Home Food Audi A6 C4 with mileage: perfect and just good motors and boxes. History of the cult model Audi A6 condition and quality suspension and chassis

Audi A6 C4 with mileage: perfect and just good motors and boxes. History of the cult model Audi A6 condition and quality suspension and chassis

The brakes of claims are even less than on "weaving": the age is more sparing, and the system with a mandatory four-channel ABS is more reliable. As a result, the resource is quite sufficient, if not to say more. Although, of course, years and service take their own. Rotary brake tubes, hoses and jammed calipers are not such a big surprise, but everything is solved relatively inexpensively.

The ABS usually suffers from the electrical part: contacts are violated in the block. Helps or replacing the electronic part, or its opposite from people specially trained by such works. Houses with a soldering iron, I'm afraid, it will not work.

The suspension is as simple and reliable as the predecessor. In the back of the front-wheel drive cars, almost eternal beam, the front of McPherson, and the transverse stability stabilizer acts as the front lever. With such a design, the suspension quickly loses noiselessness, but it goes anyway long. The main weak place is the silent blocks of the lever-stabilizer. However, when buying a surprise car, a purely resource nature can be enough if the owner frankly "scored" for repairs.

With the steering control there are almost no problems. Rake reliable and most often suffers from banal wear in the central part. And the GUR system is from corrosion of tubes and leaks, with them related. But this does not mean that when buying can be relaxed. The price of a new rail and pump is large enough, and the chances for the fact that the last owner poured into the current system of ATP liter per month and changed the pump on the second-hand for the sales itself - quite real. Check the system ones carefully, otherwise it will be necessary to repair everything at your own expense, and this account will be solid.


There is no surprises on this part or almost no. Everything was done with a good margin of strength, and the troubles are not delivering either the front-wheel drive, nor all-wheel drive cars.

Rear cardan shaft

price for the original

119 239 rubles

Of course, at all-wheel drives, in addition to the shrurs of the controlled wheels, followed by both the rear wheels, the drive shaft and the gearbox, and the inter-axis differential does not like dirty oil very much - the replacement is shown "the more often the better", but 40-50 Thousands in decent age will be just. However, in most cases, these elements can not be remembered for years.

Machine with manual transmission will have to think only about the condition of the clutch and two-mask flywheel where it has not been replaced yet. Yes, when running half a million, the box usually requires cleaning, checking, replacing synchronizers and many seals. Especially a lot of oil leaks due to switching mechanism seals. Resource difficulties are mainly characteristic of powerful motors for 2.2 and 2.8 liters yes for diesel engines 2.5. The remaining motors due to the smaller torque with transmissions are more careful.

Here with the automatic transmission of A6, the situation has changed a bit in comparison with the "weaving". Pretty expensive (and high-quality) ZF 4HP18 on the front-wheel drive machines were replaced with the automatic transmission automatic development. ACAP 01N by this moment "brought" to the level when she kept the moment even the V6 motors, and in such a situation, the procurement of transmissions on the side was trying to avoid. The number of cars with ZF boxes has decreased significantly - in fact, it remained only in all-wheel drive cars in the Quattro version. But still, this automatic transmission deserves our attention here.

Late versions of ZF 4HP18 - a sample of the maximum reliable transmission with a classic governor-based control system. Unfortunately, age and runs of machines guarantee high wear boxes. Surely, over the past years, someone drove on the car, someone did not change the oil, someone lily inappropriate, the car overheated, the glands and gaskets were flowing ... In general, the box without repairs was unlikely to leave this mileage, and considering their rarity , it is not necessary to count on a contract unit.

4HP18 is the case when high reliability plays the evil joke. The box shows an amazing vitality: it goes even when pressure is enough only on the inclusion of a third transfer, it tries to soften even tough blows and keeps to the last without oil. Therefore, they are enhanced so that it is already nothing to repair. Although a good owner, who, to the mileage of thousands of 300-400, could be caught by the replacement of rubber bands, the repair of the oil pump, checking the piston D and worn-out individual frictions.

The box is amazing easy to repair. If she is still driving, then do not pull with repairs: it will be cheap, and most likely, the unit will last long. Well, if it is already dead, you can introduce a nonsense five-speed 5HP19FL, the benefit of the version without a can-bush exists. However, they also slowly become a deficit, you will have to look for a hydroblock and control fee from these automatic transmission and mechanics from newer boxes.

Several is more easier the situation with the above-mentioned Volkswagensky automatic transmission series 01N (it is 097). This four-step put a lot where it is still produced in China, where old Volkswagen local assembly in great honor. Somewhat weaker than ZH 4HP Design wins due to maintainability. In addition, it has electronic control, which allows you to slightly reduce the risks of damage to the main "iron".

But all said about ZF is true for 01n. With age, everything breaks - I must someone did something wrong, and there are already such runs such that it is time for the boxes to go at least one, or even two repairs. To runs in 180-250 thousand, you usually need to replace the lining, it actively works by blocking. After 300 thousand runs, almost always requires cleaning and repairing the hydraulicock box, oil pump and all seals.

The active use of plastic in the design of this automatic transmission makes the mechanics and electronics of the box very sensitive to overheats, and 01N at the age is very prone to them. Fortunately, there are spare parts, and the box is rarely rocked "in zero" - it does not allow this. Mechanics are relatively reliable, electronics is quite simple. Although in comparison with the "weave" there are already more expensive and complex hydroblocks and more purely electrical failures due to loops, sensors and solenoids.

And do not forget to check the oil and the state of the differential: it is quite weak with these boxes, and the new details are expensive. If the automatic transmission is still very worn, then the chances of finding a contract unit in an acceptable state are, and not bad.

Finally, a pair of banal, but not losing the relevance of general recommendations. All automatic transmission will not damage the reinforced cooling radiator, an external oil filter and a frequent oil change. It can be changed every 30 thousand - it is inexpensive.


The bulk of motors remained the same as on Audi 100 C4. Classic four-, five- and six-cylinder motors with two valves per cylinder, very "iron" and well-adapted to rigid operating conditions.

Timing belt AAR 2,3E

price for the original

3 189 rubles

True, almost all of the "fours" there are difficulties with the control systems of a purely age nature (I described in detail about them in the article about), but they are completely solved.

The age of cars is now such that much depends on which elements of the cooling system and lubrication were replaced. Hoses and plastic require replacement, and the state of "iron" of motors depends on them. Upon the condition of competent service, many engines can live to our time without overhauls, but it is unlikely. Hands up to replacing the piston group and the repair of the GBC - usually about 300-400 thousand, and most of the cars have passed noticeably more. And do not look at odometers: they shake them regularly, and no one knows how much time.

Motors of 2 liters about eight valves of the AAE and ABK series are deservedly considered simple and very reliable. Especially Aae with its mono-site system. Digifant injection on ABK is somewhat more difficult to arrange and often has many worn items with a considerable price. Power price is insignificant here - it is in any case insufficient for a heavy machine.

With a five-cylinder AAR motor of 2.3 liters, there was already a KE-III Jetronic injection system and the VEZ ignition system solutions from the "last century". For years, ten cars worked perfectly, but now few people are taken to diagnose qualitatively and repair these systems - it is not enough knowledge to be trite, and the original components of the road. Due to the power failure, the fuel consumption increases and the speaker falls. So HBO on machines with this engine meets very often precisely as replacing the original power system.

Almost all engines with old control systems have very nothesive sensors and difficulties with the setting of "native" injection systems. And the folk art does not sleep: you can purchase components of the Invent-Jetronic systems or the "Winsers Sensors" to replace the entire components of its injection injection. The installation of the management system January with vases is widely practiced. You will laugh, but against the background of German Oldcule, the domestic ECUs turn out to be quite modern and suitable for installation with proper configuration.

However, the optimal choice for A6 C4 is the Motors V6 of the ABC and AAH series of 2.6 and 2.8 liters. Reliable, simple and with a very durable control system, they have a bigger resource than the "fours" and "five", with a small appetite. Of the unresolved problems - only the unsuccessful design of the pump and a relatively small range of the timing belt: it is recommended to change it within 60 thousand kilometers. And watch the leaks of oil very carefully, the engine is inclined to them.

In addition to the "Starichkov" on the A6, two new gasoline engines appeared. Permanent readers of my reviews they are already familiar. Downsayzing by the standards of the 90s 1.8 ADR series, as well as the V6 2.8 ACK series will put on the AUDI and VW cars for many more years in various versions.

Motors line of 1.8 EA113 series with 20-valve GBC began with ADR. This is a slightly complicated version of ACE motor with "weaving." There is a more complex GBC design, but the timing belt is also used to drive the graduation camshaft and the chain between the camshafts for the intake drive.

The control system is completely new, electronic, but for now with one ignition module. The resource of the piston group is more than sufficient, about 350-500 thousand motor can pass without overhaul. But it is necessary to monitor the pressure of the oil, the state of the oil pump and especially behind the cooling system. Lesschi is a very characteristic malfunction, the leaks of the tee on the back of the CCC are particularly unpleasant, where the temperature sensor is installed, and the leaks of the oil exchanger.

Watch out for the presence of an emulsion in oil and try to change the oil to the maximum of 10 thousand kilometers - the motor is sensitive to its purity. When replacing the timing, do not forget about the chain: it can also jump if you do not pay attention to the state of the tensioner. By the way, it is quite expensive, and non-original parts are distinguished by a small resource, about 30-50 thousand kilometers against 200 from the "original". The characteristic noise of the chain, well heard in the cabin, is to expensive repair.

Carter ventilation system is difficult and not from the best materials. As a result, its metal tubes are cumulated from the inside, and rubber hoses are sprawling. The crankcase ventilation valve often loses the "fungus" - it flies into the inlet, after which the oil consumption increases at times, and the item itself can damage the GBC valve.

In general, the main problems of the Motor 1.8 are associated with grinding, killed by wiring and banal wear. In general, it is an order of magnitude more stable old series of engines, it takes a good age, and its power is quite decent. In practice, the engine is 1.8, much more than the "five" 2.3, and it can be hone with V6 2.6 with a much less fuel consumption.

Approximately the same complexity and features of the V6 2.8 ACK series. GBC here, too, with five valves on the cylinder, also with a chain in the rear, binding intake and exhaust camshafts. Both tensioners and chains are exactly the same as for 1.8, only here are two times more.

And even the leaks of oil on it are even a more serious problem. The ventilation system was designed not very good, and the oil from under plastic valve covers easily fell to the exhaust system.

But in general, this is a wonderful motor with a very good resource and power reserve. It is not better suited for a rather heavy car. Although the service of the new V6 is still noticeably more expensive than older "six", significantly surpassing them in economy.

From diesel engines, it is possible to note the appearance of four-cylinder motors of 1.9 1z and Ahu and the new version of the row "five" 2.5 AEL series with a capacity of 140 hp. Diesel motors of this generation were very successful, although 90-strong engines for A6 are frankly weak. The resource of such engines is still above all silence, they have fans, but in Russia they are common quite weak.

Take or not take?

No matter how cool, and the first A6 is an extremely successful car. From the old "weaving" she took the best, but it was added to him another comfort and new, more reliable motors. Taking into account the slightly smaller age, these cars are very desirable purchase.

If you do not go into details, it can be assumed that Audi A6 C4 is an updated version of the popular Audi 100 model, but numerous differences are becoming visible immediately. What to choose and why the choice can fall on a more complex version of the car, we will deal in this material.

Formally, the AUDI A6 C4 model was made only 3 years and became a transitional moment in the further development of cars from the German brand. Unlike his progenitor "Sota" series, the car had a greater cost, but also equipped with a large set of additional options. If weave of the beginning of the 90s it was possible to buy in the "empty" configuration, which did not even possess the front power windows, then the updated generation already in the basic configuration was equipped with an electropacuit with a climate system, which distinguishes it from predecessors.

Many are quite consciously when choosing between AUDI 100 and A6 choose the first, because it is a little simpler arranged in terms of electronics. What surprises most, so this is a wide range of power units, which was installed on cars. Everybody visible, the company assumed the long-term life of the model on the conveyor, but modern trends forced to update the car once again in rapid terms. Therefore, on the secondary market, you can find copies equipped with diesel units with a working volume of 1.9 and 2.5 liters, which could develop up to 90 horsepower in the first version (which is very small for a heavy car) and 115 or 140 horsepower (more volumetric motor Offered in two modifications). If you do not go into details, you can deserve to be deservedly called diesel units - Millionniki engines.

The variety of gasoline engines is bigger, and they all deserve attention. The aggregates for the exserved model included two-liter motors with a capacity of 115 horsepower (were versions and with a power of 100 horsepower), a 1.8 liter motor with 20-valves capable of developing up to 125 horses. Another car was completed with three modifications of the V6 gasoline engine, which had a volume of 2.6 and 2,8 liters, developing 150 and 174 or 193 horsepower depending on the modification.

In addition, for lovers of a large number of horses, the company produced a car model with an S6 index, which were completed with powerful V8 motors with a working volume of 4.2 liters, and the developed power reached up to 280 horsepower, and in the S6 version, up to 326 horses. But the last version of the car is a rare instance in the secondary market.

Condition and Quality Body on Audi A6 C4

Surprisingly, but the car received a very high-quality body, the steel of which resisted corrosion for a long time. At the same time, in our time there is at least 20 years, but there are copies with a good body state that did not pass overhaul. For the sake of justice, you can meet rotten specimens, the restoration of which can do in a round sum.

Anticorrosive stability - the main horse model, because Body is completely galvanized. Compared to the predecessor, the car qualitatively wins according to the body's condition, not only due to the quality of steel and galvanized, but also due to the quality of the paint and varnish coating. But taking into account age, the car still needs to be checked with special attention. As always, the main foci of rust become the front arches, the edges of the doors and the edge of the trunk lid, as well as places hidden by molding and plastic lining.

When choosing a car, you should consider several factors that will affect your choice. The fact is if the purchase is designed for temporary use, then you should not worry about several corrosion foci, which spread very slowly, but if you buy a car for a long time, you should look for a car in a better condition. Restoration of damaged elements or their replacement can be a real test. There are not many original body elements on the market, and their search can take much time, because a lot of body parts are suitable for Audi 100, which has a less resistant body. Therefore, all body elements are praised very quickly, and cheap Chinese analogs are frankly low quality.

The quality and condition of the cabin

Surprisingly, the interior design still looks relevant and solid. At the same time, the quality of materials used to finish the indoor space is high quality. Therefore, most instances can boast a fairly fresh view, provided that the previous owner is accurate. In addition, Audi A6 C4 did not have frankly "empty" packages. The presence of electric windows, electrical adjustment of the side mirrors, the electric drive to adjust the seats and the climate system is the usual thing.

There are no complaints about the quality of plastic parts and finishing materials - even on cars of the first years of release, they look good. But the main innovation in the design of the car of those times is much attention to the safety of the driver and the front passenger. The configuration includes driver and passenger airbags, as well as a system of seat belt pretensioners.

But given the age, you should not be surprised that some electronic components and buttons may not work or "bug", but in most cases, the repair will take a little time and will cost a modest amount.

The main problem on the car with mileage will be climate control, which often fails for various reasons. Most often a valve actuator is broken down, in which the flaps position sensors can break. In addition, due to the age of all elements, the climate control control unit itself may fail. In most cases, the soldering is broken or divided into the tracks on the board. Sometimes it is possible to restore the fee in the workshops, but the complete replacement of the electronic unit may be required.

Thanks to a wide range of driver chairs adjustments, people of various growth and physique will be able to set up normally. All chairs are comfortable. What is most surprising is the built-in system for diagnosing and monitor the performance of various car systems. At the same time, to call this system onto the on-board computer - the language does not rotate. Rather, this system is similar to the OBD II scanner, using such self-diagnostics, you can easily determine the non-working elements of a particular system, view the errors and data from numerous sensors.

If you say in justice, then the search for an instance with fully operating electronics in the cabin is a hopeless thing. Most breakdowns are easily eliminated, but before buying it is worth paying close attention to the performance of climate control, instrument panels, airbags and a block of submissive switches. Any malfunction can cause a discount.

Electrician quality and condition

Again, given the twenty-year-old age of the car, from wiring and electronics can be expected different surprises. Moreover, all problems are exacerbated by handmade repair, which is resorted to many owners of old cars, but you can note several major foci of problems. First of all, wiring under the hood, where it is subjected to permanent temperature drops. Second place is the wiring in the doorway.

The youngest A6 are already fifteen years old, and electrical equipment failure. There are problems with electronic engine control units, immobilizers and a climate control unit. Especially, there are cars with rotten body, or constantly wet salon. In addition, the natural wear of the generator, various relays and other electrical consumers should be taken into account.

Condition and quality of suspension and chassis

Audi A6 C4 is a representative of how the quality of modern cars should really develop. The fact is that all innovations went only for the benefit of comfort in the car, but also extended its service life. What can not be said about modern machines, which are in favor of dubious environmental standards, as well as even greater earnings of autocontracens and dealers, can serve without expensive and serious repair only warranty period.

It is noteworthy that the car suspension is made according to a simple scheme, the back of the hodovka consists of a beam, which does not imply any adjustments and frequent repairs, and the front suspension is made according to the McPherson lever scheme with a cross-stability stabilizer. In essence, the suspension is very reliable and maintainable, so there will be no special problems with it. The only thing to be expected is age or resource problems immediately in many elements, which may entail high costs. But the restored hodovka will delight inexpensive and rare services (except the stabilizer racks that begin to make noise after 20,000 - 30,000 km).

The energy-intensive chassis not only smoothes the irregularities of our roads, but also provides a car confident movement at high speeds. The same applies to the brake system along with ABS, which are quite reliable and resource-intensive, but age could affect brake hoses and tubes. In addition, irresponsible owners who did not serve the car could bring the caliper to a complete encounter. Therefore, before buying, you should conduct a full inspection of the entire brake system, and check the efficiency of the electronic unit ABS.

The steering is also reliable, but everything rests on a 20-year-old age and the development of the resource of many elements of the car. Therefore, a constantly leaking hydraulic steering amplifier system that burst high pressure hoses or a knock on the steering rake is a frequent situation on copies presented for sale.

The quality and state of the transmission

I would like to say that the Audi A6 C4 has an overweight transmission, but today's age excludes the opportunity to find an absolutely whole transmission on this model. But still, the transmission resource is very large.

The car was completed with a manual transmission with a two-stage flywheel and two versions of automatic transmissions for four steps. At the same time, the transmission of the Volkswagen development was used for front-wheel modifications, with serial designation 01N, and a transmission from ZF - 4NP18 was used for vehicles with a full drive of a full drive "Quattro".

The "Konk" company AUDI is the All-wheel drive versions of Quattro, which were presented in the 100 / A6 family. Note that they meet with us quite often. It is worth recognizing that the mechanical box has traditionally turned out to be reliable, and is able to work for many more years. But you have to replace a two-massed flywheel if it is not yet served, and maintains maintenance with the replacement of oil, seals and test synchronizers and bearings. On this, the mechanics will be forgotten by several hundred thousand mileage kilometers, only you have to change the clutch, which is able to last up to 200,000 km with a relaxed ride manner.

Automatic transmissions are no less reliable if they compare them with other cars that are equipped with "automata". Naturally, no machine can compete at the cost of maintenance with a manual box, there is played by the main principle of mechanics - the more simple the unit, the more reliable.

Separately, it is worth noting that the automatic transmission from ZF, purchased for AUDI A6 C4, has already passed a long-length run and received a number of modernization. Therefore, it can serve as a kind of reliability for all automatic transmissions. This is confirmed by the fact that the transmission data was established on the all-wheel drive versions of the car with a larger load.

There was a 5-speed mechanical gearbox for all cars, but the 4-speed automatic was installed only under the order. But, as with all cars whose age passed over 20 years, it is necessary to take into account the factor of age and errors when servicing the car by other owners. And in the case of ZF 4HP18, this factor enters the fore. The fact is that this unit forgives the owners of many mistakes, and even a small oil level in the system did not cause a quick breakage, but it was the cause of the rapid wear of all mechanisms. And at the moment it is difficult to find a car that would not require the repair of automatic transmission.

But the right service and accurate operation allowed the use of the box for 400,000 km of mileage to the first preventive work with the replacement of the seals, rubber bands, some friction and SGDT covers.

The box itself is relatively simple in maintenance and repair. Therefore, bypassing A6 C4 with mileage, it is advisable to refer to masters for repair and subsequent calm operation of the car.

With proper operation, including the replacement of oil every 70 thousand km in "Mechanics" and "Machine" (along with the filter and gasket of the pallet of the crankcase), the checkpoint is capable of listening to life without serious problems. A little easier is the case with a machine gun that the front-wheel drive modification was completed. It was specifically designed as a budget and simple unit, which can be repaired in simple conditions and without highly professional equipment. Moreover, this unit does not allow operating without regular maintenance.

Approximately, on the mileage of 200,000 km, it is necessary to engage in deep prophylaxis, in which it is necessary to replace the SGDT overlays, clean the hydraulicock, check the oil pump and change all rubber seals and gaskets.

In addition to the gearboxes themselves, you will have to monitor the state of the full-wheel drive Quattro with the self-locking Differential "Torson". But it is worth a recognition that this system has passed all the necessary runs in the early 80s, and reached our model in a completely combat condition. Despite the excellent reliability, the mining of all-wheel drive modification costs a little more expensive, mainly due to a more complex multi-dimensional design of the rear suspension.

Quality and condition of power units

The state of motors depends largely on exactly how the car is serviced to you. Due to the age, many rubber and plastic elements of the cooling system are required. And to today, most of the elastic bands and plastic parts are breathed and bursting. Motors themselves have, for the most part, age problems that are completely solved. Moreover, competent service allows gasoline aggregates to pass to 400,000 km without overhaul.

For our passages of operation, the motors of 2.0 liters can be called, which in the Audi 100 power gamma was two, with a capacity of 101 and 115 hp. Two-liter motors are characterized by simplicity of design and reliability. The only minus is the Digifant fuel injection system on the engines of the later ABK series. This system is more complex according to the design, and the benefits of power practically does not give, especially considering that the cost of new elements is noticeably more. More about two-liter engines have nothing to say, they do not differ special from similar row motors with four cylinders and eight valves.

In principle, both 2.3-liter five-cylinder motors do not differ from previous reliability units, but another complex injection system with branded modifications and some innovations of that time is already applied here. The problem itself is that a long service life leads the entire injection system into disrepair, and the wizards for the repair of obsolete and complex equipment are not found. Therefore, most cars with this engine are equipped with HBO, which is not intended for savings, but to replace the standard fuel system.

In addition, the motors often have problems with electronic control units and numerous sensors, the cost of which exceeds reasonable limits. Therefore, our "Kulibins" came out to install management systems from domestic cars that, by the way, positively affects the operation of motors.

In general, the injection system is a sore place of used Audi. Nozzle, oxygen sensors, idling valves - standard list of candidates for replacement. But best, when choosing AUDI A6 C4, focus on cars equipped with power units V6. These motors turned out to be more reliable and less pleasant in service than other options, and high power allows you to feel very well in the city and at intercity roads. The only thing for what will have to pay attention is on the pump that has received an unsuccessful design and can fail at any time, and there will also be a need to change the belt of the gas distribution mechanism every 60,000 km.

Also perfectly showed a low-clear engine of 1.8 liters, which has a piston group resource to 500,000 km, and the power of the motor allows you to compete with the V6 2.6 liter motor. At the same time, the unit is characterized by more modern control electronics, and, accordingly, and more rational use of engine capabilities. But it is worth considering that this unit is more sensitive to the quality of engine oil and its pressure. Therefore, we will have to constantly monitor the oil consumption and the regularity of oil replacement every 10,000 km. When replacing the timing of the timing, it is worth carefully referring to the state of the chain and tensioner. At the same time, the cost of the tensioner is high, but will have to pay for the original spare part. Cheaper analogues are deposited by no more than 30,000 - 50,000 km, and the original quietly carries out to 200,000 km.

The best diesel engines - 1.9 TDI. But buyers often prefer version 2.5 TDI. Despite the "tricky" system of direct injection, this motor serves sufficiently long. But about diesel engines, there is nothing to say, diesel is very successful and can calmly live to our times without the need for overhaul. But as noted by some owners, a 1.9 liter motor with a capacity of 90 horsepower cannot provide a heavy car with the necessary dynamics.

To date, the world of tuning is very extensive, just huge! In the car market of auto accessories and spare parts, you can find anything, ranging from a whole complex of collaps, to minor small details.

The AUDI A6 C4 car was also not deprived of such attention of manufacturers of various tuning and tuning studio. At the moment you can find a large number of details tuning, with a small restyling, or vice versa with a huge change for a sporty look. Therefore, problems in choosing details and spare parts, and in general, the Tuning Audi A6 C4 is currently not at the moment.

And if there is such a number of proposals, it means there is the same amount of demand! Each car owner of Audi A6 C4, wants to add something new to his car. Somehow change it, allocate, make a brighter ... i.e. Make this tuning audio A6 C4.

Tuning Audi A6 C4: its range, variety and a huge selection!

In our age, Tuning Audi A6 C4 is incredibly huge!
In addition to the fact that the industry itself has stepped forward very much, very much developed and expanded ... the interest of manufacturers, tuning atelier, sellers and shops to the Audi A6 C4 model is simply crazy. And this interest is simply because it is Audi, and that says it all!

What is Tuning Audi A6 C4 is predominantly easy styling appearance with small spare parts (linings on the bumper and thresholds, replacing the muffler to the more bass sound and the installation of wheels), fully changing the appearance of your AUDI A6 C4. The above three actions are what the car will give even more personality. And this is what each owner of Audi A6 C4 should do, for which the car is something more.

But Tuning Audi A6 C4 does not end this ... It is proposed more aggressive external tuning, and chip tuning with progressive characteristics, as well as with the possibility of setting up, and the power tuning engine, and much more.

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This German car was asked a kind of compromise between the acceptable level of comfort, reliable handling, as well as a high level of equipment. Therefore, he fell in love with many motorists around the world. How did the model change from the moment of the release of its first generation and so far?

First generation (C4)

Audi A6 in the C4 body came to the Audi 100 shift, which was highly popular in the European market. The car stood on the conveyor in 1994, holding out on it until 1997. Regarding the predecessor of the C4 body, it is allocated to a more harmonious body design, as well as an extended list of equipment.

The model is presented in the body:

  • Four-door sedan.
  • Universal (Avant).

The power gamma of gasoline engines includes installations 1.8-2.8 liters. Power - from 125 to 193 horsepower. The aggregates are equipped with a mechanical five-speed transmission or four-band acup. The top motor, everything else, is equipped with a quattro full drive system.

The line of diesel engines is represented by installations 1.9, 2.5 liters. Their power ranges from 90 to 140 horsepower. The last power unit is also available with a drive for all four wheels. Transmission - 5mkp or 4AKP.

Pricing policy and opinion opinion

The reviews of the owners of Audi A6 C4 say that this German car has proven itself only from a positive side. The engines are pleased with the simplicity of the design, acceptable traction capabilities, and the handling is understandable and predictable.

The Audi price on the secondary market depends on the type of body and technical condition. The average values \u200b\u200bof the cost are shown in the table:



The Body of Audi A6 C4 is characterized by conciseness, the rigor of the lines. Attention attracts chrome edging of the radiator grille and window panels, rectangular lighting optics both in front and rear, as well as the original design of alloy wheels.

High clearance provides good geometric permeability, and the thresholds of non-colored plastic are not scary and scratches.


Front panel architecture pleases monumental design and respectableness. Under the impacts of air blowing, an audio system is located, and under it, in turn, the climate installation unit. The instrument panel with a contrast background is informative and read well.

The front seats are intelligible perfectly, have a clear fixation of the body in turns. As for the rear sofa, it is closed on it and even two people of medium height are sitting tightly towards each other.

Riding Properties

The most compromise motor is a 1.8 liter unit, which develops 125 horsepower. It has a confident burden on low revolutions, and also speaks good gas pedal in the high zone. In a pair with a manual box, you can confidently move in a common urban stream, and the automatic transmission is more suitable for country tracks, for it has too stretched gear ratios and there is a thought when switching.

The controllability is imposed and does not have to drive. In particular, the steering wheel, although informative, is deprived of sensitive reactions, and there are significant rolls in the turns. But the car can please the high smoothness of the course, which is achieved due to the long-time suspension.

Second generation (C5)

Audi A6 second generation saw the light in 1997, while the last copy of the model came down from the assembly conveyor in 2001. The new generation A6 was updated in terms of power units and received a new type of transmission - the variator.

Body ruler consists of:

  • Sedan.
  • Universal (Avant).

Under the hood, gasoline engines 1.8-4.2 liters were installed. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the gamma motors was replenished with turbocharged settings - 1.8 (150 and 180 hp), as well as 2.7 liters (230 and 250 hp). Transmission to choose from: five-six-speed "mechanics", variator, four-five-dippace "automatic". Some versions received a four-wheel drive.

The diesel gamma consists of 1.9-2.5 liters. Power - from 110 to 180 horsepower. A mechanical five-six-speed transmission, a variator or four-five-phase automatic box work with engines. Some power plants are supplemented with a complete drive.

Secondary market and owners' opinion

Despite the outstanding technical characteristics, turbocharged engines cause questions from owners of Audi A6 C5 questions in terms of reliability. In particular, a turbine often fails on large runs, and oil consumption exceeds 1.5 liters per 1000 kilometers.

Price for the car:



The Audi A6 C5 design smoothly evolved relative to previous generation and does not present any surprises. The body all also highlights accurate proportions and strict lines, and optics - deliberately uncomplicated configuration.

However, headlights acquired lenses in expensive versions (after restyling), which made it possible to install xenon lamps in them, thereby increasing the efficiency of the lighting of the carriageway.


The front panel decreased in volumes, becoming more laconic. The keys on the central console are arranged very well and even, despite their abundance, it is not difficult to find the right function. The instrument panel with a large digitization is perceived by the eyes easily, but the poisonous red backlight is somewhat tired at night.

The front seats are optimal over stiffness and have a Valya Ride because of the wide placement of side support rollers. Even three passengers will be comfortable at the rear sofa, but under the condition of the average complex and growth, which does not exceed 180 centimeters.

In move

The most popular engine in the market is a pressing engine, which develops with a 18 liter of 150 horsepower at a working volume of 1.8 liters. A mechanical six-speed transmission is working with it or a five-palband "automatic".

There is always enough capabilities of this power plant, and in independence on which it is combined with which box. It can be noted a small deficit of thrust on low revs, but on medium engine shows a powerful pickup, and the responses to the gas pedal are exacerbated.

The car is controlled very balanced. Both in turns and the direct course stability is high, which is associated with a high reactive force makes the behavior of the Audi on the road safe. But quickly turns will not turn out due to insufficient turning, sharp demolition of the front axle. The suspension hard worries small irregularities, but large bumps overcomes with minimal damage to smoothness.

Third generation (C6)

The production of Audi 6 C6 began in 2004, and ended in 2008. The new generation was positioned by the company as more comfortable and technological. From now on, Audi A6 could have a serious competition to his main opponent in terms of comfort, Mercedes-Benz E-Class. Body dimensions, as well as the wheelbase, were significantly increased, while the list of equipment was replenished with interesting options like a modern multimedia system.

As before, two types of body are available for buyers:

  • Sedan.
  • Universal (Avant).

Line of diesel engines represent engines 2.0-3.0 liters. Power fluctuates from 140 to 233 horsepower. You can choose both a six-speed mechanical transmission and variator, sixdiaband "automatic". Four-wheel drive is available, starting with a 180 strong version.

From gasoline engines, you can choose options from 2.0-4.2 liters. Power - from 170 to 350 horsepower. Transmission - 6MCP, 6AKP, variator. The full drive system is available with all motors.


During the update, the model has undergone minor changes in part of the body design. In particular, LEDs integrated into optics, and the taillights received an oblong configuration.

The gasoline gamma of the engines was replenished with a turbocharged power unit, which developed 290 horsepower. Such a car was equipped with a quattro full drive system.

Cost used copies and opinion opinion

Owners Audi A6 (C6) celebrate a high riding comfort of this model, good dynamic qualities. However, the motors (including diesel) poorly carry poor-quality fuel and require quality service.

Price policy:



Audi A6 C6 looks presentable. Though though it has immodest dimensions, but rather harmonious in terms of proportions.

The head optics of the lighting of the rectangular shape, with a massive radiator grid, makes the machine more aggressive, and the feed does not look heavy due to the expressive bumper and the falling roof line.

Interior decoration

Inside cozy and comfortable. The monumental central console with smooth bends is slightly turned to the driver and competently contemporated. In the upper part of it, the MMI system can be installed, which is controlled through the joystick on the tunnel, but the interface of the information complex is somewhat confusing and requires addiction. The instrument panel is informative and extremely clear.

The driver's seat is too impulse at first glance, but a wide range of adjustments will allow you to get driving a man of almost any complex. Also with the rear sofa - there is enough space on it even a two-meter passenger with a weight per 100 kilogram.

Riding qualities

The most popular motor in the market is a turbocharged 2.0 liter with a capacity of 170 horsepower. In a couple with him, buyers prefer the variator.

The dynamic capabilities of the power unit are quite acceptable. A wide shelf torque is distributed from 1500 to 5,700 revolutions per minute, so the lack of thrust does not occur in most road situations. The variator quickly goes to the specified turnover, but annoying a tedious roar.

Manageability is understandable, but no more. In particular, the steering wheel is pleased with the pleasant severity in the okoloneal zone, and on a direct infringement excluded. But, in turns there are big rolls, and in some cases even the routing, which debugs the desire to go through the arc quickly. The energy-intensive suspension provides a high smoothness of the course on any irregularities, but on the gentle waves of the saddles can rock.

Fourth Generation (C7)

The company presented a new Audi A6 to the public in 2011. The car immediately liked many, and his photos and video led Internet users delight. The adequacy of fans was caused and technical filling, and the design of the new generation model. For example, engines have become not only more productive, but also economical, and the optics of the head illumination has become completely LED (as an option).

  • Sedan.
  • Universal (Avant).

Gasoline engines have a volume of 2.0 to 3.0 liters. Power - 180-300 horsepower. Boxes are a six-speed mechanical transmission, a six-band "automatic", the variator. Available full drive.

The diesel gamma is represented by aggregates 2.0 and 3.0 liters. Power return fluctuates from 136 to 313 horsepower. A variator and 6mkp, and 6/8 purchases, and even a robotic box were offered. It is also possible to purchase a machine with a drive for all four wheels.

For high-tech lovers there is a hybrid version. The total power of the two-liter turbogo and the electric motor is 245 "Horses". The thrust on the wheels is implemented by an eight-speed automatic transmission.

Provision policy in the secondary market:


In 2014, a model was updated. Changes slightly affected the design. Basically, the power gamma of motors was changed. In particular, now the basic in the gasoline line is an engine 1.8 liter with a capacity of 190 horsepower, and a top-end power unit 3.0 liters forced to 333 horsepower. Standard Diesel 2.0 liters develops now 150 horsepower, and the most powerful 3.0 liter - 326 "horses".

Cost on the used car market:



Audi A6 C7 attracts attention to the rapid forms of body and spectacular LED headlights. It is worth noting the expressive hood, a huge grille of the radiator, a powerful front bumper and a spectacular body kit.

In the maximum versions, the head optics completely consists of LEDs with the adaptive lighting function, and the "simplest" version has xenon, while the LEDs are available only as daytime running lights.


Inside the office atmosphere reigns. The architecture of the central console is concise and at the same time respectable. Over the torpedo, the MMI system screen is tested, which is managed by a tunnel joystick - navigation, rear view camera and synchronization data with mobile devices are displayed. The graphics of the system are beautiful, and the interface is understandable.

The front armors are comfortable and set up on a calm way. The driver will be able to choose a convenient position due to the wide range of adjustments. The back row is spacious for two passengers, but the third complates on the cramped in the shoulders.

Riding Properties

High popularity from buyers uses a turbocharged Motor 2.0 liters, which develops 180 horsepower. Preferred transmission type - variator.

Such a combination is suitable for all occasions. The engine is in a wide range of revolutions - from 1,300 to 6,500 revolutions per minute, so it is capable of please the driver with good elasticity. The variator is quickly inclined to the specified turns and can imitate the steps, allowing rational to manage the capabilities of the motor.

The steering is pleased with high informativeness and sensitive reactions - the trajectory can be prescribed accurately. In the turns of the rolls are small, but at the limit the sharp disruption of the front axle is inevitable, which makes itching the speed in the complex stiletts. The suspension is energy-intensive, but harsh on medium irregularities, although it ignores small road defects.

Photos of all generations Audi A6:

Audi A6 C4 modifications

Audi A6 C4 1.8 MT

Audi A6 C4 1.8 AT

Audi A6 C4 1.8 quattro mt

Audi A6 C4 1.9 TDI MT

Audi A6 C4 1.9 TDI AT

Audi A6 C4 2.0 MT

Audi A6 C4 2.0 MT 116 HP

Audi A6 C4 2.0 AT

Audi A6 C4 2.3 MT

Audi A6 C4 2.3 AT

Audi A6 C4 2.5 TDI MT

Audi A6 C4 2.5 TDI AT

Audi A6 C4 2.5 TDI MT 140 HP

Audi A6 C4 2.5 TDI AT 140 HP


Audi A6 C4 2.6 MT

Audi A6 C4 2.6 AT

Audi A6 C4 2.6 Quattro MT

Audi A6 C4 2.6 Quattro AT

Audi A6 C4 2.8 MT

Audi A6 C4 2.8 AT

Audi A6 C4 2.8 quattro mt

Audi A6 C4 2.8 Quattro AT

Audi A6 C4 2.8 MT 193 HP

Audi A6 C4 2.8 AT 193 HP

Audi A6 C4 2.8 Quattro MT 193 HP

Audi A6 C4 2.8 QUATTRO AT 193 HP

Classmates Audi A6 C4 for the price

Unfortunately, this model has no classmates ...

Audi A6 C4 Owners Reviews

Audi A6 C4, 1995

Never wanted and did not think about Russian cars. 10 years ago, fell in love with the logo and in this model. When choosing a car, it became, of course, based on practicality, operation and safety. I was glad to see in the ranks "price, quality, operation" - it. And how I look in it! Fragile girl, on a large car. And now, dreams come true. Three years ago, it became the owner of his Audi A6 C4. This is a car with character, I tell you. We found a common language and understand each other. She never ceases to delight me. And in winter, outside the city, in the frost -34 Audi A6 C4 will start the first time. I was pleasantly surprised, but it was sorry for her. Despite the fact that she is already 16 years old - it works like a clock, although pretty aged. I do not know about problems. With the acquisition of Audi, acquired a lot of friends and good acquaintances, joining the audi club. I never regretted that I chose this car.

Dignity : Very frisky, instantly responds to the accelerator pedal. Big and cozy salon. Roomy. Iron "unnecessary" suspension, that for Russian roads a huge plus. The engine, as far as I know, refers to the "million painters", and despite the mileage of 340 thousand. It works quietly and without interruptions. Operation is not much more expensive than on Russian cars. During the time I own it, I changed mostly only "consumables." Galvanized body, which is not now on every foreign car. And noise insulation is just a fairy tale.

disadvantages : With such an engine, of course, high fuel consumption. Butter began to "attempt", but not much. Manageability in turns, of course, leaves much to be desired. Well, the external coverage of the Audi A6 C4 does not suit me, very dull, but you can fix it.

Inna, Perm.

Audi A6 C4, 1996

Audi A6 C4 is still satisfied (I already own it for 5 years), drove almost 150,000 km on it, during this time there was not a single critical breakdown. For the first 4 years, it was done at all without complaints (in Finke, you will not buy it, so everything is honest, and it's most interestingly that with the car after each year of operation). I changed the "consumables" myself or a friend in the service, all replaces are predictable, there were no special surprises. The car, in general, it seems to me, is more suitable for long journeys,. Strong, the tracked motor perfectly holds the range of speeds from 70-150 km / h without noise and "strain" at 6 speeds. On the road, we practically do not get tired, and the fuel consumption is generally ridiculous for the machine with a complete mass of more than 2.0 tons - just about 6 liters per 100km, and the average, and if you want to go economically, I put 80 km / h on cruise control and consumption 4 l / 100km. Moreover, this diesel engine is an interesting technique, revolutions up to 1700 - a regular diesel, and after it is so famously accelerated, he captures the spirit, the truth is more than 3,500 rpm, I do not like a diesel engine. From the previous owner, 17-inch discs and low-profile tires 225/40 were obtained, the original 195/65 R15, and the springs and shock absorbers were also changed to sports and even something related to rapid ride and manageability.

I will write what was done and changed (everything, I probably, I do not remember): The oil changed every 10000km, though in Finke noticed that they change it less often and not systematically (probably depends on the owner), how many opinions asked, so many opinions asked : Once a year, once 20,000 km, until it darkens or at all "I do not change, but only pulling out. I changed the pads front and rear, front brake discs, anthers on the shurts, oil in the box, air conditioner service. Pretty expensive repair (for me) came out when replacing the timing, only the spare parts came about 1000 euros, not counting work. Not from service breakdowns: replacing the right headlight 250 euros (at the congress on the highway did not notice that the car was completely stopped in front of me, so drove it right in the hitch, she was nothing, and I stayed without headlight. For 5 years already changed two batteries .

Dignity : in the text.

disadvantages : in the text.

Vladimir, Moscow

Audi A6 C4, 1996

Audi A6 C4 acquired in the Moscow region in mid-2010. I watched a bunch of options in Moscow, but all some "killed", without suspension, with defects, would have to be investigated (decently). When I was no longer hoping, an option appeared in the Moscow region, I sat down and drove away, looking, I liked, drove to the diagnosis, was well preserved for her years. Because Prior to that, there was Audi 100-2.6 in the 45th body, I was looking for exactly the engine 2.6, more precisely, the V6, of course, wanted Quattro, but unfortunately I did not find it.

Audi A6 C4 is not a road in service, the one probably likes. The suspension is reliable, special interventions do not require. Pretty soft, swallows pit, the road holds well, even if 200 km / h. The engines are reliable even with high runs, outsiders noise in the cabin, even at high speed. The driver's door and the trunk did not open off the key, disassembled, looked at them, eliminated the malfunction and put it in place - they opened and closed. Significant did not change anything. So, on the little things (consumables). Like how the racks are made on Audi, the replacement of the cartridges is a minute business.

After Volvo, it is unusual for it to ride, many uncomfortable pieces, but you get used to it over time. Audi A6 C4 "PSIgigovan" with electronics, which sometimes interferes compared with Volvo. Salon Velor, and Brother somehow was also A6, so he had "Rekaro" with an electric drive and driving under his knees with pillows as on S6, heated seats and much more, in general super.

Dignity : Handling, Patency, Available Spare Parts, is easy to repair.

disadvantages : Partition in the trunk, battery in the cabin, do not fold the seats.

Ruslan, Samara

Audi A6 C4, 1997

Audi A6 C4 is 12 years old in one hands, mileage 480 thousand km without breakdowns (scheduled it is not counting). I bought a car with a mileage of 300 thousand km in 2012. There were fears that the mileage is not native. When auditing the drives, they were found that they are relatives. Also stood native stands front non-working (one killed in the trash). Which indirectly confirmed mileage. The car this year is 18 years old. Absolutely everything works without complaints. Children's sores were eliminated, the temperature sensor did not work, he was treated with a soldering iron connector. Eating and disassembling the dashboard took 20 minutes with repair. Frequent Audi A6 C4 disease - the climate system is managed in times. Also warm the soldering iron 20 min repairs and on the road. It was discovered to flow from-under the mounting bracket of the pump and attachments. Ring Original 60 rubles 4 hands and 4 hours of work and everything is ready. It was decided to replace the gasket under the fastening of the oil filter, it is the same radiator, the gum is worth a penny. Measurement of oil pressure on ADR motors, etc. It is done after heating the oil to 80 degrees, my Audi A6 C4 turned out to be fine. Compression on cold 12 with something, on hot (all 13.8, one 13.6), I was shocked, 18 years old car and 300 thousand mileage. He conducted a complete revision of Audi A6 C4 from illumination to the brake system. Enrolled the rear cylinder (illness) due to the watering of the handbrake drive. The rear door pneumatic actor did not work, the new 1500 rubles. Everything else is planned. In my opinion, the easiest and reliable car is not a single breakdown of 340000 flight.

Dignity : Comfort. Easy service. Cheap service. It does not have serious constructive flaws. High resource stock in running. Strong body. Strong, simple, not killing the suspension.

disadvantages : Adr head. Hydraulic chain.

Alexey, Rostov-on-Don

Audi A6 C4, 1995

Appearance - Twenty-year-old Audi A6 C4 looks quite modern. Those who are not in the subject (mostly girls) often ask - new whether. Comfort - on the bodies goes smoothly, does not swing, it does not swing in turns and does not lead people. The climate and athermal glasses saved in the summer, in the winter, the stove dries from the soul, in -25 it is quite possible to warm up for 15 rides before sitting in a T-shirt. All controls in their place, all that can be regulated. I have never experienced muscle pain or inconvenience. Safety - ABS and brakes Two times saved my life when the inattentive citizens pop up with the "minster" for me. There are drivers and passenger pillows, but how they work - fortunately it was not possible, I hope everything is in order. Reliability - age takes its own. If the elements of the suspension, belts and rollers, tires and gaskets can be changed in advance - by weight or state, then death on the highway of a fuel pump or clutch comes quite suddenly, and turns around to problems. For 2 from a small year, I drove about 50 thousand runs, and during which time it happened to be inserted at 100 thousand for repairs (along with the work) - this is a clutch, fuel pump, Repair Kit, radiator, tank, discs, pads, bearings. What is noteworthy - when the oil sensor has been clogged, it turned out that he was still native. And so with many details removed. It is gratifying that they worked for 20 years, it is not gratifying that because of this, no one changed them and their resource can end in your hands. But what is replaced - after that it works more than one year. Hanging quality - on the highway, perfectly, in the clean city of gorgeous, on the bumps normally, the pits are sad, in the snow bugs. You can search for four-wheel drive - you will be less staring in the snowdrifts, but the Audi A6 C4 SUV does not do - the bumper will constantly stay in the snowdrifts.

Dignity : Dynamics. Smooth stroke. Capacity of the cabin. Road capacity. An interesting exterior. Comfort. The smallest is not lifted. Start in any frost.

disadvantages : Small clearance. Long skes. Sudden unpleasant breakdowns. Little services weighing in V6 engines.

Ivan, Ryazan

Audi A6 C4, 1995

I had Audi A6 C4 1995, 2.0 liters, 115 HP. I bought it for 230 thousand rubles. In a friend who took care of her well, therefore there were no problems. I drove on it exactly 1 year. The car has an excellent appearance, and a cool leather interior. It is very comfortable to ride, excellent noise insulation, climate control, gur, power windows, and only front. So I want to say this: the car is beautiful, reliable, comfortable, excellent handling and all that. But there is one point. Motor 2.0 115 hp weak. 2.0 for such a car is complete nonsense. She does not go. You give gas to the floor and nothing happens. I do not understand how you can put such a bad motor in such a car. It seems to be a representative class. And if you turn on the air conditioner, it is generally trouble. But my father, too, Audi A6 C4 is only an avant, but the engine 1.8 he has 125 hp, so it goes fine. Engine 1.8 is cool, you will give gas, and the car goes, it is gaining much better, right, power is felt. You do not think, my engine was in order, just he himself "dead." It is suitable only for Audi A4. Yes, and even climate control is not particularly good, even if you put a manual mode, it still changes the temperature itself and the power of blowing. Yes, now I remembered something else, there is one detail that simply does not fit into the head. This is a rearview mirror from the passenger. Hands would tear the one who did it. It is just awful. It is so terrible that it can only be described by Mat. It spoils the entire type of car. It looks like a stump of a normal mirror, and this is perhaps the worst in Audi A6 C4. If you can close your eyes for everything else, then it is not. In general, I traveled for her year, and she scared me at the end. I sold it and do not regret. Now if I buy Audi A6 C4, it will be with a full drive and a motor at least 2.8 liters.

Dignity : design. Comfort. Safety.

disadvantages : Weak 2-liter engine.

Evgeny, Rostov-on-Don

Audi A6 C4, 1997

Until the Audi A6 C4 was Ford, broke constantly, sold and knew exactly what exactly such. I bought for 295 thousand in 2010 in January without a run across the Russian Federation. External and salon ideally. Repairs were ready, not scarecrow. He knew that it would be necessary to do, but the prices did everything. I will not paint in detail. Changed all the suspension, all belts, air conditioner bearing, radiator, thermostat. For all with the work of about 40 thousand. I love when everything is ideal. 2 years I just enjoy, still all goes, nothing needs to do anything. Super car. The appearance is still relevant, in quiet and comfortable, it is felt that everything is firmly and reliable. The climate works perfectly, very high, excellent permeability and handling, suspension, despite the simplicity, very soft. A big plus - a tank of 80 liters, grabs there and back to the Baltic States without refueling, minus - unavailable rear seats. And most importantly: the car is not cheaper at all. Constantly asking to sell, give from 350 to 380, only nothing to buy now. I went on new machines - not very, carts with steering wheel and wheels. Or price tag for the maintenance of the shipped. I do not sell, I go and rejoice. The only thing that wants the same, but 2.8 on the machine. In short, you feel in it and feel that the whole present. I recommend, but good very little left. Do not regret the money at the beginning and will drive long and happily.

Dignity : Very cheap service. Large salon. Galvanized body. High clearance. Not cheaper.

disadvantages : Rear seats do not fold. It is very rarely found in a rich configuration.

Konstantin, Pskov

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