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Etienne Lenoir biography. Spark plug. History of invention…. Creation of your own company

Lenoir (Lenoir)

Etienne, French inventor, co-creator of the engine internal combustion... From 1838 he lived in France. At first he worked as a waiter. In the late 1840s. started inventing. In 1860 he designed an internal combustion engine with a capacity of about 8.8 kW(12 l. with.), which was a single-cylinder horizontal machine double acting, which worked on a mixture of air and lighting gas with ignition from an external source (its efficiency did not exceed 4.65%). The L. engine had a number of shortcomings, but in small installations it initially received some distribution, mainly in France. It was supplanted by a more advanced engine designed by N. Otto. L. - the author of a number of other inventions, in particular the technology of obtaining electroforming copies (1851), the electric brake (1855), the writing of the telegraph (1865).

Lit .: Radzig A.A., History of heat engineering, M. - L., 1936.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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    Lenoir, Denis (born 1949) French cameraman. Lenoir, Jean (1358 1375) French miniaturist painter. Lenoir, Noémie (born 1979) French model and actress. Lenoir, William Benjamin (1939 2010) American ... ... Wikipedia

    Jean Joseph Etienne (1822 - 1900) - a waiter of a restaurant on the outskirts of Paris Saint Denis, proposed the design of an internal combustion engine operating on an intake gas-air mixture ignited by a spark (Luxembourg, 1858). EdwART. Dictionary… … Automotive Dictionary

    - (lenoir) Etienne (1822-1900), French inventor. In 1860 he designed an internal combustion engine with a capacity of approx. 8.8 kW (12 HP). The engine was a single-cylinder horizontal double-acting machine operating on ... ... Encyclopedia of technology

    Lenoir E.- LENOUIR (Lenoir) Etienne (1822-1900), French. inventor. Created practically fit engine int. combustion (1860) ... Biographical Dictionary

    - (1822 1900) French inventor. Created a practically usable internal combustion engine (1860) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with this surname, see Lenoir. Noémie Lenoir ... Wikipedia

    There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with this surname, see Lenoir. Charles Amable Lenoir Charles Amable Lenoir Place of birth: Chateilion, France ... Wikipedia

    There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with this surname, see Lenoir. Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir fr. Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir ... Wikipedia


  • Joy, Lenoir Frederic. Frédéric Lenoir is a French writer, philosopher, and research fellow at the Higher School of Social Sciences of France (EHESS). Lenoir studied philosophy at the University of Friborg in Switzerland, where ...

Etienne Lenoir Lua error in Module: CategoryForProfession on line 52: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


From 1838 he lived in France.

In 1860 he constructed the first practically usable internal combustion gas engine. The engine power was 8.8 kW (12 HP). The engine was a single-cylinder, horizontal, double-acting machine running on a mixture of air and lighting gas with an electric spark ignition from an extraneous source. The engine efficiency did not exceed 4.65%. Despite the shortcomings, the Lenoir engine gained some popularity. Used as a boat engine.

Invented the technology of producing electroplated copies (1851), an electric brake (1855), a telegraph writer (1865).

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Radzig, Alexander Alexandrovich. History of heating engineering. - M .: Publishing house Acad. Sciences of the USSR, 1936 .-- 430 p.

see also

Excerpt from Lenoir, Etienne

- The earth will suffer for a very long time and will suffer terribly, Isidora ... Until it comes to the very edge of destruction. And only the best will always die for it. And then the time of choice will come ... And only people themselves will be able to decide whether they have enough strength to withstand. We will only show the way.
- Are you sure what will happen, to whom to indicate, Sever? Perhaps those who remain will no longer care ...
- Oh no, Isidora! Man is extraordinarily strong in his survival. You can't even imagine how strong he is! And a real Man never gives up ... Even if he remains alone. It has always been that way. And it will always be that way. The power of Love and the power of Struggle are very strong on Earth, even if people do not yet understand this. And there will always be someone who will lead the rest. The main thing is that this Leader does not turn out to be "black" ... From his very birth, a person is looking for a goal. And it depends only on him whether he finds it himself or turns out to be the one to whom this goal will be given. People must learn to think, Isidora. In the meantime, unfortunately, many are satisfied with what others think for them. And as long as this continues, the Earth will still lose its best sons and daughters, who will pay for the ignorance of all the "led". That is why I will not help you, Isidora. And none of us will. The time has not yet come for everything to be at stake. If we die now, fighting for a handful of Enlightened Ones, even if it’s time for them to KNOW, then after that, there will be no one else to “know” ... I see, I didn’t convince you, ”a slight smile touched Sever's lips. - Yes, you wouldn't be yourself if you had convinced ... But I ask you only one thing - go away, Isidora! This is not your time, and this is not your world!
I felt wildly sad ... I realized that I had lost here too. Now everything depended only on my conscience - whether I agreed to leave, or whether I would fight, knowing that there was no hope of victory ...
- Well, Sever, I will stay ... Even if I am not as wise as you and your Great ancestors ... but I think if they really were such "Great" - you would help us, and they would forgive you. Well, if not, then perhaps they are not so “great”! ..
Bitterness spoke through my lips, not allowing me to think soberly ... I could not admit the thought that there was no one to wait for help ... Well, right here there were people who were able to help, just stretching out their hand. But they didn't want to. They "defended themselves" with lofty goals, refusing to interfere ... They were WISE ... Well, I was just listening to my heart. I wanted to save my loved ones, I wanted to help others not to lose people dear to them. I wanted to destroy the Evil ... Perhaps, in the “wise” sense, I was just a “child”. Perhaps - not mature enough. But even if I had lived for a thousand years, I would never have been able to watch calmly as an innocent, beautiful person dies from someone's brutal hand! ..

LENOIR (Lenoir) Etienne (1822-1900) - French inventor. Created a practically usable internal combustion engine (1860).

  • - Jean Joseph Etienne, a waiter of a restaurant on the outskirts of Paris Saint Denis, proposed the design of an internal combustion engine operating on an intake gas-air mixture ignited by a spark ...

    Automotive Dictionary

  • - Etienne, French inventor, one of the creators of the internal combustion engine. From 1838 he lived in France. At first he worked as a waiter. In the late 1840s. started inventing ...
  • - Lenoir Etienne, French inventor, one of the creators of the internal combustion engine. From 1838 he lived in France. At first he worked as a waiter. In the late 1840s. started inventing ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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  • - genus. in 1779, died in 1869 - a French chemist and physicist, a student of the famous Berthollet, professor of chemistry at the University of Paris. and a corresponding member of the Institute since 1819. His most important work in physics, done by him in ...
  • - French painter ...

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  • - French playwright, a member of the Pleiades, which formed around Ronsard. In the first tragedy of J. - "Cléopatre captive" - ​​contemporaries welcomed the revival of the ancient tragedy ...

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  • - composer and music historian. Completed the "Manuel de musique" begun by Horon. The first edition of this work appeared in 1836. Of the musical and literary works L. are better known: "Séméiologie musicale"; "Histoire générale de la musique et de la danse" ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - composer and music historian. Completed the "Manuel de musique" begun by Horon. The first edition of this work appeared in 1836. From the musical and literary works L. is better known: "S émé iologie musicale" ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - French archaeologist, was the director of the Musée des monuments français, founded in 1795 ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - the son of Alexander L., architect and writer on the history of fine arts, who contributed a lot to the fruitful movement of archeology in the 40s of the current century ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - the son of the previous one, an architect and writer on the history of fine arts, who contributed a lot to the fruitful movement of archeology in the 40s of the current century ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - or Richard - a French manufacturer, the son of a poor farmer, served as a garcon in a cafe, but then went into trade and in 1797 entered into a company with Lenoir, forming a company ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - French writer. Wrote a number of novels: "Fils d" empereur "," L "...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - writer Without misfortune people would be bored. Grief captures more than joy. There are unhappy beings who have a heart to suffer, but no heart to love ...

    Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

  • - Etienne Etienne. Gallicized male Russian name Stepan. Is there anyone else, Etienne? It's still early, my friend ... Oh, no, Etienne! So it is said, and there is nothing to economize .. Some Teterevnikovs have champagne à discrétion. Bobor. Well fed ...

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Jacques Etienne Lenoir (1822-1900)

Born in Saint-Denis - a suburb of Paris. He worked as a waiter, then as an enamel workshop worker. Nature rewarded Lenoir with both intelligence and abilities, but thanks to newspaper chatter, he developed a naive idea of ​​creativity in technology, like some kind of lottery, where the whole thing is decided by chance. It seemed to him that the smallest knowledge and experience was enough to have the right to participate in this game, hoping for his own happiness. The fact that the role of chance in creative work is extremely limited, that chance only helps to get out of the framework of habitual thinking, but helps the researcher, and not the first person who comes across, that cases surround everyone and everyone everywhere, but go unnoticed - Lenoir did not think about all this. , did not know and did not guess.

By the mid-19th century, the idea of ​​an internal combustion engine was in the air. Many inventors in different countries created experimental designs of engines operating on a mixture of hydrogen and air, on lamp gas, on coal dust and even on liquid fuel, using various flammable liquids for this.

Moreover, he did not think that the creative process takes place mainly in the struggle with the habitual attitude to things, in overcoming the habitual thinking and in the assimilation of a new look, a new attitude. With his ideas, Lenoir would probably have remained an empty dreamer forever, but he was a persistent person, neat, energetic, tireless and enterprising worker.

Working at a Belgian electroplating plant, Lenoir became familiar with the principles of electrical engineering. Lenoir's experiments with electricity in 1859 led him to the idea of ​​using an electric spark to ignite an air-gas mixture. This led him to the decision to create an engine using this principle. Perhaps Lenoir was familiar with Le Bon's work.

Becoming the owner of a small enamel workshop, Lenoir understood how small industry needed a compact, convenient engine. Lenoir began to study patents for gas engines, of which several dozen were discovered. Lenoir was not worried about the violation of the rights of inventors: the idea of ​​a gas engine was so popular that it seemed no longer owned by anyone, and the matter was reduced only to creating a workable design.

In 1860, Lenoir managed to create a practically working internal combustion engine, powered by lamp gas, and was the first to establish its commercial one and obtain a patent for his gas engine with ignition from an electric spark.

Many engineers, contemporaries of Lenoir, did not consider his engine to be an independent invention, since Lenoir brought together units and parts that were widely used before. But the Lenoir engine turned out to be the first practically working internal combustion engine that was produced in series and received a commercial continuation.

Lenoir was happy. His name was repeated in every way in the press. The patent provided him with the means to live. He grew fat, bald, and increasingly preferred to chat in a cafe than work on an engine.

Soon, several lawsuits of the inventors of gas machines fell on Lenoir at once. Many, seeing Lenoir's success, remembered their unused patents and filed claims. Having hardly fought off competitors, Lenoir continued to work on the engine. Cost in 1867 at the Paris World Exhibition to appear gas engine German firm "Otto-Deitz" more economical than the Lenoir engine, as the demand for them stopped. The renowned inventor has left the stage. Forgotten by all, but retained his income until the end of his life. Lenoir died in 1900.

Belgian mechanic, inventor of the internal combustion engine.
Born in the town of Musy-la-Ville (Belgium). He devoted most of his life to research in the field of mechanics, electrical engineering and chemistry. As a young man, he came to Paris on foot to enter the Ecole Polytechnique and become an engineer. Without passing the exams, he worked as a waiter in a cafe. Then he got a job at the Marioni enterprise, which produced copper copies of famous jewelry covered with precious metals, which were then fashionable among not wealthy Parisian artisans. Made several inventions for which he did not take patents. Having found a successful method of electroplating round objects, he filed a patent for it and bargained for a percentage from the owner for its use.

Lenoir gas engine (figure 1864)

Having received a steady income and got acquainted with the work of Denis Papin and Sadi Carnot, he was finally able to start designing an engine. After spending several years, I made a working copy that worked on a lamp gas with ignition from an electric spark. On January 24, 1860 he patented it.

Lenoir serial engine

In 1862 he built the first horseless carriage in Paris. In all likelihood, a previously patented engine was installed on it. During the Franco-Prussian War, he took part in the defense of Paris in 1870 and received French citizenship for his heroism. Jean Etienne Lenoir is officially recognized as the inventor of the internal combustion engine.

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