Home Engine Seventh lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the day of Careful Handling of the Word. Seventh lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the day of Careful Handling of the Word 7th lunar day

Seventh lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the day of Careful Handling of the Word. Seventh lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the day of Careful Handling of the Word 7th lunar day

Name - “Wind Rose”, “Wand”, “Keys”, “Rooster” (the fighting rooster Sraoshi is an Avestan deity, his image in Christianity is recreated by Michael the Archangel). The day is associated with Mercury. First quarter.

Partly a difficult day, since unresolved issues in relationships and old intentions will require more time than we would like. You can't burden yourself with unnecessary worries. Therefore, for successful actions you need to give up personal claims and try to attract friends and employees to your business. On the seventh day of the moon you cannot lie, any deception will quickly be revealed. If you don’t know how to use words correctly, it’s better to remain silent, otherwise your lungs may get sick. Avoid empty talk and bad words. In the worst case, this is a day of serious deception, provocations, leading to crimes. On this day you cannot break dishes, tear paper, letters, books.

Health- you need to pay attention to your lungs, as you can catch a cold on this day. The day is least favorable for tooth extraction. But the diseases of this day are quite easily curable. Stuttering can be treated. The Vishuddha chakra (throat center) is associated with this day. If you use the energy of this day incorrectly, throat diseases and pneumonia (pneumonia) may appear.

Nutrition- you cannot (according to Avestan beliefs) eat chicken meat and eggs. Light plant foods are favorable.

Conception - on this day it is better if conception occurs in silence. Your child will be a champion of justice, an orator, a scientist, a doctor, an active and healthy person, if he does not lie. He will have travels and a colorful life, but there will be dangers along the way. The choice of life values ​​will determine which forces your child will become servants of - light or dark. The day is similar in its characteristics to the previous one, but tougher.

Birth - people born on this day of the Moon live a healthy, bright, but sometimes short life. Many of them are “weathervanes” who live on impressions. They “spin” without direction and are superficial people. At worst, they are irrepressible gossip collectors, frivolous and superficial creatures. But those of them who have found their direction in life and taken the path of light become evangelists. People of the 7th ld. easily communicate with the elements and spirits of Nature. Parents of such children should not only teach them this communication, but also listen to their stories and opinions about natural phenomena.

Dreams- come true quite quickly. The day of prophetic, prophetic dreams sent from above. You need to be careful if you had a bad dream. It is bad to see a fighting rooster in a dream; it is a sign of imminent trouble for a person or his loved ones. Remember the Russian fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel as told by A. S. Pushkin.

Stones- sapphire (Sagittarius), heliotrope (Sagittarius, Virgo), coral (Pisces).

8th lunar day

Name - “Phoenix”, “Treasure Chest”, “Fire” (color - red-black, dying flame). “Peacock” (it is believed that this bright bird can bring misfortune). The planet of this day is Proserpine, it is associated with the constellation Gemini and the Moon.

Forgiveness day. Admit your mistakes, reflect on your life. Let everything unpleasant that happened in the past “burn in the flames of the fire” of this day. This is a day of biochemical transformations and alchemy. During these transformations, the subtlest energies are activated in the human body, and food is broken down in the stomach. It is good to carry out cleansing with “live” fire (the food for it should be wood or a rope made of natural material), for example, a fire or a candle. Spiritually developed people can untie old karmic knots on this day and resolve issues related to their destiny. Then they will begin a new period of life associated with spiritual and mental renewal. Forgive others - this contributes to your own purification and development. On this day it is good to travel and move.

The day of imbalance, as it is often associated with deceptions, misconceptions, various complications in relationships and health. A person may develop dissatisfaction with the environment, a desire to escape responsibility or accumulated questions into sensual self-indulgence. The day is dangerous because of quarrels with friends, relatives, and children.

Health- on this day you can cleanse the stomach and intestines. Attention should be paid to the peripheral nervous system. It is on this day that it is good to prepare medicinal mixtures, including particularly complex ones - which contain 72 or 108 components. You can start taking herbs that help cleanse the body. This lunar day is associated with the Manipura chakra. If you use the energy of this day incorrectly, you may experience stomach pain, internal tremors, and “burning ears.” Diseases of this day can be dangerous.

Nutrition- on this day it is favorable to eat only light food, cereals; Meat eaters are better off eating fish. You can starve, fast. The energy of pure food is converted into subtle energies, the vital force of a person, which will contribute to his health. Eating heavy food on this day can pollute yourself, make you heavier, and stop your development.

Conception - a child conceived on this day will live a bright but difficult life. He will have wanderings and returns to his homeland, he will be happy to the point of rapture and unhappy to the point of giving up on life. If he has fortitude, he will experience a Renaissance; if he is weak, he will blame others for his troubles.

Birth - Alchemists may be born on this day of the Moon. A child may not be beautiful, but he will attract attention with his intelligence, and if he is spiritually developed, with his conscience and justice. It is favorable for people of this day to use “dry hunger” to cleanse the body. They easily recover from stress and troubles. Parents should cultivate in such a child fortitude and conscientiousness, the ability to rely on one’s own strength.

Dreams- are fair; you can wait for execution. There are also prophetic dreams on this day that speak about the meaning of life. Stones - red granite, peridot (Pisces), morion(Note by Vedana: Attention! The morion stone is not suitable for any living person. Therefore, be careful with it, please. It was previously used by magicians to change the dimension of bodies - DEATH, leaving this plane of existence, reality).

9th lunar day

Name - “Bat”, “Bat”, “Milky Way”, “Mother’s Milk”. The first day after the square of the Moon and the Sun. The day of completion and verification of what has been done in the first circle, in the first days of this lunar month. Satan's day.

Happy and unhappy at the same time. On the ninth day of the Moon, a person must learn to understand and distinguish what seduction is. The day is favorable for material affairs and purchases, as well as for spiritual search and purification of consciousness, for turning to the origins and rituals of one’s family and people. On this day, one should remember the heritage of the maternal family: remember the life of the mother and her testaments, remember the maternal grandmother and great-grandmother, etc. It is favorable to clean your home and do household chores. You can engage in both your own and joint creativity; Professional success is possible in any type of skill. Since most people are ready to move towards something new on this day, you can discuss joint affairs with them. But you should only deal with those things that have already been started; it is better to postpone the start of new big things (as you can overestimate your capabilities). It is beneficial to do strength exercises and yoga asanas. The day is favorable for reconstruction and construction, fertilizing the soil and planting, for communication and resolving issues. On this day you should show hard work and prudence (be quiet and modest). You should engage in purification of thoughts, self-defense from darkness and bad thoughts. A person must be attentive to all signs of fate. If a cactus blooms on this day of the Moon, this is good. It is very useful to forgive in the 9th ld. the person who offended you. This day is not dangerous for a pure-hearted person - he has the opportunity to see: what he was mistaken about, what he was deceived about and how he was “buyed”, what he should think about. On the ninth day of the moon, damage can be removed.

The day is dangerous due to seductions, delusions, deceptions, poisonings, false fears and excessive anxiety, which is why it is called "Satanic day" . A weak person easily gives in to panic. Bad signs should be treated carefully, soberly considered and assessed. A very strong warning on this day is spilled milk (perhaps you are breaking the covenants that come down the maternal line). If a nursing mother in the 9th ld. milk disappears - this is a sign that her child is being karmically punished. Day of pride and conceit; there may be attempts to suppress a person by other people. You can't look in the mirror, it's bad to break it. If a person does not appreciate the information and signs that come to him on this day (especially from the maternal side), he will pay for it. Everyone should try to independently cope with the obsessions and trials of this day. Avoid disputes and showdowns.

Health- you should pay attention to the chest. For example, a pressing feeling in the chest is a sign that many unresolved issues have accumulated and a person needs to turn to spiritual food. On this day, you should pay attention to the prevention of intercostal neuralgia and angina. This lunar day is associated with the vitality of the heart center - Anahata. Violations in behavior and improper use of the energies of the day lead to disease of the chest bones, neuralgia and angina pectoris. Diseases of this day are very dangerous.

Nutrition- You cannot eat meat and mushrooms, as these products are difficult to digest. In addition, “killer” food causes excessive hostility in a person towards other beings and stops his spiritual development. On such difficult days, fasting is favorable.

Conception - the day is contraindicated for intimacy and conception (although it is favorable for mutual communication, fun and love). A child embodied on this day can be either a light (but his life will go through great trials) or a dangerous villain. This is also determined by the spiritual level of development of the parents. Do not take risks, as this day is considered witchcraft and treacherous. Think: will you be able to cope with the flow of forces of the 9th ld. and its negative effects on you and your unborn child.

Birth - people born on this day of the Moon need constant cleansing - both physical and spiritual. If they are weak and poorly brought up, they will feel unhappy all their lives. If you are strong in spirit, you will be fruitful and durable. But they will have to constantly cleanse their body and home, mind and feelings. Many of these people live their entire lives in constant struggle with themselves. It is very important that, already in early childhood, parents help such children strengthen their spirit and body (for example, with the help of hardening and baths), understand and realize moral values ​​( best of all - based on the example of the actions of the parents themselves, since children are raised by their own personal example. Note Vedana).

Dreams that occur on the 7th lunar day are very informative and often prophetic.

Dream on the 7th lunar day

Dreams on this day can provide useful information and are often prophetic, but they usually come true only in the distant future. The information from dreams on the seventh lunar day is, most often, easy to decipher, and this gives you the opportunity to immediately use what you learn in real life. Pay special attention to the words that you heard in a dream - it is with their help that your subconscious turns to you on this day, which can become a direct indication for action in reality. If you had a bad dream on the seventh lunar day, then tell its contents to running running water - then all the bad things will go away and the good things will come true.

On the seventh lunar day, the word is endowed with power not only in reality, but also in dreams

Therefore, when interpreting dreams of this lunar day, special importance is attached not so much to the images of dreams, but to the words that you utter in a dream. If you take the interpretation of sleep seriously, you can get very useful information. For example, to understand what issues of everyday life require solutions or to find an answer to a question related to the spiritual side.

Good dreams of this day will definitely come true, but you can’t tell anyone about them. Alas, bad dreams will come true, but under the same conditions. Therefore, we remain silent about good dreams, and we retell bad dreams to everyone who agrees to listen.

Interpretation of dreams on the 7th lunar day

If you are looking for a laconic but capacious description of the seventh day of the Moon, then the expression - the power of the Word - will do. It is the word on the 7th lunar day that has the greatest weight and significance, and everything that is said today will not be in vain.

It is worth remembering this and carefully, carefully following everything that is said, so as not to ruin your own or someone else’s destiny, but, on the contrary, to attract happiness, establish good relationships and achieve success in business.

The seventh lunar day is a very mystical time. Prayers, conspiracies and spells acquire enormous power, all prophecies come true, and curses acquire terrible destructive power. Even an ordinary word spoken on the 7th lunar day becomes prophetic and is embodied in real life. The general characteristics of the day are as follows.

  • His symbol is the Wind Rose, as well as a magic wand.
  • Lucky day is Sunday.
  • The number of happiness is seven.
  • Direction - northwest.
  • Stone: citrine or hyacinth.
  • Colors – purple, lilac, white.
  • Element – ​​metal.
  • The energy of the day is active.
  • The shape is a spiral.
  • Angel - Arfed.

This is a day of creativity, creativity and magic. The moon today begins its transformation and pours soft, kind power and light onto humanity. Higher powers will help those who live this day correctly.

Watch the words!

1. A careless word can break entire destinies. Be very careful today! It’s better to generally be silent and think more. And if you do speak, then weigh everything, every sound! Everything will come true, don’t doubt it. If you say something negative, then that’s exactly what will happen. If you talk about good and joyful things, there will be plenty of this in your life.

2. Avoid swearing, obscene language, and angry words. Not only do not speak, but also do not listen to this “garbage”, it will harm you. Do not play aggressive music or songs that talk about something bad, such as suffering or unhappy love. Watch movies and listen to music exclusively about happiness and goodness. Today you can both attract happiness and goodness into life, and vice versa. With the help of words!

3. Speak less, only to the point. Ideally, practice the “vow of silence.” If possible, give up words for the whole day. This will open up incredible possibilities for you, you will be amazed at how much this simple practice can do!

A vow of silence is not only a refusal to speak, but also a stay in complete silence. Without TV, computer, music and books, without “silent” communication with gestures. Of course, in real conditions this is difficult, but if such an opportunity arises, be sure to take advantage of it.

4. You cannot destroy anything in any way on the 7th lunar day. Do not pick flowers, do not break anything, do not even sweep away cobwebs in the corner of the room. Destructive energy will have a very negative impact on you. N On the contrary, it’s very good to repair and set up something. Sew up holes in clothes, repair or improve something.

5. The same applies to relationships - they cannot be ended on the seventh lunar day. In general, you should avoid conflicts very carefully, with all your might. Quarrels and disputes will lead to very negative consequences.

6. The seventh lunar day is the most active time of the month. And, despite the fact that it is better to spend them in silence and silence, you should not be passive and idle. Engage in active creative activities or creativity.

If it’s a working day, work actively, don’t be lazy, implement your plans. It is useful to close old, unfinished matters and projects. But try to avoid negotiations, communication and business meetings. If you are lucky enough that this lunar day is a day off, take up creativity or gardening. Plant flowers or herbs, draw, embroider, knit.

7. Another 7th lunar day is good for trips and travel. Staying at home is undesirable; take a good walk, go out into nature, walk. Any trip will be favorable.

8. Pray and say good, kind spells. Everything you ask the Universe today, on the seventh lunar day, will definitely come true. Choose your words carefully! Be sure to thank a higher power for everything you have. And ask for good not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones, for all people on the planet. Don't ask for anything selfish or that could harm anyone.

The lunar calendar will tell you what else should be done on the 7th lunar day, and what is better to simply refuse and postpone for another day.

1. A wonderful period for creative people! Inspiration will definitely come. But if your activity is related to the word - you are a poet, writer or journalist, be very careful, weigh your words and write only about the good. This is also an excellent period for scientific and research activities, when any scientific work will be crowned with success.

2. The seventh lunar day is good for rejuvenation and beauty treatments. Cosmetic sessions will have an excellent effect. It is also good to do breathing exercises. Watch your respiratory organs, they are at risk today.

3. Can I cut or color my hair? Yes, on the 7th lunar day, a haircut is recommended, especially for those ladies who want their hair to quickly become an enviable length. In addition, cutting your hair on this day will sharpen your intuition. But hair coloring will make you sexier and enhance your inner feminine charms.

4. People born during this period are special. This is the birthday of guides, spiritual mentors, great teachers. These people have an incredible mystical connection with higher consciousness, have special knowledge and often become prophets. People born on this day of the lunar month will live an unusual life; they are destined for a special fate.

5. The seventh lunar day is a perfectly chosen time for a wedding. This marriage will definitely be the strongest and the envy of everyone - ideally harmonious. After the wedding on the seventh lunar day, a mystical connection will be established between the spouses, which will be inextricable. There will be mutual understanding and spiritual unity. An ideal day for the wedding of creative people, writers, philosophers. And any couple will be happy if they get married today.

6. A child conceived on the seventh lunar day will be a philosopher and a great dreamer. As a child, he will fantasize endlessly, and it is very important for parents to believe in such a child, not to cut his wings, not to take away the opportunity to fantasize.

He can grow into a great creator and discoverer. A great destiny is destined for such a person, but only if he receives the support and faith of his parents from the cradle.

7. At work, especially in business, today you need to be very careful when negotiating, concluding contracts, and writing statements. You cannot express fears and doubts out loud - they will come true. You cannot scold subordinates or conflict with colleagues. It bears repeating that everything will be fine. If everything is good in business, talk about it, point out those places where there is success. If you have difficulties, repeat out loud that everything will get better soon.

Effect on sleep

What do dreams on the seventh day of the lunar calendar mean? They, like this entire period, are extremely unusual and important.

1.Dreams on the seventh day of the lunar calendar are prophetic if they contain a word or phrase. In every word or phrase that was heard in a dream, there is a message from above addressed to you. If someone said something in your dreams, be sure to remember! At least in general terms. It could be a warning or advice, praise or instruction.

2. If you yourself spoke the entire dream, then this is an indication of your behavior, your way of life. Were you swearing and swearing? It's time to monitor your own real actions and life style. If, on the contrary, you couldn’t utter a word, you were dumb, it means you don’t dare to do something, it’s time to learn to be stronger and show will.

3. If the dreams of the seventh lunar day were unusual, the image of a saint or a relative appeared in them - be sure to remember everything they said, this is a direct instruction to you personally. Write down the words you heard on paper. And a month later, on the seventh lunar day, do the same - and compare your dreams. You will be very surprised!

4. If your dreams were silent, then decipher the images that you saw. It will help you, but interpret your dreams carefully so that the interpretation is correct.

Learn to treat your words responsibly at all times - not only on the seventh day of the lunar calendar. Thoughts and words are material, words can do great things and destroy. Remember this and build your happy destiny, and the lunar calendar will always help you with this!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Which saints should you pray for so that your financial affairs will go smoothly?
Prayer is a very effective tool; it can really work miracles, turn the impossible into the possible. The history of Christianity shows that different saints help in different life situations. Each saint received from the Lord a certain gift for his work for His glory. Some saints pray for healing from illnesses, others for family well-being or for the granting of certain abilities. An explanation for this can be found in the life of the saint: he either himself suffered a similar illness or sorrow, or others through him received deliverance from this illness. With a request to improve their financial situation, to get rid of lack of money, they turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Mother of God (the icons “Life-Giving Spring” and “Joy to All Who Sorrow” with pennies), and if they need good luck in trade and business, then to the Apostle Paul. Buy an icon of one of these saints, place it or hang it in a prominent place at home and pray in front of it.

There is one more secret. You should pray on all days of verbal magic (4th, 6th, 7th, 12th). After all, it is important to be attuned to God, and such attunement occurs only with regular prayer. A one-time prayer will be heard only if you have perfect concentration or have not desired anything during the week other than what you are praying for.

Wealth conspiracies
Conspiracy is one of the most ancient types of magic. Conspiracies were created in ancient times by healers - people who possess Knowledge. In Rus', conspiracies were one of the most common ways to get rid of illnesses and bad luck. Now popular affirmations - short positive phrases - are a modern version of conspiracies. By the way, if you prefer affirmations to conspiracies and prayers, you can take them into service today (see 12th lunar day).

The conspiracy does not tolerate careless handling. The power of a spell is based largely on the combination of words that make it up. The wrong word or neglect of one or another part of the ritual can give a result that is exactly the opposite of what was expected. Therefore, when making a conspiracy, you must strictly adhere to the following rules:

1. While reading the plot, your thoughts should be focused exclusively on your goal, that is, increasing your income.

2. While reading the text of the conspiracy to yourself, mentally imagine everything that is said in the text. Conspiracies are usually written in very vivid, figurative language, reminiscent of the language of Russian fairy tales. It is important to feel the conspiracy and relate it to your goal.

3. Before starting the ritual, you need to read the text of the plot several times. The better you know the text, the easier it will be for you to perform the ritual. But it is not necessary to learn the text by heart, you can read it from a book, this does not affect the result in any way.

4. Try to make your words come from the heart.

The energy of this lunar day has an unstable emotional mood on people; people easily switch from intense joy to deep sadness and resentment. Dreams today are prophetic and carry a lot of useful information.

You should not start new things on this day; it is better to focus on completing those already started. Advertising campaigns and public speaking will work well today.

The 7th lunar day is called the day of the word. Words today have material energy, that is, they can materialize into a specific action.
Everything you say today can be realized materially. You need to carefully monitor your speech, you don’t need to wish harm on anyone, so that you unknowingly launch a destructive force into action, because evil will primarily affect those who directed it, and not those for whom it was addressed.

On the 7th Lunar Day, try to avoid unnecessary talkativeness, gossip, and conversations that judge others. Today can safely be called provocative; you will be inclined to judge others and talkativeness.

The energy of this lunar day is enormous and you need to try to use it for your goals. Direct all your activities towards the implementation of your plans, and do not forget that words on these lunar days acquire deep magical power. You also need to realize that lies today have enormous destructive power, and no matter how they were spoken, they will come back to you like a boomerang. If you cannot tell the truth, then it is better to just remain silent.

Love and relationships

On this day you need to beware of conflicts or angry speeches with your chosen one or chosen one. If you are single, then on this day you should dream about your soulmate.


It is better not to start repairs and construction, as well as big projects around the house, but to finish what has been started.


This day is absolutely not suitable for visiting the dentist and dental treatment. On the 7th Lunar Day, the bronchi, vocal cords, and lungs are vulnerable. It is recommended to follow a diet of light foods.

Business and money

This is a good day for doing business to realize your plans. Today is a good day to find sponsors. Financially, the day is considered neutral.

Mystical influence on the 7th Lunar day
This is the period of assimilation and absorption of cosmic energy. Transmission of thoughts, prophecies, pranayama classes.

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