaluating any detailed answers.
The process of automated test composition when it
occurs in advance and not in adaptive mode, includes assembly (generation)
parallel options, choosing a rule for scoring test takers
students and correction of options to fulfill the requirements of the theory
pedagogical measurements.
Inevitable differences in the difficulty of options arising from
existence of measurement errors are eliminated after testing by
alignment of scales obtained by calculating test scores for individual
test options. Among the related issues, the solution of which also
necessary for automated test layout, includes work on
filling a bank of test tasks and assessing information
security testing.
Automated assembly of tests with a fixed number of tasks
presupposes the existence of a set test length, its specification and
bank of calibrated tasks, into an efficient bank that supports
multivariate test generation, must include task frames
of varying difficulty for each content element with stable
parameter estimates. Using special software
mental security, the result is an analogue of the traditional blank
test, ready for presentation a few minutes after the start of generation and
ensuring high quality pedagogical measurements.
The option layout technology must support the system
thematic control over the frequency of inclusion of each task from the bank in
test. Number of identical tasks in parallel versions,
used to align scales among options should not exceed 15
-20 %. To control the frequency of inclusion of a task in options as
restrictions introduce the maximum possible percentage of each choice
tasks from the bank. When it is reached, the task ceases to be used in
further test generation procedures.
Typically numerous parallel or quasi-parallel variants
tests are created offline for subsequent presentation in

online mode, including during interactive interaction with
Day of Expansion of Communication Capabilities
computer control in real
adaptive testing:,
providing step-by-step optimization
selecting the difficulty of tasks when generating an adaptive test.
time is recommended,
4. Online testing, its application in distance learning

In the simplest sense of interactive learning, the student
has the opportunity to receive (read, watch, listen) only that
information that he chooses to assimilate using
computer. Increasing complexity of capabilities and implementation technology
interactive mode leads to modeling of the surrounding world and
behavior of objects in it, allowing you to simulate reality.
Of course, today, for many reasons, in teaching
Not all features of the interactive mode are used. IN
in particular, according to A. G: Shmelev, who is the largest
specialist in Russia on the use of interactive technologies in
educational and psychological testing (Teletesting system), in
On the modern Internet, non-interactive forms of presentation predominate
educational information.
In accordance with the classification of computer networks into local and
global, the simplest interactive mode is organized within one
room or educational institution or using the Internet. How
Typically, interactivity is based on asynchronous communication
connections when the teacher’s reaction to test results is delayed
nature due to the time required to check the test in
automated mode and calculating students' points based on their results
In the first case, when several dozen
or hundreds of computers,
special program implementer -
instrumental shell - provides the issuance of online test tasks for
the entire group of test takers, usually in an individual time mode. On
the screen of each computer from the local network appears asking one of
parallel options, test. When providing information mode
security for the entire group of students can only use one
test option.
Running an online test using the Internet has no
fundamental differences from the case of using a local network when
the simplest level of interactivity without adaptive mode, when everything
Students complete the same versions of the test. The tasks are overwhelmingly
most require students to select one or more correct

responses using such well-known dialog objects as “selector
buttons" (radiobuttons). Test scores are calculated by
comparing students' answers with the key and most often comes down to a simple
summation. Transfer of the final test score can be done
via email.
The time spent presenting the test result is
determined by the duration of the transfer (usually from several seconds to
several hours) and the time interval that will pass until
the moment when the student reads the mail that came to him. In some
cases where a student requires documentary evidence of scores,
test results can be delivered offline by recording on
information carrier. Thus, low level of interactivity
quite suitable for final testing outside of adaptive mode, when
the student must work without the help of a teacher, and obtaining results
may be delayed in nature.

The forms of test tasks take on variety. In particular, for a schoolchild
it becomes possible to edit the text presented in the task, with
by introducing new sentences or replacing one part of the text with
another. In tasks to establish the correct sequence immediately
after the subject selects a certain order of computer elements
displays the new sequence on the screen, etc. If the establishment
synchronous communication is not interfered with by time zones, interaction is immediate
provides the “teacher nearby” effect, thanks to which, when performing
current control tasks, the student receives help, assessment or hint
A high level of interactivity is ensured when
When interacting with a teacher, sound and video are used, which
requires significant financial costs, but easily allows
identify the identity of the student taking the test remotely
5. Advantages and disadvantages of computer testing.
Computer testing has certain advantages in terms of
compared to traditional blank testing, which manifest themselves
especially noticeable during mass inspections, for example when conducting
national exams such as the Unified State Exam. Presentation of test options for
computer allows you to save money on printing and transportation
blank tests.
Other advantages of computer testing include:
current control, self-control and self-training of students; thanks to

the computer can be immediately given a test score and accepted
urgent measures to correct the assimilation of new material based on analysis
protocols based on the results of corrective and diagnostic
tests. Possibilities of pedagogical control with computer
testing increases significantly due to the expansion of the spectrum
measured skills in innovative types of test items,
using the various capabilities of the computer when turned on
audio and video files, interactivity, dynamic formulation of problems with
using multimedia tools, etc.
Thanks to computer testing, information
control process capabilities,
there is an opportunity to collect
additional data on the dynamics of test passing by individual
students and to differentiate between missed and not
available test items.
In addition to its undeniable advantages, computer testing has a number of
disadvantages that are presented in Fig. 2.
Problems that arise during computer testing
subjects on
Impact on
student experience
work on
interface on
for reliability
its results
Fig.2. Problems that arise during computer testing

Typical psychological and emotional reactions of students to
computer testing. Usually psychological and emotional
Students' reactions to computer testing are positive.
Students like the immediate issuance of test scores, protocols
testing with results for each task, as well as
the innovative nature of control in the case when
modern hypermedia technologies for test delivery. Dynamic
multimedia support of tasks on a computer, integrated
software for interactive presentation, according to
students’ opinions, provides a more accurate assessment of knowledge and skills,
motivates you more to complete tasks compared to blank ones

tests. It is also convenient that instead of filling out special forms for
answers, you can simply select the answer with the mouse. If testing takes place in
adaptive mode, the exam time and length are reduced
Negative reactions usually cause various restrictions that
sometimes overlap when issuing tasks in computer testing.
For example, either the order in which tasks are presented is fixed, or
the maximum possible time to complete each task, after expiration
which, regardless of the subject’s wishes, the following task appears
test. In adaptive testing, students are unhappy because they
do not have the opportunity to skip the next task or view the entire test
before starting work on it and change the answers to previous tasks. Sometimes
schoolchildren object to computer testing due to difficulties,
that arise when performing and recording mathematical calculations and
Impact on Prior Test Performance
computer experience. The results of foreign studies have shown that
the experience of working with computers that schoolchildren have, in many cases
significantly affects the validity of the test results. If in the test
tasks without innovation with multiple choice answers are included, then the influence of work experience
with a computer on the test results is insignificant, since from
students in such tasks do not require any complex actions when
performing the test. When presented on the screen with innovative types
tasks that widely use computer graphics, and others
innovation, influence of previous computer experience on test score
becomes very significant. Thus, with computer
testing must take into account the computer level
students for whom the test is intended.
The influence of the user interface on the results of computer
testing. The user interface includes student-accessible
functions and possibilities of movement according to test tasks, placement elements
information on the screen, as well as the overall visual style of presentation
information. A good user interface should be clear and
correctness of the logical sequence of interaction with
examinees, reflecting the general principles of graphic information design.
The more elaborate the interface, the less attention the student pays to it.
pays attention, concentrating all his efforts on completing the test tasks.

Compared to traditional forms of control, computer
testing has a number of advantages: quick results
tests, freeing the teacher from labor-intensive processing work
test results,
unambiguous recording of answers,
confidentiality during anonymous testing.
Having analyzed modern literature on this issue,
the following requirements for a unified
automated testing system:
protection against unauthorized access to test questions.
This problem can be solved using encryption
unlimited test base, which is intended for both
diversity of the test, and for less repetition of questions;
simplicity of the program interface. Many specialists, especially
whose specialization is not related to information technology,
are quite poor at handling computers and computers
programs, so the clarity and accessibility of the interface is important
requirement for a testing system;
ease of test administration. This requirement is also
important. The lighter the development environment, the fewer tests
Questions will arise regarding working on the computer. Simplicity
administration is resolved through the use of a separate
programs for creating or entering topics and tests into the database and installation
full automation of the testing process. Testing
should be carried out without control of the teaching staff over the course
testing. Therefore, the whole process - from asking test questions
teacher, identification of a specialist, testing, before
evaluating the result obtained and recording this result in a data file,
must take place in a completely autonomous mode;
loading speed. This criterion is important for computers with
low speed. A person should not wait for the question to load into
for a long time. Every picture and graph must be
optimized or compressed. They should not contain excess
information, but include only the necessary part;
portability across platforms with Microsoft GUI support
accounting of requests. Each test must be
be fixed to ensure control. This is necessary for accounting
unsuccessful testing attempts, if the test was interrupted for some reason
or reason. This will ensure control over user actions;
targeting non-programming users. Application

testing program should not require experience working with others
the testing system must support multimedia files
(graphics, video, sound, animation). This is necessary to set complex
issues, for example, to display graphs, drawings, videos and
Analysis of the literature revealed the following types of questions
computer knowledge control:
 arbitrary type or keyboard input;
 entering several answers in a certain sequence
 entering missing parts of lines or letters;
 selective question type;
 alternative question type;
 sequential question type.
To effectively control knowledge, it is necessary to correctly use
all types of questions.

Avanesov V.S. Methodological and theoretical foundations
test pedagogical control: Author's abstract. dra ped. Sciences/St.
Petersburg State Unt. – St. Petersburg, 2001.
Avanesov V.S. Scientific problems of testing knowledge control. –
M., 1994.
Aleshin L.I.
Computer testing of students
Library Faculty of Moscow State University of Culture // http://laleshin.narod.ru/ktsbf.htm.
Andreev A.B. Computer testing: a systematic approach to
assessing the quality of students' knowledge / M., 2001.
Zyryanova N.M. "On the pros and cons of computer
testing" // Personnel management. No. 1(5), February 2003.
Mayorov A.N. Theory and practice of creating tests for the system
education. (How to select, create and use tests for purposes
education). – M., 2001.
Shafrin Yu.A. Information Technology. – M.: Laboratory
Basic Knowledge, 1998.
Shmelev A.G. Computerization of exams: the problem of protection against
falsifications. – M., 2002. – P. 7173.
Posted on Allbest.ru

Federal State Treasury Educational Institution "Tyumen Presidential Cadet School"

Application of various

forms of knowledge control

in computer science lessons

Compiled by: O. A. Snegireva, computer science teacher


discussed at a meeting of the PMK of Mathematics and Informatics

Protocol No. 3

from 27.11.2013


The structure of the methodological development “Use of various forms of knowledge control in computer science lessons” reveals the main substantive aspects of the stated problem. It covers issues of theory and practice of technology for organizing various forms of control. All forms of control have been tested in computer science classes. Effective forms of mutual control, group control with elements of self-government, self-control, allowing students to work in the mode of mental activity, obtaining knowledge on their own, transforming it, generalizing and drawing conclusions. The manual is designed for teachers.

Forms of knowledge control

Methodological development of a lesson on the topic “PC Architecture”

Applications to the lesson “PC Architecture”

Appendix 1. Control sheet

Appendix 2. Warm-up questions

Appendix 3. Didactic game “Lucky Lottery”

Appendix 3. Information dictation

Appendix 4. Questions for testing

The use of various forms of knowledge control in computer science lessons

Snegireva Olga Anatolyevna, mathematics and computer science teacher

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” proclaims as one of the basic principles of state policy the adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of students’ development. Pedagogical control (PC) is an essential component of the pedagogical system and part of the educational process.

Sooner or later, every teacher faces a problem: how to achieve objectivity and a positive educational effect of assessment? We solve this problem by using various forms of control in lessons, the classification of which is given in Table No. 1.

Table No. 1. “Forms of knowledge control”

Individual control (teacher control)

Mutual control


1. Oral survey.

2. Test (oral, written).

3. Homework (test, creative).

4. Independent work (reproducing; reconstructive - variable; heuristic; creative)

5. Dictation (computer, digital).

6. Test work, laboratory work, control program.

7. Tests (on paper, on PC).

1. Oral survey (in pairs, in groups).

2. Checking independent work against a standard (sample), clear assessment criteria.

1. Using a standard or reference outline, reference material.

2. Testing.

The presence of a PC class provides ample means and opportunities for multi-level differentiation and individualization of training and monitoring of results. Here, along with well-known methods, the teacher encounters non-traditional means, systems implemented through a computer. We are talking about materials for developing computer skills and control systems, when monitoring and evaluating functions are transferred to a computer.

The forms of monitoring learning outcomes that we use in our work can be divided into two types: “check at the table” and “check at the computer.”

"Check at the table" includes forms used by teachers in other subjects, as well as specific forms of control. For example, an oral survey: frontal and individual (allows you to focus the children’s attention on the main points of the topic covered).

An oral and written assessment at the end of each global topic allows you to test the children’s knowledge as a whole, in the system. Only after passing the test can students begin working on a computer. This is the strongest motivation for the guys.

Homework allows you to systematize your computer science classes. In addition to tasks for repetition and consolidation of material, we give one or two home tests during the school year (each student is given his own version). To form a diversified personality, a type of work such as creative homework is necessary. Here, the project method, which is widely used in our time, can be successfully used.

Using different types of independent work will diversify the lesson. At the first stage of knowledge formation, reproducing independent work is used - “decision by analogy”. The ability to act according to a model does not come on its own, but requires special techniques from the teacher. In particular, it is important to carry out - especially when solving problems - a classification of material that ensures the gradual development of such skills.

At the next stage of knowledge formation, you can use reconstructive-variative independent work. For example, determining the result of executing an algorithm or program theoretically is a more complex task that requires significant knowledge.

Algorithm design tasks: finding a solution to this problem develops students’ logical, design-analytical and abstract ways of thinking.

Proposing the idea of ​​finding a solution to an assessment problem in groups causes a whole burst of reasoning, leading to the desired result. If suddenly it didn’t work out for one, then together the problem is solved quickly enough. At this stage, interdisciplinary connections are very well realized by solving problems with different content, where everyone can be given the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities.

Solving the problem of intelligence and speed allows you to test, in addition to knowledge, user skills in working on a computer.

Creative independent work will not only test certain knowledge and skills in a certain area, but will also develop the creative abilities of children, which are so necessary in modern life (for example, creating crossword puzzles in a graphic editor).

Computer dictation will provide an opportunity to test simultaneously: students’ knowledge of the keyboard layout and ability to quickly type text; ability to use editing keys; knowledge of programming language operators and commands.

A special type of control is digital dictation, which allows you not only to check the level of mastery of a topic, but also contributes to the development of logical thinking and attention. During such a dictation, the teacher reads a statement, if the cadet considers it true, he puts 1 on the card, if not, 0. Answers are grouped by triplets of numbers, for example, 110, which can be quickly checked.

Control and independent work can be carried out either machine-free or using computer technology. Various types of laboratory work develop computer literacy among cadets.

The learning outcomes we plan, specified in the form of specific requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, allow us to use such a form of control as tests. Test tasks are also convenient to use when organizing independent work for cadets in self-control mode, when repeating educational material. Tests provide the opportunity to objectively assess students' knowledge and skills in points based on criteria common to all students.

A test survey can be carried out in different forms. For example, if you don’t have enough computers, print out a multiple-choice test on paper. The most interesting option is to create tests in a programming language by the students themselves.

To ensure that the lessons are not boring and the children do not get tired, it is necessary to combine various forms of control in the classroom. Pursuing this goal, we develop most of our lessons in this way; an example of this is a test lesson on the topic “PC Architecture”. The lesson was built on the basis of an adaptive learning system, with the help of which you can successfully implement all forms of knowledge control in the lesson.

Methodological development of a lesson on the topic “PC Architecture”

Lesson on the topic: PC architecture


1. Check the quality and strength of the cadet’s knowledge on the topic, namely: knowledge of the backbone-modular principle of computer construction, basic and additional PC devices, and their most important characteristics.

2. To develop computer literacy, sustainable interest in computer technology, cognitive activity of cadets, the ability to conduct self-analysis and self-control.

3. Cultivating attention, accuracy and perseverance, developing ethical standards of communication.

Time: 45 min

Material support:

IBM PC class, testing program, control sheets, presentation program on the history of VT, a set of cards with questions on the topic, lottery.


1. O. Efimova et al. “Course of computer technology with the basics of computer science.” Textbook for high school.

2. I. Semakin et al. “Informatics”. Practical problem book.

4. Magazine “PC World” No. 8.9, 2000.

Lesson type: lesson of testing and assessing knowledge.

Forms of organizing educational activities:

frontal work, group work, self-control, mutual control, pair work, PC testing.

Methodological goal: show the use of various forms of knowledge control in computer science lessons.


Lesson steps

Form of organization of educational activities


Organizational part

Appearance, greeting, duty, readiness of the platoon and equipment, objectives of the lesson, motivation for educational activities, rules for filling out the control sheet

Front work

3 min

Main part

1. Stage of updating knowledge

Target : psychologically prepare the cadet for the test.

Self-assessment of your knowledge (see Appendix No. 1).


5 minutes

Warm-up (see Appendix No. 2, on a PC use the presentation ..

Front work

2. Knowledge control

Target : check, systematize and consolidate students’ knowledge.

30 min

Didactic game “Lucky Lottery” (see Appendix No. 3):

2. Protection.

Group work

Information dictation “Black Box” (see Appendix No. 4).

Work in pairs

Test control (see Appendix No. 5).

Testing on PC

3. Self-study task.

Find answers to questions (see Appendix No. 6).

Final part

Reflection. Summarize the lesson, give grades in accordance with the criteria, compare the level of self-esteem and the actual result obtained in the lesson, mark the most distinguished cadets.

5 minutes

Applications to the lesson “PC Architecture”

Appendix No. 1. Control sheet


Levels of assimilation:

Know the main stages of development of VT.

Know the purpose of the main devices of a computer and its structural diagram, types of PC memory.

Know the purpose and main types of additional PC devices.

Be able to trace the change of generations of computers in connection with the change in the physical principles of operation.

Know the backbone-modular principle of PC operation, the purpose of RAM, ROM, cache memory, and external PC memory.

Know the operating principle of additional PC devices.

Give examples of the use of computers in various areas of human activity.

Know the basic principles of computer operation, the specifics of the main types of memory

Know the advantages and disadvantages of the main types of additional devices.

Self-esteem______(specify level)

The results of the work in the lesson are entered into the table:

Study questions

Basic PC devices, their characteristics.

Additional PC devices, their characteristics.

Backbone-modular principle of computer construction.

Additional questions during the lesson

Bottom line

Type of control

Didactic game

Information dictation

Testing on a computer

Answers from the spot

3 answers=1 point

Sum of points

Summing up (evaluation criteria):

“5” - 15 or more points;

“4” - 12 – 14 points;

“3” - 9 – 11 points;

“2” - less than 9 points.

Appendix No. 2. Warm-up questions. During the warm-up – presentation demonstration:

1. Creator of the first model of a computer that performed only addition and subtraction.

2. A unit of measurement for the amount of information.

3. The scientist who created the first calculating machine in 1670, which performed 4 arithmetic operations.

4. What is the connection between a city in England, a 30*30 caliber gun and one of the computer elements?

5. Creator of the Analytical Engine.

6. Logical addition operation.

7. American scientist who gave a mathematical justification for the principles of computer design.

8. The programmer ended up in the army. What question will he ask the officer who gave the command: “Pay off in numerical order.”

9. What was the name of the first computer?

10. Creator of the first computer in our country.

11. When the “Mouse” type manipulator appeared, the name for it in the Russian language was used for some time after the name of a character in a famous Russian fairy tale. Say the character's name.

12. It sounds proud.

Appendix No. 3. Didactic game “Lucky Lottery”:

The class is divided into groups of 4-5 people. In groups, for 10 minutes, cadets question each other on test questions, finding out the level of knowledge of each (here you can work in variable or dynamic pairs). Interviewers can use a reference note. The control sheet displays the number of points earned. Assessment of knowledge should be as objective as possible, because If a group member does not confirm his assessment during the game, then the entire group will lose points. The sheets are given to the teacher and a lottery is drawn.

The game begins. During the game, opponents ask questions, analyze answers and evaluate knowledge. The teacher's role is to observe.

There is safety in numbers". The whole team comes to the board and defends the points they have scored.

One for all". One person from the group goes to the board and defends the whole group. If knowledge is not confirmed, points are reduced for all team members.

I believe" These are the “lucky ones”, but also a group of experts. They basically ask questions, controlling the progress of the game.

Choice". The one chosen by the “I Believe” group goes to the board and defends the points they have scored.

The results of the game are summed up, and the number of points earned is entered on the control sheets for everyone. If a group fails to protect its points, their number may be reduced.

Test questions for the didactic game “Lucky Lottery”:

1. Name the main blocks of a PC.

2. What is the backbone - modular principle of building a computer?

3. What does the highway consist of?

4. What is included in the system unit?

5. What computer devices are on the motherboard?

6. What is a controller?

7. What is called a slot?

8. What is a port. What types of ports are there? What are they for?

9. What is a processor? His role?

10. What determines processor performance?

11. What types of memory does a computer work with?

12. What is ROM, what functions does it perform?

13. What types of external memory exist, how do they differ?

14. Computer RAM. Its function.

15. What types of RAM modules are there?

16. In what units is the amount of RAM measured?

Appendix No. 4. Information dictation:

The device names are in a black box. After the dictation, the black box is opened, mutual checking takes place, and points are added to the control sheets.

Option I

1. A device in a computer used to display text and graphic information (Monitor).

2. Optical device for inputting graphic information (Scanner).

3. An information input device that allows you to receive video images in digital format (Digital camera).

4. Game controller (Joystick).

5. Touchpad (Touchpad).

6. Device for outputting information onto paper (Printer).

II Option

1. A device for entering numeric and text information (Keyboard).

2. Audio input device (Microphone).

3. A device for displaying complex and wide-format graphic objects (Plotter).

4. A device for communicating with other computers via the telephone network (Modem).

5. Coordinate input device (Mouse or trackball).

6. Devices for storing information on magnetic tape (Streamer).

Appendix No. 5. Questions for testing:

Question No. 1. What is computer architecture?

1. Internal organization of a computer.

2. These are technical means of converting information.

3. These are technical means for converting electrical signals.

Question No. 2. RAM is memory in which:

1. The currently executing program and the data with which it directly works are stored.

2. Information is stored, the presence of which is constantly necessary on the computer.

3. Information is stored, regardless of whether the computer is running or not.

4. Programs designed to provide a dialogue between the user and the computer are stored.

Question No. 3. A computer is:

1. A device for storing and issuing information.

2. Device for processing information.

3. A universal, electronic, software-controlled device for storing, processing and transmitting information.

4. Universal device for transmitting information.

Question No. 4. The information highway is:

1. A set of commands designed to control the process of data processing on a computer.

2. A system of parallel conductors that connect all the electronic components of a PC together.

3. The number of bits simultaneously transmitted over the bus.

4. Fast, semiconductor, non-volatile memory.

Question No. 5. External memory serves:

1. To store operational, frequently changing information in the process of solving a problem.

2. For long-term storage of information, regardless of whether the computer is running or not.

3. To store information inside a computer

4. To process information at a given time.

Question No. 6. What is Cache - memory?

1. Memory in which one program is processed at a given time.

2. Memory designed for long-term storage of information, regardless of whether the computer is running or not.

3. This is ultra-random access memory, which stores the most frequently used areas of RAM.

4. Memory in which system files of the operating system are stored.

Question No. 7. What function do peripheral devices perform?

1. Information storage.

2. Information processing.

3. Input and output of information.

4. Control of computer operation according to a given program.

Question No. 8. Where does the backbone - modular principle of computer design come from?

1. From a third generation minicomputer.

2. From a second generation computer.

3. From personal computers.

Question No. 9. Purpose of the processor?

1. Process one program at a given time.

2. Control the progress of the computational process and perform arithmetic and logical operations.

3. Connect peripheral devices to the backbone.

4. Control the operation of a computer using electrical impulses.

Question No. 10. Specify the minimum required set of devices intended for computer operation.

1. Printer, system unit, keyboard.

2. System unit, monitor, keyboard.

3. Processor, streamer, hard drive.

4. Monitor, hard drive, keyboard, processor.

Appendix No. 6. Self-study task (find answers to questions):

1. What is Abacus, what was it used for? 2. Where did BESM appear, its main characteristics? 3. PDP – 8 – what is it? 4. DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM, their differences, technical characteristics 5. New sub-notepads, their technical characteristics 6. SMART interactive whiteboard.

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