Home Locks How to deal with swelling when feeding a child? Nipples are swollen and sore: causes and symptoms Bulging nipples in a man

How to deal with swelling when feeding a child? Nipples are swollen and sore: causes and symptoms Bulging nipples in a man

Few are interested in this topic, and few know how to reduce nipples. Not so bad if a man naturally has a large areola, which can be observed in both dad and grandfather. It is much worse if his relatives do not have this, we will consider further how to deal with this.

How to reduce nipples - a difficult question

How to reduce the areola of the nipple

If a man in the family has a similar situation, then only surgery will help.

  • In this case, it is better not to use drugs, they can only worsen everything.
  • Also, various kinds of exercises sometimes do not help.
  • For example: in some women, after the end of breastfeeding, the breasts decrease, but the nipple and areola remain the same.
  • The situation is much worse if the man in the family does not have this.

Usually, the areola can grow to a large size in:

newborn babies;


In elderly men (50−80 l).

Changes in the size of the areola occur due to changes in the hormonal balance in the body. If a man does not fit this age and relatives do not have this, most likely it is a disease called gynecomastia.

The disease gynecomastia can be false:

  • this is when a man has more nipples along with enlarged breasts, but under the skin is not a mammary gland, but fat;
  • in this case, diet, job change, consultation and work with a trainer can help;
  • the latter can advise not only a set of exercises, but also doping drugs that increase testosterone in the body;
  • in this case, the nipples with the breast can significantly decrease due to the acceleration of metabolism;
  • there is a syndrome when, after prolonged starvation or eating low-quality food, a person immediately switches to high-quality food in large quantities (this was noticed by prisoners after World War II) - while the breasts and nipples can increase, but always return to normal after a while.

Therefore, you should not think about how to reduce the nipples of a man, if he quit a difficult job and began to eat normally, this will pass with time.

How to shrink nipples

If a man does not have excess weight and at the same time has large breasts along with a large nipple areola, it is best to consult a doctor. It is worth sounding the alarm if the disease lasts more than 1-2 years:

  • it should be noted that taking certain medications also contributes to the growth of the breast and areola;
  • in this case, the rejection of drugs and sports will help restore balance;
  • in the case of true gynecomastia, taking hormonal drugs can help;
  • but the latter should be used only on the advice of a physician, since they can seriously damage health when self-medicated.

In extreme cases, after undergoing a complex of treatment (you can try drinking herbs that stimulate the production of male hormones), if a man has a complex, you can resort to surgery to remove the mammary glands and adjust the areola.

Flat or inverted nipples (which seem to be hidden in the chest) occur in both men and women. This problem has many potential causes: some people have it from birth, and some develop it due to certain diseases. If you have not had flat nipples since childhood or adolescence, and you notice any signs of this problem, then you should see a specialist. If you are over 50 and notice changes in the shape of your nipples, you should see your doctor right away and get tested for breast cancer. In general, inverted nipples can be both aesthetically inconvenient and, in more complex cases, difficult to breastfeed. Fortunately, there are ways to solve this problem, ranging from manual stimulation to plastic surgery.


We draw up an action plan

    Determine the degree of nipple inversion. Remove your outer clothing and stand near a mirror. Holding the breast against the edge of the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipple) with your thumb and forefinger, squeeze about an inch behind the nipple. Act carefully but confidently. Depending on the reaction of the nipple, three degrees of inversion can be distinguished.

    Find out the reason. If you have such nipples since childhood or adolescence, then they are unlikely to be a symptom of any disease. The opposite is also true - if the changes have occurred recently, and especially if you are over 50, then illness or infection may be to blame. Cancer and other serious pathologies (infections and inflammatory processes) can cause the development of nipple inversion.

    Decide on a treatment method. Treatment depends on the cause and degree of inverted nipples, and whether you plan to breastfeed. If you have symptoms of breast cancer, an infection, or a blockage in your milk ducts, see your doctor right away.

    • If you have a grade 1 nipple inversion, then most likely, manual methods can ease the fibrosis and allow the nipples to protrude normally.
    • If you have a grade 2 or 3 nipple inversion, the best thing to do is to see your doctor to come up with a personalized treatment plan for you. In some cases, non-invasive methods can be very effective, while in other cases, surgery is the best solution.
    • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please contact your doctor or lactation consultant.
  1. Roll the nipple between thumb and forefinger several times a day. Gently pull on the nipple and twist it between your fingers, making it stay out longer. Then wet a towel with cold water and rub it over your nipples to keep them protruding.

Use of special tools

    Buy breast cups. They are sold in maternity stores and online. Breast cups are soft, slightly bulging discs with a small hole in the center that pushes the nipple forward.

    Use a breast pump. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please use this nipple puller.

    Use an inverted syringe. Draw out the nipple using a clean syringe with a volume of about 10 ml (the size of the syringe may vary depending on the size of the nipple).

    • Using clean, sharp scissors, cut off the tip of the syringe at the “0 ml” mark (on the side opposite the plunger).
    • Remove the piston and reinsert it from the side where you just cut it off. Press down on the piston so that it goes all the way.
    • Place the uncut end over the nipple and pull out the plunger so that the nipple protrudes.
    • If you feel discomfort, do not pull out the piston any more.
    • Before removing the syringe, push down on the plunger a little to relieve the pressure.
    • After completing the procedure, wash all parts of the syringe in hot water and soap.
    • You can also purchase a special medical device "Evert-It". It is similar to a slightly modified syringe and works on the same principle.
  1. Use the "Niplette" corrector. The Niplette Corrector is a device that lengthens the milk ducts, stretching the nipple for a long time. This is a small transparent "cap" on the nipple, which is worn under clothing.

  2. Use the "Supple Cups" corrector. Supple Cups, available online, will help people suffering from nipple inversion by "pulling" them into a special cup. According to the results of clinical studies, the complete disappearance of the problem was achieved in just a few weeks.

    • Place the "Supple Cup" on the nipple, then gently squeeze the bottom of the cap, gently pressing it against the nipple. This will create a vacuum, which will pull the nipple.
    • It will be better if you use a small amount of nipple cream or oil. Apply cream or oil to the nipple and the inside of the Supple Cup. If that doesn't work, you may need to try a different cap size.
    • On the first day, it is worth wearing "Supple Cups" for 15 minutes. If this did not cause you pain or discomfort, then you can increase the time you wear the corrector, reaching up to 4 hours per day by the end of the first week.
    • Someone can wear this corrector under their bra without discomfort or wrinkling of the caps. However, you can use "Breast Shells" with "Supple Cups" to avoid the cap from creasing with a tight bra, too much pressure or tearing off the cap from the nipple.

Despite the fact that it is the 21st century on the street and many issues have long been discussed openly and without hesitation, there are still some nuances that we still talk about in a whisper.

Often we turn to the Internet community for help, wanting to satisfy interest and remain incognito at the same time. Among such intimate questions, one can meet a desire to know more about why nipples stand and how this happens.

Simplicity of physiology: how does a nipple erection occur?

Each of us visually imagines the chest very well. At the same time, clearly delineating and defining: this is the male breast, and this is the female. But not everyone knows that there are many nerve endings in the chest that are located around muscle structures.

External stimuli provoke the contraction of these muscle fibers, which ultimately leads to erection of the nipples.

So, for example, speaking of physical arousal, the mechanism of "rising nipples" can be described approximately as follows:

  1. Touching causes irritation of nerve endings.
  2. In the process, a nerve impulse is formed, which is sent to the brain.
  3. After it is processed by the brain, there is an increase in blood flow to the mammary glands, including to the nipples.
  4. As a result, the nipples harden and “get up”.

If breast changes occur from cold, then the essence of rising nipples in this case comes down to spasms of muscle fibers that form goosebumps on the skin: while the muscles contract, and there is a change in shape, and sometimes even the color of the nipple, as well as the skin around it.

When is nipple erection a normal reflex?

So, you ask: is hardening of the nipples always normal? And what is the “norm” in this case, and what is the deviation from it?

The answers to these and other questions are contained in the reasons for the rising of the nipples and, oddly enough, in the frequency of repetition of such a reaction. At the same time, one should be especially attentive to the fact that the “female” reasons are somewhat different from the “male” ones.

What can cause nipples erection in women?

Causes of rising nipples in women include:

Temperature changes

Many have probably noticed that due to a decrease in air or water temperature, women's nipples become sensitive and stick out - this is a standard reaction to cold. However, this effect does not give a gradual decrease in temperature, but its sharp changes, in most cases unpleasant, uncomfortable for the female body.

sex drive

Expectation of sex, foreplay/preparation for sexual intercourse, sex itself is the most common cause of hardening of the nipples, and one of the main signs (indicator) of arousal in women, often confirming the pleasure of the process. Most often it occurs as a reaction to stroking, touching.

Pregnancy period

During pregnancy, the breast, in general, changes. Naturally, both the nipples and the areola change. Nipples may increase in size, become coarse, their sensitivity increases.

In some cases, pain is possible in the entire chest, or in separate parts, including the nipples. Do not worry about this - most often this is a normal physiological reaction to the changes taking place in the body. But, if you notice that the pain is getting worse, then you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Premenstrual syndrome

Nipple sensitivity can be one of the symptoms of PMS. Before the start of a new menstrual cycle (on the eve of critical days), in many women, the breasts seem to swell, gain weight, they note an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples, and that they can periodically get up.

As with pregnancy, you should not rush to the hospital at the slightest change. But if the sensitivity of the nipples is accompanied by pain that remains even after menstruation, then you should not delay visiting a specialist. Remember, at the time of diagnosis will ensure timely treatment of the mammary glands.

Wrong underwear

If the size of the bra is larger than the girl needs, the nipples can rub against its inner surface, harden, coarsen and “get up”.

Spontaneous nipple erection

This happens rarely and not in all women. This reaction is not connected either with thoughts, or with feelings, and with their sensations. Usually does not last long, but at the same time it can have a recurrence during the day.

Psychological state/nervous excitement/tension

Individual characteristics of the nervous system can sometimes find expression in the fact that the female breast hardens, and the nipples "get up."

What causes hardening of the nipples in men?

The reasons for the rising of male nipples can be described as follows:


Here, the hardening of the nipples in men converges with the female reaction to sex. Sometimes nipples can be one of the strong erogenous zones of a man, although this is considered rare and is not found in everyone.


Nipples can become hard due to hormonal changes. As you know, the reactions of the body of a teenager during puberty are unstable, therefore, an erection of the nipples can occur completely arbitrarily for a couple of minutes, or for a longer time.


When the alcohol in the blood is exceeded in men, the nipples often stick out, but the areolas decrease in size.

Temperature changes

Erection of the nipples can occur from the cold: be a reaction to interaction with ice, cold water and cold objects.


In some cases, “raised” nipples in a man indicate the presence of viruses in the body or are the result of an inflammatory process in the body. During self-examination, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there are discharges from the chest, especially purulent ones.

If they are available, it is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor, and as soon as possible, without postponing the visit "on the back burner".

In what cases should you urgently visit a doctor?

Having studied the reasons for the rising of the nipples, we can say that almost all of them are normal and harmless. You should not panic, get upset or shy if your nipples get up - this is physiology. But still, there are cases when you need to pay close attention to your body.

We have already mentioned the discharge from the nipples above - if they are, then you should consult a doctor immediately. In addition, evidence of ill health is itching in the nipples, redness, or other changes that are noticeable during self-examination.

It is advisable to describe such deviations by contacting a specialist for help and advice.

Remember that with regard to health, it is better to play it safe and exclude the disease than to ignore a symptom that is insignificant at first glance and start the disease.

Video: what should healthy nipples look like?

Hello dear doctors. I'm a guy, I'm 18 years old. Starting around the age of 13-14, my nipples became swollen and began to hurt (I was told that at that age it should be so). Now, after a while, I'm already 18 and my nipples are still sticking out. I'm embarrassed to go to the doctor, I hope they can help me at least here. I don’t even know how to describe it: the nipple is convex, slightly pointed, when you press it with your finger, then under it there are many small bumps - in the center they are smaller in size and more difficult to feel, along the edges of the nipple are larger, the size of a seed. And one more thing - the left nipple is a bit smaller and does not hurt, but the right one. Sticks out and unpleasant to touch. I did not attach a photo, but if you still need it, please tell me. I really hope for your help, tell me how to get rid of them, so that in the summer I could wear a more or less narrow T-shirt? Thank you very much for your attention. With all respect, Andrew.

Vasyulko Andrey, Dnepropetrovsk

ANSWERED: 05/12/2013

Hello Andrey! At the age of 13-14, when spermatogenesis starts, accompanied by hormonal changes in the body, the nipples can "swell and hurt", as a rule, this lasts 1-2 weeks, less often up to a month. Probably you have disorders of the endocrine system (hormonal disorders). An additional examination is necessary to make a diagnosis. In your case, you definitely need an internal consultation with an andrologist. Should not be shy. After all, you will contact a doctor who specializes in such problems in men. In addition, the law on medical secrecy (which is sacredly observed by all doctors) guarantees you complete confidentiality, because even the very fact of visiting a medical institution and a doctor falls under the concept of medical secrecy! With best regards.

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