Home Salon Ford fusion ground clearance. Ground clearance of Ford Fusion, increase in ground clearance of Ford Fusion. Increased ground clearance

Ford fusion ground clearance. Ground clearance of Ford Fusion, increase in ground clearance of Ford Fusion. Increased ground clearance

Ford Fusion ground clearance or ground clearance, as for any other passenger car, is an important factor on our roads. It is the condition of the road surface or its complete absence that makes Russian motorists interested in ground clearance and the possibility of increasing ground clearance using spacers.

To begin with, it’s worth saying honestly that real ground clearance of Ford Fusion may differ significantly from what is stated by the manufacturer. The whole secret is in the method of measuring and where to measure ground clearance. Therefore, you can find out the real state of affairs only by arming yourself with a tape measure or ruler. Official clearance of Ford Fusion for the Russian market was 180 mm. Agree that for a compact car with short overhangs, this is a pretty good indicator.

Some manufacturers use a trick and declare the amount of ground clearance in an “empty” car, but in real life we ​​have a trunk full of all kinds of things, passengers and a driver. That is, in a loaded car the ground clearance will be completely different. Another factor that few people take into account is the age of the car and the wear and tear of the springs—their “sagging” due to age. The issue can be resolved by installing new springs or purchasing spacers for Ford Fusion sagging springs. Spacers allow you to compensate for spring subsidence and add a couple of centimeters of ground clearance. Sometimes even an inch of curb parking makes a difference.

But you shouldn’t get carried away with “lifting” the ground clearance of the Ford Fusion, because spacers to increase ground clearance are focused only on springs. If you do not pay attention to the shock absorbers, the travel of which is often very limited, then independently upgrading the suspension can lead to loss of controllability and damage to the shock absorbers. From the point of view of cross-country ability, high ground clearance in our harsh conditions is good, but at high speeds on the highway and in corners, serious sway and additional body roll appear.

Detailed video of installing spacers to increase ground clearance on a Ford Fusion.

Any car manufacturer, when designing the suspension and choosing the ground clearance, looks for a middle ground between handling and cross-country ability. Perhaps the simplest, safest and most unpretentious way to increase clearance is to install wheels with “high” tires. Changing wheels makes it easy to increase the ground clearance by another centimeter.

Don't forget that a major change in ground clearance can damage your Ford Fusion CV joints. After all, the “grenades” will have to work from a slightly different angle. But this only applies to the front axle.

When Ford Fusion appeared in 2002, many questions arose: What is it? Big hatchback? Small SUV? Micro veins? For whom?

Secondly, the ceiling is high - it really is at such a height that is unattainable for passenger cars.

Thirdly, this is a seating position, almost at a right angle, a kind of comfortable home “stool”. The bow and stern of the car are visible, which is very important for city parking. We settled down, let's go, next stop...

Fourthly, this is a mystical trick with distances - everything is easy to reach: open the glove compartment without acrobatic balancing act - please; something rolled behind the seat - whoops! Everything is in its place - the hands themselves reach out to the instruments - the left hand is in the arms of a conveniently shaped steering wheel, the right hand is on the gear knob.

Fifthly, this is digitization in the speedometer and tachometer. Simplicity and brevity are so pleasing to the eye that you just want to look at it, both to the point and just like that.

Six, this is the stove. 5 minutes and the big Fusion is also warm, like a teddy bear. Continuing the warm memories, it is worth noting the heating operation - the glass is normal and without frost.

A little salt is unusual and... In order to blink at a distant oncoming driver, you need to pull the lever towards you. You have to pull lightly, otherwise instead of blinking, the high beam will turn on. And if you pull this miracle lever towards you, then instead of washing the windshield, the rear wiper will start working... The answer is in the puzzle: to turn on the front wipers, you need to press the end button of this steering column lever.

Ford Fusion Specifications
Car model:Ford Fusion
Manufacturer country:Germany
Body type:station wagon
Number of places:5
Number of doors:5
Engine capacity, cc:1596
Power, hp/rpm:101/6000
Maximum speed, km/h:178
Acceleration to 100 km/h, s:10,9
Type of drive:front
Checkpoint:Automatic transmission
Fuel type:petrol
Consumption per 100 km – city:10
Consumption per 100 km - highway:6
Length, mm:4020
Width, mm:1708
Heights, mm:1503
Ground clearance, mm:160
Tire size, inches:195/60 R15
Curb weight, kg:1080
Total weight, kg:1605
Fuel tank volume, l:45

Ford Fusion engine

The 1.6 engine pulls as it should, and in winter it starts as if it had never slept under snow cover. It is confidently gaining momentum. Overtaking with a 1.6 engine, even with a full family and belongings, is like a song, easy and without strain.

The relatives of the 1600 engine include its weaker brother, the 1400. This option, according to Ford Fusion owners who have tested all its technical capabilities, is more suitable for the definition of “sluggish fruit.” But not everyone likes to rush around with their wife and children from the hypermarket?

If you can choose, buy a Ford Fusion, either with a manual transmission or with. The manual transmission is excellent for all engines from the Ford Fusion line - crisp shifts, the clutch is easy to engage. But, when you hear about the sale of a car with a robotic gearbox, it is better to choose another option, especially from the first series (2002-2007). This box is like a mockery of the driver; the car with it turns into a bull in a china shop.


The idea of ​​the Ford Fusion is a compromise, which is clearly evident in the suspension. The choice was: either a soft road, or stability and a “clear” steering wheel. So what does this Ford end up with?

Sharp maneuvers do not frighten the Ford Fusion; it handles road bends easily. This clarity of trajectory, this controlled sliding, without drift. Such habits encourage active use of the steering wheel and gas pedal.

Where is that compromise? Excellent handling, but the sacrifice is smoothness. The suspension on the Ford Fusion works, it fights road problems, but somehow it does it too powerlessly - potholes and joints echo loudly throughout the cabin. Perhaps this is the creation of German engineers, aimed only at the city and good roads. This is not a limousine, after all.

The sounds of combat everyday life of the suspension tell the story of Fusion. In addition to the above-mentioned sounds of shock absorbers, when driving there is noise from under the wheel arches, and a clearly distinguishable baritone of the tires. And when the engine reaches the 3 and a half thousand mark, its howling voice joins the song of Ford Fusion sounds.

The Ford Fusion salon also contributed to the sound,” adds a chorus of small crickets from the cabin. There is no way to understand where they are, where they come from, which slightly extinguishes the positive colors of the impression of this car.


The Ford Fusion has 17 cm, which is respectable, but the most interesting thing is the presence of an “off-road” base and small overhangs. All this allows you to overcome climbs and slopes, descents and embankments, and driving along the ruts left by heavy trucks is generally like clockwork. Yes, there is no all-wheel drive, but there is what is needed, namely “cross-country geometry.” For complete confidence when driving in non-urban areas, crankcase protection is necessary.


Yes, the appearance of the Ford Fusion is like a cure for many problems, however, universal medicines are not suitable for everyone. Automotive engineers have created a truly workhorse, the element of which is the city, with its traffic jams and short distances in a straight line. The city - with its shopping and children in the back seat. No all-wheel drive? It’s a pity, but how would the 4 driving wheels fit this angular “Alloy”...


  1. German assembly
  2. Good standard equipment
  3. Great ground clearance – 170 mm
  4. Small body overhangs
  5. Spacious trunk
  6. Excellent price-quality ratio
  7. Valued on the secondary market
  8. Bus boarding of driver and passengers
  9. The front seat folds down to form a convenient table
  10. The rear sofa is comfortable for three
  11. Lots of compartments and pockets
  12. Standard radio with good sound.
  13. We don't steal.
  14. Cheap insurance.
  15. Smoothly loses value on the secondary market.
  16. There are a lot of cars with rich equipment - power accessories, music, air conditioning, airbags, brake force distribution systems, emergency braking and ABS.
  17. Rear view mirrors like an SUV


  1. The front bumper, especially its lower part, is located very low and clings to curbs.
  2. The plastic parts of the radiator grille are very flimsy.
  3. Poor sound insulation
  4. A little ascetic look
  5. Optics are not always effective
  6. High price for a car.

Video review of Ford Fusion:

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Well, dear friends, I plucked up the courage to install spacers for myself to increase the ground clearance. Because the original springs are 5 years old and 80t.km. completely sagged...

On October 25, I ordered a set of spacers for the rear and front springs for 2500 rubles. in one St. Petersburg office.

Front - 30mm - material - siluin.

Rear - 40mm - material - compacted rubber.

Well, actually the link where all this stuff was found - http://piter42.ru/magazin/product/750649001

Dates 10/28/2012 They will arrive at EKB by EMC mail. I will bet.

I’ll say in advance, over the last two months I’ve ALREADY re-read the entire Internet on this topic, assessed all the pros and cons, and made MY personal decision. So don’t send me to read articles about how “dangerous, categorically scary and perpendicularly unsafe” all of this is.

One day a coward said to a hunter:

- "Don't go into the forest - monsters live there."

-"How do you know that?"

- “The sister of my friend’s neighbor told me that she heard a story from her nephew’s aunt.”

Until you try it yourself, you will never know the truth.

I’ll just say one thing - on the entire Internet I haven’t come across a single review like “Yesterday I installed spacers, today I flew into a ditch because of them,” or “I installed spacers, but a month later the struts started leaking.” The most common fears are those of the “My friend’s neighbor’s sister is my sister... blah blah blah”

But there are positive examples... People, it turns out, put these spacers on completely different cars and don’t notice anything bad.

Of course, the best way is to replace the springs with new ones, but it will be more expensive financially, and you still need to try these spacers+))) My hands have been itching for a long time.

Naturally there will be a photo report on this topic and further on the operation.

Well, actually, the spacers were installed. I don’t think there’s any need to rant too much about the process itself. Those who can do it know everything themselves; those who can’t do it should better trust the service, because there are several subtleties about which even I, watching the whole process, cannot retell right now.

But I’ll try to explain something in a nutshell.

40mm rubber spacers on the rear are placed at the bottom of the spring. They fit in like family along all the cuts. They fit like they came from the factory.

To make the whole procedure easier, it is necessary to jack up both sides so that the beam hangs. It is not necessary to remove the wheels.

The front 30mm ones are placed a little more difficult on the top of the rack under the glass. There is one important point. The original studs for attaching it to the glass were too long. I had to shorten it by about 1cm. Then everything went like clockwork.

Plus, the protection was removed for the winter. Which also added +0.2 - +0.3 cm to the overall clearance. Removed due to safety reasons. I don’t plan to go out into the wild, but if there’s a head-on collision, the protection will prevent the engine from going down and it will go into the cabin on the driver’s feet. Well, fuck him. In winter, the accident rate is higher, and there will be fewer stones under the bottom.

Well, now the best part. Control measurements.

BEFORE installing spacers:

Distance from ground to front arch - 65cm

Distance from ground to rear arch - 67.5 cm

Distance from the ground to the lowest point - 16cm

To the front bumper - 23.5 cm

AFTER installing the spacers:

Distance from the ground to the front arch - 69.5 cm

Distance from ground to rear arch - 70.5 cm

The distance from the ground to the lowest point is the treasured 20cm

To the front bumper - 28cm

The front arch has risen by 4.5 cm

The rear arch has risen by 4cm

Clearance increased by 4 cm

As you may have noticed, BEFORE the spacers, the rear was 2.5 cm higher than the front. Now the difference is only 1 cm. That is, the machine leveled out slightly.

You're probably tormented by a question like, "How come they put 30mm spacers on the front, but the car rose 4.5cm?!?!"

I answer: I’m shocked. My friend, who performed the whole procedure for me, and I were also surprised, but one theory immediately came to mind: apparently, taking into account the conditions of the front suspension, by lengthening the front strut by 3 cm, it begins to put pressure not on the wheel itself, but on the “lever”, thereby creating a certain shoulder, increasing height by another 1.5 cm.

And I kept thinking when I bought the kit, why is the front 30 and the rear 40? Apparently, when selecting, the differences between the front and rear suspension of the Fusion are immediately taken into account.

Tactical driving sensations:

I get behind the wheel. Something is “wrong”... I’m looking. Bah! Yes, now I see a piece of fly swatter on the hood +))) It was not visible before. This means the review has become a little better. And in general, it’s impossible not to notice that getting into the car has become somehow higher. Not by much, but you can feel it. And so the landing was like in a jeep, and now this similarity has become even closer.

I went for a ride. The front suspension now handles bumps better. Somehow it’s more “deaf” or something.

But the rear suspension was a bit disappointing. The "breakdown" stands are now working to capacity, which accordingly makes travel at tram tracks a little louder than before. This doesn't happen often. Only if you miscalculated the speed or accidentally fell into a hole.

Well, to hell with it. Let this be a small price to pay for +4cm to cross-country ability. I'll think about something about extended racks later.

Already managed to test the clearance. Where I usually climbed over the curb carefully, barely touching the protection and threshold, now not a single sound. He just rolled over it without touching anything. I already breathed a sigh of relief, since I encounter this same curb 2 times a day when I park at home and when I leave for work.

The steering wheel has become clearer and more informative. Now I know from the steering wheel which hole I drove with which wheel +))) Well, who knows, maybe this is a minus for some. I wouldn’t say that you have to constantly “catch” the car on the road, but where I was driving 130 along a barely noticeable rut, just stupidly “putting” the steering wheel straight, now I have to “aim” better to get into the rut. Because if the wheels start to “go out” of the track, the steering wheel immediately “shows” this by slightly trying to turn. You have to hold it. Well, that's right. The road is the road. No use holding the steering wheel with your knee+)))

Well, one not entirely clear effect appeared. When you drive at high speed, the wind gusts under the engine, and you can already hear a slight whine in the front arches. I don’t know whether it’s because I’ve become taller, or whether the protection used to reduce the strength of the wind. The feeling is not the most pleasant. It’s getting scary, although today it’s kind of very windy in Ekb... We’ll see, we’ll travel. At least the wind isn’t blowing the car away yet +)))

That's all. Attack.

Speaking about most Western-made cars, only a lazy driver does not note the discrepancy between their characteristics and the quality of long-suffering Russian roads, thus deliberately emphasizing the unsuitability of “bourgeois” cars for our realities. Well, we will probably not cope with the original Russian troubles anytime soon, but I want to drive good cars now!

Meet the Ford Fusion – Urban Activity Vehicle.

The American Ford Fusion, developed by the European branch of the Ford Motor Company in Germany and assembled there, is one of the best-selling Ford cars in Russia, second only to the Ford Focus in sales. The model got its name (Fusion translated as “fusion, symbiosis”) not for the sake of a catchphrase. The designers, assembling cars on the Ford Fiesta platform (fifth generation), quite successfully combined the business properties of a “parquet” all-terrain vehicle and a compact hatchback, so valued in our open spaces by both family people and amateur travelers. The creators themselves position their creation as a UAV - an active city car.

The main qualities of the Ford Fusion hatchback: high ground clearance, which is of particular importance for trips on urban and suburban off-road (and in the Russian outback it is sometimes impossible to distinguish one from the other), a reliable level of safety and a comfortable, roomy interior combined with an affordable price - a really good alloy.
Today, the Ford Fusion is well equipped (and even the basic version includes 15-inch alloy wheels with 195/60 R15 tires, electric power steering, ABS with EBD, 4 airbags and 2 curtain airbags and many other “goodies”) you can buy for less than 600 thousand rubles. Ford Fusion is exactly the case when a decent car, being in the same price range as similar models in this class, has much more advantages.

Despite the fact that Fusion has the same size base as the Ford Fiesta (5th), the technical “similarity” of the car ends there. This compact van has:

  • Large dimensions in all respects. Thus, the length and height of the models differ by 100 mm, the width of the Fusion has increased by almost 40 mm. Any specialist in the car industry understands that the extra millimeters automatically moved the new car into the middle class.
  • Ford Fusion has increased ground clearance (200 mm). Despite this innovation, the Ford Fusion turned out to be quite stable. This was achieved due to its rather compact size. The car retained good maneuverability.
  • Stiffer suspension. The Ford Fusion's suspension is much stiffer than the base Fiesta's. Of course, as a result of this, the technology makes itself felt on road irregularities, but rolls and turns, even at high speeds, do not bother the car at all.
  • Optimal body glazing. Compared to the Fiesta, visibility has improved by 7%.
  • Additional body reinforcement. The front of the car is reinforced with a McPherson, and the rear with a reliable beam, which once again makes us suspect Ford workers of “tailoring” the car for Russian consumers.

As for the interior, it is practically no different from the “fifth Ford Fiesta”. In principle, the creators of the car can be understood: there is no point in exchanging a fairly comfortable design for a more expensive one, making the car more inaccessible due to a couple of additional cup holders or pockets. Although, according to Fusion owners, it would be nice to add a top handle on the first passenger door. They decided to “forget” about it, as in the base model.

The calling card of the Ford Fusion exterior is the powerful bumpers and moldings on the sides of the car; they make this compact hatchback somewhat similar to an SUV. Compared to the “original” Fiesta, the car has significantly improved in design. The high seating position of the car, which, by the way, looks quite compact, allows the driver to feel confident on the road: good visibility is an important factor for successful driving on unfamiliar roads or on country trips.
Of course, design alone does not turn an ordinary front-wheel drive hatchback into an SUV, but for a city car, all-wheel drive, which significantly increases the cost of the design, is not needed.
The designers from Ford decided to keep the optics style in the manner of the group’s most popular models: for example, the headlights are clearly copied from the Connect model. Among the innovations is a stylish rectangular radiator grille, which clearly attracts attention.

Many drivers note as a huge plus the spacious luggage compartment of the Ford Fusion - with a volume of more than 330 liters, typical of minivans. Considering that all the seats in the car have a folding configuration, allowing you to transform the interior into a sleeping place large enough to accommodate an entire family in a matter of minutes, it becomes clear that the car was also created for family trips over long distances.

Technical characteristics of Ford Fusion.
Fusion retained the 16-valve Duratec power units of 1.4/1.6 liters (80/100 hp) with an aluminum crankcase from Fiesta. The engine is quite economical. Claimed fuel consumption is less than 7 liters/100 km. In Russia, a modification with a gasoline engine is available, while in Europe you can also buy a diesel version of the Ford Fusion.
The engine is coupled with five-speed manual and automatic transmissions, although the “robot” is only available in version 1.4. Based on reviews from car owners, we can note the good quality of the gearboxes: smooth operation, the ability to switch without using the clutch, and automatic operation.
According to reviews from test drivers, the Ford Fusion behaves reliably and confidently at low speeds, calmly overcoming all obstacles. Of the comments - somewhat sluggish acceleration at low speeds. If you increase them to 3500, the “take-off” is much more free. A similar hitch is felt during emergency overtaking and numerous sharp turns.
This behavior of the engine, inherited from the Ford Fiesta, is understandable: due to the increase in dimensions, the weight of the Fusion has also changed. In addition, the engines were “adjusted” to Euro-4 environmental standards, limiting the throttle opening, thereby reducing the CO2 content in the exhaust gases. In principle, speed and sharp acceleration for a city car are not as important as maneuverability, environmental friendliness or functionality. Therefore, these characteristics fell into one of the last places.
Also, some stress at high speed is caused by windage, which apparently arises from the high body.
In all other respects, the Ford Fusion has good performance. As the testers noted, the car has a “light character”: excellent handling, good maneuverability, including sharp turns, and tenacity. The presence of directional stability mode makes driving easier.

When creating the Ford Fusion for family people, Ford designers paid great attention to safety. According to the test results, out of a possible 5 points, Fusion received 4, and even then the “under-qualified” point was a problem with the safety of pedestrians, and had nothing to do with the driver and passengers.

Ford Fusion prices in 2012 they start at ~510 thousand rubles (for the “basic” Core package - a 1.4-liter 80-horsepower engine with a 5-speed manual transmission, where the only “conveniences” are front airbags, power steering, ABS and central locking ). The cost of the Ford Fusion compact van in the Elegance 1.6+4 automatic transmission package (in addition to the “base” there is also: air conditioning, side airbags, fog lights, front electric windows, power accessories for mirrors, audio system with CD) can exceed 640 thousand rubles (especially if you come in to replenish it somewhat).

Of course, the main obstacle or test for imported cars in Russia is their operation in deep holes, bumps and potholes. Not every crossover can withstand such tests, not to mention passenger cars. However, there is such a “passenger car” in the world that will withstand any Russian pits - the American-made Ford Fusion. In fact, it is the “highest” car in its class. Depending on the modification of the Ford Fusion, the ground clearance of this car is 160 (for the 1.4-liter version) or 180 (for the 1.6-liter version) millimeters. However, sometimes even for Russian roads it is not enough. Therefore, today we will look at ways in which you can increase clearance.

The Ford Fusion, however, like all other imported cars, is mainly equipped with special polyurethane or rubber inserts that allow you to raise the car by at least 5-10 centimeters. Anything with “homemade” springs and lengthening the shock absorbers will not give you a normal result, since in any case the car will lose control, and the inside will shake no worse than a horse-drawn carriage. Think about it - it’s not for nothing that the manufacturer made exactly this size of springs and struts. That is why it is extremely undesirable to change the technical values ​​of the suspension. And the spacers, which are installed between the body and the support pillar of the car, have absolutely no effect on the car in the technical part and do not shift the center of gravity. True, one can argue with the last statement. If the rubber spacers are installed incorrectly, the car will actually drive with a displaced center of gravity.

How are these spacers installed on the front part of the suspension?

The process of installing them is not very difficult and will not take you more than 20-30 minutes. The sequence of stages is as follows:

If you have any difficulties...

Sometimes it happens that the mechanisms do not lie flat (as a rule, this happens with domestically produced parts). In this case, in order to increase the ground clearance (Ford Fusion), it is necessary to process the inserts with a file until they fall into place. In this case, the increase can last up to several hours.

Ford Fusion ground clearance: installing spacers on the rear of the suspension

Here, too, everything happens in stages, only in a different way:

  • The back of the rear seat is removed.
  • The center nut is loosening
  • The stand is disassembled, both springs are tightened.
  • A spacer is installed on top of the spring.
  • The rack is mounted back, the central nut is pulled through and the rear seat is assembled.

During installation of this device, it is also recommended to diagnose the rebound buffer, strut and rubber boot.

At this stage, the answer to the question of how to increase the ground clearance of the Ford Fusion can be considered received.

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