Home Heating French is the most difficult language for a Russian speaker. The devil is not as scary as he is painted, or is the French language difficult? What is the difficulty of learning French?

French is the most difficult language for a Russian speaker. The devil is not as scary as he is painted, or is the French language difficult? What is the difficulty of learning French?

I will not write which group of languages ​​French belongs to, what it is similar to, etc. – you can easily find this information on the Internet. I will summarize some of the features that I encountered while studying French, and which you will sooner or later learn about if you take up grammar. I will not give rules and exceptions to them. I’ll just tell you in my own words how I see the French language. The description does not pretend to be complete, since I am just learning French. I was looking for a similar introduction for beginners when I first took up French. I hope that this article will help you get an idea of ​​whether it is difficult to learn French and estimate the “labor costs”.


The Latin alphabet consists of 26 letters. There are letters with diacritics: Àà Ââ Çç Èè Éé Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Ùù Ûû Üü Ÿÿ. Diacritics are superscript and subscript characters that are used to show that a letter has a different pronunciation or to distinguish words with the same spelling but different meanings. For capital letters, diacritics can be omitted (allowed). For lowercase letters, the absence of a diacritic will be a spelling error. In common parlance, letters with diacritics are called axantami(About how to write Windows axants. About how to write Mac OS axans.)

In addition, in French there are two ligatures: Ææ Œœ. Æ appears very rarely and only in foreign words. I haven't come across a single word like this yet :) Œ - much more often. (About how to write œ.)

Reading Rules

The French language has very clear reading rules. Having mastered them, you are likely to correctly read even an unfamiliar word. It is unusual for us that many letters at the end are not pronounced and many combinations of letters give only one sound. But you quickly get used to it. The stress is always placed on the last syllable spoken.

There is such a thing as “linking”, this is when unpronounceable letters are pronounced or change their pronunciation in the flow of words.

(To be honest, I didn’t memorize the reading rules. I just took an audio course with interlinear translations. I listened to it and followed the text. The reading rules, as they say, “took care of themselves.”)


The structure of the sentence is quite simple: the subject is followed by the predicate.

  • Adjectives are usually placed after the noun. In some cases, the adjective comes before the noun.
  • Adverbs are usually placed after the verb. Either at the beginning or end of a sentence.
  • Compound sentences are connected using the words “what”, “because”, “which”, “where”, “when”, etc. There are features with que/qui. At first I thought it was “who” and “what,” but it turned out that everything is a little more complicated. (About the use of que and qui)
  • There are constructions similar to our participial/participial phrases.

Interrogative sentence

It is formed according to a standard scheme, using an auxiliary word or a standard phrase. The rules are simple. Or you can use intonation questions - the French will understand you, but from a grammatical point of view it’s not always beautiful :)

Gender of noun and adjective.

Nouns are masculine and feminine. The gender does not always coincide with Russian :) You have to memorize, or “guess” the endings of the words. (On how to “guess” the gender of a noun.)

The adjective agrees in gender and number with the noun. From a masculine adjective you can form a feminine adjective according to the rules. Although there are some exceptions here too.

Declension of nouns

There is no declension of nouns as such in the French language; prepositions are used to express the usual cases.

Plural of nouns and adjectives.

The plural is formed according to the rules. They are quite simple and not difficult to remember.

Article and possessive pronouns

A noun must be preceded by either an article (definite or indefinite), or a possessive pronoun (my, yours, yours, etc.), or a numeral (one, two...)

The article and possessive pronoun agree in gender and number with the noun. The numeral “one/one” also agrees in gender.

When used with some prepositions, the preposition and the article merge.


As in the Russian language, there are many pronouns: personal, possessive, demonstrative, reflexive, etc. What you need to know is that they have different forms depending on gender and number.

Adverbial pronouns en and y

There are no direct analogues for these pronouns in Russian. Because in some cases they play the role of an adverb, then en = de là (from there), y = là (here, there, there), and in some cases they play the role of a pronoun - then they replace some complements or whole sentences.


There are adverbs:

  • places (here, there),
  • certain time (today, yesterday),
  • indefinite time (often, early, late),
  • quantity (many, few),
  • mode of action (bad, good, together) and
  • adverbs formed from adjectives by adding –ment. (The rules for adding –ment depend on how the adjective ends.)

Adverbs that refer to the entire sentence and adverbs of place and time are placed at the beginning or end of the sentence and are usually separated by a comma.

Most other adverbs are used after the verb. No commas required.

Comparative and superlative adverbs

It is formed according to the rules using auxiliary words (analogue more, less, etc.). There are some exceptions with established comparatives and superlatives.


It’s unusual that 70 in literal translation will be 60 + 10 :), and 80 – 4*20 :) and the like. But you get used to it pretty quickly.


Verbs are one of the most frustrating parts of the French language because verbs have to be conjugated. All verbs are divided into regular and irregular.

The majority of regular verbs. All new verbs that appear in modern French belong to the regular verbs of the 1st group (ending in –er). Regular verbs of the 2nd group end in –ir. In French grammar textbooks, other groups of regular verbs are also distinguished, but in Russian French textbooks, all other verbs are simply classified as the 3rd irregular group of verbs.

Regular verbs are good because they are conjugated according to the rules :) Irregular ones need to be memorized. (This, of course, is unpleasant, but on the other hand, in the Russian language you need to master not only the conjugation of verbs, but also the inflection of nouns and adjectives :) Which, in my opinion, is an order of magnitude more difficult :)

The conjugation of a verb depends on the person of the noun with which it is used.

Faces in French are almost identical to Russian ones. The only difference is in the 3rd person plural. The French divide “they” into “they are masculine” and “they are feminine.” If there are both men and women in a group of people, then it will be “they are masculine.”


They are formed according to the rules using particles ne…pas or ne…<отрицательное слово>. Everything is quite transparent. In colloquial speech ne can be omitted, although this is not grammatically correct.

Reflexive verbs

Like Russian, French has reflexive verbs, in our country they end in –sya, -tsya, and in French they begin with the reflexive pronoun se-, s’-, which agrees in gender and number when conjugated.

Tenses and moods

There are present tense (1 piece), several past tense forms (5 pieces) and several future tense forms (3 pieces).

Why so many? Well, with the present everything is clear (1 - Présent) How to distinguish between “I went to the museum as a child” and “I went to the museum yesterday.” In French, walked and descended are the same verb, but the tenses will be used differently (2 - Imparfait and 3 - Passé composé). If we need to show that an action took place in the past before certain events, then we use another past tense (4-Plus-que-parfait).

Similarly, with the future tense “I’m going to go” and “I’ll go” - there will be different tenses, but we will use the same verb (5 - Futur composé and 6 - Futur simple). If some event occurs in the future before another action in the future (7 – Futur antérieur).

The two remaining past tenses are not used in colloquial speech, only in literature (8 - Passé simple and 9-Passé antérieur). The first of them serves for narration in the past tense, the second is used in subordinate clauses to show that one action precedes another.

(It is quite possible that I have not listed all tenses, since I have not mastered all of them at the moment.)

It may seem that you will have to memorize 9 (by the number of tenses) * 6 (by the number of singular and plural persons) for a total of 54 forms of one verb. And this is only in the indicative mood, but there are also subjunctive and imperative moods and the passive voice. But in practice everything turns out to be much simpler. Since many tenses are formed using an auxiliary verb in the appropriate form + participle.

In some tenses/moods the participle will differ between masculine and feminine.

In general, as I already said, verbs and tenses/moods are the most difficult. But I can’t say that it’s completely incomprehensible.

I talked to people who learned French in the “pre-computer era”. They really had difficulty with verbs. You come across some form in a book and don’t know how to translate it, because in the dictionary the verb is given in the infinitive. I had to rummage through conjugation tables or, “unwinding” the rules, “look for” the infinitive. Nowadays it’s easy to find out the infinitive using Internet services and electronic dictionaries. And this problem no longer exists. For these purposes I use leconjugueur.com, which is also available from the site (form on the right side of the site).


Punctuation is somewhat different from Russian. In particular, some punctuation marks are preceded by a space. (Introduction to French punctuation.)

So, a short summary

The main difficulties of the French language:

  • nouns, adjectives, pronouns have different forms depending on gender and number;
  • verb conjugation, tenses and moods;
  • written French (due to the fact that many combinations of letters form one syllable, and the endings are not pronounced, writing is more difficult than reading and speaking)

Advantages of the French language:

  • transparent rules of pronunciation and reading, no need to remember the transcription of each word
  • simple sentence construction
  • a lot of words familiar in Russian and English
  • a bunch of textbooks, courses, dictionaries, audio courses, etc. (Where to find French textbooks.)
  • prevalence of the language: France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, many African and “island” countries.

French remotely

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What's the best way to learn French?

Overcome the French language barrier

French individually
What associations does “individual French language learning” evoke in you? As surveys show, individual training in 97% of cases means individual lessons with a teacher. Are individual lessons the same as truly individual learning? ...

9 problems in learning French

Learning French is quite labor-intensive and expensive. Therefore, each of us wants the learning results to live up to expectations and investments. To do this, you should think in advance about what difficulties may arise and how they will be solved in the teaching method you choose.

Learning is the interaction between the student and the one who teaches (teacher, methodology, school). The student has his own tasks and personal characteristics, the teacher or methodology has his own. They don't always suit each other. It's not just a matter of purely human compatibility or lack thereof. The teaching method itself also plays a role. Many of them suffer from the fact that they lag behind life and cannot meet the student’s goals.

We did not invent the problems we will discuss ourselves. These are the real pains with which students most often come to us. Teachers from various schools talk mainly about the same difficulties in their students. And teachers do not always know exactly how to solve these difficulties for a particular student.

In the training system of our Center, a mechanism for solving these problems has long been created and successfully worked out. It is universal and applicable to all students because it is based on natural processes.

1st problem - fluent communication in French

Many of us study a language for years, but never get the desired result. Learning rules and words is an old (15th century), good, but not always the best way to get fluent in French. This is long, divorced from practice and often leads to a “mess” in the head. The fact is that this familiar, most common and most convenient approach to language for teaching splits it into parts. From these parts, it would seem that a whole should be assembled, but usually everything remains at the level of isolated details. Our recipe consists of a holistic approach to language as a single organism. And also to immediately engage in the development of practical skills for free communication in French: listening comprehension, speaking and reading.

2nd problem - Lack of listening comprehension of French

Lack of listening comprehension is associated not only with a lack of language practice. The trouble is that most teaching methods pay negligible attention to one of the most important components: phonemic awareness. Unlike musical hearing, phonemic hearing gives us the opportunity to perceive and understand speech. This is the foundation provided for us by the nature and physiology of the brain, on which the entire language is subsequently built. If there is no foundation, there will be no language. Phonemic awareness in relation to the French language must be developed! Therefore, almost half of your classes with us will be devoted to this particular skill.

3rd problem - forgetting French words

This always happens when they try to remember foreign words by rote memorization - cramming or some mnemonic techniques, in isolation from the context and practice of their use. By the way, memorizing words using cards or, in a more modern version, in an application on the phone, also refers to the mechanical method of learning and forgetting is simply inevitable. The use of mnemonics (“1000 words in 3 days” and so on) in relation to language is also most often bare mechanics. As a result of learning without semantic connections, French words settle in short-term memory, from where they very quickly disappear. According to the methodology we use, words are immediately presented in the context of their use, and most often not separately from each other, but in phrases, sentences and dialogues, that is, in a semantic connection. This corresponds to the natural way of learning French, when words in our memory and consciousness are combined into a kind of families called semantic (meaning) fields. Only due to this, as well as repeated repetition and frequent use in different meanings, words are stored in long-term memory. And that's why you won't forget him even years later after studying.

4th problem - difficulties in constructing sentences

This is part of the problem discussed above when a language is taught “piecemeal”. In fact, grammar is a kind of superstructure of language. Imagine that before the October Revolution, Russian grammar was so heavily numb - built on the principle of German grammar - that it contained alien phenomena that do not exist in living speech. At the same time, the living language was the same as it is now! The reform of the Russian language abolished these phenomena unnecessary to Russian grammar, but this did not stop us from understanding the language of our ancestors. A mess of grammar and difficulties in constructing independent statements occur when grammar is studied as an unshakable foundation, in isolation from everything else. According to the CLP method, grammar is fed from practice to theory, and not vice versa. This corresponds to the natural mechanisms of speech, in contrast to the movement in the opposite direction: from theory to the practice of its application. When grammar is based on the living application of the French language, it becomes an important assistant and friend. In the opposite case, we get what many of our domestic textbooks and tests are guilty of: strange expressions that the native speaker will never use or even understand. Therefore, communicative teaching methods also use this path: from practice to theory.

5th problem - think in French

In order to be able to think in French, you must become familiar with this language. We assume a “natural” mode of presenting the material and a gentle immersion in the French language environment, without violence to your own brain. The French language fits into your life without unnecessary stress, so in the end you will actually learn to think in it. Special lessons, during which you will perform simple mental exercises in French, take up about 20% of all training with us.

6th problem - French pronunciation

This is closely related to the 2nd problem - lack of listening comprehension. Physiologically, we do not have separate auditory and separate speech systems, but only one auditory-speech system. It is based on the basic natural abilities for languages, which are present in every person, but require special development in adulthood. According to the CLP method, teaching French pronunciation takes up approximately 20% of classes.

7th problem - the language barrier

When we think in Russian and then try to translate our thought into French, this is what always happens. From the very beginning of learning French, you need to accustom yourself to think like a native speaker. This will not impoverish your thinking in Russian, because in your head you will build a separate system for the French language, based on the logic of this particular language. To do this, you need to perceive the language from a native speaker from the very beginning, and not in the Russian interpretation. That is why educational materials for personal programs were prepared and voiced by native French speakers, professional linguists and speakers. Therefore, you will immediately become accustomed to living and natural examples of French speech, their logic and sound. The CLP method successfully combines the advantages of learning French with a native speaker and the domestic teaching system, which is rightfully considered one of the best in the world.

8th problem - no time for French

The CLP method provides you with two huge advantages in this matter. First: You download the training program to your computer once, and you no longer depend on anyone or adjust to anyone! You can copy the program to another medium, transfer current lessons to mobile devices. Second: more than half of the program’s audio lessons can and even be desirable to combine with other activities. This background listening is done in order to reduce the unconscious resistance of the brain and remove the barrier. This allows the French language to be perceived neutrally. At the same time, it saves your time.

9th problem - unable to complete training

Why can't I complete my studies? There are a variety of circumstances in life, due to which sometimes you have to interrupt your studies and postpone it for an indefinite time. As a result, the acquired knowledge begins to be forgotten. As for your personal program, even if you have to take a break from studying French, the program will always remain with you, and you will be able to continue studying when circumstances are favorable again. The good news is that you will not forget what you have learned before: rather, on the contrary, thanks to the break, the acquired skills will be even more firmly entrenched in your memory. This happens due to the fact that using the CLP method you master skills and abilities, and not abstract knowledge of the language. Skills are more difficult to forget than knowledge divorced from practice, because skills are based on muscle memory. Just like once you learn to swim or ride a bike, you are unlikely to ever forget how to do it.

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How many problems do you need to contact us to solve?

Sometimes just one is enough if this is the same problem, which eats up your time, energy and money, preventing you from achieving your goal.

In addition to the problems listed above, there are others that will be discussed in our newsletters. Solve your problems!

Any problem can be solved if we approach it correctly!

“Cherche la femme”, “Bon apetit”, “Mercy”, “C'est la vie” - all these expressions are well known to every Russian person, even if he has never thought about the fact that they are of French origin. And listening to the enchanting voice of Joe Dassin, Edith Piaf, Garou or Patricia Kaas, we are involuntarily transported to the Champs Elysees, mentally walking along the Seine embankment and admiring the famous Eiffel Tower.

The whole world recognizes that French is the most beautiful and romantic-sounding language. However, let’s not forget that among world languages, French is tenth in the list in popularity, and if we exclude the eastern countries (which still “take” the population), then even fourth. Therefore, the relevance of learning French is obvious. Let's try to figure out whether it is difficult to learn French in Russia and discuss the prospects for its development.

The Difficulties of the French Language

If you have already had experience in learning foreign languages, then you are well aware that learning any language is fraught with a number of difficulties. These difficulties can be either motivational or linguistic. French turns out to be not much more difficult to learn than, say, English or Italian. Here are the main linguistic “difficulties” of the French language:

  • French verbs. All verbs are conjugated in a certain form that you need to know. In addition, there are a number of exception verbs that you just need to learn.
  • Nouns. Each noun in French has its own gender (often it does not coincide with the masculine, feminine and neuter gender in Russian). It will not be possible to determine the gender according to a clear rule, so each word and its article must be memorized (however, there is a doubt whether all French people know exactly the gender of a particular word?)
  • Pronunciation. The well-known “r” sound, unlike any other, and the frequency nasal sounds “n”.
  • Fast speech. Understanding spoken French can be very difficult because native speakers speak fluently and often unintelligibly. Immersion in the language environment will help you overcome this speech barrier.

To be fair, we also note an “easy” feature in learning the French language. It is much more accurate and clearer in terms of reading words compared to English, where often the spelling of a word and its pronunciation may not coincide at all. And to read a French word, it is enough to know a few simple pronunciation rules.

It is for these reasons that it is believed that learning the French language should begin as early as possible, because in early childhood pronunciation norms and the French “r” are more easily perceived, fluent reading and speaking are more easily acquired.

So, answering the question whether French is a difficult language to learn, we will answer - no more difficult than English, and in some moments even easier. The main thing is to get the right motivation.

  • 280 million people speak French.
  • 5 continents of distribution of the French language.
  • In 33 countries, French is the main or one of the official languages.
  • French is one of the two languages ​​of the Olympic Games.
  • 120 million students study French.

French language pros and cons

When thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of the French language, it is worth paying attention to its significance in the world in general and in Russia in particular.

Among the advantages of the French language, we highlight the following:

  • The demand for specialists with knowledge of French in the international labor market (we are talking not only about France, but also about Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, some other European, as well as African countries where the language is the official language).
  • Your cultural level will increase exponentially when you start speaking French. We are talking about both general cultural development and logical thinking, which is actively promoted by language learning.
  • Traveling will become even easier and more enjoyable. French in Russia is one thing. But on the trip you will discover in a new way not only the cities and provinces of France, the Cote d'Azur, but also other French-speaking countries. In addition, there is an opinion that the French themselves do not really like it when foreigners in their country do not even try to speak French, thinking that English can easily replace it.
  • World communities (EU, UN, UNESCO, NATO) use French as one of the working official languages. The Red Cross and the Olympic Committee use predominantly French for business negotiations. And these are great prospects for further employment.
  • The French language in the modern world is often used as a basis for the subsequent study of other languages ​​of the Romance group: Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese and other languages. English and French also have many similar words.

The benefits of French for children

Psychologists, speech therapists and foreign language teachers recognize that it is the study of the French language that helps in the development of spatial thinking, attention and aesthetic feelings. The French language helps you quickly master various logical chains and also derive a clear sequence of actions. This is why teachers recommend starting to learn French at an early age (up to 6-7 years).

“What are the prospects for the French language?” - this question is often asked by those who are faced with the choice of learning French or any other European language. Moreover, you can often find posts on the Internet about the decline of the French language. We will answer this question with several important points:

  • France occupies a significant part of Europe geographically,
  • With England's exit from the European Union, huge opportunities open up for France,
  • there are many leading global companies with French management (for example, L’Oréal, Danone, LVMH, automobile giants Peugeot, Renault, Citroën),
  • the international language of fashion is French,
  • fine arts, ballet, theater, architecture, even cooking cannot be imagined without French influence. This is the language of the most romantic films, favorite songs, enchanting poetry and prose.

Aren't these reasons to start learning a language right now or choose this language for your child?

And if you still doubt the arguments presented, and have not decided for yourself whether it is difficult to learn French, then simply answer the following questions:

  • Do you understand what Charles Arznavour is singing about?
  • Have you ever read the best quotes from “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery or Balzac, or Alexandre Dumas in the original?
  • Do you want to connect your career or business with French companies?
  • Do you want to live in France or visit there often?
  • Why do you think Tatyana Larina wrote a letter to Onegin in French?
  • Do you want to show off your knowledge of the language and dishes in front of an arrogant waiter in a French restaurant?

Answering these questions will help you understand the cultural and international significance of the French language. Good luck to you and your children in mastering new horizons!

Sharing secrets

To the question: Is it difficult to learn French already knowing English? given by the author pickle the best answer is It all depends on what is easier for you. For example, it became easier for me to learn French after English, because there are many similar words, but different pronunciation. In French grammar there are times when there are difficulties because there are many irregular verbs, just like in English. English has only two articles, French has six. For me, English is difficult in terms of synonyms and polysemy of words, French is easier.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Is it difficult to learn French already knowing English?

Answer from IvKorzh[guru]
Oh yeah!

Answer from European[master]
no, because if you already know one foreign language, then it will be easier and faster for you to learn the second one.

Answer from Travis[guru]
English is not like this frog at all

Answer from Enlightenment[guru]
Google LingQ and find out for yourself.

Answer from Seeker of Truth[newbie]
I think it will be easier, because the brain is already trained to learn the language

Answer from Tanya - Manya[guru]
of course easier... languages ​​of the same group

Answer from NEMoY[guru]
no, if you have an aptitude for languages, then it doesn’t matter which ones you already know before learning the next one

Answer from Dron ivanov[guru]
The second one is easier.

Answer from Yomi Jade Hendrix[expert]
Is it difficult to learn French if you already know English? I’ll tell you from myself, who is learning French with a B level, this is a lot of work. Unlike active and passive, which consider the long-term and short-term, there are three clear groups here - past, present and future. The emphasis on "E" is not considered; endings are read depending on the rules of vowels and consonants. The other three groups: the first - endings -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent. The second one is so tricky! We change this ending ir to is, it, sons, ssez, ssent. Well, as for the third group, it is necessary to rely on etre (to be). To be honest, it’s difficult with passe compose, feminine or masculine gender of words. If you know English and learn another language, it depends on training your mind. you need to eat well, doctors and mothers say

Answer from Tatyana Ushakova[guru]
Those who ask a lot are lied to a lot! If you have a knack for languages, everything is easy!

Answer from LnOXx[guru]
Multiple languages ​​are always difficult to learn.

Answer from Beaujolais[guru]
I learned French while speaking English. It went great. Alex described the main advantages in his answer, I won’t repeat myself. I’ll just add that I wanted and really wanted to learn French, because this language is my favorite. In general, there was a powerful incentive.
P.S. I will refute those who believe that having “trained brains” or people with “abilities” everything comes easy. Still have to learn.

Answer from XRAM09[guru]
And thinking in Russian... It's difficult.

Answer from Krzemelik Vachmurka[active]
I know 8 languages. including French. learning a foreign language is not a problem. The problem will arise later when you start thinking and catch yourself thinking in a language other than your native one. At least that's how it is for me))

Daria Ilkiv

One of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world is French. It is he and our native Russian that are considered the richest in synonyms. Many people dream of being able to communicate fluently or at least have basic knowledge. But at the moment, English is considered the main foreign language in schools. Some teach German. To master excellent French, you have to resort to various methods and independent study.

How to learn French if you have basic knowledge?

French is a language spoken by about 200 million people. There are countries in all 5 continents where it is considered official.

Knowing it, you can travel with ease. Traveling with knowledge of French to European countries is especially convenient, where approximately every 3 speaks it to one degree or another.

  1. The greatest attention should be paid to phonetics. That is, the highlight of the language is the correct pronunciation. To do this, you need to constantly train your speech apparatus, constantly practice pronunciation. At the very beginning, even when you still don’t understand the meaning of the words, songs and text, try to repeat everything, say it out loud. Only thanks to such methods can pronunciation be brought to a decent level.
  2. New - every day! You can only learn French by studying hard. Every day, on your own or with the help of teachers, set yourself a goal to remember a new word or phrase. That is, every day it is worth repeating the material you have covered and adding something new.
  3. Strive for originality every day. To quickly master a language, you need to learn to understand foreign speech. To do this, it is recommended, in addition to classes with a teacher and direct communication, to listen to music and watch films. French with subtitles will help you learn in a short time.
  4. Always have a dictionary with you, or better yet several. Is it difficult to learn French? If you don’t miss classes, show deep interest and independence in studying, then everything is quite achievable. A dictionary will always help you clarify new words and sentences.

How to quickly learn French from scratch

At any age it is never too late to learn. If you have long dreamed of learning French at home from scratch, then you should not put it aside. There are many techniques to remember a language from scratch.

Some important tips:

  • Be patient! Starting from scratch is always difficult. But to realize your dream, you need to show tremendous patience. Even if at first it seems to you that there is no progress, you cannot retreat.

An important rule is to praise yourself and enjoy any successes. You managed to pronounce the first words in your language correctly - mark this achievement on your calendar.

  • Learn to manage your time correctly. To start learning French from scratch, you need strong motivation. If there is one, then you must immediately purchase special textbooks, dictionaries, courses, CDs and reference books. You need to find enough time for all this. Give each source 30 minutes a day. After all, in order to master a language well, beginners need to go through the first stage of 40-50 lessons. It is there that one gains the first basic knowledge of pronunciation and grammar.

Time should be distributed in such a way that during the day at least 3 hours are spent studying. This can be done both in class and in your free time, watching, for example, clips in French.

  • An important tip for learning from scratch is to determine your type of perception. This should be done at the very beginning of learning French. Each person has a unique ability to best remember only one type of information - visual, auditory or kinesthetic. Determining the type of perception will help you choose the most convenient ways to learn a language.

Many people believe that it is impossible to remember French without a teacher. Therefore, many are interested in how to quickly learn French on their own.

To do this you need to have:

  • French-Russian dictionary (preferably more than one);
  • Self-instruction manual;
  • Large notepad for notes;
  • French video courses;
  • Grammar textbook.

These are the most basic and necessary subjects for self-study. To master French, you need to manage your time and make every effort.

For self-study you need:

  • Buy a tome dictionary. This is a book in the most convenient format for learning;
  • Connect several channels in French from your provider. If this is not possible, then find them on the Internet and bookmark them for frequent viewing;
  • Listen to radio channels in a foreign language every day;
  • Watch training programs on the Internet. There are a huge number of them on the Youtube website;
  • Post educational posters, reminders, funny stickers in French around the house;
  • Download educational games and programs to your smartphone as needed;
  • Watch movies with subtitles;

The best way to learn is through live communication with native speakers. If possible, then with the help of social media. networks you can make useful contacts. Friends from other countries will help you learn the language quickly and on your own.

The fastest effect can be achieved if you are in a French-speaking country. In this case, independent study will be rapid and fruitful.

Here you will need:

  • Listen carefully to your interlocutor;
  • Try to constantly speak French so that they can correct you;
  • Constantly work on verb conjugations;
  • Talk to yourself;
  • Meet people on the streets, try to talk about yourself;
  • Every day write down and pronounce new words and sentences many times.

How to learn French in 5 minutes?

Is it possible to learn a foreign language in 5 minutes? Of course not. But you can always make every effort, with the necessary motivation, to quickly learn the speech of another country.

Some people learn languages ​​very quickly and easily. And others have to repeat the same phrases hundreds of times to achieve perfect pronunciation.

French is a very beautiful and rich language. If you suddenly need to learn it in 5 minutes, then you should resort to the following methods:

  • You need to write down the most important words and phrases for yourself. During the day you can easily remember about 50 sentences in a foreign language. Then the portion should be slightly reduced to 30 new words per day.

If you are being sent to a French-speaking country in the near future, it is worth knowing expressions such as: " hello, my name is X", "Thank you ", " repeat please», « I live in X. How do I get there?" etc.

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