Home Transmission Bike routes, gps for a bike, tracker for a bike, get a route on a bike, map of routes on a bike. How to plan a cycling route? Create a route. How to get from and to. Calculation of distances between cities by car,

Bike routes, gps for a bike, tracker for a bike, get a route on a bike, map of routes on a bike. How to plan a cycling route? Create a route. How to get from and to. Calculation of distances between cities by car,


Get directions by car

This service allows you to quickly get a route between any cities

Russia and Abroad, and immediately see the route laid out on the map.

Why do you need a distance calculator?

Look at which cities will pass the route, you will be able to decide in advance on a place to stay for the night.

You will see the approximate fuel consumption for the entire trip and be able to estimate financial
expenses. You will know how long you will spend on the road.

How to get directions by car?

First you need to set the starting and ending points of the route. In the calculator

The calculation has two fields - “city from” and “city to”. Enter in the appropriate fields

Names of cities.

In the “fuel consumption” field, enter the corresponding characteristics of your car

(in liters per 100 kilometers). In the “fuel price” field - the average price of gasoline,
with which you fuel your car.

This data is needed to calculate the total fuel costs for the entire trip.

In the “additional distance calculation settings” tab, you can specify more

Several conditions:

- “Detour countries” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified countries.

The function is especially useful for international transport. Allows you not to stop by

To the territory of countries with a visa regime and avoid customs inspections.

- “Detour of cities” - do not lay a route through the territory of the specified

Cities. If you do not want to pass through a certain city, enter its name in

This field.

- “Detour routes” - exclude the specified routes from the calculation.

- “Through cities” - the function allows you to navigate a route through a specific

A city or cities, even if they lie outside the shortest path.

- “Speed ​​on the road” - there are 4 types of roads - territorial,

Regional, highway, motorway. You can exclude one from the calculation

Or several types.

You can plot a route by car in one of two modes:

The shortest route is the minimum distance from one city to another;

The fastest route - the minimum travel time (only


After you have set all the conditions, click the “calculate” button.

On the map that appears, the route will be marked with a thick red line, and all cities along the route will be marked with red markers.

The calculation results are presented in the form of a table, which shows the length of the entire path, the time in

trip, total fuel consumption and the amount this fuel will cost.

The table also contains a list of all cities through which the route is laid, with

Division into regions and countries.

The results obtained can be printed on a printer and taken with you on the road instead

Atlas. If you have the ability to access the Internet in your car (for example, through

satellite or cellular network), you can check the route and correct it in

Depends on the circumstances.

Please remember that the calculations use average data. That's why

The results obtained are only indicative values ​​and not exact figures.

Cycling routes are laid out for different purposes.
– walk – where the main task is to enjoy the walk, visiting certain places with minimal effort
— bicycle tourism – where the path is the end in itself
- movement - from A to point B, priority destination.

If in the old days bicycle routes were planned on a paper map in pencil, with an officer’s ruler and curvimeter, today dozens of services, applications and mobile solutions are available. And each application has its pros and cons.

Perhaps the most popular and accessible type of service today is online maps:


is a non-profit web mapping project to create a detailed, free, and free geographic map of the world. All maps of this resource are compiled and verified by Internet users. This is how people from all over the world mark objects and monitor the relevance of information.
The maps display points of interest, which can be very important for cycling.
Among the minuses, it should be noted that the maps are overloaded and the lack of additional functions.

Google Maps

— The service is a map and satellite images of planet Earth.
Has the ability to create a route and ample social opportunities. But for the territory of Russia, Google is still inferior to specialized services and even Russian Yandex.

Yandex maps

— search and information mapping service of Yandex. For Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, only the company’s own maps are used, which are updated monthly.
So Yandex, compared to other services, scrupulously demonstrates all the primers and even paths of Russia and the CIS. Usability and the logic that builds navigation routes in Yandex are excellently developed.


is the most famous site among cyclists.
It contains information on more than 2 million cycling routes around the world. Popular and little-known bike paths, their detailed descriptions, amateur routes, etc. - all this is marked on the maps and is available online. You can not only view ready-made routes, but also create your own and share them with other users of the service!

On the Bikemap main page, you must enter the name of the city in the search box.

On the interactive map, all available routes (official and amateur) are marked with icons, and to the left of it are the most interesting nearby ones based on user ratings.

The map can be moved, scaled, and changed viewing mode.

When you click on the icon, a page with a detailed description of the route will open, where you can:

  • Familiarize yourself with the route in detail.
  • View the height graph, which can be used to determine the upcoming load.
  • Find out which user created the route
  • Save the route to your bookmarks or mark it as completed
  • Add a comment
  • Send link to social networks
  • Download the route in KML or GPX format

Example route on Bikemap:

From the track storage section Bikemap is the leader today.

Open Cycle Map

This is a sister project of Open Street Map. Serves to designate bicycle paths, bicycle parking, various amenities and other things related to traveling on a two-wheeled iron horse.

The colorful map of Europe makes it clear where this service is really popular. Alas, in Russia and the CIS the situation is strictly the opposite.
We conclude: for a fun and interesting trip around Europe by bicycle, this is the best service.


With GPSies you can view and download tracks recorded using a GPS device. Tracks can be downloaded to your personal GPS device.

A very old and reliable track storage service from Germany. A huge database of covered tracks throughout Russia may appeal to many “old school” cyclist tourists, but these days a weak native application, outdated design and unclear operating logic scare off more users than they attract.

— recording GPS routes and more.

MyTracks – A great Android app is MyTracks, available for free on the Android Market. However, we are not talking about any route construction.

Sports trackers


Endomondo is a free app and website. One of the old trackers. Today there are about 20 million users of the program on all major platforms.

A huge amount of input data, interesting calculations and statistics (however, detailed statistics are available only in the paid version).

Another one of the old-timers of the market. The program appeared quite a long time ago and was immediately aimed at cyclists; later functions for training in other sports appeared.
This is the only application that allows you to analyze areas taking into account the relief.
Regular Google navigation, simple interface and trouble-free operation even on weak smartphones. A decent tracker without unnecessary features, which is popular with hundreds of thousands of users.

Google Maps lets you quickly get directions for driving, biking, taking public transportation, or walking. The best route will be marked in blue on the map, and all others will be gray.

Some routes on Google Maps are in beta testing and may not be available to all users. As you move along the route, pay attention to what is happening around you and take the necessary measures to avoid endangering yourself and others. If navigation directions are unclear, follow road signs.


  • For public transport or airplanes, you cannot create a route with multiple destinations or waypoints.
  • Route finder is not available in some regions.
  • Information about public transport routes is provided by transport companies and may not be available in some areas.
  • To change the route, click on the path and drag it to the desired location. Drag and drop is not supported in Easy mode.

Adding destinations

Note. To change the order of your stops, find the destination you want, click on it, and drag it to a new location on the map.

Configuring Route Parameters

How to Eliminate Expressways and Toll Roads How to change travel time

To choose the optimal route, taking into account traffic congestion and the availability of public transport, you can always change the date and time of your upcoming trip. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Maps on your computer.
  2. Get directions.
  3. Once you have created your route, click Departure now.
  4. To change your travel date and time, select Departure: or Arrival:.

Note. If you have selected multiple destinations, this feature will not be available.

To send a route to another user, follow these steps:

How to send a route to your phone or tablet

To send directions to your phone or tablet, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Maps on your computer and sign in to your account.
  2. Get directions. In the left panel, click Send route to phone.
  3. Send the route to the selected device, via email or SMS.

Note. You can only send routes with one destination to your phone or tablet.

Imagine it's summer, the sun is shining, you're on vacation, and you and your friends are avid cyclists. The thought arises of a cycling trip somewhere far away. In this article I will talk about how OpenStreetMap technologies and some other services make life easier in this situation, solve planning problems and allow you to quickly and easily share your impressions. The emphasis is on online, I mention resources:

Trip planning

So, at some cycling forum or from friends you learn that place X is simply super, every self-respecting cyclist must go there and it’s generally unclear why you haven’t been there yet. If X is completely unfamiliar to you, then questions arise:
Where is X?
The official website OpenStreetMap, despite its spartan asceticism, allows you to search for settlements, places, etc. “out of the box.” Nominatim, which is “tailored” specifically for search, will also be useful.
What's the best way to get there?
The first place you should look if you do not live in Russia is OpenCycleMap. This is a special map for cyclists with cycling routes. The routes, I would say, are global and are not designed for local easy 8-hour walks.
In other cases, you will have to plan the route yourself. As a rule, the automatically laid route is not ideal and requires manual “finishing”. So I recommend the combination of OpenRouteService and ShowYourJourney, they both use OpenStreetMap data.
An excellent German site, it opens in German by default, but it has the treasured English flag at the top right. Click on the Start line, then on the departure point on the map, then on the End line, then on the destination on the map, and finally on the Calculate button. The result will appear quite quickly, incl. total distance and instructions such as “in 200 meters turn right.” You can find routes for cars, pedestrians and cyclists. For the first and last options, unique options are available, the meaning of which is clear from the name, but just in case, it has been empirically tested many times. For a car, it is possible to choose between the fastest and the shortest path, because the shortest one can be winding or with a bunch of traffic lights and other troubles. For pedestrians, the shortest path is sought, using paths, paths, sidewalks, etc., carefully mapped by OpenStreetMap cartographers.

For cyclists, the settings are especially rich: shortest path/ shortest track, the safest way / safest track(avoid big roads), for road bike/ racer(on the contrary, try to build a route along highways), for mountain biking/ mountain bike(the mode is similar to the safest one, apparently, tortuosity is added). In addition to the options listed, the algorithm can be further customized (more options), in particular, manually enabling the option to avoid roads and tram tracks, as well as highlighting polygons on the map through which you cannot drive/pass. The result can be exported to a link with parameters inside or to a standard GPX. In general, German developers deserve respect, especially since an impressive list of scientific publications is available via OpenRouteService (in the INFO&CONTACT section).

The longer the route from OpenRouteService, the greater the likelihood that somewhere it is not laid very well, and a person could have done it better. ShowYourJourney allows you to download a GPX route and edit it manually. However, you can create a route from scratch. The work with the track has been successfully implemented - each link can always be divided in half in the middle. To get started, click on “start a route” in the bottom right. Of course, the result can be exported again to GPX.
The GPS Visualizer Freehand Drawing Utility service is similar to ShowYourJourney, but you cannot import data there.

Interface Show your journey.
Where can I get maps for my navigator?
Now you want to save the map with the route in your navigator (if you have one). You can download OpenStreetMap maps on the wiki of the Maps of Russia project, and I think there will be no problems with loading GPX into the navigator.
How to prepare a printed version of the map?
Navigators can be unreliable (for example, the battery runs out quickly), and their screen is small due to portability. It is good practice to take a map printed on paper with you. Although the official OpenStreetMap website allows you to print, your output will be, to put it mildly, a bit small. For high quality printing purposes there is MapOSMatic. Just set the rectangle with the mouse, holding down Control, and go ahead. The service supports export to SVG and raster, conveniently divides the map into squares and creates an index. How to automate card printing with our route using OpenStreetMap is an open question. I think Maperitive can handle this offline. Also, nothing prevents you from using GPSVisualizer.

Web interface to GPSBabel from GPS Visualizer
How to optimize a track?
It's no secret that the track recording function of navigators is implemented in the same way - a mindless machine simply remembers your position at a given time interval. As a result, tracks take up megabytes after 12 hours of recording, and the services working with them are extremely strained. The information in the “raw” tracks is redundant: if you drove in a straight line all the time, the internal points can be thrown out with a clear conscience. Also, in parking lots, the GPS “sausages” and “Brownian motion” occurs around the true position.
To solve this problem there is CourseMapper. Unfortunately, it is built on the basis of Google Maps and you cannot create an OpenStreetMap background in it, but it is capable of downloading a track directly from Garmin devices, and, of course, it is compatible with GPX. In its settings you can select the minimum accuracy in meters and the version of the algorithm (speed versus quality). The service can be thoughtful when dealing with large amounts of data. If your track is very large, then you can either cut it into pieces and then glue optimized ones together, or use offline solutions. Optimization greatly reduces the track size, depending on settings and data, up to 1000 times.

Commander-like CourseMapper.
What is the coolest and most beautiful way to show the track?
We are talking about “clean” visualization, better quality than that of ShowYourJourney. If you are too lazy to reinvent the wheel yourself, my advice is to use GPS Visualizer. This is just a very sophisticated and free visualization service, powerful and flexible, with its own community and wiki. I’ll just list the especially “tasty” features:
  • Simultaneous display of several tracks at once. It is convenient if your travel companion meets you halfway and your tracks are different.
  • Import from GPX.
  • Export to raster and vector. Export an interactive map to HTML (using Google Maps).
  • In the interactive map, you can customize the default background, be it OpenStreetMap or Google satellite imagery.

As a conclusion

It’s not for nothing that at the State of the Map (SotM) 2011 conference OpenStreetMap was compared to Linux - there is a total Linux way in working with maps and tracks. No website does all the work, and you achieve your goal by assembling a solution from independent pieces. Maybe someday a startup will appear that will get rid of the zoo described above from online services, but for now everything is much more interesting. I really hope that you took away something interesting and useful from this article.

Total length – 29 km

Picturesque embankments are an excellent option for a pleasant bike ride around Moscow. The route begins from Nagatinskaya embankment. We drive to the Novospassky Bridge, where we cross to the other side. We continue the trip to the Ustinsky Bridge. There you will have to get off the bike for a while and go down the stairs. No more obstacles will appear until the end of the journey. But there will be excellent views of the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Luzhniki Stadium. Then we fly along the Novodevichy, Savvinskaya, Smolenskaya and Krasnopresnenskaya embankments. We end the trip in the pleasant Krasnaya Presnya park, or you can get to Moscow City and look at the skyscrapers.

Cycling route “Museon–Victory Park”

The length of the route is 16 km.

An equipped dedicated cycling route starts from Muzeon Park. Then we go to the park named after. Gorky, where you can stay for a while, go on attractions or just ride along the park alleys. The path continues to the Vorobyovy Gory, from where excellent views open up. We pedal another couple of kilometers and get to Victory Park, where the bike path ends.


The length of the route is 12.5 km.

VDNH is one of the most interesting places in Moscow. Here you can drive through the pavilions, watch exhibitions, or go to some festival. The cycling route passes through the Botanical Garden with an area of ​​540 hectares, then you can admire the original rock garden, ride through Ostankino Park and get to the Ostankino TV Tower. We end our trip near the Ostankino estate, where you can relax and sit by the pond.

Bicycle path in Izmailovsky Park

You can have a great time riding around Izmailovsky Park. There is an equipped bicycle path with signs that will prevent you from getting lost. We start the route from the sports ground near the College of Industry, Hospitality and Management No. 23. On the way, we stop at Terletsky Park, admiring the beauty of the Izmailovo estate and the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. One of the iconic places on the route is the Izmailovo Kremlin. Here you can linger a little and go on a detailed tour. You can finish your journey by reaching the desired metro station: Izmailovskaya, Partizanskaya or Shosse Entuziastov.

Cycle route “Moscow-City–Crimean Bridge”

Total length – only 12 km.

A simple and interesting route around Moscow is suitable even for beginners. The path begins from Moscow City, from the Taras Shevchenko embankment. We will drive all the way along the right bank of the river, repeating its bends. We drive along Vorobyovy Gory and Andreevskaya Embankment to Neskuchny Garden. You can stop here and relax in the shade of the trees, or drive a little further, reaching Gorky Park. There is definitely a lot of entertainment and opportunities for a wonderful holiday here. The finishing point of the route is the Crimean Bridge.

South East Cycling Route

This route is loved by professionals. There are many slopes and climbs along the way, so you won’t get bored. We start moving from the Maryino metro station. We drive through the city streets and turn towards Borisovsky Ponds. Then you can slowly drive along picturesque bodies of water and get to the Kapotnya district.

Park named after Gorky

Riding around the park is a pleasure. Even if you don’t have your own bike, you can rent one. The route passes through numerous alleys of the park. Ideal for a leisurely drive on a pleasant summer day.

Central route

The length of the route is 9 km.

You can explore many Moscow sights while riding a bicycle on this route. The bike path starts on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard. From here we go towards Pushkinsky Square, drive past the Moscow Government building, stop at New Arbat and go to the Patriarch's Ponds. Here we can take a short break and move on to the M. Bulgakov Museum. Next to us are the Aquarium Garden, the Satire Theater, and the Theatre. Mossovet and Sadovo-Triumphal Square. We end the journey in the Hermitage Garden.
The route is not difficult, but it is not suitable for everyone, since most of the way you will have to drive along a busy road next to traffic.

"Ustinsky Square-Park Sokolniki"

The length of the route is 7 km.

We start from the Bolshoy Ustinsky Bridge, along which we cross the river and end up in Ustinsky Square. From here we drive along Yauzsky Boulevard, then along Pokrovsky, and then along Chistoprudny. We drive along the Boulevard Ring and head to the Turgenevskaya metro station. We turn onto Academician Sakharov Avenue and head towards the Komsomolskaya metro station. We continue moving along Krasnoprudnaya Street and further along Rusakovskaya. We get to the Sokolniki metro station and finish our journey in the park.
By the way, in Sokolniki Park itself there is also a bicycle path. Here you can leisurely stroll along the alleys and enjoy the surrounding greenery. And if you don’t have any strength left, then just stop for a picnic.

Cycling route through Bitsevsky Park

The length of the route is 7.5 km.

If you like to ride in nature, then the best place in noisy Moscow is Bitsevsky Park. This vast forest area is perfect for a pleasant drive among trees, fragrant herbs and beautiful scenery. Please note that there is no special bike path in the forest, so unprepared bikers should be especially careful. And in any case, it is better not to accelerate too much.
Here you can build your own route and choose any path you like. The map suggests one of the possible options with a length of 7.5 km.

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