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Technical characteristics of Su 34. Russian Aviation. Onboard equipment and systems

This was announced by the leadership of the United Aircraft Corporation during a meeting held at the aircraft plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, which was attended by Deputy Minister of Defense for Armaments Yuri Borisov. According to UAC representatives, the state defense order for 2014 for the latest bombers will be fulfilled, and next year the delivery of 16 more aircraft is expected.

Very optimistic plans, because last year the state order for the Su-34 was in danger of being disrupted, and the Ministry of Defense through the court collected a penalty from the Novosibirsk Aviation Plant, which produces bombers, for missing delivery deadlines. The flight and technical personnel of the Air Force were dissatisfied with the first production "thirty-fours". There were many complaints, in particular, some of the on-board equipment did not work, there were problems with the Khibiny electronic warfare systems, etc.

Useless in modern conflict

For the Russian Air Force, the Su-34 is one of the most anticipated aircraft. Capable of delivering strikes with high-precision weapons, equipped with a powerful airborne radar station Sh-141 with a phased array antenna, an effective electronic countermeasures system, thermal imaging and television channels for target detection and tracking, the "thirty-four" should become an effective means of combating enemy ground targets, replacing outdated Su -24M.

The experience of the August 2008 war with Georgia, where front-line aviation achieved limited results, showed that the Russian Air Force is in dire need of a bomber capable of hitting targets with high-precision weapons without entering the enemy’s air defense zone. Some experts attribute the participation of the Su-34 from the 4th Aviation Personnel Training Center in Lipetsk in the conflict with Georgia. It is believed that these vehicles were responsible for a Georgian radar hit by an X-31 missile. At the same time, a representative of the Russian Air Force told the newspaper "VPK" that this was not so.

« The Su-34 was tested with an anti-radar missile only in 2010. All five radars that we knocked out were from regular combat Su-24s“, a Russian Air Force officer who participated in the conflict told the publication. According to him, if the Su-34s could fight in a conflict, then the vehicles would have to be used not against radars, but to destroy ground targets.

« Even the weak Georgian air defense “overwhelmed” the Glitsev Su-24 (Su-24M from the 929th GLITs, shot down on August 9) with two experienced pilots when it attacked an artillery position. The Su-24 did not have guided bombs or missiles and a normal sighting system. And the crew had to descend under the gunpoint of Georgian missiles and strike“, the interlocutor explained to the newspaper “VPK”.

The Su-34, with its high-tech radar, television and thermal imaging guidance channels, will cope in such a situation much more effectively. But recent experience in the combat use of new bombers has proven the opposite. The Internet blog Hard Ingushetia contains a photo of the base camp of the Caucasus Immarate militants, destroyed by an airstrike. This is the work of the Russian Air Force Su-34.

« The Su-34 faced great difficulties when carrying out a strike in difficult mountainous and forested terrain. The radar was unable to find the target in such conditions, and the thermal imaging and television channels had a limited field of view. We completed the task, but with great difficulty“, noted a serviceman of the Southern Military District familiar with the situation.

According to the interlocutor, the basis of the “thirty-four” sighting system, the high-tech Sh-141 radar, turned out to be useless in such conditions. The crew was unable to find the desired target in the picture, which was filled with reflections of various objects on the ground, and the front-line bomber was forced to descend to search for the object. Fortunately, the militants have no air defense.

But NPP Leninets, which created the radar, is not to blame for this situation. The Sh-141 radar is a unique product capable of detecting targets with low RCS at a range of 150–200 kilometers. The Su-34, designed as the best strike bomber of the Cold War, capable of penetrating NATO air defenses at low altitude and destroying both moving and stationary targets, is useless in modern warfare.

From radar to thermal imager and television camera

The Vietnam War greatly changed the face of modern combat aviation. At the beginning of the conflict, aircraft pilots carrying out unguided bombs and missiles aimed using radar or bombsights, but already in 1973, targets detected by television cameras and thermal imagers were hit by bombs and missiles with television and laser guidance heads.

The main task of the main attack aircraft of the US Air Force of the 60s, the F-105 Thunderchief, was to strike radio-contrast targets (buildings, bridges, columns of equipment) with nuclear or conventional bombs from medium altitudes and at high speeds. For its time, the Thunderchief's radar-based sighting system was a work of art. But in Vietnam, radars were useless; pilots had to carry out strikes using bomb sights visually.

With the advent of the S-75 air defense systems in North Vietnam, the Thunderchiefs had to descend to low altitudes, where the F-105s, created for supersonic flights at medium and high altitudes, often reached critical flight modes, which led to disasters, and the pilots simply did not managed to detect targets in time. Small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery (MZA), machine guns and the Strela MANPADS that appeared at the end of the war added to the problems, if not shooting down, then causing significant damage to fighter-bombers.

The US Air Force had to pay attention to the development of guided aircraft weapons and sighting systems with high-resolution optics for detecting ground targets.

Against the backdrop of problems with Thunderchiefs and Phantoms, fighter-bombers with variable wing geometry F-111 Advark showed high performance. Equipped with a terrain-following system, the Advarkas struck ground targets with already known coordinates at low altitudes at night and in difficult weather conditions.

In 1973, the Americans carried out an operation to destroy strategic targets in North Vietnam - Linebacker 2. The US Air Force has massively used bombs with laser and television guidance systems, as well as Pave Tech and Pave Penny targeting containers to detect targets and guide high-precision anti-aircraft guns. American strike aircraft carried out almost all combat missions at medium and high altitudes, suppressing North Vietnamese air defenses with anti-radar missiles and electronic warfare.

In the early 80s, the F-111 began to be equipped with targeting containers. According to the plan of the American military, “Advarkas” should break through air defenses at low altitude, using radar for navigation. Having found a target, carry out a set, take it for escort with a suspended aiming container and hit it with a guided bomb or missile. European Tornado IDS fighter-bombers, equipped with the same sighting equipment, operated in the same way.

Having never fought with the Soviet army, the F-111 and Tornado practiced in Iraq in 1991, where they encountered great difficulties. The Iraqis shot down five MZA Tornadoes operating at low altitudes. F-111s operating at three to five thousand meters did not suffer any losses.

The F-111 Advark was replaced by the F-15E, which also participated, but not entirely successfully, in the war with Iraq. "Strike Eagle" was originally created for the use of precision weapons using the latest LANTIRN targeting container. But in Iraq, the F-15Es, which did not receive containers, carried out attacks with conventional and cluster bombs from low altitudes, losing several vehicles to MZA and MANPADS. The AN/APG-70 radar installed on the F-15E was used for air combat, and the AN/AAQ-13 suspended container included in LANTIRN was used for orientation and terrain mapping.

In the 90s in Yugoslavia, Strike Needles were already operating at altitudes of five to six thousand meters. Now the US Air Force has modernized the Eagle by installing an updated Sniper suspended container with a Raytheon AN/ASQ-236 synthetic aperture radar.

The modern experience of the US Air Force and NATO shows that attacks on ground targets due to the threat of MZA and MANPADS are carried out from a height of six to seven thousand meters, stationary air defense is destroyed by cruise missiles, and attack vehicles are accompanied by special fighter-bombers that suppress air defense and electronic warfare aircraft. The last time tactical aircraft bombed an enemy using radar was in 1993 in Yugoslavia.

Soviet way

Since the 60s, in the USSR Air Force, low-altitude air defense breakthrough has become the basis for the combat work of strike aircraft. If the Su-7 carried out strikes using visual sights, then the more modern Su-17, Mig-23BN and Mig-27 were equipped with radar sighting systems.

The Soviet answer to the F-111 - a front-line bomber with variable wing geometry, the Su-24, carried out strikes in difficult weather conditions, as well as at night, breaking through enemy air defenses at low altitude while following the terrain. To search for targets, the Su-24 used radar, supplemented by a laser rangefinder and a television system.

Su-24 went to Afghanistan in 1988. Here the results were not so positive and encouraging. Due to the Mujahideen's use of MZA and Su-24M Stinger MANPADS, the 755th and 143rd Bomber Regiments, operating from Soviet airfields, launched strikes from a height of six to seven thousand meters with conventional free-falling bombs. Even the modernized PNS-24M Tiger radar sighting system turned out to be useless, as it could not distinguish small targets against the background of the ground.

An attempt to use adjustable bombs KAB-500l and KAB-1500l failed. The power of television systems was not enough to distinguish objects on the ground and track them. The Su-17M and Mig-27 fighter-bombers faced the same difficulties. The experience of war and exercises in Europe, as well as the analysis of foreign information sources, forced the command of the USSR Air Force to replace the Su-24 with a bomber specialized for the use of high-precision aircraft, an analogue of the American F-15E Strike Eagle.

The new bomber must operate at low altitudes, climbing to hit a target and then descending. Unlike the American military, who believed that a radar was needed for orientation and terrain-following flights, the USSR Air Force command relied on a radar sighting system, albeit supplemented by more modern television and laser systems.

Western military experts in the 80s believed that to suppress MZA and MANPADS it was enough to equip attack vehicles with cluster munitions, but the command of the USSR Air Force demanded that the vulnerabilities of the new bomber be protected, following the example of the Su-25 attack aircraft. To protect against enemy fighters and NATO air defense systems, the promising front-line bomber was equipped with electronic warfare systems. All these requirements formed the basis of the new aircraft, which later became the Su-34.

At the time the requirements were formulated in 1989, the new bomber, which had a number of qualitative advantages over the F-15 and F-111, would have been the best Cold War aircraft in its class. NATO experts planned the operation of Advarks and Strike Eagles under the cover of fighters, electronic warfare aircraft and the so-called Wild Weasels, equipped to suppress the air defenses of F-4 fighter-bombers.

The USSR Air Force believed that a promising front-line bomber should act independently, without relying on help. Cover yourself from fighters and air defenses with electronic warfare and the terrain, reach the target using a radar sighting system, hit it, and if you come under fire from MZA and MANPADS, then return to the airfield. For the realities of the 80s and the European theater of operations, the new bomber would have become a breakthrough machine.

Late car

In 1991, the USSR collapsed. In 1992, the Sukhoi Design Bureau developed the carrier-based fighter-bomber Su-32FN, which a few years later became the Su-34. The first vehicles entered the Air Force in the late 90s, but mass delivery began only in 2011. All this time, the Su-34 remained the ideal front-line bomber of the Cold War. The integrated aerodynamic design with the front horizontal tail (FH) ensures stable flight and excellent maneuverability at low altitude even with armed weapons, which was very well demonstrated by the pilots of the 4th TsPA during demonstration flights at MAKS-2013.

The powerful Sh-141 radar detects small targets at altitudes of up to four thousand meters, the titanium cockpit makes the pilots and on-board electronic equipment invulnerable to anti-aircraft artillery fire and small arms fire from the ground. The Khibiny electronic warfare system protects a front-line bomber not only from aircraft and anti-aircraft missiles, but also from MANPADS. For its tasks, the Su-34 is much better than the F-15E. But now the concept of attack aircraft has changed and the advantages of the Su-34 have become its disadvantages.

Modern attack vehicles, avoiding fire from the ground, climb to heights of five to six thousand meters. At such a height, the Su-34 immediately loses its advantage in the operation of the radar system, which is unable to distinguish subtle targets - single vehicles and armored vehicles, groups of people and field fortifications hidden by the terrain.

But even a reduction to two or three kilometers does not guarantee the detection of such targets, as recent combat use in Ingushetia proved. This requires television cameras and thermal imagers, which the Su-34 does not have high capabilities, being significantly inferior not only to the modern American Sniper, but also to the outdated LANTIRN and the cheaper French Damocles. At the same time, in terms of weight and dimensions, as well as energy consumption, the Su-34 sighting system is several times greater than foreign analogues that fit in suspended containers.

Even armored Su-25 attack aircraft with a simple on-board radio-electronic system often became victims of air defense and MANPADS fire both in Afghanistan and in Georgia. The cockpit will save the pilots, but if important systems are hit by an anti-aircraft missile, small arms fire or small-caliber artillery, the aircraft will have to be abandoned. The Su-34 can only be saved by flying at an unattainable altitude, but the armor only increases the weight of the vehicle and leads to unnecessary fuel consumption, reducing the flight range and the weight of the combat load. The US Air Force and NATO countries have long come to the conclusion that it is necessary not to armor the aircraft, but to reduce the possibility of its destruction to a minimum.

Many aviation experts, without denying the problems, say that for a major war with a high-tech enemy like the United States and NATO, the Su-34 will be able to realize all its low-altitude breakthrough capabilities. Modern AWACS aircraft such as the American E-3 Sentry can easily detect even a Su-34 hidden behind interference against the background of the ground. Multispectral MANPADS such as the American Stinger and French Mistral models currently being tested are guaranteed to hit a front-line bomber, so you will still have to go to high altitudes.

If the enemy’s electronic warfare systems do not “crush,” they will create big problems for the Sh-141, so it will be necessary to use weapons only through thermal imaging and television guidance channels. The operation of the radar sighting system, taking into account modern electronic reconnaissance equipment, will become a unmasking factor for the bomber, warning the enemy of its presence. Without suppressing the enemy's air defense and destroying its fighter aircraft, the Su-34, despite its titanium cockpit, modern radar and electronic warfare system, is not a survivor. It’s good if it can reach the target.

It is clear that the Russian Air Force today has no alternative. There is an urgent need to replace the fleet of aging Su-24M front-line bombers. At the same time, of the entire Air Force fleet, despite its shortcomings, the Su-34 sighting system is now the most “advanced.”

The Su-34 is the best aircraft of the Cold War, which ended 20 years ago. Therefore, the UAC leadership should think about how to make it the best strike aircraft of our time, and not rush around with the ideas of the 80s.

The Su-34 is a Russian-made fighter-bomber designed to attack enemy ground targets with aviation weapons in conditions of active counteraction by air defense systems. The aircraft's effectiveness is achieved through the use of innovative electronic warfare equipment, unique combat qualities, and the ability to engage air targets regardless of the time of day or weather conditions. The Russian military calls this fighter a “duckling”, and when it comes to its combat characteristics, a “hell duckling”.

According to its tactical and technical parameters, the Su-34 aircraft belongs to the “4++” generation. When performing combat missions, it does not need to be accompanied by cover fighters, thanks to its high combat qualities, which allow it to independently conduct maneuverable air combat with almost any existing military aircraft in the world.

History of the aircraft

The Su-34 aircraft was created to replace the Su-24 front-line bomber, which performed well in a number of armed conflicts, but is outdated. During the development process, it was taken into account that the potential enemy has a large number of 4th generation vehicles in its arsenal. The fighter was designed based on the experience of combat operation of all existing Russian military aircraft at that time, as well as foreign experience in the use of aviation forces in local conflicts.

Development of the vehicle began in June 1986. The project was codenamed "T-10V" or "Su-27IB" (fighter-bomber). As can be understood from the last name, the Su-27 fighter project served as the basis for the new aircraft. The first prototype of the T-10B first flew on April 13, 1990. The aircraft was first presented to the general public under the name SU-32F only in 1995, as part of the international air show in Le Bourget (France).

Later, two prototypes and one test prototype were produced. After a series of tests, seven pre-production aircraft were released, one of which was modified to the characteristics of a production aircraft.

The fighter-bomber was put into production in April 2005 at the Novosibirsk Aviation Plant. The first production aircraft took to the skies on October 12, 2006 at the airfield named after. Chkalova. Evgeniy Rudakas and Rustem Asadullin were assigned to pilot the new car. State tests began on October 30 of the same year, and took place in parallel with the production of the first models.

In 2008, the manufacturing plant signed a 5-year contract for the supply of 32 aircraft to the Russian Air Force, and in 2012 - an 8-year contract for the supply of another 92 aircraft. In March 2014, the Su-34 was adopted by the Russian Federation. By 2020, the new fighter should completely replace its predecessor, the Su-24 model.

Fighter-bomber design

The Su-34 is designed to carry out bombing attacks in the operational and tactical rear of the enemy, regardless of the time of day and weather conditions, including at low altitudes. In addition, he can adequately conduct air combat and destroy enemy aircraft.

The aircraft is built using the “longitudinal triplane” aerodynamic design, which allows for increased maneuverability compared to models made according to the conventional design. In addition, compared to the Su-27 fighter, the Su-34 has an increased bomb load and fuel capacity. The front part has a flattened shape, which is why the plane was called a “duckling”. It is equipped with a two-seater cabin, in which measures have been taken to improve the level of comfort for crew members during long flights.

Power point

The aircraft is equipped with a pair of AL-31F-M1 TRDDF engines. Each of them has 13,300 kgf of thrust, which allows the car to accelerate to a speed of 1900 km/h. Since the fighter is constantly being modernized, its design allows for the replacement of engines with new ones, the AL-41F model. Such engines provide up to 14,500 kgf of thrust and allow flights in supercruise mode. Thanks to this mode, the aircraft receives a lot of advantages, in particular, the issue of high fuel consumption during afterburner flight is resolved.

Forward looking radar

The aircraft is equipped with the Sh-141 radar station, which allows it to effectively detect ground and air targets. The detection range of this system ranges from 75 to 250 kilometers and depends on the size of the target. At the same time, the radar can track up to 10 targets and fire at up to 4. It is also capable of assisting the guidance of air-to-air missiles equipped with their own radars by “target illumination.” For close-range missiles equipped with an infrared homing head, the radar provides the initial coordinates of the target. The system also provides the ability to fly at extremely low altitude and automatically follow the terrain.

Rear-view radar

Between the motors, in a special container, there is a rear-view radar. It monitors fighter attacks in the rear hemisphere and, as a countermeasure, offers a mode of firing RVV-AE air-to-air missiles at the attacking aircraft. Thus, a pilot intending to attack a pursuing aircraft does not have to waste precious time maneuvering.

Since rear-view radar with the ability to launch missiles is a unique technology that has not yet been used even on advanced Western fighters, and even promising NATO bombers, many experts are debating the reality of its existence and the effectiveness of its use. Lively discussions are caused by the lack of free access to official data about it.

Outboard exploration equipment

To use the Su-34 aircraft as a reconnaissance aircraft, it is possible to install suspended equipment on it, namely the UCR (universal reconnaissance container) “Sych”. Depending on the type of reconnaissance, it can be carried out in three versions: radar, radio engineering and optical.

Reflective area

During the development of the aircraft, special attention was paid to reducing its effective dispersion area. For this purpose, composite materials were used, which, due to the radio-absorbing coating, can reduce the level of reflection of radar waves. In addition, during the design of the aerodynamic design of the hull, aerodynamic strokes were excluded, and the geometry of the airframe was calculated in a special way. As a result, according to representatives of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, when flying at low altitude, the degree of radar visibility of the aircraft is at the level of cruise missiles, despite the fact that the size of the Su-34 is, naturally, several times larger.

Electronic warfare and air defense suppression

To be able to counter enemy radar if detected, the aircraft has electronic warfare equipment. This complex makes it possible to reduce the probability of hitting a fighter by approximately thirty times using radar-guided systems. From the point of view of electronic warfare (electronic warfare), the fighter is equipped at the same level as specialized machines. According to Western experts, the power of its electronic warfare system is similar in level to the systems of the EA-18G and EF-111A aircraft.

To fire at enemy air defense radar systems, the vehicle is armed with Kh-15P, Kh-58 and Kh-31P missiles with a range of 120-160 km, as well as Kh-31PD missiles with a range of 180-250 km. An excellent proof of the practical effectiveness of the Su-34 electronic warfare is the fact that during one of the conflicts in Georgia it was used as an electronic warfare fighter.

Aircraft guidance aids

To effectively use weapons, the Su-34 is equipped with an targeting system that allows it to search for and destroy enemy targets using radar. The complex includes the Platon system, designed to guide Kh-29 type missiles, as well as KAB-500-L and KAB-1500-L guided bombs. Kh-29T missiles and KAB-500Kr bombs do not require further guidance. Having received the initial coordinates of the target, they are aimed at it using a TV camera installed in the homing head.

The sighting system, used for destruction by conventional means (unguided bombs and missiles), provides high accuracy indicators, which have been repeatedly noted by experts, including NATO representatives, based on the experience of using the Su-34 in Syria. The important fact is that bombing with unguided missiles is much cheaper. The stocks of such weapons remaining in Russia from the USSR allow for significant savings. This is extremely important, given that the cost of the Su-34 is more than a billion rubles.

The characteristics of the fighter allow the use of NATO missiles and bombs using the Damocles module, produced at the Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant under license from the Thales Group. The development of this module was a necessary measure during the execution of a contract for the supply of Su-30 fighters to Malaysia.

To increase the level of protection for the crew and the survivability of the aircraft as a whole, the outer casing of the cabin is made of an armored titanium shell. During its development, the experience of combat use of Su-25 fighters was taken into account. The Su-34 received much thicker armor (17 mm), which is capable of stopping projectiles with a caliber of up to 12.7 mm. The total mass of the armor is 1480 kilograms, which is one and a half times more than that of the mentioned predecessor. In addition to its thickness, the Su-34's protection is notable for the fact that it is made entirely of titanium alloy, without the use of steel or aluminum plates.

The Su-34 cockpit is equipped with a pair of ejection seats model K-36DM, allowing ejection at any height, including from the ground. Pilots enter the workplace through a lower hatch equipped with steps.

Crew life support

To ensure efficient and comfortable operation of the crew during long-range flights (with additional fuel tanks, the aircraft is capable of covering a distance of up to 7 thousand kilometers), the fighter is equipped with systems that increase comfort.

Among these it is worth noting:

  1. Dry toilet.
  2. Folding bed.
  3. A sealed housing and an oxygen system that allow you to rise to altitudes of up to 10 thousand km without the use of oxygen masks.
  4. Cabin heating and air conditioning.
  5. Kitchen compartment with microwave and thermoses.
  6. Free space that allows you to stand up to your full height.
  7. Electric massage built into the chair.
  8. Projection of the dashboard onto the glass, allowing you to monitor the performance of the machine while away from the workplace.

Tools for working with an unprepared airfield

The Su-34 aircraft is equipped with an auxiliary gas turbine engine model TA14-130-35, which allows autonomous starting of the main engine without the use of ground-based launch equipment. This feature allows the vehicle to take off from any airfield and significantly expands its range of action.

Fire extinguishing system

To increase the level of survivability of the fighter and the safety of its pilots, it is equipped with automatic fire extinguishing equipment and means for duplicating all main systems. Fuel tanks are protected from fire and explosion by filling them with polyurethane foam. The essence of the technology is the effect of “encapsulation” of fuel, which prevents the formation of a flammable steam-air mixture in the event of damage to the fuel tank.


Finally, let’s look at the main tactical and technical characteristics of the Su-34:

  1. Dimensions: length - 23.3 m, height - 6.09 m, wingspan - 14.7 m.
  2. Chassis base - 6.63 m.
  3. Weight: normal - 39 tons, maximum - 45 tons.
  4. Fuel capacity - 12.1 tons.
  5. Maximum engine thrust: without afterburner -8250 kgf, with afterburner - 13500 kgf.
  6. Maximum overload - 7 G.
  7. Maximum speed: at altitude - 2200 km/h, at the ground - 1400 km/h.
  8. The practical ceiling is 17 km.

Combat use

In August 2008, two Russian Su-34s underwent a baptism of fire in South Ossetia. The fighters were used for electronic warfare against Georgian air defenses and to cover strike aircraft.

Since the end of September 2015, 6 Su-34 fighters have been used in military operations in Syria. In the area of ​​​​the settlements of Raqqa and Madan-Jadid, from an altitude of about 5 km, the planes carried out the first strikes on terrorist targets.

In the spring of 2016, Su-34 military aircraft were used in the Vologda region in a rather unusual way - to throw bombs at ice jams.

The newest best military aircraft of the Russian Air Force and the world photos, pictures, videos about the value of a fighter aircraft as a combat weapon capable of ensuring “superiority in the air” was recognized by the military circles of all states by the spring of 1916. This required the creation of a special combat aircraft superior to all others in speed, maneuverability, altitude and the use of offensive small arms. In November 1915, Nieuport II Webe biplanes arrived at the front. This was the first aircraft built in France that was intended for air combat.

The most modern domestic military aircraft in Russia and the world owe their appearance to the popularization and development of aviation in Russia, which was facilitated by the flights of Russian pilots M. Efimov, N. Popov, G. Alekhnovich, A. Shiukov, B. Rossiysky, S. Utochkin. The first domestic cars of designers J. Gakkel, I. Sikorsky, D. Grigorovich, V. Slesarev, I. Steglau began to appear. In 1913, the Russian Knight heavy aircraft made its first flight. But one cannot help but recall the first creator of the aircraft in the world - Captain 1st Rank Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky.

Soviet military aircraft of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War sought to hit enemy troops, their communications and other targets in the rear with air strikes, which led to the creation of bomber aircraft capable of carrying a large bomb load over considerable distances. The variety of combat missions to bomb enemy forces in the tactical and operational depth of the fronts led to the understanding of the fact that their implementation must be commensurate with the tactical and technical capabilities of a particular aircraft. Therefore, the design teams had to resolve the issue of specialization of bomber aircraft, which led to the emergence of several classes of these machines.

Types and classification, latest models of military aircraft in Russia and the world. It was obvious that it would take time to create a specialized fighter aircraft, so the first step in this direction was an attempt to arm existing aircraft with small offensive weapons. Mobile machine gun mounts, which began to be equipped with aircraft, required excessive efforts from pilots, since controlling the machine in maneuverable combat and simultaneously firing from unstable weapons reduced the effectiveness of shooting. The use of a two-seater aircraft as a fighter, where one of the crew members served as a gunner, also created certain problems, because the increase in weight and drag of the machine led to a decrease in its flight qualities.

What types of planes are there? In our years, aviation has made a big qualitative leap, expressed in a significant increase in flight speed. This was facilitated by progress in the field of aerodynamics, the creation of new, more powerful engines, structural materials, and electronic equipment. computerization of calculation methods, etc. Supersonic speeds have become the main flight modes of fighter aircraft. However, the race for speed also had its negative sides - the takeoff and landing characteristics and maneuverability of the aircraft sharply deteriorated. During these years, the level of aircraft construction reached such a level that it became possible to begin creating aircraft with variable sweep wings.

For Russian combat aircraft, in order to further increase the flight speeds of jet fighters exceeding the speed of sound, it was necessary to increase their power supply, increase the specific characteristics of turbojet engines, and also improve the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. For this purpose, engines with an axial compressor were developed, which had smaller frontal dimensions, higher efficiency and better weight characteristics. To significantly increase thrust, and therefore flight speed, afterburners were introduced into the engine design. Improving the aerodynamic shapes of aircraft consisted of using wings and tail surfaces with large sweep angles (in the transition to thin delta wings), as well as supersonic air intakes.

Su-34 is a 4++ generation combat aircraft. It is a multi-role fighter-bomber and is also positioned as a front-line bomber.

In the photo in flight.

The Su-34 was developed to replace the Su-24 front-line bomber, so it can perform the same functions, namely, striking ground and surface targets in any weather conditions at any time of the day.

The Su-34 is a deep modernization of the Su-27 fighter. At the first stages of development, the aircraft was designated Su-27IB (fighter-bomber).

The first flight of the Su-34 production aircraft was made in 1994.

The first display of the new front-line bomber to the international public took place at the international air show in Le Bourget in France in 1995. The aircraft was presented under the designation Su-32FN (Su-32FN, from the English Fighter - fighter, Navy - sea). In connection with this designation, for some time the aircraft received the nickname Finnish.

Later, due to the shape of the front part of the aircraft, reminiscent of a duck’s beak, the Su-34 received the nickname “duckling” among pilots.

Fully state tests were completed in 2011 and in 2014 the Su-34 was adopted by the Russian army.

On May 9, 2015, a military parade took place in Moscow, in which 14 Su-34 aircraft took part in the aerial part.

In the photo, the Su-34 is flying together with the Su-27 and MiG-29 during the parade rehearsal.

In 2008, a contract worth 33.6 billion rubles was signed for the supply of 32 Su-34 aircraft. Work under the contract began in 2009, the contract period is 5 years.

In 2012, the Russian Ministry of Defense continued to purchase new aircraft; a state contract was signed with the Sukhoi company for the production and delivery of another 92 Su-34 front-line bombers to the Russian Air Force until 2020.

As of November 29, 2015, the Russian Aerospace Forces received 79 Su-34 bombers, of which 11 were transferred to the army in 2015.

Now all production capacities are fully loaded, large-scale re-equipment is underway at the factories in order to increase production capabilities. It is planned to produce up to 20 Su-34 aircraft per year and by 2020 to completely replace obsolete Su-24 bombers with new machines.

Based on the results of the operation of the Su-34 aircraft, some technical deficiencies were identified, which were corrected. The aircraft has evolved and improved, these problems are the “growing pains” that accompany any new machine.

The Su-34 began to be actively used by combat units in 2012, and the very next year half of the aircraft fleet had quite a serious flight time: from 200 to 250 hours.


The concept of a universal aircraft, which combined the contradictory requirements of high maneuverability and speed on the one hand, and a large combat load and flight range on the other, could only be realized on the basis of the use of the latest achievements in aerodynamics and aviation technology, as well as on the basis of the development of promising equipment and weapons. In the mid-80s, the team of the OKB im. P. O. Sukhoi, who shortly before put into serial production the supersonic single-seat fighter-interceptor Su-27.

Work on the creation of a new fourth-generation attack vehicle, developed under the code T-10B (later the aircraft was given the official name Su-27IB, i.e. “fighter-bomber”), was headed by general designer M. P. Simonov, and the main designer of the machine was R. G. Martirosov was appointed, under whose direct supervision the design of the aircraft was carried out.

Mikhail Petrovich Simonov

The creation of new radio-electronic equipment, which was to form the basis of the T-10V weapons control system. was entrusted to the NPO "Leninets" (St. Petersburg), which was headed by General Designer G. N. Gromov. Aviation weapons for the new fighter-bomber were designed by several enterprises - Vympel Design Bureau (General Designer G. A Sokolovsky). OKB "Zvezda" (chief designer G.I. Khokhlov) and MKB "Raduga" (general designer I.S. Seleznev).

Work on the T-10B topic was carried out on the basis of the unfinished deck-based training aircraft T-10KM-2 with the seats of the instructor and the student pilot located side by side. It became obvious to the developers that an aircraft with such a two-seater cabin layout has significant reserves for expanding its scope of application (as a bomber, reconnaissance aircraft, tanker, jammer, etc.). The Air Force has also expressed interest in a two-seat attack aircraft designed to replace the gradually aging Su-24M front-line bomber.

The T-10B aircraft was significantly different from the basic version of the Su-27 (T-10S). A number of fundamental changes were made to the design:
* increased the midsection of the forward fuselage;
* the cockpit was completely reconfigured, the entrance to which was through the niche of the front landing gear;
* used a new flashlight;
* the wing root flaps were extended forward, destabilizer consoles were installed on them:
* the front landing gear was moved forward, the layout of its cleaning and the system of niche flaps were changed:
* changed the design of the air intakes;
* ventral fins removed:
* increased the number of weapon attachment points.
The first flight prototype of the T-10V-1 fighter-bomber was created by converting the serial Su-27UB combat trainer. At NAPO im. V.P. Chkalov in Novosibirsk produced a new forward fuselage section with an armored cockpit, which was then installed on a modernized “Sparky” airframe.

Due to the row arrangement of the crew, the bow section had not a round, but a flattened shape with sharp side edges, smoothly turning into bulges in front of the front horizontal tail consoles. The front landing gear strut had a completely different design due to the fundamentally changed layout of the cockpit and the fact that the entrance to the cockpit was not from above through an open canopy, but from below through a large hatch in the strut niche and a door in the rear wall of the cabin. Due to the increased weight of the head part of the fuselage, the landing gear support had two wheels. The air intakes underwent a significant change and were made non-adjustable (high maximum speed at high altitude was not of particular importance for a fighter-bomber operating primarily near the ground). Engines and engine nacelles were also replaced.

On the T-10B, a cabin made of titanium armor was used to protect the crew members. The consumable fuel tank was also armored. Fire tests of the new cockpit showed its complete reliability. The “excess” weight of the armor of the T-10B aircraft was 1480 kg.
For the first time, a prototype Su-27IB (T-10V-1 blue tail number "42") was lifted into the air from the LII airfield on April 13, 1990 by one of the company's best pilots, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Anatoly Ivanov.

Anatoly Alexandrovich Ivanov

The vehicle underwent flight tests in 1990-1991.
Most of the new structural components and systems of the aircraft were tested for a long time at the Design Bureau on various stands. On one of them, for example, a Su 27 fighter airframe equipped with a retractable braking parachute container was installed. The reliability of the parachute braking system was tested under the oncoming air flow. The emergency escape system required special attention, which, even after being installed on the prototype, needed improvement; compared to the crew rescue system of the Su-24M bomber, the ejection time for pilots on the Su-27IB was reduced by almost three times.

The Su-27IB was first shown publicly on February 13, 1992 at an exhibition in Machulishchi (near Minsk) at a time when the heads of state of the CIS, including Russian President Boris Yeltsin, were gathering in the capital of Belarus. The exhibition organizers hoped that by showing the President a new promising technology, It will be possible to obtain funding for the continuation of development work, as well as the construction of pre-production models. Representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Aviation Industry also hoped in the future to receive orders for the serial production of the latest aircraft, including the Su-27IB.

However, the world learned about the new Soviet aircraft a little earlier. In the summer of 1990, the experimental Su-27IB (T-10V-1) was briefly relocated to the Novofedorovka airfield (near the city of Saki), where the USSR Navy aviation testing center was located. A strange decision at first glance was explained quite simply. The President of the Soviet Union, MS Gorbachev, who was on vacation in the Crimea at the time, got acquainted with the new equipment that took part in the exercises of the Black Sea Fleet. He also visited the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov", which entered factory sea trials after the next completion. The leadership of the Sukhoi Design Bureau decided to demonstrate to the President, together with carrier-based aircraft, the newest front-line fighter-bomber. Test pilots masterfully performed a simulation of a landing approach over the deck of a cruiser on the Su-27IB. A correspondent of the ITAR-TASS agency, A. Kremko, who was on the ship, photographed the aircraft approaching the deck, after which the picture was distributed through numerous agency channels. The caption under the photograph was quite funny: “Landing on the deck of the Tbilisi aircraft carrier.” This is how the first official photograph of the Su-27IB appeared.

After this, false information began to spread (profitable to the OKB) that the passages of the new two-seater aircraft over the ship were carried out to study the landing conditions of carrier-based aircraft. Thus, the illusion of testing a new type of training carrier-based aircraft was created for the West, and thus for some time it was possible to divert the attention of Western intelligence services from the creation of a new strike complex. But unexpectedly, the secret was quickly revealed; photographs of the Su-27IB with a full set of weapons, published after the exhibition in Machulishchi by the same ITAR TASS agency, left no doubt about the purpose of the aircraft. Thus, in the first winter of 1992, the world learned about the appearance in Russia of a new type of strike fighter-bomber.

After Machulishchi, the Su-27IB was demonstrated in flight several times in Zhukovsky (at air shows in 1992 and 1993). The car was piloted by Honored Test Pilot Evgeniy Revunov and 2nd Class Test Navigator Evgeniy Donchenko “IB” flew in one formation next to two Su-27P/PU from the group of Anatoly Kvochur, simulating refueling from the Il-78M tanker. Then the crew, performing a series of aerobatics, demonstrated the excellent flight qualities of the aircraft. This display allowed the publication of a number of photographs in the press, which enabled observers to evaluate the aircraft quite well.
On December 18, 1993, the first flight of the pre-production version of the Su-27IB, called the Su-34 (blue tail number "43"), took place.

In fact, this was the second experimental aircraft, but in a production configuration (the machine had the factory code T-10V-2). The fighter-bomber was intended to engage pinpoint heavily protected targets in all weather conditions, day and night, as well as for round-the-clock search, detection, classification and destruction of surface and underwater targets in any weather conditions in the presence of active electronic countermeasures. The combat mission was ensured by the installation of advanced electronic equipment on board , which included a multifunctional radar with increased resolution, which had the ability to “see” even small-sized ground targets and ensure their destruction with high accuracy.
Thanks to the use of an integral layout and the latest materials in the design (including composite, titanium, etc.), as well as the rejection of such “extra” units as the wing rotation mechanism, this vehicle became capable of carrying an increased combat load compared to the Su 24 while simultaneously increasing flight range and maintaining good takeoff and landing performance.
Purely externally, the Su-34 differed slightly from its prototype Su-27IB, but the design underwent a number of changes. The brake parachute container, which was located in the tail boom on the Su-27 and its modifications, was moved slightly forward and made retractable during landing.

Thus, space was freed up in the tail boom of the Su 34 for the payload. In addition, it was significantly lengthened. The presence of a large radio-transparent radome in it suggested that the developer intended to install a rear-view radar station that could not only warn the crew about an enemy attack, but also control the launch of air-to-air missiles (in particular RVV-AE) capable of hitting not only aircraft but also enemy guided missiles (no foreign attack aircraft currently has such capabilities).

The front landing gear also had two wheels. On the Su-27IB, the main landing gear was made by analogy with the Su-27 fighter. The Su-34 had a completely different design of the main landing gear. Instead of one wheel of a larger diameter, the designers used a pair of wheels of smaller diameter, but increased in width and located one behind the other (like MiG-31) along one longitudinal axis without shift. The use of this design of the main supports was caused by the large weight of the combat load, which affects the landing with a remaining supply of weapons. Such a landing gear trolley facilitated the operation of the aircraft from unpaved strips with a light combat load.
Flights over long distances and long periods of time in the air are always tiring for the crew. The designers of the Su-34 took this into account and did the almost impossible - the double cockpit of the Su-34 (like the Su-27IB) was successfully configured not only for combat work, but also for relaxation crew members in flight, for the first time for this class of attack aircraft, implementing the concept of a comfortable cabin. It turned out to be so spacious that during the demonstration of the Su-27IB by General Designer M. P. Simonov to the command of the Air Force and Navy, Air Force Commander-in-Chief, Colonel General P.S. Deinekin jokingly remarked, “It is larger than on the Tu-160 strategic bomber.”

At NPO Zvezda, under the leadership of G. I. Severin, they created a version of the K-36DM ejection seat, in the back of which an electric massager was mounted.

Behind the cockpit there was a small compartment where food could be heated and other amenities not available on other front-line bombers. The layout of the cabin allowed crew members to alternately leave their work seats and take a vertical position in the cockpit compartment to a full rest position. The distance between the pilot and navigator's seats is sufficient for any of the crew members to lie down in the aisle between the seats and, if necessary, rest lying down. Up to an altitude of 10,000 m, conditions corresponding to the altitude were automatically maintained in the Su-34 cockpit (as on the Su 27IB) flight 2400 m. This allowed the crew to work without oxygen masks. A powerful air conditioning system was also installed on board. All this ensured high performance of the pilots during long flights lasting up to 10 hours, further increasing the combat potential of the Su-34.
Pilot access to the cockpit of the fighter-bomber, as on the prototype, was also simplified and was carried out along a ladder through the niche of the front landing gear.

The creators of the Su-34 took into account the experience of combat use of aviation at low altitudes. Like the Su-27IB, the cockpit was designed (for the first time in world practice on vehicles of this class) in the form of a single armored capsule. Other vital components of the aircraft, in particular the consumable fuel tank and engines, had similar protection. All this, combined with the protective equipment already implemented on the Su 27 aircraft, provided the Su-34 with high combat performance in low-altitude flight over enemy territory, saturated with air defense systems.
The main avionics equipment as well as a cartridge box with ammunition for the GSh-301 gun were also placed in the behind-the-cockpit compartment. In the middle part of the fuselage, integral fuel tanks with porous filler were placed, and under the fuselage, along the axis of symmetry between the engine nacelles, two suspension units for anti-ship missiles or other heavy air-to-surface weapons were placed in tandem.
The aircraft was equipped with a digital fly-by-wire control system, an active safety system, and a system for damping the aircraft's longitudinal air pressure when flying in a turbulent atmosphere. The active safety system made it possible to perform aerobatic maneuvers at maximum speed near the ground (1380 km/h), follow the terrain, and overcome the enemy air defense system. It also had a mode for bringing it to the horizon and recovering from a spin.
The system, made using elements of artificial intelligence, automatically monitored the physical condition and actions of the pilots, the operation of on-board systems and the remaining fuel, and ensured automatic return to the airfield and landing approach.
The presence of an active safety system on the aircraft, along with the latest computers, made it possible to create additional opportunities for the pilot and navigator to conduct targeted bombing and maneuver under enemy fire.
On the Su-34. as on the Su-27IB, they used a standard in-flight refueling system (similar to that used on the Su-27K, Su-ZO and Su-35). By placing a large amount of fuel in a well-designed airframe, the Su-34 could continuously fly to a range of up to 4,000 km. and with in-flight refueling - to a range of up to 7000 km. Air refueling could be carried out from another Su-34 or Su-24M equipped with an UPAZ system. The new aircraft, compared to other types of attack vehicles, turned out to be much better suited for rapid transfer to an area located at a great distance from its permanent base.

refueling from IL-78

Some elements of the Su-34 were made taking into account Stealth technology. For example, the main radio-transparent radar radome had sharp side edges that smoothly turned into an influx of PGO. In this way, the degree of reflection of enemy radar radiation was reduced while maintaining consistently good aerodynamics. In addition, the aircraft had a reduced surface area for reflecting radar beams compared to other aircraft of this class. The pronounced integral layout of the airframe was combined with a radically modified, flattened shape of the nose. This, as well as radar-absorbing coatings and materials, were able to make the Su-34 significantly less visible on radar screens than vehicles such as the Su-24, F-111 and F-15E. The absence of ventral fins also reduced the aircraft's reflective surface. According to representatives of the OKB im. P.O. Sukhoi, when flying at low altitude, the Su-34 will have the same degree of radar signature as a modern cruise missile.

Another element that increases the combat survivability of the Su-34 is the presence of a second control for the navigator-operator.
Excellent aerodynamics, a huge capacity of internal fuel tanks due to the integral layout of the aircraft, highly economical bypass engines with a digital control system, an in-flight refueling system, as well as the suspension of additional fuel tanks allowed the Su-34 to cover long distances, approaching the flight ranges of medium strategic bombers (Tu -16, Tu-22 and Tu-22M).
The Su-34 had a fundamentally new on-board computer system and other electronic equipment, which was duplicated many times and could, in an automatically programmed mode, launch the aircraft into a specified area with great accuracy.
The fighter-bomber was equipped with a navigation system that included an inertial system, radio navigation aids and satellite navigation equipment. Multifunctional color indicators on cathode ray tubes, as well as head-up displays (HUD), were installed in the cockpit. The pilots also had helmet-mounted sights that allowed them to target guided missiles (in particular, the Kh-29T) using a “look,” which significantly reduced the weapon’s reaction time (this is especially important in low-altitude flight). The radar could detect and determine the location of air targets (including small ones) at ranges of up to 250 km.

According to the General Designer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau M.P. Simonov, a complex of onboard radio-electronic equipment (avionics), installed on the Su-34, was intended to perform anti-submarine operations, conduct reconnaissance, identify minefields and combat enemy surface ships. The aircraft's radar guaranteed detection of surface targets with an effective dispersion area of ​​more than 3000 m2 and the trace of a submarine at a distance of 150 km (from high altitude). The equipment complex could also be used to solve search and rescue tasks, as well as monitor the environment over the sea.

The aircraft's avionics had an expanded range of computing tools designed in the form of autonomous information modules. They consisted of computing units of the Argon large computer and specially programmed processors connected by multiplex data transfer buses. All information modules were controlled by a dual central computer system, which fully coordinated their work, ensured data exchange and provided the crew with information during the flight mission.
OKB specialists sought to ensure high reliability of the avionics complex through the use of modular principles for constructing systems, as well as redundancy of software and equipment elements. According to the Chief Designer of the Su-34, Rolan Martirosov, this aircraft can successfully complete a combat mission even with partial failures in some information modules.

During sea patrols, the main tasks of a fighter-bomber will be carried out with the help of radar and radio sonobuoys (RSAB). infrared system and laser rangefinder. Target detection will be carried out mainly using radar and acoustic signals relayed by the RGAB. In some cases, optical (television) target detection is also possible.
72 RGAB can be used to detect submarines. including several passive direction finders operating in a wide frequency range, active RGAB direction finders and means of explosive generation of hydroacoustic waves. According to OKB representatives, the characteristics of the RGAB, which can be dropped from the Su-34, exceed the characteristics of the American beacons SSQ-53B, SSQ-77A and SSQ-75.
The magnetic anomaly sensor can be used in conjunction with the RGAB to detect submarines based on measurements of local parameters of the Earth's magnetic field. The radar provides detection of small targets (for example, submarine periscopes), as well as control of the operation of the RGAB.
According to the General Designer of the OKB MP Simonov, the characteristics of the Su-34 radar exceeded the characteristics of the similar American AN/APS 137 radar by 25-30%. The Su-34's target detection capabilities have increased due to the use of two independent systems - infrared and television. These systems could be used either separately or together depending on weather conditions and time of day.
The onboard electronic reconnaissance system operates in the “standby” mode most of the time. In the event of intercepting signals about the presence of submarines in the search zone or over the horizon, the system is capable of detecting, identifying and determining the direction of an enemy submarine by its operating radio equipment.

The fighter-bomber became capable of carrying on an external sling two supersonic anti-ship guided missiles of the ASM-MSS type weighing 4000 kg each with a flight range of 250 km and a speed corresponding to M = 3, or three of the latest Alpha anti-ship missiles weighing 1500 kg each with a flight range of up to 300 km and speed in the range of numbers M = 2.2-3.0 The total weight of the Su-34 combat load on external nodes could be 8000 kg. Along with the increased combat load, the Su-34 also had a wider range of weapons compared to the Su-24, used at ranges up to 250 km. The armament included a built-in single-barrel 30-mm GSh-301 cannon, high-precision homing and adjustable missiles and bombs, medium-range air-to-air guided missiles RVV-AE and short-range R-73 missiles.

When searching for surface targets, all Su-34 search and targeting systems can be used, which, combined with the use of long-range guided missiles, allows the aircraft to remain at the greatest possible distance from enemy air defense systems.

The flight-tactical characteristics of the fighter-bomber decreased slightly compared to the basic fighter version. The maximum take-off weight was about 45,000 kg, and the normal weight was about 42,000 kg. As in the fighter variants of the Su-27, the maximum speed at sea level was limited to 1,400 km/h, and at high altitude - the number M = 1.8.


Wingspan, m

Aircraft length, m

Aircraft height

Take-off weight, kg



engine's type

2 TRDF AL-35 (AL-31F)

Unforced thrust, kgf

Maximum speed, km/h

at an altitude of 11000 m

at sea level

Practical range, km

Combat radius, km

Practical ceiling, m

Maximum operational overload

Crew, people


one 30 mm GSh-301 cannon (180 rounds)
Combat load - 8000 kg (normal - 4000 kg) on ​​12 hardpoints:
8 air-to-air missiles R-73;
6 air-to-air missiles R-27RE or E;
8 air-to-air missiles R-77 (RVV-AE);
6 air-to-surface missiles X-29T/L, X-25ML, S-25LD
6 air-to-radar missiles X-31P or air-to-ship X-31A;
1 multi-purpose missile launcher "Alpha";
3 air-to-surface missiles X-59M;
3 adjustable aerial bombs KAB-1500L/TK;
6 adjustable aerial bombs KAB-500KR/L;
3 bombs of 1500 kg caliber, 16 bombs of 500 kg caliber, 36 bombs of 250 kg caliber, 48 bombs of 100 kg caliber, 8 KMGU containers, 120 S-8 missiles (in 6 B-8M1 blocks), 30 S-13 missiles (in 6 B-13L blocks) or 6 S-25 missiles.

The first flight of the "thirty-four", carried out from the airfield of the Novosibirsk aviation plant, lasted quite a long time - 52 minutes. The machine was lifted into the air by OKB test pilots Igor Votintsev and Evgeny Revunov. On the first flight, the escort aircraft was a Su-24 bomber, controlled by a crew consisting of plant test pilots E. N. Rudakas and A. I. Gaivoronsky. T-10V-2, built at a serial plant, became the lead aircraft of the pilot batch of this type of aircraft on March 3 In 1994, E. G. Revunov and I. E. Solovyov performed a non-stop flight from Novosibirsk to Zhukovsky (to the LII airfield) on the T-10B-2.

Exactly one year after the first, on December 28, 1994, the second flying, and in fact the first production Su-34 (T-10V-5) took off from the airfield of the Novosibirsk aircraft plant; later, after painting, it received a white contour tail number "45" “The flight was carried out by a crew consisting of factory pilot E. N. Rudakas and OKB pilot E. G. Revunov. According to tradition, the new aircraft was accompanied on its first flight by a “veteran” of the plant - the Su-24 (pilots I. E. Solovyov and R. Asadulin). At the beginning of June 1995, the plane flew to the LII airfield to prepare it for participation in the international air show in Le Bourget. It was painted in bright sea green colors and had an additional white show number "349" on board.

A few days before flying to Paris, the aircraft was demonstrated in the air to General Designer M.P. Simonov and those accompanying him. At the end of the flight, the unexpected happened - before landing, only the front landing gear came out, the rest were “stuck.” The crew, quickly getting their bearings, instead of landing, passed at a low altitude above the runway and turned the car into a sharp left turn. Apparently, the main landing gear was shaken out due to overload, and the plane landed successfully. The joy of the General Designer, the crew and everyone present at the show knew no bounds. It was possible not only to preserve the expensive car, but also not to disrupt its demonstration at the prestigious air show.
This was the 18th flight of the T-10V-5. After landing, some elements of the main struts simply “hung” from their niches, having been torn off when the landing gear was “pushed out”. The Sukhovites had to urgently bring new support parts from Novosibirsk (from the existing stock) and install them on the plane. The Su-34 was still able to be transported to Le Bourget, where it was exhibited under the export name Su-32FN only in the parking lot. And this turned out to be justified, because... On the way back from France, a problem occurred again, but with a different system. After an intermediate landing in Prague, the car still reached the LII airfield without accidents. In August of the same year, the same specimen was demonstrated at the MAKS-95 ground exposition in Zhukovsky.

According to the already established tradition, exactly one year after the flight of the previous prototype, on December 25, 1996, the crew of test pilots consisting of Igor Solovyov (OKB) and Evgeniy Rudakas (NAPO) lifted the third flight Su-34 (T-10V-4) into the air. During the 46-minute flight of the still unpainted aircraft, the pilots conducted an initial assessment of the stability and controllability of the aircraft and checked the operation of its main systems. According to the crew, the flight went well. The Five differed from previous examples by having on board a full set of avionics equipment developed by the Leninets holding company. At the beginning of 1997, its tests began. In June, this example of the Su-34 aircraft (Su-32FN) with a white contour tail number “44” (serial number 41606627000573 is marked on the airframe) and a white exhibition number “343”, painted in poisonous green (emerald) color, was shown at the air show in Le Bourget. In several flights, test pilot Igor Votintsev demonstrated the excellent flight qualities of the machine. On August 8, the plane took part in the air show in Kubinka, and 11 days later it was exhibited at the MAKS-97 air show in Zhukovsky, where Votintsev demonstrated it in flight with suspended Kh-31P missiles.

Igor Viktorovich Votintsev

In 1997, the construction of another example of the Su-34, the T-10V-6, was completed, which received a white contour tail number “46”.
In November 1995, static testing of aircraft was completed. Now flight tests continue under a special program, since there is no need to check the characteristics of the new aircraft in some modes due to the high degree of its unification with the base Su-27 aircraft. Test pilots of the Design Bureau I.V. Votintsev, E.G. Revunov and I.E. Solovyov take part in the tests of the Su-34.
During the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Sukhoi Design Bureau at PLITs im. V.P. Chkalov in Akhtubinsk, pilots of the company and the Air Force set several world aviation records during the testing of the Su-34. The first four records were set by test pilot, chief pilot of the Design Bureau Igor Votintsev and test navigator Alexander Gaivoronsky on July 28, 1999. The total take-off weight of the aircraft was 36,160 kg, and the payload bomb load was 5,129 kg. Along the way, three more world achievements were exceeded during this flight.
Two new records were set on August 3 by GLITs test pilot Colonel Vyacheslav Petrusha and navigator Alexander Oshchepkov. The take-off weight of the Su-34 this time was 34,130 kg. With a useful missile and bomb load of 5 tons, they reached a height of 15050 m. In addition, the pilots lifted a maximum load of 5129 kg to a height of 2000 m.

On August 19, 1999, during the 4th international aerospace salon MAKS-99, three more world records were set. One of them is recorded as follows: the plane lifted a payload of missiles and bombs weighing 2.3 tons to a height of 16,150 m. No jet aircraft in the world with a take-off weight from 35 to 45 tons has previously reached such a height with the specified payload . The record flight was performed by test pilot Igor Soloviev and test navigator Vladimir Shendrik.
At the end of the 90s, a message appeared in the Russian press that NAPO had already built a total of seven copies of the Su-34 (Su-32FN). But the main sensation was the information that in the future it is planned to install new generation engines with thrust vector control AL-41F on the aircraft.

If, despite the economic difficulties experienced by Russia, funding for the Su-34 (Su-32FN) program continues, then in the next few years the Russian Air Force will receive a powerful combat weapon that will protect the country’s land and sea borders with greater efficiency and lower costs. than the vehicles of this class currently in service do. At the same time, the Su-34 (Su-32FN) also has good export potential.
The Su-27IB and Su-34/Su-32FN aircraft were not assigned a special NATO code designation.
The main differences between the Su-34 aircraft and the Su-27 aircraft:
The design of the head part of the fuselage has been completely changed, in which a two-seat crew cabin is equipped with seats for the pilot and the operator of the weapons control system in a “side by side” configuration; the entrance to the cabin is through a hatch in the retractable niche of the front landing gear; the radio-transparent nose radome of the radar has an elliptical shape with sharp side edges;
the contours of the middle and rear parts of the fuselage have been changed, their design has been strengthened and provides large internal volumes to accommodate equipment and fuel tanks of increased capacity;
the diameter and length of the central tail boom, which houses the rear-view radar, have been increased;
the shape of the wing flaps on which the front horizontal tail consoles are installed has been changed;
the wing structure has been strengthened; two additional weapons suspension points are equipped under the wing;
the under-beam ridges were removed;
the design and retraction scheme of the front landing gear have been changed, its strut is equipped with twin wheels;
the design of the main landing gear has been changed;
An in-flight refueling system was introduced with a retractable boom installed on the left in front of the cockpit.
engine air intakes are unregulated;
the maximum take-off weight has been increased to approximately 45,000 kg, the internal fuel supply has increased to approximately 12,000 kg, and the use of 3 large-capacity external fuel tanks has been provided;
a new avionics complex was used, which includes a multifunctional radar, an optical-electronic surveillance and sighting system, a rear-view radar, navigation equipment, radio communications, electronic countermeasures and other systems. It provides solutions to the following tasks: search, detection and recognition of ground and surface objects with target designation and aiming in simple and adverse weather conditions; round-the-clock and all-weather detection, identification and determination of the coordinates of enemy aircraft and missiles with the issuance of target designation to the air-to-air missile guidance system and to the electronic radar complex; 24-hour and all-weather support for joint group operations of aircraft; countering radio-electronic weapons control systems of air defense systems, enemy fighters and missiles; delivery of information about flight parameters, the operation of aircraft components and systems, as well as the tactical situation on the multifunctional indicators of the pilot and navigator-operator.
The air-to-air guided weapons include 6 R-27RE (TE, R, T) missiles, 8 RVV-AE missiles, 8 R-73 missiles; a typical aircraft armament for air-to-air missions includes 6 R-27E (or RVV-AE) missiles and 4 R-73 missiles;
The range of weapons includes guided means of destruction of ground targets: 6 general purpose missiles Kh-29T, Kh-29L, Kh-25ML, S-25LD or adjustable bombs KAB-500Kr and KAB-500L, 3 medium-range missiles Kh-59M or adjustable bombs KAB-1500TK, 6 Kh-31A or Kh-35U anti-ship missiles, 6 Kh-31P anti-radar missiles, etc.
to destroy ground targets, the aircraft can also be equipped with unguided weapons with a total mass of up to 8000 kg, placed on 12 hardpoints, some of which are equipped with multi-position beam holders: 3 bombs of 1500 kg caliber, 16 bombs of 500 kg caliber, 36 bombs of 250 kg caliber, 48 bombs 100 kg caliber, 8 KMGU containers, 120 S-8 missiles (in 6 B-8M1 blocks), 30 S-13 missiles (in 6 B-13L blocks) or 6 S-25 missiles.

Technical description.

The Su-34 airframe is designed according to the “integral longitudinal triplane” design and has a pronounced integral layout. The wing, integrally coupled with the fuselage, is trapezoidal and has a sweep along the leading edge of 42°. The PGO is made all-rotating. The stabilizer is differentially deflectable. Compared to the Su-27, the shape of the cantilever parts of the wing and tail unit has been preserved virtually unchanged, but the wing flaps have been extended to the elliptical cross-section of the forward fuselage. The nose has been extended to accommodate the installation of a radar antenna. The nose cone of the aircraft has a flattened shape with developed side bulges and pointed edges. A radar with a small antenna is located inside the radome. It has no ventral ridges.
The cabin is double, closed, sealed. Made in the form of a welded titanium armor capsule with a wall thickness of up to 17 mm. The glazing is also armored. The cabin is equipped with a heating and air conditioning system. The crew's workstations are located side by side, one next to the other, “shoulder to shoulder,” which significantly reduces their fatigue and improves interaction. On the left is the pilot, on the right is the navigator and operator. Entry is through the nose landing gear via a folding ladder. Crew members are seated in K-36DM ejection seats with improved ergonomics. Ejection is possible in all modes (including parking and taxiing). The cabin is spacious and comfortable. On a long flight, you can sleep in the aisle between the seats or stand upright behind the seats. There is a bathroom and a microwave oven for hot meals for the crew.

Chassis: The aircraft uses a new bogie chassis with a tandem arrangement of wheels on the main supports, providing the aircraft with good cross-country ability on poorly prepared airfields (and, consequently, combat “survivability” in conditions when major runways are disabled, as happened to for example, in Iraq in 1991, and aviation will have to be dispersed to field airfields). The front landing gear of the semi-link type is reinforced and equipped with two wheels. The main supports are retracted in the direction of flight into the center section niches with the bogies turning.
In the rear part of the fuselage, between the engines, there is a compartment with electronic equipment, which forced the designers to move the brake parachute container from the tail cone to the upper part of the fuselage, making it retractable, “keyboard” type.

Powerplant and fuel system

The aircraft's power plant includes two AL-31F bypass turbojet engines with afterburners or modifications thereof. On production Su-34 aircraft, more powerful and economical modifications of the AL-31F can be used, known in print under the names AL-31FM and AL-35F and having a thrust, according to various sources, from 12800 to 14000 kgf (125.6 and 137.3 kN, respectively). There is an APU.
The fuel system includes: three tanks in the fuselage, one in the center section and two in the wing consoles (according to other sources, four tanks of increased volume (three in the fuselage and center section and one in the wing consoles); pumps for pumping and transferring fuel; fuel gauge - flow metering equipment. It is possible to install drop-dropped outboard fuel tanks with a capacity of 3000 liters.
There is an in-flight refueling system using the “hose-cone” method (fuel can be received from Il-78 and Il-78M “tankers”, the same type of Su-34 aircraft, as well as the Su-24M bomber, equipped with an UPAZ suspension unit). The retractable fuel intake rod is located in the left fuselage bulge in the head of the fuselage in front of the cockpit. There are two night refueling lights.

Onboard equipment and systems

The flight navigation system includes an inertial navigation system integrated with a satellite navigation system receiver, as well as radio navigation aids. To control the aircraft, a digital multi-channel control system is used. The system automatically monitors the current values ​​of the angle of attack and overload, and automatically controls the position of the anti-aircraft gun, ensuring the damping of aircraft noise in the pitch plane. The active safety system implemented on the bomber automatically prevents it from entering unacceptable flight conditions and colliding with the ground during low-altitude flight. There is a mode for bringing to the horizon and recovering from a spin. The system, made using elements of artificial intelligence, automatically monitors the physical condition and actions of pilots, the operation of on-board systems and the remaining fuel, and also ensures automatic return to the airfield and landing approach.
The aircraft is equipped with an avionics system that provides combat missions in the entire range of operating conditions with a high degree of automation. The structure of the complex is separate-integral. All information systems are configured as autonomous equipment, which includes computing units based on a high-power Argon digital computer, as well as a number of specially programmable processors. All units are controlled by a central computer system, which fully coordinates work, data exchange and provides intelligent assistance to the aircraft crew in solving combat missions.

The modular design of the entire complex, duplication of software and equipment, as well as the simultaneous operation of all information systems make it possible to solve a combat mission in the event of partial failure or even failure of some information systems. The modular design allows you to easily change the composition of the complex by introducing new information systems if necessary.
A multi-mode radar with a phased array antenna installed on board the aircraft makes it possible to detect small ground targets while simultaneously tracking several air targets "on the fly." The detection range of air targets is 200-250 km.

The bomber is also equipped with a rear-view radar, which not only warns the crew of an enemy attack, but also provides control of air-to-air missiles in the rear hemisphere.
The aircraft's capabilities for detecting and attacking small targets are enhanced through the use of a two-channel television and thermal imaging system combined with a laser rangefinder-target designator. Channels can work both together and separately depending on weather conditions and time of day.
The central computer control system includes a navigator-operator workstation, a central computer and a multiplex data bus. At the navigator-operator's workplace there are two multifunctional color CRT indicators with a liquid crystal panel. The processed information is displayed on the displays: from the systems - alphanumeric, from the computer - in the form of symbols.
Indicators allow you to mix images in the “big picture” mode, when simultaneous information from different systems is displayed on one screen.
The on-board digital computer uses “artificial intelligence” and “artificial security” systems.

For the naval version of the aircraft (its export modification is known as the Su-32FN), a complex of radio-electronic equipment was used, modernized to solve additional tasks and provide reconnaissance, surveillance of the sea surface, search for submarines, mine detection and combat against enemy surface ships.
When fighting against submarines (submarines), the avionics complex can search for targets upon receiving preliminary target designation from other means, including space ones. All search and targeting operations are carried out automatically. The intelligent crew assistance system ensures the continuity of the combat mission without operator intervention, and also allows for the implementation of several options for solving it.
The main means of detecting submarines on board the Su-32FN aircraft are radar in combination with radio sonobuoys (RSAB), as well as a magnetic anomaly sensor located in the tail boom. The aircraft is capable of carrying up to 72 RGABs, which include several passive direction finders operating in a wide frequency range, active RGABs and means of explosive wave generation.


Built-in cannon GSh-301 (30 mm, 1800 rounds per minute, ammunition - 180 rounds).

12 external hardpoints (under the fuselage, engine nacelles and wing consoles) can accommodate up to 8000 kg of various weapons.

The complex of high-precision strike weapons ensures the destruction of ground (surface) targets at a range of up to 250 km. It includes tactical cruise missiles Kh-59M with television command guidance (up to three missiles), air-to-surface missiles of the Kh-29, Kh-25M and S-25L types (up to six units), anti-ship missiles of four types with a range actions 250, 180 and 70 km, anti-radar high-speed missiles of the X-31 type (up to six), up to three adjustable aerial bombs of 1500 kg caliber or up to six 500 kg caliber, up to four torpedoes. A container with 70 radio-acoustic buoys can be suspended under the fuselage.
"Non-intelligent" weapons for destroying ground targets are similar to the armament of the Su-27 aircraft and include up to six units with S-8 (120 missiles) or S-13 (30 missiles), as well as up to six S-25 missiles, up to seven small-sized containers KMGU cargo, up to 16 FAB-500, up to 22 FAB-250 or up to 34 FAB-100.

NAR S-13

The air-to-air missile armament is generally similar to that of other aircraft of the Su-27 family. It includes up to eight medium-range missiles with active radar homing RVV-AE, up to six medium-range missiles of the R-27 type or short-range missiles with the R-73 TGS. At the end parts of the wing two containers with an electronic warfare system can be placed. Three PTBs of 3000 liters each are suspended under the wing and fuselage.

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