Home Wheels TPR thermoplastic rubber outsole slips or not. What is thermoplastic rubber. TEP sole - an affordable solution

TPR thermoplastic rubber outsole slips or not. What is thermoplastic rubber. TEP sole - an affordable solution

10.04.2014 556096

“What is the difference between TPE and EVA? What does tunit promise me? PVC is glue? What are the soles of these boots even made of?” - The modern buyer wants to know everything. In order not to lose face in front of him and be able to explain whether such a sole is suitable for him, carefully study this article. In it, process engineer Igor Okorokov explains what materials shoe soles are made of and what is good about each of them.

- engineer-technologist of shoe production, graduate of Vitebsk State Technological University of Light Industry. Since 2002, he has been working as a specialist for various shoe companies in Russia.

Materials used to make soles

The sole is one of the most important parts of the shoe, which protects it from wear and largely determines its service life. It is the sole that is subjected to intense mechanical stress, abrasion on the ground and repeated deformations. Therefore, the materials used to make soles must be as resistant to environmental influences as possible. In this article I will tell you what materials a sole can be made from and what the advantages and disadvantages of each of them are.

Sole attachment methods

There are two main methods of attaching the sole: adhesive and injection. But contrary to popular belief, fastening technology does not in any way affect the consumer properties of shoes. The adhesive method is used for classic and dress weekend shoes, most often with leather or tunit soles. In the manufacture of comfortable shoes for everyday wear, the injection molding method is most often used.

Soles made of different materials have different fastening methods. Polyurethane soles are most often made by direct casting, but in rare cases a pre-molded sole is glued to the upper. TPU soles are produced by high temperature injection molding. Heels are also made from thermopolyurethane. The TPE bottom is injection molded and then glued. PVC soles are most often attached using the injection molding method in the manufacture of footwear for outdoor activities and everyday wear. EVA soles are attached to the upper of shoes only by injection, while tunit and leather soles are attached only by adhesive. For TPR, both options can be used.

Polyurethane (PU) soles

Advantages: Polyurethane has good performance properties: it weighs little because it has a porous structure, has good abrasion resistance, is flexible, has excellent shock absorption and good thermal insulation. The soles made of polyurethane are light and flexible, therefore they are used in shoes where these characteristics are of particular importance.

Flaws: The porous structure of polyurethane is also a kind of flip side of the coin. For example, because of it, polyurethane soles have poor grip on snow and ice, so winter shoes with PU soles slip a lot. Another disadvantage is the high density of the material and loss of elasticity at low (from -20 degrees) temperatures. The consequence of this is fractures in the places where the sole bends, the speed of which depends on the characteristics of the use of the shoe, in particular, on the person’s gait, the degree of his mobility and other factors.

Thermo polyurethane (TPU) soles

Advantages: Thermopolyurethane has a fairly high density, so it can be used to make soles with deep tread that provide excellent traction. Another advantage of TPU is its high wear resistance and resistance to deformation, including cuts and punctures.

Flaws: The high density of thermopolyurethane is at the same time its disadvantage, because because of this the weight of the thermopolyurethane sole is quite large, and the elasticity and thermal insulation leave much to be desired. To improve these characteristics, TPU is often combined with polyurethane, thereby reducing the weight of the sole, increasing its thermal insulation and elasticity. This method is called two-composition casting, and it is quite simple to recognize: the sole made using this technology consists of two layers, and the top layer is made of polyurethane (PU), and the bottom one, in contact with the ground, is made of thermopolyurethane.

Thermoplastic elastomer soles (TEP, TRP)

Advantages: This material can be considered all-season. It is durable, elastic, resistant to frost and wear. TEP provides good shock absorption and traction. Thanks to the technology of manufacturing the sole from TPR, its outer layer is monolithic, which provides it with strength, and the inner volume is porous, retaining heat. Thermoplastic elastomer can be recycled, which means that its use in soles saves resources and does not pollute the environment.

Flaws: At high and very low temperatures (over 50 degrees and below -45 degrees), TPE loses its properties, so it is used only in everyday shoes and, by the way, is rarely used for safety shoes.

Soles made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC, PVC)

Advantages: PVC soles resist abrasion well, are resistant to aggressive environments and are easy to manufacture. They are often used in household and children's shoes, and previously they were especially widely used for safety shoes, since when mixed with rubber, PVC acquires properties such as oil and gasoline resistance.

Flaws: PVC is used only in the production of casual shoes for autumn or spring, because this material has a large mass and low frost resistance, and cannot withstand temperatures below -20 degrees. In addition, PVC soles do not attach well to leather shoe uppers, so quality leather shoes with PVC soles are difficult and expensive to produce.

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) soles

Advantages: EVA is a very light material with good shock-absorbing properties. It is used mainly in children's, indoor, summer and beach shoes, and in sports shoes - in the form of inserts, because it is able to absorb and distribute shock loads.

Flaws: Over time, EVA soles lose their shock-absorbing properties. This occurs because the pore walls break down and the entire mass of EVA becomes flatter and less elastic. Also, EVA is not suitable as a material for winter shoes, since this material is very slippery and not resistant to frost.

Thermoplastic rubber (TPR) soles

Thermoplastic rubber- This is shoe rubber made from synthetic rubber, which is stronger than natural rubber, but no less elastic. However, modern technologies make it possible to increase its flexibility with the help of various additives.

Advantages: Thermoplastic rubber has a low density and, accordingly, less weight than other materials. There are no through pores in it, so moisture does not pass through it. However, there are surface pores in TPR, and they provide high thermal protection. In addition, TPR, like other porous rubbers, is an elastic material that provides good shock-absorbing properties. Thanks to this characteristic, shoes with TPR soles relieve unnecessary stress on the legs and spine.

Flaws: The low density of the material can be not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. In the case of TPR, it leads to the fact that the sole made of this material does not have particularly outstanding heat-protective properties. In addition, in wet and frosty weather, the thermoplastic rubber sole slips a lot.

Leather soles

Advantages: Leather soles are used in all types of shoes, including children's, home and dress shoes of all seasons. Shoes with leather soles look great and allow the foot to breathe, as it is a natural membrane.

Flaws: When worn in wet weather, the leather sole may become deformed, and caring for it requires the constant use of special sprays and impregnations. Leather has low wear resistance, so it is recommended to install preventive maintenance on leather soles, and it is mandatory for winter shoes, otherwise without it the sole will slide on ice and snow and deform even faster.

Tunit soles

Tunit- This is rubber with the inclusion of leather fibers, so the second name for this material is “leather fiber”.

Advantages: In appearance, hardness and ductility, tunit soles are similar to leather ones, but they behave better in use: they hardly wear out or get wet. These soles are easy to apply texture to, which gives them a little more grip than leather.

Flaws: But even despite this, shoes with tunit soles are very slippery due to the high rigidity of the material. Therefore, tunit is used in the manufacture of only summer and spring-autumn shoes using the adhesive fastening method.

Wood soles

Advantages: Wood is an environmentally friendly and very hygienic material, and wooden soles have an original appearance. However, recently, instead of wood, plywood is more often used to make shoes. It can be made from birch, oak, beech or linden wood and as a material it is easier to machine, is easy to shape and is inexpensive. Soles using cork material are also popular. When dealing with them, you need to understand that balsa wood, due to its natural softness, cannot serve as the main material for making soles, so cork is used only for decorative covering.

Flaws: Wooden soles are hard, wear out quickly and have poor water resistance. A lot of material is consumed in the manufacture of such soles. Cork coverings are susceptible to chips and defects due to the softness of the material.

“What is the difference between TPE and EVA? What does tunit promise me? PVC is glue? What are the soles of these boots even made of?” - The modern buyer wants to know everything. So as not to lose face in front of him and...

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Good afternoon dear friends. Yesterday I went to Kari again to find hot new items on the store shelves. I looked through all the departments and was pleasantly surprised by the arrival of new winter shoes made of genuine leather and suede at tempting prices.

True, on the way to the store, danger awaited me. The treacherous ice left me no chance and I sprawled at the bus stop. I got off with, as they say, “a slight fright and a couple of abrasions,” but I’ll be honest that it was this event that prompted me to focus in this article on the material of soles for winter shoes.

Now I will briefly describe what the sole should be made of so that you do not repeat my trick and remain safe and sound.

The most common materials for making soles are:

Rubber sole
PVC (Vinyl) sole
TEP outsole
Polyurethane outsole

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

The rubber sole is quite wear-resistant and copes well with temperature changes. It is flexible and durable, so shoes with such soles last a long time. I am glad that in models with rubber soles, you can feel confident in icy conditions and do not require special conditions during long-term storage.

The only disadvantages include its weight and the ability to get dirty.

PVC or vinyl sole - the advantages of polyvinyl chloride include wear resistance and easy repair. If something happens to the sole, you can always glue it with dismacol. True, it will not withstand frost and will most likely crack.

The TEP sole (thermoplastic rubber) is quite lightweight and wear-resistant, copes well with slippery surfaces and does not leave characteristic black stripes on the floor, which makes this sole an excellent solution for walking indoors.

The disadvantage of such a sole is the drying process. You should not apply shoes with TEP soles to heaters that have a high temperature, because they may deteriorate.

And finally, a polyurethane sole, to which almost all of the above advantages can rightfully be attributed: heat resistance, wear resistance, lightness and durability. There is just one drawback - polyurethane is very slippery, because alpine skis are made from it.

But how can you determine the material of the sole by eye if it is not written on the model what it is made of? - To the touch. Pick up the shoes and touch the soles. If it is soft to the touch, elastic and has a deep, high-quality protector, then it will not be slippery when it freezes. Winter shoes in Kari stores have TEP soles, thanks to which you will feel comfortable and stable!

Rubber sole- outsole made of rubber. According to data, today up to 30% of all shoe soles in global shoe production are made of rubber. Along with its excellent properties, the main disadvantage of all shoe rubbers is both the multi-component composition of the rubber sole and the large number of production operations in rubber production.

Polymer outsole- the general name of a class of soles, the basis of which is one or another polymer.
The footwear industry was interested in the following properties of polymer materials:
— good heat resistance at high temperatures and elasticity at low temperatures;
— resistance to microorganisms, solvents, alkalis, acids, radiation, light, ozone;
— high residual strength under repeated bending and tensile strength;
Even very thin soles can be made from polymer materials, and various inserts allow you to make them multi-colored, which is very important for modern shoes. At the same time, designers have a maximum degree of freedom in designing the profile of the soles to create diverse and multi-profile shoes.
PVC outsole sans-serif - high residual strength under repeated bending and tear resistance;
— high degree of electrical insulation.
By selecting a polymer-based formulation, it is possible to obtain a material for shoe soles with properties that optimally meet the assigned tasks.
Even very thin soles can be made from polymer materials, and various inserts allow you to make them multi-colored, which is very important for modern shoes. At the same time, designers have a maximum degree of freedom in design.
- a common type of sole made of polyvinyl chloride.

The introduction of plasticizers into PVC makes it possible to increase the frost resistance of the polymer composition. The higher the content of plasticizers, the higher the elasticity and frost resistance, but the lower the strength. Plasticizers for PVC compositions for shoe bottoms are esters of phthalic and sebacic acids. Since plasticizers weaken the intermolecular interaction in the adhesive joint area, the use of nairite glue is not allowed. When using PVC soles, it is necessary to apply polyurethane glue to the tightening edge of the shoe.

At the same time, PVC soles are considered low-elastic and frost-resistant.
TEP sole— shoe soles made of thermoplastic rubber; a fundamentally new (.) material for shoe soles.
Synonym: thermoplastic elastomer sole.
TPE combines the elastic properties of rubbers (the ability to undergo highly elastic deformations and high frost resistance) and the thermoplastic properties of thermoplastics (high fluidity in the molten state and the ability to be processed by injection molding).
Thermoplastic soles do not have the disadvantages of rubber soles, low elasticity and frost resistance of PVC soles.
The unique physical and mechanical properties of TPE are due to their structure.
The TEP sole is an integral structure: the outer layers of the sole are monolithic, and the inner layers, in the volume of the product, are porous.
Unlike porous rubber soles, the hardness and abrasion of TEP soles does not depend on density, due to the presence of a monolithic outer layer.
The TEP sole is highly frost-resistant (-50 °C). In terms of abrasion, it significantly exceeds many thermoplastics and some rubbers.
TEP soles have a high coefficient of friction on asphalt, wet roads and snow, which reduces injuries in winter.
The disadvantage of the TEP sole is its relatively low heat resistance.
Polyurethane outsole- outsole made from polyurethane.
Synonym: PU sole.
Possess a scoop

Shoes, like an accessory, emphasize the style and status of the owner. The position we hold or preparation for a specific event dictates to us a certain wardrobe, including appropriate shoes. When it comes to choosing shoes, rely on the clothes you choose to wear them with. To determine suitable men's shoes, let's look at their varieties. 1. Patent leather shoes without perforations and other decorative elements. The tightest ones usually have closed lacing. Worn under a tailcoat or formal suit. Suitable for special occasions, banquets, ceremonies. There are leather versions with lacquer inserts, they often highlight the nose part, and can be worn without lacing. This look remains festive, but without much rigor. Various suits, linen pants with a jacket are suitable here. 2. Leather shoes, without unnecessary decorations, with laces and thin soles, are classics. Classic men's shoes are suitable only for formal attire. In this look you can attend office work, business meetings, and informal banquets. 3. Leather models with perforations, with various decorative inserts, plaques, combined with other types of leather (suede or nubuck), completely suede, with elasticated tongues.

List of materials

These designs are less formal and casual in nature. They can be made in various colors. Currently relevant: red, blue, gray. For colored shoes, choose clothes that are harmonious in color. These varieties are combined with informal suits, jeans and a jacket, and linen pants. 4. There is another type - these are moccasin shoes, the so-called loafers. The shoes look like moccasins, but with a heel. This option is worn under cropped pants or chinos and must be worn without socks. ..
Whole article

Added: 29.11.2015

Features of thermoplastic elastomers (TEP)

Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) is a polymer material that has the physical properties of vulcanized rubber and the processability characteristics of thermoplastics. In some ways, this substance is similar to an elastomer; for example, it can change shape with size, returning to its original parameters. The main advantages of this material include its plasticity and elasticity.

The structure of TPE includes two microscopic phases. The first phase is low modulus and easily deformable. The second phase, on the contrary, is rigid - it connects elastic-elastic zones. It is thanks to these internal characteristics that TPE is able to change: when the material is heated to a temperature higher than the melting point, the hard phase melts and the material turns into a polymer liquid.

Thermoplastic elastomers are highly resistant to alkalis and chemicals, moisture, UV radiation, as well as negative environmental influences, which allows them to be used in the production of products used in construction and sewer systems. In addition, TPEs are non-toxic.

The main advantages of TEP are:

  • Softness and elasticity;
  • Maintaining elasticity when the temperature drops;
  • Recyclable;
  • High resistance to chemical and thermal influences;
  • Long service life;
  • Health safety.

It is also worth noting that thermoplastic elastomers are divided into several types depending on which component underlies the thermoplastic elastomer.

TEP outsole

So, they are divided into:

  • Styrene TPEs - styrene rubbers are used as the main component;
  • Polyolefin TEPs - EPDM rubbers are used as the main component;
  • Polyurethane TEPs, in which the main component is polyurethane;
  • Polyester TEPs, in the production of which polyester is used;
  • PVC-based thermoplastic elastomers.

The main components determine the characteristics of thermoplastic elastomers, as well as their scope of application. In this case, the main standard indicator of the TPE brand can be called hardness - it usually ranges from 25 Shore A to 60 Shore D. However, regardless of the type of thermoplastic elastomers, they are all stable in a wide temperature range, and in some In some cases, they even surpass synthetic and natural rubbers in these characteristics.

Just like rubbers, thermoplastic elastomers allow the introduction of various mineral fillers or stabilizers with plasticizers into their composition. This allows you to adjust the properties of thermoplastic elastomers. So, they may have:

  • Good mechanical strength;
  • High ability to resist UV radiation, ozone or moisture;
  • High weather resistance;
  • Good resistance to chemical attack, as well as high gasoline and oil resistance;
  • Excellent flexibility, as well as impact strength at high and low temperatures;
  • High wear resistance;
  • Improved properties at low temperatures;
  • Durability;
  • Impact resistance;
  • Elasticity;
  • High resistance to fatigue, etc.

In addition, thermoplastic elastomers have the ability to improve their strength characteristics over time, unlike rubbers, which lose elasticity and become brittle and brittle.

TPE retains elastomeric properties at temperatures from -65°C to +150°C.

Thermoplastic elastomers are used in the following types of products:

Transition collars - transition collars are used to connect the drain to the sewer pipe.

The sole is one of the most important elements of a shoe, protecting it from wear and determining its service life. During operation, the sole is subject to various deformations, abrasion and intense mechanical stress. Therefore, the materials used to create the bottom of the shoe must be of high quality and durable. Today, soles are made from synthetic and natural materials. The most commonly used materials are rubber, leather, caoutchouc, PVC and TEP - a fundamentally new material called thermoplastic elastomer. It is the latter option that will be discussed in this article.

What are TEP soles?

Thermoplastic elastomer combines the thermoplastic properties of thermoplastics (can be processed by injection molding, has high fluidity in the molten state) and the elastic properties of rubbers (high frost resistance and the ability to undergo highly elastic deformations). TEP soles do not have the disadvantages of PVC rubber soles, which makes them very popular.

The unique physical and mechanical properties of thermoplastic elastomer are determined by its structure. The sole made of this material has several layers: the outer ones are monolithic, and the inner ones are porous. Due to the presence of an outer monolithic layer, the abrasion of TEP soles does not depend on their density. This sets them apart from porous rubber soles.


Thermoplastic elastomer soles have many advantages.

  • Flexible . They bend well and easily take their original shape, do not hinder the natural movements of the foot and provide comfortable movement on any surface.
  • Frost-resistant . Thermoplastic elastomer behaves well in the cold (does not delaminate or crack), which allows it to be used in the production of shoes for winter fishing and hunting, children's felt boots, etc. Manufacturers claim that TPE can withstand temperatures down to minus 40 degrees Celsius.
  • Durable, wear-resistant .

    What is TEP and which sole is better?

    In terms of abrasion, TPE is superior to some rubbers and many thermoplastics. TEP soles withstand repeated deformation during bending and compression.

  • Safe . The TEP sole softens shock loads on the spine and provides increased stability on uneven surfaces.
  • Lungs . Due to the fact that the inner layers in the TEP sole are porous, the overall weight of the shoe is reduced, and the legs are less tired while walking.
  • Heat-saving . This material retains heat well, so your feet will not get cold or wet.
  • Sustainable . As a rule, the TEP sole is equipped with a textured tread, which makes it stable and safe. The tread provides excellent traction and reduces the likelihood of injury during the cold season.
  • Inexpensive . Thermoplastic elastomer is one of the available materials, which is reflected in the price: anyone can buy shoes with TEP soles.


They say that at very low and high temperatures, thermoplastic elastomer loses its properties. That is why it is rarely used in the production of safety shoes.

Thus, TEP soles are the optimal solution for everyday shoes. They are distinguished by elasticity, wear resistance, resistance to frost, light weight and, most importantly, accessibility. The TEP sole will protect your feet from cold and moisture, making walks in the fresh air comfortable and enjoyable.

As always, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, snow fell and frost hit. Daytime warming and nighttime frosts led to the formation of ice. Walking on the sidewalks became an ordeal. Children enjoy the snow and slippery slides, but adults seriously think about safety while moving. Most people are demanding when choosing shoes; they are not only comfortable, but also durable. The sole of a good winter shoe should be quite flexible, with deep slots, and resistant to severe frosts.

How to determine if boots have slippery soles or not, what to look for

For the winter period, you need to choose the most comfortable shoes. It is the key to calm movement along ice-covered streets and slippery sidewalks. The shoe market today pleases the average person with a huge assortment, but not all shoes can be bought. After all, what is beautiful at first glance is not always practical and safe. When choosing a suitable pair, you should pay attention to the sole, turn the shoes over and inspect them:

  • If there is no relief pattern, we set aside a pair at once; you won’t walk even a couple of meters in it.
  • The recesses in the relief pattern should be deep enough.
  • The slots in the sole pattern should point in different directions. You can compare them with notches in car tires, the function is the same, good grip on frozen asphalt and ground.
  • Place one pair on the floor and run it across the tiles. If there is no friction, it slides freely, it is definitely not worth buying such shoes.

  • Pay attention to the flexibility of the sole. The more flexible, the less chance of slipping. Non-flexible soles are made of poor, cheap materials. In cold weather they become stiff and increase the chances of falling.

  • The sole, smooth as glass, is another reason to go to the traumatologist. Of course, you can learn to walk in them, but you are unlikely to feel safe in such shoes.
  • Well, and not unimportant, pay attention to the manufacturer. European manufacturers do not produce shoes for such harsh winters as ours. First of all, you should pay attention to domestic factories; their shoes are designed specifically for the harsh Russian winters.
  • If we talk about the design of the soles, then the ideal is chaotic, looking in different directions, consisting of zigzags, turning into one another.

Which sole for winter is not slippery?

Many people mistakenly think that the more tread on the sole, the more stable they are. It's a delusion. Treads on cheap, low-quality soles will not please you at all. It is worth recalling that even with a tractor pattern, the sole must be flexible. If the option you have chosen with a good deep pattern does not bend well, it means that in severe frost it will stiffen and slide.

Choose a pair whose description says TEP. This is ideal for our cold winters.

For mild frosts down to -12 C, rubber and polyurethane soles are suitable, but with the obligatory presence of a versatile pattern. Above 10-12 C, only the TEP sole can save the average person from falling.

Slippery soles - what to do at home

Method 1

Coarse sandpaper. With its help, the sole becomes rough. You should still move on the street with caution. This method does not completely eliminate falls. Moreover, you need to apply it before every exit to the street. This method leads to severe damage and wear to the sole.

Method 2

Small screws will save you from severe ice. They need to be screwed into the toe and heel area, or around the entire perimeter. This method prevents falls, the only negative is the unpleasant sound that is made when hitting the floor or tiles.

Method 3

Emergency medical plaster for severe ice conditions. It only sticks to dry soles. The shoes will not slip, unfortunately, it will not last long, at best two hours.

You can replace the patch with double-sided automotive tape. It is stronger and will last on shoes for up to 4-5 hours.

Method 4

A piece of linen, flannel or felt fabric can save you in icy conditions. To do this, you need to buy fine-caliber sandpaper, acetone and good shoe glue.

  • From the fabric you need to cut pieces in the shape of the toe and heel of the shoe.
  • Treat the surface of the toe and heel with paper, wipe with acetone.
  • Let dry and apply glue. Use glue according to the technology described on the tube.
  • Place the fabric over the glue and press firmly.
  • Let it dry.

In such shoes you can safely move on the slipperiest sections of the road, even on ice. You definitely won’t have to balance; peace of mind while walking is guaranteed.

Method 5

This method will help you draw any pattern on the surface of the sole with your own hands. For this you need a very ordinary soldering iron. Plug it into an outlet to heat it up. Using hot, draw grooves, stripes, chaotic circles. The most important thing here is that they look in different directions from each other. Just don't overdo it; too deep a pattern can damage the sole. There is no need to repeat the manipulation with a soldering iron; the design will last as long as the pair of shoes itself.

With the pattern, your shoes will stop slipping on icy sidewalks. Movement on the streets will become comfortable.

Shoe workshop slippery soles, what can they offer?

If, after purchasing a pair of shoes, you have doubts about their stability on slippery roads, contact a shoe repair shop.

  • Experienced craftsmen will offer to install linings and replace heels.
  • They can install a prophylaxis made of soft material with spikes.
  • Spikes may be available for some soles. They are installed in the area of ​​the toes and heel, if there is no heel.

After such manipulations, the shoes do not lose their original appearance, but the peace of mind while walking increases significantly.

Which sole is very slippery

Pay attention to the flexibility of the sole and the pattern. A sole that cannot be bent should initially alert the buyer. Such shoes will slip a lot, which will lead to very frequent falls and injuries.If the sole has a very small pattern or no pattern at all, the shoe will be too slippery.

Pay attention to the description for this model. If you find polyurethane foam in the sole, immediately set aside a pair. Such a composition will become stiff in the cold, the sole will become inflexible, which leads to strong slipping.

It is also worth paying attention to rubber and ordinary polyurethane; shoes with such soles are bought exclusively for mild frosts. It is also suitable for those who do not walk much and mostly travel around the city in a car. For everyone else, there will be little convenience and comfort; you will have to constantly balance to avoid falling.

Is the tunit sole slippery or not?

The tunit sole is a rubber base with the addition of leather fibers. It is very similar to a leather sole, has the same plasticity, medium hardness, and excellent appearance. At the same time, its wear resistance is much higher than that of a leather sole, it wears less, and does not get wet.

Due to its plasticity, an additional relief layer can be applied to the surface. This sole is not suitable for long walks; it has poor grip on icy asphalt.

Its purpose is autumn/spring, summer shoes. This sole regulates the thermal regime, which is why your feet do not sweat. It is slippery for the winter period and becomes very hard in the cold. Moreover, such a pair of shoes is slippery even on tiles.

Is the TEP sole slippery or not?

This is the most ideal option for winter shoes. If you see such an icon on the label of the pair you like, buy with confidence. It is in them that the likelihood of slipping or falling is minimized.

Such soles are poured as a monolith, they are practically indestructible, with a high degree of water resistance. Their grip on icy asphalt is quite high. The maximum sub-zero temperature that shoes with such soles can withstand is 50 C. The only negative among the mass of advantages is poor heat retention. That's why you'll find high-pile insoles in every pair of winter shoes.

Is the polyurethane sole slippery or not?

The appearance of such a sole resembles a kitchen sponge. The drawing on it is usually blurry, without clear boundaries. Its properties are slightly better than rubber. Shoes with such soles are quite comfortable and very light. It has excellent shock-absorbing properties, is flexible down to -12 C, and holds heat well. When frost is over 12 C, it becomes very slippery. When frost is over 20 C, it can crack in half and crumble. She is never thin; her winter shoes are always massive, with poor flexibility.

This is a fairly good option for those who quickly get to work and spend no more than 40 minutes in the cold. Also, the average person may be pleased with its price; such shoes are in the average price range.

Is the polymer sole slippery or not?

Polymer as a material in itself is not suitable for making soles. It is combined with other materials, resulting in high-quality, inexpensive soles. When combined with different materials, products with the following markings are obtained:

Polymers have the following characteristics:

Thanks to these indicators, manufacturers produce high-quality soles adapted for the very cold winters of the northern regions of Russia.

Characteristics of soles with added polymers:

Is the rubber sole slippery or not?

This type of material is universal for the production of soles. It contains synthetic rubber, which increases the plasticity coefficient. The soles made from this material are very neat, always with solid and clear edges, and have no defects.

Moreover, their shock-absorbing properties help relieve stress from the vertebrae and tired legs. They are light, practically indestructible, and durable. Due to their high price, they are not widely used. The big disadvantage is that such shoes practically do not retain heat; your feet freeze very quickly.

This material has analogues: TEP, PVC. They are much cheaper, have the same wear resistance, are quite durable, and have good flexibility. Analogues and the rubber itself are recommended for wearing at sub-zero temperatures down to -12 -15 C. At higher frosts, the sole will quickly harden and become very slippery.

Is the leather sole slippery or not?

Shoes with leather soles are not intended for everyday wear. As a rule, it is very expensive and wears out a lot with frequent wear. The sole is always thin and is not used for winter shoes. With slight frost, its plasticity is lost and it becomes hard and slippery. Its direct purpose is spring and summer shoes.

Is the phylon sole slippery or not?

This material is used to produce lightweight soles for sneakers, shoes for the beach, and at home. It is also widely used for the production of summer children's shoes.

During wear, the soles quickly deform, often sag, and lose their appearance. They are completely unsuitable for winter, very slippery, and do not retain heat at all.

Is the TPU sole slippery or not?

Shoes with such soles are durable, do not wear out, and do not deform during wear. Moreover, it holds good traction on icy asphalt and is not slippery at all.

Winter shoes with such soles will be quite warm. It is combined with a fur insole, which saves you in severe frosts. Its shock-absorbing properties are very low, which increases the load on the vertebrae and joints. Not at all suitable for long periods of standing. Due to the simple gluing technology, shoes often leak and have a high defect rate.


When going to the store for the next new thing, pay attention to the markings of the shoes, what the sole is made of, and what method of assembly was used. Inspect the joints between the shoes themselves and the soles; poor sizing will lead to getting wet and tearing. Test the sole for bending; the better it bends, the stronger the grip on the asphalt, the less likely it is to slip or fall.

Today, the light industry market offers a large number of different models of shoes made from various materials. What materials are the soles made of and what is their difference, we will tell you in this article.

Since the sole constantly interacts with the ground, the most deformation-resistant material should be used for its manufacture. His choice depends on factors such as: the season in which the shoes will be used, their type and purpose. In addition, the types of soles differ in the method of fastening. The most common methods are injection molding and adhesive fastening.

Sole attachment methods

Fastenings are used in the production of shoes using direct casting. With it, the sole material fills a mold into which the upper part of the shoe is then inserted. Using this method does not require any glue or additional firmware.

Shoes made using the injection molding method for attaching the sole have a number of advantages. The sole attachment point does not allow moisture to pass through, making the shoes lighter.

When fastening, the sole is connected to the upper of the shoe using glue, after which the shoes are kept for a certain time under a special press. This method is most widely used in the production of classic and sports shoes.

What is the sole made of?

The sole is an important element of the shoe, which protects it from wear and determines its service life. The most popular sole materials include: polyurethane (PU), thermopolyurethane (TPU), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), thermoplastic rubber (TPR), thermoplastic elastomer (TPE).

Polyurethane (PU) outsole

Polyurethane is a material that is created by combining two polymers. When mixed, they form air bubbles, which makes the sole shock-absorbing.

Polyurethane is a lightweight and flexible material that has good performance properties. It is resistant to abrasion and has high thermal insulation. However, the polyurethane sole slips on ice and at low temperatures loses its elasticity, which can lead to fractures at the bend points.

Thermo polyurethane (TPU) outsole

TPU is produced by exposing polyurethane to high pressure and temperature. This material is usually used in two-layer soles, since it does not provide a high level of thermal insulation. Like polyurethane, thermopolyurethane has high wear resistance and flexibility. In addition, it provides good grip on any surface. It should be noted that thermopolyurethane is a rather heavy material with low flexibility.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sole

Polyvinyl chloride - thermoplastic polymer. The PVC sole is resistant to abrasion and aggressive environments, and is easy to manufacture. As a rule, soles for casual shoes and shoes used in the warm season are made from PVC, since PVC has low frost resistance.

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) outsole

Ethylene vinyl acetate is a polymer with a porous structure. It is the structure of the material that allows shoes to be light and, since air is a heat insulator, to retain heat and keep out cold. This material can withstand extremely low temperatures while maintaining elasticity, providing warmth and comfort. In addition, it does not absorb moisture and is able to restore its shape when deformed.

EVA is used in the production of sneaker sole parts and waterproof footwear, including. This is a unique material that absorbs and distributes loads and has excellent shock-absorbing properties. The EVA sole has high performance characteristics.

Thermoplastic rubber (TPR) outsole

Thermoplastic rubber is shoe rubber made from synthetic rubber that is superior to natural rubber in strength. When producing TPR soles, special additives can be used to increase its elasticity. The TPR outsole is water-resistant and elastic. Thanks to its shock-absorbing properties, TPR shoes reduce the load on your feet. Thermoplastic rubber has a low density, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the material. TPR does not have a high level of thermal protection, so this material is most suitable for the production of shoes with a two-layer sole. TPR goes well with EVA, which allows you to combine the best properties of materials in the manufacture of winter, frost-resistant shoes.

Thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) outsole

Thermoplastic elastomer is an all-season material that allows you to make the outer layer of the sole smooth, dense and durable. At the same time, the inner layer remains porous and retains heat well. In addition, TPR soles can be recycled, which not only reduces resources, but also minimizes environmental pollution. Thermoplastic elastomer is a frost-resistant material. However, at extremely low and high temperatures, TPE loses its properties. This explains the fact that the material is used, as a rule, only for casual shoes.

Now, having learned the features of materials, you can buy high-quality and reliable shoes. We are always ready to help you with your choice and answer all your questions.

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