Home Heating The best homemade minitractor. Minitractor do it yourself: how to make, the best empty options. Zhiguli tractor

The best homemade minitractor. Minitractor do it yourself: how to make, the best empty options. Zhiguli tractor

This article will describe the process of manufacturing a homemade minitractor with their own hands (in the conclusion of the article, video is provided), it is described about the types of this agrotechnology, the benefits of use.

The area of \u200b\u200bagricultural activities in many of us has associations with the processing of soil cover. But in order to grow any vegetables, fruits, berries need not only to plow the earth and fertilize it, but also constantly water and get rid of weeds. An excellent assistant in solving such tasks will be a mini tractor. This agricultural engineering simplifies significantly.

Although the minitractor has small sizes, with the tasks set, it copes successfully: plowing the soil cover, its loosening, mowing of grassy vegetation and other diverse works that have a connection with the processing of land for landing of different plants.

Large enterprises that are engaged in agricultural activities are used by the mini tractor of domestic production. How to be an ordinary farmer? Due to limited funds, private farmers can use self-made agrotechnic.


There are three types of this agrotechnology:

  1. A technique that has many functions capable of performing a variety of works, such as the processing of land, mowing herbal vegetation, getting rid of garbage and the like. The data of the minitractor tools with a motor having an average power - this will be acceptable for processing approximately six hectares of land. Also, the tractor can be equipped with attachments of attachments, which will help increase the range of tasks.
  2. The tractor whose task is only in graze the grass and get rid of garbage. This machine is capable of processing only two hectares of the site. Especially often this species is used for a lawn haircut.
  3. Rider. This is the last kind of mini tractor. The main task of this agrotechnology is to fertilize the soil and bring minerals. When equipping additional equipment, you can also use for processing soil cover. However, the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed territory in this case will be small.

Advantages and disadvantages

It should be immediately noted that private farmers use these homemade machines. The main advantages of mini tractors made by hand:

  1. Excellent deep processing of land. If the soil processed is stony, it is very difficult to physically handle it manually. Therefore, the mini-tractor in this case is irreplaceable, which in a short period of time will cope with the assignment;
  2. This agricultural engineer is very convenient to use on small areas in the area for processing huge fields (more than ten hectares) only an ordinary standard tractor.
  3. Total small cost. A mini-tractor made with your own hands will help you save a decent amount of money. At the same time, all expenses will include funds spent on the necessary materials for the construction of agrotechnology. Also no additional costs for repair work are not required;
  4. The minitractor can be equipped with additional devices, thereby you can increase the number of functions of this machine. The construction does not have a huge weight.

The homemade unit also has a number of shortcomings:

  1. The owner who wants to independently make a mini-tractor, you will have to look for materials yourself, and this is a sufficiently long process;
  2. A rare component part can be used for assembling it can be very difficult to find it. However, for assembly, materials are used that are very easy to find on the market, as well as them can be easily replaced in case of breakdown;
  3. For the tractor made with your own hands, you need to get permission to ride on the roads of the city, otherwise otherwise you can get a serious penalty.

But these are not such serious disadvantages, more advantages are more significant.

Assembly Guide

Observe a specific action algorithm for assembling this agricultural engineering:

    1. At the very beginning it is necessary to make a frame. For this apply steel channel. Also in the overall construction must be present quick-use lifting devices (traverses). Traverts must be from the front and back. Basic power elements (spars) should also be located. To make a frame, you need to slightly reduce in the size of the width of the front. After that, it will be possible to make a detail in the form of a trapezoid. Do not forget to make a small hole in the frame - this will help the rest of the devices in the future;
    2. Next are used racks that need to be welded to the corners. The role of racks is to create a subramcier. Additionally, they must be combined at the top of the design. Then it is necessary to attach the wheel of the wheelchair (rear axle);

  1. Then there is a motor installation. The motor must have sufficient power. For installation, the engine of the ordinary motorcycle will fit;
  2. Installing the gearbox is carried out on the frame. It should be in the direction towards the driver. In the future, this will help to easily control the tractor;
  3. Create steering. To control the steering wheel, taken from a car of domestic production. In the extreme case, you can use the wheel of the motorcycle;
  4. Installing a traction-hitch. It is intended for the trailer.
  5. Creating a brake. Then the electrical system is connected.

If you are engaged in a small farming, such a technique as a minitractor you need. With him you can perform a mass of everyday agricultural tasks in a short period of time.

Make your own hands Mini tractor is not much difficult. Of course, you need to have certain knowledge. You can buy them when watching a video:

Having a house in a village or a country area, each spring has to pierce a vegetable garden. And if in the village it is done in one day, ordering the tractor, then everything is not so simple in the country area. After all, the entire territory of the cottage is surrounded by a fence, so the tractor is almost impossible to come there.

Then you have to dig up. However, not all dachas suits it. You can, of course, buy a motoblock, but this pleasure is not everyone can afford, and many dacms dream of having their own minitractor.

In order to make a minitractor with your own hands, you need to start with the basics, that is, the frames.

It is the most important part for our technical means, because you will place the remaining details on it.

First of all, you must draw a detailed drawing of the frame.

For its manufacture, use lightweight metal chawliers. They are connected to each other, applying automatic or semi-automatic welding. Also note that the length and width of the frame should be proportional to the size of the future product.

The minitractor will be collected on this basis. To do this, in the frame on all sides, drill holes in order to fix various attachments.

Also remember that you will need to attach a footboard from two sides. They are made from the eight-graded steel sheet "ST-3". From it will also make the steering column.

To make a minitractor with your own hands more durable, supply segments that are located across. At the same time use the same steel from which the steps were made.

Now weld to the heart of the sleeve, which will serve as ships for the bridge. They produce them using sheet metal "ST-3" thick two centimeters. Next, attach the front and rear axle.

Bridges need to be made with their own hands, using separately taken parts from a similar type of technology (for example, you can use bridges for this purpose, taken from Muscovite or twenty-fourth Volga). However, in this situation they will be too cumbersome and will not suit us in order to make a minitractor with their own hands. So some details will have to be pulled out "from scratch", be ready for this morally.

What components do you have to do with your own hands?

It is necessary to pull the rotary sleeves and the supporting semi-axes. It will also be necessary to make a transverse beam. To do this, take a pipe that has a square cross section with sizes of sixty-five per sixty-five millimeters. Metal thickness should be five millimeters. From this pipe, measure the desired length and cut off using a grinder or a pylon for metal.

If you did not find the pipe of this size, the crossbought can be made with your own hands using metal corners. Using structural steel, make the sleeve in order to secure the semi-axes. Rotary mechanism make using metal pipe segments. The pipe that is used for this should have a cross section seventy to fourteen millimeters.

Sut slices from it, each of which should have a length of one hundred and twenty millimeters. Bearings will be located on metal in specially done seats.

Then this item must be covered with a welded sheet of metal. In the middle, weld the finished part, which consists of two bearings and cylindrical closures.

Some details about the rear axle

You can not do it with your own hands, but take it ready from the Volga. However, remember that the minitractor has a width of less than the rear axle, so you must reduce the length of the bridge so that eighty centimeters are as a result. To achieve this goal, remove locking stockings and fill rivets. The rest of the pushing inland. Disconnect the bridge and the gearbox can be using a sledgehammer. Do not forget to fix the first element using a special mandrel.

After these actions, you can ensure a reliable connection to the reverse gear that it will absolutely eliminate the likelihood of the cardan breakdown. And you can not take care of how to install and balance the counterweight, which will greatly speed up the time of making a minitractor.

Stockings that you have rooted, lock in the holes, cutting the thread M-12 and screwing into it the screws. Now fasten the resulting bridge to eight steel plates. You must welcome them using M-10 bolts. Each plate need to fight four bolts. After that, fasten the frame using nuts and spars. Spring washers control the connections. For this purpose on the bridge you need to privar the same steel plates.

At the end, under the frame fastening, you install the required number of brackets. To make a lifting mechanism, the shaft of the lifting mechanism must be welded to the Carter of the bridge.

At the final stage, weld a chair to the tractor and paint all the metal parts of the product of paint any color. Do not forget to the back of the frame to install a coupling structure so that you can attach a plow.

Second way

It is simpler than the first, but you must buy a motoblock, while you can even use the "Ural" still Soviet production.

Now you need to remove the engine from it, this is the main traction device. All that will remain can be used as spare parts.

You also need a starting mechanism and two bridges with wheels.

Today we will talk about how the Motor Motor Motor, Motor Cultivators, or other aggregates and priests, do it yourself at home. Consider technology, schemes and drawings of self-assembly of minitractors with visual illustrations.

The modernization of domestic motoblocks with their subsequent improvement to a small mini tractor involves the manufacture and installation of an additional module (adapter) or, simply speaking, a driver's seat, a control unit with a steering mechanism and hitch for attachments. As a result of such a simple modernization from the motoblock, a fiscal minitractor is obtained, capable of working with various attachments (plow, sober, harrow, cargo cart, mower, snow blower, etc.), and which its owner has the opportunity to collect redo it.

The boarding and steering trailer adapter is suitable for maintaining a small farm or for work on the country area, approximately 2 hectares. The management of the resulting agricultural vehicle is carried out using the steering column and the clutch pedal. The modular trailer is quickly assembled and disassembled, convenient and easily transported, occupying a bit of space during storage. At the price of a module is about $ 700, you get a small minitractor, at any time that can be inverted on your own in the usual motoblock.

A motor-block landing trailer gives an answer to a simple, but the capacious question, which is often asked by the happy owners of motoblocks - how to make a minitractor from a motoblock? This device is suitable for any domestic motor-mill. The hitch of the steering module with a motor-block is carried out by a simple standard compound with three clutch bolts, as in the case of a hitch with any attachment. With such a landing and trailed modular prefix, obtained from a motoblock, a minitractor, can develop speed up to 40 km / h.

The adapter has a convenient control, which includes the front turn lever, steering wheel, gas pedals and reversing. A trailer is made entirely from standard parts of domestic production. It can be bought in a set with a motor-block, already assembled, or separately, as a console, which is easy to attach to the motoblock yourself. Also, the manufacturer is ready for a certain cost to remake the boarding and steering adapter under your motoblock, making fastening for hinged equipment of any kind.

It is controlled by such a minor by turning the rear wheels. The minimum rotation radius is 3.5 m, but due to the presence of the reverse, this value is dropped twice. Such a garden tractor from the Motoblock, according to the manufacturer, has stable positive feedback, it is very compact and maneuverable, and therefore effective on a small summer cottage. Any attachment is installed on the back of the steering adapter, and the steering mechanism is convenient during the movement of a minitractor, which is significantly simplified operation.

A minitractor from a motoblock or motor-cultivator (hereinafter MT) is mainly from serial nodes and aggregates served its technology. All of them had to be naturally to go through, reject worn items. Moreover, the serial nodes used by the rapid redistributive alteration and units are not subjected. First, because in the event of the release of any of them, the replacement has no special difficulties. Secondly, he was convinced: alterations, who willingly go some lovers-designers who are sometimes a decrease in the strength and reliability of what is redone.

Take, for example, the primary shaft of the gearbox from the GAZ-51 car. Using in KP-51 in the design of the homemade minitractor, it is difficult to stay from the temptation to root it. But after all, cutting the shaft, remove the most perhaps, valuable slots. And now it is already for fixing the stars, gears on the shaft on the shaft. You have to drill a hole in it under the bolt or shock the groove to the key. Excess, in my opinion, work! In addition, the bolt is not a slot: with a large load, it can simply cut it. And be self-reliever it is more beneficial, do not shock, beat the shaft - no problems will arise. On the slot, after all, a clutch disc with remote lining, to which you can attach an elementary any detail: flange, an asterisk, etc. In addition, there is enough space for the shaft to install additional facilities for the selection of power for other units: water pump, and haymaking, Circular linden ...

There are no alterations, improvements in the power unit, which is used almost a non-profitable engine from a 55 liter gas-69 car. C, together with its gearbox (having three speeds ahead and one back) and clutch. The torque with KP-69, which is in this case the primary gearbox is transmitted to KP-51 directly, without "soft" compounds, thanks to flanges, fan-foam tight bolts. Similarly, the KP-51 connection is also carried out with a cardan flange established on the main gear gear. Dissars here, naturally, are not allowed.

The exact center of the longitudinal installation line of the sequentially connected force transmission nodes from the engine to the rear axle wheels can be observed if the pre-assembly itself is said, as they say, by weight, having all on the stands so that the nodes are in the same horizontal plane. Having achieved the absence of beats, the bolts on the flanges (clutches) are hardly fixed. Then we carry the design on the frame of the mini-tractor, which is a challenged trapezium (2400 mm high, with the bases of 680 mm and SS0 mm), made of 120x50 mm channels on the welding, wide ass outward.

Power and running circles are fixed "at the place", producing the final refinement of kinematics (so that anywhere there is no distortion). Then test the entire design. Let the engine work for a while, for which they raise the rear wheels above the ground on goats. Making sure that everything is in order, install the rest of the nodes and parts into place. Actually, I am not a supporter of blind copying whose one, even if the most successful, development.

I am convinced: rationally only focus on the scheme chosen as a prototype, using those details and opportunities in your design, which this homemade has. Therefore, telling about MT-7, deliberately omit descriptions and specific sizes of brackets, struts and other "small things", features of fastening of certain parts, nodes. Each of his strength and abilities themselves will solve the questions arising in the manufacture of a mini-tractor, including - on replacing, say, second, additional gearbox from gas gas-Si with a power outlet box and NSL oil pump (which, for example, you It turned out to be at hand) to similar, taken from other techniques. Combining them into a single whole, we just need not to forget: KP-51 teeth gears are straight, small; Other teeth and the step of their cuts are different. So, you need and corresponding power take-off boxes.

The hydraulic pump is connected by benzo- and oil-resistant armored standard shtages with an oil separator (of any type) and a hydraulic cylinder, a power cylinder for lifting attachments, a bulldozer shovel, as well as a trailer body tipper mechanism.
The instrument shield is combined. The panel is taken from the car KRAZ, index devices - from other machines with a 12-volt voltage.
At the right front wing of MT-7, a rectangular opening is cut - in order to see the position of the wheel when controlling its stroke during the dip.

The "highlight" in the MT-7 design is the transforming front axle. The use of this technical solution allows you to easily and quickly change the width of the mini-tractor, which becomes a truly reliable mechanical assistant not only when plowing the field, the garden, the fulfillment of other (familiar for these kinds of such) operations; It is possible to perfectly handle the banging, plant and dip potatoes, other root plates, taking into account the recommendations of science and practice.
At the heart of the idea proposed by me - telescopically moved to each other structural elements. In this case, the size of the design itself is significantly changed. For example, when the potatoes are dipped, the front wheels MT-7 move apart from each other, and the width of the rut becomes not 1080 mm, as usual, and 1400 mm. For beds, sliced \u200b\u200bevery 700 mm, this is the best option.

And so favorable innovation is achieved very simple. Instead of a single transverse badge, two channels are taken: 120x50 mm and 100x50 mm bonded with each other three ML2 bolts. The length of the chavelers, respectively, 680 mm and 730 mm. When expanding the bar, BOPTs are unscrewed. The upper channel, easily sliding along the bottom, is shifted at the desired distance (in this case 320 mm). Then both schweller are bolted again.
Naturally, when the front bridge is slipped, it is necessary to increase the length of the transverse thrust. The latter is made up of two segments of steel corners embedded in each other and bonded with three three bolts M8. When you change the cops, the bolts are unscrewed. Sliding the transverse traction to the desired length, rebel the corners with bolts.

Features of the execution of other nodes and elements of the front bridge are clear from the illustrations. I will only note that from the bottom, in the middle of the transverse beam-channel 120x50 mm, the sleeve is welded, which is a segment of a steel seamless pipe 30x5 mm (GOST 8734-75) 120 mm long. A axis is inserted into the sleeve in the form of a M20 bolt passing through holes in two transverse brackets (made from angle 50x50 mm), screwed to the frame of the mini-tractor symmetrically relative to the composite transverse beam. The latter balances on the axis-bolt, turning when driving on uneven soil at an angle, limited on both sides by the stops from the corner of 45x45 mm. Brackets for more rigid fixation are additionally reinforced with two braces connected to the mini-tractor frame.

Steering column - from car UAZ-452. My mechanical assistant is located on the right side. Therefore, the fastening of the steering mechanism with the steering drive on MT-7 in itself does not represent. As for the lever, it is removed from the slots and then, turning, start up, but already in a vertical position.

Cross steering! With all the unusualness of its sliding, the constructive above design, it is not so difficult to produce this important link. Especially for someone who is well acquainted with gas-select scab. After all, it is required to quickly welcome tips with ball fingers to the elementary system of two moving corners of 30x30 mm, fastened by three bolts M8 ..

So, when dippeding, say, the potatoes front left wheel extends together with a 100x-50 mm channel and a 30x30 mm corner of 320 mm. Pitch on the front bridge becomes equal to 1400 mm. Increases on the appropriate value and rush over the rear axle. But not due to the transformation of the latter, but by installing on the site of the left rear wheel of another: a special, having a special design.

It is easy to notice that from the usual it is removable, used only when working with an extended rut, the wheel is characterized by a welded hub. Located between the "main" and "ring" parts of the drive cut by the autogen, the latter as it would increase the back of the rear beam. And instead of the standard for MT-7, the gauge on the rear axle - 1000 mm - it turns out (taking into account the "automobile" method of fastening this wheel) 1400 mm.

In contrast to the front wheels having a bus 6.5-16 (from the Volga car), the rear kopex at MT-7 - with tires from the MTZ-52 tractor, the sizes of which (6.5-20) makes it easy to mount them on Coppes discs from GAZ-51 car. The removable wheel here is also no exception.

But let's continue:
Figure tread - "in the Christmas tree". To increase the coupling mass of the mini-tractor, you can recommend the arrogance of removable cargo or filling the chamber through the valve by about 2D with water volume (with the onset of low temperatures - with a 25% aqueous solution of calcium chloride, freezing with minus 32 ° C). With increasing soil moisture, when the mutual connection of its particles is violated, the increase in the force of the thrust above is not ensured. In these cases, it is advisable to reduce tire pressure.
The rear axle from the GAZ-51 car is attractive for many amateur designers of mini-equipment. With its reliability, availability, finally. But here is the length ...

On the stockings of the ZM sharp chisel, the hats rivets are cut off and with the help of a bandy "interpret" them inside, so that then a sledgehammer carefully knock out the housing stockings. If necessary, sometimes there are landing places to warm up the solder lamp. And in order to subsequently not suffer when assembling, achieving accurate combination of interconnected parts with each other, is to take care of the timely application on stockings and the case of special rice differential (chisel, before the disconnection of the components).

Stockings are pulled by the diameter of the planting surface to the spring pillow, after which the left cutter is shortened by 180 mm, and the right - by 235 mm on the part of the differential. Cropped stockings are inserted back into their landing sockets. And in order to thoroughly fasten them, through old holes in the differential, where the rivets were knocked out inside, drilled in chupins new. The former (or made specifically with a diameter of 0.1 mm large) rivets are driven into these holes and brewed with electric welding. After assembling the entire bridge, it is installed on a mini-tractor. This zm is attached to the frame on ML2 bolts passing through holes prudently done in the right places. The size A is chosen so that the minimum rut width on the rear bridge was 1000 mm.
As for the semi-axes, they are brought from the flanges strictly in the center to the depth equal to the thickness of the flange itself. The diameter of the drill is a little less than the diameter of the semi-axis. Next, it is flipped with a drill diameter to the corresponding length (see Fig., Size b). For the right half, it will be 235 mm. And for the left - 180 mm. Each is inserted into its flange and on both sides is thoroughly brewed (applying electric welding, not autogen!]. In order for the metal of LRI not "released", it is periodically cooled with a flange with water. Then the semi-axes are shortened, removing the cutter on the lathe is all too much.

A new battery bought a new battery to the power system. The air filter decided to leave the tractor. It is, of course, the bigger and requires maintenance, but it is very effective. Now about the newly manufactured frame. It is although the spatial, but rather simple. Its foundation is two spars made of steel equalion corner No. 4 (40x40x4 mm).

But the corners are docked along the length edges of the shelves and are welded into the square pipe. The spars are made composite, because they had to change the distance between them at their length and raise the back of the front. The front of the frame is increasing than the rear, - for the possibility of rotation of the guide wheels. In addition, it is bunk. This is caused by the need to fit the frame at the same time to dissimilar aggregates - Muscovite engine and Chinese transmission nodes, as well as to the front axle suspension.

At the same time, the beam to the frame is suspended by the transition plate used on the same Chinese mini-tractor, but improved. Part of the plate is simply cut off as unnecessary, and in the past parts the remaining parts are drilled by new mounting holes. So that the beam did not hang on Central Squorn and did not knock on the frame, the spars in these places attached thick rubber shock absorbing pads.

The back of the frame is also spatial, but here the spars are simply bent up at a steep angle, and then again directed in the horizontal plane. Such a bend was required to dock, and attach the frame to the rear bridge beam from above - there were already threaded holes M12. With their help here earlier (in a regular version), wings were attached to the beam through quite high sleeves-spacers.

Now the space of spacers occupied the tubes of the spars and still gaskets from solid rubber. The transverse elements in the frame are a bit - two traverses and a submotor cross. All of them are in the front of it. In the rear part, the link in the frame is the rear axle beam. The bumper can also be considered part of the frame, but it is made as a separate element and fastened to it four M12 bolts. Bumper I made a new one - most discerning and dimming than the regular, assuming in the future to hang mehlopaths on him.

It should be noted that the holes in the frame for fastening the nodes and the units were drilled mainly at the place, after careful reconciliation of the position of the latter. The rear axle is used completely "Chinese", but the wheels here had to be adapted from the tractor "Belarus", although the tires are also regular. The hitch for connecting the tillage tools together with a single-earth plow was included (or rather in the "Non-Collar") mining tractor.

But since the engine installed more powerful, to increase productivity, with a stitch, another lemeh was made on the sample and the similarity of the first and additional node for its attachment on the plow. And so that the car does not bounce due to lack of mass with such efforts, heavy cast iron discs fixed on the wheels. Since from the very beginning, the mini-tractor assumed to be used as a tractor of a cargo trailer from a passenger car, then for the hitch with him made a ball forkop.
But in this node homemade only docking element, and a ball - industrial manufacture. At the trailer (it is homemade) a coupling device also industrial manufacture. Technical requirements are prohibited using handicrafts in devices of this type.

True, the forkop prevents free access to the power take-off shaft (VOM), but so far this mechanism has remained unsupported and covered with a plastic cap. It should be noted that most of the controls: the steering mechanism, the brake system, the clutch was at the mini tractor in order and I used them practically without alterations. Only due to the increased distance to the front axle had to lengthen the longitudinal steering.

It is worth noting here that the steering of the tractor is quite simple and has no trapezoid. The rotary levers on the wheels of the wheels are interconnected by one transverse burden. In the hydraulics system, there was no pump and a fine oil purification filter.

These aggregates approached without fitting and alterations from domestic tractors. This fact indirectly confirmed the version-heard version that the tractor was designed in our country. There were no light alarm devices in the acquired nodes, and therefore they had to acquire and mount again. The front headlights are from agricultural equipment, turning lights from the car "Niva", the rear blocks of the signal lamps - from the "Volga" GAZ-24.

The engine for this mini-tractor is used from the scooter "Vyatka-150 m". Suitable from no less popular among the homemade "tourist". Its power is 7 p. P. As practice has shown, this is quite enough for a universal mini-car, the main purpose of which is the mechanization of various kinds of work on the school area, as well as cleaning the territory from snow and transporting goods to (also homemade) trailers.
Reliable cooling engine provides forced blowing. Run is carried out by a removable kickstarter by type of automotive. At the output shaft of the engine installed a sleeve clutch (compound eV. 32x1, 5x20). The other end of the coupling transmits the torque (the connection is 8x32x38) for not such a scarce gearbox from the GAZ-69 car.

The output shaft of the KP is connected by a rigid cardan hinge with the main transmission of the rear axle. As the latter, the corresponding unit from the dispersed electrocarbon is used. This block transmits torque (thanks to a four-way worm) with i \u003d 12: 1 to drive wheels. As a result, the whole design has 12 gears: 3 of them - back, and all the others are ahead, which allows you to select the optimal mode of operation of the engine in the projected range of the "Dwarf" speeds: from 0.5 to 15 km. To provide a tractor of steep turns, as well as His hold on the parking lots, lines and slopes is a belt brake.

Moreover, the design of this brake has a lot in common with similar devices that have been widespread use in agricultural machinery of industrial manufacture. And the peculiarity is that the steel ribbon with an homemade (ST45) of the brake drum covers the homemade (ST45) of the brake drum covers the self-made combine "Niva".

The diameter of its working surface is 200 mm, width - 60 mm. When you press the brake pedal, the lever tightens the ribbon around the drum by braking the tractor. To install the initial gap between the brake drum and the ribbon, the adjustment device is provided. Frame mini tractor-welded, rectangular shape.

Made from segments of steel channel number 8. The crossbars serve simultaneously and brackets for installing the engine, gearbox, other no less responsible nodes of the tractor design. On the stepladers is attached to it (there are not shown on the illustrations) and the rear axle from the already mentioned electric car. And ahead, on the welded jackets-brazers from the steel sheet (ST45, a thickness of 15-20 mm), in which the holes with a diameter of 30 mm are performed (there are no holes in the figure), - the axis of the turning of the front axle.

The latter is homemade. The design of it is also welded. It is made of segments of thick-walled steel water-gas pipes of the corresponding diameter and in appearance resembles the front axle of the tractor "Belarus". Vertical sleeves are equipped with bronze sleeves - sliding bearings. The steering mechanism is used from the spinned Polish car "Beetle", providing sufficient maneuverability, ease of control, so necessary for the school mini tractor.

The machine has the ability to turn around without any difficulties even on the "patch" by a radius of a little more than two meters. The front wheels of the mini tractor with hubs are taken from their tractor rake. Tire size 5.00x9. You can use other wheels. Let's say, from the motoclaska zoom, having a bus 5.00x 10 ". The rear - from the slave wheels of the T-16 tractor, followed by tread cutting. It is quite acceptable as leading and driven wheels from other equipment with tire sizes from 6.5x16 "to 9.00x16".

For example, from the KKC-4 combine, Tractors T 28, T-40. Fuel tank homemade. You can also use ready - from the furnace manufactured by the furnace "smoke", appropriately adapting it. Capacity - 6.7 l, which allows the mini-tractor without additional refueling continuously to work (depending on the type of work performed] for 3-4 hours.
Facing - from sheet steel with a thickness of 1.5 mm. Covered by protective auto-email, pleasing eye and satisfying the requirement of technical aesthetics of colors. It looks good, for example, a combination of yellow with orange or red. Especially if the Polish enamel is applied to protective color. The seat is used from the "Niva" written off.
It is provided for adjusting it for all ergonomic parameters to ensure convenience in the driver's work. The front on the tractor frame is a counterweight from the two ballast units from DT-20 in half. The dimensions of each such half: 140x50x220 mm. Fastening - on M12 bolts, on the inside of the frame.
The design of the school mini tractor is such that it practically eliminates a random touch to rotating and other attempts during operation of increased risk of details. Where it is necessary, additional housings and fence panels are provided. From other features of the design, attention is drawn to a technical solution, which allows manual and foot control of chokes with a single cable.

The outer shell attached to the lever serves for manual control (the gas handle), and the steel cable passed through the hole in the coupling performs the function of flexible thrust from the pedal. It is not template, according to specialists, and performing a speed switch lever. The body serves here a gas handle from the sports motorcycle "Java."
And as a pulley, on which the steel cable channel is wounds, it is used to the corresponding dimensions (the outer diameter of 45 mm, the depth of the groove 6 mm | Roller shift from the "Vyatka" of any modifications. Spitz at the roller is removed. Instead - a hole under the axis with a diameter 14 mm. In the cheek made slots, ending with a hole with a diameter of 6 mm under clamping inside (like a bobbin coil with a tape recorder ribbon) ends of the rope.
As for the trailer, plow, other attached tools, then they can be said for readers "M-K". The frame of the trailer, in particular, is made of segments of a steel thick-walled water-gas pipe. Suspension - on shortened to 650 mm springs from the GAZ-69 car. The wheels in the chains of greater unification of the design are taken again from written off tractor rakes. The plow is not much different from that the drawing and description of which is given, for example, in No. 7 of the magazine for 1981.
The basis of the design can be a predifier from the old mounted plow with the reflector welded to the reflux, equipped with a support plate of high-grade structural steel. Chisels and the skateboat recommend using factory manufacture. Let's say, from the chosen cultivator. The snow tractor can be equipped with a mini-tractor - it is essentially installed on the special rigid traction of the mini-bulldozer shovel. It is made of 8-mm slightly curved in the vertical plane of the steel sheet (STZ) with dimensions of 550x1100 mm, reinforced from below with a plate-knife-knife 75 mm (from the zilovskaya spring]. The possibility of using the harrow, other trailed guns, is not excluded. And for dispelness The top layer of soil - and flat. On the frame there are for this (and other purposes] towing knot.
It is taken from the challenged cargo car (the role in this case does not play the role]. Strengthened from behind, on the crossbar. The mini-tractor "Gnombic" is intensively operated at school no longer the first year. Breakdowns, other malfunctions for all this time it did not arise in it. The main characteristics of the mini-tractor "Gnomic"
Dimensions, mm ....... 1000x1965x1300
Base, mm .............. 1300
King width, mm ........... 850
Minimum rotation radius, mm ..... 2500
Road clearance, mm .......... 280
Engine - gasoline, two-stroke, with forced air cooled, "Vyatka-150 m"
Engine power, l. with ..... .... 7.0
Number of gears ......... 12 (3 - back)
Maximum transport speed, km / h. fifteen
Minimum operating speed, km / h ..... 0,5
Constructive mass, kg ......... 550
Load capacity of trailer, kg ....... 1000

So that the mini tractor does not stand idle, it is necessary to take care of a set of various attached and trailed agricultural customs. And first of all, for high-quality plowing, mechanized landing (let's say, the same potatoes, other valuable crops), inter-row processing and harvesting grown.
I recommend for plowing to acquire single and two-hour plows that can be made on your own. These tillage tools are installed in the sockets of a special frame: welded, from channel 80x x40 mm (see illustrations), special adjustment mechanism, rubberized wheel and actuator mechanism of the suspension. And since MT-7, with plowing, the right wheels go through the furrow, the plows are installed in advance with such a deviation from the vertical to the right so that during operation they adopted perpendicular position (compensation gives the inclination of the mini tractor body).

Accordingly, the sock of each plow must be deployed to 1-2 degrees, but already left. Then the resistance of the Earth, "choosing" all the gaps, will deploy the car (again to the right), and both instruments will be in the longitudinal plane of the mini-tractor.
Cutting Grocery is carried out by three sakers (see the appropriate illustration). When planting tubers, the skiepers are rearranged respectively into other nests, and at one side of the mini-tractor, the tubers planted into the ready-made furrow fall asleep on both sides by the ranks. At the same time, the third rank, installed to the left of the second one by 350 mm and slightly behind it, cuts a new furrow for landing the club next bed. That is, in one pass, MT-7 performs the bolding of the previous, and the preparation of a new furrow.

When the front axle is emphasized the front axle, as already mentioned earlier, it is moved from one left side to a rut 1400 mm. The rear left wheel is replaced with another - special, with a welded elongated hub. And damage to the processed potatoes does not occur.

Work in the field of agriculture in the majority is associated with land processing. But for sowing and growing crops, berries and vegetables, as well as fruits, it is necessary to plow the ground, adding it to fertilizers and providing watering, as well as a weeding. If the farmer has specialized techniques, work can be significantly simplified. Such equipment has small sizes, but copes with the main tasks quite successfully. Among them should be allocated:

  • loose;
  • plowing of the earth;
  • grass mowing.

To solve this issue, firms and large agro-commoms are suitable using domestic and imported models. If you are the owner of a private farm, you can be limited in financial opportunities. In this case, it will have to use a mini-tractor, possibly manufactured independently.

This will save, but it is worth being prepared for the fact that the assembly of such equipment is accompanied by certain difficulties. Many this does not stop, because in the forces of each farmer produce such a minitractor independently, additionally equipped with its equipment to solve a wide range of tasks.

Basic varieties of homemade tractors

The tractor for the farm can belong to one of several varieties, among them:

  • multifunctional technique;
  • homemade tractors with garbage cleaning function and grass rest;
  • rider.

The first species is the equipment with which you can process the soil, remove the garbage, and cut down the grass. Homemade tractors are usually equipped with power units of medium power. Multifunctional technique can cope with an area of \u200b\u200b6 hectares. If necessary, you can install hinged equipment, thanks to which the task list is expanding.

Homemade tractors on wheels can be designed to perform a narrow circle of tasks, they are used to process the area to 2 hectares or lawns. Rider are needed for fertilizers, as well as processing by pesticides. They can use equipment in order to fulfill other tasks when there is a need for a small land processing.

Features of tractor manufacturing

If you decide to perform a homemade tractor with your own hands, then at the first stage you will need to perform a frame for which the rolling channel is used. There are traverses in the design, and they will arrange them from behind and in front. In addition, the system has Longlers. When the frame is created, the width of the frontal part slightly decreases, which gives the part of the trapezoidal form. A hole must be created in the frame, thanks to which other devices and elements can be strengthened.

Methods of work

When the homemade tractor is made with their own hands, it is necessary to use racks that should be welded to the corners. They will perform the function of the subframe. They should be additionally connected in the upper part. On the frame you need to install the rear axle.

Sometimes the project involves the assembly of the all-wheel drive tractor, in which case the front axle should be located on the frame. The homemade tractor is made with their own hands using the engine. The most suitable option will be the motorcycle motor. For mounting the gearbox on the frame, it is necessary to find a place. The box should be located so that the driver is more convenient to manage it.

Now you can proceed to install steering elements. For this, the steering wheel is usually used. This item borrow, as a rule, at the model of a passenger domestic car. In some cases, the steering wheel from the motorcycle is used. For the trailer you will need a hitch. It is installed at the next stage, welding to the frame. When a homemade tractor is made with her own hands, a braking system and tank are needed, which should move to the electrical connection.

Assembly Instructions: Frame

The homemade tractor may seem disproportionate and non-compound. In fact, if the mechanism is to collect correctly, and all key nodes will be rationally, the system will work properly, performing all tasks set before it. Extra elements of the frame are traverse.

The spar is assembled from consecutive steps, the internal consist of a square steel pipe, while the outer-skewler. The front traverse should be less than the back. This indicates that the 12th size channel is suitable for the front traverse, while the 16th sized channel is for the rear.

Power unit, bridge and caterpillar

Before making a tractor, you must pick up the engine of the desired power and torque. Sometimes a four-cylinder diesel is used for this, the power of which is 40 liters. from. Such an aggregate has water cooling. As for the bridge, it can be installed without additional adjustments. It can be borrowed from a domestic truck, integrating into homemade techniques.

Before making a tractor, you must take care of the presence of the caterpillar. The easiest option is the design with rollers from tires and wheels. They can be taken from carts. Considering the size of the tractor, the wheels should be selected. The caterpillar can be made of a large tire, which is pre-trimmed on the sides.

Additional equipment tractor engine

The homemade tractor with the VAZ engine can be found quite often, as well as installations of the following types:

  • M-67;
  • UD-2;
  • MT-9;
  • UD-4.

You can equip the tractor engine from the Moskvich car or "Zhiguli". When it is assumed to be made by homemade according to the 4x4 formula, for M-67 increase the gear ratio of the transmission. Otherwise, the power plant will experience a lack of power to ensure efforts for wheeled steam. It must be borne in mind that an additional cooling system may be needed for the power unit.

Additional information about the transmission

A homemade tractor with a VAZ engine can be supplemented with a power take-off shaft and a gearbox that should be borrowed from the GAZ-53 car. The clutch can be taken from GAZ-52. These nodes will not work in the finished form. You should adjust.

In order to synchronize the engine with the clutch, you need to prepare a new clutch basket, to fit it under dimensions. The rear plane at the engine flywheel is shortened, an extra hole is drilled in the center. These manipulations can be performed on the lathe.

What else you need to know about the rear axle and wheels

The mini-tractor for snow cleaning can be equipped with a rear axle from a cargo or car. The half-axis is pre-triggered on the lathe. If the finished bridge failed to find, the design from different machines can be used. Specialists recommend using any node that is suitable in size, because the front axle does not act as a lead.

Wheels should be selected by radius. If the equipment is supposed to be used to transport goods, it is better to prefer wheels, the diameter of which varies from 13 to 16 inches. For technology, which will be involved in agricultural work, you can use wheels with a radius ranging from 18 to 24 inches.

Equipment of homemade tractor

The configuration of the described technique includes a frame on the homemade tractor. After assembly, it is necessary to install leading wheels and support rollers. The power unit is mounted in the next step, then it comes a turn of the transmission. Differentials and onboard brakes must be installed in the next step, after can be connected to the gearbox all components.

The next step will be the assembly of controls, as well as the workplace arrangement. Additional parts and caterpillars can be installed at the next stage. Now the master will have to check the manufacture of the tractor, improving its individual nodes if necessary.


The mini tractor for snow harvesting will show its abilities even when processing the soil. However, in order to achieve two thousand engine revolutions at a speed of 3 km / h, you need to adjust the transmission. Each rear axle wheel in the ideal version must be supplemented with a separate gearbox.

Agricultural motoblocks have one serious drawback - the operator has to walk on foot along the area being processed together with them. As a result, fatigue occurs rather quickly, and the time of performance increases, which leads to a sharp decrease in labor efficiency. Another thing is a mini-tractor that has a full wheel base and steering. But not everyone may afford to buy such a technique. Therefore, in an agricultural environment, self-made minitractors, which are constructed on the basis of professional or semi-professional motoblocks in the agricultural medium.

Alteration of a motoblock into a minitractor: Highlights

In contrast to amateur equipment, professional and semi-professional has greater and power. For example, from a motoblock with a diesel engine by 9 hp You can make a completely decent mini tractor for plowing and cultivation. In the final score, it all depends on the purposes that the owner of the modifiable technique is going to reach.

Construction and assembly of a homemade minitractor - the task is not simple, but perfect. And for its successful solution, it is necessary to focus on two points:

  1. Development of body and frame, as well as the schemes of their connection with the base of the mini-tractor - the motor-block.
  2. Development of the kinematic scheme.

Frame and homemade body are performed from metal corners or profiled pipes. When calculating the design, it is necessary to consider the ratio of its weight with the power of the motor, as well as the resistance that the machine will overcome when performing various types of work.

If you choose a powerful fiberboard as the basis for a homemade minitractor, it allows you to use ready-made automotive or motorcycle trailers. Moreover, leading manufacturers of motoblocks have long provide a constructive possibility of connecting such trailers to the manufactured technique.

The kinematic scheme of the self-made mini-tractor is a complex of constructive solutions that provide torque transmission from the engine of the motor-block to the leading (predominantly rear) wheels. When calculating, it is necessary to distribute the load on the leading axis uniformly - from this directly depend on both reliability and durability and functionality, that is, the possibilities of using the technique.

Minitractor do it yourself: where to start?

In fact, there are many options for self-constructing a minitractor. However, the principles are used everywhere approximately the same:

  1. deployed towards the operator and fixed on the frame.
  2. Control is implemented using steering.
  3. Used hydraulic drum brake.
  4. For brakes and clutch uses pedal control.
  5. Manual control is used for accelerator and mounted equipment.
  6. The operator seat is placed above the rear axle.

One of the most simple ways to create a minitractor with your own hands is the purchase of an adapter - a two-wheeled trolley with a seat for the operator and the aggregate system (to install mounted equipment).

Obviously, various parts will need for the assembly of a minitractor. They can be easily found among the automotive. For example, drum brake for leading wheels, steering rack and pedal control nodes can be taken from a passenger car VAZ. In the same way, the trail in the auto parts market is also selected, both the seat, and other structural parts for a homemade mini tractor.

But besides the spare parts, it is necessary to have a whole arsenal of the instrument at hand and a whole tool - welding machine, drill, disk saw, wrench, etc. And it is very desirable that in the process of assembling a minitractor you have access to a specially equipped workshop or if necessary, you could use the services of specialists in welding, milling, plumbing and emergency repair.

Rama minitractor

The chassis is the basis of a minitractor. Its main quality should be reliability, but you need to closely monitor the total weight of the structure, in order to ensure the normal clutch of the wheel base with the soil when performing work and at the same time do not overload the engine.

For the manufacture of a frame of the homemade minitractor of the middle power, a lightweight channel, a profiled pipe or metal corner suitable. Dimensions of the design, the assembly of which is performed by the method of welding, must be responsible for the sizes of the machine. By the contour of the frame, it is necessary to perform holes for hiding and fixing the structural elements of the minitractor.

The weight ratio of the frame and its strength should be optimal. It is not necessary to overload the design with additional ribbies, as well as saving on the metal, sacrificing common indicators of reliability.

Before you begin assembling the frame, you need to decide on which trailers and you are going to use when working with it. And in order not to lose the thought in the process of design, before starting work, drawings should perform drawings of the future machine and its main nodes with the main sizes. To do this, you can use the finished documentation that you want to adapt to the specific parameters of your minitractor.

Front and rear bridges

These nodes are created from individual spare parts and components taken from passenger or even trucks or other agricultural machinery. However, some details, like the assembly itself, you will come to perform yourself.

To make the front axle, you will need:

  • transverse beam;
  • sleeves of supporting rotary axes;
  • axes sleeve;
  • wheels of wheels;
  • (ball and roller);
  • bolt connections.

With the function of the transverse beam perfectly cope with the segment of the profiled pipe or metal corner. For the manufacture of sleeves of the semi-axes, structural steel 45. The support-rotary bushings are performed from the profiled tube, improved by the installation of bearings, and closed with steel covers made of steel grade St3. The front axle assembly consisting of a cylindrical clip and roller bearings is welded in the center of the transverse beam. With the help of large bolts, the bridge must be fixed to the sleeves in the cross-beam frame.

The power of the bolt joints is responsible for the magnitude of the back of the front axle relative to the design of a minitractor. Too hard, as well as too freely, fixing is negatively reflected on comfort in control, so the backlash should be optimal.

Similarly, the assembly of the rear axle is performed. The finished design can be borrowed, say, from the car UAZ. A long stocking of such a bridge will need to shorten - so it is possible to use standard short semi-axes. It will not hurt to protect the rear axle, and rather its welded connections from possible beats during operation. To do this, the caliper is applied - a metal corner, superimposed along the welds of the prefabricated construction of the bridge.

Wheel base and kinematic scheme

The choice of wheels for a homemade minitractor deserves separate attention. It is possible to use wheels from the passenger car, but dimension should be observed here. The optimal dimensions for the wheels are 12-14 inches. When choosing a smaller diameter, there is a risk that the machine in the process of operation will be burned with a nose into the ground. On the other hand, if the front wheels are too large, the operator for making maneuvers will have to apply non-hearth efforts. However, to facilitate the process of managing the machine, you can always use a power steering from a passenger car or other agricultural machinery.

Tires of a minitractor should have developed primrates. This will increase machine maneuverability, reduce the load on the running part and facilitates the management process.

As for the kinematic scheme, it is better to use ready-made options, whose search currently does not take a lot of effort. The scheme must be adapted to the settings of the nodes that you intend to use to create a minitractor. It will notice will not be able to consider the possibility of connecting attachments, which will repeatedly increase the functionality of the self-made machine.

Management system and operator seat

After the manufacture and installation of the chassis, you can proceed to the implementation of the kinematic circuit and the installation of the control system. The most important thing in this business is to properly place. With this role, the front seat will perfectly cope with a car, which is easy to find on car services and in workshops involved in disassembling vehicles.

The steering wheel must be installed on an optimal height operator. The steering wheel should not interfere with the free placement of the knees - it must be fixed so that in the sitting position the work with it did not cause discomfort.

All the necessary details for pedal, manual and lever control of the machine and its functional nodes can be found in the same place where the seat and all other parts are in workshops or on the market.

Engine installation and body improvement

After assembling the chassis, the implementation of the kinematic scheme and the installation of the operator's seat with the control system can be started to install the main unit of the minitractor - the engine. For its reliable fixation on the frame, you should use a special slab with grooves - it will give the chassis additional rigidity. Next, you need to pave electrical and mechanical control circuits, connect and configure the operation of the control system.

The body's casing is performed at the request of the user, however, some nodes and structural elements are still better to close. This will prevent their pollution and failure in case of contact with outsiders and soil.

Work in the field of agriculture in the majority is associated with land processing. But for sowing and growing crops, berries and vegetables, as well as fruits, it is necessary to plow the ground, adding it to fertilizers and providing watering, as well as a weeding. If the farmer has specialized techniques, work can be significantly simplified. Such equipment has small sizes, but copes with the main tasks quite successfully. Among them should be allocated:

  • loose;
  • plowing of the earth;
  • grass mowing.

To solve this issue, firms and large agro-commoms are suitable using domestic and imported models. If you are the owner of a private farm, you can be limited in financial opportunities. In this case, it will have to use a mini-tractor, possibly manufactured independently.

This will save, but it is worth being prepared for the fact that the assembly of such equipment is accompanied by certain difficulties. Many this does not stop, because in the forces of each farmer produce such a minitractor independently, additionally equipped with its equipment to solve a wide range of tasks.

Basic varieties of homemade tractors

The tractor for the farm can belong to one of several varieties, among them:

  • multifunctional technique;
  • homemade tractors with garbage cleaning function and grass rest;
  • rider.

The first species is the equipment with which you can process the soil, remove the garbage, and cut down the grass. Homemade tractors are usually equipped with power units of medium power. Multifunctional technique can cope with an area of \u200b\u200b6 hectares. If necessary, you can install hinged equipment, thanks to which the task list is expanding.

Homemade tractors on wheels can be designed to perform a narrow circle of tasks, they are used to process the area to 2 hectares or lawns. Rider are needed for fertilizers, as well as processing by pesticides. They can use equipment in order to fulfill other tasks when there is a need for a small land processing.

Features of tractor manufacturing

If you decide to perform a homemade tractor with your own hands, then at the first stage you will need to perform a frame for which the rolling channel is used. There are traverses in the design, and they will arrange them from behind and in front. In addition, the system has Longlers. When the frame is created, the width of the frontal part slightly decreases, which gives the part of the trapezoidal form. A hole must be created in the frame, thanks to which other devices and elements can be strengthened.

Methods of work

When the homemade tractor is made with their own hands, it is necessary to use racks that should be welded to the corners. They will perform the function of the subframe. They should be additionally connected in the upper part. On the frame you need to install the rear axle.

Sometimes the project involves the assembly of the all-wheel drive tractor, in which case the front axle should be located on the frame. The homemade tractor is made with their own hands using the engine. The most suitable option will be the motorcycle motor. For mounting the gearbox on the frame, it is necessary to find a place. The box should be located so that the driver is more convenient to manage it.

Now you can proceed to install steering elements. For this, the steering wheel is usually used. This item borrow, as a rule, at the model of a passenger domestic car. In some cases, the steering wheel from the motorcycle is used. For the trailer you will need a hitch. It is installed at the next stage, welding to the frame. When a homemade tractor is made with her own hands, a braking system and tank are needed, which should move to the electrical connection.

Assembly Instructions: Frame

The homemade tractor may seem disproportionate and non-compound. In fact, if the mechanism is to collect correctly, and all key nodes will be rationally, the system will work properly, performing all tasks set before it. Extra elements of the frame are traverse.

The spar is assembled from consecutive steps, the internal consist of a square steel pipe, while the outer-skewler. The front traverse should be less than the back. This indicates that the 12th size channel is suitable for the front traverse, while the 16th sized channel is for the rear.

Power unit, bridge and caterpillar

Before making a tractor, you must pick up the engine of the desired power and torque. Sometimes a four-cylinder diesel is used for this, the power of which is 40 liters. from. Such an aggregate has water cooling. As for the bridge, it can be installed without additional adjustments. It can be borrowed from a domestic truck, integrating into homemade techniques.

Before making a tractor, you must take care of the presence of the caterpillar. The easiest option is the design with rollers from tires and wheels. They can be taken from carts. Considering the size of the tractor, the wheels should be selected. The caterpillar can be made of a large tire, which is pre-trimmed on the sides.

Additional equipment tractor engine

The homemade tractor with the VAZ engine can be found quite often, as well as installations of the following types:

  • M-67;
  • UD-2;
  • MT-9;
  • UD-4.

You can equip the tractor engine from the Moskvich car or "Zhiguli". When it is assumed to be made by homemade according to the 4x4 formula, for M-67 increase the gear ratio of the transmission. Otherwise, the power plant will experience a lack of power to ensure efforts for wheeled steam. It must be borne in mind that an additional cooling system may be needed for the power unit.

Additional information about the transmission

A homemade tractor with a VAZ engine can be supplemented with a power take-off shaft and a gearbox that should be borrowed from the GAZ-53 car. The clutch can be taken from GAZ-52. These nodes will not work in the finished form. You should adjust.

In order to synchronize the engine with the clutch, you need to prepare a new clutch basket, to fit it under dimensions. The rear plane at the engine flywheel is shortened, an extra hole is drilled in the center. These manipulations can be performed on the lathe.

What else you need to know about the rear axle and wheels

The mini-tractor for snow cleaning can be equipped with a rear axle from a cargo or car. The half-axis is pre-triggered on the lathe. If the finished bridge failed to find, the design from different machines can be used. Specialists recommend using any node that is suitable in size, because the front axle does not act as a lead.

Wheels should be selected by radius. If the equipment is supposed to be used to transport goods, it is better to prefer wheels, the diameter of which varies from 13 to 16 inches. For technology, which will be involved in agricultural work, you can use wheels with a radius ranging from 18 to 24 inches.

Equipment of homemade tractor

The configuration of the described technique includes a frame on the homemade tractor. After assembly, it is necessary to install leading wheels and support rollers. The power unit is mounted in the next step, then it comes a turn of the transmission. Differentials and onboard brakes must be installed in the next step, after can be connected to the gearbox all components.

The next step will be the assembly of controls, as well as the workplace arrangement. Additional parts and caterpillars can be installed at the next stage. Now the master will have to check the manufacture of the tractor, improving its individual nodes if necessary.


The mini tractor for snow harvesting will show its abilities even when processing the soil. However, in order to achieve two thousand engine revolutions at a speed of 3 km / h, you need to adjust the transmission. Each rear axle wheel in the ideal version must be supplemented with a separate gearbox.

The advantages of homemade tractors are obvious. They can independently make every person, the cost of parts on such devices is lower than that factory, they perfectly cope with the processing of small areas of land. In addition, many parts for a self-made tractor can be found in their farm.

Consider in detail the question of how to make the tractor with your own hands.

1 Preparation of drawings

Despite that any tractor, whether it is standard sizes or a motorotractor, consists at least from hundreds, and even thousands of details, it will be able to assemble him independently, who will master the scheme depicted in the form of an uncomplicated drawing. Due to the schematic drawing, the tractor assembly is similar to the standard designer, where the element A is connected to the element B, then the part of AB with the C element and so on the chain.

Although, it is worth noting that in our country there must be enough self-taped masters, which can "keep the drawing in the head", that is, to perform the same consistent actions as with the drawing, just follow the imaginary instructions. However, this concerns not all. Who does not have such experience, it is unlikely that it is unlikely to collect any kind of design, without referring to the help of a predetermined scheme.

In case, with the draw in school, you had a "bad relationship" and you are not able to organize a drawing of a full-fledged home-made tractor scheme, ask for friends, friends or loved ones that are better than you. In the extreme case, google-search will help you find any information.

Before starting the scheme itself, determine what exactly the tractor want to do, on the basis of which it will be manufactured. So, for example, homemade tractors can be:

  • tracked;
  • wheel.

They are manufactured on the basis of:

  • motoblocks. Very popular tractor from Niva (one of the most famous motoblocks in the Russian Federation);
  • car engines. Moreover, motors can be used as passenger cars and cargo, cargo-passenger. By the way, the GAZ-66 engine is very suitable for performing a homemade tractor with their own hands, which will have high power. Often there is a tractor from the UAZ;
  • UD-2 - a universal engine used as an additional motor in the installations that are equipped with an electric generator, as well as the engine in the tractor self-made tractor;
  • the people are popular with a homemade tractor 4 × 4. The homemade tractor 4 × 4 is also called a fracture.

Deciding with the above question, you can safely begin to drawings. At the same time, after creating a scheme, be sure to make a list of existing parts and nodes, and a list of those elements that need to be purchased, after which, buy missing spare parts. Only after the entire list of parts will lie in your garage, you can start an assembly of construction.

1.1 Constructive features

How to collect your own tractor? There are no big difficulties in this. If you correctly draw the scheme and prepared all the necessary details, the manufacture of the tractor turns into a practical part. The difference in modifications and options depends on the means and skills that you have. Below we describe the most optimal design:

If you choose on the manufacture of a tracked tractor with your own hands, because it does not damage the upper fertile soil layer, to simplify the new module, in the equipment of which there are wheels and the seat. Alternatively, all elements can be assembled independently at home. However, such a design will be deprived of the drive. The assembled, the caterpillar tractor is controlled by the turn of the transmission and motor block. To this end, it is recommended to use a standard steering wheel.

The motoblock should be complemented on the hinge module with the seat, for land work, it is also necessary to take care of the hitch. To implement this option, assemble the frame using a wheel pair and metal rolling. Then install two trailed knot on it, the seat. Do not set the wheels by shock absorbers, it will negatively affect the speed of the device.

2 Tractor assembly

There is a single recommendation that to take as the basis of the future unit and how to make a self-made tractor does not exist, which is affected by the availability of this or that technology in your farm from which homemade will be constructed. Therefore, it is advisable to consider various options. If you do not have a motoblock made on the basis of the Zhiguli, the tractor will be the assistant much better.

2.1 Tractor on the basis of Zhiguli

To build a tractor from the Zhiguli with your own hands, first of all, develop a kinetic scheme that takes into account the equilibrium design. The device will include: engine, rear and front axle, reverse reducer, cardan transmission. The engine will drive the front wheels. According to the circuit, the torque will be transmitted sequentially on the gearbox, the cardan transmission, etc. Leading rear wheels, as a result, will rotate.

Rama is made of pipes and corners. Keep track of the correct location of the fork and sleeve, providing a trailer turn. Metal sheets make body. The height of the sides should not exceed 30 cm. Next is mounted hinged equipment and driver's seat. After checking your unit for the performance. The final step is the primer and painting the surface of the metal elements.

2.2 Tractor with engine D-21

Many masters prefer to equip a homemade tractor with a Chinese engine. As a foundation takes Lifan, Forza, zener. However, experienced designers recommend putting a reliable Motor UD-2 or D-21. In the first case, the engine develops power to 8 hp, in the second - up to 25 hp Together with a 4-stroke system and air cooling, such an equipment is not only successfully operated for agricultural activities, but also for transporting goods. Consider the option with D-21 diesel.

To create a frame, take the pipe from the stacking agent. Pre-cut the half-frame borrowed from the T-25, to its front, weld the pipe, and to the rear metal sheet 3.5 × 50x50 cm. To the sheet with bolts, the hydrobacom and the hydraulic cylinder hidden are attached, which is also taken from T-25. The front axle is better to purchase in factory execution, otherwise there may be problems with semi-axes. Rubber wheels Take from GAZ-52, rubber from Belarus 82 (8.3 × 20), which is manufactured by the Minsk Tractor Plant.

The front wheels on the home-made tractor with the D-21 engine are set from T-25 (6.00-16). The hood, the beam is relatives, but over the fuel tank you need to pat. To do this, weld from a 3-mm leaf capacity by 40 liters. The finished product is located on the back of the tractor under the seat. Under the gearbox GAZ-52, output the transition slab. As a clutch, take a basket, fork and a frost bearing from the combine of Yenisei. Pre-remove half of the springs. The clutch disk is suitable any (both from gas and from the UAZ).

Out at the basket in the flywheel seat 3 mm. The Primary PPC shaft must be lengthened by 12.5 cm, the cardan transmission from GAZ-52 shorten. The connection must be collapsible. The steering column is purchased from GAZ-52. The hydraulics on the homemade tractor is assembled from the P-80 water distributor with a floating effect, the NSh-10 pump. It is placed through a fork connection in front of the engine. Preplays a regular bolt that is responsible for fastening the motor pulley.

You should not install the transmission pump through the power take-off box, since when the adhesion is pressed, the hydraulic system will turn off, the rotation speed will be unsatisfactory.

2.3 Tractor based on Oka

The tractor from the Oka do it with his own hands on the same principle as from the other Soviet cars. It all starts with the construction of the frame. Food with sheet gland and metal beams of the channel.

The design is a standard rectangular shape welded from metal corners. The front and rear axle are assembled from the components of the okey parts. The device is composed with an engine from the eye. However, the wheel is increased before installing the motor to improve the patency.

The rear and front spars are enhanced, since they laid the main load. Coupling mechanism should be provided for the installation of attachments. Drawings for further assembly can be found on the Internet. If you do not have the specified machine, it is not necessary to buy a new vehicle, the unit will fit and in idle state, since its individual elements are used.

2.4 Review of the homemade minitractor (video)

Homemade minitractor are ideal for handling small land. To collect a minitractor with your own hands can almost anyone who is a little disassembled in the technique.

According to specifications, homemade is significantly inferior to factory models. But using a powerful tractor in small areas at least not rational. Even service costs and fuel and lubricants are not justified. But a small tractor collected with her own hands, it turns out very appropriate. In this article we will tell you how to make a mini tractor at home.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade minitractors

The mini-tractor, made by his own hands, is much cheaper than factory models, and for its functionality, it can sometimes give ourselves to more powerful tractors. Homemade can be used on vegetable garden and fruit gardens, for processing sowing areas (not exceeding 10 hectares), transportation of small cargo and cleaning.

The cost of such a car pays off literally in one season, After all, the main components and mechanisms are usually removed from broken technology or purchased at chasters. Some farmers are construed into a mini-tractor other technique. In this case, the manufacturing process is greatly simplified.

Of the disadvantages, you can note the difficulty in a selection of suitable parts. In addition, when setting out some nodes, problems with replacement or repair may occur. After all, no matter how cool, and the tractor is going from the older, so some details cannot be found.

To prevent drawings, you need to have technical skills and knowledge. After all, the mini-tractor should work with hinged and trailed equipment, for this it is necessary to calculate the traction force of the engine.

Tip! A mini-tractor assembled with their own hands, must be recorded in the traffic police. Otherwise, when leaving on the road, homemade can go to the penalty area, and you will write a cash fine.

We harvest the drawings

Some folk craftsmen are able to collect any technique, having only a bunch of old iron and a general work plan, which is held in the head. There are few people here and if you do not belong to their number, you must first prepare the drawings of the main nodes of the future machine.

If you do not possess the necessary knowledge, you can ask to make drawings of friends or acquaintances. Finally, the necessary information can be found on the Internet.

Having under hand drawings, a mini-tractor assembly at home will resemble a children's designer. That is, you take the item A and connect it with the coupling B.

It is worth noting that some nodes and parts, of which will consist of homemade, may need fit or additional processing. Agree, explain to the turner or the welder that it takes much more convenient from them on the fingers, and having a finished project and drawings at hand.

By the way, at this stage, you need to decide which mini tractor you want to make it yourself. Farmers are very popular with a filling of 4x4. This is a small model on the articulated (broken) frame, with a drive for four wheels. Such homemade is optimally suitable for work on farms.

How to assemble a mini tractor do it yourself

Preparation of diagrams and drawings, you need to find suitable parts. At a minimum, you will need the engine, transmission, frame and steering. It is very problematic to find the necessary details at home, so you can walk through the attacks and extract sites for the sale of spare parts. Here you can literally for a penny acquire the details you need.


A fracture is usually made from metal channel No. 5 or No. 9. The structure of this material has a sufficient margin of bending strength. Two semirases are welded from the channel, which are connected to a hinged joint. For these purposes, you can use drive trees from trucks.

If the fracture does not suit you, you can make a mini-tractor on a all-metal frame. This design usually consists of four elements: right and left side meters, front and rear traverses.

Soccerons can be made from Schweller No. 10, rear and front traverse from channels No. 16 and No. 12, respectively. Metal timber can be used as a transverse beam.



For work, a mini tractor made with your own hands, you can equip any suitable power engine. The optimal option is a power plant with a capacity of 40 horsepower..

Most often, M-67, MT-9, UD-2 and UD-4 engines are installed on improvised units. There are models equipped with an engine from domestic cars of the Zhiguli series or Moskvich series.

If homemade will be manufactured according to the 4x4 formula, for the M-67 unit, it will be necessary to increase the gear ratio of the transmission, otherwise the power plant does not have enough power to provide the necessary effort for wheel steam. Please note that an additional cooling system may be needed for the power unit.


The gearbox and the power take-off shaft can be removed from the GAZ-53 car. The clutch will suit the old GAZ-52. In the finished form, these nodes will not fit, you will need an additional fit.

To synchronize the clutch with the engine, you will need to cook a new clutch basket and adjust it for the necessary dimensions. The engine flywheel will need to shorten the rear plane and drill an additional hole in the center. These operations can be made on the lathe.


This node must include hydraulic cylinders, this will provide a mini-tractor of better handling. Do it yourself the system of hydraulics at home is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the finished hydraulic system with any agricultural machinery. Note that it will take a pump to circulate oil in hydraulics.

Rear axle

You can take a suitable knot from a passenger and truck and install on a homemade design. Previously need to shorten the semi-axes on the lathe.

If the finished bridge is not, the composite design is allowed from different machines. The front axle is not leading, so any node suitable for size is suitable.


The radius of the wheels depends on how the mini tractor will be used. For transportation of goods, it is better to fit the wheels with a radius from 13 to 16 inches. To perform agricultural work, the wheels of 18-24 radius will be needed.

The mini-tractor made with their own hands, must issue about 2,000 engine speeds when plowing, at a speed of 3 km / h. To achieve such indicators, you need to adjust the transmission scheme.

In the perfect version, each wheel of the leading rear axle should be equipped with a separate gearbox. In this case, the rotation is set by a four-section hydrocratic distributor.

With such a steering pattern, the need for a cardan shaft and the rear axle differential is disappeared. Hydraulics will be responsible for managing wheels. The necessary equipment (pump and hydraulic cylinder) can be borrowed from the MTZ-80 tractor.

As you can see, make a minitractor with your own hands is quite simple. Despite the fact that this is a rather labor-intensive process, the result with interest will cover all the efforts spent. Moreover, collect homemade design, it is a very exciting occupation.

The presence of a plot of land imposes on its owner the obligation to ensure the care of it. And one of the urgent tasks to be solved - soil processing. Manually, such work can be performed if the area area is no more than 10 acres, and that is already problematic.

For large-sized territory you can use a homemade mini tractorwhich is the perfect option. At the same time, it is not necessary to acquire a mini-tractor from official distributors or at the factory, because such equipment can be collected with their own hands, it is enough to have at least minimal knowledge in the technique.

If you compare homemade machines with factory software according to specifications, then the superiority will be on the side of the latter. However, it is still incorrectly using new techniques for handling small land. Moreover, this is due not only to large expenditures related to the service and acquisition of fuel and lubricants. This technique may cause serious damage to the structure of the soil. Therefore, the homemade mini tractor is a much more preferred alternative. Then we will discuss how to collect a mini tractor at home.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade mini tractors

If you need a land plot technique, then do not immediately discard the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a mini tractor do it yourself. In addition to the fact that you can save considerable funds, you will have the opportunity to make such a car that can demonstrate much more functionality than the tractor with greater power. Mini-tractor homemade can be a faithful assistant for you, which can be used for plowing gardens and bookmarks of fruit gardens, as well as processing sowing areas, transportation of small cargo and harvesting.

BUT the cost of manufacturing such equipment is so smallthat one season is enough to reimburse all expenses. The fact is that for the manufacture of such a tractor, knots and mechanisms will be suitable, which can be borrowed from broken technology or to buy at bargaining prices. Some owners often show resourcefulness in this matter, and, taking as the basis of another technique, they make certain changes in it, as a result of which their home-made mini tractor appears. Naturally, in this case you will have to perform even less operations to collect a mini tractor.

Truth, there are some shortcomingswhich you need to mention. For the manufacture of a mini tractor, specific details will be required, which may not be so easy to find. With difficulties, it is possible to encounter and then when certain mechanisms fail, and it is not known whether it will be possible to find an equivalent replacement. It must be remembered that the assembly of such equipment uses nodes and mechanisms borrowed from long-poor equipment. Therefore, it is possible that it will not be possible to find certain details.

An important stage of manufacturing mini tractor homemade - drawing up the drawing. To do everything right, do not do without technical skills and knowledge. It should also be borne in mind that the mini tractor will be used with attachments and trailed equipment, and therefore the owner will have to calculate the traction force of the engine.

Drawing up drawings

Usually, when a person has a desire to collect any homemade technique, then everything starts with ideas. Some people can do without the work plan represented on paper, relying on their own knowledge in the technique. However, not everyone is as masters, so it will be better if you start the process of assembling a homemade mini tractor from the preparation of the drawing of the main nodes.

If it is difficult for you to solve this task, you can contact your friends if they had to do something like that. In extreme cases, you can use the Internet and try to find the necessary information there.

After you get a finished drawing, you can easily build a mini tractor. It will be no more difficult than the game in the children's designer. Schematically, the work will look like this: you will need to take the part A and connect it with the detail B.

Keep in mind that certain nodes and mechanisms will have to prepare before assembling the tractor. Remembering that you were borrowed from other techniques, most likely, their size and other characteristics will differ from the required. But, having a ready drawing on your hands, you can easily finalize all the mechanisms, because you will clearly know what they should be.

In the process of drawing up the drawing, it is important to solve the question of which design must have a mini-tractor. Quite often, farmers choose the version of the filling 4 x 4.

We are talking about the variant of the tractor in which the articulated frame is used, supplemented with a drive for 4 wheels. This technique will become an excellent option for processing farms.

How to assemble a mini tractor with your own hands?

After the drawing is compiled, you can prepare the necessary parts. You must have the following:

Not every owner will find the above items in his farm. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to break through the attacks, as well as look at sites for the sale of spare parts. Surely on one of them you will find the items you need at random prices.


For making a fracture most often used metal channel №5 or number 9. This material is best suited because it has a desired bending strength. On the basis of the channel you will have to make two semirases by welding. After that, they are connected to each other with the help of hinges. You can use a truck cardan shaft as a fastener.

Perhaps someone is not suitable for someone. In this case, an alternative may become a complete framework. The following elements are present in this design: the right and left side member and the front and rear travers.

To create spars, you can take a Sweller number 10. And in order to make the rear and front traverts, you can use the chapellers No. 16 and No. 12. The transverse beam can be made of a metal bar.


On homemade mini tractor you can install any engine, the main thing is that it has the necessary power. In order for self-made techniques to cope with all the tasks, it is best to equip it with a power unit with a capacity of 40 liters. from.

In most cases, the following types of engines are used for homemade minitractors:

Also, instead, they can borrow the engine from the domestic passenger cars of the Zhiguli brand or "Moskvich".

In that case, if you decide to stick 4 × 4 optionYou will have to modify the M-67 motor: you need to increase the gear number of the transmission. If this is not done, the power of the power unit will be insufficient to ensure that the technique can move. Also take care that the motor is equipped with an additional cooling system.


As a gearbox and power shaft, you can borrow the necessary mechanisms from the gas-53 car. The grip can be taken from GAZ-52. Keep in mind that these nodes will need to be finalized.

One of the tasks you need to solve at this stage is to synchronize the clutch with the engine. For this welding new clutch basketAfter which it is modified, giving the necessary dimensions. Certain manipulations will have to do with the engine flywheel, which needs to shorten the rear plane, as well as create a hole in the center. If your farm has a lathe, then you can easily complete these operations.


Considering that this mechanism is intended for use in a mini-tractor, he has hydraulic cylinders must be present.. In this case, your homemade technique will be more manageable. Keep in mind that the hydraulics system is a complex mechanism, so you cannot make it yourself at home. Therefore, you will need to find a suitable agricultural machinery and borrow from it existing hydraulic techniques. For normal operation of hydraulics, oil should come to it, and therefore you need to get a pump.

Rear axle

This mechanism you can borrow with a passenger or truck, then put on your homemade minitractor. However, before you have to refine it: you need to reduce the semi-axes using a lathe.

In the event that you do not find a ready-made bridge, you can collect it from different machines. Keep in mind that the role of the lead will perform the rear axle. Therefore, for the front you can use any existing mechanism, the main thing is that it corresponds to the desired size.


Sporting wheels for a minitractor, consider their radiuswhich must meet the purpose of using the technique.

  • If you are going to carry the cargo with this car, it is best to choose discs with a radius from 13 to 16 inches.
  • If the mini tractor is needed to perform agricultural work, it is recommended to install 18-24 radius wheels.


Private farms have to solve many tasks annuallyrelated to the departure of the land plot. To spend less strength and time on such work, a special technique is necessary. Buying a factory tractor for pocket not everyone, so many consider the option of making a homemade mini tractor with their own hands. It's not so difficult to make such a car, because it uses nodes and mechanisms from other types of equipment. However, so that the assembled machine is in working condition, first need to draw up a drawing and stick to it throughout the assembly process.

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