Home Transmission Electric bicycles with all-wheel drive (2WD). Types of Electric Bicycle Drives

Electric bicycles with all-wheel drive (2WD). Types of Electric Bicycle Drives

The Chinese nervously smoke on the sidelines. All-wheel drive electric bike AlpineBike Peak 30M is a domestic product. True, all its components are imported, with the exception of an electric motor from CJSC NPP Inkar-M. Why reinvent the wheel? Here is the standard phrase of conservatives and narrow-minded comrades.

But inquisitive minds pass it past their ears. Among them are our compatriots who invented a fundamentally new all-wheel drive bicycle. That's just the wheel formula 2x2 is obtained in combined mode. This is when the electric motor rotates the front wheel, and the pilot of this unit turns the rear wheel with the help of pedals. Of course, it is possible to ride on any one drive.


These are the first questions everyone has. How much does it cost? We answer: so far, about $2,300, but with an increase in production volumes, it will become cheaper. And what is its weight? Twenty five kilos. This is the same as the ever-memorable "Ukraine". And how fast is he? In a straight line on electric traction, it accelerates to 25 km / h. In combined mode, it is noticeably higher.

What happens when the battery runs out? Then you have to go, using only muscular strength. And if there is a lot of this power, then you can recharge the battery while driving. This is due to a process with a tricky name - energy recovery. Well, in general, this design causes a fair amount of interest, so it’s better to go straight to the materiel.

The basis of the bike is a traditional aluminum frame and front sprung fork. The rear wheel with an eight-speed sleeve located inside the hub rotates ... a cardan. The front wheel is made integral with a gearless valve motor. Well, on the frame there is a power unit with a lithium-ion battery and a control system. Both the motor-wheel and the power unit are quick-detachable: he snapped off the latches, pulled out the cables - and got a classic of the bicycle genre. The entire electrical part is made dirt-waterproof. Of course, we did not aim to drown the bike, but there were no questions in the puddles. By the way, the warranty for the electrical part is one year. For attachments - six months. And for the frame and cardan assembly - five years.


The cruising range without recharging is declared at 50-55 km. We have not been able to test this in practice. Nevertheless, the battery lasted an hour. And then, in the depths of memory, school physics lessons surfaced. The battery energy reserve is 396 Wh (11 Ah times 36 V). We divide these 396 W * h by the power of the electric motor of 300 W, we get 1.32 hours. At a speed of 25 km / h, during this time it will be possible to drive 33 km. Obviously, the maximum speed is reached at the maximum load of the electric motor. However, you can calculate in another, more optimistic way (divide the energy reserve by the minimum energy consumption), and then you really get 49.5 km. Nevertheless, 30 km of run on the battery is not so bad. Just within the average distance from home to work for a resident of the metropolis.

In theory, everything looks great. I came to work, plugged the power unit into the socket - and after 3 hours again a full tank of energy. However, in Russia, cyclists have a hard time. There are no bike paths, the exits from the sidewalks are not smooth, there is no respect from car owners. Yes, and our streets are dirty, with a clean face you can say goodbye in about twenty minutes.


Great for everyone, if not for one "but". Due to the placement of the driveline, it has very low pedals. During the shooting, I almost screwed up a couple of times just because of the pedals clinging to low bumps. It's also great when driving over curbs. So, despite the all-wheel drive, off-road it is better not to meddle. And the pattern on the tires is clearly not mud. Although nothing prevents throwing out the cardan and putting in a traditional chain with gear blocks. Then the pedals will rise and it will become much easier to drive outside the asphalt. By the way, the front wheel motor and power unit can be purchased separately and installed on an existing bike. Finally, we note that we rode on a prototype - without wings and a rear brake. Of course, all this will appear in serial copies. And on the front wheel, the spokes will be red-hot - to minimize the risk of the appearance of "eights". The power unit will move back for better weight distribution. The only pity is that the issue of low pedals is not yet in the priority plans of the developers. Well, the rest of the impression of the electric bike left the most favorable. Lightweight, quiet, eco-friendly, self-propelled. Fantastic!

Especially for those who are forced to live in off-road conditions, sandy roads or gravel paths, 2wd 8000w - all-wheel drive electric bikes have been created. They help to move on the road, on which other modes of transport constantly lose grip on the road surface. They help you get to your destination without spending a lot of effort - no one likes to arrive at work stale.

Pros of using an all wheel drive bike

Electric bicycles are firmly entering our lives, becoming full participants in it. On the all-wheel drive, two motors with power from 500 to 1000W are usually installed. Given the fact that most of the roads in our country leave much to be desired, it will never be superfluous. It has a lot of advantages over both a regular bike and other mechanical vehicles:

  1. Excellent patency on loose surfaces - loose and wet soil, sand or puddles;
  2. Excellent traction for driving uphill;
  3. Good acceleration dynamics, complemented by excellent handling of the device;
  4. The engine runs almost silently;
  5. The electric bike can be used in any weather and any season;
  6. Focus on results and reliability of use - even if one engine fails, the second one will be able to reach the destination.

In addition, an all-wheel drive e-bike allows you to cover a much greater distance than a conventional bicycle. If you need to make a lot of effort uphill on a regular bike, then on a four-wheel drive bike you can do nothing and climb at a speed of more than 15 kilometers. If you turn the pedals, then the speed can exceed 50 kilometers per hour. The motor allows you to compensate for all possible road irregularities, blurred parts of the road, country roads with comfort.

Positive sides

In order for the motor to work, you do not need to purchase fuel and refuel it - just put the battery of an all-wheel drive electric bike on charge overnight. In the morning, the iron horse will be ready to deliver the owner to the desired point. The seat is made in the most comfortable way, as well as the suspension frame. It will suit even the most selective owner.

Surprisingly, to drive this vehicle you do not need to pass on the rights - just buy an electric bike. There will be no need to go to boring lectures and be afraid of not passing the exam, and the electric bike will easily develop the same speed. In addition, it will be possible not only to move on the motor, but also to move under its own power, simply by pedaling. In winter, road grip is always worse, but this does not become a hindrance for 2wd 8000w bikes.

Self assembly

It is not worth spending a lot of effort and time to assemble such an electric bike yourself. An error in the calculations can affect not only the incorrect operation of the engine itself and the bike, but also threaten with a real explosion. From an overload, an insufficiently powerful motor will begin to melt the phase wires, and then a short circuit may occur. But even with correctly selected components, the price of components will be similar to branded electric bikes. And if you can immediately buy the right copy with a guarantee, then why not take the opportunity to ride a bike made by real professionals, the purchase of which will please you for a long time to come.

Drive on two wheels

The simultaneous installation of a drive on both wheels makes it easy to climb uphill, as well as to overcome off-road without any problems. In the mountains on such a bike, it will not be too difficult for any beginner, because in case of any excessive loads, it will be enough for him to turn on the motors, which will allow him to return to the camp or to the car without moving his legs. The creators of the bike thought out the following principle: an electric motor is installed in front, which allows you to rotate the front wheel, and a special pilot is installed on the rear, which drives the entire product. The operation of any one engine is also provided.

Such a unit weighs quite a lot compared to non-motorized counterparts - an average of 25 kilograms. Batteries usually last for an hour or two of a good ride. When she sits down, she will have to go solely at the expense of her own strength. But during the time that the rider pedals, he not only sets the bike in motion, but also charges the battery, which can then be used again on the road.

Without recharging on different models, an all-wheel drive bike travels a distance of 30 to 60 kilometers, depending on the built-in battery, terrain load and engine size. But even the minimum value of 30 kilometers on a regular bike will not be so easy to cover.

In company stores, the price of dual 2x2 electric bikes varies from 50 to 250 thousand rubles. The price depends on the manufacturer, additional canopies on the bike, on its weight and even appearance. It's easy to pick the one you like. It is also worth paying attention to additional accessories, as some models are not equipped with the best wings. And this means that after the rain you have to say goodbye to a clean appearance.

The most passable bike in the world: four-wheel drive for traveling in Antarctica

The most passable bike in the world:
all-wheel drive for travel
in Antarctica

What does it take to successfully navigate Antarctica so that it looks like a crazy adventure, and not just another whim of the rich? The all-terrain vehicle disappears immediately, a snowmobile and a snowmobile in the Moscow region (sit for yourself and burn gasoline), it’s a pity for the dogs, besides, they periodically get tired and ask for food, you won’t go far on your own two, and now there is only one option left - a bicycle!

You ask: what respected bike in a sober mind and bright memory will be able to ride you through the lifeless icy deserts covered with millions of tons of snow? We have one in mind!

Everything is like other mountain bikes, except for one thing: it is all-wheel drive.

The AWD bike, made by the Christini brand, like any of its other counterparts, has only 2 wheels (albeit very thick ones), a fork with shock absorbers, pedals that rotate the chain, a couple of dozen speeds, a steering wheel and a saddle - in a word, everything is like other mountain bikes. bicycles. Except for one: it's all-wheel drive. Yes, everyone has long been accustomed to the “4x4” icon, but “2x2” is most often perceived as the logo of a famous TV channel. The idea of ​​an all-wheel drive bike appeared a long time ago, and Steve Christini brought it to life and patented it, putting his first creation on sale back in 2001. Today, he actively uses his technology in the production of all-wheel drive motorcycles.

Why this is needed at all is clear, first of all, to those who see the difference between all-wheel drive and part-wheel drive in cars in off-road conditions, or to those who rode a regular bike in snow or sand. With the usual effort on an all-wheel drive bike, you get excellent traction, and the front wheel is not only adjusted by the rear and acts as a helmsman, but also takes a direct part in the movement.

The so-called fatbike was taken as the basis for the tamer of icy deserts.

The AWD technology itself is a mechanism of simple, but very advanced gears hidden in the frame and fork. They transmit torque from the rear hub to the front. The result is an all-wheel-drive bike capable of effortlessly plodding through sand and snow. Actually, for the sake of the latter, the model of interest to us was developed. The so-called “fat bike” (fatbike) was taken as the basis for the tamer of the icy deserts Christini, which has taken root well in the world of MTB even with one drive wheel. Of course, the bike is not fat at all, just its front fork and rear triangle are designed specifically for huge 29-inch wheels, which significantly reduces the pressure of the bike on the snow surface and does not allow it to dig deep.

Mr. Christini designed his all-terrain vehicle specifically for one restless athlete from Australia, who decided to conquer Antarctica on it. Initially, an ordinary fat bike was considered as a workhorse. But Kate Leeming, who has clocked several thousand kilometers around the globe, decided that something more serious was needed for cycling around the South Pole. The bike has already been tested in conditions as close as possible to Antarctica - in Svalbard. What came of it, you can see from the video.

The bike ride, which should have already begun by the time this article was written, has been postponed for various reasons, and the created bike is recognized as a masterpiece of engineering and, most likely, will go on sale. True, limited edition.

The Chinese nervously smoke on the sidelines. All-wheel drive electric bike AlpineBike Peak 30M is a domestic product. True, all its components are imported, with the exception of an electric motor from CJSC NPP INKAR-M. Why reinvent the wheel? Here is the standard phrase of conservatives and narrow-minded comrades.

But inquisitive minds pass it past their ears. Among them are our compatriots who invented a fundamentally new four-wheel drive bicycle. That's just the wheel formula 2x2 is obtained in combined mode. This is when the electric motor rotates the front wheel, and the pilot of this unit turns the rear wheel with the help of pedals. Of course, it is possible to ride on any one drive.


These are the first questions everyone has. How much does it cost? We answer: so far, about $2,300, but with an increase in production volumes, it will become cheaper. And what is its weight? Twenty five kilos. This is the same as the ever-memorable UKRAINE. And how fast is he? In a straight line on electric traction, it accelerates to 25 km / h. In combined mode, it is noticeably higher.

What happens when the battery runs out? Then you have to go, using only muscular strength. And if there is a lot of this power, then you can recharge the battery while driving. This is due to a process with a tricky name - energy recovery. Well, in general, this design causes a fair amount of interest, so it’s better to go straight to the materiel.

The basis of the bike is a traditional aluminum frame and front sprung fork. The rear wheel with an eight-speed hub located inside the hub rotates. . . cardan. The front wheel is made integral with a gearless valve motor. Well, on the frame there is a power unit with a lithium-ion battery and a control system. Both the motor-wheel and the power unit are quick-detachable: he snapped off the latches, pulled out the cables - and got a classic of the bicycle genre. The entire electrical part is made dirt-waterproof. Of course, we did not aim to drown the bike, but there were no questions in the puddles. By the way, the warranty for the electrical part is one year. For attachments - six months. And for the frame and cardan assembly - five years.


The cruising range without recharging is declared at 50-55 km. We have not been able to test this in practice. Nevertheless, the battery lasted an hour. And then, in the depths of memory, school physics lessons surfaced. The battery energy reserve is 396 Wh (11 Ah times 36 V). We divide these 396 W * h by the power of the electric motor of 300 W, we get 1.32 hours. At a speed of 25 km / h, during this time it will be possible to drive 33 km. Obviously, the maximum speed is reached at the maximum load of the electric motor. However, you can calculate in another, more optimistic way (divide the energy reserve by the minimum energy consumption), and then you really get 49.5 km. Nevertheless, 30 km of run on the battery is not so bad. Just within the average distance from home to work for a resident of the metropolis.

In theory, everything looks great. I came to work, plugged the power unit into the socket - and after 3 hours again a full tank of energy. However, in Russia, cyclists have a hard time. There are no bike paths, the exits from the sidewalks are not smooth, there is no respect from car owners. Yes, and our streets are dirty, with a clean face you can say goodbye in about twenty minutes.


Great for everyone, if not for one BUT. Due to the placement of the driveline, it has very low pedals. During the shooting, I almost screwed up a couple of times just because of the pedals clinging to low bumps. It's also great when driving over curbs. So, despite the all-wheel drive, off-road it is better not to meddle. And the pattern on the tires is clearly not mud. Although nothing prevents throwing out the cardan and putting in a traditional chain with gear blocks. Then the pedals will rise and it will become much easier to drive outside the asphalt. By the way, the front wheel motor and power unit can be purchased separately and installed on an existing bike. Finally, we note that we rode on a prototype - without wings and a rear brake. Of course, all this will appear in serial copies. And on the front wheel, the spokes will be red-hot - to minimize the risk of EIGHTS. The power unit will move back for better weight distribution. The only pity is that the issue of low pedals is not yet in the priority plans of the developers. Well, the rest of the impression of the electric bike left the most favorable. Lightweight, quiet, eco-friendly, self-propelled. Fantastic!

The invention relates to all-wheel drive bicycles, driven by the movement of the cyclist's legs, and allows using either only the front drive or front and rear drives at different speeds, separately or simultaneously.

The presence of all-wheel drive allows you to ride a bike both on roads and off-road in moderately rugged and mountainous terrain.

Bicycles designed for riding both on highways and on rough terrain are known (see Internet resource. Encyclopedia "Krugosvet"): in the late 1980s, among lovers of cycling and cycling tourism, as well as among residents of the suburban belt commuting daily to the city for work, a bicycle that combines the design features of a mountain bike and a touring bike has become a huge success. Such a mixed-type bicycle has, as a rule, a lowered or normal steering wheel and has up to 21 gears: three driving and 7 driven sprockets. The mixed bike is considered by many to be the ideal general purpose bike for both on-road and off-road (moderate terrain) riding because, like a mountain bike, it handles well on wet and pebbly soils, is light in weight, and is easy to ride on. highway driving. Sometimes these bikes are called urban or suburban.

Known for road bikes. Utility road bikes usually have one, three or five gears. Their weight often exceeds 14 kg, the frame is long with elongated curved ends of the front fork feathers (to soften the impact of the wheel on bumps in the road), the handlebars are raised or normal, durable clincher tires, a chain guard and a rear wheel brake hub with free wheeling are often provided. The saddle is usually wide, springy, padded with a leather or vinyl cover. Road bikes are generally inexpensive, comfortable enough to ride short distances, and require little maintenance. They are used in cities as a vehicle for delivering small quantities of various goods (from food to newspapers) and as a means of transportation. In the first half of the 20th century, road bikes were used in military operations. In many cities and suburban areas in Europe and the United States, a bicycle is the vehicle for a patrol officer.

The 1990s saw the introduction of touring bikes with a looser rider posture. The cyclist sits upright on a seat with a back, and his legs are stretched down and forward, towards the pedals. Thanks to the back stop for the lower body of the rider, the strength of the thigh muscles is more effectively used. In addition, these bikes have a lower center of gravity.

For increased maneuverability in difficult road conditions, such as in busy urban traffic or on rough terrain, bicycles with a split frame allow for various maneuvers and turns.

For example, a vehicle is known according to RF patent No. 2049013, in which the application of torque to the front drive wheel is carried out during the reciprocating rotational movement of the steering bracket, made in the form of a two-arm lever. The rotation of the two-arm lever by means of two autonomous gears with sprockets and overrunning clutches is converted into rotation of the front drive wheel in one direction. In this case, the impact on the two-arm lever is carried out by the simultaneous participation of both hands and both legs of the cyclist.

The vehicle comprises a frame made in the form of front and rear semi-frames, a steering bracket in the form of a two-arm lever with lower and upper arms mounted on the front semi-frame with the possibility of rotation around a transverse horizontal axis, foot pedals, a seat with a backrest located on the rear semi-frame, rear driven wheels and front drive wheel and front drive wheel mounted on the rear half-frame. The front drive wheel drive contains the right and left gears. Turning the vehicle is carried out by applying a turning moment with both hands to the steering bracket. In this case, the front and rear half-frames rotate relative to each other on the pivot at a certain angle.

The disadvantage of this vehicle is the presence of two rear wheels, which makes the vehicle stable, but does not allow it to be used in difficult road conditions, such as in busy urban traffic or on rough terrain.

The presence of a shortened wheelbase (distance between the axles) of the bike also increases its maneuverability.

Bicycles with a shortened base are known, for example, a mini-bike according to RF patent No. 2224679, containing a frame with a head tube, a rear wheel fork and racks, a chain drive carriage with cranks, pedals and a drive sprocket located in front of the head tube, a front wheel with a fork and rod, steering wheel with rod, rear wheel with sprocket and freewheel, saddle with backrest, fixed with the possibility of adjustment, folding elements. The frame contains a carriage bracket and a tube connected to the head tube, the carriage is placed above the front wheel, the tube is connected to the fork and rear wheel stands by means of a hinged connector, the saddle with the back on the bracket is mounted on the frame by means of a lock, a rod, a hinged seatpost and a strut with a movable emphasis. The steering rod is connected to the front wheel fork rod through a swivel connector and to the carriage through a brace with a bearing, and is also equipped with a tensioning mechanism for the driven chain branch and a gear selector for the rear wheel sprocket block.

However, the implementation of the horizontal pipe of the frame, which carries the main load, is split, which reduces the rigidity of the structure, and the forward carriage with pedals reduces the rigidity of the structure and causes an increased load on the front wheel, all this does not allow the effective use of the known mini-bike in mountainous and rough terrain, and only in comfortable urban conditions on a highway with good coverage.

For conditions of mountainous and rough terrain, all-wheel drive bicycles are the most effective.

All-wheel drive bicycles are known from sources of patent information.

They all have a rear wheel with a foot pedal chain drive and a front wheel with a manual lever chain or chain drive (for example, described in patents for inventions: DE 19632519, DE 4132794, FR 2624087, FR 265168, in the utility model patent DE 8503367 etc.).

A bicycle with two independent drives for one traction chain is also known (ed. St. N 1643306, V62M 1/20, published 23.04.91). The bicycle has an additional fork with a steering wheel fixed in it and the possibility of swinging on the legs of the front fork in front of the bicycle frame. The additional fork is connected to the cable through the overrunning mechanism with the rear wheel traction chain. The disadvantage of a bicycle is the difficulty of controlling the bicycle, the need to exert great effort when maneuvering (turning), when driving uphill and in difficult road conditions.

Known all-wheel drive bicycle according to the patent of the Russian Federation No. 2097249, including a frame, a saddle, a rear wheel with a foot pedal-chain drive, a front wheel with a manual lever-chain drive, a steering fork, a front wheel drive mechanism mounted on a steering fork removed from the axis of rotation, swinging steering levers. The drive to the front wheel of an all-wheel drive bicycle is carried out by the cyclist's hands performing reciprocating movements of a pull-and-push nature, applied to the handles of two asynchronously swinging steering levers. The disadvantage of a bicycle is the complexity of the design, as well as the complexity of controlling the bicycle, low maneuverability in difficult road conditions.

By the combination of essential features, the specified technical solution according to the patent of the Russian Federation No. 2097249 is taken as a prototype.

The technical result of the claimed invention is the creation of a maneuverable all-wheel drive bicycle with a shortened base, suitable for riding on hills and difficult road conditions (rough terrain, off-road, etc.) due to the possibility of movement both with front-wheel drive and with front- and rear-wheel drive at the same time.

This result is achieved due to the fact that in the inventive all-wheel drive bicycle containing a frame, a saddle, a steering wheel, front and rear wheels, a gearshift mechanism, a front wheel drive mechanism, a rear wheel drive mechanism, the front drive is made pedal-chain, with an axis of rotation, aligned with the axle of the front wheel, while the chain drive of the front drive is connected to the transfer sleeve installed in the upper part of the front wheel fork, while the rear drive is made by chain, and the connection between the transfer sleeve and the rear drive mechanism is made in the form of a hinged mechanism, while the hinged mechanism one of its parts, connected to the fork, is connected to the transfer sleeve through a chain drive, and the other part, connected to the frame, is connected to the rear wheel through another chain drive.

In this case, the pedal-chain mechanism contains a multi-speed chain transmission system.

In this case, the hinge mechanism is made in the form of a cardan mechanism.

At the same time, the saddle is additionally provided with a backrest and is made with the possibility of moving and fixing depending on the height of the cyclist.

The additional rear-wheel drive of the inventive bicycle allows the cyclist to work more efficiently, especially when climbing uphill, while the cyclist rests his hands on the steering wheel, which is impossible with a swinging steering wheel, like in the prototype.

The inventive bicycle is made with a shortened base due to the drive to the front wheel, while the rear wheel turns out to be a support wheel. The minimum turning radius of the proposed bike is from 1.3 m.

Thanks to the front-wheel drive, a straight-backed landing is possible, which gives good visibility, and also allows for a freer posture of the cyclist. The cyclist sits upright on a seat with a back, and his legs are stretched down and forward, towards the pedals. Thanks to the back support for the lower body of the rider, the strength of the thigh muscles is more effectively used, the cyclist can work more efficiently with his legs in difficult conditions. In addition, these bikes have a lower center of gravity, the seat is lower than a regular bike. When you stop, your legs reach the ground, which allows you to stand without getting up from the seat and reverse with your feet, quickly start and, raising the bike, turn around in place.

Figure 1 shows the General scheme of the inventive all-wheel drive bike; figure 2 - kinematic diagram of the all-wheel drive bike; figure 3 - photo all-wheel drive bike.

An all-wheel drive bicycle contains a frame 1, wheels: front 2 with fork 10 and bracket 12, and rear 3; steering wheel 4 with gear and drive levers (not shown) located on the handlebars of the bicycle, saddle 5, which can be made with a back, as well as with the possibility of moving and fixing, depending on the height and desired fit of the cyclist; the hinge mechanism 13, located in the upper part of the stem 22 of the removal of the steering wheel of the bicycle; a pedal-chain mechanism containing support bearings 15 in the lower part of the fork 10, a chain drive 8 with cranks, connecting rods 16 with pedals and a drive sprocket 17 and with an axis 7 of rotation aligned with the axis of the front wheel 2, front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, rear-wheel drive engagement mechanism and gearshift mechanism.

The front wheel drive mechanism is made as follows.

The axis of the front wheel 2 is aligned with the axis 7 of rotation of the pedal-chain mechanism 6. The drive sprocket 17 of the pedal-chain mechanism is installed on the axis, connected by a chain drive 8 to the driven sprocket 18 connected to the transfer sleeve 9 through a ratchet mechanism (not shown).

On the distributing sleeve 9 there is a drive sprocket 19 of the front wheel drive, connected by a chain transmission 14 with a driven sprocket 20 of the front wheel drive.

The transfer sleeve 9 is mounted for rotation on the bracket 12 in the upper part of the fork 10 of the front wheel 2 and serves to transfer force to the front wheel 2 or to both wheels 2 and 3 simultaneously.

The pedal-chain mechanism is known, it contains a multi-speed chain transmission system. The gear system consists of a set of leading 17 and driven 18 sprockets, chain 14, front and rear derailleurs (not shown), shift levers (shifters) (not shown), drive cables (not shown), cranks 16 with pedals.

The number of drive sprockets 17 can be equal to at least 2, and optimally - to 3 drive sprockets, and the driven sprocket 18 can have a set of 1 to 10 sprockets, which allows you to get up to 30 gears. The multi-speed transmission system allows you to choose the right gear ratio depending on the riding conditions and thereby optimize the efforts of the cyclist depending on the road profile.

A well-known parallelogram type gearshift mechanism is located at the top of the fork.

The rear wheel drive mechanism is made as follows.

The transfer sleeve 9 through a chain transmission 21 is connected to the hinge mechanism 13 located on the stem 22 of the steering stem, so that the axis of rotation of the stem coincides with the break point of the hinge. The rotation of the hinge 13 is supported by four bearings 32, two of which are mounted in a cage located in the steering stem, and the other two bearings are fixed in a bracket connected to the bicycle frame. Thus, one part 23 of the hinge mechanism is connected to the fork, and the other part 24, located on the bracket, is connected to the bicycle frame. Thus, the problem of the possibility of transmitting torque from the transfer sleeve 9, located on the rotating fork 10, to the rear wheel 3, located on the fixed frame 1, is solved.

The hinge mechanism can be made in the form of a cardan mechanism.

The working sprocket 25 of the transfer sleeve 9 is connected through a chain transmission 21 to the hinge mechanism 13 by means of an asterisk 26 located on the axis of the hinge mechanism.

An asterisk 27 is fixed on the axis of the hinge mechanism 13, connected by means of a chain drive 29 with the driven sprocket 28 of the rear wheel 3.

The bicycle is driven as follows.

The pedal-chain mechanism 6 drives the drive sprocket 17, through the chain drive 14 rotates the driven sprocket 18 and the transfer sleeve 9 with the front wheel drive sprocket 19 and the sprocket 25 mounted on it. The sprocket 19 rotates the sprocket 20 of the front wheel 2 through the chain drive 8.

Front wheel drive works all the time.

If necessary, rear-wheel drive is activated as follows.

From the shifter located on the steering wheel, the switch 30 transfers the chain 21 to the working sprocket 25. The working sprocket 25 through the chain transmission 21 rotates the part 23 of the hinge mechanism 13 by means of the sprocket 26 fixed on the axis of the hinge mechanism, rotating the part 24 of the hinge mechanism and, accordingly , an asterisk 27 fixed on the axis of the hinge mechanism 13. The asterisk 27 rotates the chain drive 29 of the rear wheel 3, which drives the driven sprocket 28 of the rear wheel 3.

Gear shifting is carried out by shift levers (not shown) mounted on the steering wheel.

The all-wheel drive bicycle is provided with a braking system, such as the well-known lever-tong brake.

The inventive all-wheel drive bicycle allows you to move at different speeds both on roads and off-road, on moderately rugged and mountainous terrain. Made a prototype all-wheel drive bike (figure 3), which showed good performance. Tests have been carried out - more than 2000 km, the bike has overcome mountain climbs up to 17%, off-road (arable land), on the highway, the speed on the front drive is 30-35 km / h - all this on standard, narrow tires. The maximum recorded one-day run is 231 km in 9.5 hours.

The inventive all-wheel drive bicycle does not have special units that require high-tech processing. The presence of chain drives does not require precise adjustment of various components to each other.

The weight of the prototype is 17 kg, the weight of the road bike is 18 kg.


1. Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2049013 "Vehicle", published 1995.11.27.

2. Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2224679 "Privalov's mini-bike", published 2004.02.27.

4. Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2097249 "All-wheel drive bicycle", published 1997.11.27 (the closest analogue).


1. An all-wheel drive bicycle containing a frame, a saddle, a handlebar, front and rear wheels, a gearshift mechanism, a front wheel drive mechanism, a rear wheel drive mechanism, characterized in that the front drive is pedal-chain, with an axis of rotation aligned with the axis of the front wheels, while the chain drive of the front drive is connected to the transfer sleeve installed in the upper part of the fork of the front wheel, while the rear drive is made by chain, and the connection between the transfer sleeve and the rear drive mechanism is made in the form of a hinged mechanism, while the hinged mechanism is one of its parts connected to the fork, through a chain drive, is connected to the transfer sleeve, and its other part, connected to the frame, is connected to the rear wheel through another chain drive.

2. An all-wheel drive bicycle according to claim 1, characterized in that the pedal-chain mechanism contains a multi-speed chain transmission system.

4. All-wheel drive bike according to claim 1, characterized in that the hinge mechanism is made in the form of a cardan mechanism.

5. An all-wheel drive bicycle according to claim 1, characterized in that the saddle is additionally provided with a backrest and is made with the possibility of moving and fixing depending on the height of the cyclist.

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