Home Undercarriage Maintenance Kia Rio. Description and price. Maintenance Kia Rio (Kia Rio) Third to Kia Rio

Maintenance Kia Rio. Description and price. Maintenance Kia Rio (Kia Rio) Third to Kia Rio


The following types of work are carried out, which are included in the maintenance of the Kia Rio:

TO 0 is a zero cycle, it is considered preventive and many drivers mistakenly consider it optional. However, Korean manufacturers give a Kia Rio guarantee for a period of 5 years, provided that all the rules for operating the vehicle are strictly followed. During the zero inspection, the oil is changed after 1500 - 2000 km. It is believed that this is money wasted. What can happen to a new car after such a short mileage? But in reality, during the grinding in of parts, the oil should be changed, which will significantly extend their life in the future.

TO 1 is an oil change and a gasket under the drain plug at the crankcase, oil and air filters. These works must be performed according to the regulations for the Kia Rio after 15,000 km or one year after the purchase of the car. These indicators may not coincide a little, but so that the guarantee does not fly off, it is necessary to complete this stage.

TO 2 is a more serious inspection. It includes a full check of the battery, side lights, rear and headlights, diagnostics of the on-board computer, checking the clutch pedals, brake pads and discs, the condition of tires and air conditioning, drive shafts and many other work related to the safety of the vehicle. Also, during the check, hoses in all systems are examined. And also oils and filters are changed. All this is done 2 years after buying a car or running 30,000 km.

Attention! It is important not to save money on a preventive examination, since a breakdown due to oversight or the fault of the vehicle owner leads to repairs at his expense. This can already cost a lot more than any maintenance.

TO 3 - the list of works for cars includes checking the condition of tires, electronic systems, outdoor lighting devices, air conditioning, anthers, drive shafts, brake pads and discs, fastening all components, cooling radiators, steering wheel, hoses and tubes in the brake system, replacement is in progress oil, oil and air filters. And this is not even the whole list of works, since there is still a passing inspection and additional examinations if necessary. TO 3 is carried out after 3 years or 45,000 km of run.

TO 4 is a complete inspection of the vehicle and all its systems. In fact, it is easier to say what is not included in the list of works is checking the clearances in the valve mechanism. All other components, assemblies, filters, pipes, hoses, tires, everything is carefully checked.

TO 5 is the last vehicle warranty service. The vehicle was purchased 5 years ago or covered 75,000 km. This TO includes full diagnostics of electronics, air conditioning, compressor, wear level of tires, brake discs, pads, vacuum tubes and hoses, fasteners of assemblies, outer coating and inner upholstery, drive belts, steering wheel, steering gear, valve clearances, oil change, oil and air filters. All this is carried out to check the condition of the Kia Rio after 5 years of operation.

TO 6 - a comprehensive check of the entire car, which does not include replacing the fuel filter. A significant mileage of 90,000 km or 6 years of vehicle operation oblige us to carefully diagnose and inspect the car.

Table grid TO

The cost of maintenance includes work and spare parts

The list of works on the maintenance of cars Kia Rio.
KIA RIO 2012-2017 (QB) TO 1 TO 2 TO 3 TO 4 TO 5 TO 6 TO 7 TO 8 TO 9 TO 10
Frequency / Work performed Km 1x1000 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150
Months 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
Cost of work, rub. 3400 3400 3600 7800 3400 3600 3400 9500 3600 5200
Accumulator battery Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Automatic transmission fluid (automatic transmission only) Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Valve clearances Examination
Computer diagnostics of electronic systems Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Outdoor lights and indicators Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Brake pedal Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Clutch pedal (only for manual transmission) Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Air conditioning system, compressor (if equipped) Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Parking brake Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Tires (pressure and wear) not including spare wheel Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Vacuum tubes and hoses Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Wheel drive shafts, CV joints Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Tightness of the exhaust system Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Disc brakes, discs and pads Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Manual transmission fluid (manual transmission only) Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Power steering fluid and flexible hoses Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Fastening of components and assemblies, body and suspension Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Body paint and decorative elements Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Drive belts Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Radiators for cooling the engine, air conditioner Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Steering gear Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Fuel tank ventilation system and filler cap Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Fuel lines, hoses and connections Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Brake fluid, clutch fluid Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Brake pipes, hoses and connections Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Cabin ventilation filter Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Front suspension ball joints Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Crankcase ventilation hoses Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination Examination
Engine cooling fluid Examination Examination Examination Replacement Examination
Engine oil and oil filter Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement Replacement
Spark plug Replacement Replacement Replacement
Fuel filter Examination Replacement Examination Replacement Examination
Engine air filter Examination Examination Replacement Examination Examination Replacement Examination Examination Replacement Examination

Car maintenance is an integral part of its operation. Also, do not forget that THAT is the guarantee of your safety. During service, diagnostics and replacement of positions provided by the regulations from the manufacturer's plant takes place.
Having done maintenance at the RAV center in August - you will save a significant part of your budget!

servicing Kia and Hyundai

Why visit us:

Car service "Auto-Mig".

We carry out absolutely everything in terms of repairing Kia and Hyundai cars. Our employees have vast experience and a large number of satisfied customers, all work is in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. In view of this, trusting us, you seem to be giving the repair to the manufacturer.

Our service provides high-quality repair services for your car, offering the most reasonable prices in terms of price / quality ratio, so those who contact Us never return with the problem they came with, choosing from now on "Auto-Mig" constantly. We strive to provide the best possible repair safety for whatever we do.

Serving with us, you already in advance give the technical transport to serve much longer without breakdowns.

"Auto-Mig" is a guarantee of reliability and stability of your car in any conditions.

It is worth noting that modern Korean cars are not old copies of the Japanese, these are first-class cars of various classes, and are repaired in a special way, they already have their own history and can be repaired with high quality using only professionally thought-out technologies.

Our auto technical center provides the following services:

  • full diagnostics of internal combustion engines, gearboxes and electronics;
  • diagnostics of individual nodes, directions;
  • repair of any complexity;
  • air conditioner maintenance (troubleshooting, refueling);
  • identification of incomprehensible breakdowns due to which other service stations refuse and subsequent elimination.

We have the most advanced equipment that helps to repair your vehicle the best, increasing the level of work done to the maximum.

We work on all Kia and Hyundai models, check the details by contacting any of our technical centers.

Repair of Kia in the AutoMig Car Service

(examples of work performed):

Repair Hyundai in the Auto-Mig Car Service

(examples of work performed):

Repair of commercial vehicles in our technical center:

Many Korean cars are used by firms - these are small Porter and Bongo trucks. And for passenger transportation, usually Stareks H-1 and Carnival. For these fleets, we also offer our cordial approach and maximum attention.

  • We work by bank transfer
  • We conclude contracts
  • We provide all the necessary documents for accounting

Service of commercial vehicles

(examples of work performed):

Checking the car before buying

  • We will help you to buy a car without "pitfalls". Checking the machine before buying will make sure it is in accordance with the technical condition declared by the seller.

And just a little more about our technical center:

Our specialists will repair the engine and suspension of almost any degree of complexity. We use official electronic catalogs and follow the repair technology exactly. When carrying out repair work, we use spare parts only from well-known manufacturers, which we purchase directly from importers, which ensures their low cost.

In the ‘AutoMig’ car service you can repair the brake system of your Kia or Hyundai using quality materials and according to the manufacturer's technology.

Come, we will be happy to help you!

Kia Rio of the third generation began to be sold in Russia on October 1, 2011, in the sedan body. The car is equipped with 1.4 or 1.6 liter gasoline engines, which are equipped with both a manual transmission and an automatic. The manual transmission has 5 steps, and the automatic transmission has four.

The standard frequency of replacement of consumables is 15,000 km of run or 12 months. In severe operating conditions, such as driving in dusty areas, frequent short journeys, driving with a trailer - it is recommended to reduce the interval to 10,000 or 7,500 km. This applies primarily to changing the oil and oil filter, as well as the air and cabin filters.

This article is intended to provide guidance on how the routine maintenance of the Kia Rio 3 goes. Next, consumables and their prices will be described with the catalog numbers that will be required for passage, as well as a list of works.

Only average prices (current at the time of writing) for consumables are indicated. If you carry out maintenance at a service, you need to add the price for the work of the master to the cost. Roughly speaking, this is the multiplication of the price of a consumable by 2.

The TO Kia Rio 3 table is as follows:

List of works during maintenance 1 (mileage 15,000 km.)

  1. ... The volume of the lubrication system including the oil filter is 3.3 liters. The manufacturer recommends using Shell Helix Plus 5W30 / 5W40 or Shell Helix Ultra 0W40 / 5W30 / 5W40 engine oil. Part number of Shell Helix Ultra 5W40 engine oil for 4 liters - 550021556 (average price 2300 rubles). When replacing, you will need an O-ring - 2151323001 (average price 25 rubles).
  2. Replacing the oil filter. Part number - 2630035503 (average price 270 rubles).
  3. ... Part number - 971334L000 (average price 330 rubles).

Checks during maintenance 1 and all subsequent:

  • checking the condition of the drive belt;
  • checking hoses and connections of the cooling system, as well as the level of the coolant (coolant);
  • checking the oil level in the gearbox;
  • checking the condition of the suspension;
  • checking the state of the steering;
  • toe-out camber check;
  • checking tire pressure;
  • checking the condition of the SHRUS covers;
  • checking the condition of the brake mechanisms, the level of the brake fluid (TZ);
  • checking the condition of the battery;
  • lubrication of locks, hinges, hood latch.

List of works during maintenance 2 (mileage 30,000 km.)

  1. Repetition of the operation of TO 1, where they change: engine oil, oil filter and cabin filter.
  2. Replacing the brake fluid. The volume of the brake system is 0.7-0.8 liters. It is recommended to use TJ type DOT4. Catalog number 0.5 liters - 0110000110 (average price 1450 rubles).

List of works during TO 3 (mileage 45,000 km.)

  1. Repeat maintenance procedures 1 - change oil, oil filter and cabin filters.
  2. ... Article - 281131R100 (average cost 480 rubles).
  3. Replacing the coolant. For replacement, you need 5.3 liters of antifreeze for aluminum radiators. Article 1 liter of LiquiMoly KFS 2001 Plus G12 concentrate - 8840 (average cost - 550 rubles). The concentrate must be diluted with distilled water in a 1: 1 ratio.

List of works during maintenance 4 (mileage 60,000 km.)

  1. Repeat all points of TO 1 and TO 2 - change the oil, oil and cabin filter, as well as brake fluid.
  2. ... You will need 4 pieces, catalog number - 1882911050 (average price per piece 170 rubles).
  3. Replacing the fuel filter. Catalog number - 311121R000 (average price 1100 rubles).

List of works during maintenance 5 (mileage 75,000 km.)

Carry out TO 1 - change oil, oil and cabin filters.

List of works during maintenance 6 (mileage 90,000 km.)

  1. Perform all the procedures described in TO 1, TO 2 and TO 3: change the oil, oil and cabin filters, and also change the brake fluid, engine air filter and coolant.
  2. Automatic transmission oil change. The automatic transmission must be filled with ATF SP-III. Article 1 liter of original oil packaging - 450000110 (average price 815 rubles). The total volume of the system contains 6.8 liters.

Lifetime replacements

Kia Rio III, regulation is not provided. It is believed that the oil is filled for the entire service life of the car and changes only if the gearbox is repaired. However, it is envisaged to check the oil level every 15 thousand km, and if necessary, it is topped up.

Oil filling volume in manual transmission is 1.9 liters. The manufacturer recommends using gear oil of at least API GL-4, viscosity 75W85. The article number of a 1-liter canister of the original liquid is 430000110 (average cost 430 rubles).

Replacing the drive belt attachments are not clearly regulated. Its condition is checked at each MOT (that is, with an interval of 15 thousand km.). If there are signs of wear, change it. Belt catalog number - 6PK2137 (average price 1400 rubles), the automatic roller tensioner has an article number - 252812B010 and an average cost of 3600 rubles.

Replacing the timing chain, according to the Kia Rio 3 service book, is not carried out. The chain resource is designed for the entire service life, but experienced minders agree that in the region of 200-250 thousand km. mileage, you should think about replacing it.

Kia Rio Timing Chain Replacement Kit includes:

  • timing chain, article - 243212B000 (price about 3200 rubles);
  • tensioner, article - 2441025001 (price about 2800 rubles);
  • chain shoe, article - 244202B000 (price about 1320 rubles).

The cost of TO Kia Rio 3 2017

Having carefully looked at the list of works for each maintenance, it becomes clear that the full maintenance cycle ends at the sixth iteration, after which it starts from the first maintenance first.

TO 1 is the main one, since its procedures are performed at each service - this is the change of oil, oil and cabin filters. With the second TO, the replacement of the brake fluid is added, and with the third, the replacement of the coolant and air filter. For TO 4, you will need consumables from the first two maintenance services, as well as candles and a fuel filter.

This is followed by a repetition of the first TO, as a respite before the most expensive TO 6, which includes consumables from TO 1, 2 and 3, plus an oil change in the automatic transmission. In sum, the costs for each maintenance look like this:

The cost of maintenance Kia Rio 3
TO number Catalog number *Price, rub.)
TO 1 engine oil - 550021556
oil filter - 2630035503

TO 2
brake fluid - 0110000110
TO 3 All consumables for the first MOT, as well as:
air filter - 281131R100
coolant - 8840
TO 4 All consumables for the first and second maintenance, as well as:
spark plugs (4 pcs.) - 1882911050
fuel filter - 311121R000
TO 5 Repetition of TO 1:
engine oil - 550021556
oil filter - 2630035503
o-ring - 2151323001
cabin filter - 971334L000
TO 6 All consumables TO 1-3, as well as:
automatic transmission oil - 450000110
Consumables that change without reference to mileage
Name Catalog number Price
Manual transmission oil 430000110 860
Drive belt belt - 6Q0260849E
tensioner - 252812B010
Timing kit timing chain - 243212B000
chain tensioner - 2441025001
shoe - 244202B000

* The average cost is indicated as of the prices for the fall of 2017 for Moscow and the region.

The figures from the table allow you to estimate how much maintenance will cost on the Kia Rio 3. Prices are approximate, since the use of analogs of consumables will reduce the cost, and additional work (replacements without exact frequency) will increase it.

I will tell you how to save on maintenance of the Kia Rio using the example of TO # 4. Regulatory maintenance # 4 on Kia Rio traversed when reaching 60,000 km or 48 months of operation (whichever comes first). This MOT is the most expensive of all, since most of the consumables are replaced. The cost of maintenance from an authorized dealer consists of two parts:

- the cost of work, it should not be particularly affected (unless you find a dealer with discounts or other bonuses);

- the cost of spare parts and consumables (fluids, filters). But their cost can be greatly influenced, thereby reducing Kia Rio maintenance cost.

For clarity, let's see the declared price of routine maintenance on the official dealer's website:

It is indicated here that the total cost of routine maintenance No. 4 is 10,198 rubles, although after calling about three ODs, the cost was announced everywhere about 12,500 rubles. Oh yes, I forgot to indicate, at the bottom of the price list there are several notes about the cost of spare parts, consumables and fluids. I quote:

» * The indicated cost is the maximum cost of mandatory regular maintenance work on KIA vehicles from authorized KIA dealers during the warranty period. Dealers have the right to independently set the cost of maintenance within the maximum price indicated on the website.
** Prices shown are based on the maximum resale price of KIA Genuine Parts. When using other spare parts approved by the manufacturer and / or Kia Motors RUS LLC for use, the maximum cost of spare parts stated on the website and, as a result, the maximum total cost may differ.

*** The cost of fuels and lubricants is calculated based on the maximum resale price of original technical fluids and the maximum resale price for its products established by TOTAL VOSTOK LLC. When using other acceptable materials from different manufacturers, the maximum cost of fuel and lubricants declared on the website and, as a result, the maximum total cost may differ. For information on materials approved for use, refer to the Vehicle Operator's Manual. "

From this it turns out that the indicated cost is maximum and all official dealers can make it only less, but when calling (February 2015) the cost is 20-25% higher. At the official dealer, this is explained by the fact that they did not have time to change the site, but the consumables due to the ruble exchange rate have risen in price by 1.5-2 times. Okay, let's leave it to their conscience and try to save some money.

The easiest way is to buy all the consumables for maintenance on your own, since the legislation allows us to do this. For some, money launderers may be intimidated by withdrawal from the guarantee, but this is all a bluff. The only difference is that the warranty for consumables is not OD, but in the store where you bought them. Of course, it is better to buy original spare parts, although you can take analogues at your own peril and risk. When I went through MOT on my Kia Rio, I bought everything only originals.

Now a little about money.

We need to change to TO # 4:

Oil filter - 26300-35503

Fuel filter - 31112-1G200

Engine oil pan drain plug gasket - 21513-23001

Spark plug - 18854-10080

Total cost - 1930 rubles(I bought it for 500 rubles of my own free will, I don’t need to change it in TO # 4).

Well, and accordingly, only engine oil is from liquids. Everything is quite simple here, you can see what OD was filled in at the last MOT or see what KIA recommends, you can see all this in the service book, the filling volume is only 3.5 liters. For my car I bought SHELL HELIX ULTRA 5w-30 4 liters. I bought it in Yulmart, it turned out to be cheaper there, only 1690 rubles.

According to drivers, the Kia Rio is a reliable car. Although it also has its drawbacks (which the nearest MOT on the Kia Rio will find): oil sensitivity, harsh suspension, thin body metal. But these vulnerabilities can be kept under control. Why MOT on Kia Rio Moscow proposes to be carried out in compliance with the strictest schedules. Every 15 thousand km - inspection of the car at the service station. This proposal (timely maintenance of Kia Rio in order to prevent its most frequent "diseases") is fully supported by the "Autopilot" company. This Kia service center with a team of certified specialists knows exactly where to carry out the Kia Rio MOT Moscow is always open and loyal in terms of prices. In the service, you can inspect the model at any stage (15-30-45 thousand km and further) in a short time and at minimal cost.

Rio Maintenance Regulations

In order to avoid the loss of the warranty, maintenance of the Kia Rio is recommended to be carried out by the officials every 15 thousand km (or annually), which can cost a lot of money. But in fact, many drivers already with TO 2 Kia Rio in Moscow prefer to save money by refusing the inflated prices of some workshops. According to the regulations of the car manufacturer, the main work with the car begins no earlier than 3-4 inspections. After running the first 15 thousand km during the Kia Rio maintenance in Moscow, mainly preventive maintenance is carried out - checking the main components. Only oil changes without fail. As TO 2 approaches, the Kia Rio Moscow manages to wear out the filter system of the car somewhat. Therefore, after 30 thousand kilometers, along with diagnostics of units, oils, consumables and filters are replaced. Everything is checked during TO 2 Kia Rio, except for candles (they change more often than inspections are required) and valve clearances. The latter should not create problems up to 90 thousand km of run. When the deadline comes, then 3 kia rio moscow can already radically change the cost of procedures, therefore, you should only apply for it to that performer who has already proven himself to be the best in terms of price appetites. In the center "Autopilot", the customer of maintenance on Kia Rio is not offered imaginary promotions, discounts or sales. It is simply that the lowest prices always apply here. Maintenance cost The maintenance cost of the Kia Rio itself is a dependent value. It is determined by the set of work to be done and the cost of parts that need to be repaired or restored following the results of TO 3 Kia Rio or the second inspection. The "Autopilot" car service has its own spare parts warehouse, here, based on the results of diagnostics during the maintenance of the Kia Rio, you can pick up both an original replacement part and a non-original one.

The quality of the vehicle inspection

The center carries out maintenance for Kia Rio at any stage (every 15 thousand km). Here the driver is invited to attend the site during the inspection. They can repair a worn out part in order to reduce customer costs for its replacement before carrying out a full-fledged TO 3 Kia Rio in Moscow. With these specialists, already with TO 2 Kia Rio, you can reduce the regular (annual) costs of car maintenance by 2-3 times. And as part of the first inspection - to increase the guarantees that the diagnostics will be performed honestly (without imposed replacements that can "tolerate" at least until TO 3 Kia Rio). The "Autopilot" service has everything for the professional service of Kia Rio: special equipment for computer diagnostics, testers, test benches. With this performer, the maintenance report on the Kia Rio in Moscow will not be affordable in the capital. Plus, the longest guarantees for new parts are issued here.

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