Home Rack Recipe for false caviar from herring. Fake caviar from herring. Note to the owner

Recipe for false caviar from herring. Fake caviar from herring. Note to the owner

The recipe is very old, even my mother gave me these sandwiches to school with her! great appetizer and absolutely delicious!

Here the main thing is that the fish was with caviar! This is the secret of the recipe. We sell caviar from herring separately .. but in my case - 1 herring with caviar,
half a glass of semolina,
1 small onion
1 tablespoon red pepper
3 tablespoons of olive oil,
2 tablespoons of vinegar.
I put the finished caviar in an airtight jar, and it is stored for a week without problems, instead of pate for a sweet soul!
We cook the semolina until the consistency "so that the spoon stands" on the water, add a little salt, it is very important that it is COMPLETELY COOL!

We clean the herring, separate it from the skin, I also cut off the bellies with bones .. I don’t like them .... ;) and wash them well along with caviar

Then caviar, herring and onion are passed through a meat grinder 2!! times

We combine all the ingredients, semolina, a mass of herring and onions, pepper, vinegar and oil ... and mix thoroughly. The finished mass can be decomposed into jars and eat on bread.

Delicious! I advise you to try! And caviar crunches on your teeth, it feels like you are eating real caviar .. hence the name, fake! :)))))

Author bastet
Snack "False caviar" (recipe No. 2)

This is the most delicious buttercream I have ever tried. The taste is very reminiscent of red caviar, it always goes with a bang! Mom "brought" the recipe from the guests many years ago, and now we have this pate very often !!

* 1 herring
* 100-150 g butter
* 2 processed cheese
* 3 small carrots
Clean the herring from the insides, skin and bones. Boil carrots until tender.
Herring, carrots, butter, cheese twist through a meat grinder and stir. The spreader is ready.
Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (I don’t know for sure, I have never stood that much).
You can spread it on bread, a loaf, on slices of boiled or baked potatoes, stuff eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes.
I experimented several times, gave me a bite of a sandwich and asked me to tell you what it was, everyone unanimously said, of course, with red caviar !!
So cheap and cheerful, but delicious.... Try it!!
Recipe author nikulj Photographer Nadinka
False caviar 2 (recipe No. 3)

And another interesting and tasty putty for sandwiches

2-3 boiled carrots
1 herring
100 gr. butter,
2 processed cheese
two hard boiled eggs.

I don’t have a meat grinder by definition, I always use a combine with knives. Who is more comfortable here.
So, we put all our ingredients in a bowl

and grind until smooth

You can salt to taste if the herring is lightly salted.
We smear on a bun and drink tea :)

We put the rest in the refrigerator, for the future :)

Bon Appetit!

Herring caviar (oil from herring, curds, butter and carrots)

This simple and very tasty fish, herring butter with cheese and vegetables turns out to be exceptionally tasty! Herring caviar is good on its own, and spread on a bun or bread, and together with mashed potatoes. Herring lovers will not pass by! Herring caviar is a very tasty food!


  • Herring - 1 piece;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Processed salted cheese (such as Druzhba, Orbita or imported curds) - 180-200 g (2 pieces of ordinary Soviet curds);
  • Carrot - 1 large.

Ingredients for snacks (herring caviar)

How to cook herring caviar

  • Clean herring: tear off the fins, cut off the head and pull out the insides with it (if there is caviar or milk, you can also use them). .Along the spine, along the back, slightly separate with your fingers, push the back of the herring into 2 halves. Peel off the skin and pull it off. Then remove both halves of the future fillet from the bones, moving from top to bottom, from the spine to the abdomen.
  • Chop, mix: pass all the components of caviar through a meat grinder. Mix. Cover and refrigerate. You can eat within an hour! Hooray!

Herring caviar in a container. I prepared this option not with a meat grinder, but by grating it. Also delicious. But through a meat grinder - the structure is more interesting.

Herring caviar on a bun

These are such simple and tasty sandwiches made with herring caviar!

Tartlets with herring caviar

Sandwich with herring caviar - a very tasty snack, after which you want more

A great appetizer that can be prepared for the festive table and for every day!

Caviar from herring, cheese and carrots combines a piercing and alluring cheese creamy taste, crazy saltiness of herring and crunching of small sweet pieces of carrots! It's so delicious it's beyond words.

It's very difficult to stop. Hold yourself back. If possible.)))

If you do not have processed cheese, then it is better, nevertheless, to buy them. With ordinary hard cheese, it turns out not so tasty.

You can add caviar and raw onions. A small piece. It will be nice to crunch along with carrots.

And for grinding it is better to use a meat grinder. This salty fish oil has a more regular, harmonious texture than if you grated or used a food processor knife.

How delicious with sweet tea!

This delicious appetizer of herring and cheese curds with orange flecks of carrots is very good in the form of sandwiches: with both white and brown bread.

Of course, our herring caviar is fatty, but very, very tasty. As you can see, it is prepared very simply and quickly.

Good luck and bon appetit!

Good appetite!

How to use herring oil

Herring caviar can not only be spread on sandwiches or eaten with potatoes, but you can also stuff buns or Italian pasta (giant shells,), you can use herring oil.

Cut off the lid of the buns, take out some of the pulp. Stuffing buns with herring caviar The lid of the bun can also be smeared with herring caviar so that it sticks well from the bottom of the bun and there is a lot of stuffing.
Bun with filling in a section Homemade herring caviar in a bun
You can put caviar and tartlets

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Any sandwich you want to spread something tasty. For such purposes, I often use the recipe "False caviar from herring and carrots." I offer you my recipe with a photo, so it will not be difficult for you to cook everything quickly and without mistakes. When I prepare for the arrival of guests, in addition to always preparing small sandwiches. They can be eaten, tuned in for dinner and just a snack. The filling can be different, for example, in my arsenal there is also ... But for some reason sandwiches with false caviar scatter instantly. Such caviar will be easy to prepare, and will also not hit your pocket. After all, you won’t buy real red caviar every time. Sometimes you need to save money and at the same time, so that the snack is tasty. In that case, this dish comes to my rescue. So, I present to your attention false caviar from herring and carrots, a recipe with a photo.

Required products:

- 300 grams of slightly salted herring;
- 150 grams of processed cheese;
- 150 grams of butter;
- 150 grams of carrots.

Recipe with photo step by step:

I am milling. I remove the peel, remove the backbone and all the bones. I leave only the fillet and cut it into medium pieces to make it easier to use.

Solid (slightly frozen) butter and processed cheese rub through a grater. You can use it, but keep in mind that it is liquid, so you will need less of it - about 100 gr. It turns out crushed cream cheese filling.

I rub boiled carrots through a fine grater to it. I boil the carrots in advance, put them to cool for 30 minutes in cold water.

I pass the peeled pieces of herring through a meat grinder and mix all the ingredients into one whole mass. The mass will be thick like a cream and pleasant to the smell. I even mix it several times so that all the components are thoroughly mixed with each other.

Before use, put in a cold place for 10-15 minutes. Then I serve it to the table, decorating with any greenery. Fresh dill harmonizes very well with such false caviar.

What could be tastier than an unusual and original snack? Only false caviar from herring and carrots!
Any piece of bread or fresh toast in combination with such caviar will make your feast unique.

Bon Appetite!
I hope you liked my false herring and carrot caviar, the recipe with a photo and all the details helped you understand the intricacies of the process of its preparation.
I advise you to pay attention to

Herring is considered one of the most affordable and delicious fish. Many people prefer to eat this fish in salted form. What could be tastier than boiled potatoes seasoned with butter and herbs, combined with fragrant herring? Herring caviar is also traditionally pickled. There are many ways to turn ordinary herring caviar and the fish itself into a luxurious treat.

Cleaning herring from bones is easy

The most unpleasant moment of preparing herring for serving is cleaning it from bones. A person who does not know how can turn fish into a mess, trying to get rid of everything unnecessary in it. How to clean a herring from bones so that it retains its shape? Of course, it is simply impossible to get rid of the smallest and thinnest bones, but if you sprinkle the fish with lemon juice or a weak solution of vinegar, the bones will soften and will not be felt at all.

Get rid of the main bones. First you need to take a sharp thin knife, a cutting board or paper napkins. We put the herring on the board, get rid of the tail and head. To remove the insides, you need to cut off the fins, cut open the abdomen with a knife - very carefully so as not to damage the caviar. Herring caviar is useful for preparing the next dish.

After removing the insides, rinse the carcass with cold water, put on a napkin so that excess water is glassed. A notch remained from the upper fin on the back, using it, carefully divide the herring in half along the back, hook the skin, remove it. When the fish is divided in two, you can take on the bones. Grasp the spine, slowly pull the tip of the tail up. The bones will begin to fall off without damaging the fillet. Also clean the second part of the fish. Remove the remaining protruding bones by hand. It remains to cut the fish, season if necessary and serve.

False caviar from herring

Sandwiches will never interfere on the festive table. What kind of recipes for their preparation does not exist! The most popular are considered But this is a very expensive pleasure. By preparing a pate according to this recipe, you will surprise your guests with a novelty. Red caviar from herring tastes practically indistinguishable from real red caviar.

To prepare this delicacy, you will need a fillet of one lightly salted herring, butter - about one hundred grams, a couple of processed cheeses ("Friendship", "Orbit" or another one of your choice, but not softened), three medium-sized carrots. How to clean a herring from bones is described at the beginning of the article. Boil carrots and cool. Scroll all the ingredients through a meat grinder (scrolling the oil, alternate it with other products). A blender is not recommended, as the consistency will be too liquid. Salt is not worth it, curds and herring contain enough salt, you can spoil the taste. Mix, put on the table. If desired, add greens - dill and parsley.

Preparation of caviar from herring brine

When the fish is eaten, the brine from it is poured out. But experienced housewives know the application for such a seemingly completely unnecessary product. Many people buy caviar for (pollock caviar with spices, oil or tomato) in the store. Such a jar of caviar is not cheap. We will make exactly the same at home, without spending money on the purchase and without pouring out the brine (marinade) from the herring. This spread is called "semolina caviar from herring".

Take one glass of brine, half a glass of vegetable oil (odorless), a glass of water, two-thirds of a glass of semolina, two tablespoons of tomato paste or tomato ketchup (without seasonings and without a slide), a small onion, a couple of boiled eggs, greens to taste ( possible without it). All liquid components are poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil, paste is added, and mixed well. Reduce the heat, slowly add the cereal, stirring.

When the semolina is swollen enough, remove from the stove and cool. Finely chop the onion and egg, add to the resulting caviar. Onions in this recipe are not required, greens will be enough.

Caviar made from herring with semolina

Another delicious recipe from affordable fish is herring caviar. To prepare this dish, you will need slightly salted herring (two pieces), a glass of tomato juice, a glass of vegetable oil, a glass of semolina and pickled onions. Boil the juice with oil, boil semolina in this liquid. Herring and onion to turn through a meat grinder, mix with semolina. The amount of ingredients is designed for a large company. To prepare such caviar for a home table, it is worth reducing the ingredients by a factor of three. Instead of herring, you can use caviar from it.

Such an original snack will be appreciated by many housewives for its budget and ease of preparation. Everyone has “not a lot” in the refrigerator, and guests are on the doorstep. The taste of false caviar is very similar to the taste of real caviar with butter. And if sandwiches with false caviar from herring and carrots are beautifully decorated when serving, then you get a wonderful festive dish.

After cooking, let it brew for 30 minutes in the cold to reveal the taste, but you can also eat the next day if left.

To prepare false caviar from herring and carrots, you will need such ingredients.

Cut the herring into fillets, remove the bones and skin. If the fish is with caviar, it can also be used in the dish.

Boil the carrots until half cooked so that they do not fall apart, cool and peel.

Pass the finished herring fillet through a meat grinder 2 times, a blender will not work here.

Processed cheese and butter are also twisted in a meat grinder, 1 time is enough. Butter must be frozen. Add to twisted herring.

Skip the carrots through a meat grinder, combine with the mixture.

Mix the whole mixture thoroughly, I did not add salt, you - to your taste. Leave to cool.

Serve false caviar from herring and carrots on sandwiches or as an independent dish.

Bon Appetit!

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