Home Engine Effective oil additives. Selecting engine oil additives Prices for Suprotec ACTIVE PLUS

Effective oil additives. Selecting engine oil additives Prices for Suprotec ACTIVE PLUS

As you know, over the past few years, a huge number of protective, detergent, anti-friction, reducing and other additives in motor oil have appeared on the market for fuels and lubricants and auto chemicals. On sale you can find additives with ceramics, molybdenum additives, various compositions with nanocomponents, etc.

As a rule, the main task of such solutions is to protect the engine from friction by creating a special layer on the surface of loaded parts. Manufacturers also promise improved properties.

Naturally, there is a constant debate among motorists about whether engine additives help, whether it is worth pouring additives into the engine, especially if the car is new, how such compounds can improve the performance of a worn motor, etc. In this article, we will try to answer these frequently asked questions.

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Additives in the engine: benefit or harm

So, the main interest is usually the so-called protective anti-friction compounds. As the manufacturers promise, subject to their regular use, the motor resource increases significantly. Moreover, if the lubricant leaks out for any reason, the engine will even be able to work for a certain time without oil, while its components and parts will not suffer due to reliable protection.

Another equally popular group among all kinds of compounds are reducing additives. According to manufacturers, these solutions will allow the old engine to return to normal operation, get rid of increased oil and fuel consumption, and minimize knocks and noises. In other words, for the owner of a car with a worn out engine, such additives are positioned as an affordable alternative to repair.

After using such compounds, drivers are usually divided into three groups:

  1. Some owners note improvements.
  2. Others do not see any difference after using the formulations.
  3. The third group includes those drivers who, after using the additive in the engine, the consequences manifested themselves in the form of deterioration in the operation of the internal combustion engine or failure of the power unit.

Let's figure it out. First of all, for the actual confirmation or refutation of certain results, it is necessary to conduct a number of special laboratory tests. Only then can an unambiguous assessment be given. In other cases, it is necessary to make an adjustment for a huge number of conditions and individual factors.

Naturally, ordinary drivers cannot conduct tests in the laboratory. However, in practice, it has been experimentally found that although additives, as a rule, are not capable of quickly and severely damaging the engine, the benefits of using them are either absent or minimal. Given the low cost of the additives themselves, certain conclusions can also be drawn.

As for the obvious harm to the motor, some complaints from owners after using oil additives also come. It is often noted that the insides of the engine are covered with a viscous layer, the channels are clogged, after which the unit must be disassembled and thoroughly washed.

There are also cases where the additive reacted with engine oil, which led to a noticeable change in the color of the lubricant. This indicates the occurrence of unknown chemical processes in the engine.

Still sometimes there is information that after disassembling the engine, in which protective antifriction additives were used for a long time, a characteristic hard layer was found on the parts. The problem is that it is difficult to remove such a layer for restoring (restoring) the element, as a result of which, during the engine repair, it is necessary to immediately change the part.

Checking engine additives in practice

Given the current situation around additives, several automobile clubs, auto publications, as well as individual enthusiasts, have repeatedly conducted various practical tests and experiments.

It is quite obvious that the most reliable can be considered the results that were obtained by simultaneously checking several cars at once, moreover, on special stands.

The fact is that this approach eliminates the influence of outside temperatures, driving style, driving modes, etc. Exactly such a test was carried out at different times by the experts of the magazine "Behind the wheel", the German automobile club ADAC and others.

In the first source, only the positive effect of additives on the motor was separately noted (increased compression, reduced wear, etc.). The only thing is that in the comparative test of the compositions, Suprotec, well-known on the domestic market, appears in the top three almost everywhere.

Taking into account the fact that this brand in the CIS constantly conducts an active advertising campaign, attracts well-known auto bloggers, reviewers, specialists and experts to cooperate, one can somewhat doubt the test results and the complete reliability of the information provided.

But the Germans from the ADAC club focus on the fact that their tests revealed the actual uselessness of using protective and other compounds in oil. There was no noticeable improvement or deterioration on all three test vehicles.

Given that in order to obtain a stable result, the manufacturer separately recommends using the additive constantly, over time, this practice will lead to significant financial costs, and without a clear result.

As a result, the unit starts to work better and quieter for obvious reasons. Another noteworthy fact is that both in Europe and in the CIS, the vast majority of such funds have not passed official tests.

What is the result

So, given the above information, the following becomes clear:

  • The benefit of additives is possible, but it is minimal. Moreover, given the cost of products, such an improvement can be considered doubtful.
  • as a rule, it is simply impossible to restore the performance of a worn engine for a long time with additives. In other words, if a positive effect does appear, it is still just a short-term delay until the overhaul.
  • as for new engines, automakers themselves do not recommend the use of such additives. You also need to consider that if the fact of their use is established and proven, the manufacturer will refuse to repair the machine under warranty.

As you can see, regular maintenance, preventive procedures, the use of high-quality oil and fuel, as well as the competent operation of the vehicle will maximize.

If the driver seeks in any way to reduce fuel consumption, increase power and preserve the resource of the internal combustion engine, while doubting whether it is worth pouring additives into the engine, then instead of additives, it is better to change oil and filters in a timely manner, as well as other consumables.

At the same time, you need to monitor tire pressure, avoid, do not practice aggressive driving, etc. It is this approach that will become the key to a long life of the vehicle and the motor without any additional investments.

Read also

How molybdenum additives work, is it worth using engine oil with this additive in the engine. Practical application of molybdenum and results.

  • Use of anti-wear, anti-smoke and other additives to reduce oil consumption. Pros and cons after applying the additive to the engine.

  • There are four types - detergents (clean the injector and fuel system of the car), absorbent (remove moisture from the fuel), octane correctors (increase the octane number) and universal (as a rule, they combine the properties of all the above additives). As practice shows, their use does not always give the desired result, and sometimes even vice versa, additives harm the engine and / or fuel system.

    This is due, firstly, to the most used means, and secondly, to the conditions in which they are used. Therefore, before buying certain fuel additives for gasoline, it is necessary to clearly understand the mechanism of their work and the possible consequences. If you had a positive or negative experience with additives, please write about it in the comments. This will help other car enthusiasts.

    Description of additive types

    The characteristics of various additives may differ depending on the composition and manufacturing technology, therefore, despite the general purpose, each type of additive has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before we move on to a direct rating and determine which of the additives for gasoline will be better, consider the general characteristics of all four types.

    Cleansing additives

    Additives in gasoline for cleaning or detergent additives are designed to remove carbon deposits and tar from the surfaces of engine fuel system parts, including for. Plaque builds up over time even when using the highest quality fuel.

    Additives for gasoline, cleaning the fuel system, It is recommended to use only as a prophylactic. This is due to the fact that with a significant mileage (over 100 thousand kilometers) without cleaning the fuel system, there is a risk of the opposite effect, that is, harm from the use of the additive. This can happen when, under the influence of the chemical composition, the carbon deposits exfoliate from the surface of the working parts and enter the fuel. Large particles can completely or partially disable the nozzles.

    Some automakers, such as the VAG concern, produce special additives designed for use in the engines of cars manufactured by its manufacturers. A striking example is the car Skoda Octavia A7, the regulations of which provide for the periodic use of its cleaning additive.

    Considering that the price of a gasoline additive is relatively low (we will discuss this issue below) compared to the cost of a full-fledged procedure or an injector, the product can be recommended as an effective way to prevent and clean the fuel system. Just use it regularly!

    Sometimes on sale you can find additives in gasoline for decarbonizing rings. In fact, they are analogues of the cleaning compositions described above. It’s worth mentioning right away that at best they can be used for prevention, and in most cases there will be no sense from them. If you buy them, you will just waste your money. Other means are used for decoking.

    Desiccant additives

    These compounds are designed to remove moisture from the fuel, which gets there as condensate formed on the walls of the gas tank and / or during refueling in frosty times at gas stations. It will not be superfluous to recall that water in fuel is very dangerous. It is not only detrimental to the engine, but it can simply freeze, damaging the fuel lines or the filter mesh.

    Drying additives consist of 80...90% alcohol. The rest of the volume is made up of various chemical absorbent compounds. Before you buy an additive designed to remove moisture, you need to understand that in fact, these funds are ineffective! This means that they are able to remove only a small amount of moisture from the fuel (up to a maximum of 1%, in reality even less). Therefore, they can also be used only as a preventive measure. If you refueled with low-quality gasoline, which contains water, then it must be drained, otherwise the engine may be subjected to.

    Fuel Catalysts

    Description of the octane corrector

    These are additives for gasoline that provide an increase in the octane number, the so-called octane correctors. In addition, according to manufacturers, they are able to reduce fuel consumption and increase engine power. Almost all of them consist of monohydric alcohols, ethers and allotropes of carbon. That is, from the same components as the modern 92nd and 95th gasoline. And this is an obvious disadvantage, given the price of this tool.

    A can of liquid is usually designed for 100 ... 200 liters of fuel. This gives additional costs, since regular gasoline is cheaper. It should also be noted that in practice the octane number increases not by the promised 5 ... 7 units, but by real 2 (approximately). Therefore, in most cases, advertising of octane correctors is a common marketing ploy, the purpose of which is to mislead the buyer (in most cases).

    Thus, it makes sense to add fuel catalysts only in one case - if you refueled with low-quality fuel and the nearest gas station is still a long way to go. But if this happens, then it is better to drain the bad gasoline, clean the fuel system, and refuel with high-quality fuel.

    Universal additives

    Usually these funds are only an advertising product of their manufacturers, with rare exceptions. Miracles do not happen, one composition cannot successfully clean the fuel system, increase the octane number and remove moisture. Therefore, they are not recommended for purchase. As a last resort, buy a gasoline additive for the specific purposes described above.

    Rating of the best additives

    Currently, a huge range of various additives is presented on the shelves of car dealerships, both from world-famous and small manufacturers. Below is a ranking of the best gasoline additives, based on reviews and tests of independent motorists that they have shared on the Internet. Naturally, the choice of one or another product should be based on the assortment of goods in the store (often these are logistics issues in different regions), value for money, composition, and so on. And remember that purchases must be made in trusted stores with all necessary permits. This minimizes the chance of buying a fake!

    Hi Gear Octane Plus Cleaner. This is perhaps the most popular octane corrector among domestic motorists. It is made in the USA. It is sold in a 237 ml package with a dispenser.

    The composition of the product includes the so-called Friction Winner (ER) - a complex of anti-seize and softening agents that extend the life of parts of the engine fuel system. Due to this, the corrector not only increases the octane number by approximately 5 ... 6 units (according to manufacturers, in reality, by 2 ... 3), but also prevents the appearance of carbon deposits on the intake valves and in the combustion chamber. This reduces wear on valves and piston rings. Also, the tool minimizes the appearance of detonation, removes glow ignition and reduces fuel consumption by approximately 5 ... 7% (this is verified by real tests).

    The corrector can be used with both injection and carburetor engines. Article - HG3308. The price as of the beginning of 2018 is 500 rubles.

    Liqui Moly Octane Plus. This octane corrector is recommended for use if low-quality fuel was poured into the gas tank. It is sold in a package of 150 ml, which is enough for 50 liters of gasoline.

    The manufacturer indicates that the product is able to increase the octane number by 2 ... 5.5 units, depending on the gasoline used. That is, with the same volumes of the corrector used, the octane number for the 92nd gasoline will increase more, and for the 95th, respectively, less. The catalyst prevents detonation in the engine, increases power and dynamic performance (albeit slightly). The product is catalytic converter safe and will not clog spark plugs.

    The article is 3954. The price of an additive in gasoline is 300 rubles for the mentioned package of 150 ml.

    "TOTEK UMT". The last three letters are an abbreviation for the phrase "motor fuel booster". It is a development of a Russian manufacturer. This catalyst not only increases the octane number, but also performs the following functions:

    • increases the value of the engine efficiency, as well as its torque by approximately 7;
    • reduces fuel consumption by 5%;
    • protects the working surfaces of nozzles and valves from the appearance of soot and other debris on them;
    • cleans spark plugs from ferrocene deposits;
    • reduces the value of emissions of harmful compounds - CO, CH, NOx;
    • protects the motor from possible detonation;
    • removes moisture from the fuel system.

    Car owners note that the rate of fuel combustion increases significantly, as a result of which the engine temperature decreases and moisture leaves. Packing volume of 500 ml is enough for 250 liters of gasoline. The price of such a package is approximately 600 rubles.

    LAVR Oktane Plus. It is a highly effective additive in gasoline, which allows to increase its octane number. It is especially recommended to use it under conditions of high engine loads. Also, the tool can be used on an ongoing basis. Thanks to this, the following positive properties of the engine can be achieved:

    • increase in the octane number of gasoline by 5 ... 6 units (depending on the fuel used);
    • getting rid of detonation and glow ignition;
    • reduction of soot formation on fuel system parts;
    • increase in engine power and at the same time reduce the amount of fuel consumed;
    • increase the resource of the car engine.

    Sold in a 310 ml can. Its article number is LN2111. The cost of packaging is 200 rubles.

    Liqui Moly Injection Reiniger Light. It is a cleaning additive for gasoline engines. Recommended for use as a prophylactic (for example, when buying a used car). Performs cleaning of all parts of the fuel system - lines, rails, nozzles, gas tank. Including provides anti-corrosion protection, and also reduces the amount of harmful substances in exhaust gases.

    Suitable for engines with catalytic converters. A distinctive feature is the guaranteed protection that the product does not lift dirt from the bottom of the gas tank and the walls of the fuel lines. It also performs additional functions - increases throttle response, reduces fuel consumption, reduces the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere.

    Sold in a 300 ml bottle. The article of the goods is 7529. The price of the additive in gasoline is 350 rubles.

    Castrol TBE. It is a multifunctional additive, very popular among motorists. It is highly efficient and can be used with gasolines from 91 to 98 octane on injection or carbureted engines. Including it can be used with engines equipped with turbines and catalysts.

    Castrol TBE does not improve the octane number of gasoline! It performs other functions - it provides anti-corrosion protection to fuel system parts, prevents icing of the mentioned parts, prevents the formation of harmful deposits in fuel lines and injectors, and cleans the fuel system from deposits that have already formed.

    It is sold in a package of 250 ml (enough for 250 liters of fuel, mixed in a ratio of 1:1000), article number - 4008177830341. The price of such a package is 500 rubles.

    "Suprotek SGA". This is a multifunctional cleaning and reconditioning additive for gasoline engines. Its tasks include cleaning, lubrication, and corrosion protection of fuel system parts, reducing wear of nozzles, injectors, fuel pumps, as well as SGA uses Suprotec tribotechnology, which works with friction surfaces in fuel equipment (plungers, needles , valves), which leads to the restoration of their technical characteristics. Recommended as a preventive measure at every refueling. Its regular use will lead to the following positive effects:

    • reduced fuel consumption;
    • restoration of technical properties of fuel equipment;
    • an increase in engine power and, as a result, an increase in the dynamic characteristics of the car;
    • increase in the time resource of operation of individual parts of the fuel system (restoration of friction surfaces along with a decrease in the likelihood of their premature failure);
    • increase in the resource of turbochargers and catalysts;
    • reducing the amount of harmful substances in exhaust gases and reducing the amount of the latter.

    For vehicles with mileage over 50,000 kilometers and an engine with an external mixture system, it is recommended to first apply the "Fuel System Cleaner" for gasoline engines, and then start the continuous use of the "SGA" additive.

    Sold in two 50 ml bottles. each. The article is 122806. The price is 310 rubles.

    1 bottle of 50 ml is designed for 40 - 60 liters of fuel (approximately 1 ml per 1 liter of fuel). Pour the additive into the fuel tank before refueling the vehicle.

    LAVR Dry Fuel Petrol. It is a gasoline additive designed to neutralize water in fuel. It is a fairly effective and inexpensive tool that allows you to remove moisture when refueling with low-quality gasoline or when storing a car in the off-season. Performs the following positive actions:

    • effectively neutralizes moisture, constantly being in the fuel system;
    • has a defrosting effect, which allows water not to turn into ice;
    • maintains stable operation of the engine in all modes;
    • facilitates cold start of the engine;
    • increases the resource of fuel fittings and increases its service life.

    The additive has demonstrated good qualities, so it is quite possible to use it both on a regular basis, especially in the cold season, and simply have it in stock in case low-quality fuel is filled into the tank.

    The product is sold in a 310 ml can. Article - LN2103. Its price is 200 rubles.

    Sintec Fuel Dryer. Another dehumidifier. A distinctive feature of the additive in gasoline is a low price with sufficient efficiency. Therefore, it is highly recommended for use. It does not perform any additional functions other than moisture removal. This is directly stated in the instructions. The volume of moisture that the agent is actually able to remove is about 0.5%.

    Sold in a 325 ml bottle. According to the description, this volume is sufficient for use with 40...60 liters of fuel. The price of the specified volume is about 100 rubles.

    Wynn's Supremium. It is positioned as a universal tool. The manufacturer claims that the car enthusiast will receive better quality fuel thanks to the additive, but in practice this turns out to be a banal marketing ploy. However, the additive actually performs the following useful actions:

    • reduces fuel consumption;
    • performs the functions of cleaning the elements of the fuel system - injectors, nozzles, lines, valves, and so on;
    • increases the overall engine life;
    • has lubricating properties, protecting engine elements and extending their life;
    • performs anti-corrosion treatment of surfaces of engine parts and fuel system in particular;
    • removes moisture from the fuel in the system;
    • helps to reduce harmful substances in exhaust gases by 30%;
    • makes it easier.

    According to motorists who have used this tool, Wynn's Supremium does have a positive effect on the internal combustion engine, although it may not be to the extent described in its advertisement. However, the additive is recommended for use.

    Sold in a 250 ml bottle. Article - W22810. The price of a can of additive for gasoline is approximately 350 rubles.

    Before using one or another additive, carefully read the instructions for its use, especially pay attention to the recommended fill volume. Deviation from the manufacturer's recommendations can lead to disastrous consequences for the car.

    Other gasoline additives

    There are several more "folk" additives that motorists add to fuel. In particular, we are talking about alcohol and acetone in gasoline. There are many conflicting opinions on this matter. Let's try to dot the "E".

    The most popular and inexpensive fuel additive is acetone. Its price is much lower than factory additives, and the effect of use is approaching them. In addition, the mentioned additives are approximately 90% acetone or similar chemical compounds. One recipe is to add about 150 grams of this product to 40 liters of gasoline (correspondingly, 75 grams to 20 liters).

    Do not use acetone with carbureted engines! It's fatal to him!

    Another popular remedy in this vein is isopropyl alcohol. It has similar properties. The volume of use is 100 grams per 10 ... 20 liters of gasoline. In some cases, fuel can be added alcohol and acetone together. In accordance with one of the folk recipes, it is necessary to pour 30 grams of acetone and 50 grams of alcohol into a volume of 10 liters of gasoline.

    Another original product that motorists add to gasoline is solvent 646. It consists of toluene, ethanol, butanol, acetone and several other components.

    What is useful acetone when mixed with gasoline? There are a number of objective factors, including:

    1. Acetone is a volatile substance with a high oxygen content. This contributes to better (complete) combustion of the fuel. In turn - is the reason for the increase in efficiency and engine torque.
    2. Acetone is completely miscible with water. As a result, the moisture in the fuel system is completely removed with the exhaust gases. Isopropyl alcohol also removes moisture very well.
    3. Acetone is a solvent, so it perfectly cleans the surfaces of fuel system parts from carbon deposits, resins and other debris. And it does it more gently than special solvents. Moreover, acetone can be used on an ongoing basis, which makes it possible to save on cleaning the fuel system in the service.
    4. The combustion temperature of acetone is ten times lower than that of gasoline. Therefore, it lowers the operating temperature of the engine. This is especially true at high loads and in the hot season. In addition, it greatly improves knock resistance.
    5. Acetone can be safely added to high-octane gasoline, because the car's ECU will not give errors and will perfectly accept the new fuel mixture.

    Also, in small quantities, medical or technical ethyl alcohol can be added to the fuel.

    Thus, the use of cheaper, but no less effective chemical compounds will allow you to save your own money on car maintenance.

    Instead of a conclusion

    As you can see, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of which gasoline additive is better? It all depends on the specific goals and situation. As for additives for cleaning the fuel system, they can only be used for preventive purposes. If the mileage of the car without cleaning the corresponding components exceeds 100 thousand kilometers, then the use of such compounds can only do harm. Moisture remover additives are only appropriate if you have filled the tank with low-quality fuel, and then only as a temporary remedy that does not guarantee protection. Similar reasoning is also valid for octane correctors. It's good to have them "just in case".

    Summing up, it is worth pointing out that the effectiveness of the use of additional additives, regardless of their purpose, not officially proven. Therefore, most often they are only a marketing product, and in most cases they do not fulfill the tasks indicated in their description, but there are exceptions. So the choice of one or another additive should always be approached with skepticism. Thus, the answer to the question of whether to use additives or not lies entirely with the car owner.

    There are many recommendations in order to maximize the service life. One of the more interesting tips is adding an additive to your engine oil. What is it? This is usually referred to as a specially designed chemical mixture that improves the properties of lubricants and thereby allows
    not just improve performance, but even restore normal operation in case of some technical problems.

    The use of additives must be carried out wisely and carefully thought out in advance. After all, each of them has various useful properties that will find their application only in cases where it is necessary.

    In our country, the attitude towards these compounds remains mostly negative. Motorists believe that the engine always functions worse after additives, and do not trust these additives.


    However, in most cases, engine additives are useful components for the car that just need to be properly selected and used. How to do this and what is the best additive in the engine, we learn from our article.

    The main purposes of using additives for the engine

    So, for starters, let's decide on the purpose of using additives for the engine. In fact, it is advisable to use it for cars that have traveled more than a hundred thousand kilometers.

    In most cases, it is not advisable to fill them into the engine of a newly purchased, new model that has recently rolled off the assembly line. With a few exceptions, which we will mention.

    In general, the use of additives will not provide any positive difference compared to the regular replacement of lubricants.

    But additives in engine oil, the resource of which has already been used by at least 50%, can be very useful. What exactly? Let's list in general terms.

    1. The power of the old engine can be seriously increased with their help.
    2. Fuel costs will drop significantly.
    3. The amount of toxic substances emitted from the exhaust system into the environment will decrease.
    4. The operation of the old car will be much safer.
    5. The resource of durability can significantly increase.
    6. In some cases, with the help of an oil additive, it is even possible to restore the correct operation of the power unit.
    7. Cleaning hydraulic lifters on new cars.

    Oil additive to restore and preserve the resource

    Despite the large number of useful properties, the main benefit is that the additive retains a useful resource for the engine, protecting it from premature destruction.

    So, additives to oil in the first type of engine form a protective film immediately after addition, reduce friction and maintain the integrity of the parts.

    The use of remetallizers is a somewhat more complicated procedure. Waste lubricating fluid is drained, flushed, filters replaced. After that, the remetallizant is poured in, the motor idles for no more than half an hour, after which the lubricating fluid is poured.

    This additive forms a more serious protective layer that eliminates small cracks and damage to the engine, thus increasing its service life. The resource of the additive can be up to 10,000 km, after which it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

    Rice. 1. The simplest scheme of operation of remetallizers.


    Engine oil additive for worn engines may differ depending on the active substance. There are only 3 main types.

      Metal cladding - used in most remetallizers. It is this substance that fills the damaged areas and levels the inner surface. Restoration of a car engine is usually carried out using components of this particular type.

      Mineral - perform a grinding function. Effective for creating a protective cermet layer.

      Polyester - remove solid mud deposits in the internal combustion engine.

    The best emergency help

    When the engine is on the verge of a serious breakdown, it is recommended to use the best engine additive with a high content of phosphorus and zinc. It significantly reduces friction and fills microcracks.

    This is an excellent way out of a situation where major repairs are postponed due to objective reasons, and there is an urgent need to operate the machine.

    But do not think that such a measure will completely replace the repair work. This will only allow you to drive about another thousand kilometers without fear of the destruction of the power unit, but no more.

    Rice. 2. Line from the company Liquid Moli.

    Durability for high mileage powertrains

    What additives are added if there is a desire to take care of additional protection and extend the life of the engine? Most often, those that include the zinc we mentioned, as well as copper.

    The layer created by these substances reduces wear by an average of 25-35%.

    New car

    Earlier we noted that even the best additives for a new car engine are often useless, and in some cases even harmful. This is due to the fact that metals such as zinc and copper, which are ideal for rebuilding old systems and filling defects, are not suitable for pouring into a new unit.

    Instead of being useful, they will most likely clog the channels and, on the contrary, will accelerate the occurrence of a breakdown. What additive can be poured, if you really want to? It is worth paying attention to the compositions using chlorinated paraffin. This will keep most of the useful properties of engine oil throughout the entire period of use.

    Filled and cleaned. Cleaning hydraulic lifters

    The best oil additive for an engine with seriously clogged hydraulic lifters does not contain any metals, but only detergents that act as solvents and allow for effective cleaning.

    It is not recommended to add them to a lubricating fluid that has worked for some time - the efficiency will be low. It is best to fill with a complete replacement.

    Reducing compression or how to make sure that the car does not eat oil

    Some oil consumption reducing additives can be used to increase pressure. For this, only remetallizers are best suited, but they, of course, are not able to solve the problem completely, only to provide a slight delay until a normal overhaul.

    Directional action

    To eliminate defects and cracks so that the engine does not knock, an additive containing molybdenum disulfide is also perfect. It effectively reduces friction and fills existing cracks.

    For diesel and petrol units

    In general, it doesn't matter if you need an oil additive for a diesel engine or an additive for a gasoline engine. Almost all of them are completely universal and suitable for use in both diesel and gasoline systems.

    The only difference may be in the dosage and usually there is an indication of this on the instructions for use.

    Rice. 3 Suprotec.

    The best supplement: suprotek, hado, liquid moth.

    Supplements on the market are amazing in their diversity. There are foreign, and there are Russian additives. How to choose the best additive for the engine to an inexperienced motorist?

    To begin with, it should be remembered that supplements differ in purpose. Therefore, if the driver buys compounds that contain components for effective flushing of deposits to restore the power unit, then of course there will be no effect. But this does not mean that the composition is ineffective. Such a comparison of additives will look incorrect.


    So, among the variety of supplements, we will try to choose the best ones. If you believe the reviews and numerous reviews, then according to the absolute majority of matches, the winners are the products:

      domestic production - suprotek, resources;

      German production - liquid moth;

      Ukrainian production - hado.

    Suprotec is a tribological composition. This name hides not a new additive that gives the oil new properties. It is an additive that works independently, without being dissolved in oil, performs its functions: reduces fuel consumption, reduces friction and extends the life of the piston system. The basis is made up of special mineral powders.

    Rice. 4. Resources.

    The domestic additive resurs uses a special alloy of copper, tin and silver. In fact, it is also a remetallizer that eliminates damage and creates a protective layer.

    The additive will be useful for owners of older cars that have a strong engine knock.

    The liquid moth contains phosphorus, zinc, copper, molybdenum disulfide. All these components can provide the old unit with reliable protection for a long time.

    The popular brand of hado contains revitalizants in its composition - they build up a ceramic-metal layer in those places where damage or cracks occur.


    How much will you have to pay for the highest quality supplements listed in our article? The most expensive is liquid moth. For a bottle you will have to pay 1200 - 1600 rubles.


    Prices for Suprotec products are in a similar range, on average 1,300 rubles per jar. Representatives of XADO and Resurs are a little cheaper - on average, they ask for a little more than 1,000 rubles per bottle.

    Like any other unit, the car engine is subject to wear during operation. This applies in particular to machines manufactured in the Russian Federation. There is a method to extend the life of the power unit and all its parts. It consists in observing the intervals for changing the oil fluid, the use of special additives.

    What is the effect of engine additives? What features do they have? What gives their application?


    An additive is a product that is poured into a fuel or lubricant to improve the performance of a vehicle. Currently, there are many types of these additives. Particular attention should be paid to anti-smoke, cleaning, anti-wear, anti-oxidation and reducing additives.

    Most engine oil / fuel additives reduce fuel costs and restore dynamic performance and engine power. Additives are classified according to the method of use.

    Additives in gasoline / diesel significantly reduce fuel costs. Due to special components, they improve the characteristics of the fuel, its octane index, and eliminate excess condensate from the tank. When penetrating into the combustion chamber of the engine, the agent cleans the intake valves, chamber walls, and all parts of the fuel complex.

    Engine recovery additives are usually poured into car oil. Due to their own characteristics, they perfectly eliminate accumulated dirt, carbon deposits, tar from the engine. In addition, engine oil additives reduce the friction of contacting parts, increase the strength and wear resistance of the lubricating film, therefore, the internal combustion engine works more efficiently. Many manufacturers advise pouring additives into the engine to grind parts in a newly purchased car. Such tools restore the ceramic-metal coating on worn parts of the engine. All this ensures the uninterrupted operation of the power unit, extends the operating period of pistons and cylinders.


    Reducing additives in engine oil are made from various elements. What are the additives? Such consumables can be divided into 3 categories:

    1. Metal cladding. When they enter the friction areas, a new cladding layer is formed. It can correct deformations formed on the coating of metal parts due to wear of pistons and crankshaft bearings.
    2. Mineral. They provide good restoration of cermets on motor parts, micro-grind steel parts.
    3. Polyester, chlorinated paraffin. Such tools are not as common as the previous types of additives. They act as flushes to remove carbon deposits and fouling from diesel/gasoline engine parts.

    How additives work

    What do additives give that are poured into the internal combustion engine? Getting into the car oil, they form a liquid crystal of cermet. When the load on the motor increases (temperature and compression increase), this element works like welding, eliminates holes, protrusions, cracks. A protective layer appears on the coating of the contacting parts. Studies show that alloying of lapping parts is carried out to a depth of up to 200 microns. This is due to the fact that modern oil additives contain nickel, platinum, tantalum and cobalt elements.

    How do reducing additives differ from additive components in motor oils

    Any motorist knows that factory motor oils contain many useful additives. Manufacturers around the world claim this. They do not advise mixing car oil with other means. Mixing, they say, can change the composition of the lubricant. Experts believe that additives for rebuilding / cleaning an internal combustion engine are significantly different. Let's find out why.

    The fact is that the additives that manufacturers talk about are means that determine the performance of a car oil. This means that the lubricant is one continuous additive. In view of the fact that it is not very profitable for oil manufacturers to disclose such information, they position their own products as oils with a “balanced additive package”.

    The effectiveness of restorative additives

    Not so long ago, on a popular forum of motorists, the results of using a well-known tool that is added to the VAZ-2110 power unit were posted. Before testing on special equipment, we measured the power and pressure of the engine. Results: power - 61 hp, pressure - 8 kgf per square centimeter. After two thousand kilometers traveled, the measurements were carried out again. The maximum power of the internal combustion engine increased by twenty percent, and the compression in the cylinder block increased to 12 kgf per square centimeter.

    Popular Supplements


    XADO is a Russian manufacturer of lubricants. Over the twenty years of its existence, it has become popular both in the CIS and other countries. Can this company be trusted? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. There are many reviews that characterize the company both positively and negatively. The fact that "XADO" as an additive in the engine is the best, say the drivers who used it. In their reviews, they partially describe and analyze it, share their impressions of the application.

    Opponents are motorists who did not use XADO products. Their reviews do not contain specific information.

    XADO additives

    It should be noted that XADO additives do not damage the motor. Choose and use this product safely and effectively. Drivers claim that even after 300,000 kilometers the engine functions smoothly, does not troit, does not smoke. The list of benefits is quite large.

    Of the minuses, many motorists highlight the high cost of consumables. Indeed, XADO produces expensive additives. The cost of one tube of ten milliliters is 300 rubles. To fully restore the power unit, you will need to spend about one and a half thousand rubles. No wonder - the best additive can not be cheap.


    One of the best supplements out there. Its purpose is to eliminate cracks, reduce fuel costs. Fuel consumption is reduced by ten to fifteen percent. The product copes with its task both in summer and in winter. In addition, it is inexpensive. A tube of a product called "Suprotek" with a volume of ninety milliliters costs one and a half thousand. This is almost two times less than the price of XADO additives.

    SUPROTEC additives

    Filler selection

    What additive to fill in the engine? How do I choose the cleaner/rebuilder that will have the best compatibility with my motor? Consult with a specialist, such as a store employee, an experienced driver. Ask which engine additive is best. Do not choose too cheap means. The best quality costs more. There are low quality additives. If you "give" them to the power unit, this may lead to the need for repair and restoration work.

    The best engine additives are those recommended by your automaker. Feel free to take a look at the user manual. It should definitely indicate which additives are best poured into the engine. It is not recommended to consider the rating of additives as the main criterion by which you select an additive agent. We will choose a high-quality additive in order to maximize the operational period of the internal combustion engine.

    Scandals regularly flare up around additives, which is reminiscent of the story of dietary supplements - biologically active additives, which are either recognized as useful, or they are trying to ban. We will figure out whether it is worth pouring additives into the engine, or is it better to stay away from them.

    Additives are of great importance for engine performance and the length of the engine oil change interval. Due to its special properties, certain chemicals dissolved in engine oil perform useful work that extends the life of the engine. Some additives prevent contamination of engine internal surfaces, others prevent wear, corrosion, or protect parts from high temperatures and high pressures. What is the reason for a number of scandals that erupted in the late 90s and continue to this day? What caused the accusations from the US Federal Trade Commission against additive manufacturers? First, let's get acquainted with the theoretical side of the issue. The following is a non-exhaustive list of substances known to improve engine oil performance.

    Detergent additives prevent the formation of deposits on vital engine parts. The most common detergent additive is magnesium sulfonate. Antioxidant additives slow down oil degradation. Typical antioxidants are alkylphenols and sulfur-phosphorus-containing substances. Viscosity modifiers prevent base oil viscosity reduction at high temperatures. Most often, special polymers are used for this purpose, for example, polymethacrylates. Friction modifiers such as molybdenum compounds contribute to fuel economy. Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate and boron are the best known agents for reducing wear on mechanical parts. There is no point in listing them all. It is important to understand that all these compounds have been identified over more than 100 years of scientific development. Their properties are thoroughly studied. It is these substances that are added to their products by the largest and most respected manufacturers of motor oils. The conflict, as is often the case, lies in the realm of big business. Lust for profit brings entrepreneurs to the brink between marketing and deceit. In the late 90s and early 2000s, products positioned as engine treatments came to the attention of the US Federal Trade Commission. It was this phrase, which can be translated into Russian as “drugs for the engine”, that attracted the attention of the “American Rospotrebnadzor”. The ensuing series of allegations of unscrupulous and misleading business conduct interested the expert community. Motor oil engineers, journalists and just enthusiasts have been studying the composition of products such as Slick 50, Duralube, Motorup or Zmax.

    It quickly became clear that the composition of engine oil additives includes all the same zinc, boron and molybdenum compounds that are already contained in engine oil. The experts had a reasonable question: “Why add something to the engine oil that is already there”? The FEC's question was phrased a little differently: "If you're offering 'engine cures,' do you think engines should be treated after using standard engine oil?" As a result of the ensuing litigation in 1997, Blue Corral, the manufacturer of Slick 50 additive, was prohibited from using claims for reduced engine wear, increased fuel efficiency, and reduced operating temperatures for marketing purposes. At the request of the Federal Commission, the manufacturer paid more than $ 20 million in damages to affected customers. The reason for the proceedings with the manufacturer of the additive DuraLube was an analytical article in the magazine Car & Driver. The publication conducted tests and found that during oil starvation, the piston group of an engine treated with DuraLube additive jams only 11 seconds later compared to an engine in which conventional engine oil splashes. The Federal Commission has banned DuraLube from marketing any of the following claims: use of an additive reduces engine wear, extends engine life, helps reduce emissions, and reduces the risk of serious damage from low oil pressure.

    More egregious cases are also known. The Federal Commission has proven that the use of Zmax additives leads to a twofold acceleration of the occurrence of corrosion on engine bearings. Three Zmax products in general turned out to be ordinary mineral oil colored with food coloring. The punishment was a campaign to return the funds spent to consumers. Another stumbling block for the community has been the slyness of manufacturers comparing the properties of their products to "standard synthetic motor oil" in advertising campaigns. Every major manufacturer has an extensive line of synthetic oils. Different names just differ in the packages of additives included in them. For example, Valvoline uses more than a dozen additive packages for a single line of fully synthetic motor oils for passenger cars. This diversity is necessary to meet the technical requirements and approvals of various vehicle manufacturers. In addition, some products are designed to solve typical problems of worn engines, such as MaxLife oil, which restores the elasticity of oil seals and seals. Such an extensive range should by no means be combined under the general name "standard oil". More recent scandals are related to anti-wear additives that increase the efficiency of the engine lubrication system at start-ups. Indeed, 90% of engine wear occurs when the internal surfaces are not yet covered with an oil film that has settled under the influence of gravity during idle time. However, the results of authoritative studies show that serious wear begins only if the engine is under load at the time of starting. At the same time, for the appearance of an oil film on all surfaces, 10 - 15 seconds are enough, after which the risk of increased wear disappears. Thus, the habit of not starting for just a quarter of a minute extends the life of the engine much more effectively than any additive. Therefore, by purchasing additives that reduce engine wear at start-up, the consumer pays for what he already has.

    In general, this can be said about all additives, with the exception of those used in extreme conditions, for example, at serious motorsport events. Due to the use of sports gasoline with a high alcohol content, the ingress of incompletely burned alcohol into the engine oil leads to a catastrophic drop in viscosity. To combat this problem, racers use an oil with a maximum viscosity grade of SAE 60 in combination with a powerful viscosity modifier. Thus, effective third-party additives do exist. However, a car owner who decides to spend money on their acquisition must clearly understand the mechanism of their work and the goals that he pursues. In most cases, the effect that he achieves has nothing to do with the operation mode of the engine of an ordinary passenger car belonging to him. The mindless spending of money on additives (as well as dietary supplements) leads to enrichment for brand owners that produce questionable products, and nothing more. Separately, it should be noted the legal aspect of the use of additional additives during the warranty period of the car. Most automakers explicitly forbid this in their owner's manuals. The fact of using an additional additive is easily proved. Laboratory analysis of the taken sample will show a discrepancy with the original elemental composition of the oil. Therefore, the warranty repair of a failed engine can be challenged by the representative office of the automaker on the basis of non-compliance with warranty obligations.

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