Home Chassis What to do and where to go if you receive a parking fine that has been paid for? I forgot to pay for parking, what should I do? I paid for paid parking, what should I do?

What to do and where to go if you receive a parking fine that has been paid for? I forgot to pay for parking, what should I do? I paid for paid parking, what should I do?

What to do if you always park in the designated places, but you receive a fine?

It can be appealed. If you are ready to prove your innocence, then victory will be yours.

Let's find out the procedure for appealing a parking fine.

Deadlines for filing a complaint

You need to appeal the fine as soon as possible. The appeal period is 10 days from the date of receipt of the decision. The order is usually served after the case has been considered.

If the violation was recorded using an automatic recording camera, the period is counted from the moment the decision was received.

How to challenge a parking fine if the appeal period has passed? Submit your complaint along with an application to restore the deadline for appeal.

You must provide evidence that you missed the deadline for a valid reason (document for a business trip or vacation, sick leave).

Indicate the name of the body to which the document is submitted, the date, number of the resolution, arguments that prove the wrongfulness of the charges.

Video: How to challenge a parking fine


The complaint is considered within 10 days. But the decision made on the complaint is not final. The inspector's decision can be challenged in the traffic police and in court.

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However, the inspection considers the case without the participation of the driver, and it is not possible to provide additional evidence to the motorist (witness testimony, video materials).

For this reason, most of the rulings remain in force. You can immediately go to court.

The courts consider the complaint at the place where the offense was committed. You can find out which district court a specific address belongs to on the Justice website: https://sudrf.ru/.

The complaint is considered within two months from the moment the case materials are received by the judge. The judge must consider the case from the very beginning, without taking into account the conclusion of the traffic police or the lower court.

When appealing an administrative penalty, it is necessary to indicate procedural violations committed at the initial stage of consideration of the case: improper notification of the citizen about the consideration of the case, refusal to attach evidence to the materials of the case, and other violations.

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If new evidence appears, it must be added to the complaint.


Signature in the protocol

There is an opinion that the signature in the protocol is the car owner’s consent to the violation.

No. The signature confirms that the driver has read the contents of the document, received a copy of it, and the data is correct, except in cases where the document states “I agree with the violation.”

If there is no such entry, and you do not agree with the fine, sign the protocol, but in the line “explanation of the violator” describe your arguments. You can indicate your objections to the issue of unlawful actions of the traffic police inspector.

If the court makes a decision not in your favor, contact a higher court with a complaint. But your rightness must be supported by indisputable evidence, otherwise the whole procedure is a waste of time and nerves.

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Payment of fines

On the Moscow Parking portal you can always read the memo http://parking.mos.ru/about/134/ about fines.

Payment of the fine within 20 days entitles you to a 50% discount on the amount for the violation. But this rule does not apply to all offences. Does not apply to fines for unpaid parking.

The fine must be paid within 60 days. If the payment is late, the driver faces a doubling of the cost of the fine, administrative arrest, seizure of funds, property, and may be prohibited from traveling abroad.

The fine for non-payment of parking is paid by:

  • in any bank;
  • through the Moscow Parking mobile application.

Other traffic police fines are paid by:

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Let's find out how to appeal a parking fine remotely.

Online appeal, receiving complaints

You can remotely appeal a fine in Moscow in 2018 through the following services:

You can subscribe to SMS notifications about fines by dialing number 7377, text “sts_fine_Series STS Number STS”. Also, all questions regarding fines (except for the status of the complaint consideration) can be directed to the Unified Contact Center, no.

Let's look at how to challenge the towing of a car for illegal parking online.


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You need to register or log in, find the “Appeals” section. The number of the resolution is entered, then it is automatically determined which organization issued the fine: MADI or AMPP. The reason for the incorrectness of the fine is selected from the ready-made menu.

A motorist who has stopped the car due to the inability to drive it further due to health problems or a technical malfunction of the vehicle can challenge fines for parking in the wrong place.

You need to select “Forced stop”. The system will tell you what documents will be needed to appeal the fine: usually this is a complaint against the decision, scanned copies of the protocol, a certificate of hospitalization or illness, or evacuation of the car to a service center.

If parking has been paid for, scanned copies of the check or receipt are attached, and a screenshot of the SMS about payment is also acceptable.

Here you can download a form, which will already contain complete information about you. It must be printed, scanned, and attached to other documents.

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The complaint is also submitted within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the decision. It takes the same amount of time to be considered. If the application period has come to an end, you can extend it.

Write a petition, in the header indicate the name of the head of MADI or AMPPP, it is also attached through the portal. A valid reason is also required.

Grounds for extending the deadline for appeal:

  • hospitalization, illness (documents must be provided);
  • improper operation of postal services and others.

How to appeal a fine for unpaid parking in court?

Making a complaint

The header of the document contains the driver’s details (full name, address, phone number, email). The text indicates the date of the resolution and the number.

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The reasons why the resolution can be considered illegal are described (You paid for parking, but the payment was completed within 15 minutes).

These resolutions are being reintroduced. Documents are attached (a printout from the mobile operator, a scan of an SMS indicating the exact time the message was sent). Date and signature are added.

The complaint is transferred to the State Public Institution "AMPP". If the decision is not made in your favor, go to court with a complaint and the same package of documents, to which you will need to add the decision of the State Public Institution "AMPP" on your issue.

If there was no prohibiting sign, you must provide proof that you parked correctly. Taking photos or videos will help with this.

Then you will be able to prove that there were no road signs in this place, and all the accusations brought against you are unfounded.

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If there was a sign, but you didn’t see it, also present a video or photograph, catching the correct angle. The sign may be hidden behind tree branches, with poor visibility. These nuances must be described in the application.

  • copies of the resolution;
  • complaint;
  • a petition in which you ask to restore the appeal period (if it has expired);
  • take photographs, attach the recorder's recording and witness statements.

In what cases should they not be fined?

If you need to stop urgently, you can turn on your hazard lights and put up a sign. You are not violating traffic rules if you stop for a couple of minutes to disembark a passenger in the wrong place.

If the motorist remains in the car, he does not have to pay a fine.

Wrong parking

Is it possible to challenge a parking fine if I paid for another one?

There is a situation in which the wrong parking is paid for - the car number is entered incorrectly into the SMS/parking meter, and a fine is received for this, since the required parking was not paid for.

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Typically, many judges refuse in such situations. But it's worth a try.

The complaint must be submitted to the State Public Institution "AMPP", preferably through the website http://transport.mos.ru/#!/page/info/treatment/. The complaint must be filled out correctly, printed, and signed.

Scanned copies of supporting documents are attached. If you decide to contact the organization in person, make two copies. You hand over one, ask for a registration mark on the second and keep it for yourself.

After 10 days, there is a high probability that a refusal will come. We need to go to court. They also choose the court at the place where the violation was committed. The same documents and the decision of the State Public Institution “AMPP” are attached in two copies.

We must not forget that a mark on the copies regarding registration of incoming correspondence is required. If an employee loses documents, you will prove that you handed over the documents.

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It is better to appear at the meeting in person. If the same decision is made, you should go to the Moscow City Court. The complaint states that the court refused; demand that the court decision be cancelled. The decision is attached along with other documents.

If you receive a fine for illegal parking, but you are sure that you did not violate the law, you can challenge it.

This is a rather labor-intensive procedure, especially when both the traffic police and the court refuse a decision that is favorable to you. You can appeal to the Moscow City Court, but by this time many drivers are already losing patience and leaving everything as it is.

How to check and pay fines for illegal parking

1. How to check fines for illegal parking?

You can find out about unpaid fines:

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  • on the portal mos.ru;
  • on the portal "Autocode";
  • in the Moscow Parking mobile application (for iOS, Android or Windows Phone);
  • via a free SMS message to number 7377 with the text: “fine Series Number STS” (for example: “fine 77av123456”) or with the text: “fine Series Number Driving License” (for example: “fine 77VA”).

2. How to pay fines?

You can pay fines for incorrect or unpaid parking:

Within 20 days after the decision of the traffic police or MADI is issued, you have the right to pay only 50 percent of the fine for violating the rules of stopping and parking. However, the discount does not apply to fines for non-payment of parking.

3. What fines for illegal parking are in force in Moscow?

The fine for unpaid parking in a paid city parking zone in Moscow is rubles.

For violations of stopping and parking rules, car owners are subject to administrative fines in the amount of rubles. For placing vehicles on a lawn or other area occupied by green spaces - rubles.

For violating the rules of stopping or parking in places designated for stopping or parking vehicles of disabled people, the fine is rubles.

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A copy of the decision in the case of an administrative offense is delivered by mail to the address of the car owner.

Also, in some cases, your car may be detained and placed in a specialized parking lot.

4. In what places can you be fined for stopping?

You may be fined for:

  • stopping in the lane for route vehicles;
  • stopping or parking at a pedestrian crossing and closer than five meters in front of it;
  • stopping or parking at stopping places for route vehicles or parking for passenger taxis or closer than 15 meters from stopping places;
  • stopping or parking vehicles on tram tracks or stopping or parking vehicles further than the first row from the edge of the roadway;
  • violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles on the roadway, resulting in the creation of obstacles to the movement of other vehicles;
  • parking on the lawn or other area occupied by green spaces;
  • stopping or parking a vehicle in a tunnel;
  • failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings prohibiting stopping or parking of vehicles;
  • stopping and parking in places designated for stopping or parking vehicles of disabled people.

5. How to receive SMS with information about fines?

Every car owner has the opportunity to use a free information service to obtain information about accrued fines.

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You can unsubscribe from the information service by sending a message with the following content to the same short number: “stop STS fine Serial Number STS.” For example: “stop STS fine 33VA123456.”

6. How can I find out which authority imposed the fine?

In Moscow, the powers to consider administrative cases related to violations of road signs prohibiting stopping or parking of vehicles have been transferred to the Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate (MADI).

Employees of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow administer other violations of parking and stopping rules: improper stopping or parking on the sidewalk, at a pedestrian crossing, at a public transport stop, and so on.

In addition, in case of non-payment for parking in paid parking lots, fines are imposed on vehicle owners by the State Treasury Institution of the City of Moscow “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” (GKU “AMPP”).

The numbers of decisions on administrative offenses consist of 20 digits. You can determine which authority issued them by the first three digits:

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782. // 0356. - Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate (MADI);

780. // 0355. - State Public Institution “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” (AMPP);

188. - State traffic police (traffic police).

7. How to challenge a fine?

You can file a complaint against a fine within 10 days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy of the decision. If the allotted time is missed for any reason, you must additionally fill out and attach to the complaint a letter of petition to restore the missed deadline for appealing the decision on an administrative offense.

A fine issued by MADI can be challenged:

A fine issued by the traffic police can be challenged:

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  • online, using the form for sending requests on the State Traffic Inspectorate website;
  • in person, by contacting the State Traffic Inspectorate unit that issued the administrative violation order;
  • by mail.

A fine issued by the State Public Institution “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” (AMPP) can be challenged:

  • online by sending a request on the Autocode portal or filling out an online form to contact the Department of Transport;
  • by mail (complaint form);
  • personally by contacting one of the Moscow Transport service centers.

The period for consideration of a complaint against an issued fine is 10 working days from the date of registration of the complaint.

8. How to get a refund for a fine that has already been paid?

If you paid the fine before you received the decision to cancel the fine, you can get your money back. For this you will need:

  • application for refund of the paid fine;
  • copy of passport (and original if applying in person);
  • bank account details for transfer (return) of paid funds;
  • payment documents confirming the transfer of funds or documents confirming the collection and transfer of funds by bailiffs;
  • a copy of the decision to cancel the decision in a case of an administrative offense (when canceling a decision in a case of an administrative offense).

You can submit the application and the attached set of documents in person or by mail to the address: Moscow, Kalanchevskaya street, building 49.

If the decision on violation of traffic rules is canceled, you can also return the money for the already paid evacuation. You can read more about this in the Moscow Transport memo.

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Payment methods for parking

Most people have already become familiar with the convenience of paid parking, but not everyone is able to pay for it quickly and without extra costs.

We pay for parking

In 2015, paid parking lots began to open. This government decision was made to make it convenient for everyone - both drivers and pedestrians. It was necessary to reduce traffic jams and reduce the number of cars left in the middle of the streets. The improvements, as they say, are obvious.

Paid parking is an undoubted benefit for both the state and citizen motorists.

Parking fees are prescribed by law. You can, of course, try to find workarounds for this system, spending a lot of nerves, effort and time, so that you can then have fun looking for your car in impound lots.

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How to pay for parking using the Internet

  1. First of all, you need to open the corresponding web resource.
  2. Register by sending a message to 7757 with the text “PIN”.
  3. In a few minutes you will receive an SMS with a password. Your login will be the phone from which you sent the message.
  4. For those who for some reason do not want to register, you can access the resource through social networks: VK, FB or Twitter.
  5. Go to the parking bill payment section.
  6. Fill in the fields.
  7. Click Park. That's all.

On this resource you can extend your parking time, as well as refuse services.

How to pay using SMS

You will need to make a request.

  1. 7757 – remains the same.
  2. The message format is: 8888*A444AA444*5.
  3. 8888 is your parking number.
  4. A444AA444 is the car number.
  5. 5 – the time you will pay.

To renew, send "X2".

If you pick up the car ahead of schedule, send “C” or “S”. The balance will be returned to your account.

Of course, operator errors and system failures cannot be ruled out. Always wait for a notification that the payment has been completed. If you suddenly received a fine by mistake, contact the office of the State Public Institution "AMPP". It will take no more than nine days to challenge the fine.

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We pay through the mobile application:

You won’t see much of a difference when paying this way.

You need Internet access. Download the application for Android, iOS or Windows Phone. This can be done in the Apple Store, Play Market and the Store.

Open the application store, enter “Moscow Parking” in the search bar, install the application on your device. Mark your location using the GPS navigator. This will help you find parking lots that are closest to you.

  • We are opening the “Moscow Parking” service
  • Find and click on the button in the upper left corner. This is the menu.
  • We see “Payment for parking”. This is what you need to choose.
  • Log in to the system.
  • Next, click “Top up”.
  • We choose a convenient replenishment method for you.
  • All. The countdown will now begin, which can be stopped by clicking on the red square.

Auto payment

This service has been in effect since last summer. To pay for parking, you need to log into the Moscow Parking application, enter the car number and time. The money will be debited from the card linked to the application. There is no need to worry about the fact that you did not have time to replenish your account. With this service, you can immediately pay for up to 4 parking spaces.

Pay using a parking meter

A parking meter is something like a terminal, but simpler.

You must simply select the “Payment for parking” item on the screen, indicate the parking zone number and complete the action by pressing the desired button.

The parking fee will be debited from the card you provide.

Pay with a bank card

This can be done using the official Moscow parking website - through a parking meter or a smartphone application.

If you choose to pay by card, please note that you should receive an accompanying code. Sometimes it happens that it does not arrive, and in this case, use another payment method.

Can I pay later?

Unfortunately this is not possible. You should first pay for future parking, and then park your car. No other way. If you try to do this, your car will be sent to the impound lot.

You can always extend the service if you do not have time to pick up the car. Just send an SMS with the text “X2” to number 7757. Number 2 is the required extension hours. Or use the application.


If it’s easier for you to pay in cash at the terminal the old fashioned way, you have this option.

To pay for parking at the Qiwi terminal, you need to:

  • Select “Payment for Moscow parking services” on the screen.
  • Enter data.
  • Insert bills.
  • Wait for notification of enrollment.

Eleksnet terminals also have such a service. However, the disadvantage of this payment method is the rather large commission.

Online payment

You can pay for parking online using the official Moscow Parking page or through the mobile application. For this:

How to avoid paying commission?

The law states that any company is required to provide at least one payment option without commission fees. The car owner can purchase a parking card, the validity of which depends on the tariff. True, this is not always available, because not everyone has enough cards.

What are scratch cards?

Quite a convenient way to pay for parking using such cards. You can buy a scratch card for 300, 500, 1000 or 5000 rubles. They have a special code. You send it to the same number 7757 via SMS. Everything happens very quickly. You can purchase such a card at the post office, at Rospechat kiosks or at Svyaznoy.

For beneficiaries:

One last important point worth mentioning.

Drivers with disabilities can take advantage of free parking. There are special spaces designated for them in parking lots that ordinary drivers are not allowed to occupy. Motorcycle owners, veterans, car owners with large families and owners of electric cars may also not pay.

If you forgot to pay for parking, what should you do?

paid for parking AFTER parking, received a fine, wrote a complaint, received a decision on the complaint against the resolution with a decision to leave the resolution unchanged, and the complaint was not satisfied, because for the specified period of time there is no payment for parking in the system. Is it possible to refer to any legal norms when appealing the decision in court, since in fact the parking was paid, albeit not on time, but there was no damage to the budget.

Lawyers' answers (2)

Payment is made in advance. A person placing a vehicle in a parking space of a paid city parking lot is obliged to pay for the fee within fifteen minutes from the moment of entering the parking space.

placing the vehicle in a paid city parking lot. Failure to comply with this requirement is considered a failure to pay for placing a vehicle in a paid city parking lot and entails administrative liability.

Client clarification

Thank you very much, I am aware of this resolution, that’s why I asked if there is an opposite practice, and if so, what is it based on.

There is no other practice yet.

The only possible option is very complicated, and even the Duma deputies cannot move it yet.

So Lysakov says that he has the conclusions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Institute of State and Law, according to which the state government institution “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” (GKU AMPP) does not have the right to issue decisions on the commission of administrative offenses (in terms of parking and stopping vehicles), and also have access to data on car owners, since AMPP employees are not employees of government agencies.

But if we speak according to the Law, Lysakov is more likely to be right than AMPP.

Client clarification

thank you for your opinion.

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What can happen for failure to pay a parking fine?

Many motorists, receiving a fine for illegal parking, are in no hurry to pay their debt to the state. However, not everything is so simple: a car owner who has not paid the debt may face more serious problems. Relatively recently, significant adjustments were made to parking rules, which, as always, were not aimed at drivers. For example, if previously a car owner had every right to leave his vehicle near the sidewalk, now he cannot do this, since prohibition signs are installed almost everywhere. In addition, free parking lots are simply riddled with notices that you will have to pay for a separate space. In view of this, car owners who do not even suspect that there is a paid parking lot in a particular place simply “get” among the fines.

In the article we will consider the requirements of the law regulating parking rules, the amount of the fine, as well as the penalties that defaulters are subject to.

What does the law say?

If you carefully read the law regulating traffic rules in Russia in 2017, you can find out about the amount of any existing penalties. A fine will be imposed on every motorist who parks the car differently from the sign or road markings. For example, if the parking lot is paid, there should be an informational sign “P” on it, in addition, there should be a sign with coins nearby. Only after the car has passed the crossed out “P” sign will the paid parking area be considered completed. Therefore, all motorists who disregard the rules will receive an administrative fine. In more or less densely populated cities, paid parking was introduced in order to:

  • deal with numerous accumulations of spontaneously abandoned vehicles, which ultimately impede the movement of other vehicles;
  • reduce the number of cars parked closer to the central part of the city, thereby trying to popularize public transport;
  • minimize movement along the main highways of the city;
  • make it easier for motorists to find parking.

Traffic police officers do not always have time to monitor the situation in the city and “reward” the violator with a fine for incorrect parking, so a specialized mobile complex capable of remotely recording violations can cope with this task. Often it is such a unit that assigns a fine to all offenders for illegal parking. The fact is that this optimized device is designed to regularly track the payment for the use of each parking space. Therefore, when a place is occupied, but payment for its use is not made, within a few minutes a report is generated indicating that an administrative violation has occurred. Such actions by the violator will result in a fine being issued and the violator receiving a postal notice. The device moves along a given parking trajectory every 15 minutes, so the car owner will receive a fine as soon as the specified time has expired.

However, it should be remembered that you can receive a monetary penalty even without photographic recording. If you carefully study the traffic rules, it will become clear that there are no clear requirements to attach photo or video evidence. The violator can be “rewarded” with a fine according only to the report of the traffic police inspector, as well as the protocol on the APN.

Quite recently, changes have been made, according to which the inspector is considered a separate independent unit that is responsible for order on the road, and the main duty of such a person is to identify and immediately record various types of violations.

Of course, it is much more prudent to pay the parking fine in a timely manner, so as not to have to think about what kind of penalties the defaulters will receive. To pay for such violations, it is possible to deposit funds by sending SMS to number 7757. You can also get rid of the fine using a parking meter - a specialized terminal that accepts bank cards. If you choose the first method, you will receive a response message, and the second - you will receive a check.

Do all parking violators receive fines?

You can remain out of work only if the vehicle parking time does not exceed 15 minutes. More recently, only a nearby territorial traffic police department could respond to a motorist’s desire to find out information regarding the presence of any fines. However, due to the changes, you can check the parking fine through an Internet portal such as State Services. It will give an answer to a typical question and an intuitive application for mobile phones, for example, “Moscow Parking”. However, only residents of the capital can take advantage of such a program.

If a typical violation occurred outside of Moscow, the Yandex Parking program will help clarify the situation, allowing you not only to find out whether there is a debt, but also, if possible, to pay the debt using a bank card.

Amount of monetary penalty

Even though the fine for non-payment of parking is small, many violating car owners try to pay off the debt in a timely manner. For example, a motorist fails to pay for parking on time and after just three days he finds out the amount of the fine. Online penalty notices provide drivers with information much more quickly. Residents of the capital, as a rule, receive notifications from the Moscow Public Services Portal.

According to Art. 8.14, contained in the Code of Administrative Violations, for unpaid parking in 2017, a motorist will have to deposit about 2,500 rubles into the state account. Of course, towing a vehicle will cost much more, since the driver will be punished for 5,000 rubles. This turn of events is fraught with new penalties and huge sums, because starting from the next day, when the car was brought to the impound lot, the maintenance of the car will add 1000 rubles every day. If you combine all this, it will be possible to calculate the amount that awaits a motorist who pays a parking fine late. In order not to encounter a similar situation, the car owner must pay off the debt no later than 2 months.

Deadlines regulating the arrival of a fine

In order to respond to a parking fine in a timely manner, you should carefully monitor its receipt. As practice shows, within three days the offender receives a letter with a fine and a photograph of his car. Most often, such decisions are sent by mail, in particular by registered mail, requiring notification of receipt. The earliest possible time for a motorist to become aware of the fine imposed is 7 days. However, the post office does not always cope with the mass of accumulated work, so such a “chain letter” may arrive to the owner after 3 weeks.

The most important thing that a car owner who has received a notice should know is that he has only 10 days to appeal. In such a situation, you should not carelessly throw away the envelope with the receipt, since it is on it that the date of receipt of the registered letter is indicated. Thanks to modern technologies, a resident of a metropolis does not have to wait weeks for notification; it is possible, through special programs and Internet resources, to always be aware of events.

What to do after receiving a fine notice?

As a rule, in 2017 the fine for parking is 2,500 rubles. Therefore, having received such a notification about the presence of a debt, you should remember the specified day in order to restore the route of movement and parking places in your memory. The fact is that a fine cannot be imposed on a car owner who stops his vehicle in a place where there is no combination of signs such as “Parking” and “Paid services”. In view of this circumstance, if only one of these signs is present or both are absent, it is impossible to legally fine the driver; stopping at such a place should be free and legal.

Sign "End of regulated parking zone"

For example, if the entrance to a parking lot is marked with a sign such as 5.29, the car owner must know that from that moment his car has entered a parking zone regulated by signs and markings. This should be understood to mean that only appropriate signs and markings can determine the presence of paid parking. Therefore, if there are no markings or there is only one sign, parking cannot be considered paid. According to the DD rules, only those drivers who park their vehicles in violation of the boundaries of the designated parking spaces receive a fine.

However, it should be understood that a legally received fine for unpaid parking requires immediate repayment.

Wrongly receiving a fine

Whatever one may say, even years-tested applications and programs give serious failures. It happens when an innocent motorist receives a fine for unpaid parking. In such a situation, many people think that they can simply not think about the notification received, but in fact, if you do not pay a parking fine and do not understand the legality of its registration, you can get into much bigger problems.

The received fine for unpaid parking can be pre-checked using such a convenient application as “Autocode”. As a rule, it is this resource that contains detailed information and various details of the fine.

When a car owner is confident that he is right and that a fine has been wrongfully imposed, he should not sit idly by; it is important to appeal the decision as quickly as possible. However, only the person who has proof of his innocence can do this.

To restore justice, the applicant must, no later than 10 days after the decision was received, submit to the traffic police a list of necessary documents. Mandatory information and certificates must include:

  • a statement according to which the complaint was considered;
  • photo or video taken directly in the parking lot (it is very important that the photo clearly reflects road signs located nearby);
  • any evidence that can confirm the applicant's innocence.

If a notice of unpaid parking by a motorist was received on the weekend, when the offender was absent from his place of registration, vacationing outside the city, for example, in a hotel, an invoice for payment for the services of the hotel complex can be attached to the complaint. It is important that in just 3 days such an application will be considered and the driver who applied will be notified of the decision. During this time, you can provide new information and evidence of innocence, and challenge an unlawfully issued fine. But in case of refusal to “mow down” the fine, you should immediately pay the debt, especially since when depositing funds in the first 20 days, a state discount of 50% is provided.

Can a disabled person receive a fine for unpaid parking?

Sometimes drivers with limited capabilities, as well as relatives who help transport disabled people, cannot understand the legality of imposing penalties on them. The fact is that, according to current legislation, the “Parking” badge and the corresponding markings apply exclusively to motorized wheelchairs and cars that have the “Disabled” designation.

The law opposes the ability to fine people with disabilities in paid parking only in the area specifically designated for them. Therefore, a person who travels by means of a personal vehicle and has a disabled person’s certificate must at any time, at the request of traffic police officers, provide this document for verification. A disabled person who has received a parking fine must appeal the decision. Such cases are a simple mistake or a simple lack of signs on the car of a person with disabilities.

Parking available for disabled people

As a rule, many paid parking lots are serviced by parking signs - devices that remotely record violations. As soon as the parking lot notices a car in a paid parking lot, the owner of which has not paid for the space, the GPS immediately activates the lock. One camera captures the general plan, and the second one captures the license plate number of the vehicle. If the parking lot has photographed a car, it will be placed in the database without fail. Then, using a software application, drivers who pay for a parking space and those who are considered beneficiaries (vehicles of disabled people and emergency services) are removed from the list. In view of this circumstance, having equipped the car with the necessary symbols, the disabled person will not be fined.

During the day, parkers travel around vast territories, transmitting the accumulated information to the server of the center of the traffic control organization in the evening. The same material is sent to the traffic police, after which operators process the received data. Only after this the violator will receive a notification. It is worth noting that numerous parking inspectors help optimize the operation of parking lots. Their work includes not only cleaning license plates for subsequent photography, but also stationary monitoring of illegally parked cars.

What are the consequences of an unpaid parking fine?

Of course, it is much more prudent to pay everything on time and simply not accumulate debts, which in any case will have to be reimbursed by the state. According to the law, payment of a parking fine must be made within 60 days. As soon as this period ends and payment is not received, the decision will be transferred to the Bailiff Service. This development of events threatens to initiate enforcement proceedings.

To ensure that the amount of the fine is not increased, the violator must, within just 5 days, independently repay the debt that arose for late non-payment of a parking space.

In the future, if payment is still not made, the bailiff will apply various measures against the offender that will help collect the debt. For example, in such a situation, finances that are stored in the account of the debtor motorist or property belonging to him may be seized. In addition, even travel abroad may be limited. True, the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation restricted to travel abroad can only be obtained if the fines exceed the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

As practice shows, even such a simple and seemingly harmless violation as failure to pay a fine for a parking space can turn into quite serious troubles. In addition, a car owner who lives in close proximity to a paid parking lot, without paying for a parking space more than 3 times, is deprived of a resident permit.

The defaulting motorist will be summoned to court, as administrative proceedings may be developed against him, which will require compensation of a fine of double the amount. For example, if a recovery of 3 thousand rubles is made after a trial, the debtor will reimburse, in addition to this amount, an additional 6 thousand rubles. Such a banal violation can result in a fine of almost 9 thousand. It is unwise to let debts slide and thereby increase the amount of collections.


Any motorist should be clearly aware of the rules for paying for parking and the fines that may follow for violations. It is much easier to pay the small cost of a parking space on time than to then be a debtor for months, from whom the state expects a large monetary “reward” for his misdeeds.

Again, the “scarecrow” is custom-made. If you are not caught within 60 days, then there is no question of doubling the fine. You have a year and 10 days and that’s it, and only a bailiff can collect them by coming to your home or during a raid at traffic police posts . I sued these parking attendants and the court upheld everything, although the sign was not visible. What should I pay for? So if you think you are right, do not communicate with strangers on the phone and do not open doors to strangers for 60 days. It is possible to get into a raid by bailiffs, but it is unlikely. Take 2500 with you to the extreme. Good luck on the roads.

I always pay for parking, but recently I received a fine of 2500 RUR. It turned out that he entered the car number incorrectly in the mobile application: he made a mistake in one digit. The payment went through. It turns out that I paid for parking, and now I also have to pay a fine. How to restore justice?

Nikita, Moscow

Nikita, in short: correctly indicating the car number and other data is the responsibility of the payer. By submitting payment in the application, you confirm that everything has been entered correctly. You can try to get this money back, but it won't be easy. Now I’ll tell you what needs to be done.

Sergey Boldin

How to cancel a fine

To cancel the fine, you need to file a complaint against the decision on an administrative violation - in your case, unpaid parking. You have 10 days to appeal from the moment you received the fine.

A complaint can be submitted online on the Autocode website or on the Unified Transport Portal in the “Submit a Appeal” section. You need to write to the same department that issued you a fine, in Moscow this is the State Government Institution of the City of Moscow “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space”.

Is such a fine legal? I paid for everything

From the point of view of the law, if you sent a payment for parking, but made a mistake in the car number, then you did not pay for parking for your car. Despite the fact that the operator of paid parking received money from you, the operator himself and higher authorities believe that you made the payment for another vehicle, and you yourself used the parking without paying.

What if you sue?

Some motorists consider this approach unfair and are trying to appeal the fines in court. But the courts in this situation very rarely side with drivers.

So what should we do then?

Carefully check your car number when paying for parking. Read it three times. Paying for parking is the responsibility of the car owner. He is also responsible for correctly indicating the license plate number of the car and the parking lot where he stopped.

If you are unable to pay for parking using one method, use another. If the other one doesn't work either, I advise you to look for another parking place.

If you have a question about personal finance, luxury purchases or family budgeting, write to: [email protected]. We will answer the most interesting questions in the magazine.

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