Home Chassis Blood clots during menstruation. Reasons for the formation of blood clots during menstruation. Examination of a woman to determine the causes of pathology

Blood clots during menstruation. Reasons for the formation of blood clots during menstruation. Examination of a woman to determine the causes of pathology

Menstruation for each individual woman takes place with individual characteristics. The change in the course of this period can be associated with both physiological changes in the body and the development of pathology. The situation when clots similar to meat come out during menstruation occurs normally or as a symptom of a number of diseases.

Clots during menstruation can occur for various reasons.

During the entire monthly cycle, various kinds of discharge come out of the woman's vagina. It can be divided into the following periods:

  1. At the beginning of a new cycle, after the end of the previous menstruation, the so-called “dry phase” begins. It is characterized by white mild discharge or the complete absence of mucus.
  2. In the middle, the mucous secretions intensify and become outwardly similar to egg white. May have a yellowish tint.
  3. Closer to the beginning, directly, of menstruation, the mucus thickens again and is less abundantly secreted.
  4. During menstruation, bloody discharge is observed. They can be of varying abundance and intensity. The consistency is as variable as the composition: streaks of blood, blood clots and mucus are observed.

Towards the end of menstruation, a brownish daub remains. Immediately after its termination, the cervical canal is completely closed, the discharge is normally absent or limited to clear mucus in a small amount.

Usually the intensity and type of discharge depends on the day of the cycle.

Why do periods go with clots

Large blood clots during menstruation, similar to meat, can appear due to various reasons. These are both physiological and pathological processes. In the first case, the basis of the "meat" pieces are particles of the endometrium of the uterus, which exfoliates abundantly during menstruation. Among the signs indicating that such a symptom is a variant of the norm, the main factors are the following:

  • the total volume of secretions remains at a normal level (80-100 ml);
  • while the number of pieces of blood during menstruation is minimal;
  • other unpleasant symptoms, such as severe pain, an unpleasant odor, are not observed;
  • the duration and regularity of menstruation are within the limits of the individual norm;
  • the symptom appears non-systemically, during single cycles.

If the nature of the discharge goes beyond these criteria, you should visit a antenatal clinic. The following are a number of common physiological causes that can cause this symptom:

  • Postoperative scars and adhesions in the uterus. The latter can also occur as a consequence of the inflammatory process in the organ. Such additional tissue formations prevent the rapid exit of secretions from the uterine cavity, and the blood has time to clot during this time.
  • The intrauterine device contributes to thrombosis and the formation of clots during menstruation.

Taking oral contraceptives can provoke the formation of clots
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives and other drugs that affect the endocrine and coagulation system can increase blood viscosity.
  • Congenital features of the location and shape of the organs of the reproductive system sometimes prevent the rapid release of secretions.
  • Dehydration of the body due to insufficient replenishment of fluid losses or with a long-term protein diet.
  • Excessive psychological stress, stress can cause changes in the menstrual cycle, including the appearance of thick periods with clots.

Such a banal reason as a long stay of a woman in a lying or sitting position can also cause the formation of pieces that look like meat. Blood accumulates in the genital tract and has time to clot.

What diseases can be

During menstruation, the appearance of huge blood clots can be observed, which, as a rule, indicates the development of pathology. The symptom indicates various diseases and is combined with additional clinical symptoms. A similar picture indicates the following possible disorders in the body:

  • Hormonal imbalance causes a variety of abnormalities in the reproductive system, this may be the appearance of a large number of blood clots during menstruation.
  • Iron deficiency anemia is accompanied by other symptoms. This is, first of all, asthenic syndrome - weakness, fatigue, pallor and periodic dizziness.

Sometimes the cause may be low hemoglobin levels - anemia
  • Early miscarriage is another reason for the appearance of clots during menstruation.
  • There are a number of pathologies of various organs that increase blood viscosity. It could be liver or kidney damage.
  • The penetration of infection into the genitals has a number of effects: it changes the acidity of the environment, the viscosity of the blood, and even the structure of the tissues of the uterus.
  • Gynecological diseases that affect the properties of the inner layer of the uterus, lead to the fact that the endometrium will begin to be rejected in larger pieces.

The situation when menstruation comes with clots and pours like a bucket may also indicate the development of such a formidable disease as oncology.

Can symptoms be present during pregnancy and why

Any spotting during pregnancy is not normal and can be a symptom of various diseases. Differential diagnosis is carried out only by a qualified specialist. If bleeding from the vagina of any intensity occurs, it is necessary to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible.

During pregnancy, such symptoms can be dangerous.

Blood clots during pregnancy may indicate the following pathologies:

  • the threat of miscarriage - dark, viscous clots with a dark brown tint are observed;
  • spontaneous abortion - accompanied by cramping pains, tissue fragments are present in the secretions;
  • missed pregnancy, which can be manifested by bleeding interspersed with small dark scarlet clots;
  • detachment of the placenta or fetal egg;
  • damage to uterine tissue during implantation of a fertilized egg;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Various fetal pathologies can also cause scanty or heavy periods with clots. In the third trimester of pregnancy, such symptoms may be accompanied by the passage of a mucous plug, which characterizes the approach of childbirth.

What are the causes of menstruation with clots and an unpleasant odor

The single appearance of a small number of clots during menstruation and the presence of the smell of iron is a variant of the norm. But if an unpleasant odor appears, you should be wary. So, rotten stench against the background of clots resembling pieces of meat testify to a number of pathologies:

  • thrush - vaginal candidiasis;

Clots often occur when there is an infection or STD
  • the appearance of STDs - sexually transmitted diseases;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • development of the oncological process;
  • severe endometriosis.

In no case should you be embarrassed and try to reduce the smell with overly thorough intimate hygiene or the use of personal products with various fragrances that mask the problem. This can only lead to a worsening of the condition.

When to See a Doctor

If menstruation goes along with large blood clots for more than one cycle, this is an occasion to consult a doctor for advice, even in the absence of other symptoms. Any pain in the abdomen or an unpleasant burning sensation, itching in the genital tract is a reason to visit a medical facility without delay. Additional symptoms when you should sound the alarm are the following manifestations:

  • duration of menstruation for more than a week;
  • clots in volume exceed 3 cm;
  • cycle failures occur;
  • clots during menstruation come out, similar to the skin;
  • an unpleasant, in most cases, rotten smell joins.

You will learn more about clots during menstruation from this video:

With the development of a general reaction of the body (temperature, nausea, pallor) and the appearance of rapid fatigue, decreased ability to work, dizziness, it is necessary to be examined by both a gynecologist and a specialist in internal medicine.

How to restore menstruation

If the appearance of blood clots is due to physiological causes, a sufficient measure is the elimination of the provoking factor, if it is possible to determine it. The tactics for eliminating the symptom are indicated in the table.

The most important condition for maintaining women's health is the observance of the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Sports, proper nutrition, a rational regime of work and rest will help to establish the functioning of not only the reproductive system, but the whole organism.

In the presence of an organic pathology, only a qualified doctor can help in eliminating the symptom when blood clots come out during menstruation after a thorough examination of the patient and finding the true cause of the deviation.

A woman should carefully listen to her body so as not to miss the beginning of the pathological process. Treatment of any disease is easier and more effective in the early stages of the development of the disease.

The usefulness of the state of the reproductive system of a woman is determined by the characteristics of menstruation and their accompanying symptoms. You should pay attention to the duration of menstruation, the amount of discharge, their consistency. An important factor is how painful this period is, whether it affects overall well-being. If during menstruation clots similar to the liver come out, you need to contact a gynecologist. The spectrum of possible causes for this symptom is wide, and half of them are potentially fatal.

These are rejected areas of the endometrium, a fetal egg, menstrual blood that has clotted under the influence of high temperature or other factors. The size of these fragments varies from a few millimeters to 7-8 cm. The shade is from dark red to deep brown. Pain and cramps in the lower abdomen are caused by the movement of clots from the cervix to the outside.


There are several types of etiology of large clots that look like a liver. The most common of them are shown in the table.

Factor contributing to liver-like clots Why does it occur How to remove the considered factor
Hormonal imbalance Stress, inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive and / or endocrine system Through the introduction of hormonal agents, the use of sedatives
burden of pregnancy Increased motor activity, hormonal imbalance, endometrial failure The woman is shown hospitalization in the gynecology department in order to maintain pregnancy.
In the hospital, the patient was recommended to limit motor activity, vitamin therapy.
Neoplasms: fibroids, cysts Hormonal instability Surgical elimination or expectant management (depending on how much the tumor interferes with the menstrual cycle)
Irregular structure of the uterus, changes in the endometrium Postponed curettage, problematic childbirth, congenital features of the anatomy of the uterus Antibiotic therapy, the introduction of vitamins, hormonal substances, immunomodulators
Features of the recovery period after childbirth, abortion Damage to the inner uterine layer Antibiotic therapy, the introduction of hormonal substances, douching with antiseptic solutions
The use of an intrauterine device Incorrectly installed spiral, excessively long use of one. Also, clots are an individual reaction of the uterus to a contraceptive. Extraction of the spiral, selection of a more gentle type of contraception
The presence of hidden or overt diseases in the body Penetration of pathogenic microflora, hypothermia, susceptibility to stressful situations. Violation of the endocrine system, irregular or, conversely, excessively active sex life, non-compliance with personal hygiene. Correction of blood glucose levels, antibiotic therapy, administration of vitamins, immunomodulators

In puberty

The formation of menstruation takes up to 2.5-3 years. During this time, the number of their occurrence, the volume of secretions, the shade, and the accompanying sensations may change. Adolescence is characterized by hormonal changes and emotional instability. In addition, for the girl is a new state of stress. Together, this can negatively affect the frequency of menstruation, causing them to fail. After a short period of delay, profuse bleeding occurs with the passage of large parts of the endometrium. Normalization of the cycle in 90% of cases is carried out independently, without the need to consult a doctor.

Complications during pregnancy

The reason for the development is hormonal imbalance, increased physical activity, the implementation of sexual activity, despite the ban by gynecologists. Predisposing factors - exposure to high temperatures, stress, intoxication. The main symptom is the vaginal discharge of large fragments of the endometrium. The resulting failure of the inner layer of the uterus is contrary to the further full course of pregnancy.

The phenomenon is accompanied by severe pain syndrome. In 2 out of 10 cases, a woman's body temperature rises. If the clots are large, there is a high chance of lowering blood pressure. Accompanying symptoms - pallor of the skin, weakness, decreased performance, dizziness, nausea. If the threat of abortion is not immediately prevented, a miscarriage or premature birth occurs (depending on the trimester).

Pathology of the endometrium

Inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus is a consequence of hypothermia, the penetration of pathogenic microflora. Unfavorably, the state of the endometrium is also reflected in the transferred abortions, problematic childbirth. Signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine layer:

  1. Bleeding of varying degrees of intensity, accompanied by the release of sections of the endometrium. Immediately after the evacuation of several large parts of the membrane, increased bleeding occurs. Then the phenomenon slows down and repeats again after the rejection of massive clots.
  2. Pain syndrome at rest, with intimacy.
  3. An increase in body temperature, which is caused by a progressive inflammatory process.
  4. Dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, bloating).
  5. Asthenovegetative disorders - irritability, insomnia, lethargy, weakness, dizziness.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus can become chronic. Pathology is dangerous for the development of infertility. Endometriosis is the growth of the inner uterine layer outside the organ. The etiology of the disease is not fully understood. The condition is accompanied by the same symptoms as endometritis, with the exception of an increase in body temperature. Increased secretion of large clots resembling the liver occurs during menstruation and in the period between them.

ovarian cysts

Benign neoplasms of the female paired organ develop as a result of hormonal changes. Cysts are manifested by pain, discomfort during intimacy, menstruation. Neoplasms affect a woman's libido, her well-being during menstruation. There is a change in the hormonal background, an artificial extension of the luteal phase. After a delay in menstruation for several days, there is profuse bleeding. In this case, the delay in menstruation indicates a hormonal imbalance. And fragments of the endometrium in menstrual blood indicates the presence of neoplasms.

Anomaly in the development of the uterus

When the anatomical structure of the uterus has features (it is bicornuate, saddle-shaped or with an uncharacteristic neck), this is reflected in the course of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation is accompanied by pain, cramps and neurological disorders. Menstrual blood accumulates inside the reproductive organ, since its anatomy serves as an obstacle to the outflow of mass. After a sufficiently large amount of secretion is collected, pushed out by uterine contractions, it is released outside. The presence of large fragments indicates rejection of the endometrium during spasms or clotting of menstrual blood during its stagnation inside the uterus.


It is a benign neoplasm. It develops in the wall of the uterus under the influence of hormonal imbalance and other adverse factors:

  • irregular sex life
  • past curettage (especially numerous)
  • sedentary lifestyle and frequent inflammation of the uterus
  • endometriosis

The hormonal origin of fibroids made it possible to establish the so-called risk group for the development of neoplasms. Women are susceptible to the formation of a tumor during gestation, after an abortion, due to menopause. Symptoms of the neoplasm - pain during intimacy, profuse uterine bleeding (up to 2 weeks in a row). Due to uncompensated blood loss, weakness and anemia increase, and the level of blood pressure decreases. When the tumor reaches a significant size (in 7 out of 10 cases) - it squeezes the bladder and rectum, since the uterus is located between them. The consequence of compression is constipation and cystitis, urinary retention, dysuria, pain during defecation.

The pathological condition is characterized by the formation of multiple niches in the uterine walls. Reliably the etiology of the disease gynecologists have not found out. Predisposing factors are problematic childbirth and a history of abortion, protracted infectious processes of the reproductive system. Accompanying signs - pain, heavy bleeding associated not only with the onset of menstruation, cramps, lowering blood pressure. The clots present in the vaginal secretion are formed due to a bleeding disorder.

Other reasons

Factors predisposing to the development of complicated menstruation are excessive physical activity on the eve of such, intimacy, exposure to high temperatures (taking a hot bath or shower). Other possible conditions are an intrauterine infectious process, a nervous shock.

After childbirth

Regardless of the type of labor activity (physiological or surgical - cesarean section), the uterus is restored in the first 7-10 days. The process is characterized by intense rejection of large fragments of the endometrium. The renewal of the mucous layer occurs due to hormonal changes and mechanical damage to it. The size of the clots varies from 5 to 11 cm in diameter. But during this period, the patient is still under the supervision of doctors, therefore, when the prerequisites for bleeding appear, the woman receives hemostatic therapy.

Due to curettage of the uterine cavity

With a correctly performed abortion, the uterine cavity is completely freed from the embryo, fetal egg and placenta. The only physical sensation during the recovery period is a slight pulling soreness in the suprapubic region. Bloody vaginal discharge is observed no more than 2 days. Menstruation is restored gradually.

Insufficient quality elimination of the fetal egg and placenta causes a number of adverse events:

  1. Increase in body temperature
  2. Pain syndrome - an unpleasant sensation inside the genital tract and above the pubis, aches in the lumbosacral back
  3. Decreased blood pressure and associated weakness, disability
  4. Dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting

But, first of all, there is profuse uterine bleeding. In the general masses, there are both insignificant streaks of blood and large fragments of the inner layer of the uterus. The phenomenon is dangerous with a number of complications - from the development of infertility to sepsis (blood poisoning). The necessary tactic is an immediate appeal to the hospital and repeated curettage of the cavity of the reproductive organ.

Intrauterine device

A contraceptive placed inside the cervix provides protection against unwanted pregnancy, but can cause a wide range of complications. Among them are pain, spasms, burdening the period of menstruation due to the formation and subsequent rejection of clots. These phenomena are due to the response of the female body to the implantation of a foreign object into the organ.

The ability of the blood to clot is important to prevent bleeding. But this property of a biological fluid can be affected by many factors, including hereditary predisposition. The discharge of large parts of the mucous membrane that accompanies the period of menstruation indicates problems in blood clotting. Deficiency or excess of enzymes that contribute to the formation of fragments leads to thickening of menstrual blood. It is released in the form of large mucous particles due to the contraction of the female reproductive organ.

Systemic pathologies

Violation of the endocrine system causes hormonal disorders. Most often, the discharge of large clots occurs against the background of thyroid dysfunction or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Correction of the state of the endocrine system allows you to eliminate pain during menstruation and normalize the outflow of blood from the uterus.

When is a visit to the doctor necessary?

Indications for immediate medical attention:

  • menstruation is accompanied by severe pain and fever
  • the state of health does not improve even after taking analgesics
  • discharge is characterized by an unpleasant odor
  • the patient feels weakness, apathy, difficulty in assuming a comfortable, painless position
  • after the release of several large fragments of the mucous membrane, bleeding increases
  • state lasts more than 7 days in a row
  • blood pressure level is reduced due to many days of heavy blood loss

An even more serious argument is the relapse of the condition, which indicates the presence of a latent disease. The specialist will establish the root cause of the development of the process, exclude the possibility of abortion and other intrauterine pathologies.

Which doctor to contact

Treatment of poor health during menstruation is carried out by a gynecologist. Regardless of the specifics of the medical institution, it is not necessary to first visit a therapist. During the examination, the gynecologist establishes the root cause of the aggravation of menstruation. The main factor - the profile of the doctor who will carry out the treatment - depends on the result of the diagnosis and the nature of the identified pathologies. In 90% of clinical cases, a gynecologist is engaged in the treatment of patients with complicated periods.

When this phenomenon is associated with the presence of a benign tumor (fibromyoma), the treatment is carried out by an oncologist. If, against the background of painful menstruation, indigestion occurs (diarrhea, constipation), a gastroenterologist is involved in the preparation of therapy. When the state of health is aggravated by insomnia, irritability, depressed mood, an appeal to a neurologist is necessary. If bloody vaginal discharge is caused by hormonal disorders, the participation of an endocrinologist will be required.


The examination involves the use of laboratory, hardware and instrumental techniques. Most informative:

  1. Blood test (clinical, biochemical), general urinalysis. They help to detect the inflammatory and infectious process, hormonal imbalance, anemia. The value is the determination of blood clotting.
  2. Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages.
  3. Hysteroscopy.
  4. Laparoscopic examination (in 90% of cases accompanied by a biopsy).
  5. MRI. The method of complex radiation imaging is used to confirm the presence of a tumor process.

Diagnostic measures are prescribed taking into account the alleged type of violation and the reasons for its development.


The therapeutic program directly depends on the identified health problem. More often, the disease that caused clots during menstruation is eliminated in a conservative way. Surgical intervention is performed only in cases where drug therapy has not provided a positive result.

Conservative treatment

Endometritis is stopped mainly by antibiotic therapy in combination with the introduction of vitamins, immunomodulators. Systemic pathologies are eliminated in a complex way - by prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal drugs. With insufficiently high-quality curettage of the uterine cavity, the procedure is repeated. If more than 1 month has passed since the termination of pregnancy, a revision of the reproductive organ is recommended, then hormone therapy. An additional measure is the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. When the presence of an intrauterine device creates problems for the full course of the menstrual cycle, the contraceptive is removed.

To normalize blood coagulation, anticoagulants are administered (Heparin, Clexane, Flenox, Fraxiparin). Endocrine problems are eliminated by introducing hormones that are produced by the pituitary gland, adrenal cortex, and ovaries. For pain relief, conservative therapy involves the appointment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The treatment program for each of these conditions is supplemented by the need to follow a diet. A woman is not recommended to consume sour, salty, spicy foods, as well as alcohol and coffee.

Surgical treatment

Benign neoplasms of the uterus and appendages are treated mainly promptly. As long as the tumor does not interfere with the menstrual cycle and full well-being, fibroids are not affected. Unlike endometritis, endometriosis is treated surgically, followed by the use of antibiotics to prevent infection. Cystic neoplasms are treated laparoscopically.

The duration of conservative therapy or recovery after surgical interventions directly depends on the stage of the disease at the time of treatment. Therefore, when burdening the period of menstruation with discharge that looks like a liver, you should consult a gynecologist and not postpone the diagnosis.

Video: What discharge should alert women?

The release of blood clots during menstruation is a fairly common phenomenon due to the physiological mechanisms of its coagulation. However, in some cases, their appearance may be a signal of the development of serious hormonal changes or pathological processes. Therefore, you should know the symptoms characteristic of these diseases in order to consult a doctor in time, find out the causes and find out what to do next.

To understand why large blood clots come out during menstruation, you should know the physiology of this process.

Although the menstrual cycle is regulated by the hypothalamus, the main changes occur in the ovaries and uterus. It goes through several stages:

Consequently, during menstruation, the accumulated blood, mucus and epithelium of the uterus comes out, which explains the presence of clots in the discharge.

When clots are the norm

If large clots during menstruation came out in the morning immediately after getting out of bed, then this is the norm. This is explained by the accumulation and clotting of blood in the uterine cavity at a time when the body is in a horizontal position. The same can happen during prolonged sitting in one place.

In certain cases, blood coagulation in the uterine cavity is due to the individual characteristics of its structure. Some women have congenital or acquired bends, constrictions, septa, and other anomalies. Usually, menstruation is heavy and very painful, but the only treatment can be surgery.

Pathologies in which clots form

Among the reasons explaining why during menstruation large clots form and go out through the genital tract, several pathologies can be distinguished.

Hormonal disbalance

If the function of the endocrine glands is impaired, the female body reacts very quickly to this by changes in the menstrual cycle. An increase in the period between periods leads to a strong growth of the endometrium and blood vessels. Therefore, during its rejection, large clots come out, and the periods themselves become plentiful and, most often, painful.


Similar symptoms are observed in the formation of a benign tumor (myoma) in the uterine cavity.

Polyposis of the endometrium

In this disease, the formation of multiple polyps occurs as a result of the growth the inner layer of the endometrium, as shown in the photo. Despite the fact that these are benign formations, the monthly cycle fails, large blood clots are released, severe pains in the lower abdomen are observed. Sometimes polyps, growing to large sizes, are rejected by the body and brought out. After these formations, similar to a piece of connective tissue, have come out, the cycle is restored, and all symptoms disappear.

endometrial hyperplasia

The basis of this pathology is the growth of the endometrium due to the increased division of its stromal and glandular cells. In this case, the discharge can be slight and smearing, which distinguishes them from normal menstruation. But in adolescence, hyperplasia is manifested by profuse bleeding with large blood clots, which often leads to anemia. The causes of hyperplasia are:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • obesity,
  • hypertension,
  • diabetes,
  • violation of the functions of the liver, thyroid gland and adrenal glands.


With this disease, the cells of the inner lining of the uterus germinate into her body, as well as her exit beyond the anatomical boundaries of the organ, as shown in the photo. Since the true cause of this pathology has not been established, scientists only talk about predisposing factors, which include hormonal disorders, unsuccessful abortions and other surgical interventions, obesity, liver dysfunction, and the installation of an intrauterine device. It has been noticed that this disease often occurs if, during menstruation, small blood clots with endometrial cells enter the abdominal cavity, and later penetrate into adjacent tissues.

Malfunctions of the blood coagulation system

Insufficient production of anticoagulants leads to the fact that the blood begins to clot even in the uterine cavity. Therefore, a woman may notice that large clots have come out instead of liquid secretions.

Infectious diseases

If the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, blood clots may come out.

In any case, contacting a doctor who will decide what to do next is mandatory.

Other reasons

Other factors that explain why large clots came out during menstruation include:

  • The presence of an intrauterine device. The presence of a foreign body in the internal genital organs causes heavy periods with the release of large blood clots.
  • postpartum period. Within 3-4 weeks after the birth of the baby, very large blood clots may be released, which are normal. However, if they are accompanied by pains similar to contractions, and at the same time there is an increase in the overall body temperature, then it is possible that pieces of the placenta remain in the body of the uterus.
  • Intense physical activity during menstruation. This leads to the tone of the muscles of the internal genital organs, the blood in them stagnates and has time to clot. In this case, it is quite understandable why large clots are formed, which are then released when the muscles relax.

If large blood clots came out during menstruation, causing pain, discomfort, or an increase in body temperature, then you don’t have to think about what to do on your own. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination. Timely detection of pathology will prevent the development of complications, tissue degeneration, infertility or the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

In contact with

Almost all women observe blood clots during menstruation. It is necessary to understand why they arise and what dangerous symptoms they indicate.

Physiological causes of clots in menstrual flow

Most often, impurities in the secretions appear for natural reasons. This is due to the fact that on “critical” days, special substances are produced in the body of girls that slow down blood clotting. With insufficient or excessive production of anticoagulants, lumps appear in the menstrual flow.

Coagulated clots up to 10 cm long are not pathological unless accompanied by other abnormal symptoms such as fever.

Lumps are observed in the following categories of women:

  • under 18 years of age;
  • who gave birth to a child less than 1 year ago;
  • who have undergone a gynecological operation, miscarriage or curettage.

The problem is often noted in the fair sex, who have anomalies in the structure of the reproductive system.

Abundant discharge during "critical" days is noticed by ladies after a night's sleep or a long sitting in one place. Blood lumps in this case do not indicate any pathological conditions. If, in addition to this symptom, there is pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, then a woman should visit a gynecologist.

Consider the main causes of menstruation with clots without pain:

  1. Sudden change of position: from sitting to standing or from lying to sitting. Mucus in the menstrual blood is caused by stagnation of blood in the uterine cavity.
  2. Toilet visit. Most of the ladies on the forums write that after the first visit to the toilet in the morning, bloody lumps appear.
  3. postpartum period. The uterine cavity can be cleared of the remnants of the placenta for 2 months. After 1-2 months, the ovaries return to normal.
  4. Menses after childbirth with large blood clots. This should not scare a woman. A change in the nature of menstruation is observed due to the active rejection of the endometrium.
  5. Congenital anomalies in the structure of the genital organs, in which the outflow of menstruation from the genital tract is slower.
  6. Postpartum deformation of the intrauterine septum, bending of the uterus, the presence of one paramesonephric duct (congenital) - all these features lead to a change in the nature of menstrual bleeding.
  7. The period of puberty. Gynecologists consider the appearance of thick periods within 1-2 years after the first menarche to be normal. In adolescence, the hormone estrogen is produced in increased amounts. Progesterone is produced less. Under the influence of estrogen, the endometrium of the uterus grows stronger and thickens. Its detachment during the "critical" period provokes heavy bleeding with the presence of clots.

Pathological reasons why blood clots come out during menstruation

If the symptom is caused by pathological causes, then it usually appears earlier than the expected date and is supplemented by other unpleasant symptoms.

Hormonal disbalance

Girls who have problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland often experience abnormal periods. They may be too long or too profuse. In such situations, menstruation comes much later or earlier than the due date. The girl will not be able to cope with the problem on her own. It is necessary to undergo an examination of the body by a gynecologist.

After 45 years, menstruation in women becomes shorter and poorer. Hormonal failures lead to the fact that large lumps of a brownish hue appear in the blood. Symptoms of the onset of menopause are the absence of ovulation with active rejection of uterine endometrial cells.


The disease is associated with the spread of the lining membranes to neighboring departments. The period between bleeding in such cases may be less than 24 days. Menstruation with endometriosis becomes dark bloody shades, and in them a woman may notice large clots.


It causes the growth of the endometrium not only in the uterine cavity, but also in other internal organs. Other symptoms of the disorder are painful periods, the presence of abundant inclusions in menstruation. The causes of endometriosis and adenomyosis have not yet been identified. With pathologies, the genital organ cannot contract normally. Because of this, the blood stagnates in it and forms clots.

Endometrial polyps

Polyps are benign growths in the uterine cavity. They tend to grow and bleed. Neoplasms also impede the outflow of blood and cause large clots to come out during menstruation. The problem can only be dealt with through surgery. Endometrial polyps will not disappear on their own and will not decrease after drug treatment.

Diseases not related to gynecological causes

Obesity can be included in the list of factors that provoke the problem. With pathology, the synthesis of some sex hormones is disrupted. In the body of overweight women, estrogen predominates. It stimulates the abnormal growth of the endometrium. Another disease is diabetes. It negatively affects the metabolism and provokes problems with the cycle.

Infection of the pelvic organs with pathogenic bacteria can become the cause of the violation. Most often, pathologies are caused by infectious pathogens that penetrate into the blood vessels.

Pathologies of pregnancy

In view of the violation of the course of pregnancy, during menstruation, pieces of blood appear. Not always the lady guesses about her "interesting" position and hurries to see a doctor. The first signs of abnormal pregnancy: deterioration of health, severe discomfort in the lower abdomen. Similar signs are observed with frozen and ectopic pregnancy. In the latter case, the discharge becomes brownish and black lumps are observed in them.

Diseases of the cervix and its cavity

Consider a list of the main disorders that provoke bleeding during menstruation with clots:

  1. Myoma or other benign formations. They do not threaten the woman's life, but provoke problems with the normal rejection of the endometrium in each cycle. Signs of a pathological condition are strong menstruation with large lumpy patches.
  2. Uterine hyperplasia is one of the most frequently diagnosed gynecological diseases.
  3. Oncology of the cervix. Cancer cells can spread to neighboring departments and organs. With cancer, menstruation is distinguished by the release of copious amounts of clots. Additional symptoms of oncology: weight loss, severe weakness, deterioration of hair and skin. At advanced stages of oncology, bleeding is observed regularly, regardless of the phases of the cycle.
  4. Cystic formations in the ovaries. The disease is manifested by severe pulling pains in the middle of the cycle and lengthening of menstruation.

Taking hormonal drugs

Women who often experience a delay and lack of ovulation are prescribed hormonal agents: Norkolut or Duphaston. Discharge with clots appear due to insufficient production of progesterone by the female body. The less hormone is contained in the blood, the more the endometrium of the uterus grows.

Spiral installation

The product provokes a lengthening of the cycle and a change in the consistency of menstruation due to the fact that at first it is perceived by the female body as a foreign body. For several months, periods can be thick and dark in color.

If after 3 months after the installation of the spiral the symptom does not disappear, then this may be due to improper installation of the product. In such cases, you should contact the gynecologist again.

When to See a Doctor

The periodic appearance of the considered feature can be considered a variant of the norm. However, there are situations in which it is necessary to immediately contact a medical institution. A woman should pay attention to 5 main pathological symptoms:

  1. Prolonged discharge. Seek medical attention if menstruation lasts more than 8 days. An untimely appeal to a gynecologist can be complicated by anemia due to profuse blood loss.
  2. Large amount of allocations. It is not normal if the pad is filled earlier than after 1.5-2 hours. Increased bleeding can lead to tachycardia, dizziness.
  3. The presence of an unpleasant odor from the discharge. The symptom may indicate infection of the genital organs. The advanced stages of an infectious disease are supplemented by an increase in temperature.
  4. Very severe pain in the lower abdomen. Blood clots after menstruation and during them are the first symptom of damage to internal organs by pathological processes.
  5. Change in the composition of the secretion. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist if white, purulent or blood streaks appear in the discharge.

Self-treatment often leads to dangerous consequences. Endometriosis in the advanced stage complicates the conception of a child. With an ectopic pregnancy, there is a high risk of rupture of the fallopian tube. It also reduces the chance of successfully conceiving a baby in the future.


With the appearance of constant thick blood during menstruation, it is better for a woman to consult a doctor. This is especially true for women with an established menstrual cycle. Gynecological examination will include 4 main components:

  1. Collection of anamnesis. Women tell the doctor about the symptoms that bother them and the duration of their manifestation. The doctor asks the patient about recent illnesses and medications.
  2. General inspection. The specialist draws attention to the presence of inflammatory processes near the genitals and anus. The doctor performs an examination of the vagina and cervix using a special mirror. The doctor evaluates the nature of the mucous secretions, their consistency and abundance.
  3. Bimanual examination, which includes an assessment of the location of the cervix and the patency of its pharynx.
  4. Hardware research. Ultrasound is used to detect pathologies of the ovaries and uterine cavity. If oncology is suspected, the patient may be assigned a tomography.

These examinations are necessary before drawing up a treatment regimen.

What to do

The main goal of conservative treatment of the problem is to eliminate the causes of the appearance of large blood clots during menstruation. The list of good drugs for gynecological disorders include:

  • folic acid (tablets improve the supply of oxygen to internal systems and organs);
  • drugs to maintain hemoglobin;
  • vitamin complexes A, E, B, C.

Of great importance in the treatment of disorders is the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Women should include the following foods in their diet:

  • buckwheat;
  • a fish;
  • green apples;
  • beet;
  • red meat;
  • butter;
  • cereals;
  • eggs.

It is impossible to cope with fibroids and other benign neoplasms in the uterine cavity and on its neck without surgical intervention. The same applies to the abnormal structure of the genital organs. A cancerous tumor requires complex treatment. Timely therapy can increase the chance of survival.

Blood clotting is important because it prevents a large loss of blood in various injuries and wounds.

Blood clots are formed as a result of the fact that the blood changes its liquid state to a jelly-like or even semi-solid. When they appear inside the blood vessels, our health and life are at risk. When blood clots separate from the walls of blood vessels, they can partially or completely block an artery or vein. This phenomenon is known as thrombosis.

Blood clots: what to look out for

And since our entire body is connected by blood vessels, a blood clot can "go" anywhere, and this is very dangerous. If it blocks the path to the heart, brain, or lungs, then a person may have an embolism or stroke.

Blood clots are of two types:

    Arterial. Those that are formed in the arteries and do not allow oxygen to enter the main organs. These blood clots can cause countless complications, ranging from severe pain to heart attack, stroke, and paralysis.

    Venous. These clots form slowly in the veins, so the symptoms appear gradually. They most often form in the arms, legs, or pelvic area. As a rule, these clots remain motionless, but there is always a risk that a "blood clot" will come off, so health is at risk.

Risk factors for blood clots

Here are some situations and habits that can increase your risk of blood clots:

    Staying in one position for a long time interferes with normal blood circulation, as the vessels are compressed.

    Long trips (more than 4 hours) can also cause blood clots. This is due to the fact that in a sitting position, the blood does not circulate throughout the body properly.

    Long rest (lying down)

    Taking certain birth control pills.

    Family history

    Sedentary lifestyle

    old age


Blood clots: what you should definitely pay attention to

1. Unexplained cough and difficulty breathing

A blood clot in the lungs hinders the process of oxygenation of these organs: oxygen supply becomes slow, resulting in an increase in heart rate.

A rapid heartbeat that is accompanied by labored breathing is usually interpreted as a warning sign of a pulmonary embolism.

2. Mood swings

Symptoms such as irritability, confusion, hallucinations, or seizures may indicate an arterial thrombosis in the brain.

This happens when a blood clot blocks the regular flow of oxygen and glucose, causing the brain to stop functioning properly.

3. Fatigue

In the presence of blood clots, the body activates its defenses, which makes us feel incredibly tired.

The causes of such physical exhaustion can be various diseases, and diagnosis is very difficult. For this reason, in the presence of this symptom, one should be very attentive to the appearance of others.

Very often people feel tired for no apparent reason, even if they slept perfectly all night.

4. Edema in the limbs

This condition is known as deep vein thrombosis. It interferes with normal blood circulation and leads to the fact that oxygen is not supplied in the required amount to the vital organs.

You should be especially careful if such swelling develops quickly and is accompanied by pain. Just do not confuse such edema with fluid retention in the body, these are different things.

5. Pain in the arm or leg

This pain is usually localized and throbbing. Pain occurs when you walk or bend your limbs. Sometimes this is accompanied by a feeling of numbness.

6. Dilated veins

By themselves, dilated veins do not cause complications and do not pose serious problems. But if the blood clot puts pressure on the blood vessels, it can cause internal tears and bleeding (bruising). Sometimes varicose veins develop as a result of venous thrombosis.

7. Red streaks on the skin

If you suddenly have red streaks or lines along the veins on your skin, then you need to be attentive to other symptoms.

Watch for changes in your mood and other signs to rule out the possibility of arterial thrombosis. And such red stripes still make the limbs warm to the touch.

8. Increased body temperature

If blood clots enter the bloodstream, they can cause fever. This malaise is usually accompanied by increased sweating, tremors, headaches, dehydration, general weakness and lack of appetite.

Recommendations: how to prevent the formation of blood clots?

    Try to eat foods rich in vitamins B3, C and E such as garlic, for example. Also in your diet should be minerals such as zinc, magnesium, manganese and various mineral supplements. This will promote good circulation.

    Quit smoking(if you smoke). This bad habit increases the risk of blood clots.

    Watch your weight, do not forget about the benefits of exercise.

    Obesity and sedentary lifestyle are the main causes of heart attacks due to broken blood clots.

    In addition, b be careful with oral contraceptives because some hormones increase blood clotting. published .

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.

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