Home Chassis Overlock foot: description, purpose. Sewing machine. How to do without an overlocker if you have a sewing machine? Overlock machine foot

Overlock foot: description, purpose. Sewing machine. How to do without an overlocker if you have a sewing machine? Overlock machine foot

Teacher at GRASSER school

Do you use an overlocker? What are you doing on it? Do you overcast the edges of your products?! And now I’ll tell you how you can expand its capabilities with the help of additional devices - sewing feet. Some models of these devices include them. Have you tried them yet?

1. Blind hem foot. It is used to blind hem the bottom of the product. To ensure that the stitching on the front side is not visible at all, it is better to use this treatment on thick or medium fabrics or knitwear. On thinner fabrics, needle marks will be visible on the face. This foot is often included in the overlock set.

2. Foot for sewing on an elastic band. This type of foot can also be included with the overlocker. This is an indispensable device if you sew underwear. This foot has a guide and a screw that determines the tension of the elastic. With this foot you will not only save time, but also make the process of sewing on the elastic easier, since it will do a lot of the work itself. It is only necessary to first determine the size of the assembly experimentally.

3. Foot for sewing on beads. You sew elegant clothes, wedding or carnival costumes, or you like to decorate children's clothes, then a foot for sewing beads will come in handy. Using the foot, you can sew beads with a diameter of up to 5 mm along the edge of the product, while overcasting the edge.

4. Foot for sewing on edging. With this foot you can easily sew edging between two layers of fabric and at the same time overcast the edges.

5. Assembly foot. This foot can gather one layer of material or gather and stitch, while the sections are also overcast. Suitable for light to medium fabrics.

It seems to me that now you will work more with an overlocker. And if you don’t have it yet, it’s definitely worth purchasing!

A sewing machine and an overlocker are two completely different machines. A household sewing machine, as a rule, performs a two-thread lockstitch. An overlocker creates a 3, 4, 5 thread overlock stitch based on a chain stitch. Both of these stitches cannot be combined in one machine. Where did the concept of “sewing machine with overlock” come from? The fact is that the first models of zigzag sewing machines were considered to be machines that could overcast, since the zigzag stitch was often used to process the cut edges of fabric.
Over time, engineers came up with special overlock feet that allow you to imitate an overlock stitch. In addition, the machines now have additional stitches that improve the quality of the overlock stitch. Thus, the concept of sewing machines with overlock has become a reality, and in any store you can now buy a machine that can imitate an overlock stitch.
About how to use an overlock foot, what they are and what you need to pay attention to when choosing a machine with an overlock function.

1. What is the difference between overlock stitching on a sewing machine?

This photo clearly shows the difference between the overlock stitch of a sewing machine and the overlock stitch of an overlocker. Photo (1) shows the stitching of a sewing machine with an overlocker, photo (2) shows the cut edge of the fabric processed with an overlocker.

To overcast fabric on a sewing machine, use a regular zigzag lockstitch stitch. Its main difference is that the lower and upper threads have sufficient tension in the stitch and if you stretch this seam, the threads will burst, and in several places at once. With the help of special paws and a certain type of zigzag stitch, the overlock stitch will almost completely imitate a two-thread overlock stitch, but this will not make it stronger. This is the main reason why you have to buy an overlocker. Because the overlock stitch not only beautifully “packs” the edges of the fabric, but can also withstand high tensile loads. Feel free to try stretching the side seam of your T-shirt (within reasonable limits), the threads will stretch along with the fabric, but will not burst.

Any sewing machine that performs a zigzag stitch can “overcast” fabrics, even a Chaika sewing machine, using a regular zigzag foot. But, only with the help of a special foot, the overlock seam will be smooth and neat, the stitches will be laid exactly along the edge of the cut section of the fabric. This is possible due to the fact that there is a rod inside such a foot, and a spring plate is attached to the edge.
The tension of the upper and lower threads in lockstitch sewing machines is much higher than that of an overlocker. Therefore, when sewing thin fabrics, the cut edge of the fabric in the stitch will be pulled together and compressed. You can, of course, loosen the tension of the upper thread, which, however, needs to be done in any case, but to a certain extent. But using a foot with a rod, the thread will be held by this rod when forming a stitch and in this form, step by step, “move” off it without tightening the fabric.
This will allow you to “rebuild” the appearance of the overcast seam (by tensioning the top thread) and ensure that the weave of threads runs along the edge of the fabric. This stitch will completely imitate an overlock stitch, but it will definitely need to be duplicated with a straight stitch laid next to it.

As for the plate of the overlock foot, it is only needed to press the cut edge of the fabric against it. Then the seam during overcasting will be laid exactly along the edge of the fabric.

Overlock feet for a sewing machine can be different in shape, but the principle of forming an overlock stitch is the same.
If your machine does not have such a foot, be sure to make sure when purchasing that the foot mount is suitable for your machine. All sewing machine manufacturers produce additional feet and accessories, so it is better to buy a foot from the same company as your machine.
You can also buy a universal foot (for all machines), in most cases it will work, but there are exceptions. Be sure to take any foot from your sewing machine kit with you to compare the fastening and foot height.

4. Overlock stitches on a sewing machine

A sewing machine can sew fabric not only with the help of a special foot. Many machine models have special types of stitches designed to perform just such seams.
There are many varieties of such stitches and they are used depending on the type of fabric. For example, for overcasting knitted fabrics, wool, cotton, etc.
The instructions for the sewing machine usually indicate in detail their purpose, including which foot should be used. Sometimes even the front panel display displays the number of the presser foot that needs to be installed for a given stitch.

Additional overlock stitches increase the quality of overcasting fabric on a sewing machine. And if you are not going to buy an overlocker in the future, you should pay attention to this when choosing a sewing machine.

Once you have figured out what a sewing machine with an overlock is, and how fabric is sewn on lockstitch machines, it will be easy for you to understand why you need such a device as in this photo. Despite its impressive appearance, its purpose is limited to the ability to cut off the edge of fabric, as if replacing overlock knives. Whether you need it or not, decide for yourself. But now you already know whether, after purchasing it, the sewing machine will become an overlocker.

If you decide to buy a sewing machine and do not plan to buy a serger separately in the future, be sure to choose a machine that comes with at least one overcasting foot. And if it also provides several types of overlock stitches, then this is quite enough for you to do without an overlocker when sewing clothes. Of course, sooner or later, you will need an overlocker, but at first you can use a sewing machine with an overlocker function.

An inexpensive foot for 200 rubles can save you several thousand rubles on the purchase of an overlocker. Another foot for about the same price will allow you to sew on a hidden zipper quickly, easily and efficiently.

The price of a sewing machine with an overlocker will depend on the class of the machine. If it is an economy class car, then its price will be approximately the same as that of other cars. Perhaps it will be a little more expensive, by several hundred rubles, because it will additionally have 2-3 overlock stitches, and an overlock foot will be included in the kit.

Coverlocks perform flat stitches, overlock stitches and can even be used as a stitching machine. This is perhaps the only sewing machine that can be called an overlock sewing machine without a shadow of a doubt. The only difference is that it will be stitched using a chain stitch.

An embroidery machine is a kind of artist among sewing machines of any class. Its possibilities are not limited in the literal sense of the word. Starting from simple initials and “bunnies” to an embroidered portrait on fabric based on a photograph. A modern embroidery machine can do all this.

For an ironing board with a wooden tabletop, it is not necessary to sew a new cover. The surface of the board can be tightened using a stapler. The studio technologist offers you two ways to quickly and easily make a cover for your ironing board with your own hands.

An overlocker is a sewing machine designed to perform a specific task - overlocking edges in order to prevent them from fraying (for fabrics) and unraveling (for knitwear).

Is there any way to overcast the edges without an overlocker? Can. For example, using a zigzag stitch, which any modern sewing machine can do.
Of course, overcasting with a zigzag stitch is not as beautiful as overlocking, but with some skill you can learn to do it quite well.
The stitch length and width of the zigzag stitch must be selected taking into account the properties of the fabric being processed and the purpose of the stitch.

For overcasting closed sections of parts (visible only from the wrong side of the product), the width of the zigzag stitch is set within 3-5mm, the stitch length is approximately 2-3mm.

In order for the edges covered with a zigzag stitch to be neat, the stitch should be laid at a distance of 5-7 mm from the cut, and then the fabric should be cut off next to the stitch.

Over time, after wearing/washing, “rags” usually appear along the edges, which spoil the appearance of the underside of the product. If this is not important for you, you can simply not pay attention to them, because... they have no effect on the reliability of the stitching.

But if you like everything to be beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, both outside and inside, then immediately after cutting off the excess allowance, deliberately ruffle the edge of the fabric as much as possible and cut off the “rags”. This procedure can be repeated several times until you achieve the desired effect.

Of course, this takes longer than overlocking, but no less, and maybe even more reliable overlocking, because It is very difficult to unravel a zigzag stitch)))

New generation sewing machines very often have stitches in their arsenal that are called overlock stitches.

For example, according to the passport, my Astralux 7900 has six overlock lines.

The first on this list is a zigzag stitch; we talked above about how to use it for overcasting cuts; now we’ll take a closer look at other overlock stitches.

Stitch 16 is very similar to the zigzag stitch with additional straight stitches along the stitch.

Line 17 already has two rows of stitches along the zigzag stitch

Stitch 18 has criss-cross stitches

Line 19 looks like a shuttle stitch with “jumps” towards the edge of the part

Line 20 resembles a hand overcast stitch with bias stitches over the edge

Any of these stitches can be used to sew seams, but...

ATTENTION! Overlock stitches on a household sewing machine only IMITATE the overlock stitch made by an overlocker, but are not a copy of it.

The overlock stitches of a household sewing machine can be used to overcast edges to prevent fraying, but are not an exact copy of the overlock stitch of an overlocker. The overlock stitch performed with an overlocker has a fundamentally different method of formation and has different properties, i.e. Overlocked edges on a household sewing machine will never look the same as overlocked edges.

But at the same time, the edges will not crumble and unravel, because... Overlock stitches on a household sewing machine provide fastening of threads along the edges of parts no worse than stitches made on an overlocker.

All overlock stitches have settings for stitch width and length, and these settings change the appearance of the stitch and the reliability of the stitching.

Any of the overlock stitches has adjustments for both stitch width and length

At the same time, the maximum and minimum parameter values ​​for different lines are different; on my Astralux 7900 they are as follows.

What are the best overlock stitch settings?

The larger the stitch width and the shorter the stitch length, the more securely the threads are fastened during overcasting, but this does not mean that you should always set the maximum stitch width and minimum stitch length. Let's look at this in more detail.

Overlock stitch width

The larger the stitch width, the stronger the fastening of the threads along the cut, but the more likely it is that the stitching will tighten the fabric. This is especially true for thin fabrics.

In order to prevent pulling, it is recommended to lay the stitch not along the cut of the part itself, but at a distance of 5-6mm from the cut (see photo below), and then use scissors to cut off the excess fabric along the stitch.

If after stitching a slight waviness occurs, it can be easily eliminated by ironing.

To reduce puckering, you can try reducing the tension of the upper thread (does not always give the desired effect) or reducing the stitch width (the smaller the stitch width, the less it puckers)

Another way to reduce stitch puckering is to use a special overcasting foot.

Overlock stitch length

The shorter the stitch length of the overlock stitch, the tighter they fit together.

High stitch density is good for securely securing cuts, but with increasing stitch density, the stiffness of the seam increases. And if on thick fabrics you can still allow a hard overcast seam, then on thin fabrics it is under no circumstances possible.

From all of the above, the conclusion follows - for each fabric we select our own stitch parameters, starting with the maximum stitch width and minimum stitch length.

Previously, beautifully finished seams could only be made in a garment factory or atelier. At home, seamstresses could only hem the edges with a zigzag or hem of the fabric. Now, thanks to the latest technologies, you can purchase an overlocker for your home. If a sewing machine can only make a lockstitch, then an overlocker uses loopers and needles to form various chain stitches. But working with it will require some skill and a lot of spools of thread.

If a person is not engaged in professional sewing, there is no point in buying an overlocker. All you need to do is purchase an overlock foot. It is suitable for many types of cars, both domestic and imported. When buying an overlocker, you will need to pay a tidy sum, even more than for a machine. When purchasing a stitching foot, the costs will be minimal. Learning to use this device is quite simple. What does an overlock foot look like?

Which machine is better to buy?

If you decide to buy a sewing machine, but buying an overlocker is not part of your plans, then be sure to choose a device with an overlocking foot. It is also called an overlock machine. The set includes at least one overcasting foot. The higher the rank of a sewing machine, the more additional accessories it comes with.

But if you don’t have enough money for a cool car, then don’t worry. Then you can always buy other paws. It's not a problem. In specialized sewing equipment stores or online, you can order any foot you need. If the purchased device already has devices for several overlock stitches, then in the near future you can easily do without an overlocker.

How does the overlock foot work?

A special foot has a rod and springy presses the edge of the cut fabric to the foot and allows you to stitch it right along the edge. The rod holds the thread, which slips off it with each stitch step, without tightening the fabric.

With the help of the foot, the overlock seam will be beautiful and neat. The stitches will be placed along the edge of the fabric. By increasing or decreasing the tension of the upper thread, you can ensure that the threads intertwine closer to the edge of the cut material. Each seamstress will be able to set the tension in the desired position, especially if you have a foot with a rod, this is not difficult to do. The seam will look like a real overlock stitch. But in order for it to serve for a long time, you must always duplicate it, making just a straight line next to it.

Performing overcasting

Before starting overcasting operations using an overlock foot, you need to sew together the parts of the future product and carefully trim the remaining seam allowance. Using scissors, you need to trim the desired width and protruding threads. After this, install the presser foot on the machine. In modern units it is no longer necessary to unscrew the screw holding it in place. To do this, just lower the lever located at the back. We take out the currently unnecessary foot and insert the overlocking foot.

You should hear a click, and after that you need to lift the presser foot lever up. If installed correctly, the sole of the foot will also rise up. After installing the foot, you need to place material under it, while the limiter will control the specified direction of movement of the fabric. Then an overcast stitch is sewn.

1. An overlock stitch, suitable for dense fabrics or areas of the product where seam reinforcement is necessary and most similar to an overlock stitch, requires several stitches. In this case, the stitched fabric must be fed back and forth.

2. When sewing, the fabric should not be pulled forward, it should move automatically, otherwise unwanted folds will appear.

3. If you are working with thin fabric, such as chiffon, then the material may be rolled up. After processing, you will be left with a wavy, sloppy edge. To avoid this, you need to wipe the edges of the material with a starch solution, then iron it through any cotton fabric. After this, calmly sew and overcast the edges, they will keep their shape and not curl. Without any effort, the seam will lie flat.

4. For delicate fabrics, it is recommended to use threads used for decorative embroidery. For colored materials, you can take not only threads of the same color, but also ones that match the tone.

How to choose a foot for overcasting fabrics?

Previously, sewing machines used a zigzag stitch for overcasting, but when the fabric was stretched, it could break in several places. When sewing on an overlocker, the product stretches easily in all directions, and the seams do not come apart. The presence of an overlock foot in modern machines makes the seam look like a two-thread overlock stitch. True, he will not be able to withstand strong tension.

Since overlocking feet come in different shapes, when purchasing it is better to have any kind of foot from your machine. Then it will be possible to compare the fasteners and measure the height of the leg. You can also select these elements based on the name of the machine manufacturer.

A convenient option would be to purchase a universal overlock foot. It fits on most types of sewing units, and also provides decorative finishing to the edges of the product. At the same time, it performs reciprocating movements. The stitching is tight and beautiful.

Different types of paws

When purchasing a machine, several paws are included with it. These are the basic devices necessary to perform the simplest operations. For example, a foot for sewing a snake, a universal one, making a zigzag stitch (one of the most popular feet among seamstresses), semi-automatic, for sewing buttonholes. In a set of expensive cars there are an order of magnitude more of them, from 10 to 15 pieces.

In addition to the standard presser feet, which are sold complete with the sewing machine, you can buy separately a whole set of 32 pieces. Most of them are metal, but there are also combined ones, consisting of plastic and metal, as well as Teflon. Descriptions of some products from the set of sewing machine feet are presented below:

  • for working with curly stitches. Thanks to her, beads are sewn on, the result is neat and even;
  • for hemming fabric (2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm);
  • for sewing on snakes (universal);
  • to form elongated loops on the product;
  • for sewing on buttons, but only flat ones;
  • for sewing one or more ropes;
  • making gathers on fabric, attaching ribbon with such an effect;
  • for figured embroidery;
  • for basting parts (makes a figured stitch);
  • for edging stitching;
  • for an invisible snake;
  • for hiding seams on bulky fabrics;
  • roller Used in the processing of leather and knitwear. Special round rollers help the presser foot move freely across the material;
  • Teflon glides easily on leather, suede, nubuck, velvet;
  • for machine artistic embroidery of designs;
  • for overcasting fabric, only with a brush, which instantly clears the dust generated during the overcasting process.

Edge trimming device

There is one more foot for the machine that must be included in the kit, namely, an overlock foot with a knife. When overcasting the edge of the fabric, the side knife carefully cuts off the excess fabric. The process takes place simultaneously, without the fabric being pulled together. The structure of this element includes a wide sole, a hook and 2 knives. The hook is responsible for the consistency of the needle and the upper knife. The knife at the bottom is rigidly fixed to the sole of the foot.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the material for stitching. To do this, parts of the product must be pinned across the drawn line of the future overlock seam. Using a universal foot, a straight stitch is made. After this, the part is changed to another one, overlocked with a knife. To install it correctly, you need to place the hook on the needle holder. Only then will the foot and needle holder work synchronously. If the presser foot is installed incorrectly, the fabric will not be cut.

Principle of operation

Unlike a regular sewing foot, which, when overcasting an edge with a zigzag, leaves snags, compressions and uneven stitches, the overlock foot does not tangle the threads and does not jam the material. This happens due to the presence in the middle of a slot for the needle of a tooth, onto which several stitches in a row are placed when sewing. A seam is formed around it and the edge of the material. Thus, the material does not tighten, and the stitching turns out neat.

Pros and cons of this foot

By purchasing an overlock foot, any craftswoman can save a lot. A real overlocker is expensive, and figuring out how to connect it and the huge variety of seams is also not easy. Having two devices at once instead of one sewing machine, it will be necessary to allocate a lot of working surface for this technique. When preparing for work, a lot of time is spent threading. When using a foot, you don't need to do all this.

The disadvantage of working with a presser foot is that over time the seam will begin to crumble, unlike an overlock-processed one. Yes, and you need to cut the edge yourself or change the attachment to the foot with a knife. The seam is designed for easy wear, as it is not very strong and can crack when stretched.

So decide for yourself what is more profitable for you to purchase and use in your future work.

An overlock foot for a sewing machine (a foot with a tassel) is a lifesaver for those who do not have an overlock machine, because with its help, on a regular machine, you can process sections of fabric with a stitch similar to an overlock stitch, 5 mm wide.

Overlock foot device

The design of the presser foot, namely the presence of two thin metal rods, prevents the threads from pulling together the edges of the fabric, since during the processing process the threads are wound on them, fixing the required stitch width (5mm). When a needle touches the brush, its fibers, touching the thread, gently pull it out. The rib on the right side of the foot is a limiter and guide for the edge of the fabric.

Sewing machine settings

To obtain the desired result, you need to set the correct settings on the sewing machine. In the Janome photo: select line G (outwardly similar to an overlock stitch), stitch length: 0.5 (thick stitches) or 1 (stitch frequency, as in the photo), width: 5 (otherwise the needle may get on the rods and break). The overlock foot is installed as standard, just like the universal one.

We place the fabric under the foot, resting its edge against the rib, and sew a line:

Of course, an overlocker is necessary for high-quality sewing of products, but if you only have a sewing machine, you can process the edges of the fabric in this way.

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Set of feet for sewing machines – Fair of Masters

Sewing machine presser feet. The set contains 11 universal feet. Compatible with sewing machines Bernina Bernette, Brother, Janome, Astralux, Aurora, Juki, New Home, Yamata, Babylock, Dragonfly, Toyota, Elna, Comfort, Veritas, Jaguar, Pfaff (Hobby series), Husqvarna

Set description:

1. Foot for hemming fabric edges and shell seams. Has a guide for creating a narrow hem. When combined with a zig-zag stitch, it allows you to create a decorative puff along the edge of the product. Designed for working on thin fabrics. Hemming the edges prevents the edges of the fabric from fraying and thanks to the presser foot, a beautiful, durable seam is obtained. This foot can be used to finish the edges of scarves, shawls, clothing and home decor items made from lightweight materials without first ironing the edges.

2. Classic foot for straight stitch stitching. Use this foot when you need precise control over fabric type or stitch quality.

3. Overlock foot The overlock foot is designed for overcasting edges. A thin plate on the presser foot prevents the overcast edge from curling. Once you have selected an overlock stitch or a zig-zag stitch, set the zig-zag width to 5 and turn the wheel by hand to make sure the needle does not hit the presser foot.

4. Quilting and Patchwork Foot This foot is used for patchwork and quilting to join parts with an exact allowance of 1/4"" (6.4mm) or 1/8"" (3.2mm) Used for stitching block parts in patchwork sewing . Markings on the foot allow you to sew parts with an allowance of 6.4 and 3.2 mm. Before sewing, make sure the needle is in the center position.

5. Foot with a guide for a blind seam Using this foot, you can hem the product by stitching it with a hidden stitch, invisible from the front side. In addition, you can use the foot not for its intended purpose, but, for example, use it to perform precise stitching on a folded edge. Use it to lay parallel lines at a distance of about 0.7cm.

6. The roller foot is perfect for working with so-called difficult fabrics: leather, nubuck, knitted fabrics, etc., while preventing sticking and the formation of creases and folds. Choose a straight stitch or any decorative stitch. When sewing leather, suede, synthetic film and corduroy, place the presser foot on a roller, which makes it easier to move the material.

7. Foot for satin and decorative stitches The foot for satin stitch has a groove that allows tightly placed stitches to pass freely under it. A line of frequent zigzag stitches is called a satin stitch. It is very effective in appliques, and is also indispensable in making bartacks. When sewing a satin stitch, loosen the top thread tension slightly. To avoid wrinkles on light fabrics, it is advisable to use thin paper or interlining material as a base. Choose a decorative, finishing or zig-zag stitch. The stitch length should not exceed 0.5 mm. Loosen the top thread tension .The foot is designed for working with figured stitches, monograms, appliqués, and can be used for quilting.

8. Foot for sewing various types of zippers, universal. Set the foot depending on whether you are stitching the left or right side of the zipper. Lower the foot at the beginning of the zipper so that the stitching lies along the fold of the zipper teeth.

9. Concealed zipper foot The foot is used to create decorative fringe and copy stitching. The hidden zipper is perfect for all types of materials: from chiffon blouses to denim skirts. The foot for the hidden zipper fits close to the pawl lock and allows it to be sewn in easily and efficiently. The metal separator in the center of the foot moves the zipper links away and prevents them from getting under the sewing line. This unique foot will help you sew a hidden zipper easily and quickly.

10. Foot for sewing on buttons Only for flat buttons!!! Set the zigzag width on your machine to match the distance between the button holes. Turn off the bottom feed or install a darning plate. Place the button on the fabric according to the markings, so that the button is fixed / Madeira temporary fabric adhesive is able to hold the button while the work is completed /. Slowly lower the needle bar until the needle enters the left hole of the button. While lining up the holes of the button, make a slow stitch so that the needle then enters the right hole of the button. For buttons with 4 holes: move the needle to another pair of holes and follow the same steps.

11. Teflon foot. This foot is made of a special polymer for sewing materials that are prone to difficult movement with a metal foot - vinyl, artificial and natural leather, nubuck, etc. During operation, it will slide along the surface of the fabric, performing any stitch.


Overlock foot (overlock foot) | WORLD OF SEWING MACHINES

The overlock foot is used for high-quality overcasting of the edges of fabric on any household sewing machine, for which the minimum requirement is the presence of a zigzag stitch. The overlock foot is suitable for all types and brands of sewing machines: for Janome, for Brother, for Astralux, for Singer, for Yaguar and even for old domestic sewing machines Podolsk and Chaika. The original design of the overcasting foot includes an additional pin, which is used to sew along the edge of the fabric being overcast. When sewing, the fabric does not shrink (a common sewing defect in the absence of such a foot) and does not curl. With the help of an overlock foot, you can professionally overcast sections even with special stretch stretch stitches, if you have them in your sewing machine (be careful - the fabric should not be very loose, otherwise you will need to use a different foot). When overcasting with special overlock stitches, the guides of the overlock foot will help you get an even, correct stitch along the edge of the fabric, and the material will feed smoothly without falling to the side. Without such an overlock foot, overcast the edges with a simple zigzag or some other specialized overlock stitch, be sure to leave a small allowance along the edge, which does not allow the fabric to tighten during overcasting. This allowance is then trimmed with scissors. Even if you have a real three- or four-thread overlocker at your disposal, we recommend that you definitely purchase this small and inexpensive foot. After all, in order to overcast a couple of kitchen cloths, you will have to take the overlocker out of the box, install and start it for about 15 minutes, and with the overlock foot - you’re done!

And we want to add some very important information!!! If you don’t have an overlocker, then you must buy an overlocker foot. Why? The price of an overlock foot is cheap, but a real overlocker usually costs more than a sewing machine. Having bought such a foot, you can definitely decide whether you need to buy an overlocker in the future or not. And the most interesting thing is that when you buy a sewing machine from us at the WORLD OF SEWING MACHINES company, we give you an overlock foot for free, as a gift! And those who in the future want to buy a real overlocker will be given an additional 5% discount when purchasing an overlocker in exchange for this foot.


Machine seams. If you don't have an overlocker.
admin 2015-03-05 at 12:18 pm

Hello friends.

How to lay an elastic seam without having an expensive professional machine and without breaking the needles and your sewing machine will be discussed in this article. You can also immediately proceed to watch a video on the same topic, which will be just below.

Now many people probably already have modern household sewing machines.

And almost certainly such a machine contains such a stitch - in the instructions it is called an overlock stitch. If you don’t have an overlocker, then at first you can use this stitch to finish the seams so that they don’t fray.

Let's take a closer look at its use and consider what products it can be used in, at what settings, on what materials and what parts can be successfully processed with it.

So, this line can be processed:

1 overcast the edge of the seam reserve

3 processing of underwear: panties, for example.

But we will look at how to make these seams efficiently using specific examples:

Firstly, when processing the edge of the seam stock, you need to use a special foot that has a limiter like this inside the foot itself.

This limiter does not allow the edge of the seam stock to wrinkle and the seam turns out smooth and beautiful.

Let's see how to use this seam in action:

So, let’s install the foot: using the lever on the back of the foot holder, remove the universal foot and install the special foot.

Very often, in knitted T-shirts and blouses, the neckline or armhole is processed using an elastic strip, folded in half and sewn under tension.

This is the easiest, fastest and simplest method used in sewing sportswear for children and adults.

Our line will also come in handy here.

Let's look at the example of processing the neck of a children's T-shirt:

We sew the elastic strip folded in half lengthwise to the neck of the product using a zig-zag seam.

On the front side we make a finishing seam using our overlock stitch. I have already changed the foot with a limiter to a universal one. Let's smooth out our work.

And if you take silk threads, the product will look more noble:

You can also successfully use our stitch to hem the bottom of a knitted T-shirt or a children’s dress:

And what kind of success awaits you if you sew something like this with your own hands?

For example, using decorative openwork elastic and our overlock stitch. Using it, we sew the elastic onto the edges of the parts of women's or children's panties:

The result is a product like this, which you can also sew with your own hands:

Master class on sewing children's underwear: “strawberry”

These are the uses I found for just one knit stitch.

And that’s all I have for today.

Elena Fomenkova was with you.

Overlock foot video

  • Overcasting foot...

    The overcasting foot is used to finish the edge of the fabric with an overlock stitch. Especially suitable for...... From the author of Sew Kit. Year 5 added. back. Read more...

  • How to replace overlocker 2: edge presser...

    Household and industrial sewing equipment is constantly being improved. Manufacturers invent everything...... From the author Sewing lessons about.... Added 5th year. back. Read more...

  • Using an overlock foot...

    The lack of an overlocker often stops needlewomen, although some don’t care what the backside looks like. I'm starting...... From the author ItselfKrsk. Added 1 year. back. Read more...

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    In this video I will review the overlock foot (overlocking foot). My husband's channel: ...... From the author We sew ourselves.... Added 1 year. back. Read more...

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    An overview of several ways to use the overlock stitch on a sewing machine. How does a line on fabric behave...... From the author Elena Fomenko.... Added 3 years. back. Read more...

  • Overcasting foot...

    Used for finishing seams with an overlock stitch. Particularly suitable for thick and medium fabrics, edges...... From the author sewclub. Year 5 added. back. Read more...

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  • Overlock foot for sewing machine...

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  • Do you need an overlocker or How to process...

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  • How to replace overlocker? Overlock...

    What and how to REPLACE OVERLOCK? An overlock foot for a sewing machine or a foot with a knife for processing the edges of fabric...... From the author Papa Sewing.... Added 4 n.d. back. Read more...

  • Edge trimming foot with side...

    With this foot you can make an even cut and process the edge at the same time. This saves your...... From the author of Sew Kit. Year 5 added. back. Read more...


    Sewing machine feet from Aliexpress, SUITABLE FOR MOST STANDARD SEWING MACHINES WITH ELECTRIC...... From the author ZoLushKa TV. Year 5 added. back. Read more...

  • 17 Straight stitch foot...
  • Overcasting foot...

    Overcasting foot. Advantages and disadvantages. The video contains answers to the questions: Do I need to buy special...... From the author Elena Krasovs.... Added 2 years. back. Read more...

  • Blind stitch foot AURORA A...

    This foot is very useful for various sewing operations that require special care, such as...... From the author of Sew Kit. Year 5 added. back. Read more...

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  • xn--80ajpcv.xn--p1ai

    Imitation of overlock stitching. Types and applications


    Overlocking is one of the most common operations that must be performed when sewing. There are also other names, for example, overlock stitch or imitation overlock stitch. But it is necessary to distinguish between these terms in order to understand the essence of each. So, for example, overlock stitches are performed by an overlocker, but the imitation of an overlock stitch is performed by a sewing machine, and it will be a zigzag with a tack.

    Thus, if you want to perform this operation, you will need a special overlock foot. It will stitch evenly, the distance from the edge will be constant, and the threads of the fabric will not pull together and spoil your work.

    What does an overlock foot do? She finishes the edges with a stitch that you choose based on the quality of the fabric you are working with. That is, if it is present in the machine, you can make an imitation, which in appearance will not differ at all from a real overlocker.

    Let's see what overlock stitch options exist:

    Imitation overlock stitch (closed)

    This is the most popular line among craftswomen. Its essence is that you don’t have to go over the fabric with your foot twice. She makes a stitch and processes the seam in one pass. It is most often used when finishing the edges of fabric of clothes that are worn out, or previously unfinished edges.

    Imitation overlock stitch (oblique)

    Have you decided to sew a new tablecloth or update your bed linen? An oblique imitation of an overlock stitch will do an excellent job of hemming the edges. It looks very elegant, and the serrated edge is great for finishing lightweight materials.

    Imitation overlock stitch (elastic)

    If you are working with elastic fabrics, such as wool or knitwear, that stretch easily, it is best to use an elastic imitation overlock stitch. It will not allow the edge to deform under natural tension.

    Imitation overlock stitch (double)

    But when working (at the same time stitching or overcasting) with slightly stretchy and non-stretchy fabrics, for example, cotton of various densities, tweed, linen, it is necessary to use a double imitation of an overlock stitch. It is also good for sewing flat elastic, and also for sewing and repairing linen.

    Imitation overlock stitch (double closed)

    And finally, a double closed overlock stitch. Just like a regular double one, it can be used when sewing flat elastic, sewing and repairing linen, and when working with non-stretch fabrics. But also, importantly, it is good at working with yarn or cut thread, and it can also be used when embroidering with thick thread on thin ribbons.


    How to use additional presser feet for JANOME AND FAMILY sewing machines

    Hidden Zipper Foot This unique foot will help you sew in an invisible zipper quickly and easily.

    Job Description:1. Open the zipper.2. Place the right half of the zipper facing the right side of the product.3. Bend the teeth to the right and lower the foot so that the teeth lie in the groove of the foot to the right of the needle. Sew until you reach the cut end mark.4. Place the left half of the zipper facing the front of the left side of the garment. Make sure both parts of the product are level.5. Bend the teeth to the left and lower the presser foot so that the teeth lie in the groove to the left of the needle. Sew until you reach the cut end mark.6. Install a standard foot on the machine and stitch the seam below the zipper. Blindstitch foot. The blindstitch foot is suitable for discreet hemming of items made from thick and medium-weight materials.
    Job Description:1. Turn the edge of the product inward to the width of the hem.2. Now unfold the fold so that the edge of the product protrudes 1 cm.3. Place the product under the presser foot with the wrong side up and the fold running along the guide, as shown in the figure.4. Position the needle so that it fits exactly into the fold of the fabric, catching 1-2 threads of the fabric.

    Description of work: Using a tuck foot and a 2 mm double needle, you can quickly make tucks on thin material. The length of the straight stitch is 2-2.5 mm. Tucks are created when sewing with a double needle, while the material is fed with a tuck that fits into the recess at the bottom of the foot. Insert the tuck into the recess at the bottom of the foot to guide the next fold.

    Edging FootEdging with bias tape is a fairly simple way to give the edges of a product a smooth and neat look. To do this, you need to cut a 24mm wide bias tape.
    Job Description:1. Cut the beginning of the bias tape diagonally.2. Place the resulting sharp corner of the binding into the snail and pull it out behind the foot.3. Adjust the edging device or move the needle so that the needle enters the tape at a distance of 1-1.5 mm from the fold edge of the folded tape.4. Place the trimmed edge of the piece to be piping between the folded binding and into the cutout of the piping device. The bias tape will automatically fold around the piece as you sew.

    Foot for sewing on cord. You can beautifully decorate a product with a cord using this foot. In this case, depending on the thickness of the cord, you can sew one, two or three cords at the same time.
    Job Description:1. Thread the cord /cords/ into the cord hole on the foot.2. Place the fabric under, lower the presser foot, and sew a few locking stitches after selecting a stitch.3. Sew in the direction of the cord while holding it.

    Hemming foot 2mm. Hemming the edges prevents the edges of the fabric from fraying and thanks to the presser foot, a beautiful, durable seam is obtained. This foot can be used to finish the edges of scarves, shawls, clothing and home decor items made from lightweight materials without first ironing the edges.
    Job Description:1. Select a straight stitch.2. Cut a small piece of fabric at an angle from the side of the cut being processed.3. Tuck the cut corner of the fabric into the hem hole on the foot.4. Lower the foot and make a few stitches, drawing both threads back. In this case, the fabric section should turn up and fit into the hem hole on the foot.5. Continue stitching, moving the fabric forward evenly.

    This foot is made of a special polymer for sewing materials that are prone to difficult movement with a metal foot - vinyl, artificial and natural leather, nubuck, etc. During operation, it will slide along the surface of the fabric, performing any stitch.

    A set of feet for sewing on bead thread. Using this foot, you can carefully and quickly sew beads onto a product and decorate it.
    Job Description:1. Place the beaded thread under the foot in the groove.2. Loosen the needle thread tension.3. Select a zigzag stitch according to the size of the beads. In this case, the width of the zig-zag should not be very frequent.4. Be sure to backtack at the beginning of the stitching.

    Using this foot, you can make gathers on fabric or adjust the braid with a gathered effect. At the same time, you can also increase or decrease the fit by adjusting the thread tension. It is better to increase the stitch length / 3.5 - 4.5 /. When performing an operation using this foot the fabric will shrink.
    The formation of bouclé on the surface of the fabric is ensured by the structure of the foot itself. As the foot moves along the fabric, elongated threads will appear on its surface, i.e. boucle. The zig-zag width can be within 3-6 mm. The stitch length is 0.5-1 mm. We reduce the tension of the upper thread. By completing several lines in a row, you can decorate any product in this way
    Select a straight stitch with a center needle position. Straighten the fabric and make sure that the foot moves along the seam line. Lay the next line parallel to the previous one. Using the foot is very convenient when wasting products. The foot is also indispensable when adding decorative stitches along the seam

    Foot for sewing on buttons. Attention! Only for flat buttons!
    Job Description:1. Set the zigzag width on your machine to match the distance between the button holes.2. Turn off the bottom conveyor or install the darning plate.3. Place the button on the fabric according to the markings so that the button is fixed / Madeira temporary fabric adhesive is capable of holding the button while the work is being completed /.4. Slowly lower the needle bar until the needle enters the left hole of the button. While lining up the holes of the button, make a slow stitch so that the needle then enters the right hole of the button.5. For 4-hole buttons: move the needle to another pair of holes and follow the same steps.

    Select a decorative, finishing or zig-zag stitch. The stitch length should not exceed 0.5 mm. Loosen the upper thread tension. The foot is designed for working with curly stitches, monograms, appliqués, and can be used for quilting.

    Blindstitch foot. The blindstitch foot is suitable for discreet hemming of items made from thick and medium-weight materials. Now there is no need to hem the product manually. Description of work: 1. Turn the edge of the product inward to the width of the hem.2. Now unfold the fold so that the edge of the product protrudes 1 cm.3. Place the product under the presser foot with the wrong side up and the fold running along the guide, as shown in the figure.4. Position the needle so that it fits exactly into the fold of the fabric, catching 1-2 threads of the fabric.

    <Установите лапку в зависимости от притачивания левой или правой стороны молнии.Опустите лапку в начале молнии так, чтобы строчка легла вдоль сгиба зубчиков молнии.

    Set of two hemming feet – 4mm and 6mm. Using these feet you can hem medium-thick material: napkins, curtains, linen, etc.
    Job Description:1. Select a straight stitch.2. Iron the beginning of the future seam to a width of 4mm or 6mm, depending on the size of the presser foot installed.3. Place the folded edge under the foot and make a few stitches.4 Leave the needle in the fabric to secure it. Raise the foot and insert the edge of the fabric into the curling device of the foot.5. Lower the presser foot and continue sewing, holding and guiding the edge of the garment.6. Make sure that the fabric does not go under the right half of the foot.

    The roller foot is perfect for working with so-called difficult fabrics: leather, nubuck, knitted fabrics, etc., while preventing sticking and the formation of creases and folds. Choose a straight stitch or any decorative stitch.

    Foot for sewing in piping. You can use ready-made piping, or make it yourself from your own material.
    >Job Description:1. Place the finished piping along the seam line on the right side of the product.2. Place the second piece of the product on top, face to face.3. Place the fabric and piping under the foot so that the piping goes through the groove on the underside of the foot.4. Sew with a straight stitch. The groove on the underside of the foot is a guide for passing the edge during sewing.


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