Home Steering The Ford driver fatigue warning system. How it works: driver fatigue control system. How the driver's fatigue control system works

The Ford driver fatigue warning system. How it works: driver fatigue control system. How the driver's fatigue control system works

According to statistics, more than half of all road accidents are somehow related to the overwork of drivers. It is especially strongly manifested by fatigue, when the driver sits down behind the wheel, not sleeping.

The reliability of the driver is largely determined by its efficiency.

The performance decreases with a painful state of the driver, after consuming alcohol, during fatigue, and sometimes as a result of strong nervous excitation or an oppressed state.

Fatigue has a negative impact on all the main functions of the body of the driver and the psycho-physiological qualities necessary for a safe driving.

As a result of fatigue, the characteristics of visual perception deteriorate: its thresholds increase, contrast sensitivity, the accuracy of estimating distances to objects and the speed of their movement are reduced. Spectatic fatigue directly depends on the duration of the working day. For example, after 8 hours of continuous operation, the driver will see a road sign not for 100 m, and for 80 m.

Under fatal, the memory weakens, which affects the speed of processing information, the reaction changes, it becomes overly slow or, on the contrary, is very fast.

As a result of fatigue, there is a disorder of previously formed skills. The working pose is changing, it becomes a deeper fit with a typical slope of the housing ahead or overlapping back, which makes it difficult to use the steering wheel, pedals and levers, worsens the road review and monitoring the devices.

As the studies of the process of developing fatigue from drivers show, it is already found at 4-5 hours driving, it is clearly felt by 6-8 hours and by the end of 9 hours, volitional efforts are already required to maintain traffic at a safe level. If the driver is driving from 7 Up to 12 hours, the degree of possible hit in an accident becomes 2 times more often if more than 12 hours are 9 times more often than with a working day duration less than 7 hours.

Troyment is a regular process of temporary decline in performance that occurs as a result of work.

Elevated energy consumption facilitates the progression of fatigue and as a result, the moment occurs when errors occur, missing the necessary actions, a decrease in labor productivity on quantitative and qualitative indicators. Toying is usually preceded by a sense of fatigue.

Fatigue is a subjective experience of man fatigue. The physiological essence of fatigue is the body signaling about the need to stop or reduce the intensity of work in order to avoid disorder of the functions of nerve cells. Fatigue affects complex species of mental activity, reduces readiness for action with a sharp change in the situation on the road.

When driving a car in conditions when there are no other movements on the road, with a single landscape, the driver will feel fatigue faster than when driving a car in a saturated urban movement.

Fatigue is emotional, physical and mental. The driver's work combines all three types of fatigue. Most of all the driver gets emotionally. It arises due to constant readiness to act quickly, in order to avoid accidents.

In some situations from the driver, hasty actions are required, which are close to the limit of psychophysiological capabilities - it causes rapid overwork. With long-term control of vehicles, voltage occurs, both in the muscles of the body and the muscles of the limbs. The fatigue associated with muscle weakness is developing. To remove the voltage, it is necessary to take breaks for 15-20 minutes every 2 hours.

Mental fatigue occurs with long and rich mental work. From her people get tired at least than from physical. This is due to the high energy consumption by cerebral cells.

The driver's mental work is manifested during intensive movement at high speeds and is to continuously assess the situation on the road and the rapid decision-making. This work can be performed under conditions of time deficit and strong emotional stress.

The most common forms of mental states developing in the process of industrial activity and adversely affecting the driver's performance are precious mental stresses.

Excessive (excessive) forms of mental stress reduce labor efficiency and underlie the erroneous actions of the operator.

The mental activity of the driver is stimulated by the incoming information. For a high level of mental processes, an optimal information load is needed. Excessive information as a result of excessive tension of mental processes leads to a more rapid development of fatigue. With the lack of information, the intensity of the flow of psycho-physiological processes falls, which leads to a decrease in the driver's readiness to actions in an unexpected change in the road situation.

To maintain under these conditions, the necessary intensity and stability of attention requires a significant volitional force, which is also associated with the flow rate of neuropsychic energy and leads to premature fatigue.

Drowsiness and falling asleep driving - the most dangerous manifestations of fatigue, which often lead to an accident. The driver, feeling drowsiness, can overcome it for a while and reliably driving a car, but he must know that falling asleep can come suddenly and he may not notice this moment that it creates a very serious threat to road safety.

Dreams can be so sudden that they will be perceived as a reality. There were cases when drivers saw in a dream on the road pedestrians or animals and, suddenly waking up, began to slow down or turn off the road, which led to traffic accidents.

Falling asleep behind the wheel is not necessarily a consequence of overwork, it can be caused by monotonous environment. When the landscape is not changed for a long time, the speed of movement does not change and the engine noise is well heard, the so-called sleepy intoxication can occur.

According to research, this state is fully exposed to a complete amount of 23% of drivers, in light - 74% and only 3% are not at all.

To prevent sleepy intoxication, it is necessary to be distracted, but not long. Therefore, if the driver appears strong drowsiness behind the wheel, it should not fight it on the go. You need to stop and fall asleep for a short time or do gymnastic exercises. Only after removing the drowsiness can be continued.

The characteristic sign of the upcoming fatigue can serve as the appearance, it would seem, minor error actions: scattered attention, the desire to straighten up, change the pose. With such signs of fatigue, it is necessary to stop moving immediately. The first signs of fatigue that appeared after a few hours behind the wheel are not dangerous for the driver and easily eliminate short-term recreation.

It has been proven that with one and the same holiday time, several short breaks are much more efficient than one longest interruption.

The following types of fatigue are highlighted: compensated and noncompensated.

With compensated faterthe driver can force himself to focus on the road.

With noncompensated faterthe driver cannot overcome the disorders, as a result of which the likelihood of errors increases significantly.

For example, after several hours of work, the first signs of fatigue appear, but they are easily eliminated by a short rest.

With strong overwork, remove signs of fatigue will not even help even night sleep.

The need for psychophysical support for professional activity of the driver under conditions of high functional load is obvious.

On the basis of the Cabinets of Psychological Unloading, Psychological Regulation, Psychophysiological Diagnostics and Filingual Security Control Points, a wide range of non-drugs, such as aroma and phytotherapy, sound and color therapy, the practice of special respiratory and rhythmic exercises with elements of relaxation and receptions of intensifying attention, preventive techniques , increasing the visual sharpness and activity of the cerebral cells.

A trouble-free driver is a driver who has the ability to self-control over his condition, aware of the inadmissibility of departure to the flight in a state of illness, psychological oveugulation, fatigue or fatigue.

All vehicle drivers know that it is not always possible to get behind the wheel completely rested and sleeping, fully operational.

At the same time, almost everyone who encountered overwork, realizes that the driver cannot adequately respond and receive correct decisions in a tired condition. A tired and painful state can be compared with the condition of the driver who used alcoholic beverages, and in this case the safety of the road does not have to speak.

The pilot of the aircraft, the dispatcher, the face controlling the atomic reactor, is never allowed to work without inspecting the physician, at the same time many of us forget that the driver of the car is equal to this category, as it controls the source of increased danger to others.

According to paragraph 2.7 of the rules of the road "Driver is prohibited to control the vehicle in a painful or tired state."

If the driver is in a state fatigue, the level of safety of motion is significantly reduced - fatiguenegatively affects practically all the main functions of human perception, as well as some psycho-physiological characteristics.

First of all, the visual perception suffers: a tired driver seems worse sees deleted or minor objects on the road, cannot accurately determine the distance to one or another object or evaluate the speed of the rest of the road traffic. But not only the quality of perception deteriorates - fatiguethe most negative effect affects its organization: the tired man slowly switches attention from one object to another. The driver who controls the car is able fatigue, longer than usual, concentrates attention to individual objects encountered, and slowly reacts to sudden changes of the situation on the road.

Fatigueit is also able to negatively influence both a person's memory - many drivers noticed that at the end of any long-lasting trip, they spend a much larger amount of time not only to detect the signal, but also on its assessment, that is, on the processing of the information received. In phase fatiguea person usually manifests two types of unwanted reactions - both excessively slow and too fast.

Usually fatigueit develops during long trips behind the wheel and detects itself for 4-5 hours of driving. In a couple of hours fatigueit begins to be felt clearly, and drivers who sit at the wheel of more than 9 hours support their physical tone is already solely by their own volitional efforts.

If a performance the driver drops sharply (this, as a rule, occurs during long-term many hours of driving trips), the risk of the emergence of the road accident significantly increases.

The driver, feeling drowsiness, can overcome it for a while and reliably driving a car, but he must know that falling asleep can come suddenly and he may not notice this moment that it creates a very serious threat to road safety. Therefore, if you have drowned driving, it should not fight her on the go. It is necessary to stop and sleep a short time or do gymnastic exercises. Only after removing the drowsiness can be continued.

The characteristic sign of the upcoming fatigue can serve as the appearance, it would seem, minor error actions: scattered attention, the desire to straighten up, change the pose. With such signs of fatigue, it is necessary to stop moving immediately. The first signs of fatigue that appeared after a few hours behind the wheel are not dangerous for the driver and easily eliminate short-term recreation. It has been proven that with one and the same holiday time, several short breaks are much more efficient than one longest interruption.

The "Risk Group" among drivers are, as a rule, drivers carrying out passenger, long-distance and international transportation, as well as drivers of heavy vehicles.

Dear drivers! A tired or painful condition behind the wheel can cause a serious road traffic accident. Do not hurry to come home and relax, as such actions can lead to irreparable consequences. The best solution in such a situation will be short-term rest on the way!

Department of Propaganda OGIBDD.

Dac and Attention Assist's fatigue monitoring systems are monitoring the physical condition of the driver and, if necessary, give a signal that the driver is time to stop and relax. This check is carried out by three control options:

Attention Assist and DAC - fatigue control systems perform the function of tracking the driver's possibility to physically control the vehicle and, if necessary, give a signal to stop moving for recreation. Check is carried out by three types of control, which depend on the following behavioral factors:
1. The driver's behavior is estimated;
2. The driver's view is recorded;
3. The movement of the vehicle is controlled.

The ATTENTION Assist device, which observes the driver's behavior, Mercedes-Benz has been released since 2011. This device is guided by the following motivations: managing the car, driving control, driver's actions while driving and some other parameters.
Schematically, the fatigue control system consists of a steering sensor, a control indicator and audio alert, which warns the driver.

The sensor installed on the steering wheel monitors the change in the effort that turns out to be on the steering wheel during its rotation. The system also takes into account the information obtained from other control sensors: stability when driving, brake system, visibility limitations and engine parameters.
The signals entering the device are processed by defining the following parameters:
but) For half an hour from the beginning of the movement, the speed and lateral acceleration of the car (driving style) are analyzed;
b) the condition at which the movement takes place (the time of day, and the duration of the trip is also taken into account);
in) The following nodes are analyzed: buttons located on the steering wheel and under it switches and the brake system;
d) Analyzed the force of impact on the steering wheel;
e) The condition of the road surface and the behavior of the car during the movement (acceleration side and longitudinal).
Analyzing all these parameters, the system establishes disorders in the driver's actions and changes in the direction of the vehicle. After that, on the location, on the instrument panel, the screen is sent to sound with sound support so that the driver stops for recreation. If the driver in a sleepy state ignores the signal and continues to move, the system continues to remind him of this every 15 minutes. It should also be reminded that control over the condition of the driver, starts working at speeds more than 80 km / h.

At Volvo control over the driver's status Driver Alert Control (or DAC) differs from Attentional Assist, in that it is monitored, only the trajectory of movement on the highway, and the video control, which follows the route of the vehicle route determines its stay in the roadway strip. If suddenly the car begins to leave the mounted borders, the system responds to it as a driver's fatigue and gives two warning signals: "soft" and "hard" both of these signals depend on the overall health of the driver and differ from each other with volume and tonality. The DAC system operating in conjunction with the Lane Departure Warning system elements is activated when the vehicle speed reached 60 km / h.

A special built-in block, which sets General Motors, where the base is already the test method of Seeing Machines, asking the condition of the driver's glance, is installed not only on the car, but also on railway transport. The task of the block to control the openness of the driver's eye and their concentration and when the signs of fatigue or loss of care and a close state of the state, the system immediately gives a command to stop vehicle.
Also, the driver's fatigue tracking system can also control other functions of the car, such as the direction of the view, you can enable or disable those or other options on the instrument panel. Or when committing any maneuver, notify the driver that he forgot to look into the mirror.

The most effective driver monitoring systems are Attention Assist, Driver Alert Control and Seeing Machines. Their goal is to discover and report changes in the human body.

The content of the article:

Monthly road or long-lasting trips to car especially at night lead to the driver's fatigue. As a result, its reaction decreases, and fatigue increases. This leads to the fact that the body does not withstand the load, and the driver simply falls asleep. This leads to a numerous serious accident.

In order to avoid such cases, systems have invented that observe and control the level of driver fatigue. You can do this using 3 indicators. In the first case, the driver's actions are observed, then the movement of the car, and finally the driver's view.

Attention Assist.

The ATTENTION ASSIST system monitors using several parameters and elements. This system is embedded in the car of the German brand Mercedes-Benz. The Attention Assist system consists of several sensors, each of which they are responsible for a special fatigue rate. These are such sensors, such as steering wheels, engine or braking system. One of the main is the control unit sensor.

It monitors the physical condition of the driver for many indicators. First of all, he controls the driving manor, namely speed. The following indicators serve as the conditions in which the car is moving. Here is meant, the time of the duration of the trip and when it happens at what time of day.

The brake system and stealless switches belong to the managerial system, which is also controlled by the system. Finally, the acceleration is monitored, namely late and longitudinal.

Following the current state, the system compares it with the original one. If the indicators signal a significant deviation from the norm, the audio signal is turned on and the ATTENTION Assist: Pause message is displayed on the screen bar, warning the driver.

The signal is notified every 15 minutes in case of ignoring the warning. The system is activated at a speed of 80 km / h. Analysis of speed, maneuverability and removal of other parameters occurs 30 minutes after the start of the movement, as most often it is as much time it is required to move to long distances.


The next DRIVER Alert Control control system was created by the Swedish Volvo Automobile Company. Here the principle is built on tracking the condition of the driver through the verge of car movement. To do this, a special camcorder is built into the Volvo car, which monitors the driving character on the road. An assessment of the trajectory and its changes using the steering wheel sensor and monitor road strips. The second video camera monitors the external state of the driver, namely the movement of the eyes.

If the state of overwork is recorded, the system notifies the driver using the Driver Alert signal and the message. Time for a Break. " The system begins to act at a speed of 60 km / h.

Seeing Machines.

The last system controlling the driver's condition is a Seeing Machine embedded in the British brand of Jaguar. It is noteworthy that this technology is applied not only in the case of driving a car, and in other areas. A system was built solely on monitoring the external physical condition of the driver. The built-in camera fixes the position of the eyes and their direction.

In case of rejection of the indicator from the norm, the system obsesses the fatigue and the likelihood to fall asleep by the wheel using a signal and a special message.

Perfection of this technology is that it is intensified even if the driver is in sunglasses. Also, this system includes additional parameters. For example, the system is fixed in the absence of attention to the rearview mirror. In this case, the driver comes a reminder of this action.

Video work tracking system:

No one is secret that falling asleep behind the wheel is the cause of many serious accidents. If the duration of the trip exceeds 4 hours, the driver's response time increases several times, also the dark time of the day can play a role. Let's look at what solutions to this issue offer auto manufacturers.

One of the most simple devices controlling the driver's condition (he did not fall asleep) is attached on the ear shell and looks like a Bluetooth headset. If you ever fell asleep standing or sitting, then you know that when falling asleep, the head leans a little forward. If the device fixes that the angle of inclination has changed to a certain degree, then it gives a beep. The volume of the signal is limited not to scare, sleeping driver, and at the same time make it wake up. The angle in which the device will wake the driver can be configured and that is some reasons, for example, that the device does not work if the driver likes to swing his head in the beat of the song sounding from the radio, or the driver's head, when he falls asleep completely slightly.
We looked at the most primitive antison system, I think many will be wondering how to solve this task advanced auto manufacturers.
W. Mercedes-Benz. Such a system is called Attention Assist., It uses the car engine control unit, and the steering angle sensor is determined by the driver's driving manner and, accordingly, if it changes, gives a sound and light signal.
Let's list which information analyzes the system:

  • times of Day;
  • duration of the trip;
  • the frequency of using the buttons on the control panel;
  • speed and acceleration of rotation of the steering wheel;
  • the use of brake pedal;
This is not the entire list of parameters that analyzes the system, but sufficient to understand how it works.
Lexus. Mount the camera into the dashboard, which tracks not behavior, but the driver's face and warns it if it falls asleep.
Volvo. - System Driver Alert ControlWith the help of the camera, make sure that the machine moves strictly by the traffic strip and in case of viliation, adjusts the car's course and warns the driver.
Saab. Uses two cameras that track the movement of the driver's eye and warns its message on the instrument panel if the driver does not respond to the sound signal.
Despite the fact that the price of listed systems is high, especially in those systems where video cameras are used, the benefits of them overshadow their price. In principle, this system will be useful to every driver who makes a long trip, whether a trucker, a long-distance bus driver or just a car enthusiast, who has decided to go to the next city. By the way, in some systems where the camera tracking the driver behavior is used, you can turn on the camera to turn on the distant light for example, or some other device, functionality depends on the manufacturer.

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