Home Locks Reminder for visiting. Instructions for teachers and public educators on how to fill out a form for a targeted visit to a minor’s home. Using the results of attending this lesson in order to optimize the teaching and educational process at the technical school

Reminder for visiting. Instructions for teachers and public educators on how to fill out a form for a targeted visit to a minor’s home. Using the results of attending this lesson in order to optimize the teaching and educational process at the technical school

When visiting a family, the following conditions must be observed:

· do not come to the family without warning

· do not plan your visit for longer than 15-20 minutes (so as not to be burdensome)

· do not conduct a conversation while standing, at the entrance, in outerwear. If the parents are confused, come to their aid: “Allow me to undress. Where can I sit down and talk?”

· Do not conduct conversation in aggressive tones

· do not lecture your parents, but advise them

· It is advisable to conduct a conversation in front of the child, choosing a form and content that is gentle for him.

Whims and stubbornness

Before we begin to consider the topic “Whims, stubbornness and ways to overcome them,” it is necessary to determine the area of ​​this topic, i.e. put it within a certain framework. Whims and stubbornness are considered components of deviant behavior, along with:

1. Disobedience, expressed in disobedience and mischief

2. Children's negativism, i.e. not accepting something without specific reasons.

3. Self-will

4. Indiscipline

All of the above forms of deviant behavior differ only in the degree of social danger, and also depend on the age and individual characteristics of the child’s personality.

The concepts of “whims and stubbornness” are very related and it is impossible to draw a clear boundary between them. And the ways to overcome whims and stubbornness are the same, but more on that later.

STABILITY –This is a psychological state very close to negativism. This is a negative feature of human behavior, expressed in unreasonable and irrational opposition to the requests, advice, and demands of other people. A type of persistent disobedience for which there is no apparent motive.

Manifestations of stubbornness:

  • acts as a psychological defense and is selective in nature, i.e. the child realized that he made a mistake, but does not want to admit it, and therefore “stands his ground.”

Stubbornness can become a personality trait if steps are not taken to overcome it. Over time, it gives rise to children's deceit and can lead to nervous system disorders, neuroses, and irritability. If such manifestations, even in preschool age, turn from reactive states into chronic ones, then the initial stage of pedagogical neglect occurs.

We won’t talk much about whims, because... all information largely overlaps with the above.

WAIMS -These are actions that lack a reasonable basis, i.e. "That's all I want!!!" They are caused by the child’s weakness and, to a certain extent, also act as a form of self-defense.

Manifestations of whims:

  • in the desire to continue the action started even in cases where it is clear that it is meaningless and does not bring benefit.
  • in dissatisfaction, irritability, crying.
  • in motor overexcitation.

The development of whims is facilitated by an immature nervous system.

What parents need to know about children's stubbornness and capriciousness:

1. The period of stubbornness and capriciousness begins at about 18 months.

2. As a rule, this phase ends by 3.5-4 years. Random seizures

3. stubbornness in older age is also quite normal.

4. The peak of stubbornness occurs at 2.5-3 years of age.

5. Boys are more stubborn than girls.

6. Girls are capricious more often than boys.

7. During a crisis period, attacks of stubbornness and capriciousness occur in children 5 times a day. For some children – up to 19 times!

8. If children, upon reaching 4 years of age, still often continue to be stubborn and capricious, then most likely we are talking about “fixed stubbornness”, hysteria, as convenient ways for a child to manipulate their parents. Most often, this is the result of the conciliatory behavior of parents who succumbed to pressure from the child, often for the sake of their peace of mind.

What parents can do to overcome stubbornness and capriciousness in children:

1. Don't give too much importance to stubbornness and capriciousness. Take note of the attack, but don't worry too much about your child.

2. During an attack, stay close to him and let him feel that you understand him.

3. Do not try to instill anything in your child at this time - it is useless. Swearing makes no sense, spanking excites him even more.

4. Be persistent in your behavior with your child; if you say “no,” remain with this opinion.

5. Don’t give up even when your child has a seizure in a public place. Most often, only one thing helps - to take him by the hand and lead him away.

6. Hysteria and capriciousness require an audience, do not resort to the help of strangers: “Look, what a bad girl, ay-ay-ay!” This is all the child needs.

7. Try to cheat: “Oh, what an interesting toy (book, little thing) I have!” Such distracting maneuvers will interest the capricious person and he will calm down.

8. Eliminate from your arsenal a rude tone, harshness, and the desire to “break with the power of authority.”

9. Calm tone of communication, without irritability.

10. Concessions take place if they are pedagogically appropriate and justified by the logic of the educational process.

The following points are very important in preventing and combating stubbornness and whims. We will talk about the humanization of relations between parents and children, namely, in what cases a child should not be punished and scolded, when it is possible and necessary to praise:


  • not achieved through our own labor.
  • not subject to praise (beauty, strength, dexterity, intelligence).
  • out of pity or a desire to please.


  • for an action, for an action accomplished.
  • Always start cooperating with your child with praise and approval.
  • It is very important to praise the child in the morning, as early as possible and at night too.
  • be able to praise without praising ( example: ask for help, advice, like an adult). It is necessary to dwell on punishments in more detail.


1. the child is sick, unwell or has recovered from an illness because At this time, the child’s psyche is vulnerable and the reaction is unpredictable.

2. when the child eats, immediately after sleep and before bedtime.

3. in all cases when something does not work out ( example: when you are in a hurry and your child cannot tie his shoelaces).

4. after physical or mental trauma ( example: the child fell, you scold him for it, believing that he is to blame).

5. when the child could not cope with fear, inattention, mobility, etc., but tried very hard.

6. when the internal motives of his action are not clear to you.

7. when you are not yourself.


1. punishment should not harm health.

2. if there are doubts, then it is better not to punish (example: you are not sure that it was your child who committed the offense, or you doubt that the action committed is generally worthy of punishment, i.e. you cannot punish “just in case.”

3. for 1 offense - one punishment (you cannot remember old sins).

4. It is better not to punish than to punish late.

5. must be punished and soon forgiven.

6. if the child believes that you are unfair, there will be no effect, so it is important to explain to the child why and why he is being punished.

7. A child should not be afraid of punishment.

Of course, it is very difficult to use all the rules and necessary conditions in your family upbringing, but probably each parent will choose the missing part from all of the above, thereby complementing the already developed education strategy in your family.

Dear parents!

The kindergarten is open 5 days a week from 7.00 to 19.00. Weekends are Saturday, Sunday and national holidays.

Reception of children from 7.00 to 8.3 0.

Remember: the timely arrival and departure of the child is a necessary condition for the correct implementation of the educational process.

If a child is unable to come to kindergarten due to illness or other valid reason, it is necessary to inform the preschool educational institution by telephone.
A child who does not attend kindergarten for more than five days must have a doctor’s certificate; when returning after a long absence, a certificate about the child’s health and contacts for the last 21 days is provided;
It is necessary to inform in advance about the day the child will go to preschool after a long absence.

Procedure for charging fees for child support.

Child support fees are paid to the bank into the child’s personal account one month in advance, no later than the 25th of each month. Recalculation of the paid receipt for the days on which the child did not attend the preschool educational institution is made in the next month.
Parents are required to report payment to the teacher within three days, providing a paid receipt; if the child is ill or absent from the preschool educational institution, parents are required to pay within the specified time frame and report it.

Requirements for the appearance and clothing of children.

What indicates a well-groomed child:

neat appearance, clothes and shoes fastened with all buttons;

washed face;

clean nose, hands, trimmed nails;

trimmed and carefully combed hair;

absence of plaque on teeth;

clean underwear;

availability of handkerchiefs.

To create comfortable conditions for a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary:

sets of changeable underwear, pajamas;

two bags for storing clean and used linen;

mark underwear, clothes and other things.


Before taking your child to kindergarten, check whether his costume matches the season and air temperature. Make sure that the child’s clothes are not too large and do not restrict his movements. In properly selected clothes, the child moves freely and gets tired less. Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself. Shoes should be light, warm, fit the child’s feet exactly, and be easy to take off and put on. Wearing overalls is not advisable. A child needs a handkerchief, both indoors and on walks. Make convenient pockets on your clothes to store it. To avoid incidents of injury, parents need to check the contents of the pockets in their child’s clothing for the presence of dangerous objects.

It is strictly forbidden to bring sharp, cutting, glass objects (scissors, knives, pins, nails, wire, mirrors, glass bottles), as well as small objects (beads, buttons, etc.), tablets to the preschool educational institution. Give your child chewing gum in kindergarten.

If you brought your child after the start of morning exercises, please undress him and wait with him in the reception area until the next break. Teachers are ready to talk with you about your child in the morning before 8:00 and in the evening after 16:30. At other times, the teacher works with the children and cannot be distracted.

Group teachers do not have the right to comply with parents’ requests for treatment of children, or to accept pills, drops, or mixtures from parents. All procedures with a written prescription from a doctor can only be performed by the facility’s nurse.

Group teachers, regardless of their age, must be addressed respectfully, using “YOU”, by name and patronymic.

Resolve controversial and conflict situations in the absence of children.

If you were unable to resolve any issue with the group teachers, contact the administration of the preschool educational institution.

In the group, children are not allowed to hit or offend each other; taking personal belongings without permission, including toys of other children brought from home.

The kindergarten is not responsible for toys, books brought from home, jewelry (chains, crosses, earrings). It is prohibited to bring dirty toys or books into the group that are dangerous to the life and health of children. Toys should be disposed of in the locker room th room and store them in an individual locker.



1. Organization of the lesson, fulfillment of uniform pedagogical requirements, equipping the lesson with teaching aids.

1-1. Organizing students' attention in the lesson" instilling interest

to the subject.

1-2. Studying the performance of the group.

1-3. Efficiency and methodology of using teaching aids. 1-4. Rational use of lesson time.

1-5. Familiarizing students with rational ways of learning activities.

2. Independent work of students in the classroom, knowledge recording system.
Studying current records of student knowledge, doing homework

2-2. Teachers’ work methods for developing general educational skills of students

2-3. Implementing an individual approach to students in the classroom.

2 -4. Techniques and methods for conducting independent work in the classroom.

2-5.Use of creative works and practical tasks in the lesson.

3. Checking the content and methods of learning new material.
A system of work to develop scientific concepts in students.
3-2. Studying techniques for systematizing and consolidating new material.
3-3. The state of repetition and generalization of students' knowledge. .

Z-4. The use of interdisciplinary connections in the lesson, the educational orientation of teaching.

3-5. Compliance of the lesson content with the requirements of Gosstandart, the mandatory minimum content of secondary education.

2. Scientific orientation of the presentation of new material.

3. Availability and completeness of presentation of new material.

4. The structure of the lesson, its correspondence to the content of the lesson, rationality and (
use of lesson time.

5.The nature of learning new material:

Were cognitive tasks set?

Have any problematic situations been created?

Is the main thing highlighted in the material being studied?

Are conclusions and definitions written down in the notebook? Formulas, etc.

Is it possible to apply new knowledge in practice?

Are the educational opportunities contained in the educational material implemented in the lesson?

2. Teaching methods in the classroom

What teaching methods were used in the lesson.

The correct choice of teaching methods for this lesson.

Compliance of teaching methods with the objectives of the lesson, the content of the educational material, and the students’ readiness to learn new knowledge.

Efficiency of teaching methods:

allowed to intensify the educational process;

developed students’ skills and abilities for independent work;

taught the application of acquired knowledge in a new situation;

developed the creative powers and abilities of students;

fostered a positive attitude towards learning.

3. The role of comprehensive methodological support classroom in improving students' knowledge

1. System for testing students' knowledge when consolidating acquired knowledge
(individual assignments, test and didactic material).

2. A system for consolidating acquired knowledge in the lesson.

Specificity of goals

educational issues in the classroom.


attending a lesson with the goal: “System for recording student knowledge,

independent work of students in the lesson"

1. System for recording student knowledge.

The quality of students’ knowledge, their compliance with the requirements of the program.

The degree of mastery of practical skills. -

Objectivity of knowledge assessment and its compliance with standards,

Methods used by the teacher when testing students' knowledge and their effectiveness.

Individual work with students.

Checking notebooks:

a) a system of written work;

b) regularity and thoroughness of checking notebooks;

c) bug fixing system

d) appearance of notebooks.

2. Independent work in class.

Organization of assimilation new knowledge in the lesson.

Independent work in class with a textbook and additional literature.

Equipping the lesson with teaching aids, their role in assessing knowledge,

Differentiation of students' work according to the degree of difficulty.

A system of problem-solving and logical tasks for students in the classroom.

Using creative and practical homework assignments.


attending a lesson for the purpose of:

“Activation of students’ cognitive activity in the classroom”

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson. Emotional attitude, ability to arouse interest in the topic.

2. Setting goals for students at each stage of the lesson and their implementation.
. 3. Organization of element-by-element acquisition of new knowledge in the lesson.

Independent work of students in class with a textbook, reference literature, ensuring a differentiated approach.

System of problem and logical tasks for students:

during knowledge tests and homework;

when learning new material; - - the process of fastening.

6. Equipping the lesson with teaching aids and its role in enhancing the cognitive activity of students in the lesson

7. Continuity between homework and its role in the acquisition of students’ mental activity

A system for stimulating students' cognitive activity in the classroom.

10. The role of comprehensive methodological support for the subject in enhancing
cognitive activity of students in the classroom.

Appendix 6

attending a lesson with the goal: “The effectiveness of methods

teaching, depth and strength of students' knowledge"

1.Organization of the beginning of the lesson

1 . How are the pedagogical requirements imposed by the teacher fulfilled:

availability of textbooks, notebooks, and school supplies for students;

procedure for identifying absentees and reasons for absence.

Have the purpose and topic of the lesson been announced?

Has your homework been checked?

Is lesson time used rationally?

1. How the educational, developmental and educational goals of the lesson are planned and implemented:

specificity of goals;

their connection with the content of educational material;

educational issues in the classroom.

Does it teach you to reason independently, generalize, draw conclusions, draw up a plan, and work with a book?

Working on students' speech.

Does not only strong students achieve mastery of cognitive and problematic questions?

Lesson effectiveness.

3. Lesson structure

The time of each stage of the lesson.

Is the structure of the lesson reflected in the lesson plan?

The expediency of each of the stages of the lesson, their correspondence to the objectives of the lesson.

Lesson methods

What teaching methods does the teacher use in his work?

Do the teaching methods correspond to the content of the educational material and the objectives of the lesson?

The effectiveness of lesson teaching methods.

How independent work is used in the lesson.

6. Is the system of questions for students, their cognitive or problematic nature, thought through?

Implementation of a differentiated approach to students.

The feasibility and methodology of using various teaching aids in the classroom.

Many people are used to dealing with problems on the fly, and solving any problems with inspiration. Others firmly believe that success can be achieved if you draw up a behavior plan in advance. Such a list of actions can be called a reminder, which at any moment can tell a person what his next step should be.

What is a memo?

If you consult a dictionary, you can find the following definitions of the word.

Ozhegov's dictionary says that a memo is a piece of paper or a book that briefly lists instructions and recommendations for a specific case. In addition, there is information about something on the topic of the subject, also indicated briefly.

But if you turn to Ushakov’s dictionary, you can find out that this is a moralizing incident that allows you to avoid a difficult situation in the future. The word was used only in spoken language and is now considered obsolete.

Another meaning: a memo is a thing that is kept in order to retain memories of a person or situation or incident longer.

Finally, this is a book that describes step by step how to act. There may also be notes about how a certain item functions, a description of the event and what plan it should follow.

Rules for travelers

The simplest reminder for a tourist includes things for everyday use that you need to take with you. When going by the list, you are guaranteed not to forget anything if you add it to the sheet in advance. In the classic version, they remind you of what you need to take with you:

  • hygiene supplies;
  • bathroom accessories;
  • individual cosmetics;
  • sunscreens;
  • intimate hygiene products;
  • important and dry wipes, cotton swabs, discs;
  • accessories for creating hairstyles;
  • deodorant;
  • perfumes;
  • manicure products;
  • medications;
  • equipment (photos, videos, chargers);
  • individual dishes;
  • boiler, camp kettle;
  • umbrella;
  • a small snack for the road (nuts, chocolate, cookies).
  • underwear, as well as socks, tights, stockings;
  • nightwear, home clothes;
  • flip-flops, slippers;
  • towels;
  • T-shirts, sweaters;
  • skirts, jeans;
  • windbreaker

If you plan to visit religious places, you need to take a scarf, a long skirt, and possibly a cross. If you are planning to take part in a carnival or other festive event, you need to take appropriate clothing with you.

Guide booklets for tourists on essential items contain references to what you need to take with you:

  • documentation;
  • money;
  • telephone;
  • notebook;
  • writing instruments.

What do you need to remember to stay safe?

Safety Reminder:

  • do not walk alone in the evening in places where there are few people;
  • remove jewelry in advance and cover naked areas of the body;
  • avoid provocations and conflicts;
  • remain calm if you are accosted, including by armed people;
  • try to avoid shortcuts;
  • keep your distance from others, go around the gates;
  • When you see a suspicious person, change the direction of movement;
  • make noise if there is an attack;
  • on a half-empty bus, choose seats located close to the driver’s cabin;
  • do not sleep in transport;
  • enter, exit when the vehicle has completely stopped;
  • take care of your property;
  • stand in the central aisle;
  • do not look out of windows;
  • be among the first or last, but not in a crowd;
  • cross the street when the bus leaves.

Set of rules for students

The most relevant reminder for students is basic recommendations on behavior so as not to get hurt or injured. It is believed that the most dangerous places where schoolchildren regularly visit are roads. In addition, there is a high risk of electric shock to children.

For a child to be okay, he must learn the following rules of behavior:

  • cross the street only when the light is green;
  • use crossings above the road, underground, walk along zebra crossings;
  • do not ride skateboards or rollerblades in places not intended for this;
  • When making a bike ride, always walk across the road;
  • first they look to the left, and then, having reached the middle of the road, to the right. You can move if there are no cars nearby.

To avoid injury from electricity, another reminder will come in handy. These are the following recommendations:

  • do not touch wires hanging from poles;
  • do not touch wires with poor insulation, especially bare wires;
  • Do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands while they are plugged in, as well as plugs and plugs;
  • do not use electrical appliances in the bathroom;
  • when turning on the plug, check that it is from the right device;
  • do not use faulty equipment.

Why are reminders useful?

As a rule, the memo contains advice that has been tested by generations. They include the most common cases in which a person can be harmed, injured, or in danger.

By following the recommendations of instructions that have been updated over many years, you can preserve your health, including your mental health. Remember, attacks are not uncommon, and only following safety rules gives you some chance of not ending up in this situation, which is dangerous for your psyche and physical condition.

How to make one for yourself?

When creating a reminder specifically for your life, first pay attention to which aspects are most important to you. For example, when planning a trip, add to the list everything that concerns regular trips or a one-time event. Write down what needs to be done, what to take with you, write down all the dates and deadlines in order to navigate the situation as accurately as possible.

It is important for parents to create instructions for interacting with their children, as well as separate lists specifically for their children. For example, when going on vacation with a child, it is necessary to consider specific things that childless couples do not think about. To ensure you don't miss anything, make a list of points to keep in mind.

Special reminders for children will help teach your child to be attentive and careful about both their life and the environment. For example, some lists can convey information about how to avoid getting into trouble, but others will teach a little person to behave correctly, correctly, not harm the environment and not cause inconvenience to people around. Raising a child is not an easy task, but the correct use of reminders comes to the rescue.

Summing up

In conclusion, I would like to say that a reminder is something that comes to the rescue of people in a variety of cases. Finding himself in an extreme situation for the first time, a person can find a way out of it by using a sequence of actions invented for him. For example, in case of a fire or terrorist attack, this is absolutely irreplaceable. When it is very difficult to improvise, especially if panic is overwhelming, a clearly structured step-by-step list of actions can save the lives of many people.

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