Home Nutrition Calculation of ppm online. Alcohol calculator and acceptable blood alcohol levels. How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Calculation of ppm online. Alcohol calculator and acceptable blood alcohol levels. How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

There are many such calculators and applications. And many of them are similar to each other. Almost everyone calculates the results using the formula of the Swedish chemist Erik Mateo Prohet Widmark, who lived in the first half of the twentieth century. The main focus of his work was studying the influence of alcohol and drugs on road safety. The formula is easy to find on the Internet.

Googled it

But let's move from theory to practice. We will carry out calculations based on the parameters of a fictional man weighing 90 kg and height 180 cm, who drank 500 milliliters of beer with a 5 percent alcohol content on an empty stomach. According to Widmark's formula, the beer should disappear from our character in 2.5 - maximum 3 hours. Go...

The first online calculator “program for forensic experts” recalled Widmark and inspired respect with an annotation stating that the program was written by forensic scientists for forensic scientists and the accuracy of the calculations is 99%. As they say, trust the professionals. The online calculator gives three results - with minimum, average and maximum time. In our case it is 1 hour 42 minutes, 2 hours 18 minutes and 3 hours 18 minutes. A reasonable user will most likely focus on the latter result. Some may also find information about the permissible ethanol content in the blood and exhaled air for drivers in different countries useful - it is also available here.

The next calculator “in the ranking” calculates using the same Widmark formula. Instead of manually entering numbers, you need to move the sliders, and the result is the same: the total time for removing alcohol from the body is about 3 hours. Moreover, it is impossible to choose a five percent beer. The program provides beer with 4% alcohol (light) and 6% (dark). This site has a good information section that tells you what alcohol standards for drivers exist in Russia, what they are in other countries, what the degrees of intoxication are, what speeds up and slows down the elimination of alcohol. And at the end of the page there is a questionnaire with a single question, how many times have you gotten behind the wheel when you were not sober? If you believe the answers, more than half of the drivers have never done this. It is interesting to compare with data obtained as a result on a similar topic.

The following calc.ru calculator informs about sobriety standards for drivers in Russia, Europe or America. Let’s not quibble about the accuracy of the names, everything is clear, especially since below you can select any country from the full list, including Papua New Guinea and Christmas Island. The calculator supposedly takes into account the permissible blood alcohol content of the driver in the selected country. Moreover, you can also take into account the time that has passed since drinking alcohol, and you can print out the result. But you don’t need to show it to the traffic inspector. The calculator allows our character to drive within an hour after drinking beer! And this is in Russia. Moreover, in countries where zero ppm is in effect, the calculator allows our test subject to drive immediately after consumption. Fail.

Looks like a great calculator on the therumdiary website. Well decorated, you can choose all kinds of drinks, including even such exotic ones as alcopop, mezcal, palinka, rakia and sake. However, the result is just as erroneous as in the previous case. And this calculator allows a 90-kilogram man who drank 0.5 liters of light beer on an empty stomach to immediately get behind the wheel, supposedly with only 0.29 ppm in his blood. In fact, the result should be about 0.4 ppm, if you rely on the same Widmark formula. The text for the calculator also states that at a concentration in the blood of up to 0.5 ppm, there is no effect of alcohol, and intoxication is not expressed. I wouldn't trust such information. After all, many other sources say that with such concentration, coordination disorders, errors in assessing distances, and a decrease in reaction to third-party signs may appear. So it failed again.

The easy-to-use calculator of the website for alcohol connoisseurs AlcoFan is based on the same Widmark formula. Brief, clear instructions for using the calculator, nothing superfluous. Advertised as fast and accurate. The way it is. The result for our character, who drank five percent beer, is 2 hours 24 minutes. This is the time for complete elimination of alcohol from the body. In addition, there is interesting information in the comments to the calculator. For example, Konstantin, who introduced himself as a psychiatrist-narcologist, recalls that these calculations are applicable only for healthy people who drink alcohol only occasionally. For alcoholics, the “processing” time may be longer or shorter. And even after the alcohol has completely “leaved” from the body, the smell of fumes from acetaldehyde, a decomposition product of alcohol, may persist. Really useful information.

Pumped up

I also tested the free smartphone apps with the highest ratings, ranging from 4.8 to 3.9 points and the most downloads.

The first of them is “I don’t drink!” from A7-studio. The application has a high rating of 4.8 points. This is a complex, multi-level calculator with interesting graphics. For example, it allows you to call a Yandex taxi without leaving the application. There are reference sections that tell how a person behaves at different degrees of intoxication, and how much alcohol is contained in different drinks. There is a “motivation” section that encourages, with the help of facts, quotes from great people, and even excerpts from Holy Scripture, to turn to a sober lifestyle.

However, in the most important part, where, in fact, you need to set the strength and volume of alcohol consumed, there are inconvenient sliders, so it’s not possible to enter data accurate to one the first time. A drunk will simply swear and throw the toy. In addition, the calculator states that our fictitious test subject's blood levels are 0.282 ppm and their exhaled air levels are 0.127 ppm. In this case, complete sobering will supposedly occur in 1 hour 52 minutes. And there are advertisements, which is slightly annoying.

Of course, I couldn’t ignore the alcohol calculator called “Behind the Wheel!” from D.D.M. The rating, usual for such applications, is 4.4 points. I liked its simple interface and the ability to scroll through weight, ABV, and volume to suit your needs. However, the developers flattered the users too much by setting the maximum volume of drinks to 5 liters! And D.D.M’s beer is a bit strong, 7%, although 4–5% is considered the norm for light beer, as has already been said many times. The application claims that after drinking beer the character will have about 0.33 ppm (this is what is written, and it is not clear whether it is in the blood or the air). Weathering time is approximately 2 hours 11 minutes. At the same time, a Pro version is offered (aka Premium). No, thanks!

XZ Company's "How Much to Drink" app with the same rating as "Behind the Wheel!" - 4.4 points. Apparently, users are captivated by simplicity and clarity. I liked the fact that the calculator gives three options for the time for complete elimination of alcohol - minimum, average and maximum. But he does it, to put it mildly, in a complimentary way. So, a 90-kilogram man who drank the same light beer “How Much to Drink” is ready to be put behind the wheel in less than an hour, maximum - in 1 hour 58 minutes. It is stated that the alcohol content in the blood is only 0.20 ppm, in the exhaled air - 0.09 ppm. Okay, there is a caveat that the result may differ from the breathalyzer reading.

The alcohol calculator with the simple name “Alcohol Calculator” AF mobile has earned a rating of 3.9 from users. That's not a lot. Simple, on a gloomy black background and with inconvenient sliders (though with duplicate buttons that add and decrease values). The calculation results are not very reliable: the blood level is 0.34 ppm. That is, within normal limits. Illiterate and mutually exclusive verdicts “no influence of alcohol” and “you can drive in 3 hours” make you want to delete the application forever.

The time it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the human body directly depends on a small number of factors, but in general it is almost the same for different organisms with different metabolic levels. However, the risk of incorrect calculation carries quite unpleasant consequences - deprivation of rights for 1.5-2 years and a hefty fine of 30 thousand rubles. And this is only for the first time. Therefore, we will answer this question in the most convenient way - calculate whether you can get behind the wheel right now. We also suggest how long after drinking alcohol you can get behind the wheel of a car, depending on your body weight and the specific drink. Let's find out how much alcohol is removed from the body to the values ​​​​allowed by the breathalyzer and completely.

Allowed values ​​when rights are not deprived

To answer the question about the period that needs to wait between drinking and driving a car in 2020, we need to know what the permitted value of alcohol concentration in the blood and air is, because below we will give the ratio of concentration to time (but also, of course Well, we’ll write down whether you can or can’t drive after drinking specific alcoholic drinks and after what period of time).

  • the threshold of alcohol in exhaled vapor when a license is revoked is 0.16 mg/liter of air,
  • The threshold for alcohol in the blood when a license is revoked is 0.3 g/liter of blood.

Both thresholds are almost identical in their correspondence to each other (to be more precise, 0.3 g per liter of blood is approximately 0.15 mg per liter of exhaled air). The second meaning becomes relevant on July 3, 2018, from this date a new law on deprivation for blood alcohol comes into force.

Can I drive right now? Online calculator

Your body weight in kg *

What did you drink? *

How much did you drink in grams? *

How much time has passed? *
1 hour passed 2 hours passed 3 hours passed 4 hours passed 5 hours passed 6 hours passed 8 hours passed 10 hours passed 12 hours passed 16 hours passed 24 hours passed 2 days passed

Gram per liter of blood

Acceptable values ​​– no more than 0.3 g/l

mg per liter of exhaled air

Acceptable values ​​– no more than 0.15 mg/l

Important! This is an approximate calculation based on only 4 criteria. Although they are the main ones in the calculation, the results of the alcohol withdrawal calculator may be inaccurate specifically in your case, since there are many other factors that influence the time it takes for alcohol to be removed from the body.

How long does it take for alcohol to be removed from the body?

So, the ethanol withdrawal time is influenced by a small number of factors, the main ones being:

  • specific drink
  • driver's body weight,
  • metabolic level (rate of processing food and drinks),
  • a small number of diseases (mainly liver diseases).

We will take into account the indicators of drinks and body weight, and in terms of the metabolic level, you yourself will add or subtract about a third of the alcohol withdrawal time. If you digest food quickly and your physique is thin, then your metabolism is fast. If you rarely eat, but are prone to being overweight, then this means a slow level.

Which has virtually no effect on the time it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body (including contrary to popular belief):

  • eating certain foods after drinking.

So, let's give a list of drinks, how long they are completely eliminated from the body and how long after them you can get behind the wheel.

The only type of drink that we will not consider is non-alcoholic beer, because it practically does not give breathalyzer readings.

How to speed up the withdrawal process?

There is also nothing secret or surprising here - what helps you sober up faster is what also removes alcohol from the body. We can also talk about products that speed up metabolism and contain antioxidants, which helps neutralize alcohol molecules faster.

General methods

So, the following general methods will help speed up the elimination of alcohol from the body and the waiting time before driving:

  • bath or sauna - the more you sweat, the more alcohol vapor leaves your body,
  • drinking alcohol initially on a full stomach - the lower the concentration it is digested along with the rest of the food, the sooner it will be eliminated,
  • drinking water, because some of the alcohol is excreted from the body through urine.


Foods that will help speed up metabolism and break down alcohol molecules:

  • almost any type of citrus fruit (orange and lemon are the leaders),
  • green tea, due to its richness in antioxidants, will help reduce the alcohol level in the breathalyzer and, therefore, allow you to get behind the wheel of a car earlier,
  • garlic helps remove toxins from the liver.


There are also a number of medications that help speed up the elimination of ethanol from the body. But this property is not a direct indication for their use - that is, these drugs are created for other purposes, but they also help in our main task. Therefore, you need to take them very carefully - they all have contraindications, many of them are serious. Therefore, it is not common practice to advise consulting a doctor or at least a pharmacist before using them.

We are talking about the following medications:

  • many antipyretics (paracetamol, for example) cause profuse sweating, which speeds up the loss of alcohol,
  • activated charcoal - it will only work if you take it before drinking alcohol,
  • Hydrovit has an absorbent effect and removes alcohol breakdown products from the body, which give off an odor,
  • Metronidazole has approximately the same effect, but it needs to be taken very carefully by people with chronic diseases, and for it to be effective you will have to take a lot of medicine (which is extremely undesirable),
  • Caffeine is another antioxidant and catalyst for removing alcohol from the body.

Alcohol has long been a part of human life. It’s hard to imagine festive feasts without exquisite cognacs and aromatic wines. But this, as they say, is only one side of the coin. Often, festive chic ends, if not in tragedy, then in trouble with police inspectors. And all because many drivers allow themselves to drink too much and get behind the wheel arrogantly. It is a big mistake to think that taking a nap for an hour and a half is enough to remove alcohol from the body. 100 grams of cognac are completely eliminated from the body of a 70 kg person in 4-5 hours, and before this time the blood contains approximately 0.55 ppm of pure alcohol.

What does ppm mean?

The content, or concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream in the international system is designated as BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) and is measured in ppm. Promille (‰) indicates the concentration of ethanol in milliliters per 1 liter of blood. In other words, this is the ratio of the volume of alcohol and blood in the body. For example, a result of “0.4 ppm” indicates that 1 liter of blood contains 0.4 ml of pure alcohol.

But “naked” numbers mean nothing to most people. The exception, perhaps, is drivers. They certainly know that 0.4 ppm in the blood means problems with the police. According to the 2016 rules, the driver’s blood cannot contain more than 0.35 ‰ ethanol, and the alcohol concentration in the exhaled air should not exceed 0.16 ‰. By the way, the ppm indicator is affected not only by alcohol, but also by some products. For example, non-alcoholic beer, kefir, kvass, yogurt, yogurt, rye bread sandwiches, overripe bananas and even cigarettes, although they will not affect the level of sobriety, can have a noticeable effect on blood alcohol levels (especially against the background of a small portion of alcohol already taken).

Why know the degree of intoxication

Just a few years ago, the ability to take a breathalyzer online for drivers seemed like a pipe dream. Today, a virtual blood alcohol level meter can show a fairly accurate result. And knowing the degree of alcohol intoxication, it is easy to calculate the time required to completely remove alcohol from the body. Undoubtedly, this information is primarily important for drivers. But in the modern world, when alcohol is one of the most consumed products, many would like to determine how much alcohol the body can take without harm to health and when the alcohol consumed will completely disappear. And a breathalyzer will help with this - a unique hop level analyzer.

What is Widmark's formula

Most online breathalyzers are based on a formula developed by Swedish researcher Erik Widmark. By the way, this is the formula that criminologists use today, and it is by this formula that the police and paramedics calculate the driver’s level of intoxication.

To determine the concentration of alcohol in the blood using the formula of a Swedish scientist, you need to divide the mass of the drink drunk (in grams) by body weight (in kilograms), multiplied by 0.6 for girls and women and by 0.7 for the stronger sex. The result obtained indicates the dose of alcohol in the blood (in ppm).

How does intoxication affect the body?

From 0.2 to 0.29‰

The person still behaves adequately, but measurements using special laboratory instruments will already show changes in the blood formula.

From 0.3 to 0.59‰

The person becomes more joyful, relaxed, talkative and less restrained. The first disturbances in concentration are noticeable.

From 0.6 to 0.9‰

Sensations become dulled, the eyes react poorly to light, peripheral vision deteriorates, and the adequacy of perception of what is happening around is disrupted.

From 1 to 1.9‰

The person becomes more emotional, unrestrained, and easily gets angry. At the physiological level, reflexes, motor skills suffer (a staggering gait appears), the ability to clearly express thoughts, libido and erection worsen.

From 2 to 2.9‰

In this state, it is easy to fall into a stupor, sensations sharply decrease, and the risk of loss of consciousness and memory increases.

From 3 to 3.9‰

Control over urination is lost, severe tachycardia appears, and almost complete loss of control over the body.

From 4 to 5‰ and above

Severe alcohol poisoning. The signs are the same as for the degree of intoxication of 3.9‰, but more pronounced. The risk of death is very high.

How to use the calculator

An alcohol calculator is a service that can be used to calculate the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream, taking into account the portions and strength of alcohol consumed. In other words, this is a program for online determination of the degree of intoxication.

But let us immediately note that a professional blood alcohol calculator is not intended to determine how many alcoholic drinks a driver can afford to drink before getting behind the wheel. Even the smallest amount of alcohol is already a reason to use the services of taxi drivers or familiar drivers. A virtual breathalyzer will help you make an approximate calculation of how long after a feast it is safe for a driver to get behind the wheel again.

The calculator calculates the BAC percentage taking into account individual factors:

  • body weight;
  • stomach fullness;
  • amount of alcohol consumed;
  • strength of drinks consumed.

In addition, the virtual breathalyzer also takes into account what alcoholic drinks and in what quantities were consumed during the feast.

After filling out the form, in a split second the program will calculate the degree of probable intoxication. The alcohol meter will tell you how many ppm of alcohol is contained in the blood and in the exhaled air, and will also calculate the approximate time required to remove alcohol from the body.

This calculator can also be useful when planning a large feast. Using a simple program, it is easy to calculate how much alcohol “for good humor” will be needed on average for one guest. And with this information, it’s easy to create a menu and calculate the amount of drinks for the celebration.

Statistics show that almost a third of road accidents are the fault of drunk drivers. Remember that a drunk driver poses a danger not only to himself, but also to passengers and pedestrians. Use the calculator to determine how many hours after the feast you can get behind the wheel. And let nothing overshadow your holidays: no headaches, no fines, no accidents.

There is a so-called norm of ppm alcohol in the blood, knowing which, a person will understand whether he can drive and at what stage of intoxication he is. The ppm unit measures the pure alcohol content in a person's blood after drinking alcohol. To determine its value, you can use special formulas and tables.

Degree of intoxication in ppm

The table, which can be used to determine the stage of intoxication in ppm, should be used simultaneously with formulas that will help you independently calculate the content of pure alcohol in the blood after drinking alcoholic beverages. When using the table, you need to take into account that the indicators are influenced by factors such as the age of the subject, his gender, general health, and the presence or absence of chronic diseases.

Decoding the level of ppm in the blood according to the table:

Signs of alcohol intoxication

When alcohol enters the bloodstream, certain signs are observed that may warrant sending, for example, the driver for a medical examination. These signs of alcohol intoxication include:

  1. A strong odor of alcohol emanates from a person's mouth. Moreover, even the most powerful modern remedies cannot get rid of it, which is why it is categorically not recommended to drive with such aromas.
  2. After drinking alcohol, a person’s posture becomes unstable and their gait becomes uncertain. This symptom is classified as impaired motor coordination.
  3. There is trembling of the upper extremities or only the fingers.
  4. Neurological disorders are clearly visible - the person begins to talk too loudly, and his speech will be unintelligible. Alcohol consumption leads to an incorrect assessment of the environment, a person becomes aggressive, and may demonstrate unnatural behavior.

Calculation of ppm alcohol in blood

This value can be calculated using several formulas. It is important to remember that with such a study you can only determine the level of alcohol content, but not the time of drinking alcohol. Another important point: an equal volume of alcoholic drinks of different strengths will “give out” different contents of pure alcohol. For example, half a liter of vodka and the same amount of beer will give different results: in the first case, a person will have severe intoxication and alcohol poisoning, and in the second, mild intoxication, which will pass in a couple of hours.

Widmark's formula

This formula is considered the most common and frequently used today:

C = A/m* r

C is the value of the total concentration of pure alcohol in the blood

A is the mass of alcohol, which is expressed in grams (it is necessary to convert the volume of alcohol consumed into mass)

M – total body mass of the patient (his weight)

r – Widmark coefficient: for women it is 0.6, and for men – 0.7.

Note:if you want to calculate the total amount of alcohol. which was drunk the day before, then you should use the formula A=s*m*r.

Dubrovsky formula

You can determine the amount of alcohol in the blood and based on exhaled air data using Dubrovsky’s special formula:

WITH air = C eau * K1* e ( K2 *T)

C eau - liquid, represents the level of alcohol concentration in the liquid

C air is the concentration of alcohol in exhaled vapor

K1 – constant value equal to 0.04145

K2 is the value of a constant equal to 0.06583

K2*T – special power of the number “e”

T – temperature value.

The formula is used only by specialists, but you can use it yourself. For example, if the temperature of exhaled vapor is 35 degrees, then the following value is obtained:

0.3*1/2100=0.15 mg/l.

This calculation formula is used when there is a breathalyzer of any type, from the simplest to complex devices that make it possible to obtain certain data.

Calculation without a calculator

C = A / (P * r) – b60 * T

C – alcohol concentration

A – the amount of alcohol consumed previously in grams (the volume must simply be multiplied by the density - 0.79384)

P – body weight

r is a reduction unit that shows the proportion of alcohol entering the blood. For men and women this value is different, for women it is 0.55, and for men – 0.68

b60 – the value by how much the concentration of alcohol decreases in 1 hour. It is at the level of 0.1-0.16 g/l

T – time that has passed since drinking alcohol.

To make it clearer, here is an example of a simple calculation based on the following available data:

A = 0.4*100 ml*0.7484= 31.936 g

N = 2 hours

r = 0.68

P = 80 kg

r = 0.68

b60 = 0.13.

The result will be the following answer: C = 31.936/(038*80) = 0.3270588 ‰ or 0.33 ‰. This ppm indicator means that the man is still intoxicated, his reaction is slightly inhibited, and it is better for him not to get behind the wheel.

The following tables for calculating ppm of alcohol in the blood can also be used at home, this will help determine in a controversial situation whether it is possible to drive a car. But you need to know the number of ppm that are allowed when driving a vehicle - this data will be individual for each country. In Russia, since 2013, the permissible level of alcohol while driving has been 0.16 ppm in exhaled air and 0.35 in the blood.

Calculation of the amount of alcohol in a person's blood

Your weight, kg. Alcohol consumed, ml.
Drink strength, %
Drinks per period, hour.

Number of ppm in the body:
Removing alcohol from the body through: hour.

What does Widmark's formula mean?

The calculation of ppm began at the suggestion of the Swedish chemist Widmark. He developed a formula that determines the percentage of alcohol in the blood (K).

To calculate, you need the amount of pure alcohol (that is, absolute alcohol, which also needs to be calculated in advance) in grams (A) divided by body weight in kg (M), multiplied by the Widmark coefficient (K) (for women 0.6%, for men – 0.7%).

K = A / (M x K)
Reference. The male body consists of 70% water, the female body - 60%. Hence this coefficient.
Therefore, with the same amount of the same alcoholic drink drunk, both intoxication and the presence of ppm of alcohol in the exhaled air will be different. Women get drunk faster and stay sober longer for this very reason: the concentration of alcohol in the body (in terms of liquid) is higher than in men.
Attention. In modern calculations, sometimes in the amendment to the Widmark formula, in addition to weight, height is also taken into account.
In fact, height does not affect the number of ppm. What is important is body weight.

Instructions - how to calculate alcohol content?

To find out how many ppm you currently have in your blood and how long it will take for the alcohol to be eliminated, fill out our short online form and instantly get the result:
  1. Mark your gender by clicking on the appropriate button. As already mentioned, this is an important indicator that affects both the degree of intoxication and the speed of elimination of alcohol from the body.
  2. Enter your weight in kilograms.
  3. Enter the amount of drink consumed in ml.
  4. Indicate the strength of the alcohol consumed.
  5. And the final point of calculation: how long ago did you drink alcohol? Readings in hours, indicate the time without tenths: 1, 2, 3, etc.
  6. Click the button: “Calculate”.
Get an instant response:
  • What is the percentage of ppm in your body.
  • How long will it take to eliminate alcohol?
Important. Taking into account the indicators for calculating the amount of alcohol in the blood, do not drive a car before the time indicated by the calculator has passed.

What is ppm?

A ppm is 1/10 of one percent of anything. In relation to alcohol, 1 ppm means that 1/10 of 1% of the total fluid in the body is pure alcohol (conventional strength 100%).

In other words, in 1 liter of body fluid the content of pure ethylene is 1 g. All over the world, services responsible for traffic safety have adopted this particular system for measuring the degree of intoxication of a person.

But there is no norm of 0.0 percent anywhere. The fact is that some common foods, medications, and even the state of the body affect the breathalyzer readings.

Products that increase the number of ppm

Not only alcohol taken can show a positive reaction on a breathalyzer, but even the state of the body, some medications and foods consumed. Here's what increases the ppm:
  • diabetes mellitus and gastrointestinal diseases can “give out” up to 0.1 ppm;
  • taken 40 drops of medicinal (such as Tricardin, Barboval, etc.) – 0.1;
  • 8 chocolates (without alcohol) or 1 menthol, including cough drops – 0.1;
  • a dozen sweets with rum or preserved berries – up to 1.5;
  • non-alcoholic beer (0.33l) – 0.1-0.2 ppm;
  • products involving alcoholic or fermented milk fermentation (kvass, kefir, kumiss, etc.) – 0.1-0.3;
  • 1 overripe banana produces up to 0.22 ppm;
  • juices – up to 0.4;
  • orange – 0.17 (which is already more than the permissible norm);
  • sandwich – black bread and sausage – 0.2;
  • just smoked cigarette – 0.2;
  • a mouth freshener spray can add 0.4 ppm at once. And if you also used it to mask the smell of alcohol, then you can say goodbye to your license.

Degrees of human intoxication

With a small amount of alcoholic beverages, a person feels “normal” and even often gets away with it. But, God forbid, you get into an accident; an inspection cannot be avoided.

And if the tester (and then a blood test in a medical institution) shows that the ppm level exceeds the norm, you will have to answer “to the fullest extent.”

Why know?

If you have a mild degree of intoxication, in which behavioral reactions are not impaired, and you also do not “smell” of fumes, then the inspector may not have the prerequisites for suggesting that you undergo a breathalyzer test.

Not everyone is thrust into it indiscriminately. But if you have obvious behavioral deviations (incoherent speech, unsteady gait), then it is unlikely that the inspector will not ask you to take an alcohol test.

Determination of degrees of intoxication

According to medical classification, there are five degrees of intoxication:
  1. Lightweight– in the blood from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm. The person feels sober, but in high spirits. Courage, talkativeness, and a penchant for deep philosophizing appear.
  2. Average degree(up to 2.5 ppm). It is noticeable to the naked eye that the person has been drinking. Speech becomes slurred, legs become confused. Some euphoria is replaced by irritability and a desire to “sort things out.” After sobering up, sometimes it is not possible to reproduce a series of events (memory lapses).
  3. Strong– up to 3 ppm. Complete "insanity". A person does not hear when they are addressed to him, does not understand what they want from him. Cannot move independently. Sometimes he loses consciousness and may wet himself.
  4. Alcohol poisoning– up to 5 ppm. Falling into a “complete stupor,” sometimes accompanied by severe vomiting. If there is no one nearby, you may choke. Sometimes poisoning ends in death.
  5. Lethal dose– above 5 ppm. Tremor, arrhythmia, and a peculiar reaction of the eyes (frequent blinking and twitching) are observed. Anyone who takes a lethal dose can go blind. In addition, in this condition, a person can only be saved through qualified medical care.
If you want to preserve the health and life of yourself and those around you, never bring yourself to the point of extreme intoxication. And in any case, do not drive until you are completely sober.

How does the body rid itself of alcohol?

So that it doesn’t happen, like in that joke where a traffic inspector stops a driver for speeding, and he says in excuse: “Yes, I drank a bottle of vodka, I’m hurrying home before I get unlucky,” remember - the maximum readings are ppm achieved 0.5 – 2 hours after drinking.

The elimination time depends on the strength and amount of alcohol taken. And also from the “thoroughness” of the bite. Having reached the maximum level of intoxication, the body begins to slowly free itself from ethanol. It happens like this:

  • alcohol enters the blood mainly from the stomach and intestines;
  • Ethanol travels with the blood to the liver, which breaks it down first into acetaldehyde, then into acid. At the final stage, acetic acid is converted into water, carbon dioxide and energy;
Up to 90% of alcohol is broken down in the liver. The more you drink, the longer this process lasts.
  • 10% of ethanol leaves the body through the kidneys (with urine), through the lungs - with exhaled air and through sweat.

Scientists have derived an average indicator of the speed at which ethanol can leave the body. This is 0.1 g for every kilogram of weight or 1 g for every 10 kg per hour.

But it changes both under the influence of the body itself and due to external influences.

See the average elimination time for certain types of alcohol. It takes into account the amount of drink, its strength and body weight.

Type of alcohol Dose, ml Human weight in kg/excretion time in hours and minutes
60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99
Beer crepe 4° 100 0,35 0,30 0,25 0,20
300 1,05 1,30 1,20 1,10
500 2,55 2,30 2,10 2,00
Beer crepe 6° 100 0,55 0,45 0,40 0,35
300 2,35 2,15 2.00 1,45
500 4,20 3,50 3,15 2,55
Tonic crepe 9° 100 1,20 1,00 0,55 0,50
300 3,55 3,20 2,45 2,35
500 6,30 5,35 5,20 4,55
Champagne crepe 11° 100 1,35 1,20 1,10 1,00
300 4,45 4,00 3,35 3,10
500 8,00 6,50 6,00 5.10
Fortified wine, Port 18° 100 2,35 2,15 2,00 1,45
300 7,55 6,45 5,55 5,15
500 11,25 10,25 9,50 8,45
Tincture 24° 100 3,30 3,00 2,35 2,20
300 10,25 9,00 7,50 7,00
500 17,25 14,50 13,00 11,35
Crepe liqueur 30° 100 4,20 3,45 3,15 2,55
300 13,00 11,10 9,45 8,40
500 21,45 18,40 16,20 14,35
Vodka 40° 100 6,00 5,30 4,25 3,45
300 17,25 14,55 13,25 11,35
500 29 24,55 21,45 19,20
Cognac 42° 100 6,00 5,45 4,55 4,00
300 18,00 14,55 13,55 12,10
500 30,30 24,55 22,45 20,20

How to speed up the elimination of ethanol?

There are several techniques that help you quickly get back to normal and remove alcohol from the body. Let's look and remember:
  1. If you've been drinking relatively recently and feel like you're floating, the best methods are:
  • drink as much water as you can, but at least 1 liter and induce vomiting. It is better to cleanse the stomach 2 – 3 times;
  • In addition to vomiting, give an enema. If not much time has passed since the libation, using this method you will get rid of the lion's share of ethanol.
  1. If health allows - go to the sauna(it has a gentler effect on the body than a steam bath). Three passes of 5 minutes each is enough.
Carefully. A large dose of alcohol and a sauna is a dangerous combination. There are known cases when, after drinking libations, an ambulance took the drinker from the sauna straight to intensive care with a heart attack or stroke.
  1. Drink more clean water, or better yet, sweet herbal tea with a diuretic effect.
  2. Excellent detoxifier - Orange juice or even water with (a spoonful of vinegar per glass of water).
  3. Get a good night's sleep by opening the window. This will help the body recover faster.

How to understand that you have already sobered up?

Take into account the possible error of the calculator in determining the time for complete elimination of ethanol from the body. This is influenced by a number of factors: body condition, illness, consumption on an empty stomach and so on.

Therefore, even if the allotted time has already passed and you seem to be able to hit the road by car, check the degree of your sobriety yourself. The combination of three factors indicates that you have completely sobered up. You can:

  • Loosely touch the tip of your nose with your finger with your eyes closed.
  • Walk along a straight line without stumbling.
  • Stand for 30 seconds on one leg.

Permissible alcohol limit while driving

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 12.8) states precisely: 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. That is, 0.16 ppm. What matches 0.35 ppm in blood. This norm has been in effect since 2013, and before that it was 0 ppm. But since there was a lot of confusion due to the above reasons, an amendment was made to the Administrative Code. offenses.
Carefully. In some sources, the norm is 0.3 or 0.35 ppm.
This is the blood alcohol content. It is installed in a medical institution during an examination, after taking blood. A standard of 0.16 applies to exhaled air!

After what time is it safe to drive?

To the time calculated on the calculator add another half an hour - an hour to be sure. If you have used methods to quickly remove alcohol from your body, tested yourself for sobriety and really need to go, allow at least the minimum time required for your body to remove ethanol.
Advice. Without complete confidence in your own sobriety, use “Antipolitsay” from the pharmacy.

Devices that detect the presence of alcohol in the blood

It will be a useful acquisition for car enthusiasts and professional drivers. breathalyzer. The price for such a device ranges from 300 rubles (in the form of a keychain with a flashlight) to 5 thousand rubles. The more expensive the device, the more accurate it is. And you have a greater guarantee of a successful alcohol test in the event of a traffic police stop.
Reference. Traffic inspectors are “equipped” with breathalyzers of average cost: 1.5 – 3 thousand rubles.
A useful purchase and much cheaper - test strips for determining alcohol in saliva (urine). Are called alcohol screen. The cost of one is from 21 rubles, there are from 5 to 20 pieces in a package.

So, what can you do to avoid getting caught driving under the influence? Do not drive until you are completely sober, both by external signs and according to our calculator.

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