Home Nutrition Project for the profession of a gardener in a kindergarten. Profession gardener (gardener). Who is a gardener? Working with a technological map

Project for the profession of a gardener in a kindergarten. Profession gardener (gardener). Who is a gardener? Working with a technological map


Gardener is a person who knows everything about plants. He plants them, cares for them, heals them. The profession of a gardener is very exciting! Imagine, he can grow a huge fluffy spruce from a small pine seed, and a whole garden of flowers from a handful of flower seeds. That's how he is, like a wizard! And how does he do it? To become a good gardener, you need to know and be able to do a lot, have patience and work hard. After all, it just seems so easy to grow a huge pumpkin from a tiny seed, for example. But first you need to choose a suitable place in the garden for the pumpkin seed, so that it is sunny and windless, then loosen the soil, dig a hole, put the seed there, previously soaked in water, sprinkle it with soil on top and wait. In a few days, the seed will produce a thin sprout, then several tiny leaves, then a stem will begin to grow, a small yellow flower will appear, and then from this flower will grow that giant pumpkin that can be seen in almost every garden. And all this time, the gardener patiently cares for the plant: waters it (after all, plants love to drink), feeds it (plants also eat), treats it for various diseases (plants are living beings, which means they can get sick).

The gardener must know which plants can be planted where: for example, oranges will grow only in warm climates, but in cold climates - in the north - they will die. Cacti do not like water, and wildflowers, on the contrary, will dry out without it. A gardener must be able to loosen the soil, know all the “garden medicines,” and be able, just like a hairdresser, to trim trees and shrubs. What an interesting profession this is!

There are raspberries and gooseberries in the garden,

And a lot of dense apple trees.

Once upon a time a gardener planted them,

Now he takes care of them.

In spring the garden is dressed in white,

The buzzing of bees and the aroma,

Then baskets of ripe apples

They stand under every apple tree.

The gardener was not looking for reward,

And rubles are not important to him,

All he needs for happiness is

May these apple trees bloom.

Summary of educational activities in the senior group of kindergarten “All professions are important - all professions are needed!”

Target: To form holistic ideas of preschoolers about professions.
- arouse interest in the world around you;
- expand children’s ideas about professions;
- enrich your vocabulary;
Preliminary work:
- conversation with children about the profession of their parents;
- viewing illustrations;
- reading fiction;
Content: a selection of various games (didactic, verbal, low mobility games, competition games).
Integration of educational areas: communication, work, reading fiction, health, physical education.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator:- Guys, today we received a letter and a package. Please tell me, man, what profession did he bring it to me?
- That's right, it's the postman. Now let's quickly read the letter and find out what is written in it.
- Guys, in this letter we are asked to help and tell us what professions the items in this parcel belong to. Well, guys, let's help the postal workers?
(Children take turns taking items out of the parcel and saying what profession people need it for work).
- Guys, today we will talk to you about professions. What is a profession? ( Children's answers). A profession is work to which a person devotes his life. Let's remember together what professions we know.
Ball game “Name your profession”. (Standing in a circle, children name their professions, passing the ball to each other.)
Educator:- Now we will carry out game “Guess what profession a person has?” (the teacher names words related to a profession, the children must guess this profession).
Scales, counter, goods – (Seller)
Helmet, hose, water – (Firefighter)
Scene, role, makeup – (Artist)
Reading room, books, readers – (Librarian)
Scissors, fabric, sewing machine – (Tailor)
Stove, pan, delicious dish – (Cook)
Blackboard, chalk, textbook – (Teacher)
Steering wheel, wheels, road – (Driver)
Children, games, walks – (Teacher)
Axe, saw, nails – (Carpenter)
Bricks, cement, new house – (Builder)
Paint, brushes, whitewash – (Painter)
Scissors, hairdryer, hairstyle – (Hairdresser)
Ship, vest, sea – (Sailor)
Sky, plane, airfield – (Pilot)
Earthquake, landslide, emergency – (Rescuer)
Educator:- And now I propose to play game "Guess who I am?".
(Children stand in a circle, the teacher takes turns throwing a ball to the children, naming the actions. Children name their profession).
I do hair (who am I?) ... a hairdresser.
I wash, iron... laundress.
I weigh it, punch the check...salesman.
I prepare food...cook.
I sweep the yard... janitor.
I give vaccinations...a nurse.
I paint pictures... an artist.
I teach children at school...teacher.
I treat sick people... a doctor.
I make furniture... carpenter, carpenter.
I paint walls...a painter.
I bake cakes... pastry chef.
I build houses...a builder.
I treat animals... a veterinarian.
I'm a coal miner...a miner.
I forge iron...a blacksmith.
I grow trees...a gardener.
I write books...a writer.
I write poetry...a poet.
I run the orchestra... the conductor.
I stage plays...director.
I deliver newspapers... postman.
I sew clothes... tailor, seamstress.
I fly in space... an astronaut.
I repair boots...a shoemaker.
I drive a car... chauffeur, driver.
I sing songs... singer.
I design houses... an architect.
I fly a plane... a pilot.
I drive the train... the driver.
I cook steel... steelmaker.
I serve passengers on an airplane...a flight attendant.
Educator: Come on, let's play another one ball game “Who has what instrument?”.
Hammer – (from a carpenter)
Brush – (for a painter, for an artist)
Syringe – (from a nurse, veterinarian)
Plane – (from a carpenter)
Chalk - (at the teacher's)
Scissors – (at the hairdresser, at the tailor)
Comb – (at the hairdresser)
Needle – (at the tailor)
Palette – (from the artist)
Pointer – (from the teacher)

(shovel, guitar, broom, gun, scalpel, saucepan)
Physical education minute “The driver started the engine”
The driver started the engine: drr, drr, drr, drr.
He pressed the starter: whack, whack, whack, whack.
He quickly pumped up the tires: shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh.
Then I sat down in the car,
I quickly took the steering wheel in my hands,
And I drove faster.
Educator:- Next game "Who Says So?".
Who needs supplements? (Cook)
A package for you. Sign. (Postman)
Thank you very much for your purchase. (Salesman)
Which tooth is bothering you? (Dentist)
How to cut your hair? (Hairdresser)
Pleasant flight! (Stewardess)
The lesson is over. (Teacher)
Educator: - Game - competition “Pick up a sign”. We count who can choose the most words (children receive chips for correct answers).
The pilot (what kind) is brave, courageous, smart, attentive...
The seller (what kind) is polite, neat, kind...
The driver (what kind) is attentive, careful...
The teacher (what kind) is strict, smart, kind...
(hairdresser, cook, doctor, policeman).
Physical education lesson “Pilot”
It’s good to be a driver (they run in circles, “steer”)
Better yet, be a pilot! (run in a circle, arms to the sides)
I would become a pilot
Let them teach me!
I pour gasoline into the tank, (they stop, “pour”)
I start the propeller: (circular movements with my right hand)
-Take the engine to heaven, (they run in a circle, arms to the sides)
For the birds to sing.
Educator:- And now I’ll tell you a wish riddles about people of different professions.
I'm busy with the kids,
I spend all my days with them,
I go for walks with them
I put them to bed
And, of course, I love
I am my profession. (Teacher)
If the flame curls,
The smoke is pouring out in a column,
We dial "01"
And we'll call for help. (Firefighter)
He looks serious
He keeps order.
On a clear day, sometimes at night
Protects our peace. (Police officer)
He's been in our dining room since morning
Cooks soup, compote and porridge. (Cook)
Who drives a car skillfully?
After all, this is not your first year behind the wheel?
The tight tires rustle slightly,
Who is driving us around the city?
(Chauffeur, driver)
Who sells products?
Milk, sour cream, honey?
Who sells us boots?
Shoes and sandals?
They all know the goods
Don't waste time
The stores are great.
Who is this? …(Sellers)
Who will wash our clothes?
So that it is clean,
Dries and smoothes
And iron it? (Laundress)
Shovels snow
Sweeps the yard with a broom.
You guys guessed it
Who keeps things clean? (Street cleaner)
If your ear hurts,
Or your throat becomes dry,
Don't worry and don't cry -
After all, it will help you... (doctor)
Who will do the hair?
Hairdryer, brush and comb,
The curls will curl lushly,
He will fluff up his bangs with a brush.
Everything in his hands is burning -
Who will change the appearance? (Hairdresser)
Who teaches order to children at school?
And checks the kids’ notebooks,
Teach you to read and write and count,
Divide, multiply and solve problems? (Teacher)
Yellow, purple paint
I'll dissolve it in a bucket
And new clothes at home
I'll give it to you as a housewarming gift! (Painter)
Where the house is being built - look in the morning:
Who in a quilted jacket sits in the wind.
He's like a wizard playing with fire
He is wearing a protective mask. (Electric welder)
Railway station. The second beep sounds.
The train will go east.
Sleepers and pillars will rush,
Birches, spruces and oaks.
And I can, when I get older,
Lead a large – large squad. (Driver)
Where are the pines - girlfriends
We gathered at the edge of the forest.
Among the young pine forest
There is a hut... (forester)
I enter the workshop early in the morning,
When you sleep quietly.
In the country I dress everyone,
Because I... (weaver)
Educator:- And I also have riddles for ingenuity and attention. Listen.
Who grazes the cows and sheep?
Well, of course, ...
(Not a seller, but a shepherd.)

Painted the walls brightly
In our room...
(Not a milkmaid, but a painter.)

Medicines for us at the pharmacy
Will sell...
(Not a librarian, but a pharmacist.)

Game dish in a restaurant
Will cook skillfully...
(Not a forester, but a cook.)

On the grand piano
The waltz will be performed...
(Not a ballerina, but a pianist.)

Under the circus big top on a dangerous flight
The brave and strong will go...
(Not a pilot, but an aerialist.)
Folds, pockets and even piping -

I made a beautiful dress...
(Not a musician, but a tailor.)
Educator:- And now warm-up game “What will boys become, what will girls become?”.
(Children stand in a circle. The teacher names professions. If boys can choose a profession, then everyone squats, if girls, then everyone raises their hands up, if both boys and girls, then everyone claps their hands).
Didactic game “Give me a word”
The plane is flown by (pilot)
The teacher teaches us at school
Builds buildings (builder)
Painted the walls (painter)
Sings songs to us (singer)
Engaged in trade (seller)
Treats diseases (doctor)
Puts out a fire in an instant (firefighter)
The fisherman catches fish for us
Serves at sea (sailor)
The car is carrying a load (the driver)
In a hot forge (blacksmith)
Everyone who knows - well done!
Educator:- Now let us think and say what would happen if there were no people of different professions on earth (cooks, doctors, etc.) Are you ready?
Game “I start the sentence and you finish it”.
If there were no teachers, then...
If there were no doctors, then...
If there were no wipers, then...
If there were no drivers, then... etc.
Educator: - Guys, now, please tell me, what do you think is the most important profession? (Children's answers)
The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that all professions are important - all professions are needed.
- Guys, you have already decided what you want to be when you grow up. Children's answers (I want to be…)

Abstract of the GCD area "Knowledge" on the topic:

"Young Gardener Competition"

Tasks: to clarify ideas about the role of flowers in people’s lives, about the meaning of flowers growing in different places (field, meadow, forest, garden), about the flowering time of different types of flowers, about the structure of a flower, to introduce children to the profession of a gardener, to develop creative abilities in children with using an unconventional method of depicting flowers with soap bubbles.

Equipment: postcards with pictures of flowers, computer, soap solution, tinted with paint, brush, paper.

Educator: There are a lot of flowers in the field, in the meadow, in the forest, in gardens, everywhere. Why are flowers needed?

Children: Flowers in flower beds and lawns decorate streets and parks and make cities look elegant. They delight people with their beauty; they are given to each other on holidays and birthdays. Flowers are brought to the monuments of soldiers who died in the war. Very often they are used in medicine and cosmetics.

Educator: What are the people who grow flowers called?

Children: Gardeners. They plant flower seeds in flower beds and take care of them.

Educator: A competition for a young gardener is announced. The one who passes all the tests is awarded the title “Young Gardener”.


I don't need a garden, strawberries -

I’d rather break up the flower beds and let the carnations grow.

I will plant a tulip, daffodil, rose, forget-me-not.

Don’t be lazy, come into my garden for a minute.

My first experience was not entirely successful,

But look, tulips grew in the country!

I want to be a gardener when I grow up,

I will grow flowers, although it is not easy.

Educator: First test. Our friend the computer has prepared questions for you.

Slides with pictures and questions appear on the computer.

1 slide

What is the name of the flower? (image of a tulip)

2 slide

Where does it grow? (image of the garden)

3 slide

What is the name of the flower? (image of a snowdrop)

4 slide

Where does it grow (picture of a forest)

5 slide

What is the name of the flower (image of a daisy)

6 slide

Where does it grow? (image of a meadow)

7 slide

What is the name of the flower (image of a violet)

8 slide

Where does it grow? (picture of the room)

Didactic game “What time of year do flowers bloom?”

Educator: Second test. What time of year do flowers bloom?

Children lay out cards with pictures of flowers according to the seasons (autumn, spring, summer).

Educator: Third test.

Asks the question: “Name the parts of the flower in the picture.”

Children name the parts of a flower (bud, stem, leaves, bulb, root).

Educator: What is the name of this flower and how does it reproduce?

Children: This is a tulip. Propagated by bulbs.

Educator: The fourth test is “Guess the riddles.”

Slides with the text of the riddles and an image of the answers appear on the computer.

1. The head is on a leg, there are peas in the head. (poppy)

2. The ball was white, the wind blew and the ball flew away. (dandelion)

3. Eh, bells, blue, with a tongue, but no bells. (bell)

4.White peas on a green stem. (lily of the valley)

Educator: Name medicinal flowers.

Educator: Fifth test. Testing artistic and creative abilities in children. Draw flowers. We will draw in an unusual way - using soap bubbles.

The teacher, with the help of the children, receives a solution for drawing:

1. Gouache, liquid soap, and water are mixed in a glass.

2. Lower a tube into the mixture and blow to create soap bubbles.

3.A sheet of paper is applied to the bubbles to make an imprint.

Educator: What do the amazing prints look like?

Children: For flowers.

Educator: I suggest you draw pictures of flowers.

Educator: How amazing the flowers turned out in your drawings. Guys, you passed all the tests with dignity, so you are awarded the title of “Young Gardener”.

Children are awarded prizes - bags of flower seeds.

During the lesson, students are shown the importance of the profession of a gardener, landscaper, florist in a person’s life. Children develop skills and abilities to work according to a graphic pattern of sowing flower seeds for seedlings. Speech, visual perception, memory, and logical thinking develop. Diligence, respectful and kind attitude towards people of the “Green” profession, and a desire to know the world around us are fostered. Each student in class gets the opportunity to be active and apply their existing knowledge on the topic.


  • develop skills and abilities to work according to a graphic model of sowing flower seeds for seedlings;
  • correct and develop coherent speech, visual perception, memory, logical thinking;
  • to cultivate hard work, respectful and kind attitude towards people of the “Green” profession, the desire to know the world around us.


  • multimedia - 20 slides;
  • handouts (technological cards - “How to properly sow seeds for seedlings);
  • Aster flower seeds, containers, cups with soil, measuring sticks, watering cans or cups of water, sprayer for moisturizing.

Concepts to reinforce.

Profession, gardener, landscaper, florist.



Hello, builders, painters, welders, carpenters, tailors, artists, gardeners, flower growers, landscapers, athletes, livestock breeders, what is your mood today? (children's answers ) Good.

Don't be surprised that I call you that. Your school years will pass, and it will be you who will build beautiful houses, sew fashionable clothes, and grow a beautiful garden. But in order to become someone in life, you need, first of all, to grow up and receive a special education.

Therefore, today in class we will talk about professions.

How do you understand the word profession? (children's answers)

A profession is a specialty that a person receives as a result of training.


There are a lot of professions in the world, but let’s talk about the most “Green” ones.

What professions are called “Green”? (children's answers)

Gardener, landscaper, florist

My assistants will tell us what gardeners, landscapers and flower growers do

(short messages from children)


Slide No.

Profession: landscaper, gardener and florist

In recent years, the professions of landscaper, gardener and florist have become very popular. This is due to the desire of people to decorate their lives. They create flower beds, lawns, lawns and other green spaces in parks and squares under their windows. All this diversity requires proper care. Therefore, for these purposes, they began to hire special personnel - gardeners and landscapers. The profession is more male than female, as it requires physical effort.

Slide No.

Landscaper and gardener perform the following work:

1. Prepares tools and planting material.

2. Plans and marks paths, beds, holes for planting.

3. Involved in soil preparation, loosening, and fertilizing.

4. Plants seedlings and seedlings in prepared beds.

5. Forms the crowns of growing tree seedlings, performs decorative pruning of trees and shrubs, waters, and feeds.

Slide No.

Florists they work in greenhouses, growing flowers, plants and other seedlings there, so that they can then use them to decorate the flower beds and lawns of the city and their private plots. Women are more likely to specialize in this work; they have a more subtle sense of nature.


So what do gardeners, landscapers and flower growers do? (children's answers)

They create beauty around us, and this is important for people! They plant plants, care for them and protect them.

Let's relax a little and play the game "The King and the Gardeners"

Game "The King and the Gardeners"

Children now we will choose a king, and everyone else will be gardeners who know how to do only one type of work in the garden. Show your work only with movements and silently.

If the king guesses what the gardener is doing, he takes him to his garden to work.

The gardeners approach the king and confront himinto dialogue:

- Hello, King!

Hello gardeners! Where have you been?

“We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”

The king guesses the type of work by the movement and takes the gardener to his garden.

If the king does not guess correctly, they go to hire themselves to another king, to another kingdom-state.

These are great gardeners, they can do everything, and the king knows everything, which means that a beautiful garden will grow in his kingdom-state and will delight the people.

The profession of a gardener, landscaper, florist seems romantic, and therefore inspires poets and photographers.

I offer a photo trip through the streets of the city of Sayansk and a verse tour of the group’s “flower” greenhouse.


Slide No.

The diligent gardener did not work in vain.

It used to be that the dawn had not yet woken up,

And he waters and grooms the plants,

To see the buds blooming in the future.

Yes, and in our group there is

Amateur flower growers.
Flowers are planted in the room.
More diverse year after year
Homely corner of nature.
And who comes to visit us,
Unable to hide my delight and feelings.
Before that magical art...

In painted pots.
Different flowers are growing.
Here are geranium and asparagus.

Hoya, Spathiphyllum,

Chinese roses,

Ivy and spurge.

How beautiful all the flowers are!
Sweet tenderness of features

Round dance of bright colors.
We'll water them early.
To continue to surprise

Colorful colors for all the people.

Our flower greenhouse in the group surprises many with its diversity, and we all take care of this beauty together.

Can we be called young flower growers if we were able to grow such beauty? (children's answers) Yes.

Plants need to be looked after; for this, the gardener, landscaper and florist have tools. But what instruments and their names the game will help us find out

"The letter is a tool."

I name the letter and, and you call the instrument for this letter, and then the image of the instrument.

Game "Letter - instrument"

Slide No.

B - pitchfork, bucket

G - rake, lawn mower

L - watering can, ladder, bayonet shovel, shovel

M - hoe (chopper), hammer

N - knife and garden scissors, hacksaw

O - sprayer

WITH - pruner, lopper

T - trolley

That's how many tools there are in the world and they are all assistants to the gardener, landscaper and florist.

What tools do we use when we plant landscaping at a school site? (children's answers) Bayonet and shovel shovel, rake, bucket, watering can.

Slide No.

For what flowers do we prepare flower beds using these tools? (children's answers) Chamomiles, Cosmea, Asters, Marigolds, Saffrons, Marigolds, ….

Which flowers did we plant with seedlings and which with seeds? (children's answers)

Cosmea, Marigold - seeds.

Chamomiles, Asters, Saffrons, Marigolds, Dahlias - seedlings.

When are seeds for seedlings sown? (children's answers) At the end of February or in March.

Working with a technological map.

On your tables are technological maps “How to properly sow seeds for seedlings.” Containers with soil and Aster flower seeds.

The teacher demonstrates the sowing of seeds visually according to the technological map, reciting the instructions.

In the container for planting seeds, water the soil from a watering can.

Let's wait until the water is absorbed.

The water has been absorbed, now with a stick with a mark we make a hole for planting seeds. Like this.

We took the Aster seed and put it in the hole, sprinkle it with earth.

We moisten the soil and press it down, tightly leveling the surface.

Now you can get to work.

Practical part

Individual assistance to students in need.


Well done boys! Today you learned how to plant seedlings from seeds.

Where will we put the containers? (Children's answers.) On the windowsill.

Why? (Children's answers.) It's warm and there's a lot of light.

How will we take care? (Children's answers.) Water, loosen the soil.

What will grow from the seeds you plant? (Children's answers.) Asters flower seedlings.

Why do we need flower seedlings? (Children's answers.). To plant it in flower beds.


Let's remember what professions we were talking about? (Children's answers.) About the professions of gardener, landscaper, florist

- What is the significance of these professions in a person’s life? (Children's answers) People love to create beauty around themselves, which means these professions will always be in demand.

What did we do with the Aster flower seeds? (Children's answers.) Sowed for seedlings.

Did you study well? (Children's answers.) Yes

Thank you for the lesson.

Full text of the material Summary of the teaching hour on the topic: “The greenest professions”; for classes VIII type, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.

Gardener(gardener-landscaper) - a specialist in caring for a garden or green area. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

A gardener is often confused with a landscape designer. However, the designer's work is connected with plants only indirectly. For him, trees, flower beds and shrubs are only means of expression, design elements. With their help, he organizes the garden space.

And the work of a gardener is direct work with plants. The gardener organizes or carries out the planting of plants and cares for them. Related professions: gardener and gardener, who differ from the gardener in their agricultural focus.

The problems of the gardener's profession include working in the fresh air and seasonality. But those who love to work in nature become gardeners. As for seasonality, urban and commercial landscaping enterprises provide their workers with work in winter: for example, in a greenhouse. Private gardeners have the opportunity to relax and prepare for the next season.

The level of income of a gardener depends on work experience, professional knowledge, the amount of work done, and the remoteness of the site. A gardener who maintains several private plots or is a foreman (master) of gardeners receives a high salary. He has to do not so much routine work (trimming bushes, weeding, watering), but rather make decisions about caring for the garden. And for this you need to understand fertilizers, pesticides, and the intricacies of forming and nurturing a young garden.

Salary as of September 19, 2019

Russia 15000—52000 ₽

Moscow 35000—70000 ₽

A highly skilled gardener is a garden manager. In the gardener profession, there are professional categories that are important when working in government agencies. (The salary level depends on the rank.) However, in commercial enterprises, ranks are not so important: the client and employer are more interested in the knowledge and skills of the gardener.


Gardening farms, nurseries, garden centers, sanatoriums and hotels, landscape companies, private estates.

Important qualities

You must love plants and working in nature, with the earth. Since you have to work in both heat and frost, good health is necessary.

Knowledge and skills

You need to know everything about planting trees and shrubs, their formation, be able to mow lawns, hedges, pruning fruit trees, create flower beds, be able to fight pests and plant diseases, and apply fertilizers. And also cultivate the land, grow seedlings, replant plants, etc.

Where to study to be a gardener

In this course you can get a profession as a forestry specialist in 3 months and 15,000 rubles.
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!;
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

To obtain a rank, it is best to graduate from a specialized college.

  • College of Landscape Design N 18 (Moscow)
  • Gardening and Architectural Lyceum No. 113 (St. Petersburg)

This profession can also be acquired through private courses with practical training. Without a rank, but with knowledge and skills, you can work in the private sector.

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