Home Locks Rules for using a saccharometer and vinometer. How to find out the percentage of alcohol in mash. Mash for moonshine is an important stage of the whole process. Density of sugar in mash.

Rules for using a saccharometer and vinometer. How to find out the percentage of alcohol in mash. Mash for moonshine is an important stage of the whole process. Density of sugar in mash.

A saccharometer (a hydrometer for determining the concentration of sugar) is a device that makes life equally easier for moonshiners and winemakers, as well as for brewers, since it makes it possible to control the sugar content in the wort, which in turn allows you to make drinks with a predetermined strength and density. Having a saccharometer in the home distiller’s arsenal is not necessary, but very desirable, and for brewers this is one of the most important devices that allows them to adhere to the chosen recipe (style) of beer. Often, a saccharometer is bought by those who decide to make alcohol more or less constantly.

Principle of operation. All hydrometers, including a saccharometer and a wine meter, operate on the basis of the hydrostatic law (Archimedes' law), according to which the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid, which means that the volume of the immersed body is equal to the volume of the liquid displaced by it. Since the densities of liquids differ, the same body is immersed in them to different depths.

A saccharometer (vinomer) is a glass tube, the lower (wide) part of which is filled with mercury or shot to create the required mass, and the upper (narrow) part of the tube has a scale with a gradation of the density of the solution or the concentration of the substance being measured.

A wine meter differs from a saccharometer only in the presence of another scale, which shows the strength (concentration of ethyl alcohol) in the wort. But due to their versatility and small size, the accuracy of household wine meters is often lower than that of saccharometers. At the same time, knowing the initial density of the wort, determining the strength with a saccharometer at any stage of fermentation is not a problem.

Types of household hydrometers

There are 2 types of hydrometers common in home distilling:

Saccharometer AS-3 – designed to measure the concentration of sugar in aqueous solutions by weight of dry substances. It is the most accurate household appliance. To determine the strength, you need to compare the result with the table values ​​and carry out calculations.

Measuring range: 0-25%.

Scale division value: 0.5%.

Acceptable error limit: ±0.5.

A household wine meter is a device for determining the sugar content and strength of mash, wine or beer. It has two scales printed on different sides, which allows you to simultaneously find out the sugar content and strength of the wort without calculations. Disadvantage: lower accuracy compared to AC-3.

Measurement range: first scale – 0-25% (for sugar), second scale – 0-12% (for alcohol).

Scale division value: 1%.

Acceptable error limit: ±1-2% for sugar and ±2-3% for alcohol.

How to use a saccharometer and vinometer

It is correct to measure the initial and final gravity of the wort, since based on the difference obtained, one can draw a conclusion about the nature of fermentation (whether it is over or not) and the strength of the drink.

Initial density– sugar content before fermentation. Measured before pitching yeast. Recommended values ​​depend on the type of drink.

The optimal sugar content in mash before fermentation is 18-20%, in the case of alcoholic yeast - 20-30%.

The initial density of wine is 10-31%, but you need to remember that most strains of wine yeast can completely ferment juice with a maximum of 20% sugar content (12% of the final strength), and the remaining sugar will not be processed and will determine the type of wine (dry, semi-sweet, sweet etc.).

The initial density of beer depends on the variety, this figure is in the range of 5-18% (for most varieties popular in Russia - 11-12%).

Final density– sugar content in the wort after fermentation.

If the readings do not change within 24-48 hours and are below 2-2.5% sugar, fermentation is considered complete.

How to calculate strength using a saccharometer

To determine the strength with a saccharometer, you need to convert the initial and final density readings into units of alcohol according to the table (see figure), then subtract the final value from the initial value.

Table for converting saccharometer readings to strength

For example, if the initial gravity is 18.5%, then this corresponds to 9.25% alcohol according to the table, and for a final wort gravity of 2.5% the equivalent strength is 1%. Final strength of the drink = 9.25 - 1 = 8.25% vol.

Instructions for taking measurements

1. Fill the measuring container (flask, cylinder or glass) with a sufficient amount of wort at +20 °C. When measuring the final density, stir the liquid slightly to remove any remaining carbon dioxide, which reduces the accuracy of the measurements.

Attention! Due to non-compliance with the temperature, an error of up to 7% is possible!

2. Wipe the hydrometer with a clean, dry cloth. The device must be completely dry before diving.

3. Carefully immerse the saccharometer (vinomer) with the bottom part into the liquid.

The device should not touch the walls and bottom of the vessel.

4. Wait until the hydrometer stabilizes at the same level.

5. Take readings. Place your eyes just below the level of the liquid so that the elliptical base of the meniscus is clearly visible, then slowly raise your head until the ellipse turns into a straight line.

Depending on the design, values ​​are taken from the upper or lower edge of the meniscus (this point is necessarily described in the instructions for the specific model).

The red arrow is the upper meniscus, the green arrow is the lower. If the original instructions for the device are not available, take readings along the lower meniscus

6. Remove the saccharometer (vinomer) from the flask, wipe it dry and put it in the original storage case. Check the readings at least once every couple of months and calibrate the device if necessary.

Checking and calibrating the hydrometer

To check a saccharometer or wine meter, simply immerse the device in distilled water at a temperature of +20 °C. If working correctly, a zero value should appear (on the sugar content scale for the wine meter).

If the hydrometer floats too high, increase its weight by applying nail polish or tape to the top of the glass tube until the scale returns to zero.

If the saccharometer (vinomer) sinks too much, you need to reduce its weight by shaving off with a blade part of the glass in the upper part of the tube.

Home brewing is, without a doubt, very economically profitable, but it gained its popularity due to other reasons. Modern high-tech production cannot provide the market with high-quality alcohol at a low price, which cannot be said about the centuries-old traditions of homemade vodka. So, how many degrees should the mash be for moonshine?

Knowing how to calculate the future quantity of moonshine, you can plan preparation based on need, without excess. After reading this article, you will be able to independently calculate a more accurate amount of alcohol, based on the raw materials and its volume.

The amount of alcoholic beverage depends on various factors, which makes it difficult to derive the final figure for the product. Some of the main indicators influencing this are: amount of alcohol in the mash and compliance with technological requirements.

To make the most of the content and get a high-quality finished product, you should pay attention to some production details:

Maximum productivity of the process can only be achieved in industrial production conditions. Modern equipment and technologies contribute to this. Home brewing has a large number of technological disadvantages, and when calculating how much moonshine will be produced from 3 liters of mash, the result should be reduced by 10% at best.

Raw material quality

The raw materials you use to make the wort play the most important role in producing alcohol. It is responsible for the positive organoleptic properties of the resulting drink, as well as its quantity.

If the owner is not interested in how much moonshine will come out of 10 liters of mash, he is interested in the softness and taste of the drink.


It depends on them how many degrees the mash should be. The alcohol content in the finished mash depends on the type of yeast that was used when mixing the wort. Different yeasts have different critical points and cease their activity at a certain alcohol content in the mash.

There are two main types of yeast:

There are new yeast developments that optimize wort fermentation. This turbo yeast can speed up fermentation by up to 24 hours, and some manufacturers offer a strain that can reach 19-20⁰ alcohol. Moreover, the possibility of fermentation at different temperatures has been increased.

Amount of sugar

Alcohol is produced by yeast from carbohydrates, and the strength of the mash directly depends on the amount of sugar used. Many people think that by adding more sugar to the wort they can increase the yield of the finished product, but this is not so. There are at least three reasons that influence the result of mash distillation:

There is such a thing - a hydraulic module. This helps determine the optimal proportion of wort ingredients. The type of yeast plays a key role in the hydromodule:

Moonshiners have found a good solution to avoid exceeding the density of the solution. They divide the sugar into two parts and add it separately. The first half is used when mixing the wort, and the second half over the next 24 hours.

If you use turbo yeast, this method produces the highest amount of alcohol.

Use of various raw materials

To produce moonshine, not only crystallized or refined sugar is used; other products containing carbohydrates can also be used. This list includes:

There is no need to calculate the amount of sugar in different foods. Experts were able to calculate everything a long time ago and issued ready-made tables on display. Having found the raw materials from which you prepared the wort from the table, you can assume the yield of alcohol. The result may differ from the actual result by up to 10%. A kilogram of raw materials is taken into account.

Volume of mash and yield of moonshine

When compiling the table, we took sugar mash for calculation as the most stable one. The wort preparation hydromodule is 1:4, fermentation and distillation are carried out under optimal conditions.

Only a few lines are given for understanding the mathematics; anyone can calculate other values ​​independently.

The mathematics is simple, after distillation a liter of mash turns into approximately in 100 g of alcohol, or 220 g of vodka 40⁰. Knowing exactly what volume of liquid after fermentation, it is not difficult to calculate the approximate (± 10%) alcohol yield.

During the fermentation of the wort, foam formation occurs in sufficient quantities. To avoid contamination of the room, it is recommended to use a mash container with a reserve, that is, fill the container no more than ¾ of the total volume.

Be careful! Baker's yeast has one feature - intense foaming. There are situations when there is too much foam and the free volume of the container is not enough, what to do? It is advised to crumble one piece of shortbread; the formation of foam will decrease for a while. If you don’t have cookies on hand, you can use vegetable oil by adding two tablespoons to the mash.

Possible reasons why there is little output

Each moonshine brewer, when laying out the components of the fermentation process, must imagine the approximate amount of moonshine that he can get as a result. Some are interested in financial results, others create the necessary stock and plan their pantry. Even out of simple curiosity, it is interesting to know how much vodka you will get.

An error of 10% should be included in any case, but a larger deviation can be considered a mistake at work. We recommend that you become familiar with some of the factors that lead to a decrease in the amount of alcohol produced; study them to improve your performance.

Unfermented mash

Such a mass has a sweet taste, an alcohol content of less than 10°, these are clear symptoms of incomplete fermentation. Some of the sugar remains in the state of undecomposed carbohydrates.

Nothing bad happened, of course, if you didn’t start distilling the mash. Unfavorable conditions played a cruel joke, the yeast suspended its activity. To complete fermentation, the container should be rearranged in a warmer place or additionally wrap it in a blanket. This will help awaken the yeast, which will safely complete the process.

Error in hydraulic module

There can only be two options for a proportion error:

It is worth considering purchasing a hydrometer. This device helps measure the amount of unprocessed sugar in the mash, which indicates its readiness for distillation. The density of the liquid should not exceed 1.002.

Long fermentation

Such processes are fraught with an increased content of fusel impurities in the final product. If distillation has begun, you should separate the third fraction ahead of time, this will reduce the amount of moonshine, otherwise the quality of the product will significantly deteriorate.

To prevent such a situation, you need to worry in advance and ensure the optimal fermentation temperature, which ranges from 25-28°C.

Souring the mash

During fermentation, it is necessary to place a water seal on the container or wear a pierced medical glove. This is done to create aerobic conditions for proper fermentation.

In a situation where oxygen enters the dishes, ethyl alcohol oxidizes and the mash begins to turn into vinegar. Because of this the strength of the fermented mass decreases, and the alcohol yield will be small. Most moonshiners neglect the water seal, but to obtain a high-quality drink, we strongly recommend using such a device.

Distiller tightness

If steam comes out of the distiller during the distillation process, this can significantly reduce the yield of the finished product. There is no point in stopping the distillation of mash; it is enough to seal the break with dough, and take care for the future and purchase a new device.

If steam comes out of the distiller spout, it's okay, it's poor coil cooling. The water flow should be increased; if the water is not running, then it must be replaced with colder water.

What can speed up fermentation do?

Of course, the faster the fermentation takes place, the faster we will approach distillation and, as a result, the faster we will get alcohol. But rapid fermentation allows you to increase the volume of the product due to a reduced amount of impurities.

To achieve such goals, methods of accelerating fermentation are used. It is worth noting that it is worth putting additives only in the sugar wort. Any other components themselves contain everything you need.

Even for a large capacity of 10 or 30 liters, it will be enough to use any of the options:

  • crumble a loaf of black bread;
  • 300 g tomato paste 25%;
  • 200 g of fresh juice or crushed berries;
  • 500 g ground malt.

Using invert sugar allows the yeast to break it down faster. Monosaccharides are quickly used by yeast fungi.

The process of making syrup helps remove unnecessary impurities from sugar. To do this, take 1 kg of sugar, 500 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. The foam should be constantly removed. Carefully add 5 g of citric acid little by little. After the foam subsides, close the lid and cook for 60 minutes.

  • Temperature range for yeast activity- 18−35 ⁰С. A low temperature will delay fermentation, a higher temperature will have many side effects. It is worth paying attention to a constant room temperature and simply wrap a blanket around the container with the wort. The mash will reach the required heat of 25-28⁰C during the fermentation process on its own.
  • Experienced moonshiners prefer to activate the yeast before adding it to the wort.. Take warm sweet water and dissolve the required amount of yeast in it. After 20-40 minutes, yeast foam will form on the surface; now you can pour the activated yeast into the main container. If this does not happen, then such yeast should not be used.

Long-term storage of mash after complete fermentation increases the risk of its souring. After gas has ceased to be released through the water seal or glove, foaming will stop, sediment will form and the top layer of the mash will lighten. All this suggests that it is necessary to start distillation; all that remains is to check the alcohol and sugar content.

It is necessary to take care of the quality of the product, which will invariably remind you of its taste and morning mood.

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In addition to preparing a tasty drink, distillers, when making alcohol, try to ensure that the maximum strength of the mash allows them to obtain more alcohol. The strength of the mash is an unstable indicator; it largely depends on environmental conditions, so it can be increased or decreased as desired.

Braga is a drink that is obtained as a result of the processing of sugar by yeast fungi. As a result of the activity of the culture, alcohol appears in the sugar mash. Typically the amount of alcohol in the finished drink reaches 12%. This is explained by the fact that when baker's yeast is used, it is capable of producing so much alcohol, and then simply dies due to the concentration of this substance. It is ethyl that is a poisonous product, because of which fungi cannot continue to work. Therefore, at a certain point, when the amount of ethyl stops at 12–14%, the fermentation process stops.

Measuring the strength of the mash

But it also happens when the mash has a lower alcohol concentration, but even then the fermentation has stopped. There are several explanations:

  • a small amount of sugar according to the recipe (the wrong hydromodule was used);
  • The optimal process temperature has not been selected.

In this case, the strength of the mash will be very low. This often happens if a distiller uses fruit to make mash and does not add sugar according to the recipe. But these reasons can be combated by simply adding an additional dose of sugar and yeast to the fermentation container, and leaving the container itself in a warm place.

To get a good strength as a result, it is important to follow the cooking conditions. Technologies for mash made from any raw material have common points. Among the mandatory rules are the following:

  • Careful selection of raw materials for the drink. It is important not only to select high-quality ingredients, but also to evaluate the proportions in the recipe, as well as calculate the approximate yield of moonshine. You can use different water, wort, fertilizer and additional components. But the main component is yeast. For baking mushrooms, the strength of the drink is average, higher values ​​are for alcoholic cultures. Well, wild and beer ones should not be used for making moonshine.
  • Selection of fermentation container. The process works best in glass containers. But if there is none, then you can choose a special plastic that will not react with alcohol.
  • Installation of a water seal. This device will help you understand the readiness of the mash. It also acts as a drain for carbon dioxide. It is impossible to release the mash with a water seal; harmful bacteria and debris will not get into the drink. Sometimes, instead of this device, a rubber glove with a hole in the finger is used. As soon as it falls, the mash is ready for use.
  • It is important to remember the timing of the preparation of the drink. Of course, the indicator depends on the raw materials for preparing the mash. But on average, the process can be completed in 3-4 days or last up to 2 months. This indicator does not necessarily affect the strength. , even after a month of infusion, they still won’t turn out too strong. But with the addition of alcoholic yeast, after 4 days it can amaze with the concentration of ethyl.
  • The infusion temperature of the drink also plays a significant role. When the indicator drops to 18 degrees, the process slows down to a complete stop. Heating the fermentation container will help jump-start yeast activity. But at readings above 35 degrees Celsius, the yeast dies from the heat, and then a new batch of product will have to be added to the mash.
  • The hydromodule is important because it affects both the timing and the strength of the mash. If you prepare a drink with sugar and water with yeast, then the optimal ratio is 1:4. Of course, if the drink is made with fruit, then you can take a risk and add more water, relying on the sugar content of the wort.

Timing of mash ripening and determination of its readiness

Before preparing distillate from mash, you need to check the readiness of the drink itself and also measure its strength. There are signs that help the distiller understand that the fermentation process is complete. At the same time, the indicators do not differ from each other depending on the type of ingredients for the mash. Among them:

  • Appearance of the finished drink. The mash becomes layered, the layers on top are light, almost transparent. And at the bottom of the container there is sediment. There is also no foam in the form of carbon dioxide bubbles on the surface. The drink does not fizz when shaken gently.
  • You can taste the finished mash. The sweetness should completely disappear from the product, bitterness or sourness should appear. Nedobrod, that is, a drink in which sweetness remains, and therefore processed sugar, cannot be poured into a moonshine still. The strength of the bad wine will be very low, up to 5%. Even if the strength of the mash is not affected, you should not distill it.

Readiness can also be determined by foaming: as soon as it stops and the foam has settled, the mash is either cooked or sour. Fermentation may stop due to non-compliance with the room temperature. Yeast stops its activity, the strength remains at a low level. But the problem can be solved.

After pouring an additional portion of sugar with yeast into the container, you can check the strength and readiness of the drink after 2-3 days. By this time, the bitterness from the mash should disappear. Only then are distillers allowed to distill the product.

But more accurate reasons for the readiness of the mash can only be obtained if several signs are present. Distillers also use a hydrometer. A hydrometer is a special device that determines the concentration of sugar-containing substances in the wort and the density of the drink. The higher the density of the contents of the fermentation container, the higher the alcohol strength will be.

The density is also adjusted according to the yeast. If you use standard cultures, the figure should not exceed 18–22% at the beginning of fermentation. If wine or alcohol yeast is used, then the initial density can be increased to 30%. It is the hydrometer that will help adjust the strength of the mash and, accordingly, moonshine.

A hydrometer will also help determine the readiness of the mash. If the device displays values ​​of 2-2.5%, this means that the drink has had enough time to prepare, it can be distilled, and also that it is strong. But if the mash is not ready, the hydrometer reading will rise above 2.5%. This drink cannot be distilled.

Application of a hydrometer

It is with the help of a hydrometer that you can accurately. Of course, you can also carry out the procedure using tables, formulas, calculations and yeast instructions. But the mechanical device is easy to operate, and the technique will take less time.

The hydrometer works based on Archimedes' law. Depending on the density of the liquid, the device descends to different depths and assumes a stable position. After this, the density of the contents of the fermentation container is displayed on the device scale.

In order to measure the initial density of the liquid, the hydrometer must be lowered into the container before adding yeast. In this case, the temperature of the contents should be at 20 degrees Celsius.

To measure the density, just dip the hydrometer into the container and wait for it to stop. Next, write down the indicators and do the procedure two more times with an interval of 5 minutes. The arithmetic mean is calculated from the three values. The greater the initial density of the wort, the stronger the moonshine.

But measuring the density of the finished product will take a little longer. This requires a glass of the finished drink, which is filtered through several layers of fabric. Next, the following actions are performed:

  • the solution is shaken, the remaining carbon dioxide is removed;
  • the mash is heated to room temperature;
  • the solution is poured into a clean glass container;
  • Dip the hydrometer into the liquid, wait until the movement stops and record the values.

Good orientation - indicators from 1.5 to 2.5%. Control measurements can be taken within 24 hours. In this case, the readings should not change.

What determines the strength of the drink?

An indicator such as the percentage of alcohol in a drink is formed as a result of:

  • the initial density of sugar and the contents of the fermentation container;
  • quality of raw materials and their type;
  • type of yeast culture.

But not all processes can be regulated only by the amount of sugar. If this product is not enough, then the fermentation process simply will not begin, the yeast will have nothing to process. And if there is too much sugar, this arrangement will also slow down the process due to the preservative properties of the product.

It is the balance of these two components that allows you to prepare high-quality alcohol. Optimal amount of ingredients: 200 grams of sugar per 1 liter of liquid. It is important to take into account the natural sugar content of the wort.

To try to increase the strength of the drink at the initial stage without extra costs, you can add carbohydrates. The maximum allowable value for any type of sugar is 30% of the total volume of wort. If you convert it into liters and grams, it turns out that up to 300 grams of sugar can be dissolved in one liter of water. If you add more of the last component, the mash will simply turn into a canned liquid.

Even if baker's yeast is used, its productivity can be increased and its lifespan can be increased by adding fertilizing. The nutrients in the wort itself are often not enough to actively produce alcohol. As a top dressing, you can add either rye bread or chemical fertilizers, grape cake or pulp, depending on the type of mash. But alcohol yeast does not require feeding, since all the components are initially in the powder.

It is also important not only to monitor the temperature limits, but also to maintain the indicator at a stable level. It is advisable that the degrees on the thermometer do not fluctuate during fermentation. You can maintain the values ​​​​with the help of heaters or simply warm clothes in which the fermentation container is wrapped. Ideal indicators: from +20 to +30 degrees Celsius.

How to increase the strength of mash?

There are several ways to increase the strength of the mash. Of course, it is not always profitable to do this. This way you can really save on raw materials, but lose the quality of the drink. If you want to increase the indicator by more than 12 degrees, then you can use the following tips from distillers:

  • Add the tails that remained from the previous distillation to the new mash before distillation. This action will increase the strength of the drink to 22 degrees. At the same time, the strength of the tails is at the level of 20 degrees. If you pour this fraction into a mash that is not ready, the yeast will die and fermentation will not occur. It is also worth remembering that the tails contain a large amount of fusel oils, which will affect the smell of the drink and make it more harmful to health.
  • Use special yeast cultures. Among them: alcohol or wine strains, turbo yeast with supplements and amino acids. The taste of the drink will not change, but the strength will increase to 18%.
  • If you increase the amount of sugar added according to the recipe, but only slightly, then the method will help achieve alcohol content of 15%. Then the yeast will die.

Before increasing the strength of mash from sugar or other raw materials, you need to consider the feasibility of this action. To make the resulting moonshine strong, you don’t have to bother with the mash, but simply distill the drink again or select a high-strength distillate during distillation. The strength indicator is a guideline for distillers and indicates that the product is ready for further stages of processing.

To obtain high-quality wort, you need to control the fermentation process. How many degrees in the mash? The presence of alcohol in a drink is the main criterion that determines the quality of alcohol.

How to measure strength?

When preparing the wort, the sugar content is measured using a hydrometer. The device shows the alcohol and sugar content. Using equipment, the fermentation process is monitored. The density of the wort depends on the content:

  • alcohol;
  • Sahara;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • air bubbles;
  • degree of lightening.

All this affects the readings of the hydrometer-spirometer. To determine the strength of the final product, all facts must be taken into account. Sugar meter 0–36 (215 mm) costs 350 rubles. Country of origin - Italy.

Alcohol meter in mash

The strength is determined using a wine meter. The device takes into account the percentage of sugar and alcohol. It does not show gas and dry substances. The instrument error is 0.5–1%.

The measurement is carried out as follows. Take a sample (5–10 ml) and pour it into the vinometer. It is necessary to knock down the CO2 bubbles. The sample temperature should be 20 degrees Celsius. The device is installed vertically and the readings are recorded.

A capillary vinometer costs 300 rubles. Manufacturer - Italy. You can accurately measure the sugar content with a refractometer. The price of a professional device is 3900 rubles.

You can determine the strength using a hydrometer in the following way. Distillers advise mixing:

  • one liter of mash;
  • one liter of water;
  • distill one liter of moonshine.

The reading will be accurate.

Wort fermentation process

Fermentation is one of the main stages of making moonshine. The yield and quality of alcohol depends on the progress of this process.

To create favorable conditions, it is necessary to support. It should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius and rise above 25 degrees. Acceptable readings are 20–22 degrees.

The second condition is the presence of sugar. The higher the percentage of glucose, the more actively the yeast develops.

Alcohol accumulates in the wort during fermentation. There are yeasts that provide 18% alcohol. In practice, alcohol is obtained at 14-15%, and from wild yeast - 12-14%. The average strength of the finished mash should be 12%.

Distillers do not advise exceeding the amount of alcohol above 15%. Yeast is unstable to such a concentration of alcohol and stops working. Initial gravity is measured before fermentation. Glucose is added to the wort and the strength is adjusted. If it is high, the process stops.

A hydrometer that measures the density of the wort is useful. There is a table for converting the density of mash into units of alcohol. If the initial density is 18.75%, the final density will be 12%.

The process is over if the reading on the hydrometer is 2–2.5%. If less than 2%, distillation can begin. One percent sugar equals 0.6% turnover.

Many modern gourmets are interested in how many degrees the mash should be in order to obtain high-quality moonshine. This is not surprising, since mash is the oldest Slavic intoxicating drink, which appeared long before moonshine and vodka.

Back in the Stone Age, our ancestors noticed that sweet juice, which remains in a vessel for a long time, begins to ferment over time, turning into a foamy, cloudy and, most importantly, low-alcohol drink. Thanks to various experiments, a huge number of transformations and improvements, mash was able not only to reach our time, but also to become quite popular.

What is mash?

Braga is the product of fermentation of sugar-containing wort and yeast, for which a sweet solution serves as a nutrient medium, and alcohol and carbon dioxide are responsible for their vital activity.

Braga is a product of fermentation of sugar and yeast

To obtain high-quality mash, it is necessary to create the most acceptable conditions for yeast growth:

  1. The temperature of the solution should not fall below 24 °C, otherwise the fermentation process will slow down significantly. If the temperature is above 40 °C, the yeast will die. The optimal temperature is +25…+30 °C.
  2. To speed up fermentation, the solution must be stirred periodically. Please note that the speed of the process is affected by the volume of sugar in the solution: the activity of yeast growth and the formation of ethyl alcohol depend on the larger amount of nutrients. The main condition for the fermentation process is the complete absence of oxygen. Only in this case does the breakdown of sugar molecules into carbon dioxide and alcohol occur.
  3. You can understand that the fermentation process is complete using the organoleptic method: the finished mash should be bitter and not have a sweet aftertaste.

The benefits of mash

The finished mash has a lot of useful properties. Firstly, with its help you can quickly quench your thirst. Secondly, it has a relaxing and calming effect. Thirdly, due to the decomposition of the organic components of raw materials that occurs during the cooking process, the mash contains fermentation products that have a beneficial effect on the body: they help normalize metabolism and intestinal microflora, as well as strengthen the immune system.

Choosing yeast for mash

Braga can be prepared from any yeast: live, dry and specialized alcoholic yeast.

Often, wine yeast is chosen for these purposes, which can be purchased in stores for winemakers and moonshiners.

When preparing fruit or berry mash, this product does not need to be added at all, since the surface of the fruit already contains wild yeast.

It is important to take into account that the selected type of yeast affects the fermentation period and the strength of the resulting mash: when using bakery and wild yeast, up to 10% alcohol is formed, and wine and alcohol - up to 12%.

Technology for preparing mash

Before you start preparing mash, you need to familiarize yourself with the sequence of actions. First of all, you should understand the temperature regime in order to avoid falling asleep or killing the yeast. The creation of the substance requires strict adherence to all the rules, since the quality of the finished drink and its strength will depend on the conditions in which the moonshine mash was infused. For more information about making mash, watch this video:

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The manufacturing process of this product consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation of wort. This is a solution based on water and sugar. The latter can be used both in its natural form and in the form of fruit and berry mixtures.
  2. Processing wort into mash using yeast. The fermentation process involves yeast absorbing sugar and producing ethyl alcohol with carbon dioxide.
  3. Distillation of mash in a moonshine still to separate alcohol from it.
  4. The steam that evaporates after bringing the mash to a boil must be cooled to a liquid state and poured into a separate container.
  5. Moonshine purification process. The fermentation process leads to the formation of yeast by-products. They are harmful to health, so the solution must be cleaned of these impurities.
  6. Moonshine flavoring. If desired, the drink can be infused with herbs and spices to give it a rich color and aroma.

Recommendations to follow when distilling moonshine

There are certain rules for preparing mash that must be followed when creating the product:

  1. In addition to alcohol, yeast also produces carbon dioxide, so it is important to prevent its accumulation, otherwise it will negatively affect the quality and taste of moonshine. To reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide, you can resort to degassing. We are talking about a set of measures with the help of which it is possible to neutralize toxic substances. This can be achieved through the use of special devices.
  2. A large amount of sugar can cause the mash to be too sweet. In addition, excess gas and a specific odor may appear.
  3. If you do not plan to distill the mash, add less yeast so that the drink does not acquire a characteristic aftertaste.
  4. Obtaining the desired strength of the drink is impossible without adjusting the alcohol content. By changing the temperature, you can influence the rate of yeast reproduction.
  5. The material from which the mash container is made must be resistant to chemical compounds, have no foreign odors and be intended for food products. It is recommended to purchase such containers in specialized stores. For more information about the intricacies of making mash, watch this video:

Answering the question of how many degrees the mash should be, we note that on average its strength is 12 - 13% vol.

Mash recipe

Desiring, not only beginners, but also experienced winemakers are trying to find the best recipe. Each method has its own characteristics, which affect the change in the flavor of the final product, the average yield of moonshine and its strength.

The taste of the mash depends on the quality of the ingredients

Raw materials and auxiliary components affect the amount of formation of fusel oils and related substances.

The quality of the future intoxicating drink directly depends on the recipe technology and the ingredients used. The classic and simplest recipe for making mash is as follows. To learn how to prepare the right mash, watch this video:

For 1 kg of sugar you will need 4 - 5 liters of water and 100 g of pressed yeast. Sugar should completely dissolve in water. Yeast should be diluted separately with water preheated to 30 ° C, and add 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. After 50 - 60 minutes the yeast will “come to life”. After this you will need to mix all the ingredients. To make the solution, you can use flasks or large, clean bottles.

To prevent the container with mash from exploding due to the pressure created, it should not be closed tightly.

The fermentation time for the future drink is 3 - 10 days. The prepared liquid should be stored in a dark place at room temperature.

Mash can be prepared from almost any product that contains a sufficient amount of sugar and starch. Despite the fact that the process of its production is an extremely delicate matter, by observing the basic proportions and preparation technology, you will definitely be able to create a high-quality drink.

About the exit

Hoping to get as much moonshine as possible, some distill the mash until the alcohol concentration at the outlet drops to 10 - 15 degrees. But this one, with a strong fusel smell. It is only suitable for secondary distillation, and not for drinking. The more degrees the mash gains during the soaking process, the stronger the alcohol will be at the outlet of the distiller. The concentration of sugar and yeast affects the final product. So from 1 kg of granulated sugar you will get 500 - 600 ml of alcohol, if the yeast is of high quality.

About the fortress

If you take 20 liters of mash with a concentration of 12% alcohol and distill it, you will get approximately 5 liters of alcohol. This is taking into account the cut-offs. And the average “degree” of an alcoholic drink will be about 60. The liquid remaining in the distillation cube with an unpleasant odor - a residue from distillation - is usually poured away. By bringing the strength of the mash to 15 degrees, you can get moonshine in larger quantities. Pouring the “tails” back into the distillation container also increases the strength in it.

About controlling the fermentation process

The fermentation process is accompanied by the release of gas. Temperature changes and exposure to atmospheric oxygen are undesirable for it. The container with the mash is tightly closed, only the water seal indicates that fermentation is in progress. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere through a small hole. If the alcoholic “raw material” is made from sweet jam, add a little sugar to speed up the process.

If grain mash is used for distillation, it is also made with sugar. The quality of the prepared mash can be checked with a saccharometer. 200 ml of it is filtered and the residual sugar concentration is determined with this device. Device readings above 1.002 indicate poor quality. A brew is considered suitable for distillation if its acidity is no more than two tenths of a percent, its strength is no less than 10%, and its residual sugar concentration is no more than 0.45%.

About yeast

Alcoholic yeast for moonshine

Fermentation of sugars is caused by yeast fungi. The production of moonshine from various low-strength alcoholic liquids occurs under the influence of heat. Microscopic fungi in the mash die when its strength reaches 15%. Further fermentation is impossible, even if there is still sugar in it. Naturally, yeast fungi die instantly even when heated above 40 degrees. Sharp heating at the start of distillation is necessary to reduce its time. The distillation range itself is 78 – 85 degrees. Sometimes the mash produces less moonshine than expected. This means that it did not come out completely. Peroxided mash will also not give a full yield of alcohol.

About pressure

When making homemade alcohol using a moonshine still, you need to underfill. Fill it no more than two-thirds full. You must not allow it to boil, otherwise it will be moonshine will become cloudy. And the alcohol concentration in it will drop. This is from foam getting into. Monitoring the heating temperature is also necessary. It is important to prevent the mash from boiling. The pressure in the distillation cube also affects the process of evaporation of alcohol. With increased pressure, alcohol evaporates at a higher temperature. The rate at which moonshine flows from the apparatus into the placed jar is controlled by heating control. It's a good idea to have a pressure gauge on the still.

About large volume

What to do if fermentation has stopped, if there is still sugar in the alcoholic liquid? You just need to dilute it with water. The process will resume. There is one important detail. If wine yeast is used, it requires a lower temperature for fermentation than pressed or dry yeast.

If there is a lot of mash stored, it will take a long time to distill it. A 60-liter container with it is distilled within 18 - 20 hours. But there will also be a lot of moonshine. Approximately a quarter of the volume of distilled liquid. And this is thirty half-liters of 40-proof alcohol. Using 16 kg of granulated sugar and yeast, you can get one and a half boxes of “vodka”. Having invested approximately 1000 rubles, we get more than 6000 worth of alcoholic products.

To get high-quality moonshine, it is important to learn how to correctly determine the moment the mash is ready for distillation. If you start distillation earlier, the yield will be smaller and some of the sugar will simply disappear. At the same time, you should not overexpose the mash, otherwise it will begin to sour, which will worsen the taste of the moonshine. We will consider all available methods to check the mash for readiness. To increase accuracy, I recommend using it comprehensively, that is, all at once (except for the last one).

1. Time. Depending on the quality of raw materials (sugar, yeast, water) and external conditions (temperature, humidity), ordinary sugar mash ferments from 5 to 14 days, on average 7-10 days, starch-containing (from grain) less - 3-7 days. Grape mash without yeast (wild yeast) needs from 20 to 60 days to ripen. Due to the large time variation, this method is too inaccurate to rely entirely on.

2. Taste. The mash ready for distillation has a bitter taste. If you feel sweetness, it means that the yeast has not yet processed all the sugar into alcohol and you need to wait. This is the most effective testing method, allowing you to control not only the readiness, but also the quality of the mash.

If the temperature regime is not observed (the optimal mash temperature is 18-28°C), the yeast may die prematurely, as a result of which fermentation will stop even before the sugar is completely produced. In this case, I recommend resuming fermentation by adding a new portion of yeast and moving the container with the mash to a more suitable place.

3. Appearance. Foam stops forming in the finished mash, no carbon dioxide bubbles are released and no hissing is heard. The top layer of the mash begins to gradually lighten, the remains of yeast and their metabolic products settle to the bottom.

Example of finished mash

4. Lighted match. During active fermentation, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released, which displaces oxygen from the container. To determine the readiness of the mash, just hold a lit match to the surface. If it burns, it means that fermentation has stopped and you can start distilling. The fading of the match indicates that fermentation is still ongoing.

5. Professional method. The most accurate, but requires a special device - a hydrometer, which only experienced moonshiners have.

To determine the remaining sugar (poor quality), 200 ml of mash is filtered through a thick cloth, poured into a measuring cup and a hydrometer is lowered into it. At values ​​below 1.002 (corresponding to 1% sugar in the mash), distillation can begin.

There are working calculations of the degree of mash from one or another raw material. But even if you have a table of the expected yield at hand, this does not mean at all that this is exactly how much moonshine you will get.

The main role here is played by the strength of the mash, which is not as easy to determine as it seems to a person uninitiated in the mysteries of distillation.

But now we will learn how to do this, and in what ways we can increase the strength (see also:).

The degree depends on how much sugar is in the wort? or specially prepared sugar-containing raw materials - starch, cereals, grains, potatoes, etc. And also on whether the yeast was able to completely convert sugars into alcohol.

That is, the principle: if you want a stronger mash, add more sugar, it doesn’t work here. Mainly because different yeast races have different persistence in an alcohol-containing environment:

  • baker's yeast dies when the alcohol content reaches 11-12°, regardless of whether there is still sugar left in the wort;
  • alcohol-based ones are more resilient and can withstand exposure to temperatures up to 18°C.
  • Turbo yeast is created from the most resistant races. They can ferment at temperatures up to 20°.

Based on these features, the hydromodulus is also calculated: the ratio between sugar and water (sugar is measured in kilograms, water in liters).

If you, for example, want to get more moonshine from a smaller amount of mash, then let’s say the smallest possible hydromodule for mash is 1:3 (a kilo of sugar per 3 liters of water). But in this case the yeast should only be Turbo, and no others. For alcohol drinks, the best hydromodulus is 1:4, for bakery drinks – 1:5.

How to determine strength depending on sugar and density

Unfortunately, strength cannot be measured by simply lowering an alcohol meter or wine meter into the liquid. The fact is that these devices only work in a relatively clean environment. Impurities, of which there are a great many in the brew, interfere with the readings, and you will never see the true numbers on the scale. Simply put - alcohol meters in mash lie. Here we need another device - sugar meter-aerometer.

In order to know how many degrees have already been fermented, measurements must begin at the stage of setting the wort, before adding yeast. If you do not take this first measurement of density, in the future it will be possible to judge the degree only theoretically and with simple calculations. But this does not guarantee accurate readings.

An example of calculating the strength of mash using a sugar meter

When installing the mash, you have already decided what kind of fortress you want to see in it. But so that your plans do not diverge from reality, before adding the yeast, measure its initial density.

If you have an initial gravity of, say, 22%, then this assumes (according to the table) that the strength after maturation will be 11.25°.

To make sure that the expected strength has been achieved, take another measurement at the end of fermentation. The device should show no higher than 1.2%. This means that all the sugar has already been converted into alcohol, it’s time to put it to distillation.

Optimal strength and density values

There is no need to transfer high-quality alcoholic or turbo yeast to low wort gravity. Therefore, focus on the capabilities of yeast cultures. And if the sugar meter shows the mentioned 22%, and you are going to pitch turbo yeast, you should add sugar.

The following should be considered the optimal indicators of the initial density of mash for moonshine:

  • When using baker's yeast - 20-22%.
  • For alcohol - 23-26%.
  • On a turbo it can be higher, but the usual sugar meter scale is not marked above 25%. And this is only 13° final strength.

Peculiarities. When making mash with Turbo yeast, it is better to focus on the hydromodule in order to obtain a “semi-finished product” for distillation with a strength of up to 20°.

Instructions for using sugar meter AS-3

Sugar meter AS-3 is one of the most popular devices of this series among moonshiners and brewers. It is easy to determine the density of the initial wort, as well as the conversion of sugars into alcohol. It has a division device from 1 to 25% in 0.5% increments. Correctly measure the initial and final density as follows:

  • After thoroughly stirring the sugar in the wort so that it is completely dissolved, take the liquid into a tall glass (liter jar), filter and cool to 20°C.
  • Then lower the sugar meter into the mash. Repeat the measurement three times.
  • Write down the averages (sum the numbers and divide by 3). This will help determine the exact degree.

Reference. Take readings along the upper edge of the meniscus.

  • After measuring, pour the liquid into the total volume of the mash, add yeast and ferment as usual.
  • During fermentation, you can take control measurements and use a special table to see how many degrees have already been fermented. For example, the second measurement showed 10.7% density. This means that there is already 5° in the mash.
  • Upon reaching 1.1%, the mash has reached its final strength and can be distilled.

Attention. The end of fermentation is indicated by numbers from 1 to 3%.

If your device shows, for example, 2.5% and the number does not change for 2-3 days, there is no need to wait, there is no more fermentation, it’s time to distill.

How to properly increase the temperature in the mash?

In order to achieve the maximum strength, based on the initial density of the mash, use the following techniques:

  • sugar;
  • create the optimal temperature – 25-29°C;
  • use ;
  • correctly calculate the hydromodule based on the type of yeast present;
  • feed the yeast with nitrogen and phosphorus, or a piece of bread (see:).

And one more way to increase strength. If you are collecting tailings from previous distillations, add them to the still along with the mash. This significantly increases the yield of strong raw alcohol.

Theoretically, it is possible to determine (albeit very approximately) the strength of the mash based on the hydromodulus and the yeast used. But given that fermentation is influenced by many factors, the best way remains using a sugar meter in order to find out the density of sugar.

Do you have a sugar meter and how often do you use it? Share in the comments. Like and rate the article.

Properly prepared mash is more than half the success in moonshine brewing. Even when you have saccharified the raw materials correctly, calculated the hydromodulus, added the yeast on time, it is too early to relax. It is not always possible to understand the readiness of mash for distillation.

The consequences of this oversight may vary. By distilling the mash, removed ahead of schedule, you can end up with a weak compote instead of moonshine. A brew that sits too long is completely dangerous. She will have to be thrown away along with all her work. Sour mash can spoil future moonshine.

Methods for determining the readiness of mash can be divided into 2 groups: household and professional. The first ones can be used at home. They do not always give a clear answer, so they are usually used in combination. The professional method is more accurate, but requires special equipment.

Household methods

Recording the time

The duration of complete fermentation of sugar ranges from a week to several months. How long the mash ferments depends on the nature of the raw materials and the temperature conditions in which it is prepared and stored. Average readiness times for different types:

  • sugar - 5-10 days;
  • starch-containing - 3-7 days;
  • fruit and berry, infused with “wild” yeast - 20-60 days.

The duration of fermentation is affected by temperature conditions. The optimal environment in which yeast begins to function is 22-28°C. In cold conditions, yeast activity decreases, even to the point of suspended animation. In too warm an environment they die.

The type of yeast and sugar used also affects the speed of fermentation. Under natural conditions, without the addition of baker's yeast and additional sugar, the mash lasts longer.

As can be seen from the examples, it is definitely not possible to check the readiness of the mash using this method 100%. This information allows you to navigate in time and understand how many days later you can use other methods.

Knowing how long each type of wort ferments helps prevent the product from spoiling. If you leave the mash too long, it may turn sour. This happens especially often with fruit mash in containers without the use of vacuum seals.

Let's taste it

You may like the taste or not. It does not matter. We evaluate only sweetness. Even a slight sweet taste indicates that the yeast has not yet processed all the sugar. Braga, ready for distillation, has a bitter, but not sour taste. This method gives a completely unambiguous answer and can be used as a key one.

We evaluate the appearance

The surface of the wort can tell a lot about the degree of its readiness. During active fermentation, a by-product is released - carbon dioxide. Bubbles of carbon dioxide, rising to the top, cause hissing, seething, and foaming. Their intensity depends on the composition of the mash: the raw materials and the amount of sugar.

In the finished mash, these processes are completed. The yeast, having processed all the sugar, settles to the bottom along with possible pulp and pulp, the liquid no longer foams. A dense sediment forms at the bottom. And the surface, instead of cloudy, becomes light and smooth.

The cessation of fermentation does not always indicate the readiness of the brew. It is required to simultaneously evaluate appearance and taste. If the mash has stopped playing, but remains sweet, this indicates that fermentation has stopped. The reason could be a violation of technology, for example, temperature conditions. As long as it does not sour, the situation can be corrected. It is necessary to add a new portion of yeast, store it under the necessary conditions and thereby resume fermentation.

Making fire

The method is based on the physical properties of the released carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide environment does not support the combustion process. Therefore, in theory, a match will burn poorly near the wort that is still walking. Near the fermented surface, the flame will remain even and calm.

In practice, this method does not always work. Carbon dioxide is a volatile substance. Once you open the container with mash, it mixes with oxygen almost immediately. And you, relying on a burning match, distill unfermented mash with residual sugar.


Household assessment methods allow us to determine the readiness of homemade alcohol using improvised means and senses. A professional approach will require special tools, namely a hydrometer, and some training in working with them. The hydrometer is a glass flask with ballast at the bottom. Calibrated in a special way, it allows you to determine the density of liquids into which it is immersed. Let's look at the most commonly used types of devices at home and their operating principles.

Sugar meter

A sugar meter (saccharometer, AS) is a hydrometer whose scale reflects the percentage of sugar in the solution.

Instructions for use:

  1. You pour part of the mash, cool it to 20°C, and strain it to remove any suspended matter.
  2. Lower the sugar meter into the mash for 3-4 minutes. There is no need to throw it too hard to avoid breaking it against the walls of the vessel. Wait for it to balance.
  3. Now you need to look at the indicator. If the amount of sugar does not exceed 1%, it can be distilled.

Experienced moonshiners check the sugar content of the mash not only after the end of fermentation, but also before it begins. The initial sugar content determines how many degrees there will be in the mash before distillation. A wort consisting of 14% sugar will yield a mash with a strength of 9°; from 18% sugar, 11 revolutions of alcohol will be obtained.

Alcohol meter

An alcohol meter (spirometer, ASP) is a type of hydrometer designed to determine the strength in an aqueous-alcohol solution. It is quite difficult to use it for determination. When working, you will first need to get rid of fusel impurities, that is, distill the mash.

Instructions for use:

  1. Pour approximately 200 ml of mash and strain.
  2. Dilute by half with water.
  3. Distill. Bring the resulting distillate to a temperature of 20°C.
  4. Place the alcohol meter in a glass container with distillate and measure its strength.
  5. Repeat the procedure several times in a couple of days. When the strength stops changing, the mash can be considered ready.

Wine meter

Unlike an alcohol meter, which determines the strength of only a water-alcohol solution, a wine meter is suitable for use in mash, wines, and tinctures. Their peculiarity is that, in addition to water and alcohol, they contain sugar, juices, pulp, on which the wort was infused. The easiest to use capillary vinometer.

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