Home Steering Why shoots in the breast. How to get rid of pain in one breast during pregnancy? Causes of asymmetrical chest pain during pregnancy Severe pain under the chest line during pregnancy

Why shoots in the breast. How to get rid of pain in one breast during pregnancy? Causes of asymmetrical chest pain during pregnancy Severe pain under the chest line during pregnancy

As soon as conception occurs, the woman's body immediately begins to rebuild its work. Changes, including those related to the mammary glands of a woman.

The shell of the embryo produces a hormone, due to which the female breast begins to prepare for the production of milk. Because of this, the breast greatly increases in volume, in some cases even by several sizes.

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is chest pain.

Breast pain during pregnancy - normal or pathological?

Immediately after conception, the female breast begins to change its structure. This happens under the influence of a hormone, which is also called pregnancy hormone. Under the influence of this hormone, the breast noticeably increases in size and swells.

Due to the increased blood supply under the surface of the skin, venous network. In addition to breast augmentation, you can notice darkening of the nipples and selections.

Besides breast becomes very sensitive and there is pain. It happens due to the development of additional lobules in the mammary gland.

Breast pain occurs in early pregnancy due to tissue stretching. A feeling of heaviness appears in the chest, and veins appear on its surface.

The manifestation of chest pain during pregnancy is quite individual. Some women may avoid it altogether. And some have not only a painful sensation when squeezed, but also a strong aching pain. Quite often, the mammary gland hurts so much that it is impossible to touch it.

The nipples also become very sensitive. This makes it painful for some women to even wear a bra. Unpleasant itching around the nipples accompanies the appearance of colostrum. As a rule, it begins to stand out in the later stages of pregnancy.

Unpleasant sensations in the chest during pregnancy is a fairly common and completely natural phenomenon. But, if the pain does not go away and intensifies, then it is worth going to an appointment with a mammologist so that he excludes the formation of a tumor.

Possible causes of pain

With severe chest pain during pregnancy, it is necessary to examine it.

This pain may be caused by cracked nipples. These cracks can not only cause an unpleasant sensation in the nipple area, but also cause inflammation of the mammary gland. If cracks are found, contact your gynecologist. It is necessary to take care of such a breast very carefully and without fail. wash it with warm water without soap, which can further dry out the skin of the nipples.

Pain in the chest also may be evidence of developing mastopathy or mastitis. But these diseases usually occur already during breastfeeding due to stagnation of milk in the cracks and infection there.

If pain in the mammary gland gives you discomfort, then you should inform your gynecologist about this and undergo an examination by a mammologist.

Is it necessary to hurt the chest during pregnancy?

Every woman's body and every pregnancy is different. Different symptoms of pregnancy may occur at different times, to varying degrees, or not at all.

Some women notice burning in the nipples, some - their darkening, and others - a strong sensitivity in the chest and nipples. Sometimes chest pain occurs only when squeezing. Determined that in some cases there is a strong sensitivity to cold. In general, the sensations in the breasts of a pregnant woman are very similar to those before menstruation.

But, if you do not have all of these symptoms, do not worry. It is normal to have no chest pain during pregnancy.

Chest pain begins to subside closer to the second trimester of pregnancy. However, some women experience discomfort in the mammary gland for the entire duration of pregnancy.

Is chest pain a sign of pregnancy?

If you think you're pregnant and want to know if it's true or not, take a good look at your body.

Immediately after conception, changes begin to occur in a woman's body. Due to the action of the pregnancy hormone, the breast begins to increase in size and, as a result, there is a feeling of heaviness. This is the very first sign of pregnancy.

Pain and tenderness of the breasts are usually pass by the end of the first trimester.

but chest pain may indicate and about a number of other processes that occur in a woman's body. And these processes may not be related to pregnancy in any way.

So, if you experience discomfort in the chest area, you should immediately contact a specialist. In addition to pregnancy, such sensations can indicate less pleasant conditions that need to be diagnosed and treated.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

Breast pain and tenderness during pregnancy is normal and should not be experienced. but if you notice a decrease or, on the contrary, an increase in pain you should contact your gynecologist.

Decreased pain in the chest in the first trimester of pregnancy can talk about spontaneous or missed pregnancy. But you should not panic. Just contact your doctor to have him examine and prescribe the necessary tests.

Increasing tenderness and pain in the chest does not necessarily indicate any pathology. But be sure to tell your doctor about it.

Why are chest pains dangerous (and dangerous?) during pregnancy?

Painful sensations in the mammary gland appear as a result of the action of the pregnancy hormone. So with the disappearance of characteristic pains, the gynecologist may raise the question of the threat of interruption or.

However, it is possible to develop breast inflammation during pregnancy, which is called mastopathy. During the period of the disease, fibrotic changes occur in the woman's breast. In addition, there may be discharge from the nipples. This inflammation can be unilateral or bilateral.

If you experience chest pain during pregnancy or if it stops, you should contact your gynecologist or mammologist.

Ways to relieve and relieve pain

To relieve chest pain during pregnancy you need to wear the right underwear.

The bra should be comfortable and be made from natural materials. Its straps should be wide in order to distribute the load well.

On such linen there should not be extra decorating elements and seams. The main task of such a bra is to prevent squeezing the mammary gland and improve blood circulation in it.

Special bra for pregnant and nursing mothers is ideal and will serve for a long time. As your breasts grow, you should change to a larger bra.

In the first trimester

If your nipples are very sensitive, do not remove your bra at night.

Wash your breasts daily with warm water, you can also rub down with a damp towel. Do not use detergents that can dry out the skin of the breasts and nipples.

Dry skin of the nipples contributes to their cracks. For cracked nipples, ointments such as D-panthenol or Bepanten should be used. If the cracks are very deep, then Avent or Actovegin can be used.

In addition, traditional medicine is very effective for the treatment of cracks in the nipples. Among them, the healing properties of flax oil, burdock or cabbage leaves, St. John's wort, parsley leaves and hemp seeds should be highlighted.

You can also lubricate the nipples, this will make them softer and help them heal faster.

In the second and third trimesters

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, to reduce pain in the mammary gland and in the nipple area, all the same remedies should be used as in the first trimester.

In addition, you should also try:

  1. harden the chest. To do this, take air baths and contrast rubdowns. This will help prevent the development of mastitis in the future and reduce pain and sensitivity of the nipples.
  2. Buy custom bra pads that absorb secretions from it. Be sure to change them to clean ones in time to prevent the development of infection.
  3. Do simple simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the chest, which facilitate the outflow of lymph and reduce the feeling of heaviness.

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time in any woman's life. However, such a sign of pregnancy as sore breasts can significantly ruin this period for you.

Be sure to monitor your condition and the intensity of pain and report any changes to your doctor.

With the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy, almost the “golden time” for the expectant mother begins: toxicosis, most likely, is already in the past, the tummy is somewhat rounded, but not yet enough to add clumsiness and difficulties to the woman. The second trimester of pregnancy, starting from the 13th week, becomes the most fertile period for the expectant mother: now you can walk in the fresh air, visit the pool or yoga classes, enjoy theatrical performances and read books without suffering from headaches and constant feeling of nausea.

With each week, pregnancy becomes noticeable to others: the figure of a woman is rounded, her breasts increase. Experts advise to slowly think about, which is recommended to start wearing from about the 20th week of pregnancy in order to avoid stretch marks and to eliminate the threat of abortion. At the same time, you can slowly begin to prepare your breasts for feeding, daily rubbing the mammary glands with a terry towel and taking air baths.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, one of the main periods of the intrauterine life of the baby also falls: by the 16th week, the laying of the baby's internal organs and the formation of the placenta are completed. So, from now on, the function of supplying oxygen and nutrients, as well as the responsibility to protect the child from the influence of many harmful substances and the penetration of infections, falls on the placenta.

Nausea in the second trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, nausea in the second trimester of pregnancy no longer bothers a woman - toxicosis with all the accompanying "charms" becomes an unpleasant memory of early pregnancy. By the second trimester, most pregnant women notice that nausea has disappeared, and an increased appetite has replaced it.

But, at the same time, do not forget that the body of each person is unique, and each woman “endures” pregnancy in different ways. Therefore, it is not surprising that some mothers, even with the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy, may complain of nausea, which usually occurs in the morning, immediately after waking up, or as a reaction to annoying unpleasant odors.

The usual methods of “fighting” this unpleasant phenomenon are used: you can cope with morning sickness by drinking water with lemon or tea immediately after waking up and snacking on cookies or crackers without even getting out of bed. Still, you should “look for” the most optimal foods, avoiding fatty foods. It is advisable to exclude all smells that provoke attacks of nausea - a sharp perfume, the aroma of pasties or fried onions (which of the women is “weak” for what).

In the case of debilitating nausea with constant regular bouts of vomiting, it is still worth consulting a doctor: this situation is considered a pathology and can be dangerous.

Discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy

If in the early stages, vaginal discharge does not change drastically either qualitatively or quantitatively, then the second trimester of pregnancy is usually distinguished by some increase in discharge. At the same time, pregnancies acquire a somewhat whitish milky color, and are distinguished by their unexpressed somewhat sour smell.

An increase in the intensity of discharge is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, and one should be prepared for the fact that as the duration of pregnancy increases, the amount of discharge will also increase. If the discharge is not accompanied by itching and / or burning sensation and does not change color, you should not be alarmed. But you should be wary if:

  • curdled or thick white discharge appears in the second trimester of pregnancy, causing discomfort in the form of itching or burning. Most likely, you will have to deal with thrush, which must be treated in order to avoid transmission of infection to the baby;
  • bloody discharge appears. Perhaps they are provoked by erosion of the cervix, in addition, such discharge may signal a threat of miscarriage or premature birth (depending on the period);
  • the discharge changes color, acquiring a greenish, yellow tint, or is distinguished by “foaminess”. Probably, we will talk about the accession of the infection;
  • the discharge is transparent and has an unpleasant odor. The risk of developing bacterial vaginosis is great;
  • the discharge is plentiful, while transparent and does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor. Perhaps this indicates irritation from some kind of influence (for example, as a reaction to panty liners, and then the situation can be changed by eliminating the irritant). Or there is leakage of amniotic fluid (you can install it using an indicator test sold at a pharmacy, or during an examination).

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy

The most common complaints of this period regarding pain are pain in the lower back and pelvic region. Doctors explain such pains in the second trimester of pregnancy by a gradual increase in the uterus and, accordingly, an increase in the size of the abdomen.

But there should not be any pain in the abdomen. Therefore, if there are pulling pains in the abdomen, and even “reinforced” pains in the sacrum or hips, and even more so, in the presence of spotting, you should immediately consult a doctor - the risk of miscarriage is too high.

A very unpleasant phenomenon in the second trimester of pregnancy can be heartburn - as a result of squeezing the stomach by a growing uterus, and therefore the normal function of digestion is disturbed.

Again, due to an increase in the uterus in size and compression of the abdominal organs, constipation may develop. It is important to adhere to a proper diet and increase the amount of fiber in the diet; prunes, dried apricots and baked apples will also help to cope with constipation. Constipation must be avoided, because it is not far from constant constipation to hemorrhoids, and this is much more serious and "painful" than simply the inability to go to the toilet "by and large".

Perhaps in the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of convulsions - painful involuntary muscle contractions in the calves and feet. This symptom may indicate a violation of mineral metabolism in the body and be caused by congestion in the legs. It is important to lead an active lifestyle, for joints and visiting the pool, do foot massage and pay attention to the quality of nutrition. So, calcium, magnesium and vitamin E should be present in the diet in sufficient quantities.

Colds in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester, as well as throughout pregnancy, a woman is still vulnerable to all sorts of colds. But, fortunately, a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy no longer poses such a danger as in the early stages of bearing a baby. And, nevertheless, it is necessary to treat colds, and, moreover, always with the intervention of a doctor - most of the medications are still banned, and a cold, albeit not on such a “scale”, can still cause great trouble.

So, at this stage, a cold can provoke the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, and due to violations of the functions of the placenta, there is a high risk of fetal hypoxia, fetal growth retardation. In addition, a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy can negatively affect the nervous system of the fetus, because right now it is actively developing.

If a woman catches a cold at the 14th week of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage remains, in addition, endocrine system disturbances are possible (its formation is now being completed). At 16-17 weeks of pregnancy, a cold can affect the formation of the baby's bone tissue - active strengthening of the bones of the fetus lasts until the 18th week. A cold at 19-20 weeks of pregnancy is dangerous for a girl growing in the womb of her mother: during this period, the formation of baby eggs occurs, and viruses can have an extremely adverse effect on their number and functioning.

In connection with all of the above, the treatment of a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy should not be neglected. The treatment regimen should be discussed with the doctor, in any case, the woman is shown bed rest, drinking plenty of water, gargling with herbal decoctions with the addition of soda, and rinsing the nose with saline.

Temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy

But not always, unfortunately, colds are expressed only by mild ailments, in many cases, they are associated with a significant increase in temperature. It is believed that a significantly elevated temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy does not have a negative effect on the fetus - to a certain extent, negative effects are removed by the placental barrier, and the placenta also becomes an obstacle to the penetration of viruses and infections to the child. But, at the same time, it is necessary to be treated, and necessarily - following the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

It should be remembered that in no case should Aspirin, Analgin, Nurofen be used to lower the temperature. Only preparations based on antipyretics are acceptable as an antipyretic, and then after consultation with a specialist. At the same time, if the temperature does not exceed 37.8-38 degrees, it is advisable to cope with the temperature syndrome with the help of folk remedies - using a decoction of lime blossom, tea with honey and raspberries, making cold compresses.

If a significantly elevated temperature is fixed without the accompanying symptoms of a cold in the form of a cough, runny nose and malaise, it may be caused by much more serious diseases. So, high temperature can be accompanied by pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, herpes and some other diseases that are dangerous for the development and normal formation of the fetus. Therefore, in the presence of fever without cold symptoms, you should always consult with a therapist and gynecologist, and also, if necessary, take tests.

As for the "subfebrile" states in the range of 37.2-37.5 degrees. A slightly elevated temperature, inherent in the early period of pregnancy, may persist into the second trimester. But, at the same time, such temperature indicators in the second trimester of pregnancy can also be a sign of an ectopic position of the fetus. And therefore, also examinations and ultrasound, analyzes necessary at this time, acquire such importance.

Ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester, the pregnant woman will undergo a second planned ultrasound, the optimal time for which is 20-24 weeks. By this time, ultrasound no longer provides for the mandatory preparation and conduct of it with a full bladder: there is enough already existing amniotic fluid.

During an ultrasound scan in the second trimester of pregnancy, a specialist evaluates the development of the fetus and the amount of amniotic fluid, determines the presence or absence of malformations of the internal systems and organs of the child, and specifies the gestational age. If for some reason it was not diagnosed during the first planned ultrasound, the doctor will inform mom and dad about its presence now. In addition, an ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy can show the sex of the expected baby, however, often the baby turns his buttocks, which makes it impossible to determine.

The second scheduled ultrasound examination allows, among other things, to assess the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord, display data on the length of the cervix and the condition of the internal os.

Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy

In addition to ultrasound, tests are needed in the second trimester of pregnancy in the form of a clinical blood test (mainly to determine the level of hemoglobin) and a general urine test (to assess kidney function). In addition, a gynecological smear will be taken from the pregnant woman, and, if necessary, an analysis for TORCH infection.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the so-called biochemical screening, or “triple test”, can be offered and carried out. This analysis involves a blood test for 3 main markers: human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and estriol. A triple test allows you to identify possible malformations and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, impaired formation of the spinal cord, hydrocephalus and some other pathologies. This "combined" analysis can be shown to those women who have already experienced pregnancy failure, those who have relatives with congenital developmental pathologies. However, it should be borne in mind that in any case, the diagnosis is not made based on the results of the analysis: the triple test is designed to determine whether the pregnant woman belongs to the risk group. The optimal time for biochemical screening is considered to be 16-18 weeks.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester

One of the biggest tragedies that can happen in the second trimester of pregnancy is fetal fading. In principle, the cessation of development and subsequent death of the fetus, which, in fact, is a missed pregnancy, can also happen at an earlier date. The risk of freezing remains in the second trimester, the most dangerous in this regard is the period of 16-18 weeks.

The main signs that may indicate a fading pregnancy are:

  • cessation or absence of fetal movements. Mommy can feel the first movements of the baby by 18-20 weeks (usually, movements are felt by multiparous women earlier). If the baby suddenly stops “moving” in the tummy from time to time, you should immediately consult a doctor - a specialist will listen to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope, and in case of poor performance (deaf or not audible pulse), he will prescribe an additional ultrasound;
  • a possible fading of pregnancy may be signaled by changes regarding the mammary glands. So, for a frozen pregnancy, a decrease in the size of the breasts is characteristic, the mammary glands become soft, the secretion of colostrum stops;
  • a specialist can diagnose pregnancy fading during a gynecological examination: by an ajar cervix, cessation of uterine growth, thick brown discharge and a specific red-pink color of the vagina.

Nutrition in the second trimester of pregnancy

Nutrition in the second trimester of pregnancy still plays one of the key roles for the normal formation of the fetus and the excellent well-being of the expectant mother. The main condition regarding the diet is that it must be balanced, provide the body of a woman and a child in the right quantities with the necessary nutrients and nutrients.

Mandatory on the mother's table is fish and lean meats (preferably boiled), which will become the main source of protein. Eggs, cottage cheese, dairy and sour-milk products will provide the calcium necessary at this stage, which is necessary for the normal formation of the child's bone tissue. Beef liver, buckwheat porridge, apples and tomato juice will supply the body with iron, the need for which increases day by day, and the lack of which can cause anemia. Vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities in the diet are required - both as a source of vitamins and minerals, and as a "fuse" against constipation.

The quality of food is of great importance: during pregnancy it is better to refuse smoked meats, marinades, semi-finished products, all kinds of purchased ketchups, mayonnaises, sauces. In addition, it is worth limiting the consumption of sweets and flour products in order to avoid a jump in weight and not provoke the development of diabetes in pregnant women.

And, of course, alcohol is strictly prohibited in the second trimester of pregnancy, with a high degree of risk that has a negative impact on the development of the child. True, in some cases, experts allow red wine in small quantities, but only occasionally, always natural and unfortified, diluted by half with water.

Vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy

The need for valuable substances, including vitamins, increases approximately 1.5 times during pregnancy. But this does not mean that a woman should a priori take vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy in the form of multivitamin preparations, no way. So, the body of each person, do not tire of reminding doctors, is individual, which means that the needs of each pregnant woman are individual. Moreover, according to one of the theories, the body "knows how" to independently regulate needs and "distribute" reserves.

If in the recent past, many doctors almost without exception prescribed vitamin courses to pregnant women (and it is imperative to coordinate the intake of certain multivitamin preparations with a doctor), today many refuse to do so. It has been proven that the uncontrolled administration of vitamin complexes during pregnancy very often leads to the birth of large children, who, moreover, are born during a caesarean section (a woman who is too large is not always able to give birth naturally).

Therefore, all the same, doctors make the main “emphasis” in the issue of providing the body with vitamins on good nutrition, especially if the pregnant woman carefully monitors the diet, the pregnancy did not fall in the winter-spring period and proceeds safely. The principles of proper nutrition in order to obtain the maximum amount of vitamins from food: the mandatory presence of proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, prebiotics and probiotics in the daily menu.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that some substances are prescribed to all expectant mothers additionally, regardless of age, living conditions and health status. These include folic acid and vitamin E - they are necessary to reduce the risk of possible anomalies in the child's nervous development. In addition, taking folic acid reduces the chance of preeclampsia or pregnancy-related hypertension.

During pregnancy, including the second trimester, the need also increases for B vitamins (needed for the absorption of proteins, the development of the nervous system and brain), vitamins A (responsible for the development of bone tissue, retina, skin), C ( reduces the risk of preterm birth, is necessary for immunity), D (participates in the formation of bone tissue and the "laying" of the baby's teeth). But the expediency of additional intake of certain multivitamin preparations that combine different combinations of vitamins should be determined by the doctor. It is possible that the need for vitamins can be replenished by adjusting the diet.

Sex in the second trimester of pregnancy

When the main worries about the fixation of the fetus in the uterus and its normal development remain in the past, and with them all the ailments and signs of early toxicosis go into oblivion, the woman quite logically “remembers” the pleasant moments of intimacy. So, together with a spouse who misses bodily pleasures, she wonders if sex is possible and how safe it is in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Almost all doctors agree that in the absence of contraindications and the normal course of pregnancy, intimacy in the second trimester is not only allowed, but also necessary. So, sex life does not harm the unborn baby at all, but mom and dad give the opportunity to experience new sensations, get even closer and fully enjoy each other's touches.

Interestingly, many women note that the middle of pregnancy is marked by a kind of “splash” of sexual energy. Doctors explain the growing need for physical love in this case by intense blood supply to the pelvic organs. Therefore, sex in the second trimester of pregnancy, if not forbidden by a doctor, can even be practiced.

For the period of the second trimester of pregnancy, you will ascertain physical metamorphoses from head to toe. The second trimester of pregnancy, in the absence of pathologies, is the most pleasant. Learn how to relieve common symptoms and consider ways to prepare for the upcoming months of waiting.

The second trimester of pregnancy is more often accompanied by a new sense of physical comfort and well-being. Usually, nausea in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy disappears, and the baby is not yet big enough to put pressure on your abdominal organs and make you uncomfortable. However, the most dramatic symptoms of pregnancy are just looming on the horizon.

Problems in the 2nd trimester

What problems in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and changes await the expectant mother?
Enlargement of the mammary glands. Under the influence of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, the mammary glands in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy in your breasts become larger. Extra fat can also accumulate in the breasts. While the initial symptoms of sore breasts are likely to disappear, other problems will appear: irritable nipples. Therefore, for this period, a supportive bra should become a permanent wardrobe item.
False contractions.

The uterus begins to warm up in order to be ready for the upcoming work. You can feel these warm-ups called false Braxton Hicks contractions in your lower abdomen and groin. They are usually weak and unpredictable. See your doctor if contractions become painful or regular. This may be a sign of preterm labor.

Growing belly In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, your uterus is getting heavier and expanding to make room for the baby, your belly is growing, and at times very quickly. Starting in the second trimester, expect to put on 1.5 to 2 kilograms of excess weight per month. Naturally, this will also affect your well-being - you will become less mobile and will be surprised to note that many movements that you previously performed virtually imperceptibly now require some effort.

Heartburn in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy will be proof of acidity.

Skin changes. Blood circulation to the skin increases, some areas of the skin may become darker, such as the skin around the nipples, certain areas of the face and the line from the navel to the pubic bone. Sun exposure can exacerbate the problem. When you are outside, be sure to use sunscreen.

Stretch marks. You may notice pink, red, or purple streaks along your belly, chest, shoulders, buttocks, or thighs during your second trimester of pregnancy. Your stretching of the skin may also be accompanied by unbearable itching. Moisturizers during this period can relieve unpleasant symptoms. But don't sound the alarm ahead of time. Although stretch marks cannot be prevented, most stretch marks disappear over time.

Deterioration of the nasopharynx and gum problems. Pregnancy increases blood circulation, more blood flows through the mucous membranes of the body. This leads to swelling of the mucous membranes in the nose and airways, which can restrict airflow and lead to snoring and nosebleeds. Increased blood circulation can also soften the gums, causing minor bleeding when you brush or floss your teeth. Switching to a softer toothbrush can reduce irritation.

Dizziness. Your blood vessels dilate in response to hormonal fluctuations. If you have problems with dizziness, drink plenty of fluids and get up slowly after spending time lying down or sitting. When you feel dizzy, lie on your left side to restore blood pressure.

Leg cramps are another nuisance of the second trimester: as the pregnancy progresses, they become more frequent at night. To prevent leg cramps during pregnancy, massage and exercise your calf muscles before bed. Physical activity and plenty of fluids also help. If the legs cramp, stretch the calf muscle in the direction of the lesion. Hot showers, warm baths, or ice massages also work against cramps.

Dyspnea. Your lungs are handling more air than they did before pregnancy. This allows the blood to carry more oxygen to the placenta and baby - and possibly make you breathe a little faster, making you feel short of breath.

Vaginal discharge. You may have noticed intense white discharge during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy from the vagina. Don't be alarmed - they help inhibit the growth of potentially harmful bacteria or yeast. You can wear pads for comfort. Call your doctor if the discharge is strong-smelling, green or yellowish, or if it is accompanied by redness, itching, or irritation. This may indicate a vaginal infection.

Urinary tract infections. Hormonal changes slow down the flow of urine. Uterine expansion can get in the way as a factor that increases the risk of bladder disease and kidney infections. Call your doctor if you notice abdominal pain, burning when urinating, or a fever during your second trimester. Untreated urinary tract infections increase the risk of pregnancy complications.

Nutrition in the second trimester

So the period has come when the ill-fated nausea has receded and the young mother can devote herself to caring for the baby's health. During this period, the intake of nutrients should be sufficient for both the child and the mother. In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, nutrition should not only be saturated, but also healthy.

You need to make sure you eat a balanced diet during your second trimester. You are advised to take more fresh fruits and vegetables every day. One of those servings should be red or orange foods, and two servings should be dark green leafy vegetables. Eat lean meat, chicken, fish, mushrooms. You must drink eight glasses of water. Grains are recommended, and low-fat dairy products are required.


What vitamins are vital in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? In order to understand their importance, one should realize the level of danger of vitamin deficiency during pregnancy.

Adequate folic acid intake during the second trimester of pregnancy reduces the risk of preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension. Low folate levels during the second trimester of pregnancy are associated with an increased risk of preterm birth. Low vitamin C intake is associated with preterm birth and membrane rupture.

And a high level of vitamin E during the second trimester of pregnancy has a positive effect on birth weight and timely delivery. Vitamin E, as an antioxidant, reduces oxidative stress and plays an important role in fetal development. Pregnant women should take vitamin A during the second trimester of pregnancy for the development of the baby's skin, vision and bones. Vitamin B6 helps digest protein and plays a significant role in nerve, brain, and red blood cell development. Vitamin B12 deficiency during the second trimester of pregnancy leads to an increase in certain amino acids associated with pregnancy complications.

What to do?

What to do in the second trimester of pregnancy? Nothing special: this is a period of special self-care and good nutrition. There are fewer and fewer fears about miscarriage, but you should still be sensible about overload and avoid stress. Sex in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy begins to bring pleasure, so sex life can be practiced without problems, except for the presence of complications. Of course, regular visits to the doctor are necessary to monitor the progress of pregnancy.

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