Home Steering How much is the fine for driving in a bus lane? Fine for violating the “driving in lanes” sign. Fine for driving on the oncoming lane or median

How much is the fine for driving in a bus lane? Fine for violating the “driving in lanes” sign. Fine for driving on the oncoming lane or median

The penalty for drivers for driving in a dedicated lane for public transport is 1,500 rubles, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg – 3,000 rubles. It must be paid within 60 days. If the driver does not agree with the penalties, he can appeal the decision within the next 10 days.

In large cities of Russia, buses, trolleybuses and minibuses have special traffic lines marked with the letter “A”. Regular vehicles are prohibited from entering them and are punishable by a fine for driving in a dedicated lane for public transport.

Table 1. Penalties for entering a dedicated lane for public transport in 2018-2019

If the driver drives onto an oncoming bus line, it does not matter that this line is for buses. In this case, the offender will receive a penalty of 5,000 rubles under the article for driving into the oncoming lane. In case of repeated violation, the motorist is deprived of the right to drive a car for one year.

When can you use the bus lane?

Some drivers, trying to avoid a traffic jam, believe that in this case it is possible to continue driving along the “A” line, intended for public transport. However, the rules prohibit such a maneuver, and you will also have to be punished for it.

Despite the strictness of the rules, there are still exceptions. If lane “A” is separated by intermittent markings, then entry into it in this section of the road is allowed. As a rule, such markings are applied before intersections so that drivers can make a turn from the outer lane without creating an obstacle to public transport.

If the driver turns right from the second lane, that is, without entering line “A,” then he may be subject to a fine of 500 rubles.

In addition, entry into the bus lane is permitted in the following cases:

  • the driver needs to pick up or drop off a passenger on the right side of the road;
  • the driver needs to enter the road from an adjacent area, for example, a store, a house yard, etc.

In addition, traffic on the dedicated road may be allowed on some days – usually weekends. Such permission will be indicated by a special mandatory sign.

Of course, when driving onto a bus line, the driver needs to make sure that he will not interfere with the movement of public transport.

Taxi on a dedicated lane

Following numerous requests from taxi fleets, in 2012 taxi drivers were allowed to use dedicated public transport lanes. However, a taxi car must have a taximeter and identification marks in the form of body paint, checkers on the roof or light signals.

In Moscow, the situation with taxi drivers is somewhat tougher. They received permission to enter Line “A” in 2013, but on the condition that the car with identification marks and a taximeter has special yellow license plates, which are issued by decision of the city mayor’s office.

Ordinary cars wishing to earn extra money are not classified as taxis and will be fined according to the general rules.

Is it possible to challenge the punishment?

If a driver who has received a fine for driving in a bus lane does not agree with the punishment, he is given 10 days to appeal the decision. To do this, you need to file a complaint with higher-ranking officials of the State Traffic Inspectorate or directly to the court, attaching evidence of your innocence, for example, recordings from a DVR.

If the driver did not manage to file a complaint within the allotted time frame, then he is allowed to extend the appeal period, but only if there are good reasons for this - business trip, sick leave, vacation, etc. Of course, supporting documents will need to be attached to the application for extension of the deadline.

The time frame for consideration of an appeal by the State Traffic Inspectorate is 30 days, and in court - up to two months from the moment the necessary case materials are submitted to the judge.

If the offender does not file a complaint within 10 days, he automatically pleads guilty and accepts an administrative obligation to pay a fine. Payment terms – 60 days.

Is it possible to reduce the punishment

A fine for driving into a bus lane can be paid with a 50% discount, provided that the offender pays it off within the next 20 days from the date of registration of the order.

Is it possible not to pay a fine?

All fines issued must be paid, otherwise the violator will be subject to a tougher penalty - a double fine. Citizens who especially evade payment may be subject to administrative arrest for 15 days or compulsory work for up to 200 hours.

How to pay a fine

To ensure timely repayment of administrative obligations, there are many online ways to transfer payments:

  • official website of the traffic police;
  • Internet banking;
  • electronic wallets - Yandex.Money, Qiwi, WebMoney, etc.

If the violator is unable to use electronic services, he can pay off the fine at bank cash desks, post offices, terminals and ATMs.

When sending money, it is important to remember the service commission, which is included in the payment amount.


The application of sanctions to drivers who entered the line for buses, trolleybuses and minibuses is regulated by the following documents.

Table 2. Documents regulating the imposition of fines for traveling on a dedicated line

Video on topic

This story will show how ordinary drivers use a dedicated driving lane.

Higher education. Orenburg State University (specialization: economics and management of heavy engineering enterprises).
December 5, 2018.

How delightfully pleasant it is to ride along the highway with the breeze, and especially when the sun is shining, there are no cars around, only the sky, music and speed... You're driving in the right lane, aren't you? Remember that the law does not allow driving in the left lane if the right lane is free? What if in the city?

Let's imagine: a highway consists of several lanes in the same and oncoming directions. The column of vehicles is slowly moving along the right lane, and there is no sign of a right turn. On the left we see a car developing a speed equal to the speed of the flow on the right. At the same time, its driver does not plan to perform maneuvers: turn, overtake or get ahead. He simply drives in the left lane for no apparent reason, without thinking at all whether it is possible to drive in the left lane.

In addition, this imaginary motorist does not care about other drivers, for whom it is currently important to quickly get to their destination (within the limits of traffic rules, of course). As a result, our “hero,” who unreasonably occupied the left lane, “kills two birds with one stone” with one act: he not only ignores the golden rule of morality, but also violates the Traffic Rules.

Why is it important to choose the right row?

Traffic regulations are based on the principles of reasonableness. The rule about choosing the right row outside a populated area is no exception. Reasons to keep the left lane clear are:

  • unhindered passage of special services vehicles (this could be special cleaning equipment, emergency services or resuscitation teams on duty);
  • do not make it difficult for other road users to overtake when ahead of columns or special equipment;
  • provide conditions for those making left turns and U-turns.

In simple terms, a driver who unreasonably occupies the left lane causes a negative attitude from other road users. Firstly, it interferes with the faster driver. Secondly, it reduces the capacity of the entire highway. And, most importantly, it forces other motorists to change lanes once again, that is, to make dangerous maneuvers.

Is it illegal to occupy the leftmost lane?

Paragraph 9.4 of the traffic rules states the obligation of drivers to keep to the right edge of the roadway, and also prohibits driving in the extreme left lane if the right lanes are free. This rule applies both outside the boundaries of populated areas and in populated areas with permitted traffic faster than 80 km/h. At the same time, the driver has the right to change lanes to the left closer to the middle of the road to perform maneuvers: 3 “O” (advance, detour , overtaking), turning left or making a U-turn.

The requirement “not to occupy the far left lane if you can go on the right” is due to the stimulation of traffic intensity.

Despite the legal and factual validity of the requirements of the Rule, in reality such incidents often occur. Outside the city on the highway, drivers first occupy the far left lane, and then do not change back to the right lane when it becomes vacant. Such behavior serves as an example of violation of traffic rules.

Is there a penalty for driving in the left lane?

Part 1 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine for driving on the left when the right is free, if this occurs outside the boundaries of a populated area. It amounts to 1500 rubles. This type of fine is charged only to traffic police officers: photo and video recording devices are not yet able to detect and recognize this violation.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 12.15. Violation of the rules for positioning a vehicle on the roadway, passing oncoming traffic or overtaking
Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, into a lane intended for oncoming traffic when going around an obstacle, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction when going around an obstacle - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

Which lane should you occupy in the city?

Within populated areas, motorists, with the exception of truck drivers, have the right to occupy the lane most convenient for traffic.

However, there is a caveat: if the road has more than two lanes in the same direction, it is allowed to use the leftmost lane only in two cases: if the remaining lanes are busy, or the driver plans to make a left turn or a U-turn.

Here too the Rule is logically justified. The fact is that road traffic in urban conditions has a greater branching of the road network, which means a small distance between intersections, as well as a high need for frequent stops. These factors provoke a large number of changes.

Any of them carries a potential danger, especially in heavy traffic. To increase traffic safety and reduce the number of lane changes, it is allowed to drive in any convenient lane, but it is prohibited to change lanes without the need to change lanes.

To summarize, we draw conclusions:

  • On a country road or in a populated area with a speed limit of over 80 km/h, you should keep to the right. In other words: the right lane is free, which means you should change lanes to it;
  • in a city, if the road has two lanes in a given direction, you can choose any lane, regardless of the traffic intensity;
  • in the city, if the road consists of three or more lanes in that direction, you do not plan to make maneuvers, then take any lane except the one on the far left.

Often, the rule of clause 9.4 of the traffic rules about the correct choice of lane for driving is still violated: the leftmost lane is occupied by a slow vehicle. In this case, you can “wink” at the motorist in front, which is practiced by experienced drivers. As a second option for resolving the situation, you can overtake the slow-moving vehicle on the right. You cannot ignore the requirements of road rules, even if they cause deep internal protest in someone. It is much cheaper and more pleasant to drive in compliance with traffic rules. First of all, it ensures safety: each standard is written in the blood and sweat of many generations of drivers.

For some time now, not only emergency services vehicles have an advantage on the road. A special lane is allocated for public transport. Regular cars are prohibited from driving on it, and if you ignore the rule, you can get punished. Drivers driving in oncoming and dividing lanes will also face sanctions. But each case has its own nuances.

Read in this article

What is a “dedicated area”

In large cities with heavy traffic, lanes were recently marked that only public transport and minibuses are allowed to use. This is done for traffic safety and passenger convenience. After all, a “dedicated lane” allows the bus not to stand in a traffic jam and avoid dangerous maneuvers in order to bypass it.

The special lane is often located on the right side of the road. It is separated by markings (solid or intermittent), and it also has the letter A.

For those who do not use public transport, such a privilege seems unnecessary. But the dedicated lane was not invented and first tested in Russia; other countries also use the “dedicated lane”. It has been proven that it helps to “unload” the road, reduce the length and number of congestions.

What will it be like to drive in a dedicated bus/public transport lane?

The ban on all other types of transport, except public transport, moving along a dedicated lane is clearly stated in paragraph 18.2 of the Road Traffic Rules:

On roads with a lane for fixed-route vehicles, marked with signs 5.11.1, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.14, the movement and stopping of other vehicles (except for vehicles used as passenger taxis) in this lane is prohibited.

But there is no information about sanctions against drivers who commit violations. But the punishment for driving in a bus lane is prescribed in Article 12.17 of the Administrative Code. Its extent depends on the situation provoked by the driver:

  • if he did not provide the required advantage to public transport, he will receive from the traffic police officer or pay 500 rubles. fine;
  • in the case when the car was driving along a dedicated lane or stopped on it, you will have to pay 1,500 rubles to the state.

In addition, parking in a “dedicated parking lot” can lead to the evacuation of the car and sending it to the impound lot.

Such responsibility is provided for most cities where there is appropriate marking. And in centers of federal significance, that is, Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is even tougher. For ignoring the rule about the inadmissibility of driving in the lane for buses, trolleybuses, taxis and stopping at the site, the driver will receive a fine of 3,000 rubles.

The amount of the payment has been doubled, since traffic in these cities is especially intense. And violating the ban on driving on a “dedicated lane” is fraught with big problems for all its participants and greatly increases the danger of the route.

The Code of Administrative Offenses also has sanctions for other offenses related to ignoring the advantages of public transport on the road:

  • Creating interference on a dedicated lane will result in a fine of 1,500 rubles for the violator. under Article 12.17;
  • moving onto it in the presence of a “entry prohibited” sign (referred to as a “brick”) is punishable by payment of 500 rubles. in accordance with Article 12.16.

For information on fines for driving in the public transport lane, watch this video:

Fine for driving on the oncoming lane or median

Often the dedicated lane is freer than the road sections allowed for ordinary cars. After all, route transport runs according to a certain schedule. And sometimes drivers cannot resist driving into the oncoming bus lane. Thus, they commit a violation reflected in sections 4 and 5 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

  • For moving in a dedicated lane towards oncoming traffic, the driver will receive a fine of 5,000 rubles. or will be left without a document to drive a car for 4 - 6 months;
  • if he does this again, he faces deprivation of his license for up to 1 year.

If you repeatedly drive on the oncoming lane and the violation is recorded by the video system, the violator will have to pay a fine of 5,000 rubles. That is, all measures are similar to those taken against a driver who was simply driving in the oncoming lane. It doesn’t matter whether it was intended for public transport or accessible to any car.

As for driving to the dividing line, here is some information about this in paragraph 18.2 of the traffic rules:

If this lane is separated from the rest of the roadway by a broken marking line, then when turning, vehicles must change lanes to it. It is also permitted in such places to enter this lane when entering the road and for boarding and disembarking passengers at the right edge of the roadway, provided that this does not interfere with route vehicles.

But this does not mean permission to move along it in other cases. After all, there is also Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code, in particular Section 1. In accordance with it, for failure to comply with the rules regarding markings in the form of a solid line, you can get a warning from a traffic police officer or a fine of 500 rubles. If the driver turned left or turned around, ignoring the dividing strip, he will be required to pay 1000 - 1500 rubles.

For information on penalties for driving into oncoming traffic, watch this video:

I forgot myself and drove on the left - is it possible to avoid punishment?

Another violation related to the incorrect use of road lanes is driving on the left side when the right side is free. At the same time, other road users are forced to take risks. After all, in this case, you can only pass a car moving in the left lane on the right.

The law provides for penalties for this violation. There is paragraph 9.4 of the traffic rules, which states that the vehicle must keep to the right edge of the road if it is clear. In such a case, driving in the left lane is prohibited. The punishment is regulated by Article 12.15 of the Administrative Code, part 1. In accordance with it, the driver is given a fine of 1,500 rubles.

Sanctions can be avoided, because multi-lane traffic exists for a reason. It is allowed to move on the left side of the road in cases where:

  • there is no space in other areas due to traffic volume;
  • you need to turn left or turn around;
  • overtake the car in front if both vehicles are in the area permitted for maneuver.

If you prove to a traffic police officer or the court that the driver was driving in the left lane without other options, he will not be punished.

When is it necessary to enter a dedicated parking lot?

The law provides for cases when a car is required to drive in a lane intended for public transport. We are talking about areas marked with a broken line. They are usually located at intersections. And since the “separate road” is located closer to the sidewalk, it is not possible to turn right without entering it.

The maneuver should look like this: the driver first changes lanes to the area for public transport and only then drives around the corner as planned. If he violates this order, he will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles. The punishment is regulated by Article 12.14, Section 1.1:

Failure to comply with the requirements of traffic regulations, except for established cases, before turning right, left or making a U-turn, to take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the roadway intended for traffic in this direction - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

When is it legal to use the bus lane?

There are other circumstances in which the movement of an ordinary car in a lane allocated for public transport is completely legal:

  • When entering the main road from an alley or from the yard of an apartment building. In both cases, it will be technically impossible to avoid getting into the “highlighted area”, because this strip is located on the right edge. You will have to cross it to get onto the area allowed for traffic, in any case. However, the driver of a private car must first make sure that he will not interfere with a regular bus or minibus by driving into the designated area.
  • If necessary, remove passengers from the car. This should be done where the dividing line is broken, which is usually the case at public transport stops. It is forbidden to drop off people pressed against the right edge of your own lane. After all, in this case they will find themselves on a dedicated lane, that is, on the roadway, and may fall under the wheels of a public vehicle.

It is necessary to enter the bus station, stand closer to its right edge so that passengers have the opportunity to immediately step onto the sidewalk.

Drop off on the road
  • On weekends. Traffic is expected to ease on Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, there is no need to allocate special lanes for public transport. This period also includes days of public holidays, which are non-working days. But each city may have its own nuances regarding weekends.

For example, in Moscow Saturday is not considered such. And if an ordinary car ends up in the bus lane that day, its driver will be fined.

The opinion that everyone can drive on a “dedicated lane” at night from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. is erroneous. This proposal was considered by legislators in 2013, but was not adopted.

To learn about the cases in which it is allowed to move along the bus lane, watch this video:

Why are not all taxis allowed to use a dedicated lane?

It is no secret that the transportation of passengers is carried out not only by municipal taxis and registered companies, but also by owners of personal cars. Very often they are confident that if they have a license, they can drive on a dedicated lane just like buses and minibuses.

But they are stopped and fined legally. Indeed, in most cases, private “cabs”, even if they have permission to transport passengers, look like ordinary cars. That is, they do not have external identification signs:

  • correct color (yellow);
  • “checkered” on the body;
  • roof signal light;
  • counter in the cabin.

In Moscow, in addition to the listed attributes, a taxi car must have a state sign on a yellow background, indicating that it belongs to public transport. Strictly speaking, ordinary bombers, even with a license for this type of activity, do not belong to this category. And they don’t have the right to drive along the dedicated lane, and if they do move along it, they are breaking the law.

Sometimes it is difficult to figure out which sections of the road are allowed and prohibited for driving. Especially if the driver lives in a small town with single-lane traffic and no dedicated lanes, but is forced to travel around the capital. It will help to study the traffic rules, as well as the Code of Administrative Offences, in which the prohibitions and permissions are spelled out quite clearly. If you still have questions, an experienced car lawyer will clarify them.

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The bus lane is presented as a part of the road, the use of which is only permissible for vehicles that are usually classified as public. These can be minibuses, trolleybuses and buses. This section of the road is traditionally marked with sign 5.14, which is valid on the side where it is located. Also, its effect extends until canceled by the corresponding sign 5.14.1 or until the first intersection.

If after the intersection the bus lane goes further, the sign is installed again.

When can you use the bus lane, and what types of transport are not subject to restrictions?

Types of bus roads

Bus lanes are usually classified as follows.

  1. Converging lanes are visually similar to one-way roads, but are not actually considered as such. They are directed in the direction opposite to the main flow of cars. The use of the lane in question by the driver of the car to perform the maneuver is strictly prohibited, even if there are no markings.
  2. The passing lane is directed in the same direction as the other lanes on the road.

Who can use the dedicated lane

The legislation strictly regulates the list of vehicles that have the right to regularly drive in the bus lane:

  • passenger cars and minibuses;
  • trolleybuses;
  • Shuttle Buses.

It is also worth considering when other categories of vehicles can drive in a dedicated lane.

Despite the permit approved in 2012, which allows the use of a dedicated lane, taxi drivers are still afraid to use this part of the road, fearing fines. In fact, if a taxi driver works legally, with a license and an appropriately equipped car, there will be no problems.

It is also completely legal to travel by taxi in Moscow, even if you have a Moscow region license.

As for a specially equipped machine, we are talking about the following identification features:

  • taximeter in the cabin;
  • checkered tape on the sides;
  • an orange lantern fixed on the roof of a car;
  • the body is yellow if we are talking about a Moscow license.

If the equipment of the car fully complies with the standards for passenger taxis, but the driver was still fined, since the problem may lie in the register if the appropriate license was not included in it. To avoid this type of problem while driving, prepare in advance.

To do this, use the official website of the Moscow mayor and activate a search query using the following information:

  • carrier name;
  • license number;
  • car number.

The specified data can be entered all at once or selectively. Print out the information obtained as a result of the search and carry it along with the documents on the vehicle.


The Ministry of Health regulates the time it takes for an ambulance to respond to a call - 20 minutes. To meet such a limited period of time, doctors everywhere violate road rules. In theory, the use of the bus lane by an ambulance is prohibited, but in practice the driver is unlikely to receive a fine if he was rushing to the aid of a woman in labor or a dying person.

In this case, flashing beacons must be activated without fail.


It is also not advisable for motorcycles to use the bus lane for traffic, but in extreme cases, if there is a risk of an accident, a maneuver can be performed. Some sections of the roadway allow the movement of motorcyclists when traffic on the “dedicated lane” is also permitted for car drivers.


Cyclists can move on the far right side without hindrance, just like route vehicles.

When is a vehicle allowed to use a bus lane?

According to the traffic rules, motorists have the right to enter the said area in the following situations.

  1. Making a right turn and changing into the right lane. The permissibility of the maneuver is indicated by the presence of intermittent markings. Failure to change lanes in a timely manner will result in a fine of 500 rubles, since the driver creates a potential threat to others and himself. If the markings are continuous, the fine will be even greater, since performing a maneuver under such conditions is prohibited.
  2. Leaving the adjacent territory or a road classified as secondary.
  3. Interaction with passengers can be carried out at the edge of the road if there are intermittent markings. The driver must ensure that he does not interfere with others; a significant part of the road must be completely empty. If there are continuous markings, leaving or stopping on the lane in question to interact with passengers is prohibited. The prohibition applies even in the absence of any markings, but in this case a special sign indicates the type of road.

Using the bus lane on weekends

Due to the release of a new government decree on postponing holidays, the question of when you can drive on a bus lane in Moscow becomes relevant every year, since certain lanes do not work on holidays, and therefore temporarily become public roads.

Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will allow you to understand the list of days that are considered holidays in Russia.

If a holiday falls on a weekend - Saturday or Sunday, it is transferred to the next weekday. The law of the Russian Federation also regulates the procedure for postponing days off, and the corresponding government decree is issued annually. In practice, it is the nuance of postponing holidays that often confuses drivers, since not everyone closely monitors holidays, especially if the driver does not work according to a classic schedule, taking into account the standard work week.

Dedicated lanes may become available for public use not only on holidays, but also with a corresponding sign.

  1. The operation of the strip in question exclusively on weekdays is indicated by sign 8.5.2. Consequently, all drivers, without exception, will be able to use this road on weekends.
  2. Sign 8.5.3. limits the use of the mentioned band by day of the week. On these days, only public vehicles are allowed to drive, and on other days - all drivers.
  3. Time of day restrictions are indicated by sign 8.5.4.

The persons authorized to record violations in the area in question are traffic police inspectors, who will issue a fine on the spot. The violation may also be recorded on automatic recording cameras. In the latter case, the violating driver will receive a notification of the fine by mail and the chances of challenging the penalty will be minimal.

Let's look at the fines.

  1. The fine for driving in a bus lane or stopping in a prohibited area is 1,500 rubles. Since the size of the fine is influenced by the territorial factor, an offense registered in St. Petersburg or Moscow is punished twice as severely.
  2. If we are talking about using the oncoming bus lane for maneuver, taking into account the situation, the driver will be fined 5 thousand rubles. He may also be deprived of his driver's license for up to six months.
  3. If this violation was recorded for the same driver again, the fine will be 5,000 rubles if the violation was recorded automatically by a special device. If the violator is caught violating a traffic police officer, the punishment will be the inevitable deprivation of his driver’s license for a year.
  4. If a person decides to stop the car in the bus lane and leave the vehicle, most likely the car will have to be taken from the impound area.

Driving onto a one-way road in the opposite direction of the permitted direction poses a particular danger both for those who are moving correctly and for the violator. In this situation, there is an increased risk of a head-on collision not only due to the high speed of approaching cars moving towards each other, but also due to the surprise effect of the current atypical situation. Due to the seriousness of this offense, the fine for driving on one-way traffic in 2018 provides for fairly stringent administrative sanctions.

Fine for driving onto a one-way road

To warn the driver that there is a section of the roadway ahead or around a bend on which movement is permitted only in one direction, special regulations signs 5.5, 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 are used, as well as prohibition sign 3.1. In this way, the road user is informed about the beginning of this section of the road, its direction, and can also be informed about the prohibition of entry using the 3.1 “brick” sign. Moreover, in the latter case, the driver may not even realize that behind the prohibitory sign movement is only allowed in one direction. But this does not in any way affect the extent of his responsibility and guilt in the event of an offense.

The amount of administrative punishment for traveling in the opposite direction to one-way traffic is provided for in Article 12.16, Part 3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Offenses Code):

“Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road entails an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.”

Thus, the fine is 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months. In the event of a repeated similar offense, Part 3.1 of the same article provides:

"...deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the event of an administrative offense being recorded by special technical means operating in automatic mode, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photographing, filming, video recording - the imposition of an administrative fine of in the amount of five thousand rubles."

This means that if you are caught by a traffic police inspector for the second time for the same offense, you will lose your driver’s license for 1 year. If only a camera records you, you will receive the same fine as the first time - 5,000 rubles, but you will remain with your license.

This is interesting - the objective side of the offense

The legislation of the Russian Federation is so complex that sometimes the government has to make additional decisions to the approved articles in order to somehow calm down the cunning of its own citizens who are trying to find gaps in the laws. And Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is no exception, since in contrast to it, as it seems at first glance, there are other permissions. Now, in order.

It is noteworthy that although it is prohibited to move towards the general flow during one-way movement of cars, it is allowed to move in the same direction in reverse. This is stated in the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, paragraph 8.12:

“Reversing a vehicle is permitted provided that this maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users.”

It is possible that some citizens tried to exploit this contradiction in Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and clause 8.12 of the Traffic Regulations by moving towards one-way traffic in reverse, since Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2006 N 18 “On some issues that arise for courts when applying the Special Part of the Russian Code Federation on Administrative Offences" in its comments on the application of Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offences, puts everything "in order."

If you drove towards one-way traffic, regardless of which sign you violated, you are guilty of violating Article 12.16 Part 3 of the Administrative Code:

“Violation by the driver of the requirements of any road sign, resulting in the movement of the vehicle he is driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road, forms the objective side of the administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (for example, violation of the requirements of road signs 3.1 “Entry prohibited”, 5.5 "One-way road", 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 "Entering a one-way road")".

Reversing towards one-way traffic is only possible if there is a compelling reason. If it is not there, you are guilty of violating Article 12.16 Part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offences:

“When applying this rule, it should be borne in mind that, based on the content of clause 8.12 of the traffic rules, reversing on a one-way road is not prohibited, provided that this maneuver is safe for road users and, taking into account the current traffic situation, is caused by objective necessity (for example, avoiding an obstacle, parking). Violation by the driver of the above conditions forms the objective side of the administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation."

Reversing into one-way traffic is prohibited!

“The same norm should be used to qualify the actions of a driver who reversed onto a one-way road in violation of the requirements of road sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited” (note. This refers to the norm of guilt in violating Article 12.16 Part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, described above in paragraph .1).

Fine for simultaneous violation of several traffic rules articles

For many, the question of what fine to pay for driving on one-way traffic in 2018 raises conflicting opinions. Someone may say that you need to pay a fine for driving under a “brick”; someone will say that penalties will be imposed under Article 12.16, Part 3 of the Administrative Code. And as already discussed above, the latter will be right. But the irony of the situation is that the state has already “taken care” of this issue and many similar controversial situations.

Article 4.4 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states:

“When a person commits one action (inaction) containing elements of administrative offenses, liability for which is provided for by two or more articles (parts of articles) of this Code and the consideration of cases of which is under the jurisdiction of the same judge, body, official, administrative punishment is imposed in within the limits of a sanction, providing for the imposition of a more severe administrative punishment on the person who committed the specified action (inaction).

This means that if a driver violates several traffic rules in one action, then he will be given the most severe administrative punishment of all. In this situation, the offenses of “entering under sign 3.1” (fine of 500 rubles) and “driving towards one-way traffic” (fine of 5,000 rubles) will be considered, and a stiffer fine of 5,000 rubles will be imposed.

As you can see, sometimes it is not easy to independently understand the laws governing relations between road users. Sometimes the impression that everything is spelled out simply and clearly in the legislation turns out to be illusory. There may be some addition, comments or decision of the Russian government that makes adjustments to the basic laws. Therefore, always try to get advice from specialists on issues that interest you - their advice can be very useful for you!

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