Home Torkemose What poured the cooling system Cheri. Change in the radiator coolant in Chery Tiggo in front of the winter. BC defecting, block head and gasket

What poured the cooling system Cheri. Change in the radiator coolant in Chery Tiggo in front of the winter. BC defecting, block head and gasket


According to the recommendations of the manufacturer of this compact crossover, the coolant is subject to replacement after 10 thousand km of run or the year of operation - depending on what will come before. But the coolant level is recommended at no less often than once a week: it will not be at all necessary to fall in the process of natural evaporation. Emergency leaks are possible, which needs to be recognized in a timely manner, otherwise you will have to buy expensive spare parts Cherie Tigo. Today we will tell you how to change the cooling fluid on Chery Tiggo in garage conditions without resorting to the help of service services.

When replacing the coolant, it should be remembered for its toxicity and accuracy when working with it. Avoid getting into open areas of the skin, if it still fell - be sure to rinse, drain the liquid is neatly, in the cooked container and avoid its entry into the ground. And all work with the coolant spend only on the cold engine.

In the car Chery Tiggo, it is recommended to use cooling fluids based on ethylene glycol, which are easier called antifreeze. At the same time, the color of antifreeze does not play absolutely no meaning: different color speaks only about different dyes. And if you are going to change the liquid, then you need to pay attention not to E color, but on the type (composition), which should strictly comply with the recommended manufacturer.

The concentration of ethylene glycol in the coolant depends on the climatic zone in which the car is used - to avoid freezing of coolant in the cooling system in the winter period: the higher the concentration - the lower the freezing temperature. But, at the same time, it is extremely not recommended to use 100% ethylene glycol: it contains anti-corrosion additives, to dissolve which water is necessarily needed. If it is not - additives will fall in the cooling system in the form of deposits, which will not improve, and worsen its ability to remove heat and can entail the engine overheating to 149 degrees (the booster temperature of ethylene glycols is much higher than that of the water).

To obtain the solution of the desired concentration (the proportions are usually indicated by manufacturers of coolants on a bottle package), use only distilled water.

Now, in fact, to replace the coolant. You need to stock up with a container for the drain of old antifreeze (better - about 10 liters), a piece of hoses of a suitable diameter (for a drain pipe on the radiator) and a new antifreeze. Work is better on a flat surface.

  1. Remove the plug, Turning it counterclockwise.

  2. Open the expansion tank,by reloading it to the lid.

  3. Open on the drain crane radiator, Substiving under it a pre-tank for spent antifreeze. To perform work carefully, a small piece suitable for the hose diameter can be apparently on the tap fitting. The crane itself is located at the bottom of the radiator, from the inner side of it to the left (in the photo - view on the removed radiator from the side facing the engine).

  4. Tighten the crane after plum.
  5. If the expansion tank is dirty and depositsIt can be removed and washed. After that, to install in place and pour the liquid for washing the cooling system (distilled water can be used) through the neck of the radiator to the level of the steaming tube: you need to rinse both the system itself and the Cherie Tiga radiator.

  6. Get the engine and give the engine to warm upbefore the cooling fan is triggered, then drown out the motor, let it cool and drain the water.
  7. If the water from the system broke out dirty,the washing procedure should be repeated. After that, fill the prepared coolant through the radiator, and without closing its cover, start the engine.
  8. As heated, air will be out of the system, And the level of coolant will fall. Tighten the level in the process of warming up to the norm until the air from the system ceases to go out. Usually, at the stage of filling in the system, the fan will have time to turn on 5-6 times.
  9. After the air stopped out, turn the radiator cork, and drop to the maximum value of the coolant in the expansion tank. After that, get the engine, let it warm up, stop and wait for cooling.
  10. After the engine cools, Check the level of the coolant and addition to the maximum value.

In the process of heating the engine, attention should be paid to the temperature of the coolant (on the index of the instrument panel) and the timely response of the fan.

If the temperature reached the maximum, and the fan does not give signs of life, you need to find out the reason. To do this, turn on the stove in the cabin and check the air temperature it serves. If the air is heated, then the fan does not work. If the air is cold - a plug formed in the cooling system. Open the radiator cover, allow the engine to work 3-5 minutes and close the lid. And so that the air from the system is better, it should be pressed regularly during the warm-up radiator when the radiator hoses should be pressed to drive out air traffic jams.

After a few days of operation, after replacing the coolant in the system, check again. If necessary, a frace. Also pay attention to the color of the coolant. If the fluid sharply discouraged - it means that the usual blue was used for the tint, and you became the owner of a non-high-quality coolant, from which you need to get rid of it. Similarly, the liquid is not high quality, if a brown shade has acquired a brown tint after a short period of time. This suggests that the manufacturer most likely "forgot" add anti-corrosion additives to it, and such a liquid should be urgently changed. And high-quality coolant practically does not change its color - only a bit dark in the process of long-term operation.

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Antifreeze for Chery Tiggo T11

The table indicates - the type and color of the required antifreeze for fill in Chery Tiggo T11,
made from 2005 to 2011.
Year Engine A type Color Lifetime Recommended manufacturers
2005 petrol, diesel G12 +. red5 yearsChevron, AWM, G-Energy, Lukoil Ultra, Glaaself
2006 petrol, diesel G12 +. red5 yearsChevron, G-Energy, FreeCor
2007 petrol, diesel G12 +. red5 yearsHavoline, Motul Ultra, Lukoil Ultra, Glaaself
2008 petrol, diesel G12 +. red5 yearsHAVOLINE, AWM, G-ENERGY
2009 petrol, diesel G12 +. red5 yearsHavoline, Motul Ultra, Freecor, AWM
2010 petrol, diesel G12 +. red5 yearsHavoline, AWM, G-Energy, Freecor
2011 petrol, diesel G12 +. red5 yearsFrostschutzmittel A, Vag, FEBI, ZEREX G

When buying, you need to know the shade - Color and A type Antifreeze, permissible for the year of release your Tiggo T11. Manufacturer choose at your discretion. Do not forget - each type of fluid has its own service life.
For example: For Chery Tiggo (T11 Body) 2005 GV, with a gasoline or diesel engine type, a carboxylate antifreeze class, type G12 + with shades of red, is suitable. The approximate term of the next replacement of which will be 5 years old. Opportunity, deposit the selected fluid for compliance with the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer specifications and maintenance intervals. It's important to know Each type of liquid is its color. There are rare cases when the type is tinted with different color.
The color of red antifreeze can be from violet to light vehicle (in green and yellow the same principles).
Mix liquid from different manufacturers - canIf their types correspond to the mixing conditions. G11 can be mixed with analogs G11 G11 can not be mixed with G12 G11 can be mixed G12 + G11 you can mix G12 ++ G11 can be mixed G13 G12 can be mixed with analogs G12 G12 can not be mixed with G11 G12 can be mixed with G12 + G12 can not be mixed with G12 ++ G12 can not be mixed with G13 G12 +, G12 ++ and G13 can be mixed with each other. Antifreeze with Tosol is not allowed. No way! Tosol and antifreeze are very different in quality. Tosol is the trade name of the traditional type (TL) of the cooling fluid of the old sample. At the end of the service life - the liquid is completely discolored or faster. Before replacing one type of liquid to another, rinse the car radiator with ordinary water.

Antifreeze is a special imperodent fluid at low temperatures intended for controlling the temperature mode of the car engine. In addition, the coolant action is aimed at preventing corrosion formation in a vehicle cooling system. Since the car engine is a fundamental detail of the machine, the replacement of antifreeze should be carried out regularly and properly. Timely maintenance of the car will allow to extend its life. In the publication proposed for consideration, information on the intricacies of self-replacement of antifreeze on the Cherry brand vehicles required for this tools are presented, and tips on choosing a high-quality coolant.

Causes of the need to change the coolant

Replacing antifreeze by car, according to the recommendations of specialists, should be carried out regularly and in accordance with the terms specified in the operating instructions for the transport facility. As for cars of the brand Cheri, the replacement of the coolant, according to the tips of manufacturers, should be carried out every 4 years or when 40,000 kilometers of car runs are reached. If you need to replace antifreeze on Cheri, it is better to be guided by the second indicator, since depending on the situation, the intensity of the operation of the machine in different car owners may differ, and therefore the refrigerant used will lose its properties faster.

Causes of antifreeze replacement on Cherry cars


  • The use of antifreeze is approached by the end;
  • If there are cracks in the expansion tank, the coolant used can flow from the tank, and therefore it will not be able to perform its functions properly;
  • When changing the shade of antifreeze, the presence of precipitate, foam, rust in liquid. Such cases take place when replacing poor quality refrigerant. If you do not replace the antifreeze in time, the work of not only the cooling system, but also the vehicle generally;
  • When performing any repair work related to the replacement of the motor on the Cherry or cooling system, it is required to replace antifreeze;
  • The coolant level in the tank decreased due to overheating of the Cherry motor. With excessive heating of the engine, the refrigerant begins to scream, which leads to the opening of the safety valve and the emission of antifreeze vapors. Thus, the refrigerant level decreases and the cooling system ceases to function properly;
  • Disruption of the electric fan in the hot period of time also indicates the need to replace the coolant.

In most cases, car owners do not follow regularly for the deadlines for the replacement of antifreeze by car, therefore, in order to avoid serious breakdowns, attention should be paid to signs indicating the need to change the refrigerant.

Replacing antifreeze on Cheri is required in the presence of one of the factors listed below:

  • Disorder of the electric fan;
  • Changed the color of the coolant. If the hint of the refrigerant has become faded, muddy;
  • When foam, rust, rust, chips, lumps are found in an expansion tank;
  • A test was carried out, based on the results of which the need to replace the refrigerant on Cherry was revealed.

Stages of working with replacement

Regardless of which car model, Chery is needed to replace antifreeze, be it Cherie Tiggo, Chery Fora, Cheri Indix, Cherie Kimo, the replacement process itself will not differ significantly. However, this does not mean that the procedure for changing antifreeze, depending on the car model, does not have distinctive features. Attention should be paid to the fact that the engines of cars and their volumes differ, so it is necessary to accommodately approach the choice of refrigerant and carefully study the instructions on the coolant bank. For example, antifreeze for Cherie Kimo C12, Cherry Fora, amulet and other models of this brand may differ.

Variations of antifreeze selection for Cheri:

  • Traditional refrigerants;
  • Hybrid cooling fluids type G11;
  • Carboxylate refrigerants such as G-12, G-12 +;
  • Ledok antifreeze G-12 ++, G-13.
  • Use the coolant made on the basis of ethylene glycol;
  • In the absence of the opportunity to buy the original antifreeze on the Cherry brand car, you should not buy any suitable in the cost of the refrigerant. The acquisition and replacement of poor-quality coolant can seriously harm the car;
  • The replacement of antifreeze is carried out exclusively when the vehicle is cooled. Otherwise, when implementing incorrect actions, you can get serious injury;
  • The composition of the coolant includes poisoning chemicals, so when working with it should be neat;
  • In some cases, antifreeze before the dumping into the expansion tank is required to be dissolved with distilled water, so before filling the refrigerant, read the instructions;
  • When starting the car, Cherry engine must close the plug of the expansion tank;
  • When replacing antifreeze on Cherry brand cars, it is required to check the density of the drain plugs, as well as the presence of cracks in the expansion tank.

Required during the replacement of antifreeze on the car brand Cherry Tools:

  • Coolant (at least seven liters);
  • Free tank for collecting the refrigerant used (its volume should be greater than the volume of the expansion tank, which contains refrigerant);
  • Rag;
  • Funnel;
  • Distilled water.

An example of replacing antifreeze on Chery Tiggo T11:

  • It is necessary to install a vehicle over the pit or lift;
  • Slowly remove the tube from the radiator, and then the plug of the expansion tank;
  • To drain the coolant, it is required to substitute the reservoir under the crane of the drain hole of the radiator, which is located on the left side of the radiator below;
  • To flush the cooling system, the expansion tank is filled with distilled water and the auto engine starts. When the operating temperature is reached, the motor stops to cool and drain water;
  • After cooling the engine of the vehicle, it is necessary to slowly pour antifreeze into the expansion tank to the optimal level located between the rates of minimum and maximum;
  • Re-run the car and warm up to the desired temperature. This is required in order to check the presence of leaks in the cooling system. If necessary, add antifreeze into the Expansion Tank Chery Tiggo T11.

Drain and flushing cooling system

To properly implement the antifreeze replacement procedure on the Cherry car, it is required to consistently pass three stages. The process itself does not take away a lot of time, so even a beginner car enthusiast can cope with the replacement of the coolant.


  • After familiarizing with all the nuances of the replacement of antifreeze to Chery, it is necessary to establish a vehicle in such a place where you can easily get to the bottom of the car;
  • Free container is set under the bottom of the car to collect the coolant used;
  • Next, it takes no slowly unscrew the lid of the expansion tank to the refrigerant of the output. The drainage of coolant can be carried out in the following ways: through a drain valve or by disconnecting the lower nozzle. For more convenience, it is recommended to install a car with a slight tilt to the left side. This will allow you to merge all the coolant without a residue;
  • At the next step, it is necessary to wash the cooling system. This will make it possible to clean the container from pollution and wash off the protective layer of the refrigerant used. Washing the Cherry car cooling system is carried out by fill in the expansion tank of distilled water. To get the required effect, the car engine starts. The operation is repeated until pure water flows from the expansion tank. It must be remembered that after each attempt it is important to make a cool motor.

Fill new antifreeze

The final stage of the antifreeze replacement procedure will be filling suitable according to the cooling fluid instructions.


  • Required drain plugs;
  • Through the expansion tank or the upper hole of the radiator, a new antifreeze is poured;
  • To check the presence of leaks and check the presence of air traffic jams in the cooling system, you need to start the engine of the vehicle for 10-15 minutes. If necessary, add the coolant, but exclusively when the motor has cooled.

How to check the level?

As is known, antifreeze plays a significant role for the proper functioning of the vehicle. Based on this, it is important not only to change the cooling fluid in a timely manner in a car, but also to regularly check the refrigerant level. In particular, it is important to do with the onset of summer and winter seasons. Regular check of the refrigerant level in Cherry brand vehicles practically eliminates the leakage of the cooling substance or disruption of the cooling system.

The level of antifreeze is considered optimal, in which the coolant is within the limits between the minimum and maximum marks. If the refrigerant will be located at the level of the minimum mark, this may lead to serious consequences for the vehicle (engine overheating of the machine, disruption of the cooling system). If the refrigerant is located at the level of the maximum mark, then with an increase in the temperature of the motor, the cooling fluid under pressure will be bludging from the tank.

If a translucent expansion tank is installed in the car model of the car, then check the level of the coolant is simple enough, since the refrigerant has a bright shade, and on the walls of the tank there are marks indicating the minimum and maximum indicator. In the absence of a car brand in the model, you can check the level of such a tank by unscrewing the radiator lid.

It is important to know that checking the level of antifreeze and the vehicle is carried out strictly with the cooled car engine. First, if the motor is heated, the coolant is expanding and the data after verification will be incorrect. Secondly, when checking the level of refrigerant using a radiator, you can obtain injury, since the hot liquid creates pressure and splashes the hot refrigerant through the neck.

You will need: cooling fluid, funnel, clean rag.


The manufacturer recommends applying a coolant (antifreeze) based on ethylene glycol.
Do not mix the liquids of different colors and different manufacturers. If you need to add cooling fluid, but you do not know the brand flooded into the liquid system, replace the entire fluid in the cooling system. Apply products only verified manufacturers. Remember that the use of low-quality coolant leads to expensive engine repair! Before starting work, install the car on a flat surface.

Check the coolant level only on the cold engine. Cooling fluid is toxic, so when working with it, observe precautions.
Do not pour the liquid into the tank above the MAX label, because when the engine is running, its volume will increase.
When starting the engine, the plug of the expansion tank must be tightly closed.

Useful advice
Constantly monitor the coolant level. Its sharp decline or an increase should be a signal to immediately check the engine cooling system.
If the fresh antifreeze suddenly suddenly quickly changed the color on the brown, you were sold to a fake, which "forgot" add corrosion inhibitors. As soon as possible, replace the liquid until it has time to drive the cooling system.

The expansion tank is installed in the open space on the right side.
1. The coolant level should be between the "MAX" and "MIN" marks deposited on the wall of the expansion tank

2. To pull the liquid, remove the plug of the expansion tank ...


If the expansion tank is completely empty, remove the radiator stopper by turning it 90 ° counterclockwise, and add fluid into the radiator to the edge of its neck. Then close the cork radiator and decrease the fluid into the expansion tank to the required level.

4. Close the plug of the expansion tank.

Checking the level and condition of the coolant should be carried out every 10 thousand km of a run or 1 year of operation.
You will need: coolant, clean rag, tank for drained coolant with a capacity of at least 10 liters.
Apply coolant based on ethylene glycol (antifreeze).
Replace the cooling fluid on the cold engine only.
Cooling fluid toxic, so be careful when working with it.
When starting the engine cork, the expansion tank and the radiator must be tightly closed. The cooling system when the engine running is under pressure, so with a slightly closed stopper from under it can flow the coolant.
1. Install the car on a flat horizontal platform.

2. Turn counterclockwise and remove the radiator cork.

3. Open the plug of the expansion tank.

4. Substitute the container under the cooling system of the cooling radiator radiator, located at the bottom of the left tank of the radiator, remove the plug valve plug and drain the liquid.
Helpful advice.

For the convenience of draining the coolant, it is necessary to wear a small segment of the hose with a drain crane.
A warning.
Antifreeze poisonous and mortally dangerous for all living things. In order not to pollute the environment, drain it from the radiator through a funnel (for example, made of plastic bottle for carbonated water).
5. Tighten the plug valve with your hand.
If the expansion tank is strongly contaminated, then remove (see) and rinse it.
6. Rinse the cooling system, for which slowly fill the system with water through the radiator's bay neck to the steam tube.
7. Let the engine and let it work until the electric fan is turned on.
8. Muffle the engine and drain the water.
9. Rinse the cooling system until it starts to merge clean water.
10. Fill the engine cooling system, slowly pouring the cooling fluid into the radiator to the level of the steam tube.
11. Enter the engine and warm it up to the operating temperature (before turning on the fan). As the air outputs from the system, tighten the cooling fluid into the radiator. Until the full release of the air, the fan will turn off 3-5 times.

12. Wrap the radiator tube and decrease the coolant into the expansion tank to the Max label. After that, stop the engine and let it cool.
13. Check the level of coolant, if necessary, fall it into the expansion tank to the MAX label.
When the engine is running, follow the temperature of the coolant in the pointer. If the arrow reached the red zone, and the radiator fan did not earn, turn on the heater and check the air that passes through it. If the heater supplies heated air, most likely a fan is faulty, and if cold air serves, the engine cork formed in the engine cooling system.
To delete it, stop the engine, let it cool and screw the radiator cork. Enter the engine, let it work for 3-5 minutes, then wrap the radiator cork.
Useful tips.
For better filling of the system (without air traffic jams), periodically live radiator hoses with hand.
A few days after replacing the coolant, check its level. If necessary, replenish it.
If after a very short time the color of fresh liquid became brown, then you flooded the fake, in which the manufacturer "Forgot" add corrosion inhibitors. Another feature of the fake is a sharp complete bleaching of the fluid. The dye of high-quality coolant is very racks and over time only darkens. Decorating the liquid tinted with linen blue. Such an "antifreeze" needs to be replaced as quickly as possible.

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