Home Transmission How to attract a man into your life? The law of attraction and how it works. How to properly meet a man from work in order to receive gifts Usually one of three options occurs

How to attract a man into your life? The law of attraction and how it works. How to properly meet a man from work in order to receive gifts Usually one of three options occurs

The return of a young man from the army is a very significant event for both his lover and his family. So, how to meet a guy from the army so that he will remember it for a long time?

I waited for a guy from the army - how unforgettable to meet him

A touching meeting from the army after a long separation

Of course, many girls and guys who are waiting to meet each other in such situations recognize that this thrill is similar to the sensations of a first date. Of course, the soldier will be happy if his beloved approaches this event with special responsibility and shows imagination - he will remember such a day for the rest of his life!

So, whether you meet a young man alone or in the circle of his other close friends, we advise you to prepare! You can pre-write posters with text, like: “Soldier to us!”, “Finally you are home!”, “And I love the military!” etc.

Surprise at home when a loved one returns from the army

There is no doubt that during the period of absence, the young man missed not only you, but also his close friends and relatives. Of course, he wants to communicate with everyone, and it would be stupid to be offended by him for this! Nevertheless, you can not even doubt that most of all he is waiting for the moment when you can be alone.

Plan in advance how the meeting of the soldier will go - it is better to discuss this with his relatives and friends. Once you've decided on a plan of action, set aside time in all the turmoil for your date alone. It can be the same night the guy returns, or the next.

Be that as it may, it is important to decide in advance for yourself where you want to spend a date - whether it will be with intimate overtones or not, depends on the degree of closeness of your relationship. If you were already close, then, of course, the guy expects this at the first meeting in private. It is in your power to triple an unforgettable date full of passion. It is important to make sure that no one interferes with you at these moments. Either organize a romantic evening at your home (in case there is definitely no one but you two there), or give your beloved a gift in the form of an intimate date in a cozy hotel or rented apartment (for the night or day). Do not forget to decorate the room in advance with candles and other paraphernalia that will create a special romantic mood for you.

If possible, make sure you have beautiful linens and a delicious dinner. We can talk about light snacks, fruit and a bottle of wine. Most likely this will be enough for you - otherwise, you can arrange a romantic walk to the nearest cafe. Believe me, your culinary delights this evening will not be in the first place for the guy at all.

Of course, do not forget to take care of your appearance. Surely, after a long separation, the guy will be pleased to see you "in all its glory." Take care of hair, manicure, pedicure, depilation and other trifles in advance. Buy a set of beautiful underwear. If you are overweight, go on a diet some time before the arrival of your lover, do a set of face and body skin care procedures in advance. Undoubtedly, all this will not go unnoticed by the young man.

romantic walk

It is possible that for some reason you cannot arrange an intimate date for a guy - perhaps your relationship began just before he left for the army, or you somehow met during his service. In general, be that as it may, you are not yet ready for such a step, or other circumstances interfere.

In this case, the date may take place in a slightly different format. So what are the options? You can just walk around the local amusement park, ride the rides, talk. After serving in the army, most likely, a young man will like such a change of scenery, and riding a carousel often cheers everyone up. Even if you spend more time socializing than trying out new rides, the atmosphere of fun itself will make for an enjoyable time.

You can also go to the movies by choosing a movie that your lover is likely to enjoy. In the semi-dark hall of the cinema, you will have the opportunity to join hands, just be close to each other, feel each other's warmth. Probably, you yourself know how intimate the atmosphere between two lovers in such a place can be - you are among the crowd, but at the same time it seems like only the two of you.

A romantic date can also be spent in a cozy coffee shop or a small restaurant. Invite a guy to an institution that you both know and love well.

You can also opt for a coffee shop that opened during the period of absence of a young man - go there in advance with a friend, make sure you like it there, and then feel free to invite a guy. It is important that the chosen institution is not noisy, with a pleasant interior, good cuisine and polite staff, so that nothing spoils your romantic evening.

What to give a guy after the army

A wonderful gift for a soldier would be an album for his army photos. Surely, during the period of his service, he collected some pictures - print all that are possible. Even if he does not like them now, in time he will view them with special nostalgia. The album can be selected in the store, or you can make it yourself. The second option is not too simple, but much easier than you might imagine - look at the corresponding master classes on the Web. During the absence of a boyfriend, you yourself can begin to fill in this album. And if you still do it yourself, no doubt the guy will appreciate it.

You can also make a more practical gift. During the period of service, it is unlikely that the guy bought new clothes for himself, and the size of his clothes could change. Be that as it may, he will probably be happy to receive new things as a gift - trousers, a jumper, a shirt, a T-shirt, shorts, or something else. In addition, sneakers or boots can be a wonderful gift. The main thing in choosing such surprises is not to make a mistake with the right size.

How to meet a son (brother) from the army in a beautiful and original way

Meet the whole family with friends at the station

Of course, you can understand if you want to meet a guy from the army alone, but if he has family and friends, then, for sure, they would like that too. To avoid various misunderstandings and insults, it is better to meet a retired young man in the company of everyone. Do not think that in this case the beloved will not have enough time and attention for you - you will definitely feel his special attitude. However, as you know, girls who waited for their beloved from the army are respected by others, therefore, for sure, the company and the guy’s family will note this fact more than once in front of him, which will undoubtedly only benefit you.

Bring bright posters and balloons to meet the soldier

As we have already mentioned, a young man will be delighted if he realizes that they were preparing for a meeting with him. You can prepare posters for all those who meet by writing heartfelt words of welcome on them. It would also be nice to stock up on armfuls of bright balloons in advance. It will be great if he sees close people with banners and balloons through the train window. However, even if this festive picture opens before him only on the platform, it will be no less impressive and pleasant!

Plan a meeting and celebration

To avoid confusion, of course, it is better to agree in advance with all the participants of the event about the task of each of them. Let someone meet the soldier at the station, while others are waiting for him with crackers and balloons at home, thereby arranging an additional surprise. Someone should make sure that the table was ready for the arrival of those meeting with the culprit of all this hype, because, for sure, the guy will be hungry from the road. If you want to have a small party in honor of the return of your beloved from the army, then you can arrange a small concert for him - especially if there are artistic people among your mutual friends who are easily given various scenes. However, it is important to remember that the soldier will be tired, so you should not start a many-hour concert.

Throw a little party for the demobilizer and his friends

Surely, the young man and his relatives (friends and family) will want to celebrate such an important event as returning from the army. Together, you can easily organize a home celebration. The guy is most likely tired from the road, and he doesn’t need any extra ideas at all, but a soulful feast with his favorite dishes is a great idea.

Do not try to surprise the soldier with some special culinary delights. Undoubtedly, the guy has already formed preferences in food, and most of all he will be delighted with his favorite dishes. If you are on good terms with his mother, then you may well prepare a "table" for the company by joint efforts or consult with her in choosing dishes. However, it is possible that you yourself already know what your lover likes. Be that as it may, but the absorption of favorite dishes, many of which he was deprived of during the period of absence, will certainly finally make him truly feel at home. Of course, a couple of "novelties" on the table will not hurt either. Do not forget about alcoholic beverages, although you should not get carried away with this item - let everything be in moderation. It will not be superfluous to take care of the music that will be played this evening in advance - dump the compositions that will be appropriate for your holiday on a USB flash drive or disk, not forgetting your beloved's favorite tracks.

It is also important to decorate the room in which your soulful party will take place. You can choose military-themed decorations, balloons, serpentine, and so on. The main thing in all this is not to overdo it - it is unlikely that a guy needs a holiday similar to a wedding. Let everything be moderately solemn and bright - the main thing is to create the right atmosphere.

Whatever the reasons for your separation, very soon there will be no barriers between you. You will finally be able to hug and kiss your loved one. All the difficulties are behind, now the most important thing is how to meet a guy.

Organizational matters

If the guy asked to meet him at the station or at the airport, then first of all you need to take care of the transport that will take you home. If he has a lot of things, ask friends to help you. But if he is light, try to immediately stay alone with him. You will also want to hug him, and other people who meet will only interfere.

your mood

Even if the day didn’t work out in the morning, your loved one should see only joy on your face. Open your arms to him, tell him how long you dreamed about this moment, how glad you are that he is finally there and you can cuddle up to his chest. In such emotional moments, everything is important - your look, facial expression, voice, even aroma.

If you are in a quarrel

You may have had a little quarrel during his absence. Is it worth it to think about your grievances on the day when you will be together? Focus on the expression on his face. If it is gloomy, come up, hug and quietly say that you are sorry for everything that you have said to him, that you have no one dearer than him. Only a stone heart does not thaw from such words at such a touching moment of the meeting.

Drink, eat and sleep

Arm yourself with this old Russian wisdom. Satisfy his natural needs first, and then think about some kind of romance. Prepare a hearty meal, a clean bed, make a pleasant company. If someone else, for example, his mother, will be doing all this, take part as much as possible. And as soon as all these troubles subside, your boyfriend will be full and satisfied with life, steal him from everyone to enjoy each other's company alone.

Be the best gift for a guy

The best confirmation of your love is quality sex. A man in such a long separation has refrained from intimate relationships for too long, and therefore, most of all, he longs for your affection. Take care of your appearance, buy new lace underwear. If you engage him all night, think about what you will eat while satisfying your sexual appetites.

Let's say right away that this article is specifically for those women who are housewives, and every day they meet their man from work. If you recognize yourself in these lines, then who, if not you, knows that the arrival of a husband from work can really be a turning point.

Usually one of three things happens:

1) He comes, you are both in a good mood, your whole evening and morning are saturated with positive energy, you and your man are in joy and harmony.

2) He comes, both of you are in a bad mood, the whole evening and morning pass like an ordinary gray day, time flies quickly and imperceptibly.

3) He comes, you are both in a bad mood, quarreling, yelling at each other, the evening and morning are just terrible, you don’t know how to meet him the next day now.

Of course, these are very generalized options, upon arrival you can be in a good mood, and the man will be angry and upset. You can be upset about something, and your husband will sparkle with a joyful smile.

In such cases, the further development of events depends only on you, and we will definitely talk about this below.

Mood for the whole day or for life?

As we have already understood, the emotional state of daily family reunification plays an important role. First, it is your relationship at home. Secondly, this is your quality and attitude of a man at work and a woman at home.

Just think, how long will a couple who quarrel in the evening and in the morning, still be in a terrible mood at work and at home, and upon arrival from work start all over again?

What kind of man wants to come home? What woman wants to meet the cause of her tears and resentment? If nothing is done, and this is usually what happens, the couple breaks up after a couple of months of this hell.

We are sure that you want to make your home a kingdom of joy and kindness, you want your husband to strive every day to quickly return to his warm and comfortable home, to his warm and comfortable wife. After all, what wife is not happy when her husband is happy?

To permanently secure such a bright state for you and your “lock of love”, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following tips, the observance of which will strengthen your marriage and eliminate all negativity from your man’s long-awaited dinner.

1. Meet with a good mood

As you saw in the top list, when at least one of the partners is in a bad mood, there will be trouble. Since you want to do everything possible to ensure that everything is fine in your family, try not to be the one with tears in your eyes and sadness in your words.

Sometimes it's difficult, sometimes it's just not possible. Try to adequately assess the causes and extent of the disorder. If this is something not entirely serious (a quarrel with a girlfriend, buying an inappropriate dress), then refrain from these thoughts and think about your beloved husband.

Do not try to deceive him and yourself, just postpone your experiences for later. You can tell them after dinner during the rest, but not at a meeting and not during dinner. If everything is very serious (illness of a relative or yourself), then you can talk about it before dinner.

2. Greet with bread and salt

Better yet, add to all this the first, second, and tea with sweets. Yes, we are talking about food ready for his arrival. If you want a man to literally fly home, teach him to see the set table immediately upon arrival, without waiting.

First, he will be full, and therefore happy. Secondly, he will not satisfy his hunger after working in some cafes, since at home he will immediately, without expectations, receive all the most delicious from his beloved. Thirdly, men love those who feed him, so cook with love.

Another interesting advice is given by a video blogger specializing in female beauty and relationships. Svetlana Bozhina.

She suggests taking off her husband's clothes before dinner and giving him a relaxing bath. You can add sea salt and turn on relaxing music. After water procedures, Svetlana recommends preparing a clean towel and bathrobe so that the man immediately feels at home.

3. Greet with cleanliness

If you have arranged a day of rest for yourself with manicures, pedicures and a trip to the beautician, then at least make an effort before the man arrives from work. Seeing a clean and shiny house, he will be glad every time that he has such a beautiful wife.

Also, know how to manage your time wisely. If you cleaned immediately after your husband left, and by evening the house loses its original gloss, postpone the cleaning for the evening, and go about your business in the morning.

4. Greet with beauty

Undoubtedly, your man loves you any - made up, not made up, dressed in an expensive dress, dressed in a shabby tracksuit. But let's be honest, the delight in his eyes can only be seen pretty hard in front of a mirror.

You should not dress like you are going to a restaurant and do real war paint on your face. Just put on natural makeup and put on clean, unworn clothes. This is the woman you want to see when crossing the threshold of the house.

5. Let him talk

Bonus: 6. Give it to him!

This is what you expected to see here, isn't it? Almost all women's forums think as follows - men only need sex, so meet him naked and immediately drag him to bed. Well, let's discuss.

A man comes tired and hungry, all he wants is a delicious dinner and a little rest. After that, you can please him with your hints and flirtations. And sex with a hungry and tired man is not the best pastime.

Based on materials: babadu.ru, supruzhestwo.ru, uaua.info


Then offer a romantic dinner. You don't have to worry too much about cooking. You can order everything in the nearest cafe or buy it in a supermarket, and spend the free time on creating extraordinary beauty on your face and a stunning hairstyle.

But when decorating the table, you have to work hard. Light candles, put a vase with flowers (which he, of course, will bring), set the table with beautiful dishes and glasses, put original napkins. Be sure to turn on some nice music.

Well, then it all depends on the degree of your intimacy and on your imagination. If you have a fairly close relationship, then prepare the bedroom in advance. You can decorate it with rose petals, arrange scented candles, even pick up balloons. Be sure to think over the bed set and, of course, choose the perfect fine linen for yourself. After all, you must be irresistible.

This part of the evening is the most important, so try not to be distracted. Turn off mobile and landline phones. Everything, you belong only to each other, you are alone in the whole world, there is no one else in the world except you. For this case, you can take several striptease lessons from the Internet in advance. The guy will love this.

If the relationship is not yet close enough to move on to sex, then you can offer to see photos of your vacation trip, to the sea or to your grandmother's cottage, offer to watch a new movie or listen to new recordings.

Walking around the city can be a great option. If the guy is here for the first time, then you will show him the sights, your favorite places where you like to visit, the most beautiful streets of the city. Maybe you have opened some interesting entertainment center, visit it - also not a bad option.

Men, of course, are not romantics, but anyone will appreciate such a meeting. And he will want to meet with you more often. And maybe on the next date he will invite you to his place. And also come up with something interesting.


What is the best way to propose to a girl? If it’s beautiful to invite a girl to meet, then the chance of a positive answer naturally increases. It is quite simple to do this if you know the character of the girl, her taste preferences and sense of humor. For more calm, quiet and shy girls, a romantic evening by candlelight in a restaurant is suitable, where you confess your feelings to her and offer to meet.

Useful advice

If you don’t know how to propose to a girl, but you want to do it, won’t you tell her about your feelings on the football field, at recess or near the entrance? It is also important to decide on the place where you confess your feelings to the girl. You need to choose in advance the words with which you will begin to speak. Of course, this should be the sincere truth that you like the girl, she is beautiful, smart and not like everyone else, that is, there is something in her that attracts you. Do not rash with compliments, but speak "from the heart."


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