Home Steering Cancer man and his attitude towards his beloved. Men - Cancers: what are they? What kind of women do Cancer men like?

Cancer man and his attitude towards his beloved. Men - Cancers: what are they? What kind of women do Cancer men like?

Very gentle and sensitive nature. They can easily understand what others think, so they are always aware of the sincerity of loved ones. They are ready to give themselves to loving people, but they will never respect those who pushed them away or deliberately offended them. They are able to bring the whole world to their family, but they will never forgive betrayal.

cancer man in love

The Cancer man is the perfect husband and father. He appreciates his family, always devotes a lot of time to his relatives. Everything he does in life, he does for his wife and children. He does not know how to live for himself, devoting all his attention to other people. But at the same time he is jealous, demanding and persistent.

Men born under this sign are never in a hurry to get married. They understand that there should be an ideal woman nearby. At the same time, they are not looking for a standard of beauty, but something necessary for themselves. They carefully study the character, habits, and behavioral patterns in order to understand whether they are ready to walk side by side all their lives. They take marriage seriously, hoping that it will last until the end of their lives.

It is rare to find the right woman with Cancers in their youth. Therefore, they sometimes begin to change companions. This enumeration is a search, although many consider it frivolous. By the age of 30, all Cancers settle down and find for themselves a comfortable life option with one single lady.

There are also cases of strong attachment to the mother, then the relationship does not work out because of the jealousy of the older woman for the younger one.

Cancer man in love very demanding, he is ready to give the whole world, but at the same time he expects loyalty and support. He will not tolerate insults, condemnation of his behavior, betrayal or other liberties. Even at the initial stage of the relationship, he will check the girl for the possibility of betrayal. And if in doubt, just step aside. Even strong feelings will not help if he doubts a woman. Cancer is capable of spending the rest of his life only with a person whom he believes 100%.

What kind of women do Cancer men like?

For a representative of the water element, the character of the girl is important. He needs a good mistress, a mother. He is looking for someone who will make the house cozy and happy. He carefully creates his nest - a place for rest and relaxation. And in him there can only be a calm, kind and clean nature.

Cancer does not tolerate caustic women. He appreciates a sense of humor only when it does not apply to individuals. All kinds of jokes, jokes addressed to him will immediately deprive a woman of attention.

He is jealous, and does not like situations where this feeling manifests itself. There is no need to tease him, he will simply consider the one who seeks to arouse his jealousy unworthy of attention.

Cancer woman in love

Cancer women very gentle and touching creatures. They always believe in true love, and at any age they are waiting for their prince. They cannot come to terms with the calculation in a relationship, the benefit for them is not in the first place. Surprisingly, the absence of feelings is capable, they will not be in union, even if everything else suits them.

Cancer girls seem closed. They can communicate, smile at others, but at the same time they do not let anyone close. They are not prone to casual romances, one-day love adventures. They open their hearts only to special people who have proven their sincerity. To be close, you need to not just show interest, you need to win her heart, convince her by actions and words that these are real experiences, and not a fleeting interest.

Love in the life of a Cancer woman is very important, because she knows how to give herself to her for real, she breathes a partner, admires him. Such women personify the ideal of a loving wife and an ideal mother. They will easily give their life to a man if he requires it. They can, families and even from children in favor of a loved one. But making sacrifices, they will always wait for reciprocal actions. They will devote themselves to the family without regrets, and will believe that this is the right decision. Comfort, warmth, a huge amount of attention they will give to those who are nearby.

For some, such care is very valuable, but sometimes it can be intrusive. Cancer devotes too much time to loved ones, but at the same time forgets about itself. She will always feed, always shelter, help in any matters. And it is important to show her that these are the necessary actions, to evaluate them positively, and then she. If you take it for granted or get annoyed at too strong guardianship, she will be offended. And although she won’t say anything out loud, it will be very hard to worry that they don’t understand her, that her manifestations of love are not needed.

What kind of men do Cancer women like?

Kindness is the main quality that a Cancer woman needs. She will not be able to get along with an aggressive person, with someone who shows jealousy too brightly or with someone who is not ready to listen to her. Such a lady requires a lot of attention to herself, she constantly needs to know that she is loved and understood. Therefore, only a patient man can endure it for many years.

She does not care about income, status or fame, she appreciates a careful attitude to family values. She will definitely pay attention to the relationship between a man and his parents, and if everything is difficult there, he will cease to be interesting to her. It is important for her to maintain love and peace in the family, and if a person is not capable of this, she will not convince him, but simply choose another.

How to Conquer the Heart of a Cancer

How a Cancer man loves? Selfless and romantic. He puts his chosen one in the first place, and her interests become a priority. Cancer Woman She also believes that family is the most important thing. And such partners are ideal for those who dream of being realized in society. Then Cancer, regardless of gender, takes care of the household, raises children, solves current problems, and a representative of another sign leads an active life, achieves results in work and business. Such unions are durable, practical and convenient.

Why does Cancer love home? Because he is like a shell for him, in which he can hide from the outside world. This zodiac sign is very afraid of pain, and constantly needs shelter. To conquer such a person, you need to provide him with a place where it is safe and comfortable. It is worth letting him know that he is loved, appreciated, that he is protected, and Cancer will begin to open up and show feelings.

True Cancer man in love does not tolerate criticism. He is sure that if a girlfriend does not like something, then this is no longer a real feeling. He himself is able to accept a woman with all the shortcomings, and expects the same from her. To win his heart, you need to learn how to express your requests very good-naturedly. Then Cancer will melt, as he will conclude that he will not be hurt, and this is the most important thing for him.

To conquer the Cancer woman no need to rush it. She moves into the relationship slowly, weighing every step. She is easily frightened away by perseverance or exactingness. She is looking for a romantic relationship with a lot of courtship. She understands that for many years she will then serve her chosen one, so she evaluates applicants for a long time in order to choose a worthy one.

Cancers know how to love, they are loyal, devoted and very patient partners. But their feelings must be protected without causing pain. Any harsh word can upset them for several days. Such people need to be protected, and then they will do everything for their loved ones.

You may not believe in astrology, but from this, men born under different constellations are unlikely to become similar. We present a series of articles where we talk about what to expect from each zodiac sign.

The famous Cancer is Tom Cruise. In addition to him, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, George Michael were born under this zodiac sign.

It is unlikely that anyone can boast that a man - Cancer is an open book for him, as a rule, he diligently hides his secrets even from his best friends, let alone casual acquaintances. He is not calm, but at the same time quite often hangs a sign on the door “I went into myself, I won’t be soon.” Cancers tend to be idealists and sentimental dreamers. This sign of the zodiac is controlled by the Moon, depending on its phase, Cancers either plunge into the abyss of despair, or rise to unimaginable heights of euphoria. They have a gift for making other people move in one direction or another.

At the first meeting, it may seem that Cancer is relaxed, maybe even somewhat unleashed and not averse to flirting. But this is the case when the first impression is deceptive. The next time he can be gloomy and impregnable, then capricious and stubborn - guessing the mood of Cancer is like trying to get rich by playing in a casino. There are chances, but they are not very great. Cancer is an incredibly complex creature with changeable moods, which clearly sees even tiny specks in another's eye, not noticing in its own log of such a size that would be enough to build a country cottage. It is never easy or boring with him.

A Cancer man wants to believe that he stands for gender equality and feminism, but in fact, deep down, he is pleased to feel like a defender of the "weaker" sex. Usually he is polite and gallant, refined and somehow (but not clothes) resembles an old-school gentleman. Cancer prefers beautiful women, but his demands do not end there. The impression of female charm should not fade when the beauty opens her mouth. Clever - beauties (Komsomol members, athletes) are drawn to Cancers, as if by a magnet. However, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to meet the "crayfish" expectations.

This man needs an ideal. Cancer will prefer to silently retreat into his shell if, from his point of view, something went “wrong” and is unlikely to risk discussing the reasons for his sudden disappointment with the one that attracted him recently.

Cancers love to eat and drink well, but don't expect them to know how to choose the right clothes. Cancer prefers comfortable things, he has a lot of things that he treats like his best friends: “I went to the Moscow Virtuosi concert in these boots or “This sweater remembers me in my student years.” Do not even try to quietly throw something out of his wardrobe - otherwise you will face a big scandal.

Cancerians love to talk, they never reach into their pocket for words and sometimes have the gift of persuasion. If during the discussion someone adheres to a different - not "crayfish" point of view, this man will not shut up until he convinces his opponent. At the same time, Cancer knows how to listen. You can not deny him the ability to help others solve their problems. His sharp analytical mind is able to cope with even the most complex tasks.

He does not like to take risks - he even prefers to earn money exclusively with the help of conservative methods.

Cancer is very sensitive, timid and sentimental, with difficulty parting with old friends, work and cities - to the best of his ability and ability, he opposes possible moves and changes in general.

Cancerians are able to maintain friendships all their lives, they love the evenings of meetings of former graduates and find something to talk about with classmates whom they have not seen for several years.

If there is an opportunity not to change anything, Cancer will definitely take advantage of it. This approach extends to all areas of his life - from home to work. This man is incredibly dependent on the past, he is connected with it by thousands of the smallest details and details that no one else remembers except him.

He, like no other sign of the zodiac, needs constant regular confirmation that you love him. You should not start an easy affair with Cancer - he takes love too seriously to become a worthy candidate for sex for one night. Cancer requires from his beloved about the same that he himself is ready to give her: bodily and spiritual intimacy, fidelity. He believes in true love that can overcome any obstacles - this is his personal, albeit somewhat unusual recipe for maintaining peace of mind.

Cancers rarely change - they prefer the comfort and warmth of their home to dubious pleasures on the side. They are prone to long-term relationships, but if the break still occurs, they will not be sad for too long, but will find a new object for their feelings. But if once you won his heart, do not hesitate - he will remember you all his life.

cancer and sex

The only thing he really needs is the approval and encouragement of his actions. If a woman tells Cancer what a wonderful lover he is, he will do everything not to disappoint her. If a woman is smart enough to make him believe that he initiates her into the secrets of sex, he will gradually open the way to orgasm for her. Cancer is extremely vulnerable - you should not comment on his actions, interrupting them with the remark that you already know this, have practiced it before. He will not only be offended, but will immediately hide back into his shell.

He is condescending and assertive at the same time. In order to enjoy, it is enough just to let Cancer "lead" the process. At the very beginning of a love affair with Cancer, in every possible way avoid any manifestations of vulgarity, rudeness and the prose of life. This man tends to idealize his partner, and any “falling out” of the role he has invented may even seem exciting, but it is unlikely to force Cancer to prolong sexual (as well as any other) communication. Over time, his quivering nature can come to terms with those things that would have shocked him before. In order for Cancer's sexual interest not to cool down, it needs to be constantly "warmed up" by demonstrating one's own feelings. As soon as he feels that emotions have disappeared from intimacy, he will immediately reverse your relationship.

Cancer is not one of those who sometimes forget about foreplay, in a hurry to go directly to the process of intercourse. It is very important for him that not only he himself, but also the woman next to him was happy. Cancerians are not the type of men who consider sexual neglect of what their partner is experiencing as proof of their masculinity. On the contrary, from the point of view of Cancer, there is nothing more important than simultaneous orgasm, which is another proof of how strong love is.

Cancer's fantasy is not limited to the bedroom - maybe he does not dare to have extreme sex, but in "home conditions" he uses all the more or less suitable furnishings. Unlike Gemini, Cancer has not only heard about the clitoris, but also clearly understands where it is, masterfully masters the art of giving pleasure with the help of fingers and tongue.

Another technique that Cancers often practice is love "in Spanish", when the penis is placed between the partner's breasts and moves along such a trajectory that the tip of her tongue can reach his head. The combination "chest - tongue" extremely excites this man.

Cancer has an excellent memory - he always remembers exactly what and in what sequence he must do so that his beloved sees the sky in diamonds. It seems that he himself gets an orgasm solely because he was able to deliver it to someone else. Often, Cancers embody their teenage fantasies in their adult sexual life.

Exquisite lingerie excites him, if Cancer has homosexual inclinations, then he himself will try it on with pleasure, turning sex into a one-man theater.

To be continued, but for now here is a good dating site that will help you find both a sexual partner and a soul mate and just new friends.

If we talk about how a Cancer man loves, then he can be compared with a hero lover. The same romantic, sensitive, knows how to charm a woman, subtly care, feel her mood. A beautiful, unforgettable romance can turn out with him, because his character is calm, soft, flexible. Rudeness, aggressive behavior, irascibility, it is not peculiar to him.

Emotions and feelings for him are the most important criteria when choosing a partner. Able to quickly fall in love, get used to it, convey the whole gamut of emotions during meetings. It can also quickly become attached, especially through intimate relationships. Some women agree to intimacy in order to bind their partner to themselves more strongly. But this move doesn't work the way it does with the Cancer man. If the relationship is filled with spiritual feelings, emotions and ends with intimacy, then he will become more accustomed to a woman.

The affection of a Cancer man in love is strong, deep, but emotionally unstable. Thoughts may appear that the chosen one can leave, fall out of love, leave. Sometimes he may not correctly interpret the situation, dramatize, creating for himself the image of a victim. He tends to be offended, to remember the past, often elated mood alternates with resentment, vulnerability, when he closes in himself, as if hiding under his shell, not letting anyone close.

With him you can learn a lot of vivid feelings, in a relationship he focuses on emotions. And what they will be in a few hours, he himself does not know. But do not be afraid of his quick change of mood. In any case, he will become attached to his beloved for a long time, and it is difficult for him to break the relationship.

He perceives the world around him so emotionally that a casually spoken rude word or remark deeply hurts. He is a vulnerable person, although he tries to show himself calm, that he does not need anyone. In fact, he needs a caring, kind, sympathetic woman, like a mother, who is able to understand, support, comfort, help him.

He tends to dream of an ideal woman, to fantasize about the future. It will sincerely hope that the chosen one is ready to accept him as he is, with all his good and bad qualities. If he sees that he has become the most important person in life for his beloved, then more will be revealed. The emotional connection is very important to him.

Cancer man wants to lead a calm and measured life, he will not like any cardinal changes in life, extreme situations, thrills. If his habitual, beloved way of life changes, he will become cold, withdrawn. He will not like it when the chosen one destroys his family values: he shows inconstancy and frivolity, provokes him to thrills or criticizes him. It is in vain to think that criticism can push him to decisive action. No, this will not happen. Susceptibility to other people's influence, plus a vivid imagination and strong emotionality can lead to unpredictable results. In any case, the opinion of the beloved may change. He is especially acutely worried when his relatives and friends are criticized.

A man born under the sign of Cancer believes in true love and wants to know it. However, he may have some difficulty communicating with the opposite sex. This is due to his closeness and fear of trusting another person, opening up to him. A conservative Cancer man wants to have one woman for life, according to the traditions of society. A woman who is noticed by a Cancer man is likely to be modest and quiet. She will have maternal character traits, she will be an excellent mother and a good housewife.

Her behavior will probably not be defiant and provocative. Rather, Cancer will pay attention to a woman who looks like himself - who prefers to remain somewhat aloof, calm and smart. A woman, according to a Cancer man, should inspire confidence and a sense of security. The companion of Cancer must accept him for who he is and not condemn him for his lack of masculinity and weakness. Only such a woman can a Cancer man trust and give his love. And, believe me, there is a colossal supply of love inside him.

In order to start a relationship with a Cancer man, you should try to take the initiative. Most likely, he himself will not take the first step. You need to do it yourself and in no case go too far - this will frighten Cancer, and it will close. Act gently, patiently, but persistently, be close to him, but do not go deep into his soul - and the Cancer man will open up before you. As for the sexual aspect of life, here the Cancer man may have certain complexes that prevent him from being realized in the intimate sphere. The partner of Cancer needs to understand that he needs time to get close to a person, and only after that is sex possible.

Compatibility with Cancer Man in love will be good if:

  • She always wanted to be a housewife;
  • Family values ​​are of great importance to you;
  • You have a developed maternal instinct, you want to patronize, care for, help;
  • Do you want to receive care, understanding, support;
  • Like subtly feeling men, emotional, soft, gentle;
  • Appreciate in a man the ability to be affectionate and caring;
  • Restraint and coldness hurt;
  • Do you want a man to be faithful and devoted;
  • Imagine yourself as the head of the family;

Compatibility with a Cancer Man in love will be difficult if:

  • I want new acquaintances with men, flirting, communication;
  • Treat everything logically, without emotions and feelings;
  • Do you think that a real man should be restrained in emotions;
  • Do not like those who quickly change their mood;
  • I don’t want to give birth to children, I don’t want to be a mother;
  • There is no desire to have a relationship with his family and friends;
  • Appreciate in men independence, independence, poise, calmness;

What kind of women do Cancer men like?

Men of this sign give their preference to fairly sweet and calm women who are able to create real comfort and warmth in their relationship. For a man born under this zodiac sign, family plays a very important role. So, in the process of choosing a life partner, they immediately try to try on her the responsible role of the keeper of the hearth. Cancerians are crazy about when their woman begins to take an interest in their life. They are madly in love with romance, so by arranging a simple candlelit dinner, you will achieve even more favor with this man.

His ideal beloved is a gentle, emotional, understanding, sensitive, serious and caring woman with traditional family values. If a woman wants to receive: passionate feelings, surprises, love passions and vivid experiences, then the relationship with Cancer will be in jeopardy. Passions in a love relationship, of course, can refresh feelings, but they should be in moderation. It is difficult for him to endure the incessant intensity of passions, he wants more peace, spiritual, emotional, where there is understanding, warmth, affection, tenderness.

They greatly value fidelity in a woman, as they consider it one of the most important criteria. Representatives of this zodiac sign are too jealous personalities. A huge scandal can only happen because you look at the other representative of the stronger sex in a wrong way. From the very beginning of acquaintance with a representative of this sign, a woman should show herself on the good side, namely, not be vulgar and rude. Such men really appreciate the faithful companions of life, who will not demand much from him. Moreover, they need selfless women who, moreover, are madly in love with children. Remember that such a man can demand much more from you than he himself can offer you. So, if you really want to be with him, then you have to be ready for anything.

How to understand that a Cancer man is in love

The emotions of a Cancer man in love are very tender, subtle, sincere. This will especially appeal to impressionable women who appreciate constant care, attention, and warmth. His emotions can be compared with a beautiful song, with the chirping of birds on a summer day, they are pure, without falsehood, disinterested. With his emotions, he can slowly creep into the soul of a woman, into her heart and leave his mark there for a long time. In his emotions there are no hidden motives, prudence. They are as pristine as a child's. In his emotions, he is able to give himself, his heart and soul. Expecting in response the same sincere attention, understanding and tenderness.

He tends to trust the chosen one, so he can so easily show all his weaknesses, it is alien to him to play fictitious roles. He is who he is and always will be. It is important that a woman understands and appreciates this, otherwise a man will be offended and withdraw into himself. There will be doubts, fears, why open your feelings at all, show emotions to others, if no one appreciates it. Do not forget that he can be easily hurt, offended. He does not know how to argue and aggressively defend his opinion. But having become isolated, he will begin to painfully experience every word, deed. Just for him, statements are more suitable that words can hurt like a sharp knife. Or that the words are so heavy, cold, like stones. Predisposition to mental pain and inability to defend himself, one of his weak qualities of character.

It is important that he feels a kindred spirit in a woman and opens up emotionally. One sincerity in communicating with him is not enough, one must also show cordiality, goodwill, gentleness. Then you need to try so that your relationship does not end, but grows into love. Emotional interdependence will help to get closer. When you can feel that you cannot live without each other and how much you need each other. For his beloved, he is capable of much: he will always be faithful, give her passion, tenderness and romance, surround her with unforgettable feelings and emotions, show maximum care and warmth.

He feels best of all in a friendly, sincere, pleasant environment where you can relax, not worry about anything and indulge in fantasies, pleasant memories. Many among the men of this sign are homebodies, the best and safest place is a cozy house. The most common places he likes to visit: a small cozy cafe, secluded places, ponds and beaches. Gentle, soft, delicate and friendly women attract him like a magnet. But there are exceptions when it can be interested in the opposite. They say opposites attract.

Just do not specifically demonstrate such qualities, they will not lead to anything good. If he chooses such women, then the reason for his choice clearly lies in the mental, psychological trauma from childhood. With such a chosen one, he will never be happy. If he chooses her, it is only because he likes the image of the victim, and accordingly he will choose the one that will bring him suffering, experiences, torment. It will take a lot of effort for him to understand that such a relationship will never become complete and he will be truly happy only with a similar woman, with whom there is a lot in common, a lot of things in common.

The Cancer man in bed attaches more importance not to the sexual intercourse itself, but to the environment where it takes place. It is desirable that it be cozy, homely. No less important for him is tenderness, affection, even more than intimacy itself. Affectionate glances, gentle touches, a light kiss can excite his imagination. He will be upset if a woman wants exactly sex and ignores his tenderness. A woman who does not hide her natural passion, and he will not like a hot temperament. But if she turns out to be inexperienced in love affairs, then she will bind him more to herself.

It is no coincidence that the symbols of the Cancer sign are motherhood, family, comfort and home. The Cancer man is a chic father and husband, he is an excellent family man who knows how and loves to create comfort in the house. The family of a Cancer man is likely to be traditional and large. He wants to be the head of the family and keep everything under control, in his hands. It is worth knowing that the value of a Cancer man's family includes his need for closeness with loved ones and the fear of losing them. Therefore, the family for the Cancer man is one of the main treasures in life.

In general, to marry him, there will be no problems. Already at the beginning of the relationship, he thinks about him and represents the chosen one in the role of his future wife. He will make an offer faster if he sees that the main thing for the chosen one is the family, she wants to become a mother and give birth to children. Equally important are warm relations with his family and friends, especially with his mother. If he shows uncertainty and is in no hurry to make an offer, then in communicating with him often touch on the topic of family values, it is necessary that he himself wants to start a family with you. To all that has been said, add that it is important for you to feel needed, loved. But no one will love like children and a beloved husband. Such sentimentality will touch his heart and if he really loves, then he will not delay marriage for a long time.

Life with a Cancer man in marriage will be filled with emotions, feelings, tenderness. He likes to spend more time in the family, at home, he is a real homebody. He is more concerned about family problems than communicating with friends, news and gossip. But on the other hand, for family life, he sometimes lacks realism, especially when a vivid imagination takes him into the vast expanses of emotions, feelings, to the detriment of realism. He needs a quiet family life, where he could rest and continue to work for the good of the family. True, among the representatives of this sign there may also be overly emotional persons who find it difficult to concentrate on the realities of life. And then the woman will have to be more practical, think about herself and about him.

Other representatives of this sign are more practical, slowly moving towards the goal, paying attention to all the nuances that can help him in the fulfillment of desires. Everything that he does should benefit the family, wife, children. Here he has no equal in care, in help, in support. You don’t have to ask him for a long time to help, he himself will notice what needs to be done and offer to help. He will never leave his beloved alone, he will try so that she does not need anything and feels comfortable not only materially, but also emotionally.

Relations with a Cancer man in the family will develop depending on his relationship with his mother, how harmonious they are and whether he was able to show independence. If the influence of the mother is great, then he will constantly compare his wife with his mother. If he is inclined to listen to the advice of his mother in everything, then, depending on her attitude towards the bride, his family relations with his wife will either improve or worsen. It is the representatives of this zodiac sign who are most susceptible to the influence of the mother, and she, accordingly, through her son will influence his family, his choice, his children, his wife.

If he is more independent, able to take care of himself, well-supports his family, home, then all the same, his relationship with his mother will be filled with tenderness, warmth, love. In marriage, he makes a magnificent, gentle, kind, caring husband. Able to give himself entirely and without reserve, without demanding anything in return. His feelings are deep, constant, there is no windiness in them. They will live only for the family, solve all family problems, make sure that each family member is cozy and comfortable at home. They can completely obey a partner.

His attitude to the house is traditional and endowed with great, deep meaning. This is not just a home where you can eat, sleep, watch TV. And this is a place where he will feel safe, where there is a calm psychological atmosphere, where family values ​​are respected. For him, everything connected with the family is of great importance, he can store family heirlooms, objects, things that were used in his family, and pass them on by inheritance, like a relic. This also includes family jewels, old books. He is interested in the past, the history of a kind. His ideal is a spacious house near a pond, where he can walk along the coast, watch the sunset and be near his native element - water. Often he can shift many responsibilities around the house, and silently work for the good of the family. He does an excellent job of raising children, grandchildren, constantly spoils them, takes care of them, although sometimes his care becomes excessive, and in response to it he receives discontent. Why is he offended that his care is not appreciated.

The best rest for him is to be alone, when no one touches him, does not bother where he can retire. To restore his strength, a secluded rest is needed, then he quickly replenishes the lost energy. Especially useful rest for him on the shore of the reservoir. He is not interested in having many friends, acquaintances, wasting time, well, verbiage. It converges with people with caution, sometimes it can not be trusted right away. It takes time to build trust. Usually take care of friends as well as family. He gives the impression of a good-natured, benevolent, caring person. Although his behavior often depends on emotions.

Cancer has a special relationship with food. More he likes to eat in a pleasant, homely atmosphere, not in a hurry. Due to affection for mother, they often prefer the dishes that she cooked. Mom's food for him is the most delicious, the best, will always come first. It takes a long time to get used to new dishes. Can get carried away with tasty food, not paying attention that it is less useful. Sometimes can jam trouble, bad mood sweet or get carried away with alcohol to calm down. As a result, it manifests itself on the face and body in the form of excess weight.

Cancer is the only sign that can find mutual understanding with everyone, but he finds special happiness with Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces.

From June 22 to July 22 - Time of Cancer. This zodiac sign is ruled by the Moon. This fickle planet, changing phases 4 times during its cycle (28 days), makes Cancers - their wards - very emotional, easily moody, sensitive and sensual people.

When they fall into a good lunar cycle, they look like a fairy-tale baby with a curl on her forehead, who will be adorable if she is in a good mood, but terrible if she is in a bad mood. Cancers are very shy and fear rejection more than all the other signs combined. They are sensitive and emotionally vulnerable, indecisive and not as aggressive in love affairs as men of other signs. They are ideal in bed, but they need the emotional content of every sexual connection. They are waiting for exceptional love, understanding, striking, supporting, in return they will give themselves entirely and surround their partner with tenderness.

For Cancers, life is boring and empty without love. They love selflessly, completely surrendering to feelings. They tend to subordinate themselves entirely to the character of their partner, and this is not difficult for them, since their intuition is very developed. They are perfect if they feel loved. And they are the most difficult people in life if they do not feel love, while living a difficult and painful life themselves. The reason for their misfortunes is shyness, painful vulnerability, resentment and a highly developed sense of ownership. In a romantic relationship with Cancer, you need to give up excessive curiosity about his inner world while you know each other for a short time. Cancers need confidence that they are communicating with a person who can pour tender care and love on him.

For a deeper relationship, you need to learn how to communicate at the soul level. Cancers do not like to be teased, especially in public. If you want to keep the relationship for a long time, avoid putting pressure on him, act with the help of persuasion and affection. In their youth, Cancers are romantics, they dream of ideal love. Imagination outstrips life experience.

Partnerships for Cancer are of great importance - this is a support for him in all matters. He himself has a special sense of patronage. Usually he is shy, but when he is in a circle of like-minded people, he opens up like a tender lily after the rain, surrounding you with care and deep understanding. At the same time, being in his company, you intuitively feel that this man is a defenseless child who needs maternal care, support and tenderness.

In the depths of his soul, Cancer suffers deeply if there is no one next to him who could come to his aid at any moment, would stand guard over his safety. He remains a child all his life, he always needs care. He is an eternal dreamer and romantic. He believes, and quite sincerely, that his chosen one will want to give him all of herself without a trace, not only appreciate his undoubted merits, but also come to terms with his shortcomings. Heart anguish about love problems and strong feelings are not for him. Cancer can rather be compared to a stream of water, slowly flowing along its channel and only occasionally falling in a stormy waterfall ... Gusts of passion are good for him from time to time, he will not withstand prolonged tension, a constant storm of feelings.

A woman who has dealt with Cancer at least once in her life knows what real tenderness is. A man born under this sign has all the qualities to make an impressionable woman with a subtle nature happy. First of all, Cancer is waiting for warmth, it is extremely pleasant for him to meet a cordial and sincerely benevolent person. He will feel disarmed just in front of such a woman - affectionate, devoted, loving almost like a mother. He will want to see her as his wife, sister, mother and lover at the same time. When Cancer gives his love, it seems that his feelings are the feelings of an innocent child who does not know lies and deceit. If he loves, then he gives all his heart, all his soul without a trace. He believes that as soon as he exposes all his weaknesses to the object of his adoration, there can be no question of being deceived or offended.

If the beloved woman does not justify his trust, he will withdraw into himself and will not want to leave his "shell". He will become secretive, will begin to doubt whether it is worth revealing his feelings, thoughts and dreams to anyone. In no case can cancer be hurt, although it is easy to do this - he does not know how to defend himself at all. He is very painfully experiencing every act, every ill-conceived word addressed to him - some insignificant remark can greatly offend him.

Each manifestation of cynicism, self-interest or cruelty gradually destroys his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bideal love. After all, he himself is ready for complete self-giving, for absolutely disinterested love, requiring nothing in return but love. Only such an exalted feeling enriches him spiritually and gives him faith in the goodness and meaning of life. Disappointment for Cancer is a blow from which it is difficult for him to recover. He withdraws into himself, plunging into a fantasy world - where he can dream of ideal love. He will prefer just such a path and will not look for another one that could lead to the realization of his dream, because he is so afraid of being disappointed again! Cancer does not like it when they do not understand and do not accept, do not show condescension towards him. If criticism of his actions or character is added to this, he simply cannot bear it - he is already notorious, not confident in himself and suffers terribly, not feeling safe.

Cancers can live the richest and most painful life - it all depends on whether they managed to solve the problem of relationships with their mother. Why with mother? The moon - their patroness - in astrology symbolizes the mother. Hence, such a strong dependence of Cancers on the mother is understandable. Cancers rarely marry at an early age, as they hardly leave their parental home and are too attached to their mother. The success of Cancer as an individual depends on whether he managed to solve the problem of relationships with his mother, whether he was able to free himself or remain dependent on her. If Cancers still get married at an early age, then they are rarely in a married position after 35 years. This is a critical age for Cancers. Rarely Cancers live with the same spouse after 35 years.

If a woman whom Cancer met on her way considers motherhood to be the most important thing in life, if all her thoughts are directed to creating a family, Cancer will very quickly come to the conclusion that this is his ideal. A strong family union promises him a welcome sense of security. At the same time, it is very important that his chosen one remembers his psychological and emotional dependence on the family: good relations with his close and distant relatives will once again convince him of the correctness of his choice. Naturally, his mother plays a primary role in this sense - it is on her that his decision ultimately depends.

But even in this case, Cancer, making an important decision about marriage, may feel insecure. A woman must help him cope with this task: to demonstrate that she can be an exemplary hostess, a wonderful wife and - most importantly! - the magnificent mother of his future children. Cancer was created rather for living in the comfort of home, away from the intrigues and harshness of the surrounding reality. If, in addition, he is surrounded by kids, this is real happiness for him! It is not suitable for performing any tasks of an "external" nature; the purpose and meaning of life in his understanding - in the family, in people close to him.

The stronger he feels his connection with them, the higher his assessment of his own existence.

Do you get the impression that Cancers are ideal lovers and spouses? Why, then, in astrology there is a myth that Don Juan was exactly Cancer? It is said about him that Cancer is a cunning merchant in love, a complete materialist who, in the economy of love, stands head and shoulders above all his astrological brothers. Cancers, perhaps, can compete with Gemini in their changeability and inconstancy (Until the relationship has grown into a family, of course). And, I think Gemini Cancers will win! But we'll talk about this next time.

Cancers, depending on the time of birth, may be different. Some are very suspicious and rarely show their inner self. But if they fall in love with a woman, there is nothing that Cancers do not do to please the object of their love. They can be peaceful, calm and simple, and their love is true and unshakable. They make devoted husbands and fathers who live only for the family. They are often homebodies, devoted to their loved ones, friends and family, and can do almost anything for them that is in their power. Emotionally mature Cancer is a great father. He is fiercely protective of his wife and children. For his family and for his children, Cancer is capable of feats. But, oddly enough, he instinctively avoids those women who purposefully seek his support. And most often strong women attract him. Life with Cancers should be based on mutual respect, empathy. It is very important to maintain peace and tranquility in the house, to be, like him, sensitive and romantic, to remember all the significant dates in the life of the family and all household members, to appreciate delicious food and housework.

Usually the behavior of Cancer in intimate situations is due to some "feminine" qualities of his character. You should not suppress the individuality of Cancer, show him emotional coldness. Because of his increased sensitivity, he absolutely cannot stand the cooling of relations, criticism in his address. Criticism of his relatives will hit him the most, with whom, whatever it may be, he is always very closely connected emotionally, one might even say, he is dependent on her. Therefore, it is impossible to destroy the authorities and ideals that have developed in his mind. If he has to, God forbid, choose between his wife and his relatives, then he may well give preference not to his wife, but to his parents, brother, etc. Therefore, in the name of love for Cancer, one should not talk about the shortcomings of his relatives - this hurts him very much. In his house, you can’t have constant noisy parties, joke about his hypersensitivity.

Cancer is a faithful family man, delicate in nature, but overly impressionable, which one day can become a very serious problem for his chosen one. Leading a calm and measured life, he can begin to annoy her with the fact that he was, and remains, an unadapted child, very attached to his parents. She will face the eternal problem of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, and her husband will not be able to choose which of the two "mothers" to please. He will begin to maneuver between them, which will only complicate the situation.

He is very susceptible to other people's influence and considers the correct arguments that he hears at the moment, and this simply leads to paradoxical situations! Cancer-father, madly loving his children, tries to isolate them from the bad, in his opinion, the influence of the environment. In the same way, he will treat his wife, subconsciously seeking to limit the scope of her communication, since it seems to him that any of her contacts with the world threaten their family well-being. Such is his nature - he has a very strong need to feel safe, and he sees a threat to this in everything around him. This concern for safety can sometimes lead to complete isolation.

Another type of Cancer is capricious, a mystery to itself, refined and ambiguous. This type wanders from woman to woman in search of his ideal. They are fickle in affections, mainly because they do not let anyone into the depths of their feelings - the action of a love drama takes place on the surface. If these Cancers do not divorce their spouses after 35 years, then this often happens due to financial dependence or love for children, but not at all out of fidelity to their spouse. Their married life exists solely for the sake of convenience, while they can secretly care for young ones. Of course, this type of Cancer devotes a lot of time to creating a cozy home life, they are looking for a faithful wife, give birth to offspring. But as soon as this is achieved, they secretly find satisfaction in hobbies, justifying their adventures with social activities, deeds, etc.

The only way for such a Cancer to overcome sexual attraction and remain faithful is to get into a situation where this is impossible: at work, at a conference, in a hospital where he is immobile due to a cast, or in the arms of his beloved wife. He cannot be faithful, unless he is connected with his wife by a common business or work, when they constantly see each other. This type of Cancer is the most promiscuous of all the zodiac signs. Volatile in mood, he can easily find himself in a tangle of sexual exploits. However, by creating an attractive facade of naivety, he forces the woman to take the first step.
At the same time, these Cancers can be possessive and very jealous. These romantics can even be tyrants. They demand firm rules from their partner, which they themselves do not follow. No other sign is able to show such false virtue, fidelity, sensuality and insult to feelings as Cancer when he is personally to blame. What a heart-rending mask - those wet, sad eyes - that Cancer can put on: a little boy who was offended, offended. They cannot be "put against the wall", even if they are to blame for something. They would rather continue to lie than confess or pay for their sins.

Emotions and feelings for him are the most important criteria when choosing a partner. Able to quickly fall in love, get used to it, convey the whole gamut of emotions during meetings. It can also quickly become attached, especially through intimate relationships. Some women agree to intimacy in order to bind their partner to themselves more strongly. But this move doesn't work the way it does with the Cancer man. If the relationship is filled with spiritual feelings, emotions and ends with intimacy, then he will become more accustomed to a woman.

The affection of a Cancer man in love is strong, deep, but emotionally unstable. Thoughts may appear that the chosen one can leave, fall out of love, leave. Sometimes he may not correctly interpret the situation, dramatize, creating the image of a victim for himself. He tends to be offended, to remember the past, often elated mood alternates with resentment, vulnerability, when he closes in himself, as if hiding under his shell, not letting anyone close.

With him you can learn a lot of emotions and feelings, in a relationship he focuses on emotions. And what they will be in a few hours, he himself does not know. But do not be afraid of his rapid change of emotions. In any case, he will become attached to his beloved for a long time, and it is difficult for him to break the relationship.

Defenselessness, fragile mood

He perceives the world around him so emotionally that a casually spoken rude word or remark deeply hurts. He is a vulnerable person, although he tries to show himself calm, that he does not need anyone. In fact, he needs a caring, kind, sympathetic woman, like a mother, who is able to understand, support, comfort, help him.

romance, dreaminess

He tends to dream of an ideal woman, to fantasize about the future. It will sincerely hope that the chosen one is ready to accept him as he is, with all his good and bad qualities. If he sees that he has become the most important person in life for his beloved, then more will be revealed. The emotional connection is very important to him.

His ideal beloved

  • tender
  • emotional
  • understanding
  • sensitive
  • serious
  • Constant in feelings
  • Thoughtful
  • sympathizer

If a woman wants to receive:

  • passionate feelings
  • Surprises
  • Changes
  • Love passions and experiences

In this case, the relationship with him will be in jeopardy. It will be difficult for him when a woman shows:

  • Cold
  • Callousness
  • Indifference
  • frivolity
  • inconstancy

Passions in a love relationship, of course, can refresh feelings, but they should be in moderation. It is difficult for him to endure the incessant intensity of passions, he wants more peace, spiritual, emotional, where there is understanding, warmth, affection, tenderness.

He is more suitable for a woman if she wants to -

  • Calm and measured family life
  • See next to an understanding and gentle man
  • Have intimate conversations with him
  • Surround him with affection, tenderness, care
  • And in return receive a lot of care, tenderness, affection


As already mentioned, he wants to lead a calm and measured life, he will not like any cardinal changes in life, extreme situations, thrills. If his habitual, beloved way of life changes, he will become cold, withdrawn.

He will not like it when the chosen one destroys his family values.

  • Shows inconstancy and frivolity
  • Provokes him to thrills
  • Criticizes him
  • Angry about his family and friends

It is in vain to think that criticism can push him to decisive action. No, this will not happen. Susceptibility to other people's influence, plus a vivid imagination and strong emotionality can lead to unpredictable results. In any case, the opinion of the beloved may change. He is especially acutely worried when his relatives and friends are criticized.

care, guardianship

One of the pronounced qualities of all Cancers is to show care and attention. He will want to make the relationship and her life as comfortable as possible, so that his beloved feels safe, does not need anything. In some cases, it can express concern with the communication of the chosen one, try to limit it, and all for her peace of mind.

Cancer man how to understand that he is in love - the behavior of a Cancer man in love

The emotions of a man in love with Roar are very tender, subtle, sincere. This will especially appeal to impressionable women who appreciate constant care, attention, and warmth. His emotions can be compared with a beautiful song, with the chirping of birds on a summer day, they are pure, without falsehood, disinterested. With his emotions, he can slowly creep into the soul of a woman, into her heart and leave his mark there for a long time.

In his emotions there are no hidden motives, prudence. They are as pristine as a child's. In his emotions, he is able to give himself, his heart and open his soul. Expecting in response the same sincere attention, understanding and tenderness.

He tends to trust the chosen one, so he can so easily show all his weaknesses, it is alien to him to play fictitious roles. He is who he is and always will be.

It is important that a woman understands and appreciates this, otherwise she will be offended and withdraw into herself. There will be doubts, fears, why open your feelings at all, show emotions to others, if no one appreciates it.

Do not forget that he can be easily hurt, offended. He does not know how to argue and aggressively defend his opinion. But having become isolated, he will begin to painfully experience every word, deed. Just for him, statements are more suitable that words can hurt like a sharp knife. Or that the words are so heavy, cold, like stones. Predisposition to mental pain and inability to defend himself, one of his weak qualities of character.

Any manifestation

  • cynicism
  • Cruelty
  • aggression
  • Callousness
  • Rudeness
  • ridicule
  • irony
  • stinginess
  • criticality
  • selfishness

Able to destroy his bright idea of ​​\u200b\u200bideal love. Along with it, sublime emotions and feelings are destroyed.

Cancer man in bed

The Cancer man in bed attaches more importance not to the sexual intercourse itself, but to the environment where it takes place. It is desirable that it be cozy, homely. No less important for him is tenderness, affection, even more than intimacy itself. Affectionate glances, gentle touches, a light kiss can excite his imagination. He will be upset if a woman wants exactly sex and ignores his tenderness.

A woman who does not hide her natural passion, and he will not like a hot temperament. But if she turns out to be inexperienced in love affairs, then she will bind him more to herself.

The compatibility of a Cancer man with a woman will be good if;

  • She always wanted to be a housewife
  • Family values ​​are important to you
  • You have a developed maternal instinct, you want to patronize, take care, help
  • Want to receive care, understanding, support
  • Like subtly feeling men, emotional, soft, gentle
  • Appreciate in a man the ability to be affectionate and caring
  • Restraint and coldness hurt
  • Do you want a man to be faithful and devoted
  • Imagine yourself as the head of the family

The compatibility of a Cancer man with a woman will be difficult if:

  • I want new acquaintances with men, flirting, communication
  • Treat everything logically, without emotions and feelings
  • Do you think that a real man should be restrained in emotions
  • Don't like people who change mood quickly
  • I don't want to have children, I don't want to be a mother
  • No desire to have a relationship with his family and friends
  • Appreciate in men independence, independence, poise, calmness

Where to meet a Cancer man

He feels best of all in a friendly, sincere, pleasant environment where you can relax, not worry about anything and indulge in fantasies, pleasant memories. Many among the men of this sign are homebodies, the best and safest place is a cozy house.

The most common places he likes to visit

  • Small cozy cafe
  • solitary places
  • Reservoirs, sea beach, he can walk alone along the coast, admire the sunset
  • Family celebrations, holidays
  • Meetings with relatives
  • Cinema, melodrama
  • Wherever you can experience sentimental, subtle emotions

It is difficult to recognize him in appearance, he does not tend to dress brightly, does not like to stand out. But according to his emotional facial expression, daydreaming, sentimentality, it will be possible to quickly distinguish from others.

He differs from others in the way he communicates.

  • Politely
  • Tactfully
  • delicately
  • Soft
  • uncertain
  • emotionally
  • touching
  • sentimental

He can notice beautiful details, nuances that others would not notice. Already at the very beginning of dating, he is able to become attached to a woman. Fleeting novels will not suit him. And parting hurts his soul very much.

How to make a Cancer man fall in love with you

He is attracted to women like a magnet.

  • gentle
  • Soft
  • delicate
  • benevolent

But there are exceptions when it can be interested in the opposite. They say opposites attract.

Then he can pay attention to the woman

  • Arrogant
  • Rough
  • callous

Just do not specifically demonstrate such qualities, they will not lead to anything good. If he chooses such women, then the reason for his choice clearly lies in the mental, psychological trauma from childhood. With such a chosen one, he will never be happy. If he chooses her, it is only because he likes the image of the victim, and accordingly he will choose the one that will bring him suffering, experiences, torment. It will take a lot of effort for him to understand that such a relationship will never become complete and he will be truly happy only with a similar woman, with whom there is a lot in common, a lot of things in common.

Cancer man in a relationship with a woman


Behavior of a Cancer Man in Love

It is important that he feels a kindred spirit in a woman and opens up emotionally. One sincerity in communicating with him is not enough, one must also show cordiality, goodwill, gentleness. Then you need to try so that your relationship does not end, but grows into love. Emotional interdependence will help to get closer. When you can feel that you cannot live without each other and how much you need each other.

He will do a lot for his beloved

  • Will always be faithful to her, devoted
  • Give her passion, tenderness and romance
  • Surrounded by unforgettable feelings and emotions
  • Will always understand her, avoid scandals
  • Show maximum tenderness, warmth and care

How to Marry a Cancer Man

He will make an offer faster if he sees that the main thing for the chosen one

  • Family
  • Family values
  • Wants to be a mother
  • give him children

Equally important are warm relations with his family and friends, especially with his mother. In general, to marry him, there will be no problems. Already at the beginning of the relationship, he thinks about him and represents the chosen one in the role of his future wife.

If he shows uncertainty and is in no hurry to make an offer, then when communicating with him, touch on the topic of family values ​​more often, it is necessary that he himself wants to start a family with you. To all that has been said, add that it is important for you to feel needed, loved. But no one will love like children and a beloved husband. And it is impossible for anyone to be more needed than loved ones and loved ones, when you really want them to always be there. Such sentimentality will touch his heart and if he really loves, then he will not delay marriage for a long time.

Cancer man married

Life with a married man will be filled with emotions, feelings, tenderness. He likes to spend more time in the family, at home, he is, in fact, a real homebody. He is more concerned about family problems than communicating with acquaintances, and retelling the latest news and gossip. But on the other hand, for family life, he sometimes lacks realism, especially when a vivid imagination takes him into the vast expanses of emotions, feelings, to the detriment of realism.

Relationships with a Cancer man in the family

Each zodiac sign has its good and bad sides of character. If we talk about Cancer, then he is not created for a harsh life, intrigue, he does not need to assert himself at the expense of others, he does not have a desire to show off in public, flirt, strive for extreme situations.

He needs a quiet family life, where he could rest and continue to work for the good of the family. True, among the representatives of this sign there may also be overly emotional persons who find it difficult to concentrate on the realities of life. And then the woman will have to be more practical, think about herself and about him.

Other representatives of this sign are more practical, slowly moving towards the goal, paying attention to all the nuances that can help him achieve his goal. Everything that he does should benefit the family, wife, children. Here he has no equal in care, in help, in support. You don’t have to ask him for a long time to help, he himself will notice what needs to be done and offer to help. He will never leave his beloved alone, he will try so that she does not need anything and feels comfortable not only materially, but also emotionally.

What does a Cancer man like in a relationship?

The Cancer man in a relationship loves to feel needed, that he is understood and accepted as he is, they are waiting for him, love him, take care of him. The closer his connection with his family, the happier and more confident he feels, the more his self-esteem rises.


Relations with a Cancer man in the family will develop depending on his relationship with his mother, how harmonious they are and whether he was able to show independence. If the influence of the mother is great, then he will compare his wife with his mother, evaluate how his wife cooks and how her mother would do better. If he is inclined to listen to the advice of his mother in everything, then, depending on her attitude towards the bride, his family relations with his wife will either improve or worsen. It is the representatives of his zodiac sign who are subject to the influence of the mother, and accordingly, through her son, she will influence his family, his choice, his children, his wife.

If he is more independent, able to take care of himself, well-supports his family, home, then all the same, his relationship with his mother will be filled with tenderness, warmth, love.

In marriage, he makes a magnificent, gentle, kind, caring husband. Able to give himself entirely and without reserve, without demanding anything in return. His feelings are deep, constant, there is no windiness in them. They will live only for the family, solve all family problems, make sure that each family member is cozy and comfortable at home. They can completely obey a partner.

House of Cancer

His attitude to the house is traditional and endowed with great, deep meaning. This is not just a home where you can eat, sleep, watch TV. And this is a place where he will feel safe, where there is a calm psychological atmosphere, where family values ​​are respected. For him, everything connected with the family is of great importance, he can store family heirlooms, objects, things that were used in his family, and pass them on by inheritance, like a relic. This also includes family jewels, old books. He is interested in the past, the history of a kind.

His ideal is spacious houses, with many buildings for various needs. A house near a reservoir is well suited, where he can walk along the coast, watch the sunset and be close to his native element - water.

But even if it is a small apartment, he needs his own corner, his own personal space, where he can retire and do what he loves.

Often he can shift many responsibilities around the house, and silently work for the good of the family. He does an excellent job of raising children, grandchildren, constantly spoils them, takes care of them, although sometimes his care becomes excessive, and in response to it he receives discontent. Why is he offended that his care is not appreciated.


The best rest for him is to be alone, when no one touches him, does not bother where he can retire. To restore his strength, a secluded rest is needed, then he quickly replenishes the lost energy. It is especially useful for him to rest on the shore of a reservoir, next to his element - water.

Good help to recover

  • Reading
  • Watching sentimental films
  • Lyric music
  • intimate conversations

Friends of Cancer

He is not interested in having many friends, acquaintances, wasting time, well, verbiage. It converges with people with caution, sometimes it can not be trusted right away. It takes time to build trust.

A true friend in his understanding:

  • Reliable
  • Patient
  • Constant
  • Responsible
  • sympathizer
  • Able to listen and help

Usually take care of friends as well as family. He will always help, notice what is wrong, tell you how to improve, change, how to quickly achieve results. He gives the impression of a good-natured, benevolent, caring person. But with those with whom relations did not work out, opinions about him will not be the most excellent. Although it happens to everyone, it is impossible to please everyone. And cancer will never do just that, will not fully adapt to others, strive to please. He is emotional and behavior depends on emotions.


In choosing clothes, he is not whimsical, there are no special inflated needs. They can wear the same thing for a long time, because they get used to one thing and there is no desire to change to another. If the clothes are worn long enough, then they are perceived as their own, dear, closer to the body and look nicer in them. As for new clothes, even if he bought them, he would not feel that they were his own, his own. He needs time to get used to it. They rarely buy new clothes, only when necessary.

But even if he bought new clothes, he is in no hurry to throw away the old one, he can save it just in case, it can come in handy. It happens after a while, he completely forgets about it, and only a few years later, after conducting an audit, he discovers what he has been wearing for a long time. Everything old, for him, is inextricably linked with the past, with its history, which is extremely important and dear to him.


Especially the relationship with food. More he likes to eat in a pleasant, homely atmosphere, not in a hurry. Due to affection for mother, they often prefer the dishes that she cooked. Mom's food for him is the most delicious, the best, will always come first. It takes a long time to get used to new dishes.

Can get carried away with tasty food, not paying attention that it is less useful. Sometimes can jam trouble, bad mood sweet or get carried away with alcohol to calm down. As a result, it manifests itself on the face and body in the form of excess weight.

Breaking up with a Cancer man

In truth, he does not tend to leave women, because he becomes attached to them very quickly, strongly, and he is only afraid of the thought of a possible break, even if the relationship with her is difficult. Although this happens for the time being. Everything has its limit, the main thing is not to cross the borders, not to destroy relationships, where behind them there is already one void and the earth scorched by passions.

But on the other hand, the gap in him may begin not in the physical plane, but in the spiritual, in the mental plane. After all, for him the main thing is everything sincere, where the most subtle emotions are. Remember the proverb, where it is thin, it breaks there? This is exactly what happens to him.

The first signs of a break

  • Emotional coldness
  • Closure
  • Indifference

If you notice that you have stopped showing

  • care
  • Attention
  • Emotions
  • Tenderness
  • caress
  • Talk heart to heart
  • Ignores your questions

It is easier to prevent than to return, to restore what has been lost, so it is important not to allow a situation where he is emotionally distant. He closes in on himself, not to aggravate such situations, he is really dear to you.

Moving away emotionally, it is difficult for him to believe that love ends, feelings disappear, everything collapses before his eyes, everything he aspired to, dreamed of, went for years trying hard for the sake of his family, and all this at a beautiful moment collapses before his eyes. Of course, there are many logical explanations to be found here. Legs are difficult for him, because thoughts are under the power of emotions.

He has a terrible thought that he will again be alone, useless to anyone, no one will be around. The decision to leave comes in extreme cases and after long, painful reflections, when no arguments, requests, words help to restore a full-fledged relationship.

Especially if the woman

  • Endlessly makes harsh remarks, harshly criticizes him
  • Rude, mocking, reproaches
  • Coldly treats him, without emotions
  • He considers emotionality and gentleness in men the lot of the weak
  • Strives for independence, for freedom and does not want to get involved in family problems
  • Family values ​​are alien to her and not needed at all
  • Thinking old-fashioned and stereotypically irritates her

When he thinks about leaving, he seems to move away from reality and is somewhere far away, but not here. According to him, you can immediately determine what emotions he is experiencing, how carefully he listens to his wife, whether there is a desire to talk to her.

Sometimes, unable to endure his wife, he himself can become picky, unbearable, as if pushing her to extreme measures, quickly divorce, make her the culprit of a break in relations.

But when the relationship broke down due to the fault of the woman, it will be very difficult to return him, because he will not forget about the mental pain caused, about the suffering and experiences. There is no forgiveness for such behavior, and even less trust. The most effective way to bring him back in such a case is to shift his attention more to the past, when everything was fine with you, to sentimental memories. He has a habit of idealizing the past, remembering the brightest moments from the past, and wanting everything back to the way it was before. This is where you can play and turn in your favor, try to return that emotional atmosphere from the past, which is close to him and dear to his heart.

If the break in relations was due to his fault, then it is easier to return it.

  • As if by chance meet him in his favorite places
  • In communication, focus on emotions, feelings, tell us how your life lacks it.
  • The more sentimentality, the more convincing the conversation will be and the deeper you can penetrate to his feelings.
  • Tell us how you remember those wonderful moments spent together and are ready for a lot, just to return those wonderful moments.

He reacts very strongly to everything that concerns the past. And even if he left, still deep in his soul he will want to return to the arms of his beloved again.


He trusts his beloved too much to be jealous of her. If he is sure that she loves him, then he will not care that someone there likes her. On the contrary, it will raise his self-esteem. And even if they say about betrayal, they will not immediately believe it.

If you are convinced of treason, then the relationship will deteriorate immediately. He will behave in such a way that his wife feels guilty, will begin to pester her with reproaches, claims, discontent, so that she understands how much pain she caused him.

Cheating on his part is very rare, but it happens. Usually this happens if another woman was able to give more than his wife, with her he feels better, happier. But on the other hand, it will be difficult for him to break off relations. And they can continue for a long time, despite the fact that it will be difficult for him to live in two families.

In this case, it is necessary to surpass the opponent, to give what he lacks. Unless, of course, he is dear to you.

A Cancer man in marriage will be happy with a woman:

  • emotional
  • romantic
  • gentle
  • understanding
  • Able to sympathize, support, comfort, reassure
  • With traditional family values

A Cancer man in marriage will be unhappy with a woman if she is

  • To mock, ignore his emotions, feelings
  • To mock and criticize his softness, vulnerability, impressionability
  • Cold and callous to treat him
  • Militant towards his family
  • Be fickle, frivolous, superficial

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in shaping the character, behavior, habits, of a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or the person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you to find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all the planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

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