Home Nutrition Intangible assets: difference from fixed assets. Fixed assets and intangible assets of the enterprise, their characteristics. Classification of fixed assets Accounting for fixed assets

Intangible assets: difference from fixed assets. Fixed assets and intangible assets of the enterprise, their characteristics. Classification of fixed assets Accounting for fixed assets

Fixed assets form part of the property. Their use is necessary in the production of products, enterprise management, and for the provision of services over a period of more than twelve months or another established cycle.

The following units: structures, buildings, vehicles, household equipment. At every enterprise, accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets is a necessity. The list of intangible assets includes: copyright for computer programs, the right of the owner of a patent for an invention, the right of the owner of a patent for selection achievements, a plant, and organizational expenses.

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

Fixed assets have their own cost, which is divided into several types: initial, residual, replacement. Their initial cost is reflected in accounting. An asset accounting unit means a separate completed inventory item. Each inventory item must be assigned a separate number. This number is retained throughout the entire period of operation, stock, and conservation.

(receipt, arrival, departure) are called OS movements. These transactions are subject to registration according to the forms of primary accounting documentation. For this purpose, a commission appointed by the director of the company draws up an act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets. The invoice is filled out for each object separately. If objects of the same type and value are accepted at the same time under the responsibility of one person, then one act can be drawn up for several units. During the audit process, it is possible to identify equipment defects. They are documented in a report on identified defects.

After carrying out reconstruction, repair, installation, and testing of equipment, the acceptance of completed work is taken into account in OS-3 (acceptance certificate - delivery of repaired, reconstructed, modernized facilities). The movement of fixed assets within the company is documented by an invoice (an act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets). The document reflects changes in the original cost and technical characteristics of the object. Funds are written off in OS-4 (act of write-off of fixed assets). The operation does not apply to transport units. Passenger cars and trucks are written off using the OS-4a form.

The main form for accounting for assets are inventory cards. They are compiled in a single copy for each inventory number. Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets is the job of an organization's accountant.

The procedure for accounting for intangible assets is subject to regulation in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance. This document is called “Accounting for intangible assets PBU”. It reflects the list Accounting is maintained in the asset card. There are no special primary forms for accounting for intangible assets. Therefore, the organization has the right to develop its own reporting form. Tax is possible subject to a number of conditions:

The ability of the object to bring economic benefits to the enterprise;

The right of the organization to receive economic benefits;

Ability to identify objects from other assets;

Using intangible assets for a long time;

No sale of the asset within twelve months or within a specified period;

Reliability of determining the value of an object after the fact;

Lack of material form.

In our time, accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets is carried out on a personal computer in order to automate and increase the speed of work. This makes the accountant's work easier.

Directory of fixed assets and intangible assets

Fixed assets and intangible assets are entered in the fixed assets and intangible assets directory (main menu items “Registers / Fixed Assets” and “Registers / Intangible Assets”). When you select the specified menu item, the OS or intangible reference book will be displayed for editing (Figure 1)

Picture 1

Accounting data for fixed assets and intangible assets

To enter transactions for accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets, you must first add fixed assets or intangible assets to the appropriate directory (Figure 2).

Figure 2

Basic data

On this tab page, you enter the basic data of the fixed asset:

    fixed assets accounting items and items (for the “Warehouse” block);

    distribution of costs when calculating depreciation (in percentage - according to the specified cost accounts);

    our organization and the MOL, which is the OS;

    serial number, passport number, date of manufacture (construction)

    OS distributor and manufacturer


    the division that owns the operating system;

    OS group (from the OS group directory)

    OS code according to OKOPF

    details of the acceptance document (name, number and date of the document);

    Model, type

    Item data – an item card for this fixed assets (or intangible assets) will be opened, where data for inventory accounting of fixed assets (capitalization and sales) is filled in.

    Vehicle data - a dialog will open in which you need to fill in the data for the OS - vehicle (Figure 3)

Figure 3

Below is the dialog for entering basic data for intangible assets (Figure 4):

Figure 4

The dialog contains fields similar to the basic data dialog for the OS, only fields that are not relevant for intangible assets are hidden.


On this tab, you enter the data necessary for the further commissioning of fixed assets and intangible assets, calculation of depreciation and disposal (Figure 5).

Figure 5

Data for accounting and tax accounting is displayed in two columns. If “Calculate depreciation” is YES, then the remaining lines in the column are available for filling:

    number of fixed assets (intangible assets) that will be put into operation

    total initial cost (for the entire quantity)

    initial depreciation - if depreciation for this asset (intangible assets) has already been calculated in another accounting program

    useful life – filled in in months (the table also displays the estimated number of years)

    depreciation rate as a percentage (for tax accounting (N/U), a depreciation group calculated based on the useful life is also displayed)

    method of calculating depreciation - linear, reducing balance or by the sum of the numbers of years (for accounting (Used)) and linear and non-linear (for tax accounting (N/U))

    depreciation acceleration factor

    remaining useful life for fixed assets (intangible assets) that were used before they were transferred to our organization (relevant only for tax accounting (N/U))

Below are quick transitions to the fixed assets and intangible assets accounting journal for putting an object into operation and disposal, if these operations have not yet been carried out. Otherwise, the date of commissioning and disposal will be displayed with the ability to quickly move to the previously entered transaction in the journal of transactions of fixed assets and intangible assets.

The ability to enter data for an object acquired before 2002 is also available (Figure 6).

Figure 6

At the bottom of the tab, summary information on the fixed asset (intangible asset) is displayed: Depreciation accrued on the object for the entire period, the residual value of the object (book (replacement) value minus all accrued depreciation) and the sign of commissioning or write-off of the fixed asset (intangible asset) .


This tab (Figure 7) is present only for an asset; here the fields necessary for calculating and filling out a property declaration, calculating property tax and applying various tax benefits are filled in.

The tax rate is filled in only if it differs from the rate for the entire organization (filled in in the organization details on the “Rates” tab).

Figure 7


This tab (Figure 8) is present only for the OS object; here the fields responsible for the components and content of precious metals in the OS are filled in. In both tables, item items are selected from the corresponding directory.

Figure 8

The completed table of OS components will allow you to automatically fill in the table of the resulting nomenclature for the operation of disassembling the OS (dismantling).


The first button is responsible for selecting an image in *.bmp, *.gif or *.jpg format from the hard drive or removable media, the second button allows you to delete a previously saved OS image (IMA).

Warehouse data

After filling out the data for accounting for fixed assets (intangible assets), you need to fill in the warehouse accounting data (to enter warehouse transactions for accounting for fixed assets or intangible assets, for example, capitalization, sales, etc.). This can be done in the nomenclature directory (“Registers / Nomenclature”, then select the status “Directory of fixed assets and intangible assets”) or directly in the asset accounting card (intangible assets) on the master data tab (link “Nomenclature data”).

Accounting items for fixed assets and intangible assets

The directory of accounting items for fixed assets and intangible assets influences the formation of business transactions based on transactions with fixed assets and intangible assets (commissioning, depreciation, disposal, etc.). To open the directory, run the form “Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 4. Directories / 4.5. Directory of accounting items". A window will open (Figure 9):

Figure 9

Copying accounting items, quick search, etc.)

When changing an accounting item, a selection of accounting and tax accounts will be available, which will subsequently be used to generate business transactions from the “Fixed assets and intangible assets” block.

Item accounting items

The directory of items accounting for items influences the formation of business transactions based on warehouse transactions with fixed assets and intangible assets (capitalization, sales, etc.). To open the directory, run the form “Operations / Modules / Nomenclature / 3.11. Accounting items / 3.11.3. Directory of accounting items". A window will open (Figure 10):

Figure 10

Working with this directory is similar to working in other directories in the program (setting the visibility of columns by pressing the “F5” key or clicking the “paperclip” button

Copying accounting items, quick search, adding by “+”, changing by “F4”, etc.)

When changing an accounting item, a choice of accounting and tax accounts will be available, which will subsequently be used to generate business transactions from the “Warehouse” block.

To set up accounts (Figure 11) in several (or all) accounting items at once, it is convenient to use the form “Operations / Modules / Nomenclature / 3.11. Accounting items / 3.11.2. Setting up accounting items."

Figure 11

Enter accounts of the last level in the accounting item settings, otherwise transactions will not be generated.

OS group directory

The directory of fixed asset groups is used to combine fixed assets into groups in the fixed assets directory; you can also conduct analytics on them in the journal of business accounts (for example, on account “01”). To open the directory, run the form “Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 4. Directories / 4.3. Directory of groups of fixed assets." A window will be shown (Figure 12):

Figure 12

Working with this directory is similar to working in other directories in the program (setting the visibility of columns by pressing the “F5” key or clicking the “paperclip” button

Directory of NMA groups

The directory of intangible asset groups serves to combine intangible assets into groups in the intangible asset directory; you can also conduct analytics on them in the journal of business accounts (for example, on account “04”). To open the directory, run the form “Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 4. Directories / 4.4. Directory of groups of intangible assets." A window will be shown (Figure 13):

Figure 13

Working with this directory is similar to working in other directories in the program (setting the visibility of columns by pressing the “F5” key or clicking the “paperclip” button

Copying groups, quick search, adding by “+”, changing by “F4”, etc.)

Directory of OS and intangible events

The directory of events with fixed assets or intangible assets is used to record any events with fixed assets or intangible assets with the ability to suspend or resume depreciation (for example, theft and return of a vehicle). To open the directory, run the form “Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 4. Directories / 4.6. Directory of OS and NMA events.” When adding a new event, a window will be shown (Figure 14):

Figure 14

Working with this directory is similar to working in other directories in the program (setting the visibility of columns by pressing the “F5” key or clicking the “paperclip” button

Copying groups, quick search, adding by “+”, changing by “F4”, etc.).

In addition to the code and name of the event, you can indicate whether this event affects the calculation of depreciation. If yes, then you need to indicate how: it resumes depreciation or, conversely, suspends it. Events with OS or intangible assets are used when performing the “ ” operation.

Journal of transactions for fixed assets and intangible assets

This log stores transactions related to OS and intangible assets.

To open the journal, use the menu item: Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 2. Journals (registers) of fixed assets and intangible assets / 2.1. Journal of transactions for fixed assets.

(Figure 15) shows an open log of operations with OS objects (IMA):

Figure 15

At the top of the magazine there is a magazine control panel:

Using these buttons you can modify and filter transactions in the log.

Adding a new OS operation (IMA) to the journal (F7);

Changing the selected OS operation (IMA) (F4);

Delete the selected operation from the OS (IMA) (F8);

Calling the OS transaction log filter (OMA);

Calling a quick filter by OS (NMA);

Disable log filtering;

Group depreciation calculation;

Group deletion of previously accrued depreciation;

Using the right mouse button displays the log context menu (Figure 16):

Figure 16

You can add, edit, or delete an operation from the context menu.

“Related operations” - search for operations in other journals related to the selected one (for example, in liquid chemical management, logging, etc.). The “Business Operations” item allows you to go directly to related business transactions.

For the transaction log, you can configure the visibility of information columns (double click on the button

). This will display the column visibility settings dialog (Figure 17):

Figure 17

OS and intangible transaction log filter

To make it easier to find the necessary operations, it is possible to filter the log according to a variety of criteria. The filter is called from the log by clicking on the button

On the first tab (Figure 18) you can specify the main criteria for filtering the log:

Figure 18

Filter enabled - The log filter is in use.

Transaction date from.. to.. - Filtering transactions by date

Status - can take one of 3 values: - Any - all operations are displayed; - Enabled - only enabled operations are displayed; - Disabled - only disabled operations are displayed;

Organizations - filtering by our organizations in transactions with fixed assets (intangible assets)Type - filtering by type of operation with fixed assets (intangible assets)

Departments – filtering by department in operations with fixed assets (intangible assets)

MOLs – filtering by MOLs in transactions with fixed assets (intangible assets)

Objects – filtering by OS objects (IMA) themselves in operations with OS (IMA)

Accounting items – filtering by accounting items in transactions with fixed assets (intangible assets)

Comment – ​​filtering by comment in operations with OS (intangible assets)

Date doc. – filtering by document date in transactions with fixed assets (intangible assets)

Doc number – filtering by document number in transactions with OS (intangible assets)

When selecting objects, there are several selection methods:

Selecting one object

Selecting multiple objects

Select an item using quick search.

On the second tab (Figure 19) you can specify a filter by users who created operations:

Initial balances for fixed assets and intangible assets

The initial balances of fixed assets (intangible assets) are similar to the operation of putting the fixed assets (intangible assets) into operation, only they are not displayed in the fixed assets (intangible assets) journal. It is convenient to enter them if another program (or another tool) was previously used to account for fixed assets (intangible assets). To avoid any confusion, the initial balances should include the data accumulated in another program at the time of the transition, and the transactions on the fixed assets (intangible assets) made in the Info-Accountant 10 program should be entered into the OS (Intangible Assets) journal.

To open the dialog for entering initial balances (Figure 20), select the menu item: Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 2. Journals (registers) of fixed assets and intangible assets / 2.3. Initial balances.

Figure 20

When saving the initial balances, you can specify whether to form the initial balances in housing and communal services according to accounting (U/U) and tax (T/U) accounting.

Commissioning of OS and intangible assets

You can put an operating system (intangible asset) into operation both from the operating system (intangible asset) card - on the “Accounting Data” tab, and from the operating system (intangible asset) journal by adding an operation of this type. This will display a dialog (Figure 21):

Figure 21

It is also possible to put an object into operation according to tax accounting with a date different from the date of commissioning according to accounting (operation date).

The table displays information on the object selected above with the ability to indicate the depreciation bonus for tax accounting (depreciation will be immediately charged for this amount).

If the initial cost of an object is below a certain amount (as of 01/01/2012 – 40,000 rubles), then the option of writing off the object immediately upon commissioning is available (can be taken into account as part of inventories, written off to production or charged 100% depreciation).

Options BOO And WELL

Calculation of depreciation for fixed assets and intangible assets

You can calculate depreciation on fixed assets (intangible assets) either from the fixed assets journal (intangible assets) by adding an operation of this type (only for 1 object), or using group depreciation calculation. This will display a dialog (Figure 22):

Figure 22

Now you need to fill the operation with initial data.

At the top of the dialog, Organization, Asset Asset (IMA), Department, MOL, Accounting Item, Month and Year of Calculation, Date and Time of Transaction are indicated.

The table displays information on the object selected above with the ability to change the amount of accrued depreciation.

Options BOO And WELL are responsible for the formation of a business transaction. If they are highlighted in green (

), then the business transaction has already been generated and is up to date, if red (

) – then the operation is in an out-of-date state (re-performing the operation with the OS (intangible assets) is required).

Dialogue buttons (from left to right): Calculate (the amount of depreciation for the specified period will be calculated), Go to the first operation, Go to the previous operation, Go to the next operation, Go to the last operation, OK (saving the operation in the journal), Cancel (closing dialogue without saving changes).

Group calculation of depreciation for fixed assets and intangible assets

To start group depreciation calculation (Figure 23), you can click the button

in or call the form “Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 1. Group operations / 1.1. Calculation of depreciation".

Figure 23

Enter the period for which the depreciation amounts will be calculated (you can specify a period of any duration), if necessary, fill in the filtering fields (if they are not filled in, then the calculation will be made for all fixed assets (intangible assets)). After the calculation, you can display a report.

Group deletion of depreciation calculations for fixed assets and intangible assets

To start group deletion of previously accrued depreciation, you can click the button

in or call the form “Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 1. Group operations / 1.2. Deleting a depreciation calculation." The operation of this form is similar to the form for calculating depreciation for fixed assets (intangible assets).

Movement of fixed assets and intangible assets

You can transfer assets (intangible assets) to another MOL or to another department by adding an operation of this type. A dialog will be displayed (Figure 24):

Figure 24

Now you need to fill the operation with initial data.

At the top of the dialog, the Organization, OS Object (IMA), Old Department, old MOL, Accounting Item, Date and time of the transaction, New Department (if changed), new MOL (if changed) and Comment are indicated.

Dialog buttons (from left to right): Go to the first operation, Go to the previous operation, Go to the next operation, Go to the last operation, OK (save the operation to the log), Cancel (close the dialog without saving changes).

On the “Documents” tab, you can enter the document number and date.

Revaluation of fixed assets and intangible assets

You can revaluate fixed assets (intangible assets) by adding an operation of this type. A dialog will be displayed (Figure 25):

Figure 25

Now you need to fill the operation with initial data.

At the top of the dialog, the date and time of the operation, Organization, Asset Asset (IMA), Department, MOL, Accounting Item are indicated.

The table displays information on the object selected above with the ability to indicate the revaluation coefficient and/or the new replacement cost. In this case, the adjusted depreciation of fixed assets (intangible assets) will be reflected immediately.

Options BOO And WELL are responsible for the formation of a business transaction. If they are highlighted in green (

), then the business transaction has already been generated and is up to date, if red (

) – then the operation is in an out-of-date state (re-performing the operation with the OS (intangible assets) is required).

Dialog buttons (from left to right): Go to the first operation, Go to the previous operation, Go to the next operation, Go to the last operation, OK (save the operation to the log), Cancel (close the dialog without saving changes).

On the “Documents” tab, you can enter the document number and date.

Modernization of fixed assets and intangible assets

You can modernize/reconstruct an asset (intangible asset) by adding an operation of this type. A dialog will be displayed (Figure 26):

Figure 26

Now you need to fill the operation with initial data.

At the top of the dialog, the date and time of the operation, Organization, Asset Asset (IMA), Department, MOL, Accounting Item are indicated.

The table provides information on the item selected above with the ability to indicate a new useful life and/or a new replacement cost. In this case, the adjusted depreciation of fixed assets (intangible assets) will be reflected immediately. Additionally, you can indicate the amount of costs for the modernization/reconstruction of an asset.

Options BOO And WELL are responsible for the formation of a business transaction. If they are highlighted in green (

), then the business transaction has already been generated and is up to date, if red (

) – then the operation is in an out-of-date state (re-performing the operation with the OS (intangible assets) is required).

Dialog buttons (from left to right): Go to the first operation, Go to the previous operation, Go to the next operation, Go to the last operation, OK (save the operation to the log), Cancel (close the dialog without saving changes).

On the “Documents” tab, you can enter the document number and date.

Other event with fixed assets and intangible assets

Entering another event with an asset (intangible asset) allows you to make changes to the calculation of depreciation (pause or resume the calculation of depreciation - from the month following the date of the operation). This can be done by adding an operation of this type. A dialog will be displayed (Figure 27):

Figure 27

Now you need to fill the operation with initial data.

At the top of the dialog, the Organization, Asset Asset (IMA), Department, MOL, Accounting Item, Date and time of operation, Event (from the directory) are indicated, Affects depreciation (filled in from the event selected above, indicates whether this event affects the accrual depreciation), Accrue depreciation (resumes depreciation or, conversely, suspends) and Comment.

Dialog buttons (from left to right): Go to the first operation, Go to the previous operation, Go to the next operation, Go to the last operation, OK (save the operation to the log), Cancel (close the dialog without saving changes).

On the “Documents” tab, you can enter the document number and date.

Disposal of fixed assets and intangible assets

You can enter an asset disposal operation (INA) either from the “ ” tab or from by adding an operation of this type. A dialog will be displayed (Figure 28):

Figure 28

Now you need to fill the operation with initial data.

At the top of the dialogue, the Organization, Asset Asset (IMA), Department, MOL, Accounting Item, Date and time of transaction, Reason (write-off due to unsuitability, sale, gratuitous transfer, contribution to the authorized capital of another organization, rental of property, leasing, etc.) are indicated. sale under a barter agreement).

The table displays information on the object selected above for accounting and tax accounting at the time of entering the transaction.

A disposal operation can be carried out only for those assets (intangible assets) that were previously put into operation (without write-off upon commissioning) and for which a disposal operation has not yet been introduced.

Options BOO And WELL are responsible for the formation of a business transaction. If they are highlighted in green (

), then the business transaction has already been generated and is up to date, if red (

) – then the operation is in an out-of-date state (re-performing the operation with the OS (intangible assets) is required).

Dialog buttons (from left to right): Go to the first operation, Go to the previous operation, Go to the next operation, Go to the last operation, OK (save the operation to the log), Cancel (close the dialog without saving changes).

On the “Documents” tab, you can enter the document number and date.

Generating entries for accounting

In the block settings, there are 2 options that affect the formation of business transactions for operations in the block: “Online synchronization of data in liquid and chemical management” and “Collapse data in liquid and chemical management”.

The first is responsible for synchronizing operations in the “Fixed assets and intangible assets” application block and the business transactions journal in the “Accounting” block. If you change an operation in a block (for example, commissioning), then the transactions generated by this changed operation will be immediately rewritten in the liquid chemical management system. This increases the time it takes for a modified operation to be saved, but in turn ensures that the data is up to date between blocks. On the contrary, if a business transaction was changed manually in the liquid management system, then when synchronizing with the application block (for example, the operation in the application block was changed), it will be automatically synchronized with the applied operation, and all changes made to the business transaction will be lost. If online synchronization is disabled, then out-of-sync transactions are marked as out-of-date, and in the business transaction log you can always filter the log by the relevance of the transaction to identify out-of-sync transactions (out-of-date).

When you enable the second option (“Collapse data in liquid and chemical management”), operations and transactions in a business transaction will be rolled up according to optional analysts, otherwise as many business transactions will be generated as the number of transactions processed in the application block.

If errors occur when forming business transactions (about insufficient data, unfilled accounts in postings, etc.), then it is necessary to check the completion of accounts from the directories responsible for the formation of entries in housing and communal services (items for accounting items and items for accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets) .

You can view related transactions both in the source journal using the “Business transactions” context menu (Figure 29), and in the business transactions journal by filtering it by related transactions from application blocks (for example, “Fixed Assets”).

Figure 29

Export of transactions for transactions with fixed assets and intangible assets

You can generate transactions for transactions with fixed assets and intangible assets in several ways:

    For each operation separately - check the Used and Unused boxes in the operation dialog and save the operation to the database

    Launch the form “2.11. Formation of an operation for fixed assets and intangible assets for reflection in the housing and chemical management system" - then transactions will be generated for all operations included in the selection specified in the dialogue (Figure 30). If the unloaded operations already have associated business transactions (for example, business transactions have already been created), then a warning about this will be displayed, agreeing with which all associated business transactions will be overwritten again.

Figure 30

Primary documents and reports

Source documents

All primary documents can be filled out in the section “Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 5. Primary documents”. The following documents are available:

    Act on acceptance and transfer of fixed assets (except for buildings, structures) (OS-1)

    Certificate of acceptance and transfer of the building (OS-1a)

    Certificate of acceptance and transfer of groups of fixed assets (OS-1b)

    Invoice for internal movement of fixed assets (OS-2)

    Certificate of acceptance and delivery of modernized fixed assets (OS-3)

    Act on write-off of fixed assets (except for vehicles) (OS-4)

    Act on write-off of motor vehicles (OS-4a)

    Act on write-off of groups of objects (OS-4b)

    Inventory card for recording a fixed asset object (OS-6)

    Inventory card for group accounting of fixed assets (OS-6a)

    Certificate of acceptance (receipt) of equipment (OS-14)

    Certificate of acceptance and transfer of equipment for installation (OS-15)

    Certificate of acceptance and transfer of equipment for installation (OS-16)

    Inventory inventory of fixed assets (INV-1)

    Intangible assets accounting card (Intangible Assets-1)

The OS-6 form can be printed directly from the Intangible Materials Form (IMA-1) from the IMA card.


All reporting forms can be displayed in the section “Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 6. Reports”. The following documents are available:

    Summary statement of fixed assets

    Summary statement of intangible assets

Both of these reports work similarly, they are simply displayed for different objects (OS and intangible assets, respectively).

Figure 31

The dialog (Figure 31) indicates the date on which the summary statement and fields for filtering will be displayed. If no field for filtering is specified, then a statement will be displayed for all assets (intangible assets) for the specified date.

Figure 32

The statement (Figure 32) displays the book (replacement) value, accrued depreciation and residual value for both accounting and tax accounting (as of the date the statement was generated).

Block settings

Menu item “Operations / Fixed assets and intangible assets / 7. Settings / 7.1. Block settings” or the main menu item “Installation / Block settings / Fixed assets and intangible assets”.

When you select the specified menu item, a dialog of general block parameters will be displayed (Figure 33).

Figure 33

Block version - accounting type (ORN, Budget), algorithm version, update release date. The value cannot be edited and is displayed for informational purposes only.

The default accounting item is the most frequently used accounting item. This item will be inserted by default in all dialogs where selection of an accounting item is required (for example, in an asset card (intangible assets), in transactions with assets (intangible assets)).

Online data synchronization with liquid and chemical management - If there is a desynchronization between the original operations and the business operations associated with them, they will be automatically synchronized when the original operations are rewritten (from the journal, for example).

Collapse data in liquid management – ​​When creating business transactions, the maximum possible (taking into account the account analytics settings: mandatory and expanded) roll-up of transactions and postings in the generated business transactions will be performed.


3.2 Valuation of fixed assets

3.3 Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets

3.4 Indicators of use of fixed assets

3.5 Equipment utilization indicators

3.6 Sources of financing of fixed assets

3.7 Intangible assets of the enterprise

3.1 Definition, composition, types, structure of the company's fixed assets.

OS are fixed assets expressed in value terms.

Fixed assets these are material values ​​that function as means of labor infor a period exceeding a year or operating cycle; retain their natural material form; transfer their cost to the created product in parts.

Criteria for classifying values ​​as fixed assets (F) (regulations according to the accounting system “Accounting for fixed assets”)

    Service life more than 12 months (operating cycle)

    Their cost at the time of purchase must exceed 20,000 rubles

    The object is intended for use in production, for management needs, or provided by an organization for a fee for temporary possession or use.

    resale of the object is not intended

    the property is capable of generating economic benefits in the future.

Composition of fixed assets

1. Buildings and constructions.

2. Equipment, machines.

3. Working machines, mechanisms.

4. Transfer devices.

5. Expensive tools.

6. Automobile transport.

7. Land, environmental management facilities.

8. Library collections.

9. Working productive livestock.

Types of fixed assets

I. For participation in the production process:

1. Fixed production assets (FPF). These include those fixed assets that are directly involved in the production process (machines, equipment, machine tools) or create the conditions for the production process (buildings, infrastructure items).

2. Fixed non-production assets (NFF). Objects of the enterprise of cultural and everyday significance (medical institutions, canteens).

In a transition economy, the volume of fixed assets is one of the main characteristics of the growth rate of industry and other sectors. In 1999, the volume of fixed assets was 471.1 million rubles.

II. By role in the production process

1. Active fixed assets. Affects the subject of labor. Directly involved in the production process (machinery).

2. Passive fixed assets. Ensures the normal functioning of the production process (buildings and structures).

III. According to the age:

1. New up to 5 years

2. Young from 5 to 10 years old.

3. Middle age from 10 to 15 years.

4. Age range from 15 to 20 years.

5. Old over 20 years.

The average age of the PF according to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation: 1970 – 8.42 years; 1980 – 9.47 years; 1990 – 10.80 years; 2002 – 20.1.

Factors influencing the structure of fixed assets

1) Industry specifics. For example, in the electric power industry, the active part is 70%, and the passive part is 30%. In light industry, the active part is 38%, and the passive part is 62%.

2) Seriality. In small-scale production, the share of the active part is smaller, but in medium- and large-scale production, the active part increases.

3) Product volume(the larger the volume, the greater the proportion of the active part).

4) Climatic and geographical conditions.

3.2 Valuation of fixed assets

Fixed assets have 4 types of value: initial, residual, replacement and liquidation.

1. Initial cost. Includes the cost of the purchased element of fixed assets, as well as the costs of delivery, installation, adjustment, and commissioning.

Fixed assets are accepted for registration.

Types of determining initial cost

1) Upon purchase(based on actual acquisition costs).

2) For free transfer(at market value) .

3) When forming the authorized capital(according to the assessment agreed with the founders, if the cost is less than 200,000 minimum wages, and if the cost is more than 200,000 minimum wages, then with the help of independent appraisers).

4) During commodity exchange operations(based on the value of the property being exchanged).

5) When building on your own(based on actual costs).

Reasons for changing the initial cost:

1) Reconstruction is a significant change in the structure of an object.

2) Modernization is a significant replacement of components with more advanced and modern ones.

2. Residual value is the cost of a fixed asset minus depreciation. Allows you to determine their quality condition.

It is calculated by deducting accumulated depreciation from the original monetary value.

-Initial cost.

– The amount of initial costs.


– Residual value.

    Replacement cost is the cost of reproduction of fixed assets at a given time with similar technical characteristics. That is, this cost shows how much exactly the same object costs in each separate period of time. In the current conditions, the presence of this value is due to the fact that due to a number of factors (acceleration of scientific and technical progress, inflation...) there is a difference in the initial cost of fixed assets from different years.

Two ways to revaluate fixed assets:

    Direct conversion(use of expert services or catalog prices).


In Russia, during the revaluation in 1992, the cost of buildings and structures increased by 25 times, machinery and equipment by 46 times - the impact of inflation.

During the transition to a market economy in Russia, the revaluation of PF was carried out annually. The last time was in 1997. After this, enterprises independently determine the advisability of revaluing the financial assets.

The index method is not used in practice in Russia, because There are no legally established coefficient sizes.

    Liquidation value is the value that can be obtained upon liquidation of fixed assets(for example, the cost of scrap metal spare parts).

-liquidation value;

AF– cost of scrap metal spare parts;

Dismantling– dismantling costs.

Non-current assets are understood as tangible and intangible assets acquired (or created at the enterprise itself) for use in its own production for a long time (more than one year).

Long-term assets include fixed assets, intangible assets, equipment for installation, capital investments and valuable long-term securities of other enterprises.

Fixed assets are assets that are involved in economic activity for a long time and wear out gradually. These include buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, vehicles, production and household equipment, livestock (working, productive and breeding), perennial plantings and other fixed assets (funds of libraries, archives and museums; film materials; works of fine arts, etc.). P.). The following are also taken into account as part of fixed assets: capital investments for radical improvement of land, capital investments in leased fixed assets, land plots and environmental management facilities. In addition, fixed assets include low-value production and household equipment of durable use.

Fixed assets belong to the main production capital of TsUM OJSC. Fixed assets are accounted for in active account 01 “Fixed Assets”.

The movement of fixed assets is associated with the implementation of business transactions for the receipt, internal movement and disposal of fixed assets. These operations are documented using standard forms of primary accounting documentation.

Operations for the receipt of fixed assets are their commissioning as a result of capital investments, gratuitous receipt of fixed assets, rent, leasing, capitalization of previously unaccounted for fixed assets identified during inventory, internal movement.

Incoming fixed assets are accepted by a commission appointed by the head of the organization. To formalize the acceptance, the commission draws up an act (invoice) in one copy for the acceptance and transfer of fixed assets for each object separately (form OS-1). A general act for several objects can be drawn up only if the objects are of the same type, have the same value and are accepted simultaneously under the responsibility of the same person.

Equipment received at the warehouse for installation is documented in an equipment acceptance certificate.

The transfer of equipment to installation organizations is formalized by an act of acceptance and transfer of equipment for installation, indicating in it the installation organization, the name and cost of the transferred equipment, its completeness and defects identified during an external inspection of the equipment.

For defects identified during the inspection, installation or testing of equipment, a report on the identified equipment defects is drawn up. The act is signed by representatives of the customer, contractor and performing organization.

Acceptance of completed work on repair, reconstruction and modernization of a facility is formalized by an acceptance certificate for repaired, reconstructed and modernized facilities.

The internal movement of fixed assets from one workshop (production, department, section) to another, as well as their transfer from stock (warehouse) to operation, is documented by an act (invoice) of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets.

Operations for the write-off of all fixed assets, except for motor vehicles, are formalized by an act for the write-off of fixed assets, and the write-off of a truck or passenger car, trailer or semi-trailer - with an act for the write-off of motor vehicles.

The main register of analytical accounting of fixed assets are inventory cards. On the front side of the inventory cards indicate the name and inventory number of the object, the year of manufacture (construction), the date and number of the acceptance certificate, location, initial cost, depreciation rate, cost code (for attributing depreciation amounts), the amount of accrued depreciation, internal movement and reason for departure.

On the reverse side of the inventory cards indicate information about the date and costs of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction and modernization of the facility, repair work performed, as well as a brief individual description of the facility.

Depreciation of fixed assets at OJSC TSUM is carried out using the straight-line method of calculating depreciation charges.

To account for depreciation of fixed assets, passive account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets” is used, intended to summarize information on depreciation accumulated during the operation of fixed assets. Based on the volume and nature of the repair work performed, a distinction is made between capital and current repairs of fixed assets. They differ in complexity, volume and deadlines. Repairs of fixed assets can be carried out in an economic way, i.e. by the organization itself, or by contract (by third-party organizations).

The costs of repairing fixed assets are charged directly to the accounts of production and circulation costs from the credit of the corresponding material, cash and settlement accounts (accounts 10 “Materials”, 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”, etc.).

When making an inventory of fixed assets, the commission inspects the objects and enters their full name, purpose, inventory numbers and main technical or operational indicators in the inventory.

Table 10 discusses the main entries for accounting for fixed assets and depreciation of fixed assets.

Table 10

Typical accounting entries for accounting for fixed assets and depreciation of fixed assets at OJSC "TSUM"

Business transactions

Acquired fixed assets:

Fixed assets received

VAT on received fixed assets

Costs associated with the acquisition of fixed assets

The facility was put into operation

Fixed assets requiring installation have arrived

Fixed assets transferred for installation

Wages paid to workers for installation

Unified social tax accrued

Fixed assets received as a contribution to the authorized capital

Fixed assets received free of charge

Fixed assets implemented:

The original cost is written off

Depreciation is written off

The residual value is written off

The residual value of fixed assets is included in losses (in case of shortage)

Revaluation of fixed assets:

Increase in book value of fixed assets

Adjustment of depreciation of fixed assets

Accrued depreciation of fixed assets

Intangible assets are durable objects that are not tangible, but have a certain value because they have the ability to generate income (economic benefit).

Russian legislation classifies as intangible assets the rights and (or) benefits associated with the creation of scientific, technical or literary works, the conduct of technical, scientific or research work and the acquisition of certain priorities in various fields of activity.

Currently, in Russian accounting science and practice there is no clearly established list of assets of this type, and therefore no clear rules for their accounting that correspond to the economic essence and meaning of intangible assets.

The life cycle of intangible assets consists of three stages: entry into the enterprise, depreciation and disposal. To describe it, accounts 04 “Intangible assets”, 05 “Amortization of intangible assets” and 08 “Investments in non-current assets” are used. The last account is used when an asset enters the enterprise, in the same way as it is used to reflect fixed assets.

Regulatory documents determine that qualifications, business qualities and abilities of a subject (individual) cannot be recognized as intangible assets, since they cannot be alienated (separated) from it and have an independent meaning. Production secrets or technical techniques owned by a particular employee can become intangible assets if they are presented on paper (or other media) in the form of descriptions, diagrams, recipes, etc.

The main features that define the category of intangible assets, according to domestic and foreign experts, are the following:

    lack of material form;

    the possibility of clear classification into the category of intangible assets (identification);

    availability of a certificate confirming certain rights;

    availability of documentation on scientific, design or technological solutions;

    payment documents confirming expenses;

    long-term action (more than 12 months);

    ability to generate economic benefit in the future;

    intended for creation and/or acquisition for use in the organization and not for sale.

Regulatory acts provide for a straight-line depreciation method, in which the annual depreciation rate is determined as the reciprocal of the expected service life.

For the linear method, the annual depreciation rate (in percentage) is calculated based on the useful life of the intangible asset using the formula:

Ng = ────────────,

where: T is the useful life of the object.

The disposal of an intangible asset can occur for various reasons: as a result of full depreciation, upon sale, upon write-off as unnecessary, upon transfer to the authorized capital of another enterprise, etc.

The main entries for accounting for intangible assets and amortization of intangible assets are discussed in Table 11.

Table 11

Typical accounting entries for accounting for intangible assets and amortization of intangible assets at OJSC TSUM

Business transactions

Acquisition of intangible assets:

Receipt of intangible assets

Intangible assets capitalized

Intangible assets received free of charge

Intangible assets were received as a contribution to the authorized capital of the enterprise

Depreciation of intangible assets accrued

Depreciation is written off

The residual value is written off

Lecture notes. Taganrog: TRTU Publishing House, 2005

TOPIC 2: Fixed assets and intangible assets.

1. Concept, composition and structure of fixed assets.


3. Depreciation of fixed assets.

4. Depreciation of fixed assets.

5. Indicators of availability, movement and efficiency of use of fixed assets.

6. Intangible assets and their amortization.

1. Fixed assets – These are tangible assets (implements of labor) that are repeatedly involved in the production process, do not change their natural material form and transfer their value to the finished product in parts as they wear out.

From the point of view of accounting and valuation, fixed assets represent part of the property that is used as means of labor in the production of products, performance of work and provision of services, or for the management of organizations for a period that exceeds 12 months.

Classification of fixed assets.

1. By purpose and scope of application:

Basic production assets;

Basic non-production assets.

2. By degree of use:

Fixed assets in operation;

Fixed assets in reserve;

Those in the stage of completion, reconstruction, partial liquidation;


3. Depending on existing rights to property:

Objects owned by an enterprise;

Objects under operational management or economic management;

Objects received for rent.

4. According to natural composition:


Transfer devices;

Cars and equipment;


Tools, production and household equipment.

Currently, when classifying fixed assets, it is recommended to use the All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets (OKOF).

Land plots and environmental management facilities owned by enterprises are taken into account as part of fixed assets.

In the structure of fixed assets, depending on their specific role, it is customary to distinguish active and passive parts.

Active part directly affects the subject of labor and determines the quantity and quality of products.

Passive part creates the necessary conditions for the functioning of the active part.

The ratio of individual groups of fixed assets by value characterizes their structure. The structure is determined by calculating the share of individual groups of fixed assets in the total aggregate and is expressed as a percentage.

3. Methods for assessing fixed assets.

Fixed assets are accounted for in natural and cost terms.

Natural ones are necessary to establish the quantity and composition of fixed assets, calculate production capacity, organize repairs and replacement of equipment.

Cost indicators are necessary to determine the total cost of the structure and dynamics of fixed assets, calculate depreciation, cost, profitability, etc.

There are 3 methods for valuing fixed assets:

1. At initial cost - this is the sum of the organization’s actual costs for the acquisition, delivery and bringing to working condition of fixed assets.

Initial cost - this is the actual cost of creating fixed assets. At historical cost, fixed assets are accounted for and valued at the prices of the years in which they were created.

2. At replacement cost.

Replacement cost – This is the cost of reproduction of fixed assets in modern specific operating conditions. Replacement cost shows how much money the company would have to spend at a given time to replace existing fixed assets that are worn out to one degree or another with the same ones, but with new ones.

Replacement cost is determined by revaluation of fixed assets.

Currently, an enterprise has the right to independently revaluate fixed assets no more than once a year (at the beginning of the reporting period). Revaluation can be carried out:

According to officially published indices;

Direct recalculation based on documented market prices.

3. Based on residual value.

Residual value – This is the cost that has not yet been transferred to the finished product. The residual value is determined as the difference between the original (replacement) cost and the amount of accrued depreciation.

Fixed assets are accounted for by the enterprise at historical cost, and after revaluation at replacement cost.

In the balance sheet of an enterprise, fixed assets are reflected at their residual value.

In addition, two types of valuation of fixed assets can be distinguished:

1. Liquidation value– this is the cost of possible sales of retired, completely worn-out fixed assets.

2. Amortized cost is the cost that must be transferred to the finished product. In Russian economic practice, this is the initial (replacement) cost; in world practice, this is the difference between the initial and liquidation value.

To calculate a number of economic indicators, it is necessary to know the average annual cost of fixed assets.

F m i – the total cost of fixed assets on the first day of each month (from February to December).

t e – the number of full months of operation of fixed assets;

F post. – the cost of fixed assets received during the year

F select – the cost of fixed assets disposed of during the year.

3. Depreciation of fixed assets.

During operation, fixed assets are subject to wear and tear, which can be caused by the influence of both material and intangible factors.

From an economic point of view wear – This is a loss in the value of fixed assets.

Types of wear:

1. Physical deterioration– this is a loss of value as a result of changes in physical, mechanical, etc. properties of fixed assets.

2. Obsolescence divided by:

Obsolescence of the first kind is the reduction in cost of new means of labor and the loss of value of existing means of labor;

Obsolescence of the second type is a loss of value due to the emergence of more productive and technically advanced new means of labor.

3. Social wear and tear – this is a loss of value as a result of the fact that new fixed assets provide a higher level of social requirements (comfort, safety, ergonomics).

4. Environmental wear and tear – it is the loss of value resulting from stricter environmental standards.

In addition, partial and complete wear can be distinguished.

Partial occurs due to uneven wear and tear of individual elements of fixed assets and is compensated through repairs.

Complete wear and tear corresponds to the complete depreciation of fixed assets when their further use is unprofitable or impossible. In this case, fixed assets are liquidated and replaced with new ones.

4. Depreciation of fixed assets.

Depreciation – This is the process of transferring the cost of fixed assets to finished products and reimbursing this cost in the process of selling products.

Depreciation deductions - This is the monetary expression of the amount of depreciation, which must correspond to the degree of depreciation of fixed assets. Depreciation charges are included in the cost of production.

From January 1, 1991, unified depreciation rates were introduced into economic practice. At the same time, the norms showed the percentage of annual reimbursement of the cost of fixed assets and were applied to the original cost.

Currently, the issue of calculating depreciation is regulated by standard PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets”. When calculating depreciation, the enterprise independently determines the depreciation rate and depreciation method, with the main role played by useful life of fixed assets- this is the period during which the use of an item of fixed assets is intended to generate income or serve to fulfill the goals of the organization.

Depreciation can be calculated using one of the following four methods, with the annual amount of depreciation charges (Ag) determined:

1) linear method (a method of uniform, proportional write-off of the cost of fixed assets), A g. is determined based on the original cost of the fixed asset object and the depreciation rate calculated based on the useful life of this object.

Fn. – useful life

On the. – depreciation rate

2) method of reducing the balance. And the year is determined based on the residual value of the fixed asset at the beginning of the year, the depreciation rate determined on the basis of the useful life and the acceleration factor (approved by the Legislation of the Russian Federation).

K y – acceleration coefficient

(N A) l in. – depreciation rate calculated using the linear method.

3) method of writing off cost based on the sum of the numbers of years of useful life (cumulative method) A g. is determined based on the initial cost and the ratio between n and S: n/S

n is the number of years until the end of the standard operating life of the facility, including the year for which depreciation is calculated;

S – sum of numbers of years.

4) the method of writing off the cost in proportion to the volume of products (works).

Q f – actual volume of production in the reporting period.

Qpl – estimated volume of production for the entire useful life

Fixed assets with a cost of no more than 10,000 rubles per unit are allowed to be written off as expenses as they are released from production.

Depreciation deductions are made monthly in the amount of 1/12 of the annual depreciation amount, regardless of the method of calculating depreciation.

Depreciation method ® A g ® A m

For fixed assets put into operation, depreciation begins to accrue from the 1st day of the month following the date of introduction. For retiring fixed assets, depreciation accrual ceases from the 1st day of the month following the date of disposal.

Features of depreciation and profit calculation.

The procedure for calculating depreciation and determining profit is regulated by the Tax Code (Chapter 25).

It is allowed to use both linear and non-linear depreciation methods (2 and 3).

To calculate the useful life of fixed assets, they are classified into 10 groups:

1) all short-lived property with a useful life from 1 year to 2 years inclusive;

2) 2-3 years;

6) 10-15 years;

7) 15-20 years;

8) 20-25 years;

9) 25-30 years;

10) over 30 years.

The classification of fixed assets included in depreciable groups is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. For profit tax purposes, not annual amounts and depreciation rates are calculated, but monthly ones.

5. Indicators of availability, movement and efficiency of use of fixed assets.

Fixed assets are accounted for monthly in physical and cost terms. In this case, the cost of fixed assets at the end of the year is determined using the balance sheet formula.

F k = F n + F post – F select

Fixed asset movement indicators:

1. Rate of receipt (input) of fixed assets:

General indicators characterize the efficiency of using the entire set of fixed assets. In this case, their cost assessment is used.

1. Capital productivity indicator:

F department = F / Q, where [rub / ruble]

Q is the volume of products produced.

F – average value of fixed assets.

2. Capital intensity indicator.

F cap = F / Q = 1 / F dep.

Private indicators are used to assess the efficiency of using individual elements of fixed assets:

Space utilization factor;

Equipment shift ratio;

Coefficient of intensive, extensive and integral equipment loading.

6. Intangible assets and their depreciation.

Intangible assets - These are the costs of an enterprise for non-material assets that are used over long periods and generate income.

Intangible assets include rights arising from:

2) from patents for inventions, certificates for utility models, industrial designs, trademarks or licensing agreements for their use.

Accounting for intangible assets is regulated by the accounting regulations and the Tax Code (Chapter 25).

Intangible assets also take into account organizational expenses and the business reputation of the company (its price).

Organizational expenses – These are the long-term costs associated with starting a firm.

The business reputation of a company arises as a result of the purchase and sale of existing enterprises. Also, businesses are bought and sold at market prices. The deviation of the market price from the value of assets is the value of the company’s business reputation or its price.

Intangible assets transfer their value to finished products or to production and distribution costs through depreciation.

Depreciation can be calculated using the straight-line method, the write-off method in proportion to the volume of production, or the reducing balance method.

The useful life of intangible assets is determined by the enterprise independently, taking into account the following:

1) the useful life coincides with the validity period of intangible assets, which is established in the relevant agreement;

2) the period of use of intangible assets is determined by the enterprise;

3) if the useful life cannot be determined, then it is set at 20 years.

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