Home wheels Synopsis of a lesson on literary reading on the topic Y. Akim “In the morning a cat ...”, F. I. Tyutchev “In an enchanting winter. Synopsis of the GCD for children of the middle group “Memorizing the poem by Y. Akim“ The First Snow ”using mnemonics. The first snow, it has a taste and smell

Synopsis of a lesson on literary reading on the topic Y. Akim “In the morning a cat ...”, F. I. Tyutchev “In an enchanting winter. Synopsis of the GCD for children of the middle group “Memorizing the poem by Y. Akim“ The First Snow ”using mnemonics. The first snow, it has a taste and smell

Natalya Manakova

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Reading Fiction", "Artistic Creativity".

Target: arouse interest and love for fiction.


Educational: teach children to memorize poems based on pictures. Learn to convey in the drawing the characteristic signs of winter.

Developing: develop children's memory, imagination, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Educational: cultivate interest in literature, aesthetic feelings.

Speech: improve distinct pronunciation, enrich the vocabulary of children: pavement, take a nap, sled.

Types of children's activities: communicative, perception of fiction, productive.

Materials and equipment: pictures on the content of the poem, illustrations on the topic "Winter", sheets of paper with a pre-drawn landscape (for each child, white gouache, brushes, cotton buds.

Methodical methods: conversation-dialogue, looking at pictures, riddle, reading a poem "First snow", a game "Find and fix bugs", physical education "Winter walk", telling a poem using mnemonics (based on pictures, productive activity, analysis, summing up.

GCD progress

Educator: Today we will learn a very beautiful poem, but what it is about, you will only find out by guessing the riddle.


Fell to the ground


Summer has come-

The blanket has come off.


Educator: Well done, guys, guessed the riddle. Snow really, like a warm blanket, warms the earth from frost. Under the snow winters and grass and tree roots.

Listen to what poem Yakov Lazarevich Akim wrote, it is called "First snow". (The teacher reads the poem to the children).

Very nice poem, did you like it?

(Children answer).

Educator: Today we will teach him, but first we will play a game "Find and fix bugs".

A game:

Winter is the hottest time of the year...

Flowers and trees bloom in winter...

In winter, the sun shines brightly and warms hot ...

In winter, there are a lot of mushrooms and berries in the forest ...

Educator: Well done, coped with the task, found all the mistakes. And now let's have a little rest, take a walk along the winter paths.

Physical education minute.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky

Like in a fairy tale

Let's catch them with our hands

And show mom at home

(raise hands up and perform grasping movements)

And all around are snowdrifts

Snow covered the road

(stretch, hands to the sides)

Do not get stuck in the field to

Raise your legs higher

(walking in place, raising knees high)

Here is a bunny jumping in the field

Like a soft white ball

(jumping in place)

Well, we go, we go

And we come to our house

(walking in place, sat down)

Educator: In order to make it easier for you to remember the poem, I have prepared pictures - assistants. (the teacher reads the work and shows the children a picture that makes sense.)


In the morning the cat brought on its paws

First snow, first snow

It has a taste and smell

First snow, first snow

It's spinning, light, new

The guys over their heads

He had a downy handkerchief

Spread across the pavement

It turns white along the fence,

crouched on the lantern

So soon, very soon

Sleighs will fly from the hills

So it will be possible again

Build a fortress in the yard

Educator: And now we will read the poem again with the help of picture prompts.

(children independently tell a poem based on pictures)

In the final part of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to finish the winter landscape (on a pre-prepared composition).

Children draw a winter picture (snowfall, snow on trees and roofs, etc.)

As a result, an exhibition of children's works is organized, where children, looking at the drawings, read a poem together with the teacher.

Results of productive activity (Exhibition of works):

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Lesson Information Card

date of : 05.12.2016 Subject: Literary reading

Class: 2 "A" Litvinova T.A.

Lesson topic: Ya Akim


educational:to acquaint students with the biography of Ya.L. Akim. Learn to operate basic

literary terms in the study of poetry. Using creative and

game character to create an active student's position among schoolchildren;

developing: to promote the development of creative abilities and creative thinking of students;

continue to work on conducting a literary analysis of the poem. Develop

expressiveness, accuracy and colorfulness of oral speech.

nurturing:through the creation of a comfortable environment, instill in students a love of beauty

artistic word, to cultivate a careful attitude towards nature.

Lesson type: combined.

Type of lesson: lecture with presentation elements

Technology: LOT

Methods: partially exploratory, visual

Equipment: text of the poem, presentation, illustrations

Application of knowledge: socialization (application to life)

Technological map of the lesson

I . Org. moment of goal setting.

II . Emotional mood.

I'm glad to see each of you.

And let winter breathe coolness through the window.

We'll be cozy and warm here

After all, we feel and hear each other.

III . Checking d / tasks:

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the work of A. Pushkin "Here is the north, catching up the clouds"

Let's remember what we learned about the author of this work.

- Well done, and now we read it by heart.

What genre of literature does it belong to? (verse)

Prove (rhyme, rhythm, intonation )

This is a lyric poem, because through landscape paintings, the poet expresses his mood, thoughts and feelings to us.

IV . Introduction to the topic:

Today we will continue the conversation about poems and learn a lot of new and interesting things, and the fairy-tale heroine who came to visit us will help us in this. Guess who it is?

Rushing in an ice carriage

The girl is beauty

The wind beats its wings

Sleepy houses.

Blooming squares, parks

snow white

And frost builds arches

Above the forest path.

Well done, it's winter - winter. How did she change everything around that she brought with her?

Of course, this is snow, blizzards, snowstorms, frost, fun, skating and sledding. And a lot more

fabulous and funny.

Our guest brought envelopes with assignments. Let's open 1 envelope.

V . Introduction about the author.

Yakov Lazarevich Akim was born on December 15, 1923. His childhood passed on the shores of a calm lake, in the ancient Russian city of Galich. In 1941, Yakov graduated from 9 classes, and already in 1942 he went to the front to defend his homeland, then he was only 19 years old. He went through the whole war, and when he returned from the front, he decided to write cheerful and cheerful poems for children. Yakov Akim lived a long and interesting life. He died just three years ago, at the age of 90, in the city of Moscow.

VI . Acquaintance with the work and checking the primary perception.

2 Y. Akim's poem "First snow"

The poem, with which I will now introduce you, the poet dedicated to his daughter, Tanechka. Listen to him and say what would you call him and why?

1. Teacher reading

In the morning the cat brought on its paws
First snow!
First snow!
It tastes and smells
First snow!
First snow!

It is spinning, light, new,
The guys over their heads
He had a downy handkerchief
Spread on the pavement
It turns white along the fences,
He crouched on the lantern.

So soon, very soon
Sleighs will fly from the hills,
So it will be possible again
Build a fortress in the yard!

Did you like the poem, and why? (cheerful, cheerful)

So what do you think it's called? Why?

Yes, well done "First Snow", because. almost every line is about snow.

2. Vocabulary work

Look guys, in this poem there are new words for us.

Crouched - lean against something, lie down.

Sledges are small hand sleds.

Let's pick up synonyms for them - this will help us better see the image of snow.

What are synonyms?

He crouched - sat down, lay down, rests;

Sledges - sleds.

3. Independent reading of the poem by children.

Now you will read this poem on your own and try to say what literary techniques the poet used.

VII .Reading and analysis.

Reading the poem out loud.

Let's find the literary devices that are found here.

personification - the image of inanimate objects as animate, in which they

endowed with the properties of living beings.

Prove with the text (he managed to spread it, he turns white, crouched on the lantern)

Comparison is a comparison of two objects by similarity.

Prove with the text (down scarf).

Well done, they found it right, but what does the poet pay attention to when he calls the snow “light, new”?

So what is he? (very clean, very white).

These words in the literature are called - epithets.

Epithets - these are the words the author uses to bring out the main subject more vividly.

VIII . Compiling a filmstrip.

3 Illustrate the poem.

Guys, please note that in our poem there is not a single picture. And Zimushka - winter loves to paint everything, to make it very beautiful. Here in her 3rd envelope is just the task: "make illustrations, maybe for a future cartoon." But in order to do this, we will work in groups.

IX . Group work

Divide the class into groups by rows.

1 row chooses words in the poem that designate an object and refer to snow

(taste, smell, handkerchief)

The 2nd row chooses words in the poem that indicate a sign of an object and also refer to snow

(first, light, new, downy)

3 row chooses words in the poem that denote the action of the subject and also refer to

snow (has, spins, managed to spread, turns white, crouched).

One representative from the group read these words.

What words came out more?

What do they point to? (to the action of the object).

Well done, these words help us to see what is happening in the picture of winter nature.

X . word drawing

In the course of verbal drawing, with the help of the teacher's leading questions, children create an image, as a result

which the electronic picture appears.

So, 1 illustration

Who brought the first snow into the house? (cat)

How did he do it? (on paws)

What time of day? Why? (in the morning, because usually the first snow falls at night)

And how can you see that snow has a taste and smell?

(the cat must also have snow on its whiskers and nose, and its face looks very pretty).

Here is our 1 frame.

2 illustration

What do we see? What shall we depict?

(Children are standing in the yard, their heads are raised up. Someone catches snowflakes with their hands or palms.

everyone is having fun).

Well done turned out 2 frames.

3 illustration

What shall we depict? (the pavement is covered with white, fluffy snow).

Here is frame 3.

- Can we say that illustrations 3 and 4 are similar, only the action takes place in different places?

Pay attention to how the snow lies on the lantern. Did he completely cover it or just a little


Of course, he sprinkled a little, because the poet says "... crouched on the lantern."

Here is frame 4.

- Well, have we managed to illustrate this poem?

What knowledge and skills helped us in this? (ability to expressively read and find

literary devices).

XI . Summary of the lesson.

What poet did we meet today?

What is the name of the poem you read?

How does winter - winter, change nature?

Can we say that winter is the most fun time of the year?

XII . Reflection

XIII . D / s

Guys, you have to draw 5 illustrations for this poem. Do it on an album sheet. You can use paints or pencils. And the main thing is to expressively read the poem or learn it by heart.

Summary of a lesson on literary reading

Topic: Ya. Akim "In the morning the cat ...", F. I. Tyutchev "The Enchanting Winter"



Continue to acquaint students with works about the winter of Russian poets Y. Akim "In the morning a cat ...", F. I. Tyutchev "The Enchantress in Winter"


Develop thinking, memory, speech, creative imagination, cognitive interest


To cultivate love for the poetic word, aesthetic taste, love for nature.

Teacher equipment:

Textbook "Literary reading", presentation, portraits of poets, crossword puzzle, audio recording (music by Tchaikovsky "The Seasons")

Equipment for students:

Textbook "Literary reading", notebook.

During the classes:

1.Org. moment:

U. Hello guys!

Quietly sit down the first row

The second row will sit quietly

The third row will sit down quietly.

U. My name is Snezhana Mikhailovna. Today I will teach you a lesson in literary reading.

2. Minute of reading:

3. Working with a tongue twister:


White snow. White chalk.

White sugar is also white.

But the squirrel is not white

It wasn't even white.

U. We read the tongue twister to ourselves.

U. We read the tongue twister in unison.

U. Who will read the tongue twister aloud?

4. Checking homework:

U. What kind of d / z did you have at home?

U. Who will read the first poem to me?

U. Who will read expressively the second poem?

5. Learning new material:

U. What season is it now?

O. Winter

U. With what signs do you associate this season?

Oh. Snow, it's already cold, frost, everything is freezing ....

U. With what feelings do you perceive the first snow?

U. What section are you studying?

A. I love Russian nature (winter)

U. What poets have you already met?

O. I. Bunin "First Snow", K. Balmont "Light-fluffy white snowflake ...".

U. Today we will continue to get acquainted with the authors of new poems about the first snow.


    We have a white nail hanging under the roof. The sun will rise, the nail will fall.


    They fall from the sky in winter and circle over the earth. Light fluff, white ...


    Not prickly, light blue, hung in the bushes ...


    I don't have wheels. I am winged and light. Louder than all guards, I whistle without a whistle. On the fly, on the fly, on the fly, I will sweep the whole city ...


U. Make a word from the selected letters. What word came out?

O. Snow.

U. You guessed right. We will continue to read works about the first snow.

U. The first snow ... what is it like? Remember the works you read and pick up adjectives for the word "snow".

A. Snow is fluffy, white, light, sparkling ...

U. We will return to the description of snow later. And in this we will be helped by the poem of Yakov Akim “In the morning the cat brought it on its paws ..”

D. Open the textbook on page 192

U. Yakov Akim was born on 15.12. 1923 in the city of Galich. As a schoolboy, Yakov Akim was fond of literature, music…. I wrote my first poem when I was in 2nd grade. He started writing poetry after the war, when his daughter was born. The verse "First Snow" is dedicated to her.

U. You will close your eyes, and I will read this verse to you, and you will try to imagine the pictures that the author has depicted.

U. What pictures of nature did you imagine?

U. What mood is this poem imbued with?

U. What mood are you in?

vocabulary work

D. Read this verse to yourself. What words do you not understand?

O. prikornul

U. Kornul- leaned, lay down.

U. Who will read the verse in full?

W. Snow behaves like a living being. Prove it.

6. Physical Minute

7. Continuation of acquaintance with a new topic:

U. And now we will get acquainted with another verse by F. Tyutchev “The Enchanting Winter ...”

This is a poem about a winter forest.

U. Open the textbook on page 194.

U. F. I. Tyutchev was born in 1803. He was a richly gifted child from early childhood. He published his first poem at the age of 14. Tyutchev has many poems about nature. One of the best verses is presented to your attention. Listen to how the poet describes the winter forest.

U. I read, and you close your eyes and imagine what you heard.

U. What picture did you imagine?

U. Did you want to get into this forest?

U. Why?

A. He is mysterious and even fabulous.

W. Who made him like that?

Oh. Winter.

U. What impressed you?

D. Read this verse to yourself.

U. What words do you not understand?

Vocabulary work:

Enchantress - sorceress, sorceress;

Meshchut-throw, throw, throw.

U. Who will read the poem?

U. Why is winter called an enchantress?

U. What feelings did this poem evoke in you?

8. The result of the lesson:

U. What poems did we meet today?

U. How are these poems similar?

9. Reflection:

U. You have suns and clouds on your tables. If you liked the lesson, raise the sun, if not, raise a cloud.

10. Homework:

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