Home Steering Skoda Octavia (Tour). Headlight adjustment. Instructions for self-replacement of oil in MCPP Skoda Octavia Oil 6 MCPP Octavia A5

Skoda Octavia (Tour). Headlight adjustment. Instructions for self-replacement of oil in MCPP Skoda Octavia Oil 6 MCPP Octavia A5

One of the many emerging issues during the operation of the Skoda car is to replace the oil in a manual transmission, in particular at octavia tour, A5 and A7. If, with the frequency of oil replacement in the engine of the same octavia, the tour is all clear - once every 15,000 km (as the official recommended) or once every 10,000, as they recommend all the rest (so to say to sleep calmly), then the transmission is very strong Dissate. Factory manufacturer writes that in the manual transmission oil poured once for the entire service life! But these dates are not all the same, but the driving manner and the operation of the car and is suppressed. Therefore, we and many other people weighing in these affairs recommend at least checking the oil level in the gearbox of your octavia (tour, A5 or A7) and even make it replacing it at least once every 100,000 kilometers.

If you all thought about and weighed and decided to replace the oil on your Octavia, then it would not make any difficulty. The only stumbling block may be the absence of a lift, observation pit or overpass, which would be calmly moved under the bottom of your Skoda.

What oil to pour into the gearbox on Octavia?

This is one of the most important issues, since no one thinks about him and you can pour that it fell. We recommend pouring original gearbox oil, which is provided by the manufacturer.

By number it may be VAG № G 052 726 A2 or VAG G 060 726 A2they both denote the oil for mechanical gearbox. As for the tolerances then it VW 501 50, SAE 75W-90, API GL-4 +For them, you can pick up those oils that are more trusted or what experiences are checked. This is a purely personal opinion of every motorist and you have the right to make your personal choice.

With the main points figured out, now you can proceed to replace and control the level.

The procedure for replacing oil in a manual transmission on cars Skoda Octavia Tour

First you need to get under the car and it is desirable that you could move freely there. In this you can help or lift, or an observation pit in the garage, or the overpass located nearby, to which you can drive your octavia.

What to get to the gearbox, remove the engine protection, if any. (In detail to paint this item does not make sense, since there is nothing complicated).

Yes, one is a lot of an important point! It is best to drain the oil within 15-20 minutes after the trip, whatever it is warmed and merged well!

On the gearbox there are plugs for drain (from below on the bottom) and for fill / check level. In the photo, they are clearly highlighted. For convenience and more free access to the filling cork, you can remove the front right wheel. But at the same time the car should be in a horizontal position, so after removing it, lower a little jack and align Octavia. We unscrew the bottom cork using the hexagon on 17 (it can be purchased in any automata, without it will not work in any way) and wait until the oil is solved.

After that, twist it back and thus reveal the cork for filling and control the oil level in the mechanical transmission. If you have a special "nose" on the canister, then putting it into the hole right from the canister to pour fresh butter into the box. If there is no one there, then take the usual syringe and do this procedure with it.

The oil level in the box is considered sufficient when it begins to flow from the casting plug. In the same way, you can simply check it, unscrewing it and making sure that the oil flowed out from there, or stuffing his finger there, you must get to the upper feature. When it is not observed when checking this, it is necessary to urgently add the oil to a given level.

Tip! Pour a little more level than along the bottom cut hole. To do this, subdominate the car from the castle plug.

The bay of fresh oil in the box, and make sure that the level is achieved correctly, you can safely twist the plug in your place and collect all other parts in the reverse sequence. Thus, spending about 30 minutes of its time, you provide a longer and safe "life" of your gearbox.

Replacing the oil in a six-speed manual transmission on Octavia A5

In the second generation of Octavia, namely A5 the procedure for changing the oil in a manual transmission is slightly different from the procedure on the tour. Firstly, there may be a 6-pulled box (based on which we will show the instructions), and secondly, the level in it should be slightly higher than the filler plug. Subdominating the car will not work, so the fill of fresh oil will occur through the reversing sensor, which is located under the battery.

The photo shows two possible holes for draining oil from the box. You can only use the plug that is smaller. We unscrew it with the same hexagon on 17 and drain the exhaust oil. This process can delay, you need to wait.

1 - Flip Cork
2 - drain plug
3 - for complete drain

We definitely measure the amount of fused to fill out at least so much. By reloading the reverse sensor by a key to 22, it is better and more convenient to do it from the bottom, you need to insert a pre-prepared hose with a fitting, since neither a syringe nor so the more Kanishystrone there it is not enough.

At the time of the fill, we recommend unscrewing the filling cork and watch until it flits fresh oil from it. Thus, you can clearly find out the level that floods and spinning it to attach the rest. Do not forget to compare the volumes of the fused and poured oil.

After the fill, we collect everything else in the reverse sequence and set to our locations. Do not forget about the electrical chips that you could take off for the convenience of access to different items.

Video checks and replacement of oil in the manual transmission on Skoda Octavia Tour

The time comes when the oil should be changed in the car and this process is irreversible, so it is necessary to approach this issue thoroughly and seriously. Oil selection for Skoda Octavia A7 is not a simple action and here you need to take into account many factors that will affect future. The gearbox is one of the most important components of the car and the normal functionality of this node is necessary, and therefore it is not necessary to save on the oil.

The oil in the checkpoint should be changed for several reasons:

  1. Oil performs the function of the cooler. The checkpoint at the time of operation is heated, and the liquid cools and loses its properties.
  2. Also, the oil function is the lubricant of parts, but with thermal exposure, these properties are lost.
  3. In the process of operation in oil, there is a precipitate, which is produced during the wear of parts, namely the metal chips, which can damage the surfaces of the remaining parts.

In the above reasons, oil should be changed in the Skoda Octavia A7 gearbox. On average, the suitability of the old lubricant fluid, according to the technical data of the manufacturer's plant is 250,000 km. But it is worth considering that also affects the environment and the outdoor temperature. What it is lower or higher, the greater the wear can be oil in the checkpoint.

Oil selection in Skoda Octavia A7

Select oil in the Skoda Octavia A7 gearbox is carefully, since the normal functioning of the box depends on its quality, and respectively all passing parts and mechanisms. The original oil in the Skoda Octavia A7 PPC has a catalog number Vagg 052512A2.

It should be borne in mind that when replacing the oil on another manufacturer or labeling, it is worthwhile to wash the node to remove the old oil completely. This is due to the fact that different oils have different chemical and technological properties, and a mixture of two different oils can adversely affect the operation of the Skoda Octavia A7 gearbox.

The process of replacing the oil in the checkpoint

The oil change in the automatic transmission occurs since in A5 and the technology is no different, so we look at the A5 process and do everything exactly.

So, proceed to replacing the oil in the DSG7 Skoda Octavia A5 automatic transmission:

  1. In fact, it would seem just like all cars, two corks, hung-floated, but no. But now is not about it. We buy oil.
  2. Remove the engine protection.

  3. We are looking for a drain and fuel plug. And here we are confronted with the problem, the plum was found, and there is no bay. Maybe it is closed by an acb shelf.

  4. We dismantle the battery.

  5. Now, in order to remove the fastening shelf, you need to remove the air filter. We dismantle the filter with the housing.

  6. Now remove the shelf completely.
  7. So, the problem remains, there is no bay stop, as it was not.
  8. The entire bay procedure was decided to do differently. Remove the Sapun gearbox, the one that is near the switch lever.
  9. We drain the oil. Be sure to buy 2 liters of oil.

  10. Why two liters? 1.9 liters were fused from the car.
  11. Swirling a drain plug go to the bay. Remove the lever of the PPC, as in the photo and unscrew the Sapun.

  12. Now the wine is a hole through which the oil is poured.

  13. Everything is ready and the oil is changed, now we collect everything as they disassembled.


Having considered the entire article one can see that the technological process of replacing oil in the Skoda Octavia A7 gearbox is quite simple and there is nothing complicated. The main aspect on which to pay attention is the correct selection of oil, since it should not save on such liquids.

The owners of the popular Skoda Octavia A5 car are often wondering about the expediency of self-replacement of oil in the gearbox. In fact, this procedure does not require professional skills, and is quite accessible even to novice motorists. In addition, Octavia A5 is a fairly simple car design against the background of more modern foreign cars. In this article, consider in detail how to replace the oil in the Skoda Octavia mechanical box, and what is needed for this.

When fuel oil

The manufacturer in the manual indicates that the transmission oil for Skoda Octavia A5 is designed for the entire period of operation of the car. This is true, but such recommendations are relevant only for countries with a favorable climate. For Russian conditions, the situation is absolutely different, and it is far from the benefit of the gearbox. To support the excellent state of the transmission, and avoid its failure, oil is recommended to be changed after 30 thousand kilometers. Moreover, there are no difficulty in this procedure.

Nuances of replacement

For self-replacement, the fluid will need a lift or overpass. In extreme cases, the observation pit is suitable or jack. The main thing is to be provided with full access to the lower part of the vehicle.

Which oil is better to pour

The answer to this question is given in the instruction manual for Skoda Octavia. So, when choosing a suitable liquid, you must first pay attention to the recommended parameters. So, such data is preferred for SKODA Octavia A5 MCPP: VAG No. G 052 726 A2, VAG G 060 726 A2. Admission parameters are as follows: VW 501 50, SAE 75W-90, API GL-4 +. Based on this data, you can choose the brand.

How much to fill

Change the oil in the manual transmission

  1. Prepare a car - warm up the motor and gearbox, then install the machine on the viewing area with access to the bottom of the car
  2. In the case of Octavia A5, the oil pouring is carried out via the reverse sensor, located under the battery area
  3. At the bottom of the car there is a drain hole, find it
  4. Using a hexagon to 17, unscrew the plug hole, after which it is observed to observe the process of exhaust oil. The liquid will be flushed into a pre-prepared pallet. It is necessary to act gently, and work in gloves. Additional fixtures secure the skin from getting burns
  5. As soon as the liquid follows, it is necessary to measure its level. There should be about 2 liters. It is so much that will need to pour new oil.
  6. The next stage is the fill of fresh liquid. You need to pour into the reverse sensor, which must be pre-unscrewed by the key to 22
  7. During the injection of oil, experts recommend to unscrew the filling cork through which the level can be observed. When the liquid starts to appear and slightly flow, the fill of the oil should be stopped
  8. The fill process is completed. Now you need to spin all the plugs in the reverse sequence, and check the reliability of the fasteners, as well as to wipe the bottom of the car from possible logs. Two weeks later, it is possible to re-check the oil level, and if necessary, add a few more remaining fluid.

The owners of the popular Skoda Octavia A5 car are often wondering about the expediency of self-replacement of oil in the gearbox. In fact, this procedure does not require professional skills, and is quite accessible even to novice motorists. In addition, Octavia A5 is a fairly simple car design against the background of more modern foreign cars. In this article, consider in detail how to replace the oil in the Skoda Octavia mechanical box, and what is needed for this.

When fuel oil

The manufacturer in the manual indicates that the transmission oil for Skoda Octavia A5 is designed for the entire period of operation of the car. This is true, but such recommendations are relevant only for countries with a favorable climate. For Russian conditions, the situation is absolutely different, and it is far from the benefit of the gearbox. To support the excellent state of the transmission, and avoid its failure, oil is recommended to be changed after 30 thousand kilometers. Moreover, there are no difficulty in this procedure.

Nuances of replacement

For self-replacement, the fluid will need a lift or overpass. In extreme cases, the observation pit is suitable or jack. The main thing is to be provided with full access to the lower part of the vehicle.

Which oil is better to pour

The answer to this question is given in the instruction manual for Skoda Octavia. So, when choosing a suitable liquid, you must first pay attention to the recommended parameters. So, such data: VAG No. G 052 726 A2, VAG G 060 726 A is preferable: VAG G 052 726 A 2. The parameters of the tolerance look like this: VW 501 50, SAE 75W-90, API GL-4 +. Based on this data, you can choose the brand.

Although Skoda Octavia from the Czech automaker, which is part of the auto giant Vag, has recently rose somewhat in price, having ceased to be a brand of budgetary machines, the demand from this to the brand did not start.

On the contrary, the popularity of Skoda continues to grow confidently. This is largely due to a combination of good quality machines, good appearance and reliability. These are cars that can serve not one dozen years with competent care and timely maintenance.

Now incredibly claimed in the secondary market of the A5 and A7 model, which in terms of service are not very different. This allows you to consider the replacement of oil in the manual transmission on Skoda Octavia A7 and A5 at the same time. Although the cars are somewhat different in terms of equipment, design and other trifles, the principle of replacing the consumility remained unchanged.

Replacement frequency

Skoda Octavia cars equipped with mechanical gearboxes are five-speed and six-speed.

The Czech company conducted a good job to adapt his car to the Russian operating conditions. This made it possible to noticeably extend the service life of machines for not the highest quality roads and in conditions of harsh winter.

But the official regulation somewhat overestimates the capabilities of their cars. How else to explain the fact that the manufacturer declares the absence of the need to change the transmission oil in the manual transmission. Similar to the Skoda recommendation also gives relative to automatic boxes.

Upon the fact of the procedure for changing the oil in the manual transmission, if you want your Skoda Octavia to serve for a long time, reliably and trouble-free. The longer you delay with the replacement, the higher the probability of the appearance of all sorts of problems and breakdowns. For periodic oil replacement, there is not so much time, forces and financial resources. But with the full failure of the gearbox, you will have to significantly invest in the repair of the car.

Masters, experts and simply experienced car owners concluded that the frequency of replacement of transmission oil in the MCPP should be at least 80,000 kilometers. If the conditions of operation are severe, in the winter the temperature drops below -20 degrees Celsius, and the quality of the road leaves much to be desired, then cut the interval between replacements up to 50 - 60 thousand kilometers.

On the need to change the working fluid in the oil carriage CARTER can indicate several characteristic features:

  • the first time is not successful to switch the transfer;
  • during the switching process, noise, knocks and crunchs appear;
  • the transfer is turned on not to the end;
  • increasing oil consumption in the manual transmission;
  • speed \u200b\u200band power drops;
  • the car begins to slower slower;
  • it is necessary to apply more physical effort to work the manual manual manual.

All this potentially indicates that the old oil has lost its physicochemical properties, it does not fully fulfill its functions. If you continue to ride a car with a faulty transmission, this will be wrapped with the wear of the IPAM elements with their subsequent failure.

Since the box is considered the second most important node in the machine after the engine, its repair or replacement will require impressive financial costs. Much easier and cheaper sometimes change the oil and maintain the performance of the mechanical gearbox.

Select Oil

Here, many car owners allow the most common mistake. It is wrong to assume that all oils are the same, so you can use the first fluids for MCPP.

Yes, in the case of Skoda Octavia, their mechanical transmissions are not the most arrogant in terms of lubricant selection. But only if the composition complies with the requirements of the automaker.

Here the most important are viscosity and API indicators. For Skoda Octavia A5 and A7, it is necessary to pour oil into a box with an indicator GL4 / GL5 (GL4 +) and a viscosity of 75W90. These are the optimal characteristics that the mechanic requires.

Now it remains to decide which oil to fill in the manual transmission. The optimal choice will be the original composition. But it does not buy often due to high cost. Many are confident that it is just a commercial move. In fact, the original compositions do not differ from the analogues of other manufacturers.

This statement can not be called fair. At the design and creation of transmission boxes, all characteristics and properties of oil are carefully selected, which can optimally correspond to the manual transmission. So make many large automakers. As a result, oil is obtained by specific capabilities and physicochemical parameters. Other manufacturers of oils are trying to approach them so that customers have the opportunity to choose other formulations, in addition to the original.

In the case of octavia models A5 and A7, the original oils from VAG have the following indices:

  • G 052512a2;
  • G 052171A2.

These two compositions are ideal for mechanical gearboxes. In no case in any case, do not pour original oils in the manual, intended for automatic transmissions. There is a completely different composition.

If we talk about alternative solutions, then Skoda Octavia will feel good feeling with oils from leading companies:

  • Shell;
  • Motul;
  • Castrol;
  • LIQUI MOLY, etc.

Focus on the viscosity and parameters of the API. You buy, the less problems in the course of the car you will have. Original compositions are not necessary, but if there is such a possibility, you must use it.

Required volume

Owners Skoda Octavia A5 and A7 with mechanical gearboxes were lucky slightly more than those who have an automatic transmission if we talk about the replacement procedure.

This is due to the amount of lubrication that is required to fill oil crankcase. The automatic transmission volume is 6 liters, which is quite a lot and costly from a financial point of view. But there are no choice by car owners, it is necessary to buy and change. Repair or replacement of automatic transmission will cost much more expensive.

But if your Skoda Octavia A5 and A7 is equipped with MCPP, then it takes a few times less lubrication. The filling volume of the mechanical transmission is 2.0 liters. But when replacing all 2 liters do not succeed. Part of the lubricant remains inside the system, because in real conditions it is usually placed to 1.8 liters.

There are no exact numbers here, and no one guarantees how much precisely oil will enter the crankcase during self-replacement. You need to navigate the level and repel from the individual situation.

Step-by-step instruction

If you decide to independently do oil replacement in a mechanical transmission on Octavia A5 or A7, then you will need to prepare a minimum set of tools, release a few hours of time and settled in the garage.

In total, the oil replacement takes up to 2 hours. It all depends on the level of your skills. Some cope noticeably faster, others leave a little longer, because in parallel they conduct additional manipulations for the maintenance or repair of the car.

The process of replacing the oil in the gearbox mechanical type, which is equipped with Skoda Octavia, implies the phased implementation of all procedures. Try not to move away from the instructions and clearly comply with the safety rules.

To work, you will need:

  • fresh transmission oil (2 liters enough);
  • filling syringe;
  • rag;
  • overalls;
  • hexagon keys;
  • spanners;
  • empty packaging for spent oil;
  • pit, estacade or lift.

Further oriented on the situation. If you plan to perform in parallel other works, then the list of tools and materials will slightly expand. To replace the oil in the transmission of the mechanical type of the specified list, it will be enough.

Now step by step, consider the process of replacing the oil in the mechanical gearbox of the Skoda Octavia A5 and A7 car.

  1. Heat the car. You need to bring the oil temperature in the box to the operating parameters. To do this, it is enough to drive 10 - 15 kilometers or run the engine at idle. It is better to drive, as this will allow the transfers to translate the IPAM selector into different positions.
  2. Drive to the garage on the pit, the overpass or lift the car with a lift. It is possible to start a liquid from the oil crankcase of the box only after 20 - 30 minutes after stopping the engine. During this time, the oil stalks back to the crankcase, which will allow him to drain in full through the corresponding hole.
  3. For more convenience, you can remove the front wheels. They are somewhat interfered in the process of changing the working fluid, but with a certain skill, you can do without this procedure.
  4. Although the plant does not provide for the replacement of oil in the manual transmission, still provided for the presence of a drain hole on the gearbox. Therefore, unscrew the lower cork with a hexagon, pre-placing an empty container to 3-4 liters below it. It will not allow surpluses of oil to flow through the edges. Using the container to 2 liters, you risk shed liquid.
  5. Wait until the oil is fully stroke through the drain hole. If you previously warmed the car, then this procedure will go about 20 minutes. Do not hurry. The more fluid it is possible to drain, the more effective you can clean the Carter from. Together with him will be different deposits, garbage, metal chips, etc.
  6. If you see a large number of pollution and traces of metal chips in a fusion of oil, it makes sense to rinse the system. But for this it will be necessary to contact the car service where the service is offered with the use of special equipment. It is possible in the garage conditions to use flushing compositions. They are poured like oil, drive through the system and merge. But practice shows that the mechanical boxes of Octavia is not particularly relevant.
  7. When the oil merged, tighten the plug. Make sure that the lid of the drain opening is not damaged and defects. Otherwise, it is better to replace it.
  8. Just above the drain hole is the control and fuel plug. It serves simultaneously for filling fresh oil and checking its level in the gearbox crankcase.
  9. To pour a new liquid in the manual transmission, it will be necessary to use a special refueling syringe. Some craftsmen are capable of both shirts, although nothing more is more convenient than syringe, it was not invented for gas replacement with oil to refuel the gearbox.
  10. Look at how much about lubricants you managed to merge. A similar amount will be required to pour back using the fresh transmission oil. Pour gradually and do not rush. Add lubricant through the syringe until it flows back.

  1. Make sure the machine is exactly on the horizontal surface. With significant deviations, the oil can flow earlier than the Carter is completely filled with lubricant.
  2. Tighten the plug into place. Run the engine, warm the box and switch the manual transmission in different positions. After that, it is recommended to re-unscrew the cork of the control and fuel hole and check the level. If the oil does not reach the neck, add some more lubrication. More difficult to pour it difficult. Only if you lift the car to the jack so as to tilt the oil crankcase. When working on a flat surface, the plug hole will tell itself when you add a sufficient amount of fluid.

On this procedure for replacing the transmission oil in a mechanical transmission of the Czech car Skoda Octavia, can be considered completed.

There is nothing complicated here. The work does not imply the use of special tools or professional equipment. Try only to buy high-quality oil, and better the original recommended by the factory. This is the optimal choice for Skoda.

Do not rely on the official regulation. The many years of experience of owners of different models of Skoda, including Oktavia, clearly showed that the oil in mechanical transmission gradually loses its quality and physicochemical properties, and therefore periodically requires a mandatory replacement of the consumator.

You can do it with your own hands, not attracting specialists from car services and not overpaying for work. The only article of your expenses will be purchasing a new one.

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