Home Steering Poems about the rules of the road. Children's poems about traffic lights The best poems about traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing

Poems about the rules of the road. Children's poems about traffic lights The best poems about traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing

Poems about traffic lights

Learn Grandfather Hyra
Talk with traffic lights:
"He has a simple language -
Watching red Eye - Stop!
A lit. Green eye
So, misses us.
And, while not looking red,
On the road safe. "
Split head Egor:
"Where is the uncle-traffic light?"
We will find out right away -
Single-legged and double-headed.

Showed Valera Dane
Traffic light with three eyes,
What looks for some reason
Right on the cars stream,
And they, definitely,
Go to the signal green.
Tanya to the conclusion came:
"The traffic light crazy!"
And complained to mom.
But she said Dana:
"Do not hold the conclusion -
Traffic light for cars.
So must pedestrian
Do all the opposite!
For cars will light up red
Pedestrians safe!
For machines green light
Pedestrians no stroke!
If a yellow light up
Wait, what then turns on. "
More Danya since then
Does not deceive the traffic light.

We have a good friend
With a giant good one!
Know: three eyes
Not afraid of anyone.
In the morning, day, in the night darkness
Everyone is lit one by one.
And everyone has its own color,
In order to give us advice.
If a yellow light horite
Make sure
On the green We - go,
All happy way!
And he will hear red, suddenly
Wait a little friend!
Toropagoy harmful to be
We must rush life!
Friend called "traffic light",
Calmless conversation
He leads to people for a long time,
Never let down.
It we obey should
And we are not afraid of the roads !!!

At the transition strip
On the side of the road
Beast Three-headed, single-legged,
Unknown form breed
Multicolored eyes
Talking to us.

RED eye
Looks at us.
- Stop!
It says his order.

Looks at us:

^ A. GREEN eye -
For us:
So leads your conversation
Silent traffic light.

It is easy, without tense
(Only winks the eye),
Regulates movement
Those who go and go!

The traffic lights burned red
And went the flow of cars,
So it will be dangerous!
Do not rush to the road!

On the car, on the road
Learning look!
And still a little more:
Will be yellow Ahead.

Well, after lights,
Like grass, green, Light!
You need to make sure again
That there are no cars near.

Consider the road to the left
See next to the right.
And, walking on Zebra boldly,
Traffic light thanks!

^ Strict traffic light (Irina Gurina)

The traffic light told us strictly:
- Carefully, here the road!
Do not play, do not shawit,
Just stand and watch!
Upstairs left red:
Red Light is always dangerous!
Travel tractor and tram,
Hey, the driver does not yaw!
White Zebra - Transitions:
Waiting for quiet pedestrians.
The traffic light told us clearly -
^ Red light - go dangerous!
The traffic light shifted to us
Yellow He blinked his eye.
Yellow light and red light:
Anyway there is no road!
Traffic light is guarded,
At night he does not sleep even.

^ Light signals

Color green
Major wait.
Well, and if red -

The pass is dangerous!

Three wonderful lights

To help you
The way to go dangerous
Girl and day and night -
^ Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light.
We are three native brothers,
We light up for a long time
On the road to all the guys.

We are three wonderful lights
You often see us,
But our advice
Do not listen sometimes.

Strict - red light.
If it is burning,
Stop! There are no roads further
The path for everyone is closed!

So that you calmly switched
Listen to our advice:
- Wait! See soon yellow
In the middle of the light!

And behind him green shine
Will flash ahead.
He will say:
- No obstacles,
Boldly go!

Will you obey without dispute
Traffic instructions,
Home and go to school
Of course, very soon.

Light adjustor

Stop, car!
Stop, motor!
Thormeosi soon

Red eye:
Looks in the focus -
This is a strict traffic light.
View he is terrible
Ride on
Does not allow.
Waited for the driver
A little bit
Again looked out
In the window.
Traffic light
This time
Showed ^ Green eye,
And says:
"You can go
The path is open! "

Two gnomes

At the road in the house
Without garden and porch
Dwarfs live,
Two nice little man:
Do not play domino
In salts or hide
And all day look out the window:
Is everything okay there?

Gnome green He speaks:
- Everything is quiet. The path is open!
If it came out red -
So, the path is dangerous!
And in the afternoon, and at night dark
The windows in it do not go out:
Here the gnome came out green,
Here appeared krasnovth.
The little men are important
And difficult work -
Careless citizens
Migrate from the transition!

^ Our friend-traffic

Red, yellow and green,
He looks at all.
Crossroads lively,
Right traffic light.

Old men go and children
- Do not run and do not rush.
Traffic light for everyone
A true friend and brother.

By traffic light
Come across the street.
And nod to us the chaufferes:
"Pass, wait."

On the red light - no road,
On the yellow - wait.
When burning green shine,
Have a good trip

Three friends

Three Pedestrian Friend at any time of the year
Red Light is your first friend -
A truly strict.
If he suddenly burned -
No way road.
Yellow Light is your friend the second
Gives advice sensible:
Pave! Warning in the morning!
Wait for signals new!

The third friend blinking you
Own green Light:
Come! There is no threat!
I lie in this!

When moving areas,
Prospectuses and roads
Tips of these three friends
Do everything on time.

Very often the cause of road traffic accidents are children. The alphabet of the road will help to avoid danger and study it with children from early age. A good result will bring the study of traffic rules in verses for preschoolers and schoolchildren. After all, the poem is the most memorable form of child learning.

Popular poems about traffic lights for children, short

Helps for a long time
Children, our friend, traffic light
Explain without tense
Children Rules Movement.

Listen and memorize
And always observe them.
The red light caught fire,
Stop, baby, no passage.
Yellow light Light burn
Get ready says.
And the light of green
Go my friend a scientist.
Remember the Rules of Movement
As a multiply table!

"The most important on the road, -
They talked to me friends -
Disagreement, single-legged,
It is impossible to joke with him. "
I'm a little frightened
I hear this conversation
But seeing, guessed
Well, simple, - traffic light.

Multicolored three mug:
Red shines - wait
And on yellow - stand, friend,
On the green light - go!
The traffic lights gives advice,
How the road to go.
Pedestrian in this case
Better friend not to find!

Green colour -
Yellow -
Major wait.
Well, if red -
Stop, friend!

Winched the traffic light:
- go, baby!
Well, what is the dispute here?
Light burns - green!
Boldly I go, friends
Right along stripes.
And the cars are all standing
Here, by the intersection!
Yellow traffic light blinking,
Machines snorted!
I stepped onto the sidewalk -
Shelched tires.
Pedestrians are red
So - stop,
Do not run, since no turn,
Even if dexterous.

There are three eyes at the traffic light.
Well, remember them, friend,
Walk through the streets so that soon
Alone you could.
Here is a red eye ... you are afraid!
When he burns - no way.
Frighes yellow - Get ready!
Green Glows - Go!

The traffic lights us shines red -
Pave! It is impossible to go, dangerous.
Yellow with red suddenly lit -
We stand green waiting.
By green alarm
Do not go right away.
Head to the right
Before this twist:
Make sure to be left
there is no racing machines
And then go calmly.
Everyone will understand: you have become big.

He stands at the crossroads
Striped like in a sailor pack.
Children were surprised at:
-What is he three eyes?
Red - stop all movement.
Yellow - our respect.
And green will light up
You can go further into the path.
He is called for a long time
Very simple - traffic light.

Racing fast cars.
Truth asphalt rotating tires.
We need to go to the garden.
How do you go through the road?
Helps, for a long time,
This is a traffic light:
The yellow eye will light up
The transition is closed for you!
Green light burns
Pedestrian forwards seeking.
Where the red light is on
All machines are closed path.

Going for a walk,
To the store, or in the movies,
Passing along the alley
Remember the rule one:
Where the engine roar is heard -
There is no rotosetics!
Stop - a traffic light command,
If you see a red light!
And on the yellow light road
Do not rush to move.
Wait a little,
To do not please doctors.
On the green signal you can
Your way boldly continue!
These rules are easy
Everyone and everywhere to observe.

On the roads for a long time
There was always a great dispute
Who is more important, pedestrian -
Restless people
Or vehicle -
This is a new neighborhood.
To solve the eternal dispute,
The traffic light was invented.
The red light caught fire,
No drive cars.
Green light ahead
Pedestrian forward go.

This is who here, look -
Flashing us: Once, two, three?
Who can tell me,
What are the strange eyes?
Bright - red - first eye,
Looking strictly on us
Says there is no way
You can not go now !!!
Next - the yellow eye is burning,
"- Wait," says, "
Well, still quite a little - a little,
And go on the road. "
Here - the green eye is burning,
Says: "- Go now,
Waiting for cars and tram,
Quickly trees, do not yaw! "
Solved or not -
This little secret,
Who looks at us?
Well, of course - traffic lights !!!

The best poems about traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing

Three funny lights
And for night, for the day.
It flashes from far away.
Their team is great!
On the asphalt I get up my foot,
Red shouts me: "Wait!"
See my forbidden color?
There is no road on him! "
The yellow eye caught fire
He gives a signal for us.
But still it is impossible!
Wait for a green eye!
Here, green flashed,
The path is "free," pointed out.
Man in that eye
Transition opened it to me.
What are these lights,
What they command are:
When transport to go,
And when to close the way?!
And when the pass is open,
So that the people went on Zebra.
Red, yellow - forbade,
And the green - allowed!
Well, friend, you found out
What is this signal?
Transition traffic lights
The way opened to the next yard!

Kids know everything in the world
What is a traffic light.
How he flashes and shines
They know Pavlik and Egor.
Red Light - stand still!
There is no way on the road!
Under the car you do not climb -
Do not go!
If yellow lights up,
This means that again
The transition will be free
We can continue to walk.
Green Light is the best!
The path is open! But do not rush!
Only with dad or with mom
Cut babies.
If you do not know the rules,
Very ashamed! Do not be lazy!
They tell them verse
Andryushi learn!

And we have recently
Near the house traffic light.
It burns and day, and night
Everything tries to help.
If the red lights up,
You do not try to hurry.
Know all that red. -
For the way dangerous.
And you do not go to yellow
And calmly stand and wait.
Mom by hand - and wait we.
Together with us all the people
Patiently waiting for green,
To move forward.
Here - the green flashed! Soon!
Winched: - You can not stand!
Soon the color of the traffic
Red replaced again.

He has only three eyes
But not everyone is open immediately.
If the red eye is open,
It means he is angry
On move forward
Permission does not give!
Opens yellow eyes
Be careful now
Wait for green in the eye.
And I saw immediately immediately
You can go and go!
And happy way!

On the roads for a long time
Settled traffic lights,
And driver and passer
Must know such a device.
All fear him for
Multicolored eyes
He dictates on the road
You can go, it is impossible.
And taxis, and all-terrain
And dashing pedestrians,
What goes to the worst
Respect traffic lights!
He has a hard character
He hangs at the intersection,
And he blinks in love
Red, yellow and green.
If the red light shines,
No way road
Even those who hurry
Walk your dinner at home.
If the rule is broken
You want, for example,
So you need today
Strict policeman!
Say: "It's ugly!"
And punish fairly
To be careful to be,
The fine will have to pay!
If the yellow light is lit,
Wait a little happy
So as not to get stuck in the way
And go through the road.
Yellow color shouts: "Attention!"
Runs out the expectation
And he goes out about
And the move will go!
Here are the green lights pressed,
And cars ran,
In while they run,
Pedestrians wait!
Traffic lights drive,
He is order expressing
Even without legs he and no hands,
He is for all reliable friend!

This dicky traffic lights
Does not create a jam.
Behind the cars is watching
They manage.
If yellow will give it light,
Torn - no stroke,
Wait for the following signal,
Yellow warned you.
If red light breaks,
For movement - ban,
And he will lit green
The path is free - everything is fine!

To help you
The way to go dangerous
Burn and day and night,
Green, yellow, red.

Our house traffic lights -
We are three native brothers,
We light up for a long time
On the road to all the guys.

We are three wonderful colors
You often see us,
But our advice
Do not listen sometimes.

The strictest is red light.
If it burns: stand!
There are no roads further
The path for everyone is closed.

So that you calmly switched
Listen to our advice: Wait!
See you soon
In the middle of the light.

And behind him the green light
Breaks up ahead
He will say:
- No obstacles,
Feel free to go.

Kohl do without dispute
Traffic lights,
Home and go to school
Of course, very soon.

If the light fell red,
So move dangerous.
Light green says:
"Go around, the path is open!"
Yellow Light - Warning:
Wait for the signal for moving.

Three colors have a traffic light.
They are understandable for the chauffeur:
Red Light - No Drings,
Yellow - Be ready for the way
And the green light is Kati!

Stop, car!
Stop, motor!
Thormeosi soon
Red eye
Looks in the focus -
It is strict
Traffic light.
View he is terrible
Further go
Not allowing ...
Waited for the driver
A little bit
Again looked out
In the window.
Traffic light
This time
Green eye
And says:
"You can go
The path is open! "

He has three eyes
Three on each side
And although it is never
He did not watch everyone immediately -
He needs his eyes all.
He hangs here for a long time
And it looks at all.
What is this?
(Traffic light)

Where there is noisy intersection,
Where cars do not count,
Go not so easy
If the rules do not know.

Let them remember firmly children:
That comes true
Who only under the green light
Through the street goes!

Beautiful poems about traffic rules for preschool children

Knows each of the children
No ruled rules:
"Road rules
Follow out! "

Every young pedestrian
Or Zebra should know
And only step by it.

There is an underground passage
And overhead transition.
We go on it
From cars he will save!

Traffic light - road friend
Manages everything around.
Red light is a formidable look.
He is danger tatt.
If the light burns such
So like a soldier, stand!
Yellow - Like Sun
Warm, spring.
Suggests wait
Gives a mood.
And green - do not yaw
And forward screamed!

Red - "Stop!" "Get ready!" - Yellow.
And the green light is "Go!"
Be careful and persistent,
Do not run - wait wait!

Never near the car
Do not cross the road.
Remember even super
You can't slowly slow down!

Do not ride on the roads
For cars do not cling to:
Very dangerous
Palance on the track!

If on a bicycle
You go to the sidewalk,
Look around a little bit:
Is there a "cycleway" sign
If there is a separate path
We must roll on it!
If you go to kindergarten,
Then you are not enough!
And ride on the road
You are hardly allowed!
You can skit bold
By tracks in the yard!
On the road is not the case
To appear as a defector!

By roadway
Walk to everyone dangerous!
And on the sidewalk -
We are walking bravo.

If with mom or dad
You will go all together
Do not forget that you are a child,
Must go in a children's chair!
Must be a belt fastened
Himself and mother with dad too!
Observe everything must be strictly!
This, a friend, will help you.

Looks at the order strictly
Policeman - the right guard!
He is a guy on the road,
And our assistant!

You go to the road
There is no transition.
Do not rush, wait a bit
And listen to our advice:
Look at first to left
Clean that there are no cars.
Go to the middle.
Immediately do not rush again.
Look at first right.
No cars - bold forward!
Rules you know. Bravo!
Present pedestrian!

Road rules
Children should be needed!
And not only firmly know
But also observe!
You will be smart and bold,
And also healthy and intact!

Interesting poems about traffic rules for schoolchildren

City in which
With you we live,
You can rightly
Compare with a letter.

Alphabet streets,
Prospectuses, roads
The city gives us
All time lesson.

Here it is, the alphabet, -
Over your head:
Signs are hung
Along the bridge.

ABC of the city
Remember always
So as not to happen
With you trouble.

Here at any time
Worth a familiar post
He runs at once,
Who in front of him on the pavement.

No one can so
One movement of hand
Stop the flow of passersby
And skip trucks.

Movement Polon City:
Run cars in a row.
Colored traffic lights
And day and night are burning.

Stepping carefully
Behind the street watch
And only where it is possible
And only where it is possible
And only there go!

And where the day of trams
Rushing from all sides
It is impossible to walk, yawning!
You can not consider raven!

Stepping carefully
Behind the street watch
And only where it is possible
And only where it is possible
And only there go!

Making the guys
Learn urgent
Movement rules

So as not worried
Every day parents,
So that calmly rushed
The street drivers!

Walks down one street
Pretty strange citizen.
He is given the good advice:
- On the traffic light red light.
There is no way for the transition.
Now it is impossible to go!

- I do not care about the red light!
Said a citizen in response.
He goes across the street
Not where the inscription "Transition",
Throwing rough on the go:
- Where want, I'll go there!

The chauffeur looks into all eyes:
Razink ahead!
Press the brakes soon -
Rail to spare! ..

And suddenly she said the driver:
"I do not care about the traffic light!" -
And how did you get ride?
Would you have a possession from the post?
Tram would drive, how did you want?
Would anyone go, how could you?

Yes ... where the street was
Where you get used to
Incredible cases
There would have happened!

Signals, screams and know:
Machine - right on the tram,
Tram hit the car
The car crashed into a showcase ...

But no: it stands on the pavement
Hanging three-chapted traffic lights,
And knows the rules of chauffeur.

And prospectuses, and boulevards -
Everywhere the streets are noisy
Come on the sidewalk
Only on the right side!

Here is stitching, interfere with the people
Be an exemplary pedestrian

If you drive in the tram
And around you people
Not pursuing, not yawning,
Come speed forward.

Ride "hare", as you know,
Cede the old woman

If you walk just,
Still forward looking,
Through noisy crossroads
Carefully pass.

Red light transition
With green even children

You need to explain easily
Whether you are Yun or old:
Bridge - for transport,
For you - sidewalk!

Go across the street there, pedestrian,
Where the "Transition" is familiar to you!

On the traffic light - red light!
It is dangerous way - no passage!
And if the yellow light burns,
He "Preparation" says.

Green flashed ahead -
Free path, go.

Where the street you need to go,
About the rule remember Simple:
With attention left at first look,
To the right look later!

Stupid to think: "Somehow
Smoking tramway! "
Never forget,
What is faster than you tram!

Rose on our pavement.
Quickly handed the hand
Deftly wand waved.
You have seen
Have you seen? -
All cars immediately got up,
Together got up in three rows
And do not go anywhere.
The people are not worried
Across the street goes.
And stands on the pavement
Like a wizard, wizard.
All cars are alone
Obey him.

Traffic lights, traffic lights -
Red, yellow and green ...
Three fun fire on all the streets are burning
Red, yellow and green -
Leaves of ash and maples,
As if to help traffic lights,
Also hang in the fences.
What is there ahead - the way is closed?
Or is it on the way - the sheet is burning?
Red light or aspen?
Yellow light or waste?
All light signals
Autumn confused!

Everywhere and everywhere rules, they always need to know:
Without them, they will not go into swimming from the harbor of the court.
Going to the flight according to the rules of the polarist and the pilot.
The rules of the driver and pedestrians have their own.
As a multiplication table like a lesson,
Remember the Rules of Movement of Nazubok!
In the city, the street does not go just like this:
When you do not know the rules, it is easy to get to come.
All the time be attentive and remember in advance:
His rules for the driver and pedestrian!

Any intersection
Trefood meets us
And gets very simple
With a pedestrian conversation:
Cvet green- pass!
Yellow - better wait!
If the light is lit red -
So move dangerous!
Pave! Let the tram pass,
Take the patience.
Learn and respect the Rules of Movement.

And Avenues and Boulevards -
Everywhere the streets are noisy
Come on the sidewalk
Only on the right side!

Here is stitching, interfere with the people
Be an exemplary pedestrian

If you drive in the tram
And around you people
Not pursuing, not yawning,
Come speed forward.

Ride "hare", as you know,
Cede the old woman

If you walk just,
Still forward looking,
Through noisy crossroads
Carefully pass.

Red light transition
With green even children

The verse, which describes the road situation, quadruples or poem about the traffic light will help familiarize children the main provisions described in the rules of the road. Secure the presentation of children about the rules of the road in a game form.

Poems about PDD (On the rules of the road) talk about the main road rules, knowledge and observance of which - the security deposit of the child outside the house.

Starting to pay attention to the child on behavior of people and cars on the road, the work of the regulars and traffic lights, road signs can be started from 2 years of age. Watch your children at home with children and consider books, commenting on the behavior of the heroes on the road, arrange games in drivers and pedestrians with machinery and dolls. To make it easier for the child to remember what, read and memorize with him poems about road rules.

Poems about the rules of safe behavior on the road

"ABC of the city"

The city in which we live with you,
You can rightly compare with the letter,
Alphabet of streets, prospectuses, roads.
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Here it is, the alphabet - above his head:
Signs are hung along the pavement.
Alphabet of the city remember always
So as not happened to you trouble.

(Ya. Pishumov)

"Stepping carefully"

Movement Polon City:
Run cars in a row
Colored traffic lights
And day, and night burn.
Stepping carefully
Behind the street watch
And only where it is possible
Her go!
And where the day of trams
Rushing from all sides
It is impossible to walk yawning!
You can not consider raven!
Stepping carefully
Behind the street watch
And only where it is possible
Her go!

(Sergey Mikhalkov)

"Traffic light"

Stop, car!
Stop, motor!
Thormeosi soon
Chauffeur! Red eye:
Looks in the focus -
This is a strict traffic light.
View he is terrible
Ride on
Does not allow.
Waited for the driver
A little bit
Again looked out
In the window.
Traffic light
This time
Showed green eyes
And says:
"You can go
The path is open! "

(Mikhail Danzkovsky)

"Traffic light"

The traffic light told us strictly:
- Carefully, here the road!
Do not play, do not shawit,
Just stand and watch!

Upstairs lagged red:
Red Light is always dangerous!
Travel tractor and tram,
Hey, the driver does not yaw!

White Zebra - Transitions:
Waiting for quiet pedestrians.
The traffic light told us clearly -
Red light - go dangerous!

The traffic light shifted to us
He blinked yellow eye.
Yellow light and red light:
Anyway there is no road!

Traffic light is guarded,
At night he does not sleep even.
Looking into his eyes,
Buried brakes,

All cars stood in a row
People are also waiting for.
Traffic light lit for us
Your green kind eye.

Neatly, not rush,
Do not work, do not run!
Having waited very little
We go across the road!

(I. Gurina)

"Road Song"
(Road transition rules)

In the morning, before expensive,
Fifteen times in a row
Crow Mom Strict
She learned to be boring:
- While you do not master
How follows the flight
As you remember
Road transition:

The road is not a path,
The road is not a ditch,
First look left
Then see the right:
Left look
And right look
And if you do not know how to fly -

- The road is dangerous! -
He taught Krot's kids. -
Under her dig
Underground pass.
As long as you should
Can't dig -
Remember how it follows
You, children, do:

The road is not a path,
The road is not a ditch,
First look left
Then see the right:
Left look
And right look
And if you do not know how to dig

And in the grass, for the sideline,
Take on jumping ...
Grasshopper is concerned
He repels to her son:
- You can't
While jumping
And road rules
We must learn:

The road is not a path,
The road is not a ditch,
First look left
Then see the right:
Left look
And right look
And if you don't know how to jump -

I have nothing more to say.
For all one law -
For cats and grasshoppers,
People, Mole, Crow:
Be very careful
So that we do not disappear,
And road rules
How to learn:

The road is not a path,
The road is not a ditch,
First look left
Then see the right:
Left look
And right look
And if you won't see cars -

Traffic light

To help you
The way to go dangerous
Girl and day and night -
Green, yellow, red.
Our house is a traffic light.
We are three native brothers,
We light up for a long time
On the road to all the guys.
The strictest is red light.
If it is burning,
Stop! There are no roads further
The path for everyone is closed.
So that you calmly switched
Listen to our advice:
Wait! See you soon
In the middle of the light.
And behind him the green light
Breaks up ahead
He will say: "There are no obstacles.
Burly to go! "

(A. North) Post

In snow and rain,
In a thunderstorm and in the storm
I'm on the street on duty.
Thousands of cars rush -
Zisa, winter, m-1,
Pyatonki and trams.
I am passing to them.
If the hand is raising -
There is no passage to anyone.

(S. Marshak)


February was warm, like april,
Suddenly hardening
And then there is a snowball snow
On the sidewalk sketched.
Slip bus blue.
No wonder the driver is worried -
Gurboy guys
Run the street.
One fell, fell another
Sensity is not an assistant:
One head tread hand
The other frills pain.
The chauffeur took away from them
(It does not always happen) ...
On the pavement stitch on the ice,
Of course, it is prohibited.

(I. Leskevich) Pedestrian traffic lights

Two brothers are on the post:
Then one here, then the other.
At the post are two brothers,
Everyone is brave clock.
Here the brother is red,
He hurries to warn:
"Stand, citizens, dangerous
You now go! "
Rose to the post green brother,
Smiling, says:
"Now it's enough for you to stand,
Go through the way is open! "
Happy and night both brothers
The service is faithful.
You listen to them guys
They will not let you down.

Who brave?

Once on the calane,
On the tram stop
The dispute came in two friends -
Which of them two brave.
Petya jumped up
Not afraid to get into trouble
And, having passed a little,
Lojo jumped on the go. -
What's this! - Sergey noticed. -
Also I'm still a hero!
And, nodding carelessly
The ball drove the pavement.
Petya, the dispute is passionate
Following the other ran.
Counter transportation indignantly
Brakes crossed.
You, of course, know,
What ended their dispute?
Do not hurry, wait -
The dispute is not dead until now.
Petya is terribly hot
It is hot with him Sergey.
Two friends lie in the hospital,
Find out who brave.

(A. rank)

Traffic light

Stop, car!
Stop, motor!
Tormezosi speeds, driver!
Red eye
Looks in the focus -
This is a strict traffic light.
View he is terrible
Further go
Not allowing ...
Waited for the chauffeur
A little bit
Again looked out
In the window.
Traffic light
This time
Green eye
And says:
"You can go
The path is open! "

(M. Pleazkovsky)


The guys stick to the father:
"Give us a scooter!"
So stuck that father
I finally agreed. Says father to two brothers:
"I myself will not go with you,
Let me ride
Only in the park and in the garden. " On the boulevard senior brother
Updates scooter.
Younger brother could not resist
And on the street rushed! He flies forward so soon
What does not see traffic lights ...
Here without brake, one,
He fell into the flow of cars ... So there is - Shalun stumbled,
Under the car turned up.
But the driver was skillful,
The boys have the legs. Loved this time, -
Tears rolling out eyes.
Admire-ka guys
On the owner of the scooter. He does not run - sits,
His hand hurts.
You have scooter -
So go with him in the park and in the garden. You can ride the boulevard,
On the path running,
But it is impossible on the sidewalk,
And it is impossible on the pavement.

(N. Konchalovskaya)

Traffic light

Go across the road
You are always on the streets
And prompt and help
Speaking colors.
Red color will tell you "no!"
Restrained and strictly.
Yellow light gives advice
Wait a bit.
And the green light burns -
"Come", "says.
From squares and intersections
I look at the focus
Seemingly formidable and serious
Long traffic light.
He is polite, and strict.
He is known for the whole world.
He is wide on the street
The most important commander.
He has colored eyes,
Not eyes, but three fire!
He is in turn them
Looks from above on me.
I, of course, I know him
And how not to know it!
I understand perfectly
All that he wants to say!
(I. Leskevich)

ABC security

Asphalt Street View
Cars rush rushing.
Burlit in Movement Bridge -
Run cars, hurry trams,
All be the rule right -
Keep Right.
Must remember Pedestrian:
Crossroads - transition.
There are traffic lights,
Commend to them without dispute.
Yellow light - warning!
Wait for the signal for movement,
Green light opened the road:
Moving guys can.
Walk straight! You know order
On the pavement you will not suffer.
Red light tells us:
"Stop! DANGER! WAY closed."
Lesha with any walking pair,
Where go? On the sidewalk.
Pupil, waking up in the tram,
Senior place yield.
Football is a good game,
At the Stadium of the Devora.
Hockey - Ice game in winter,
But do not play on the pavement.
Clanging the crochet machine board -
Dangerous and unnecessary sport.
Gazdi health, life right,
Behind the movement watch.
Examination of an important meaning
Keep pop rules of movement.
Young citizens, Tanya and Petit,
Firmly remember these rules!
(Yu. Vocharov) Traffic light reads the book Stupid Elephant
On the bridge itself
And the uncommon to him that he
Risks head.
Need to obey without dispute
Light instructions!
Need to rules movement
Perform without objection.
This will confirm all
Good doctor Aibolit.
(V. Golovko) Cyclist

On two wheels I kach
Two pedals of first pedals.
Being behind the wheel, I look forward,
I know - soon turn.
I suggested a road sign:
The highway goes down in the ravine.
Rush at idle
Pedestrians in sight.
(S. Mikhalkov) Wonderful island

Like the river, the prospectus is wide,
Here floats cars stream.
And although there is no bridge here,
Nor ferry on the way
Everyone can be very simple
Everyone can be very simple
This river go.
Male people
At the transition sign.
Pedestrians are not disturbing
Glitter lights, machines flow -
Go to them all will help
Go to them all will help
Pedestrian island.
Light green ahead -
Do not rob, go ahead.
You reached the middle -
Suddenly a red light was lit.
Machine moving again,
Machine moving again,
And there are no roads further.
Here you will see at the feet
This is the island.
Wait, fasting to the term
On a wonderful island,
He is wide on the street
He is wide on the street
Like an island on the river.

(A. DMOKOV) traffic light

If the light fell red,
So move dangerous,
Light green says:
"Go around, the path is open!"
Yellow light - warning,
Wait for the signal for moving.
It should be all right!
Even those who go to nursery.
Everyone who lives in the city.
Transitions are not risky
Only where they are drawn
Checkers white squares
And on the "Transition" arrow.

(S. Mikhalkov)


Here at any time
A dexterous duty room.
He runs at once,
Who in front of him on the pavement.
No one can so
One movement of hand
Stop the flow of passersby
And skip trucks.

(S. Mikhalkov)

Traffic lights at any intersection
Trefood meets us
And gets very simple
With a pedestrian conversation:
Light green - pass!
Yellow - better wait!
If the light fell red - it means
Move danger!
Let the tram pass. Be patient.
Learn and Uvaza
Rules of movement.

(Ya. Pishumov)


Look, posting
Rose on our pavement,
Quickly handed the hand
Deftly wand waved.
Have you seen? Have you seen?
All cars immediately got up!
Together got up in three rows
And do not go anywhere!
The people are not worried -
Across the street goes
And stands on the pavement,
Like a wizard, wizard.
All cars are alone
Obey him.

(Ya. Pishumov)

Do not run across the road!

Go across the road
There are many reasons:
Then with ice cream kiosk,
Then kitten, then Barbos.
But also for octopus
Do not run across the road.
Vasya run so loved so
And his bus shot down.
He now lives in the hospital,
Even go afraid.
He has an unhappy species -
Poor Vasya is a disabled.
Do not see him football,
Do not walk with friends to school.
Hardly worth it
His rash.

With mom across the road

Safe Method Most:
Go the road with mom.
She will not let
We will bring us the handle.
But much will be better
If she teach us,
How without trouble and by the mind
Make it yourself.

Underground pass

Teld Mom Rode
About the underground transition
In which people
Under the dear go.
Rodion with a girlfriend
Worn from that time shovels -
So that under the track on the way
The move is to break through and go.
It was easier for them, however,
The transition to find a sign.

Traffic light

Learn Grandfather Hyra
Talk with traffic lights:
"He has a simple language -
Watching a red eye - stand!
And lit green eyes -
So, misses us.
And, while not looking red,
On the road safe. "
Split head Egor:
"Where is the uncle-traffic light?"
We will find out right away -
Single-legged and double-headed.


Told Ilya Volodya,
That with sister on zebra walks,
And while they go,
All cars stand and wait.
But solved Volodya: "It's a pity
Zebra take from the zoo! "
Well, he will not understand
What is the zebra transition -
No quarter-legged
And stripes on the road.

Look to the left, look right!

At the highway, the brother teaches fame:
"The look left, look right!
If there are no cars near,
Then go, do not brand!
If the car is close,
Stop, as in the radish field! "
Glory immediately laughed:
"Long here else to grow?"

Traffic light automotive

Showed Valera Dane
Traffic light with three eyes,
What looks for some reason
Right on the cars stream,
And they, definitely,
Go to the green signal.
Tanya to the conclusion came:
"The traffic light crazy!"
And complained to mom.
But she said Dana:
"Do not hold the conclusion -
Traffic light for cars.
So must pedestrian
Do all the opposite!
For cars will light red -
Pedestrians safe!
For cars Green light -
Pedestrians no stroke!
If yellow lights up
Wait, what then turns on. "
More Danya since then
Does not deceive the traffic light.

On the road do not play

Yang, Timur, Oleg and Valya
Near the highway played football.
Paz, Oleg Paz,
Jan Timur Paz, and once! -
Missed yang a little -
The ball blew up on the road.
Will be there now lying
After all, it is impossible to run behind him.
Their drivers scold:
"Don't play on the road!"

Go around the bus from the back, and the tram in front

Says Seryozha Nadya:
"Go around the bus from the back!
And at the same time on the tram
Slipchka not coming!
Well we learned with you like -
Front tram bypass!
And now ... "He himself did not know
How to around the dump truck ...

Talk with traffic lights:
"He has a simple language -
Watching red Eye - Stop!
A lit. Green eye
So, misses us.
And, while not looking red,
On the road safe. "
Split head Egor:
"Where is the uncle-traffic light?"
We will find out right away -
Single-legged and double-headed.

Showed Valera Dane
Traffic light with three eyes,
What looks for some reason
Right on the cars stream,
And they, definitely,
Go to the signal green.
Tanya to the conclusion came:
"The traffic light crazy!"
And complained to mom.
But she said Dana:
"Do not hold the conclusion -
Traffic light for cars.
So must pedestrian
Do all the opposite!
For cars will light up red
Pedestrians safe!
For machines green light
Pedestrians no stroke!
If a yellow light up
Wait, what then turns on. "
More Danya since then
Does not deceive the traffic light.

We have a good friend
With a giant good one!
Know: three eyes
Not afraid of anyone.
In the morning, day, in the night darkness
Everyone is lit one by one.
And everyone has its own color,
In order to give us advice.
If a yellow light horite
Make sure
On the green We - go,
All happy way!
And he will hear red, suddenly
Wait a little friend!
Toropagoy harmful to be
We must rush life!
Friend called "traffic light",
Calmless conversation
He leads to people for a long time,
Never let down.
It we obey should
And we are not afraid of the roads !!!

At the transition strip
On the side of the road
Beast Three-headed, single-legged,
Unknown form breed Div_adblock98 "\u003e.

For us:
So leads your conversation
Silent traffic light.

It is easy, without tense
(Only winks the eye),
Regulates movement
Those who go and go!

The traffic lights burned red
And went the flow of cars,
So it will be dangerous!
Do not rush to the road!

On the car, on the road
Learning look!
And still a little more:
Will be yellow Ahead.

Well, after lights,
Like grass, green, Light!
You need to make sure again
That there are no cars near.

Consider the road to the left
See next to the right.
And, walking on Zebra boldly,
Traffic light thanks!

Strict traffic light (Irina Gurina)

The traffic light told us strictly:
- Carefully, here the road!
Do not play, do not shawit,
Just stand and watch!
Upstairs left red:
Red Light is always dangerous!
Travel tractor and tram,
Hey, the driver does not yaw!
White Zebra - Transitions:
Waiting for quiet pedestrians.
The traffic light told us clearly -
Red light - go dangerous!
The traffic light shifted to us
Yellow He blinked his eye.
Yellow light and red light:
Anyway there is no road!
Traffic light is guarded,
At night he does not sleep even.

Light signals

Color green
Major wait.
Well, and if red -

The pass is dangerous!

Three wonderful lights

To help you
The way to go dangerous
Girl and day and night -
Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light.
We are three native brothers,
We light up for a long time
On the road to all the guys.

We are three wonderful lights
You often see us,
But our advice
Do not listen sometimes.

Strict - red light.
If it is burning,
Stop! There are no roads further
The path for everyone is closed!

So that you calmly switched
Listen to our advice:
- Wait! See soon yellow
In the middle of the light!

And behind him green shine
Will flash ahead.
He will say:
- No obstacles,
Boldly go!

Will you obey without dispute
Traffic instructions,
Home and go to school
Of course, very soon.

Light adjustor

Stop, car!
Stop, motor!
Thormeosi soon

Red eye:
Looks in the focus -
This is a strict traffic light.
View he is terrible
Ride on
Does not allow.
Waited for the driver
A little bit
Again looked out
In the window.
Traffic light
This time
Showed Green eye,
And says:
"You can go
The path is open! "

Two gnomes

At the road in the house
Without garden and porch
Dwarfs live,
Two nice little man:
Do not play domino
In salts or hide
And all day look out the window:
Is everything okay there?

Gnome green He speaks:
- Everything is quiet. The path is open!
If it came out red -
So, the path is dangerous!
And in the afternoon, and at night dark
The windows in it do not go out:
Here the gnome came out green,
Here appeared krasnovth.
The little men are important
And difficult work -
Careless citizens
Migrate from the transition!

Our friend-traffic

Red, yellow andgreen,
He looks at all.
Crossroads lively,
Right traffic light.

Old men go and children
- Do not run and do not rush.
Traffic light for everyone
A true friend and brother.

By traffic light
Come across the street.
And nod to us the chaufferes:
"Pass, wait."

On the red light - no road,
On the yellow - wait.
When burning green shine,
Have a good trip

Three friends

Three Pedestrian Friend at any time of the year
Red Light is your first friend -
A truly strict.
If he suddenly burned -
No way road.
Yellow Light is your friend the second
Gives advice sensible:
Pave! Warning in the morning!
Wait for signals new!

The third friend blinking you
Own green Light:
Come! There is no threat!
I lie in this!

When moving areas,
Prospectuses and roads
Tips of these three friends
Do everything on time.

Useful children's poems about traffic lights and street transition rules:

A. Rakhimov

Helps for a long time
Children, our friend, traffic light
Explain without tense
Children Rules Movement.

Listen and memorize
And always observe them.
The red light caught fire,
Stop, baby, no passage.
Yellow light Light burn
Get ready says.
And the light of green
Go my friend a scientist.
Remember the Rules of Movement
As a multiply table!

I. Dal.

"The most important on the road, -
They talked to me friends -
Disagreement, single-legged,
It is impossible to joke with him. "
I'm a little frightened
I hear this conversation
But seeing, guessed
Well, just, - traffic light.

M. Novitskaya

Multicolored three mug:
Red shines - wait
And on yellow - stand, friend,
On the green light - go!
Traffic light gives advices,
How the road to go.
Pedestrian in this case
Better friend not to find!


Green colour -
Yellow -
Major wait.
Well, if red -
Stop, friend!


Winched me traffic light:
- go, baby!
Well, what is the dispute here?
Light burns - green!
Boldly I go, friends
Right along stripes.
And the cars are all standing
Here, by the intersection!
Yellow traffic light blinking,
Machines snorted!
I stepped onto the sidewalk -
Shelched tires.
Pedestrians are red
So - stop,
Do not run, since no turn,
Even if dexterous.

A. Fitre

Three eyes have traffic light.
Well, remember them, friend,
Walk through the streets so that soon
Alone you could.
Here is a red eye ... you are afraid!
When he burns - no way.
Frighes yellow - Get ready!
Green Glows - Go!

D. Ponomareva

Traffic light We are shining red -
Pave! It is impossible to go, dangerous.
Yellow with red suddenly lit -
We stand green waiting.
By green alarm
Do not go right away.
Head to the right
Before this twist:
Make sure to be left
there is no racing machines
And then go calmly.
Everyone will understand: you have become big.

V. Mikhailov

He stands at the crossroads
Striped like in a sailor pack.
Children were surprised at:
-What is he three eyes?
Red - stop all movement.
Yellow - our respect.
And green will light up
You can go further into the path.
He is called for a long time
Very simple - traffic light.

S. Melnikov

Racing fast cars.
Truth asphalt rotating tires.
We need to go to the garden.
How do you go through the road?
Helps, for a long time,
Do it traffic light:
The yellow eye will light up
The transition is closed for you!
Green light burns
Pedestrian forwards seeking.
Where the red light is on
All machines are closed path.

E. Nikolaev

Going for a walk,
To the store, or in the movies,
Passing along the alley
Remember the rule one:
Where the engine roar is heard -
There is no rotosetics!
Stop - team traffic light,
If you see a red light!
And on the yellow light road
Do not rush to move.
Wait a little,
To do not please doctors.
On the green signal you can
Your way boldly continue!
These rules are easy
Everyone and everywhere to observe.

A. Chugundnikov

On the roads for a long time
There was always a great dispute
Who is more important, pedestrian -
Restless people
Or vehicle -
This is a new neighborhood.
To solve the eternal dispute,
Was invented traffic light.
The red light caught fire,
No drive cars.
Green light ahead
Pedestrian forward go.

O. Maslova

This is who here, look -
Flashing us: Once, two, three?
Who can tell me,
What are the strange eyes?
Bright - red - first eye,
Looking strictly on us
Says there is no way
You can not go now !!!
Next - the yellow eye is burning,
"- Wait," says, "
Well, still quite a little - a little,
And you go to the road. "
Here - the green eye is burning,
Says: "- Go now,
Waiting for cars and tram,
Quickly trees, do not yaw! "
Solved or not -
This little secret,
Who looks at us?
Well, of course - traffic light !!!

G. Gorikovik

Three funny lights
And for night, for the day.
It flashes from far away.
Their team is great!
On the asphalt I get up my foot,
Red shouts me: "Wait!"
See my forbidden color?
There is no road on him! "
The yellow eye caught fire
He gives a signal for us.
But still it is impossible!
Wait for a green eye!
Here, green flashed,
The path is "free", pointed out.
Man in that eye
Transition opened it to me.
What are these lights,
What they command are:
When transport to go,
And when to close the way?!
And when the pass is open,
So that the people went on Zebra.
Red, yellow - forbade,
And the green - allowed!
Well, friend, you found out
What is this signal?
Transition traffic light
The way opened to the next yard!

A. Ivanov

Kids know everything in the world
What traffic light.
How he flashes and shines
They know Pavlik and Egor.
Red Light - stand still!
There is no way on the road!
Under the car you do not climb -
Do not go!
If yellow lights up,
This means that again
The transition will be free
We can continue to walk.
Green Light is the best!
The path is open! But do not rush!
Only with dad or with mom
Cut babies.
If you do not know the rules,
Very ashamed! Do not be lazy!
They tell them verse
Andryushi learn!

Z. Berezina

And we have recently
Near the house traffic light.
It burns and day, and night
Everything tries to help.
If the red lights up,
You do not try to hurry.
Know all that red. -
For the way dangerous.
And you do not go to yellow
And calmly stand and wait.
Mom by hand - and wait we.
Together with us all the people
Patiently waiting for green,
To move forward.
Here - the green flashed! Soon!
Winched: - You can not stand!
Soon the color of the traffic
Red replaced again.

T. Ghette.

He has only three eyes
But not everyone is open immediately.
If the red eye is open,
It means he is angry
On move forward
Permission does not give!
Opens yellow eyes
Be careful now
Wait for green in the eye.
And I saw immediately immediately
You can go and go!
And happy way!

E. Frenchman

On the roads for a long time
Settled traffic lights,
And driver and passer
Must know such a device.
All fear him for
Multicolored eyes
He dictates on the road
You can go, it is impossible.
And taxis, and all-terrain
And dashing pedestrians,
What goes to the worst
Respect traffic lights!
He has a hard character
He hangs at the intersection,
And he blinks in love
Red, yellow and green.
If the red light shines,
No way road
Even those who hurry
Walk your dinner at home.
If the rule is broken
You want, for example,
So you need today
Strict policeman!
Say: "It's ugly!"
And punish fairly
To be careful to be,
The fine will have to pay!
If the yellow light is lit,
Wait a little happy
So as not to get stuck in the way
And go through the road.
Yellow color shouts: "Attention!"
Runs out the expectation
And he goes out about
And the move will go!
Here are the green lights pressed,
And cars ran,
In while they run,
Pedestrians wait!
Traffic lights drive,
He is order expressing
Even without legs he and no hands,
He is for all reliable friend!

O. Borisov

This temord traffic light
Does not create a jam.
Behind the cars is watching
They manage.
If yellow will give it light,
Torn - no stroke,
Wait for the following signal,
Yellow warned you.
If red light breaks,
For movement - ban,
And he will lit green
The path is free - everything is fine!

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